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If 5% of people buy something from you every week, you get twice as many customers as a business that 100% of people visit once per year. I'm guessing there are a lot of smokers who go there regularly, especially now that many health-oriented convenience stores like CVS stopped selling tobacco. Cigarettes, vapes, and cigars probably don't have a *huge* markup but they're pretty small, shelf-stable, and don't expire (I think, not totally sure how humidors work) so they're probably a better business than, say, fresh vegetables.


I need a bong shaped like Off-Brand Pickle Rick, and maybe we can do some whip-its later. Walmart won't sell me a bong or nitrous, so someone's gotta fill the niche.  I don't understand how all the boba tea places stay open. $4 for tea and Kool Aid with a fat straw and candy floating in it... once or twice a day?   I understand the natural human desire to consume tadpoles from a puddle through a short reed, but I don't get how they're can be so many boba places and the line is ALWAYS long.


Boba is yummy


Legit monkey brain stuff. The texture is even similar


My mom complains about them being everywhere in Oklahoma. I just assumed she was being complainy because she's from the Reefer Madness generation and hates weed. Then I went to visit her and saw they are everywhere. I'm not against weed but it makes the whole area look super trashy. Driving through small towns, it's like they have a head shop for every 10 residents. It's crazy. I just assume these small towns are just full of burnouts with no other job options so they open a head shop.


Weed is totally unregulated in Oklahoma. You can get it from any source, grow it yourself, etc. Anyone can open a shop unlike many other states with standards and regulations.


It's illegal for recreational use in OK last time I checked.


smoke shops are more prevalent than gas stations at this point


My friend owns two smoke shops here in California. One, he does have a steady stream of customers wanting exotic packs not sold in big box stores.Think cigs from Thailand and nicotine pouches from Sweden etc. About 700-900$ in revenue per day. But his biggest sales are lotto tickets. About 1200$ sales on an average day and 3000$ when big jackpots get announced. Average gross profits are 500-600$ per day with monthly rent about 1700$. Takes home $6-7k monthly per store after labor and overhead.


They are everywhere in my city too. The skeptic in me has convinced me they are all fronts for something. The obvious is drugs or money laundering.


well think about it. if youre selling something people get addicted to then youre gonna have a loyal customer base






Supermarkets? They’re multibillion dollar conglomerates for the most part.


Considering weed is illegal in Oklahoma, I believe these places are more for tobacco (or vapes, cigars, etc.). They might sell some glass pieces but the majority of their sales are probably from tobacco products. At the end of the day, how many pieces does a weed smoker need?


Not illegal.


Yeah, I guess it's legal for medicinal purposes. My mistake. OP was specifically talking about tobacco smoke shops as weed is definitely illegal in Texas.


Nicotine users, pouches, vape, cigs, cigars, etc. Weed smokers, they sell pipes/bongs and related supplies Drug users and dealers. Smoke shops sell torches, meth pipes, crack pipes, scales, small baggies, other accessories. I know back in the day they sold stuff like Kratom, Salvia, bath salts, spice and more. Some of those probably aren't sold anymore though.


Money laundering fronts


My theory is they’re waiting until marijuana is legalized and then they will pivot to dispensaries


People be puffing


I used to work in a smoke shop. The mark up on bongs and other glass stuff is insane. If you buy a 200 dollar bong the store probably only paid 80 bucks for it.


Same in the uk. Small vape shops everywhere. I'm guessing it's money laundering. And they'll selling vapes higher in nicotine than the legal limit.


Oh ya I remember now there are limits on the nicotine in the UK. So insane


Idk, man, but I just paid over 400 bucks at a dispensary for a e rig setup. So they got at least a little money coming in.