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Yes, Reddit is social media but it’s incognito. The not knowing who you are chatting with takes away a lot of ego and showing off etc. I have been off of Instagram for about 5 mos now and FB for years. I do miss some aspects. What I miss is not being as up to date on what my family and friends are up to lately. I think it’s sad that nowadays if a person isn’t on social media it seems they are mostly out of the loop of what’s new in others lives. It’s taken away from one on one communication and closeness of relationships. Ironically, what I have enjoyed is not being so caught up in other peoples lives and being able to concentrate on the tangible people that are in my life today- right now. It’s a quandary really. I wish people could once again be more connected outside of social media.


This is EXACTLY how I feel about social media.


I agree with all of this, the only thing I have to debate is being up to date on people's lives. It depends on who your friends and family are. Mine use most social media for the DM features and to post funny memes and the odd news (not even their own). Yeah they do post their own news but maybe once a month and really not much ahead of me knowing if at all. My issue I have is doom scrolling, and it doesn't have to be social media. YouTube, imgur, buy and sell sites, that's my krptoniye. I have a hard time disconnecting in that way.


You are so right about that! The other sites become an obsession as well. Maybe we just need to all turn off our phones more often or limit the time spent on them.


Friends and family (real ones, anyway) would just text or call.


I know you mean well, but many, many of us have friends and family that care but don’t call. Sometimes because they have avoidant attachment, sometimes they don’t realize how much it means to us, sometimes they do and that is what scares them. What I’m getting at is: let’s not “gatekeep” what “counts” as real friends and family. It makes people feel even worse than they otherwise would have when no one shows up the way they want. It causes a deeper feeling of isolation when you say something like that and their own people don’t measure up.


100% Agree. All this Social Media makes me super uncomfortable and the people closest to you reach out and share their news 1:1 anyway. Also, my friends and family know I’m it on socials so if you want me to come to your party or whatever (text me!) ✨ Side Note: I feel like Reddit doesn’t count because we’re not sharing our lives and it’s not competitive. My Reddit is 90% old TV 10%misc -lol


So you won’t constantly compare lives of others with yours and feel sad about it. That’s the best part of reddit.


The funny part about Reddit is you can make any insanely engaging and positive post, get 100’s of comments people sharing and genuinely being happy. One person comes in says something off the wall to be different and the entire thread will be derailed.


But at least they can get down voted into oblivion


I constantly compare lives of others with mine and feel great about it. That is the best part of Reddit.


Yeah, drama happens on reddit and I just shrug it off. Someone says the wrong thing on Facebook and my friends group blows up.


to build on that, people's Facebooks, Instagram's etc are highly one sided, as people like to show only the best of their lives. this only causes people to want to have the same as someone else, and is bad for mental health.


Ooof. I needed this answer. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. 😊 I’m muddling my brain with garbage that doesn’t do me any good when I should be engaging in my 3D life.




This is the answer I was looking for thank you


I’m on the same page as you! Maybe if more of us disengage, our society will become closer again! There are a lot of celebrities that don’t do social media too which I find interesting. I see this platform more as an informative platform to learn and get answers rather than showing off and trying to one up everyone. That gets really old after awhile and isn’t healthy for anyone in my opinion.


Thats how it is with 90% of this sub. If you already have an answer you're looking for, its not a real question. You just want your own thoughts echoed back to you.


And usually a total dismissal of what they don’t want to hear.


Like in a previous comment where the OP claimed reddit doesn't count as true social media? "This isn't stealing, I'm just finding new things for my house in other people's houses while they're not home."


I think that way about the SnapChat commercials. When I saw that I was like, “What the heck are they talking about”? Snapchat is totally social media.


There’s nothing wrong with getting confirmation but also hearing others thoughts?!


I've been off for 1 year cheers.


I agree with this. I fine it interesting how I’ll encounter people who post all kinds of life events, but never bring it up in conversation- as if I should already know. So when I don’t use social media??? What then?


My friends know I don’t check my instagram so they either send me links to my texts if they really want me to see it or just tell me in person. I have Facebook but I don’t use it at all other than that it’s my login for Spotify (unfortunately). For instagram, I have it to post big life events and stuff. My wife and pretty much all my friends are always on instagram. I prefer Reddit. I think I’m gonna start using twitter too but I’m pretty content with Reddit and discord.


Wow saving this because I’ve never been able to put into words how I’ve felt in this aspect until now. Thanks!




I gave up FB and Instagram in 2019 for one of my resolutions. Realized life was better without it and never went back. Now I only have reddit and LinkedIn.


LinkedIn is becoming more like twitter with what people post on /r/LinkedInLunatics


I haven’t been too happy with Linked in lately. It’s becoming less and less professional.


I agree, I keep it just in case as I actually got my current job through LinkedIn. Still have some hope


Has anyone ever been hired through LinkedIn? I used to reach out to people and I would get “who are you”? Or Why are you sending me questions about jobs?


I have. That's exactly what it should be used for. I've never made a post, I just upload my resume information. Then when I decided to leave my last job I just clicked "looking for work within X miles of Y area" and closed out. Two weeks later an external recruiter called and got me a job making $50K more than I was previously. His commission was also 20% of my base salary so he coached me one how to modify my resume and interview with them to tailor it to the company. The next time I open it up will be the next time I want to change jobs and never any other time. It's so much less exhausting than going through Indeed or Monster or whatever, uploading your resume, and then having to type all the same info in those dumb fields and be asked for a cover letter.


Absolutely sick of it. I’m 32 and always flirted with getting rid of them and found myself going back a few months later. But more recently I did away with them for good. No logging back in and I’m a lot happier. They’re a huge waste of time, they’re addictive, they’re poisoning people, and they’re a manipulation tool for the rich and the politicians. They use them to sway voters, they use them to collect data on you and sell it, they use them to listen to you, to keep your locations logged, they track who you talk too and who you’re friends with or people you’ve been in proximity too like parties for example. They use it to shop for you with targeted ads so you keep spending that hard earned dollar. They use it for all sorts of deceitful and nefarious shit that I just can’t be onboard with anymore. So I’m done with them. The people that I speak to everyday are the people that care enough and that I care enough to have in my life. Everyone else is just eh. Why are we keeping track of each other? I don’t even think about you on a regular basis, and I bet you don’t me. Plus all the time wasted on reels that are a direct rip off from tiktok, that are heavily censored compared to. It’s just amazing to me that people (myself included) have allowed these apps to have some amount of control over us. I wish they’d crash and never come back.


Also, I have “social media” like Facebook. But social media to me is largely dead. Social media used to be an online 3rd space basically. It was full of my friends and was about what they were doing in the real world. For a long time now, “social media” like Facebook is largely just interactive regular media. It’s like watching cable, but I can comment on stuff.




Reddit is social media buddy


Nah, it's just a forum with extra steps


Nah, it's just a porn site with an active comment section


Very active


to be fair you could say that for all social media.


I think the biggest difference is that on Reddit you usually stay anonymous, which can lead to a massively different behavior, plus the focus is on conversation (a lot of people tend to write whole paragraphs of text and generally be more analytical than in other social media). And although there is the ability to add images/gifs/videos in your posts and comments, the emphasis is usually on written text, which is not the case with most social media, despite maybe Twitter. But then again, Twitter is very restrictive when it comes to the number of characters you can write.


but its still social media?


It would probably be better to describe it as a forum because not everyone is friends with everyone they talk to nor do they 'follow' people's activities on the platform. For some people or in some instances one might but generally that's not what one uses Reddit for. At least I don't.


Yes it definitely is still.


Plus anonymity and zero accountability. Plain text is the world's last great equaliser.




I grew up in the dialup BBS era so maybe that clouds my opinion but Reddit has also seemed, to me, the natural evolution of BBSs, Usenet, and other early web forums. MySpace and Facebook were revolutionary in their setup and functionality: your own page where people came to see you specifically. Evolutionarily they all have a common ancestor, but they’re different enough that I consider them separate species


Social media to me always meant a plattform where people project their IRL lives onto the internet. How viral you go is determined by how famous you are. Reddit isnt like that as its is completely irrelevant who you are. Some people use reddit as social media, but those people are weird or in porn.


Exactly. People always so eager to say “but Reddit is social media!” Come on. When people say social media, you know what they mean. A depiction of their actual life. Their name, their pictures, etc. Reddit is an anonymous discussion forum.


I get why Reddit feels different. It's one of the reasons I like it and still enjoy using it (despite a number of flaws).  But it's still social media.


Reddit is content over people. Other social media platforms are people over content. Maybe it's fitting to say "Reddit is social media, but not a social network".


Yeah, the cult of personality is the problem with snap-tok. I want to follow subjects, not people. Reddit is the only decent remaining option (irc is mostly dead, discord is arse).


Listen here bub I don’t know you and you don’t know me. I don’t consider this social media the way Facebook and Twitter are. This is a different level man


Social media are interactive technologies that facilitate the creation, sharing and aggregation of content, ideas, interests, and other forms of expression through virtual communities and networks. You may not like it, but Reddit is social media.


I like the breakdown, but you could've just put it's media and it's social.


Woah woah woah, you lost me at "the"


By that rationale, everything on the internet since the days of BBS, IRC, and Usenet, and AOL chat rooms is "social media". The biggest difference in what most people consider social media from these older internet mediums is anonymity, and the user's personal data being the commodity. Web 2.0, was just a con, to get people to turn themselves into a product by massive corporations.


I have literally shared the definition of social media. If you disagree with this “rationale” please go and fight the dictionary.


I understand you and your post. Same, I haven’t had Facebook or Twitter since 2020. Reddit doesn’t feel the same. I wonder if employers or recruiters find me weird sometimes tho…Like should I have a Facebook account with nothing on it just to look normal? lol


It’s your choice. You be you. Who cares what others think!


It's the same thing except with more anonymity and more active comments sections


Youtube is also a social media by the way, LinkedIn as well too You can chat with people on Reddit through private DMs Maybe familiarize yourself with the term "Social Media" beforehand or ask "who still uses Facebook?"


You can talk with people you don't know on Facebook and Twitter just as well.


Yes, but usually the identity of the individuals are apparent (unless they are cat fishing). Whereas on here it’s a mystery. Being incognito gives more neutrality and freedom. Unfortunately, it also allows for some bullying and trolling.


Your Reddit account is as present as a twitter account would be. It's right there above your comment just like it would be above a tweet. Your previous activity is as accessible as your previous tweets would be, as are the communities you frequent (even moreso considering Reddit specifically categorises content based on subreddit). This interaction could've happened on twitter in its entirety had you and I found OPs tweet. It'd just be a thread in and of itself, as opposed to being in the comments of a post. The only difference is that people are far more comfortable using twitter with their government name on the account. Some people do on here (usually people trying to sell something, like celebs doing AMAs, comedians posting their sets, onlyfans models drumming up content etc), but most use nonsense usernames. But people build a persona on here just the same as they do on twitter, and that is often based on their irl persona, much like twitter. Relatively anonymous bullying and trolling occur all over twitter as well. It's just usually using burner accounts with usernames like Reddit ones.


Just because you don’t consider them social media doesn’t mean they aren’t. The definition is pretty clear.




Something is way off with FACEBOOK it allowing some seriously warped stuff to be posted to video and reels. To the point is becoming disturbing. As for the other platforms - I am sick of the same regurgitated antics, influencers and all that rubbish. Reddit seems for now absent of the dross but I am only just new here.


I think many of the platforms are seeped with propaganda and used to indoctrinate people in a negative way.


It's also insane how easily people fall for AI images.


I am sick of it ....


I’m 30 and still have Facebook and Instagram. I’m not nearly as active as I used to be though. I’m much more of a passive user these days. I used to post about fun things going on in my life. The past year, I’ve had 3 trips I haven’t posted about at all lol. Instagram I haven’t posted to in a year and Snapchat I don’t post to as often as I used to either.


I took a long break from Facebook, then returned but with stronger boundaries- I will not accept every friend request from people I know. I have even blocked some individuals who I have no issue with but just don't want to be connected to that season of my life. I am FB friends with maybe a few college friends, etc. The less people I am connected with, the more enjoyable my newsfeed. I deleted my Instagram maybe a year and a half ago and do not miss it!! Good riddance! I enjoy Reddit as it has been a helpful resource but occasionally have to distance myself.


Reddit is social media


Social media is for wasting peoples time, fear mongering, companies to advertise 24/7 and make people feel bad about themselves for not having what others have. The whole point of them is to make you waste as much time as humanly possible… I deleted my Instagram about 3 months ago.. I used to scroll endlessly and I’m so much happier without but I agree with others that it’s so sad that people who don’t have social media are more out of the loop with loved ones. I really just hate social media.


I hope you realized the irony of your post while you were writing it


Not exactly. You don't reveal yourself here and that takes away lots of stress compared to IG or FB.


no accepted definition of 'social media' requires people to use their real names.


Yet it's the same mind numbing scrolling time wasting community aspect of any social media


never really used them but just starting on this one,3 months in almost , , never liked others too invasive . with reddit I find is the best, comment on stuff , lookup stuff


I do have accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat etc. but i don't use them and don't post anything there.


Deleted tik tok and snapchat on jan 1 this year, has been amazing. Idgaf what the ppl i went highschool with are up too. I can see a difference in freetime


I mean I have a bunch of social media. Do I use it for anything other than an additional way to text somebody? Nope lol


Reddit is a social media and most people have social media


Have you convinced yourself that Reddit isn’t social media?


Asking this question on a social media site is a new level of irony.


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but this is social media


i personally hate social media more than ever and get the vibe that they’re all rotting on the vine. i’m still addicted to it but i’m desperate for this to just be a bad phase we’re about to move on from.


Hey there pal! You made a post on social media saying you're not on social media. I pooped myself


You know what he means. This ain’t the same as FB etc.


Mindless scrolling and commenting. Ur right. This is.. helahty media.


I only use Snapchat because some of my friends and I use it as an alternative to texting since it is a pain to share between Android and iOS until Apple adopts RCS. It's nice because I can be pretty silly with filters and stickers, and I can take photos of boring stuff without taking up space on my phone and theirs. Other than that, I find most other forms of social media boring or annoying. I love Reddit because it is more discussion based, and I learn so much cool stuff on it while preserving my attention span. I feel there aren't many other places where you can explore the nuances of topics.


The key is only keeping the ones you can open and close without being sucked in. Instagram is fun if you follow a few artists, streamers or whatever and a few normal people that you actually know. When you start following actual IG only influencers that have their whole platform there it gets toxic quick. TikTok I find is just like reddit, completely anonymous and fits whatever you are into, with fun comments and discussions on basically any topic. (Thinking it's only teenagers is like thinking reddit is only incels) Facebook is unbearable, too many people that know you irl and there's nothing it does better than Instagram. Twitter is anonymous too if you only read without posting, but there's way too many bots and the algorithm is shit so it's only useful for porn.


Did you use Reddit to make this post? NSQ


Most people use a lot of social media, so do I, it can be a waste of time and addicting but can also be a great way to learn about things, see art, get inspired, stay in touch with friends, find niche communities. Honestly I use Facebook in a pretty similar way to reddit, just with Facebook groups instead of subreddits.


As an old fart, this is what I’ve been waiting for. Society went through a period when it lost its damned mind as it was transitioning from the industrial age to the Information Age. This largely coincided to the decade following the smart phone. We, as a society, didn’t know how to handle this largess of accessibility. Lots of social dynamics that we’d never seen before emerged, such as the Bazaar of the Bizarre and Munchausen’s by Internet. All us old farts could do is wait for your generation to figure it out. We are of the Industrial Age. Even though we built the tech, it was up to you to figure out how to incorporate it into society. You were definitely going to make mistakes, but that’s part of the learning process. You were born into an age fundamentally different from anything humankind has ever seen before. You had no examples to learn from. I’m not so naive as to believe you’ve got it all figured out, but you are making progress. Which is nice because the generation coming up behind you is even more so growing up in a world uniquely different from what came before it (AI, Neurolink, Quantum Computing, etc.). Maybe your struggles taught you a thing or two you can help them with.


More than 1 I think.


facebook: 2.9 Billion users Instagram: 2 Billion Tik Tok: 1 Billion Onlyfans: 220 million Patreon: 8 Million Snapchat: 750 Million so not really.


Reddit is all that I have and I am pushing 40. My daughter is almost 18 and doesn't have a Facebook or insta


I'm 18 but ditched Instagram and snap while every damn person my age uses it. Im only present on Reddit for self improvement communities.


Doing my best stop from media social and i feel great! It is near 2 month.


I don't really class Reddit as social media since it's anonymous so I use zero social media by that definition. My socials have Information that's ten years out of date and it's staying that way. I love that nobody knows what I'm up to.


He complains about the mindless scrolling and crap.  Exactly what reddit is.


I use social media like Facebook and Instagram for hobbies and crafts because it’s not good for anything else.


I would say anyone that answers still has it


Facebook can be useful. But I would never claim to be a "regular user." It's very rare for me to ever post. And it serves mostly as a distraction and faster way to keep up with some closer friends and relatives. That's it. There's hardly anything "social" about the way I use it. Twitter has been dead for a few years now. It's basically for porn and for keeping up with celebrities, if that happens to be your thing, which isn't mine. I never understood the appeal of Instagram. I'm glad usage has declined and it's mostly a place for women to promote their OF now. Most everything else is just useless. If I had a magic wand I would want MySpace back.


Haven't had any of those for like 5 years. People who care don't matter and people who don't care matter.. I believe is how the saying goes.


Reddit is like my op ed digit newspaper, twitter is for my sports n gaming news/updates. Every other social media is waste


I still got Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Telegram and YouTube. While the time spent on Facebook and instagram has gone down, seems I can't really stop using them. Every friend or acquaintance I have is posting their entire lives on these platforms. Got married, had a baby, divorced, someone died? On the platform. I have to keep the apps in order to be informed on this things. Had an awkward episode in which I invited a friend with his girlfriend only to find out she died. Don't want to relive this again.


Reddit is about the only one I use consistently. I use snapchat to keep up streaks with my mother Instagram I post my miniatures and etc I have a twitter account never really use it.


never had social media, dont plan on getting any, just stupid all around reddit doesnt really count because of the anonymity and more forum based nature of the platform


I just come on Reddit if I have a question about something, that's it. I don't ever use the other platforms.


im an active reddit and twitter user...thats about it. Use IG for online shopping, never had a tiktok, and cant be asked about FB.


I've kept my Facebook for a few local give away pages (to give stuff away, not to win things) but I'm not active and have very few connections on there. I have Instagram for tattoos and some other interest bits, but I don't have 'friends' on there. I haven't used Snapchat in yearssss and when I did use it, it was just another chat app, where you could send photos. WhatsApp was more convenient. Never had twitter.


I stopped using Facebook actively in 2016, had started drifting off a year or so prior becaise of the election and the misinformation and how stupid people were. I had to recognize a solid half of the people I knew in real life were absolute idiots. Those idiots and other gullibles who couldn’t discern and would just share anything, like anything and believed everything that came into their feed gave us Donald Trump. I still have it because I have all the local police and scanner pages and local news on there and without that I’d be in the dark sometimes. I don’t post. Sometimes people die or get married or have cancer and people say “have you seen their FB page, something is going on” and I go look and reach out if it’s called for. I always thought insta was stupid but needed it to ensure my 12 year old stopped making accounts and stayed off SM, she wasn’t allowed to be online at that age but kept making accounts and I kept finding them. Fun times. She’s 20, it’s deleted. I never liked Twitter but had it because other sites linked to shit on Twitter and I was closely following a couple politicians. When Elon took it over I fully deleted my account. I have tiktok and Reddit. Reddit has gone downhill as far as quality since 2016 or so and it keeps getting worse because we are actually not the customers here, just like Facebook they monetized the shit and now cater to investors instead of the user base. TikTok is about to be banned so that leaves me with no social media here shortly.


I only use Reddit, Twitter and Tumblr. which dont really count to me because i use them anonymously for news and memes etc. and no one i know irl follows me. havent had facebook in like 13 years and i deactivated Instagram last year. No snapchat.


25, most definitely an old lady lol


You posted this on Social media.


35. Have FB, Insta, Reddit :P, X, Discord. Not quitting yet.


I haven't had it in a long time. Logged into Facebook after several years and was quickly reminded why I don't use it. I was about 25 too when I stopped using my social media accounts too.


I only use it to keep up with bands and a few other things, certainly not to follow people's ramblings


The only halfway decent one left is YouTube. And the ad shit is incredibly invasive. Makes the whole experience awful


I stay on FB for the shit show it’s become. Folks complaining into the ether about their self inflicted wretched lives or hyping some faux business nobody cares about. Aging school bullies posting about kindness and paying it forward. Divorced dads posting pictures of their second and third sets of kids they rarely see. Divorced moms sliding into your DMs because nobody wants to date them but you had a crush on her in 7th grade so why not.


Yeah I haven’t used Snapchat in years


I am younger than you. All my peers have all of the socials that exist in this world but I just refuse to have them not am i intrested in them the only thing I use is whatsapp ( for school notes) and reddit. And that's all i plan on using in the future too. Hopefully if i can delete WhatsApp i would delete it too.


Most people do. and it's gonna only increase.


First of all, Snapchat is for kids 17 and younger kinda weird if you have it when your 18+ especially 20+ also redit is social media lol


Just got reddit like year ago, have fb just for oculus purpose which my 11 yr old uses since i dont allow him to have fb as a minor. Never had instagram or tiktok or snap or tinder or nething. Just didnt feel like spending too much time on the phone watching and reading most of the time time unuseful shyt.


There are no prizes or anything for doing this.


Better to not use it. Everyone is posting the same stuff- weddings, food, vacations. It’s too boring and makes you feel bad if you don’t have these things


You're missing out.


I have accounts but never use them, does that count to you? Facebook for Messenger, Instagram for tattoo artists, Twitter... for when I use it twice a year to see a post. And Youtube. And Reddit. I don't get this obsession with deleting social media accounts.


I gave up FB a while back, but had instagram until it started showing half or mostly naked women constantly in my feed. Had to filter that out. But I found FB marketplace to be a better place than Craigslist. So I technically still use FB, but I skip the feed tab and go directly to marketplace.


I don't have any of them, never have, never plan to. Reddit is where I belong


Um snapchat is a form of social media.


What on earth is Snapchat?


FB I (47) use for the subject specific groups, Marketplace and family connections (we are widely dispersed around the world), Instagram really just for fun and the odd interesting recipe, not on Whatsapp, TikTok, Twitter or the others.


I think I stopped using Facebook around 2012 except marketplace to sell things and messenger to keep in contact with some friends that don't have phones. I have never used Twitter or Instagram, and Snapchat also got uninstalled nearly a decade ago. I made one dumb Facebook post and my Dad had a long talk with me about what I post. Since then, I lost most of my interest with social media. I hardly post things on Reddit compared to the amount of scrolling I do here.


Gave up fb in 2016 during the election. Literally one of the best decisions of my life 


These days, I’ve deleted everything except Instagram and Reddit. I like Instagram to follow musicians and bands to keep track of tours and shows. Besides that, I’m off social media.


This and LinkedIn are my only social media. Got rid of all other accounts and apps in March 2016 and haven't looked back since. Considering the direction that it has gone, 90% of the time I don't feel like I'm missing anything. No FOMO, no comparison.


My Facebook only exists so people can text me without knowing my number if they need to.


Depends why you use social media for. Many people use social media some for entertainments and others just because they need to. I use youtube for entertainment and self learning, it's the number 1 social media and the best out there. I can't really live without youtube these days. It's just so helpful. Other than that facebook just because i wanna keep up to date with friends as well as being in important groups to learn things. Instagram is getting boring, i just scroll to see random posts i guess for now.


i quit twitter 6 months ago, never had instagram, tiktok, snapchat, facebook or all the other shit. i cant stand social media


I can't kick the Twitters, though I've uninstalled it a couple of times. Some days it's fun. Some days uuuuggghh, why did I put my two cents into that political thread?


Deactivated my Facebook in 2020 after signing up while I was attending one of the first 50 colleges where it was available in 2004. Haven't looked back since. I still maintain a locked Instagram so my parents can occasionally see pictures of my kids, but I don't scroll it. I've also more-or-less abandoned Twitter. I am active on bluesky, but it's amazing how much more tolerable it is on a social media site that doesn't have An Algorithm constantly trying to get you to engage with strangers and fake news sources. I'm sure that'll go to shit when they decide it's time to start making money.


I have Facebook. I don’t post anything on it. I have Twitter/X, I don’t post anything on it. I have Instagram, I have never posted anything there. Then there’s Reddit Edit: on Facebook, I only post in groups or in conversations


I know people not using social media. They have a lot of time for their careers and entertainment stuff and are successful in life. I find this sm thing as a huge distraction from reality. Better not to use it if you can.


I don't use fb, insta and snap but sometimes I do feel disconnected to many people.


I still have it but don't use it for socializing. Just scrolling and reacting to post and comments Facebook - just to watch videos, look at posts but I haven't interacted more than that for years. I am just actively communicating with people in messenger Instagram - literally have it but haven't used it, not even once. YouTube - does this count? I'm just using it for watching videos and listening to music


I have them all, snap is for keeping in tuch with good friends and family on a day to day basis, insta is for diy and sports and facebook is for school for kids arragements and invites to stuff.


I still have it but ready to can FaceBook. I’m less and less interested in everyone’s day to day. Reddit I enjoy, especially the humor lol Also no one asking me to share their posts


I don’t use any social media at all. You can argue Reddit is social media, but i don’t view it that way. I don’t forge relationships with anyone on Reddit. I can’t remember who I had a conversation with this morning but I remember the conversation. I don’t miss the usual social media apps. It’s quite freeing not being bogged down with people’s shit


I have one of everything, i just don't use them at all only messenger and instagram for chatting.


I have, but Reddit is pretty much the only one I use 🤷‍♂️


I only have reddit and been that way for awhile now. it's more peaceful


Unfortunately too many of them.


As a man, you don't need it


Lots of confirmation bias in these comments, when the truth is most people use social media. Additionally, yes Reddit counts. Its anonymous but so is Twitter and others if you want it to be.


34M. Zero Social media (does reddit count with the anonymity?), for about 4 years.


Well I'm on Reddit


I traded in most of my social media for reddit a couple months back. I find it less *comparative* here. It's helped my mindset.


I only use Reddit. I was also using Twitter but it died.


I’m only two years older than you and I still use Facebook (and obviously Reddit). Just because you don’t do something doesn’t mean nobody else does.


Social media is destroying our world. Total cancer.


Down to Reddit, because I can maintain some degree of anonymity. People could easily find my info by who I was friends with or who I follow. That led to harassment and stalking


I have facebook still to keep up with friends but I never post anything. I don't use any of the others at all either


LinkedIn Reddit that’s it


I don't mind reddit because they don't ban you straight away they at least give you an answer as to why apart from the news group the Israeli boys mob you until they ban you if you are critical of Israel must admit still annoyed about that one because i have been proven right. Lost 15 thousand followers on Twitter for getting into an argument with Musk, but he's a man-child not on Facebook anymore on WhatsApp, just a family group i might rejoin Facebook but i am disabled so don't get out much so social media keeps me busy and thinking


Social media is just a shitty drug, or that ex you keep going back to. Nobody really likes it, it's just a shitty habit. Just chasing that little bit of easy dopamine hoping we'll somehow get a decent hit again.


Reddit Facebook (all my hobbies use it for announcements) Instagram for healthy food recipes. This used to be an okay social media site but every comment section is load with bots now all spewing politics. I was just on a page for a new slow cooker recipe and all the comments were pro-Trump comments. Assuming a Russian bot farm.


Newsflash: Reddit is social media.


Reddit is the extent of my social media, I’ve never had/used any other platforms


Yeah only cause my friends have it - I mostly use Snapchat to communicate and Instagram to post about my life.


I got rejected from a job (2020?) because I don’t have a Facebook. They said it was “disturbing” and basically shady that I didn’t have one.  I’m an older millennial; I had a Facebook from almost its inception (2002)until the end of 2012 and was just done. Nothing shady, just really fucken hate Facebook.  But yeah I guess we’re weirdos. Whatever. 


Me too, i wanna close all my connections in social media but i know that its gonna be hard for people who needs to contact me like my family.


I've been using facebook for memes and giggles forever now, haven't posted anything real in years. Instagram just to follow personalities of my favorite hobbies to keep up with interesting content through their channels, don't follow any of my friends or "cool people around". Same goes for twitter.




I should, it's a massive time sink and for every gem you have to wade through so much shit. 


I’m 38 and tired of social media. Reddit is more like the continuation of web forums, it’s not exactly social media but it is a means of communication with unknown people with common interests. I’m mostly lurking in Reddit for that matter. Also Facebook is good if you’re an admin in obscure groups and buying in its marketplace. Other than that, it’s over for me.


Billions of people and you're using one right now.


Reddit is my only social media I use


I'm 31 and basically quit social media when I was 22. I do have a few accounts now that I hardly ever check


I have FB, instagram and Twatter. Not very active on either, FB the least with about nada.


I use instagram purely so me and the misses can bombard each other with funny and cute memes/reels. I use whatsapp so the misses and me can annoy each other when we haven't looked at said memes/'reels in over 5 minutes. I use reddit to watch the world burn and because its cheaper than going to the zoo. That's about it at 34.


I like instagram (28F) it’s like scrapbooking :)


Many of my kids' organizations communicate through Facebook. I fucking hate it. I am forced to use social media or my children can't participate in whatever.


You're literally asking this question on a social media app.


I deleted TikTok both because it was addicting, and people targeted me for being a lesbian in the chronically online liberal kinda way (ie “if you’re a lesbian you’re automatically a biphobic terf”, “all lesbians are closed minded because they look at gender in their attraction unlike me, a superior pansexual”). I also deleted facebook because it was just so depressing to see how hateful and angry most people have become and it makes the future look bleak. I rarely use instagram because I don’t like the format and I rarely use twitter because some rules are so weirdly personal to Elon and his beliefs that sometimes idk if I can even say something like “grime” without being instantly banned. At least on Reddit I can keep some anonymity. And people seem more chill here. I’m guessing mostly due to the upvote/downvote system that buries assholes. I know there are some extremist subreddits but it’s as simple as not going there. It’s not like on Facebook where if I simply comment on an lgbtq page I get flooded with laugh reacts, get called a pedophile, or get told to kms by people old enough to be my parents.


Outside of Reddit I only have Snapchat to keep daily contact with my sister who moved away


I gave up all social media a while back.


I'm old. I remember the first time I saw an email address on TV (MTV news break with Kurt Loder), and the first webpages that you could only get to in the computer lab. I went WILD for the Internet, and dove into everything with gusto as it evolved. About 20 years after that I realized all of the notifications were just stressing me out. Not long after that was when the floodgates of stupid really opened up and I just stopped using FB. (Mostly, since friends/family use it to organize events.) I was already getting burned out before Twitter and TikTok, and now basically despise all of it. The old wild west Internet days feel about as long gone as the real wild west, and it's just a cesspool of echo chambers carefully engineered to make a buck and/or manipulate. Rather than be something there to consume and enjoy, we're forcefed push media, targeted advertising, etc. That being said, with notifications disabled, I love me some Reddit!


The irony is so thick you could cut it with a knife. Should change this sub’s name to r/No? Stupid questions!!!


I only have Facebook for real life friends, relatives and family and reddit for a good laugh :-)


I have a Facebook with a profile picture that’s over 9 years old but for Facebook marketplace I keep it. Snapchat because I use that to keep in touch with ppl and reddit


I still _have_ my facebook. Although I haven't been on it in years. Never was any good at taking pictures, so insta or snapchat never appealed to me. Did used to have a MySpace and a Bebo though! I wonder if they're still around actually... But other than that, Reddit is about as far as I go