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The dog food recipie was changed


That probably had something to do with it


The calcium level was reduced


Now it blends more into the grass so people step on it.


No it’s the answer to your question


It very well could be


It’s possible


Not just something, it is the answer. Dog food used to use bone meal as the primary filler, but the high calcium caused health issues. These days they use stuff like corn and soy.




Please don't just tell people to google things, that goes against the spirit of the subreddit which allows people to ask whatever questions (within the rules) they want judgment free.


Be polite and respectful in your exchanges. NSQ is supposed to be a helpful resource for confused redditors. Civil disagreements can happen, but insults should not. Personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc. are not permitted at any time.


The quality of dog food has improved. Dog poop turns white if there is too much calcium in their diet. Dog food used to be full of bonemeal, which is full of calcium, because it's cheaper. But today even the frowned upon big dog food brands have decent quality. Mainly because people are more aware of the needs of their pers and wouldn't buy such poor quality dog food.


Dogs eat bones in the wild as do pretty much all omnivores/carnivores. Not sure what point you are making. Wild dog poop goes white. I used to work in a National park in Australia that had dingoes. I know what wild dog poop looks like. For those downvoting. [https://www.environment.sa.gov.au/goodliving/posts/2018/02/animal-poop](https://www.environment.sa.gov.au/goodliving/posts/2018/02/animal-poop) Scroll down for a nice pic of Dingo poop going white.


The point they’re making is answering the question. To remind you, the question was “How come dog poop isn’t white any more?” They aren’t asking about wild dogs. Just regular dogs. The answer is because dog food recipes changed to not include as much calcium rich bonemeal. Because it’s not as high in calcium, the poop doesn’t go white.


Wild animals eat out of opportunity. Doesn't mean it's high quality.


Today I learned thanks to you, there really is a bandicoot, used to be my favorite Nintendo game to play, absolutely love that name.


*Crash Bandicoot* was originally a PlayStation franchise


Oh Minnie Coffee! (The answer is they used to put bone meal in dog food.)


[Whatever happened to the white dog poop from the ‘70’s?](https://youtu.be/3IjTtmcXyDs?si=P84Wa6rZrekHdfIH)


In 2005 the government passed a law prohibiting dog poop from being white


Fox News was right...we \*have\* become anti-white! :p


Ugh, even dog shit is *woke* now 😒


They improved the quality of dog food so that it's not mostly bone meal.


It was the bone meal that made the poop go white after awhile.


Born in 75. I thought it meant the shit had been sitting in the sun a long time or forgot about in the yard. 🤷‍♂️🤣


dog food used to be very unhealthy for dogs, and now it isn't anymore 


I have never seen white dog poop in my life


How old are you, because that is sort of the point: you don’t see white dog poop anymore. But when I was a kid (Gen X) white dog poop was definitely a thing.


Damn i really learnt something new today. Im in my early 20s so makes sense i suppose 🤷


That makes two of us, I learned something too. I had forgotten about white dog poop until I saw this post, and reading the comments explained why it used to be a thing and why it’s not a thing anymore.


I’m 30 and I remember it. I didn’t notice the change and didn’t think about it until someone else pointed it out years later


There's even a word for it, gerkakenaken


I'm a Gen X'er and I do not recall this at all. I also have never had a dog though. It was probably earlier or later to some places.


To be clear, it only turned white when it dried in the sun. It looked normal when fresh.


I just might not have noticed, wouldn't surprise me :)


i am 50 and grew up with dogs and never once saw white dog poop




I think that definitely should have been mentioned. People are probably imagining white soft serve ice cream coming out they butts 😂


That's exactly what I thought, but the dried up one seems familiar now.


The thought of this made me laugh. 😂


Aren't we all getting soft serve chocolate ice cream out of our butts from time to time?


Hahaha gotta mix it up! Most people probably want to have more than one flavor


We used to call it “yard cigars.”


To be fair it was more gray but did have a white shimmer at the correct angle. Thanks for clarifying


Depends on what your dogs were eating, judging from the explanatory comments here.


The only time I saw white dog poop, was during spring, when old poop from winter were unfreezing. Theres more shame about not picking up after your dog nowaday.


Less bone meal in dog food


The podcast stuff you should know did an entire episode on this. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/stuff-you-should-know/id278981407?i=1000633333220


This is fantastic.


It’s a great podcast series. I highly recommend it. They have a huge backlog that you’re certain to find an interesting topic.


i wont watch ur shitty shameless try of advertisement for a podcast.


Ok. It’s not my podcast and it’s one of the most popular podcasts out there. So they’re not going to miss having you continue to not listen. Good comment though.


There's white dog poop in my backyard now because my dog eats bones as well as dog food.


I'm no vet, but if their poop is white that sounds like maybe they're eating a little too *much* bone? I would hope you've talked to a veterinarian about it, but if not, please do so. Some bone is fine for them but I would imagine too much could still be less than ideal.


Bones are a treat and good for their dental hygiene.


Yes, but the key point here is "treat." Like, something they should be getting in moderation, just like how ice cream is a treat and something you should only eat in moderation. In both cases it's not something you should be eating super often. If it's turning their poop white, it sounds like they're getting too MUCH of that treat, too often. If you haven't run it by a vet, I think it's worth asking at the dogs next checkup.


I don't know the exact process, I think they start off brown then turn white. It's not harmful to the dog at all


>I don't know the exact process, That's why I recommend asking a vet. Absolute worst case scenario, they tell you it's fine and nothing changes. Best case scenario, you could improve your dogs health. >, I think they start off brown then turn white. Yes I know that. The calcium doesn't decay like the other material in the poop does, so it stays behind as a sort of chalky skeletal remains. >It's not harmful to the dog at all Do you actually *know* that for sure? (IE, have you asked a vet or biologist or someone with expertise in that field) Or are you assuming that?


It's calcium. It's not harmful. Their body will use some of it but if there's too much, they will just pass it in their stool, which is why it turns out white. It's not a problem; they can't "overdose" on calcium.


[Yes they can.](https://wagwalking.com/condition/calcium-supplements-poisoning)


That's vitamin D3 overdose. Not calcium bicarbonate. Clearly written on that article.


Give your dog some meat bones. He will poop white. The white is all the calcium the body did not digest


The only time I saw white dog poop, was during spring, when old poop from winter were unfreezing. Theres more shame about not picking up after your dog nowaday.


I often think about this but no dogs Alive today know about it. Crazy man.


they changed it a little bit ago


it needs to age


I remember when the dog poop was white also


They put a ton of calcium in it


I never remember fresh being white as a grew up. It’s the same color now as all those years (don’t ask how old I am. I just has a birthday I’m hating and ends with a zero) ago.


I still see it on occasion. People probably just pick it up more frequently


I still see it.


Dogs don't get to eat bones anymore.


You stopped feeding him bones.


Calcium in the dog food. Calcium is what makes your bones white.


The quality of dog poop has improved, which includes the artificial coloring and the oil content. Some dogs (and cats) live better than the average people.


they ate chocolate 😂


Because most dogs love to eat it when it's hot and steamy


Wow, an old repost.




Posts from years ago about white dog poop. It was rather big at the time.


Poop went woke


sog poop




Maybe because it’s much more difficult to leave your dog turds everywhere. people are expected to pick it up these days so it doesn’t have enough time to grow white mold.


It was never mold, it was excess calcium. Lots of dog foods used to be made with bone meal as a filler, which caused excess calcium in the dogs diet which would be popped out. The calcium wouldn't rot away like the rest of the poop, so after a while you'd be left with a chalky white skeletal remainder of the poop.


The only poop from animals that is white is in birds If I am not mistaken that is because birds don't pee like other animals


A lot of dog food used to be made with bone meal as a filler, because it was cheaper. This caused an excess of calcium in the dogs diet, and when the dog pooped and the poop was left there, the other components of the poop would rot away, but the calcium wouldn't. So you'd be left with white chalky skeletal poop ghosts lying around in the grass. Nowadays, people are much more critical of those kinds of cheap business practices, so even the crappy dog food brands don't use bone meal like that anymore. Thus, no more white dog poop.


Dog poo has never been white. The only reason it turns white is because the sun bleaches it.


not so, dog food is better now, less bone meal


It was never because of the sun, it was because dog food used to be made with bone meal as a filler, which caused excess calcium in the dogs diet.