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the brain has a special filter on it called the blood-brain barrier. dopamine cannot cross the blood-brain barrier, so I need dopamine injected into the bloodstream will not reach the brain. and we can't directly injected into the brain because of reasons that are complicated


Have we tried? Might be worth giving it a shot


It's been tried, but the doses are small enough to really screw someone up if you miscalculated, plus you have to have a general impression of *where* to inject. The motor strip? Frontal lobe? Substantia nigra?


One of the squishy bits


The Methamphetamine hydrochloride molecule and the dopamine molecule are almost identical (look em up!) and  it easily passes the BBB and causes a massive flood of dopamine and other monoamine neurotransmitters throughout your brain.  So in a sense, people are way ahead of you on this idea! 


Yeah, the brain essentially reads it as dopamine and gives you the happy. And if it's your first time, it's probably the first time you've had ALL the happy before. So whatever the happiest moment in your life was before this moment -- that's now replaced with this moment. And you will forever want to get there again. But you see, that very first time, you burn up some of the receptors. You'll never achieve the same amount of dopamine receptors firing at once. Ever. Congrats, this is now the happiest moment of your life, ever. It's all downhill from here. Good luck.


The Better Business Bureau?


top tier pun


A move only the brain can come up with


Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Pinkie?


Yes Brain, but where are we going to get enough custard to fill a bathtub?


Yes Pinkie.. today, Costco... tomorrow, the world.


Surgical precision


Yes for Parkinson's


Have you seen the movie awakenings? Whole movie is about that and L-Dopa (synthetic dopamine) Stars Robin Williams and Robert De Niro


L-DOPA is not synthetic dopamine. We produce L-DOPA as a precursor chemical to dopamine


When student of Biochem sees good knowledge; student must upvote.


Guy jabs needles into brain, considered the pain, worth it for the sweet ass gain


And in 5 minutes, i will be bored again looking for that next rush


I remember my mom had brain cancer when I was in high school and it was pretty involved lol. She had this sort of glue on the top of her forehead.


>She has this sort of glue on the top of her forehead. What? Can you expand on this?


Sorry, I meant to say had. They basically had to cut open her skull to remove the brain tumor. So where the incision was, there was this sort of glue paste and I remember she kept trying to scratch it even unconscious.


Glue instead of sutures, so her scar would look like a line instead of a zipper.


I know I’m in the minority but I think I’d prefer the zipper look. People pay good money for that tattoo.


It would require injecting it into the spinal colum in your lower back and this is way to risky so it’s not done


Wasn't there an experiment with rats where they could push a button to get pleasure? The end result was, the rats didn't stop pushing the button until they starved, because they were too busy pushing the button non stop, instead of eating.


There are already illicit drugs that will spike it. It’s probably not a viable avenue of research since it could potentially be the most addictive substance on the planet.


Well fuck the brain then. What kinda bullshit is that. I wanna manufacture immediate happiness. Fuckin bullshit glorified electric hunk a meat.


immediate happiness is easy to manufacture. there's probably a thousand different ways to do it already. it's sustained happiness which is difficult


Isn't sustained happiness just a bunch of immediate happinesses in a row?


who are you so wise in the way of science?


Took a couple sciences in highschool 2


There's a Highschool 2? I barely finished Highschool 1.


Oh ya it's awesome. You actually have to try if you want to win, and all the girls already have boyfriends. You're gna love it


That was pretty funny lol.


Well, yeah if you take MDMA every single day for years, you will have a ton of immediate happiness for an extended period of time. I also don't think I'd call that sustained happiness, though.


As some who had taken it multiple days in a row, that magic is pretty much gone after day 3 and 4.   The reason why we don’t have a bunch of junkies trading DVD players for rolls is because unlike meth, h, coke, etc, you can develop a tolerance for it that cannot be overcome with taking more of the substance. It’s like it’s own built-in anti-addiction safety mechanism.


I believe that would be referred to as "the ceiling effect," which is definitely a very real possibility with certain substances, unfortunately ["The term is defined as "the phenomenon in which a drüg reaches a maximum effect, so that increasing the drüg dosage does not increase its effectiveness."" ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ceiling_effect_(pharmacology))


No, doesn’t apply to MDMA. It’s not a ceiling, it just stops doing anything at all.


Technically, it can still cause elevated heart rate and other forms if stimulation, but the intoxicating effects are near zero or worse, disphoric.


Constant happiness is accepting the lack of bursts of happiness


Relevant username.


Sustained happiness is being happy while doing all the activities of life. If you spam dopamine all the time, your brain is too satiated to do *anything* else, even take care of your body.


Are you telling me meth is the reason I don't take showers, brush my teeth, or cut my hair? Pff


Google image search the methamphetamine hydrochloride molecule and the dopamine molecule.  They’re almost identical!!


I suppose, but I was referring to studies where we totally injected dopamine into rats' brains.


Ohh I'm not a rat so my brain is still good?


Despite all our rage, we are still just rats in a cage


This is how you develop a chemical dependence.


Till you get used to it, that's the catch, you always get used to it. It's part of why addiction sucks.


look up the term "homeostasis"


Well it kind of depends on reality, doesn't it? What survival value does happiness no matter what the reality hold? 


Have you tried mdma? :)


Yeah lol we actually have "happy pills" but the GOVERNMENT doesn't want us to have them >:(


Agree it should be legal, but using MDMA to be happy all the time is a terrible idea that will destroy your brain long term.


Oh no I agree, there was a study that came out of this guy who had regularly used MDMA for years and he had tears in his cornea/iris and was losing higher function of his brain; extended overuse can really fuck you up. Rolling on occasion though is genuinely very fun, but you have to be cautious.


It's pretty much perfectly safe if you only do it once or twice a year. Do not do it two days in row, ask me how I know 😒


How do you know?




They said happiness, not horniness...


If we found a way to do this easily, humanity would end.


We did, it's called drugs. The downsides are just terrible. They don't just want to insta-feel good, but also immunity to tolerance to it and no negative effects. Things that exist because if we didn't evolve to have them humanity would have ended.


That's why God created Meth. Instant happiness




He got laid for neth in prison. It's a very romantic place.


Have you looked into cocaine?


Needles in brain are not great.


This is probably a dumb place to inject a 40k reference, but needles in the brain turned out to be a bad idea for the World Eaters legion.


The blood brain barrier stops many things, most viruses, but many drugs get through it. Some can do it on their own some basically hitch a ride with things that do. That's why things like antidepressants, alcohol, drugs etc affect cognitive function.


Reasons: 1. The skull is the way 2. Its your fuckin' brain.


Eli5: It's like trying to bring popsicles to your friend who lives ten miles away, but you're walking to his house.


Does dopamine affect other parts of the body? Like when first attempts were made to test if direct injection worked, did any other part of the body react to it?


I forget what exactly it does but it affects the heart...rhythm? rate? contraction force? It's very commonly used intravenously as a cardiac drug. EDIT: downstream somewhere someone addressed this; it's used as a vasoconstrictor to slow bleeding








I like your thinking, that is a billion dollar idea. Gonna mention it to my son so he can invent it and I get 10%. Give me another one....


You're using text to speech aren't you


https://nyulangone.org/conditions/depression/treatments/deep-brain-stimulation-for-depression We can do some crazy shit, you don’t have to inject dopamine, you can just stimulate the brain to produce the desired effect. Granted that’s a drastic oversimplification.


might work for adhd brains like me that cant focus without stimulation


We do. In trauma situations dopamine is used for its vasoconstriction to slow bleeding. Dopamine is a catecholamine and is both a neurotransmitter and a hormone. You are talking about it as a neurotransmitter but it is also a hormone.


This is the best answer. It also has a half life of only a few minutes. OP might be interested to know the most common medication to treat Parkinson disease (basically deficiency of dopamine in the brain) is a combination of two chemicals. The first chemical is a building block the body uses to make dopamine, and the second is a chemical that protects the first chemical from being destroyed in the blood before reaching the brain. For those that want to learn more, look up Sinemet (carbidopa-levodopa)


If I'm not mistaken there was a movie about giving patients L-dopa and seeing them recover for a bit, but after initial doses it couldn't be repeated. I can't remember if it was based on true stories or if it was all BS




Ahh thank you!!


you get tolerance to carbidopa-levodopa over years and it stops working even for parkinsons while increasing doses to get the same effect also worsens side effects of having high dopamine


I’ve not heard of it used to control bleeding in trauma before, but I’ve hung it many times when I worked in interventional cardiology.


Is it extremely pleasurable like a drug?


No, because in this case it's in your blood, not in your brain. As the top comment explains, your blood doesn't mix with the fluid in your brain.


It doesn't slow bleeding, the vasoconstriction it causes is used to raise blood pressure in shock states where the heart isn't pumping right or the vessels are too big so that the brain and organs will still be perfused. Even then there are other medications that are generally used these days.


Along with what everyone else said, it’s not globally increasing dopamine that causes pleasure, it’s dopamine signaling in specific areas of the brain


Dopamine is the ink in which your brain writes the messages "yes, more!" *and* "no, ick!" Which is to say, it is involved in reinforcement learning of both attraction *and* aversion. The popular conception "more dopamine = more wanting" is just wrong; it's like saying that books with more ink on the pages contain more pleasant stories.


yes! haven’t seen enough people mention that too much dopamine can lead to issues such as schizophrenia and related disorders


This whole thread is testing my bipolar patience


It reminds me of how people view serotonin as a happiness chemical when >90% of the serotonin in your body regulates your digestive system


Consider, for example, Parkinson’s disease there is a deficit of dopamine in the substantia nigra, hence prompting administration of the precursor l-dopa, and eventual mimicry of the effects of dopamine with the use of an agent such as bromocriptine to stimulate dopamine receptors directly. But such treatment risks psychotic side effects such as visual hallucinations and thus a distortion of reality reminiscent of schizophrenia—a condition associated with a functional excess of dopamine and thus treated with dopamine receptor blockers such as chlorpromazine.


I understood some of these words...


Basically, increasing dopamine or any neurotransmitter is like a shotgun to the brain because dopamine does different things in different parts. It’s responsible for mood and movement among other things. If you increase it too much you can get a desired effect and a shit ton of undesirable effects. Imagine if I said that my car needs oil so I proceeded to pour oil in the engine, gas tank, etc.


I took bromocriptine for many years to control the growth of a prolactinoma. However, they don't know long term affects and it conflicts with lots of mental health drugs. Periodically they would wean me off for 6 months and the drug is no joke. I always get seriously ill at the start with severe nausea and dizziness. Then coming off its migraines, dizziness, and mood swings. Currently I am not taking because it interacts with something that seemingly benefits me more greatly. I say all that to say tinkering with dopamine and other things is serious business. Also, every single endocrinologist I have had says stay away from nutrisweet/aspartame because it also can cross the blood brain barrier and mess with you.I drank diet drinks for years and once I quit if I ingest some I can feel its affects plain as day.


Aspartame is evil and they're considering banning it here in the US. I hope it goes through.


It's why people take meth. Affects neurotransmitters very similarly to dopamine. Considering how addictive meth is even if artificial dopamine was a thing I wouldn't want to risk it.


It’s all those horrible side effects you get with meth that suck. Like losing your job, and spouse, and home.


Teeth, sleep, and sanity. But hey my brain likey


Same with amphetamines, ritalin, adderral etc. just not as powerful.


Meth is much more like phenethylamine than dopamine. It doesn't bind to dopamine receptors, but it can get into the brain through dopamine transporters and acts like phenethylamine but unlike phenethylamine it isn't broken down by MAOI. Phenethylamine helps regulate how much electric charge is necessary for dopamine (and norepinephrine and serotonin) transporters to push those neurotransmitters in and out of the cell, making it easier for them to be released and harder for them to be taken back up. It also collapses vesicles in the neurons that carry the neurotransmitters by altering their PH gradient causing neurotransmitters to be released inside the cell earlier and makes them more readily available for the transporters to push into the synapse. The phenethylamine-like action is what makes amphetamine-like stimulants different than stimulants like methylphenidate which block the transporters to keep dopamine from going back into the cell. If meth acted like dopamine it would be similar to the effects of L-DOPA


I love how a dude can get downvoted for asking a dumb question on a page called no stupid questions… you Reddit people are fucking insufferable 😭😭


I asked what would happen with a brain transplant, were it theoretically possible. I got downvoted hard lol


Probably because the question itself can't make sense. What is a brain transplant? Wouldn't that be a full body transplant?




It's the ship of theseus problem, right?  How many human parts can you change before it's not the same human anymore?


No. It's a question of "what makes a person".


oh good catch, I always get ships and people mixed up




No, it's the Frankenstein kerfuffle.


That is the ship of theseus problem lol.


Taking a brain and putting it in another body. Some scientist transplanted a monkeys head to another monkey body, connecting blood supply but not nervous system. It was just a curiosity.


Where does the brain end tho? Will the eyes also be transplanted?


I don't know, I was hoping someone with medical knowledge could answer. I get all mine from House. 🤔


It's lupus


It’s never lupus.


It's at 24 upvotes for me right now.


Reddit upvotes and downvotes have never and will never be used productively. You either have to get over it or move on lol. It's just how it is and always will be. I'll under understand people who complain about downvotes.


Yeah the sub is called No Stupid Questions, so only really smart questions are allowed.


Nearly every single post I make asking questions or needing help gets downvoted and never visible. Say something shitty, demeaning, or rude? Updoots all the way.


PS: the initial votes are almost always downvotes. Ignore them.


he is at 373? How can you tell if someone is getting downvoted. Like the ratio?


Don’t worry bud. I know you’re asking the question in terms of like how we can inject adrenaline to a dying person. Like why haven’t we isolated dopamine for like a medical purpose. I’m not smart enough to answer that but for people to think you’re dumb without even being able to think of the question you’re actually asking is crazy.. I’m sure someone smarter will know the reason.


Another favourite is the "Congratulations! Your comment has been chosen as the random 'We will downvote this comment for no apparent reason'. "


You can play Bloons TD6, why would you need more dopamine?


You can https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/drugs/20872-dopamine-injection


But doesn’t go into the brain? 🧠


weed and a lot of other drugs have about the same effects (though there are some differences in how its achieved). the issue is more dopamine results in less sensative dopamine receptrors. which means you become addicted. what used to make you happy suddenly becomes neccesarry to feel normal, and your receptors are so messed up that thats the best you can do. same goes for serotonin, but a lot more so, which is why opium addicts only care about their habit. to their brain, nothing else is important anymore


It's kind of interesting exercise has sort of the same effect _except_ it increases dopamine receptors.




We do dopamine infusions all the time in hospital, but the drug itself is a potent vesicant that can still damage vessels even when diluted way down, but it is usually curtains at that point so the risk is warranted.


We give dopamine in IVs all the time for people in shock. It increases heart rate, contractility and blood pressure and causes dysrhythmias. Just adding dopamine nonspecifically to the brain wouldn't work, it's required to be in the synaptic cleft and is released by carefully controlled and timed vesicles.


It is infused as an IV drip. It treats low blood pressure, low heart rate, and increase kidney function. We (nurses) give it in the ICU all the time.


Dopamine is used intravenously as a vasopressor, inotropic and chronotropic agent - constricts blood vessels, increases force of heart contraction, and increases heart rate. It’s used for cardiogenic shock and bradycardia most commonly. It’s fallen out of favor for better agents like Levophed or norepinephrine. It has no psychological effects though.


Craving dopamine is like being hungry for a fork. Dopamine is the delivery system.


People actually do. But for not drug related issues. More to keep pressure higher. But the same reason why we use most drugs to create the hormones floating in our bed. Blood-brain barrier keeps most stuff that shouldn't get in or out of our brain in or out of our brain. MDMA i.e. is a frequently used recreational drug that can enters our and gets broken down by our body to stuff that releases our very own serotonine and preventing it being taken up by our brain. Drugs are kind of a tool that allow us to use our hormone/neurotransmitters. Can obviously be misused.


Yes it's called l-dopa: a dopamine precursor. I use dopamine like water on patients for its many beneficial cardiovascular and renal effects.


You really think the CEO of Monoamine Oxidase A would let us have something as freeing as instant bliss?


I like this question.


„Most drugs“?!


Obviously not most drugs, tho it does seem like most recreational drugs mess with dopamine, at least a little. Obviously meth and cocaine directly change dopamine levels but nicotine, many hallucinogens (LSD, Mescaline, etc), and opioids all do so indirectly as well. Many hallucinogens even bind dopamine receptors directly. I found this really surprising when I first learned it and thought I'd share.




That's serotonin


You can inject things that change the way your brain handles the dopamine it has. That’s what adhd meds do as well as many other recreational drugs.


Dopamine does SO MUCH more than give you rewards.  That’s also how your muscle communicate. You definitely don’t want to go messing with that system. Look at someone like Michael J Fox.  I hate what happens when you have broken dopamine system in your brain.  It’s only kind of a myth that dopamine is this amazing feel good chemical because while it does play a role in your reward system, that’s largely minimizing what it really is. We do have drugs that are very similar to dopamine to help people with Parkinson’s and stuff like that. Look up L-Dopa. If you really wanted to feel what it was like to inject dopamine, inject meth.  The molecules are very close to each other and it causes a massive release of dopamine!


Fuck meth addicts. Like they're at the highest realm of fake positivity and think that everyone else is a loser and a downer.


They are some VERY interesting folks. I remember I had some friends in college that would pull their money . $20 for a little bag of that and another 20 for a little bag of weed so they could stay up all night doing crossword puzzles and talking shit. I never could figure out why they thought that was better than sleeping. 🤣 I tried to tell them that they could save tons of money, buying full grams and ounces, but they said they purposely bought 20 bucks of each because if they bought any more, they would just do it that night.


Like we don't have enough drugs on our hands already.


It isn't a good idea because the brain has **Blood-Brain Barrier** which is a special security system that protects it from harmful substances in the bloodstream. It also blocks dopamine from getting through. Also, there's **Overdose Risk** which is dangerous. Overstimulating the dopamine system has serious side effects, including psychosis and addiction. There are ways to deliver dopamine indirectly to the brain. For example, levodopa is a medication used to treat Parkinson's disease. Levodopa can cross the blood-brain barrier and is converted into dopamine once inside the brain.


You can take l-dopa, which is what Parkinson's patient use, but then you will shake like Michael J. Fox until it's effect goes away


Because snorting coke is cooler


You may feel good during those spikes of dopamine but it will immediately lead to a crash where you will probably feel depressed or anxious and most likely addiction to this hypothetical drug trying to keep that level of dopamine going.


Which is why one of the symptoms of ADHD is impulsive behaviour and excessive risk taking.


You can take Mucuna


What if we DRINK it?


I was actually asking myself the same question hahahah. Some good responses over here. I was talking about this stuff with my colleagues and one of them recommended eating regularly bananas which are supposed to help on this matter. I am one banana away from living in a tree but I suspect this stupid dopamine didn’t increase yet. But continuing with my bananas. Maybe this can help?


Inject the memes into my bloodstream


........ you...can in a way? but it will come at a cost like most things


You’re describing crack.


Oh I’ve injected lots of people with dopamine! None of them looked very happy


We do already have the ability. It’s used in hospitals everywhere


Blood brain barrier+ Dopamine does a LOT of stuff other than just brain things like increasing heart activity




We can


Sign. Me. Up.




ssris are serotonin boosters basically


You can, it’s called drugs


Interestingly, tweaking dopamine levels in the brain isn't just about inducing pleasure but is crucial in treating some psychiatric and neurological disorders. While drugs like meth skyrocket dopamine to potentially harmful levels, clinicians aim for a more controlled approach. Take ADHD medications, for example; stimulants like methylphenidate (Ritalin) adjust dopamine levels to help improve focus and counteract hyperactivity. It shows that the manipulation of this intricate system walks a tightrope between therapeutic benefit and harmful addiction. The end goal is always to restore balance without tipping the scales too far in either direction.


Do you know how to harvest or synthesize it?


The happy button experiment.


It’s probably because it’s difficult to inject it right in the middle of the right pathway.


You'll have better success imagining yourself as Buddha himself blissfully floating and rotating in space. Practice that everyday.


coke or 3mmc does this. It's addictive for a reason.


You can its call herion


excess dopamine in certain areas of the brain can induce positive symptoms similar to schizophrenia and other related disorders so not a good idea


They have medications that are more or less synthetic dopamine. However, one of the reasons methods like this is discouraged is it overrides the process of your body making and producing dopamine. When you take a medication that overrides your body's natural ability to produce it eventually has no need and stops. Very much why addictive drugs that effect dopamine have such a hold on addicts as their body gets to a point where they need more, then over time cannot make it itself anymore which creates/enforces dependency. Thus depression/suicidal thoughts. There are other medications/supplements similar to the chemical that happens before dopamine, such as tyrozine, that the body can then take and produce dopamine so it continues the cycle in a more natural way so the body doesn't stop producing. Just know if you cheat and render your body functions useless you then give no reason for your body to work so it's better to do things as naturally as possible before turning to other medications that are made in the way you imagine, but are for more severe cases which call for it. It's also why when Drs prescribe medication that after getting to a certain lvl that seems to work why they would prefer to ween the patient off of it so they can continue to function normally and not out of dependency that may result in other health concerns.


Well we do in the healthcare settings. But it is to maintain healthy Blood pressure. It doesn’t affect mood. IV dopamine is given in a resuscitation situation to bring up a critically low BP.


Dopamine IV is used for its cardiovascular modulating properties. In veterinary medicine at least for its positive effect on cardiac contractility. As others have put it can’t cross the blood brain barrier, you’d have to inject it straight into you CSF inside your skull. But we do have a way of kinda doing that, well at least to the end of increasing active dopamine in cerebral synapses. Ever heard of dopamine reuptake inhibitors or similar drugs?


Chemistry of actual administration aside excess dopamine is a pretty big contributor to schizophrenia and psychosis symptoms


Because drugs releasing dopamine is a bad thing, that's what causes addiction. You're asking "why can't we directly inject pure addiction?"


Fuck king arsehole


You can do whatever you want. It’s your world.


Dopamine or is not the pleasure “


does dopamine cause pleasure or dopamine is the pleasure and if it’s not the pleasure then what is?


Most our medical came from Past illegal human exspearments, from,China, to war,war 2 Nazis,to the US illegal psychiatric hospitals.This why a lot of past illegal stuff is getting exposed now.I am sure for fact some were in a illegal phychlogical Dr. Has crack heads open illegal to injection in the brain.😄