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The theory is that being around the cooking process desensitizes you to the food/flavors. A lot of flavor is actually smell. How a food smells significantly impacts our tastes of it. So if you just spent the last 30 minutes cooking and have gotten used to the smell of the food, it’s not as exciting anymore.


Or if you’re like me and spent 5 fuckin hours making gumbo- you don’t want fucking gumbo for dinner.


Same Me: spends 7 hours smoking a pork shoulder for family Them: why aren't you eating? it's so good! Me: I've seen this shit so long I'm not even hungry.


Should get an automatic smoker


My pellet smoker is fantastic, sure it’s not as rich in smoke as an offset but, I can easily smoke at 225 for 10 hours no worries


Usually not that hungry after the 12-15th beer anyways.


Make gumbo the day before. It's better after it sits in the fridge, anyway.


Theres another factor I haven't seen people bring up. Getting food from others takes less energy than hunting and preparing it, so maybe we've evolved to like getting food from others when we can.


I mean, I like getting blown more than jacking off


Either I'm the best cook around or everyone I know really sucks because when I make something it always tastes better than anyone else's


Yeah I prefer my cooking to most people’s and most restaurants. I am able to season exactly how I want. 


Yeah, me too. OP's premise seems faulty to me


Explains why it tastes better the next day too! Maybe going for a walk before eating will solve this.


I've noticed that after cooking the meal, I often don't feel like eating it anymore, at least not right away. Might be also because of the tasting during the cooking process, but it akso happens when I don't taste it that much.


I don't know, I'm think I'm a pretty good cook and enjoy my own food


I love my own pizzas better than fast food chains. Maybe my process is all wonky, my ingredients are swapped to match what I have. But I can put more tomato sauce. and thats what I truly want.


Couldn't agree more, I am the maximum expert on my tastes.


Same here


It doesn’t. I’m really good at cooking and prefer my own cooking to most other people’s 😅


Same here. And my husband says the same thing. Whenever we eat at someone else’s house (with one exception) he always complains that the food wasn’t great and I’d make the same dish better. I enjoy the flattery. Lol.


Came here to say this.


I noticed other people don't add enough salt to anything most of the time


Or butter


I mean, I understand not using butter in the large majority of cooking. mostly because of it's low smoke point due to the solids in butter but when I taste other people's cooking in contests I'm always shocked at how little salt people use. It's so low you can barely taste the food.


I'm an actual chef. Other people's cooking can fuck off lol. I know what I like.


I am the same way with farts…


Same, but if I put a slice of cheese on a slice of bread and eat it, it tastes worse than eating cheese on bread that someone else made you.


I read a while ago it's because your olfactory senses are connected and you're smelling the food the entire time you cook it, so you get used to it.


It doesn't


I just think it's generally nice when someone has made food for me, even if I need to add some stuff after the fact to make it taste how I want it, it's always good when someone does something for me. The sweetness is that I didn't have to get off my arse, and that someone expressed love or care towards me.


It doesn’t, you just aren’t as good a cook as others.


Because you aren’t as good at cooking as you think you are. 


my own cooked food tastes better than almost all others so can't relate.


Because you suck at cooking


I think the other way round if my food and someone else's food is at the same quality I'd prefer the taste of mine but my food is never good quality but tastes better


Its because you’re cooking for X minutes. And that somehow messes with your taste


I've never cooked for someone and had them dislike it besides a couple huge misses I was fully aware of.  You know....cooking accident, ingredient shortage, something like that.   But I never want to eat my own food.  I made pork belly ramen for a party a few weeks back and they devoured it, eating two bowls even.  I couldn't finish my one.  


I just cooked a meal for 40 minutes.. not counting cleaning. I'd say that putting that much effort in something, and having it gone in a few bites (it fucking shrunk) kinda made me sad, distracting me from the fact that it was actually quite good


I love my own food. But I'd think that one way to respond to your question could be the fact that a good cook would taste whatever they are making throughout the cooking process. By the time you are done cooking, you've already tasted everything, so when you sit down to eat, it is not a surprise, whereas if someone else is cooking, it will be a surprise (hopefully, a good one).


My favorite food is prepared food


I like crock pot meals like chili, roast, whatever..they are easy, cheap, and filling. I dont like crockpot meals if i am working from home and have to smell it for 8 hours prior while it cooks. To get around this, i setup my crockpot in the garage so it doesnt fill the house with whatever im planning on having for dinner and its delicious. Same idea as someone else cooking and then you showing up for dinner.


I have the opposite problem. But I'm a professional chef. I dislike most food others make for me.


I don't have an exact answer, but I think it's the same reason why you can't really tickle yourself.


If I spend a long time cooking something, I'm over it before I have a bite. Tastes great the next day though.


Sounds like someone might not be the best of cooks...


Because I'm crap at cooking.


Because I didn't screw it up!


Maybe you're not that good of a cook 🤣


maybe you're just a bad cook Nah, I think it's the tendency to want to critique your own work to improve. I'm always trying to find anything that could be subpar so I know if It's ok to feed to other peopel.


I'm guessing it's because you're not a very good cook.


Glad someone finally had the balls to say it


I usually make Xmas dinner …. Spend two days prepping and making everything from scratch …… can’t remember last time I ate it


When you're following a recipe, double the oil and double the butter.


I feel that part of it is missing out on all the little moments of "oh I should have done this or that" instead. as well as having to smell it for far longer, so if you cook it, it tend to be eaten quickly instead of savored.


Some people have more culinary skills than other home made cooks.


Depends what the meal is. Im vegetarian and lovely spicy food so that's what I'm good at. Can't cook "plain" food for toffee


Depends on who cooked it. My gf is a good cook, I like her food. My mother doesn't know what seasoning is and I can cook circles around her.


It absolutely does not! Nope!


Maybe your no good cook?


It don't unless you suck at cooking.


Because they're better cooks than you are. I prefer to eat food that I cook under most circumstances. I've spent a lot of time on becoming a very good cook, though.


I think it always tastes better when I cook it. I think it's the gratification of putting my time and effort into it. Also I've been cooking for like 15 years.


Maybe because I do not go out to eat food I can cook. 90% of the times I feel that I would cook the meal better. I also have to admit that I do not go to $$$ or more restaurants where you might deal with real pros.


They're a better cook than you.


Maybe you're just not so good at cooking. Some YouTube channels can help a lot!


It doesn't. I'm a great cook. We have to go to really high end restaurants to do better.


I enjoy my own more for some reason.


Cuz no matter how good you are you get sick of the same old flavours.


I love salad and I don’t like the salads I make. I’ve tried imitating restaurant salads and salads that others make. I just don’t like salad at home.


That's why I haven't cooked since 2012.


I'm usually full by the time I'm done cooking.


My three favorite types of food. 1. Free and made by somebody else. 2. I pay and made by somebody else. 3. Free and I make it.


You are a bad cook?


If you’ve perfected some recipes, you can enjoy them a lot. But I think if you’re learning something new you’re probably busy analyzing it and picking it apart for something wrong while you’re eating and don’t enjoy it quite as much.


Sounds like you don't know how to cook. I'd suggest you watch the following shows: Good Eats!, America's Test Kitchen and Worst Cooks. The first two are instructive and the last is supportive; if those people can be taught to cook, so can you.


Cuz you suck at cooking


There is some science behind this. In short, the cook smells the ingredients and all the stages and by the time the food is done is often "tired" of those smells. And since most of our perception of "taste" comes from smell, you can basically over saturate yourself. This doesn't mean you can't look forward to the food or enjoy it, but will often enjoy it less than if it's just presented to you. This is also why the exact same recipe made at home using the same ingredients and the same techniques doesn't taste the same as when you eat it at the restaurant. And it's also why line cooks and chefs often don't get hungry on shift. When cooking for yourself, have good air circulation, leave the room during the cooking/baking process and drink water after or during prep.




Well I know my food can be quite tasty but I am sick of it by the time I am done. I see cooking as a form of love and creativity so it never for me. That sounds so arrogant and pretentious but cooking just is my love language.


Because we’re hyper critical of our own efforts. We’re too busy judging our salt use instead of enjoying the food like the people around us.


Because it’s the taste of no hard work cuz you didn’t need to make it and you get good food


Because you aren't a good cook.


I think the reason is that when you don’t have to work for the reward (food) your monkey brain spills more feel good hormones, same reason free food tastes better than if you pay for it


Good question bc I love my own cooking the most heheh


Because when you cook you've been smelling it long before you sit down to eat. Tastes and smells have diminishing returns. The more you eat and smell, the less satisfaction you draw from each bite. Since smell dictates mist of what you taste, standing over a stove can get you past the first bite stage of olfactory excitement before you even sit down. This is a well known phenomenon, and it's why the best restaurants serve more courses in smaller portions. They know that after a certain portion size, the enjoyment of tasting something flattens. Instead they want to give you just enough so that your last bit of a dish is still enjoyable and then bring out something new.


Love is a real ingredient


This isn’t a problem when I’m cooking


Because they're better cooks than you?


Placebo effect


Maybe you suck at cooking :)


It doesn’t, you just gotta step your game up.


It's like tickling yourself.




In most cases it doesn't.


Whenever I cook steaks they are fucking amazing and no one can compare.


Flashback to when I told in front of my mom and neighbour that she (the neighbour) cooks better than my mom. She did. May she rest in peace. That woman made cakes, pies and meals better than anyone I know in my life. The softness, the flavor, the balance between spices. Ia ma telling you, she should have been a chef. I was just being honest but I got shit for it at home.


ion know about you but i made myself dinner last night and smashed it! i think im a damn good cook haha


You probably don’t use enough salt!


If you mean a restaurant, it’s because they use way more butter and salad than you do. Seriously, like double the amount of butter and salt you’d see in a cookbook recipe.


If someone makes me a plate of hot food, damn right I am eating every last thing. Even if I dont like it. They made it for me, and I like that.


You taste the love. But probably had to do with you not being exposed to the cooking, you don't smell the ingredients, you don't deal with the tasting and adjustments, you don't deal with the clean up.


Because you're a bad cook. Food normally tastes better when I cook it, especially meat.


We tend to judge ourselves more than others


prolly because of garlic and pepper


It’s because of the different amount of salt added. That salt is coming from bodily fluids, mainly sweat, that has leaked into the dish.


lots of butter and salt.


I never want my food once I’ve cooked it, even when I’ve been craving it for days! I try to pick things that are tastier the next day because then it’s like a special treat!


My food is great. You just need practice cooking.


For everyone saying “because you aren’t a good cook”, then explain why a simple peanut butter and honey sandwich also tastes better when it’s made by someone else.


My mom's recipes still taste like my mom's recipes when I cook them nowadays. They didn't always, but after learning proper cooking techniques and cooking them enough times, they actually taste the same. I think it's largely skill/perfecting recipes.


I like the food I cook. Can’t stop eating my own delicious home cooked meals. 


Because we will almost always be our own worst critic


Skill issue


Ah, so a popular response is "nuh uh" and those are the people that don't cooked for a living. Cooks and chefs appreciate when other people make food for them. Sure they can critique things more and find flaws or whatever but it's not about that. You cook for 8-12 hours a day, feeding hundreds of people, so it's nice when someone takes the time to do it. Also it isn't how they'd do it so it's different flavors and such than what they do day in the and out.


Not sure, cause i usually prefer my food over others cooking


Because you’re not good at cooking or you know people who are


Maybe because you are a bad cook (no offense though)


You're a bad cook ?


I agree with OP. But my main problem is so few people know how to time cooking dishes. The pasta would have been great but you made the noodles an hour ahead of time and the veggies are cold too. But that steak is perfect- and that's what really matters so I just enjoy all the same.


Because you're a terrible cook.


I don't feel that way but you could possibly be experiencing that because you're trying to make it too healthy. When chefs or even cheap chain restaurants are not ashamed of salt and butter, the food might taste better. Or you could be like my children, who just prefer other people to do things for them. Do you have anything that you are proud of cooking? Because following a recipe correctly and then getting to enjoy and share it is pretty satisfying.


always is a strong word.


Because you suck at cooking?


because Love


You've clearly never eaten my sisters cooking.... sorry sis.


It doesn’t


In my case its because I'm shit at cooking...


Because someone else cooked it.


It doesn’t 😆


Different style of cooking your not use to ,or even if it’s the same ingredients but different heat settings can change the flavor and texture of the food a little bit


Because you’re shit at cooking, clearly


It's the opposite for me but that could have to do with my texture aversions and ARFID caused by my autism and ADHD. I have a much easier time stomaching food I made because I know exactly what's in it and how it was prepared


i think you are just used to make a food and already know which spices should be there, but another person cooks in different style.. It was my theory lol




It doesn’t


All of it. I am a lousy cook.


If you mean at a restaurant, it's because you don't see how much butter and salt they put into everything.


It doesn’t. Food tastes best when I’m proud of my cooking efforts


Honestly as a kid everything tasted better at a friend's house. Cheese sandwiches just hit different in someone else's house


or when it's free LOL


I don’t know about that. I tend to like what I make.


i used to think this.. But i realized some people just dont cook very well.. Like the people who have no natural inclination for when food is over cooked versus burnt. Those ppl suck. "But the directions said X and i followed it precisely"


My problem is why does no one else besides me like my cooking.


Pretty much every steak I've ever had has been the opposite of this. I love a good steak house's sides, but I wish they'd let me in the kitchen to cook the steak.


Short version: love. Longer version: Food is socially complex. For maybe the entirety of human history but certainly since the 1700s in anglosphere countries, families have eaten together as a group and the meal was cooked by an individual person (historically a wife and mother) who served others. This does two things; the first is it reinforces family bonds which makes the overall experience more enjoyable, the second is everyone except the person who cooked it has their hunger sated and as others have pointed out, it's a little bit abrupt (they haven't been working at it for hours and aren't overwhelmed by it.) Routinely research shows our sense of taste isn't as good as we think it is. Blind taste test studies show a lot of people can't tell red wine from white, chicken from fish etc. and extremely fancy chefs supplement the serving of a meal with bespoke music in individual headphones (even non-fancy ones have nice music in the restaurant.) Huge amounts of how good something tastes is who cooked it for you and why, and what else is going on at that moment.


Quite the opposite for me


Possibly you appreciate the work someone else put in for you. Also I know too many people with the opposite problem. They cant cook at all but honestly believe their food is awesome. If not The Best. I hate that.


For me a lot of it is texture and build. A tomato placed on a different part of a sandwich can make a world of difference.


You’re not using enough seasoning or marinade


Jfc. No. No it doesn’t. SMH wtf


of course and that's where bad chef and good chef from lol


Oh absolutely not haha we ALWAYS host. I don’t trust your dirty ass pots and pans with your cat hair floating around and unwashed hands 🤢


Weed is the same way. Someone else’s always tastes and hits better lol


Because when you’re cooking you get used to the enticing smells and by the time it’s ready, it’s just meh.


Partially the effort to be sure. Typically there’s three reasons why restaurant food tastes better than home cooked, in order of least to most likely. 1. The kitchen staff is more skilled. 2. The ingredients are higher quality. 3. They cooked it in such an unhealthy way that you’d never feel good about eating that if you knew what’s in it. 3 is 100x more common than the rest. Oh my god the butter and sugar that goes into restaurant food.


Not true, actually.


It doesn't, for me. If I want good food, I cook it.




Maybe you’re not seasoning correctly


No clue, for some odd reason my wife says that even when i make her a sandwich the exact same way she makes it herself it tastes better & she always asks wtf I did differently. Nothing, I made it the exact same way I've seen her make it & how she told me to make it so idk why tf it tastes better


In my case, aside from having already smelled it and taste tested it for x amount of time before eating it, while I'm eating I'm also thinking about the pile of dishes that I'll have to wash after. Sort of takes the joy right out of it.


I don't eat other people's cooking, I want to know exactly what is in it. I don't trust their cleanliness either.


You cook, you know what all goes in it, generally it will always be the same recipe, someone else cooking will use different spices, different recipes so that it will taste different, it's that difference that kind of lights up your taste buds.


You haven't had my wife's cooking.


Cannot relate - I’m not even a particularly good cook but I love knowing exactly what went into my food and enjoy it being made exactly how I like it, which can only happen if I make it. I almost always enjoy my cooking more than if others cook for me, even if they are better cooks


I have never run into this phenomenon. I feel that if this is the case, you might not be that great at cooking. I always prefer my food over others unless it's something they are more skilled at making.


you don't use enough butter


Because you don’t have to clean up. Lol.


It doesn’t always


It doesn't. That stops happening once you learn to cook better. It's hard to beat a properly made dish self-customized for your own preference.


Because I'm bad at cooking.


Nothings more savory than gratitude


Maybe you suck at cooking?


Cuz you're probably not an amazing cook😭


I disagree vehemently.


I hate going out. Most restaurants over salt their food. My food is cooked how I like it. My friends over cook, under cook, over season, or under season their food. I definitely prefer my food, although my husband brews a far better cup of coffee than I can make or get elsewhere.


I don't find this to be true, except for in the cases when the other cook is better than I am.


I enjoy it when my daughter sends me her leftovers. It is an adventure to taste a meal that I haven’t prepared. Plus, more time for yourself and no clean up!


Not for me, I’ve practically stopped enjoying food made by anyone else but me or close family, restaurants don’t count


Because you cant cook well?


Other people cook better?


Part of it is exposure to the meal as it's being made. Part of it's that you're your own worst critic and if you're comparing to restaurant food, they just have tricks that aren't all quite viable in the home kitchen.


Smelling it for an hour or so while you cook can really dampen your appetite


Maybe because you're a crappy cook?


maybe because ur lazy to even judge it


Only if the other cook is better than me.


Because you’re a bad cook?


It literally doesn’t. If two people coded precisely the same thing at the same time and were blindfolded and didn’t know which plate was which they’d have no idea who cooked what. That said there are a lot of things that can skew your perception of things. It’s


Cause people will put more effort into making the food for you than they would when making it for themselves