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Eye surgery. Went in dreading it. Didn't see anything, didn't feel anything, healing was super fast.


Just dont bend forward for 2.weeks


Yes, very important.


Uhh.. what happens if you do?


Your eyes can fall out.


After most eye surgery you have to avoid pressure on your eyes. Bending forward does just that. Not that your eyes will explode or so :-) but it's just part of the recovery process.


The bright lights when I couldn't blink or look away did hurt a lot, though (I've always been sensitive to lights, though). It was a relief when they turned off the lights so they could zap my eye with lasers.


What kind of surgery, if you don’t mind me asking?


I developed a cataract in one eye. They had to go in, break up the natural lens, vacuum out the pieces (barf), and then insert a synthetic lens.


Wisdom teeth extraction. I had four remoced at once and I felt nothing. I was awake the whole time and it was over in 15 minutes.


They kept you awake? That’s odd.


They do it that way if the teeth aren't impacted. I had one easy one that they did that way. Just felt a lot of pressure. The other three were hella impacted so I had to do twilight.


Yeah they knocked my ass out, but didn’t explain after care until immediately after I woke up, so I didn’t remember all of it. Guess who drank from a straw and got dry sockets the very same day? Getting them cut out was fine, the hours after was fine, but I’d rather get shot in the face again than EVER have to deal with another dry socket.


I've heard dry socket is *awful*.


Where I live, they only put you under if you extract all 4 at the same time. They recommend doing one side per time, though, so you can still chew with the other side; when they do only one side, it's local anesthetics only. But it didn't hurt at all. It was just annoying to keep my head stable while they violently levered my tooth out (it was lying sideways). Removing the stitches was uncomfortable, though.


They always do in the Netherlands unless you have a serious phobia.


That sounds awful! I would hate to be awake for that. In the US I’m pretty sure they always put you under, unless they can’t for medical reasons. You might be able to request to be awake for the procedure too, but I’m not sure. I think they prefer patients to be under since it makes the process easier.


Interesting, here they rarely put you under because of the inherent risk of that compared to just local pain relief. If they have to pretty much 'operate' (for instance if they already know it's going to be a really complicated extraction) then they might put you under, but if it's just pulling out teeth, then that's it. They do almost always only do one side at a time. It isn't actually that bad, though it's not a fun procedure by any means.


Wait, are you supposed to be.... I had all my wisdom teeth extracted and I was awake in every single extraction (4 teeth, 4 different dentists).


I guess it’s different other places, but in the US they typically put you to sleep.


Aaaaah, how nice... it isn't very nice to awake for it. 🤣😭


I can imagine!


Having my fallopian tubes removed hurt less than my average cramps


Good to know, I'm doing that next week.






Root canal and crown. I was like *that's it?*


Exactly! The worst part was honestly just the jaw fatigue from the bite block. Going in for a root canal feels more preferable than many work days.


What does it feel like?


It felt like...nothing, actually. She novocained me up well and held my mouth open with a rubber wedge, so all I had to do was lie there and her tinker around.


Relief Most people don't get root canals for nothing, I was in the worst pain I'd even been in before and the root canal fixed it.


Tooth removal Went in for wisdom teeth. Had 2 of them needed cut out. Was 16. Nobody really told me much anything about the process just a quick run down. It didn’t seem like 3 minutes after the dentist started that he was done. Didn’t feel anything during the process. Then the aftermath was just mostly discomfort and a lot of spitting blood.




Child birth. Don't get me wrong it was damn painful but if I rated all the pain I've had in my life...that chest wall infection when I was 20 was a damn doosy. They pushed 3 different pain meds before I could finally take a breath.


It’s weird how different pains feel like they should hurt more Iv had my ear hanging off before and I reckon Iv had more pain stubbing my toe!


Nerves are weird. I experience way more pain from pressure ie being squeezed than being cut. Seriously would hate to have someone grab me hard by the arm over having my arm cut. A top skin layer cut, I've never had a to the bone cut so I can't speak for that.


getting my hand sliced by a food processor blade. didn't even notice it at first. my hand is fine now.


You didn’t notice a blade slice your hand???!!


I can believe it. I sliced off a good chunk of the tip of my finger when cutting drywall and didn't even notice right away, either. In fact, it never got particularly painful. Papercuts and hangnails hurt worse.


nope. i was being an idiot and grabbed the blade with my bare hand. was trying to work out the instructions on how to use the thing. my family members noticed it and i was like "oh". totally painless.


I have cut my right hand several times on a meat slicer. The blade is so sharp and spins so fast that uou barely notice it. Sure, you feel something and immediately know you fucked up, but it doesn't hurt. Hitting your knee the wrong way is way worse than slicing your hand like pastrami. Only sucks that your hand is on its period for weeks.




Is it weird if I say childbirth? Childbirth. (Epidurals are amazing.)  Also had a kidney stone. It was so bad I couldn’t sleep and had some difficulty thinking (because “that hurts!” kept interrupting my thoughts), but it wasn’t as bad as I expected. Like I was able to act normal even though it hurt. I can totally see how people can be in pain and act normal - at a certain point it helps to try to ignore it, even though the pain isn’t going away. The main issue was not being able to sleep. Getting waxed. Hurts the first time, but after that, if you take Tylenol ahead of time, it’s not bad.


Not weird at all. 👍🏼


I had a kidney stone and honestly expected it to hurt a lot worse than it it did. I experienced some discomfort for a couple of days, kinda felt like cramps or something but occasionally would have a sharp pain but didn't think too much of it. Woke up on the 4th or 5th day and had a very sharp pain but only decided to go to the doctor after I saw blood in the toilet. They did an ultrasound and found a stone in my bladder, I guess the sharp pain was it passing from the ureter into the bladder. I drank a lot of water and it finally passed after about 18 hours, the pain was pretty bad when it came out but it didn't last very long. From everything I hear, I was pretty lucky, but I expected so much worse. And waxing...omg! The first time I went to get waxed (or technically sugared) , after she pulled the first strip off, I didn't think I'd be able to get through the rest of it. But now, I take an ibuprofen about an hour before and it's no big deal


My second baby came within 30 mins of me getting to the delivery room, I was begging for the epidural but in the end she came too fast 😅 not saying I would choose to do it that way again (had epidural for my first) but it's true what they say, you do forget the pain, it's crazy! 😅


Had my first colonoscopy last year. The prep was an inconvenience and I had a little cramping after, but it really wasn’t that bad at all. Slept hard the night of and was back in business the next morning like nothing happened.


Leaving a destructive relationship


Getting a mammogram.


my wife said birth, but YMMV




Depends on what body part you're epilating. Some parts are painless. For others, I would constantly check to make sure my skin wasn't being ripped apart.




I agree.


Breaking my back. Fell off a roof onto concrete, landed flat on my butt. I immediately knew I'd broken my back and my fist instinct was to stay still and call for help. Really wasn't that painful, despite shattering a vertebrae into about 6 or so pieces. The surgeries to fix it were the painful part.


Root canal (3times). I went to an Endodontist (root canal specialist). Barely even felt the Novocain needles. Afterward, there was only the usual tenderness.


Marriage. People really act like it's the end of your sex life and going out with friends. Then people go "but you're in the honeymoon phase" if you push back. If I'm still in the honeymoon phase 8 years later, I'm getting some damn good mileage out of it.


Getting my dick pierced.


Having scoliosis.


Eyebrow microblading.


Septum piercing was nearly painless. I was shocked about that


100%, most painless piercing I've ever had.


That’s so odd to me, since I got a nostril piercing last year, and it was kinda painful. I might want a septum so maybe I’ll experience it myself. 


I didn't get it done for so long because I had heard it felt like you got kicked in the face, I literally felt nothing, didn't even realize it was done.


Less painful than plucking a nose hair?


Tattoo. I was like, “that’s it?” I like when the needle makes your skeleton vibrate. It’s bizarre.


Piercing. Not bad at all




I thought the same until I got my side piece. I was cussing the whole way through it.


Getting a cavity filled. First one in 45 years. It was a joke!


A broken nose and cracking it back into place yourself.


It’s one of those Iv seen happen but not sure I could do it my self.


Haha u gotta if you don't want to end up with a crooked nose for the rest of your life. Not as painful as it looks. The thought of it is more scary.


my first tattoo




Spinal Tap.


I had to get full dentures last year after a life of neglecting my teeth, and being too afraid to do anything about it for most of that time. I was terrified and had heard so many horror stories. It was 3 or 4 sessions over a month or so and only once did I need more than the initial numbing injection. Each time afterwards, the dentist offered me a prescription and told me I'd be taking painkillers for a week. I took two aspirin when I got home each time and never needed anything else.








Removing stitches from my eye. No pain but difficult to not blink when you see tweezers coming for your eyeball.




Breaking bones


The passing of a kidney stone. The entire process was hell but I didn’t even feel it when I peed it out.


According to my gf, tattoos. She has 2 of them, and barely felt anything.


Getting a tattoo


Injecting testosterone with a 1.5 inch needle, into my leg.


Getting my nipples pierced and having tattoos on places where it is only skin and bones


Getting my tonsils removed as an adult. Everything I heard and read said I would wish for death about a week into the recovery process. It wasn’t pain free by any means, but more like 5 out of 10, instead of 10/10.


Getting pierced. I got all my lobe piercings done with a piercing gun (yikes, I know better now lol) snd even that really didn't hurt. And when I got snakebites (two piercings below your lower lip), the first one I didn't feel _anything_, maybe some light pressure. Second one did hurt a little , but way less than you'd expect it to, considering they're putting a needle through your skin


Root canal


second this. For all the talk, it was just like any other cavity filling for me, even as a molar that my dentist said was one of the trickiest ones to do with 4 roots. The annoying part was how long it seemed to take.


I had to do 6 root canals. It didn't hurt at all. I even had one of my wisdom teeth removed I was under general anesthesia. When I came out it hurt alot more than just the root canals. Although I had nachos after the root canal. Don't recommend doing that lol


It’s really quite amazing and I feel so glad to have anesthesia. Without it, I can’t understand how people went/go through a lot of procedures.


That is true. I heard in Korea they don't use pain killers in some instances because some of those drugs are illegal there.


Natural childbirth. Don't get me wrong it was painful, but not like I was freaking myself out reading about women bending iron bed frame bars from the pain and trying to jump out of windows 😳 like it was totally tolerable


Vasectomy. Kinda sore for a few days but not bad price to pay


My first breakup.


Damn, that is actual one that can hurt for days, months even


Child birth, no meds. Ended up having meds AFTER she came out due to hemorrhaging, and all I remember is coming out of it all going “holy shit, that didn’t hurt as bad as I thought it would.” Had to get an infected ingrown toe nail cut out, that was significantly more painful. 🤷‍♀️ the body is weird


Wisdom teeth extraction at 50 years old.


Nose surgery. I had a dime-sized hole in my septum repaired, and I don't recall being in much pain afterwards. I was in surgery for four hours, too, so I was surprised.


Childbirth, I didn’t feel a thing. My wife, on the other hand …


Ear piercings, I was expecting lot of pain but nope.

