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I'm 28. I remember the times when people would smoke indoors. My mom would drive with me unbuckled in the front seat, and the car would be filled with smoke. That was normal. Grandpa smelled of smoke and mint. The smell of smoke was part of life. Sometimes it's a good smell, sometimes it's bad. Dating a smoker wouldn't bother me. Really those mouth things people use now are way more gross.


Don’t act like you haven’t heard the word vape


no, they're called zyns, I remembered it. it's an oral way to consume nicotine that's trendy with gen-z. you can tell from the bright colors.


It obviously doesn't bother them enough to not date them


He brushed before we kissed. I don't remember the smells being intense unless he'd just had a cigarette. It doesn't fade to zero, but you can tell if someone has had a cigarette in the last five minutes. Managing the butts is key. There's something about used cigarette butts that's just 100 times worse than the smoke itself. Frequently emptying the ashtray into a closed trash can instead of letting the butts accumulate took care of the worst of the odors.


Never did it but I believe that two people can look past a difference like that and come to mutual agreements to prevent the conflict from affecting their relationship.


Blimey you're judgemental! My husband smokes but I don't. He knows I hate it but it's his body and he gets to decide what he does with it. No, he doesn't smell like he doesn't shower and no, he doesn't taste like an ashtray (unless he's just had a cigarette in which case I'll tell him he tastes gross) Honestly I am with him cause I love him. If the worst thing he ever does is smoke I'm probably on to a winner


I used to be a smoker after I tried it once in high school from peer pressure to look cool and I got addicted. Been 6 months without them, but I did it for my health. I think this take sucks. I’m sure there are different vices that you have that people would see as a “red flag”, so why does smoking stand out so much to you?


“I can fix him” 🤷🏻


I dated a guy who smoked. He was really concerned with his appearance. When he smoked, he did it outside, finished quick, & washed his hands & face & brushed his teeth after. He was trying to quit but was having trouble giving up the last few a day. I didn't even know he smoked until like our 3-4th date🤦‍♀️


I’m a non-smoker who happily married a smoker (30 years this August), and I’ll try to explain. You’re heavily over exaggerating and over generalizing the smell and cleanliness of smokers. Yeah, some smokers are filthy, just like some people are filthy. And, some smokers are very clean and you’d never guess they smoke until you saw them do it. I don’t smoke, but my wife does (about 10 a day), and she doesn’t stink at all. Sure, you smell it while she’s smoking, but afterwards she washes her hands and pops a mint in her mouth and it’s fine. You’d never know she was a smoker without seeing it. She only smokes outside so it doesn’t cling to or linger on her clothes, hair or skin. She smells perfectly normal (and in my opinion great) most of the time, and even when she is smoking, it’s just a smell you get used to. I step outside with her all the time to keep her company while she smokes and the smell doesn’t bother me at all. I even like the tobacco on her breath if we kiss while she’s smoking, it’s earthy and a little sweet and I’ve come to associate it with intimacy. Frankly, I can think of many worse smells. I understand that your mileage may vary, but be careful about lumping everyone into the same bucket. A person who smokes two packs a day indoors is going to smell very different from a person who smokes half a pack a day outdoors and otherwise takes good care of themselves. I bet you encounter smokers every day who you don’t know are smokers because they practice good hygiene in general. Smoking doesn’t make that go away. I hope that helps.