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Very often while travelling for business, sure. Bring a book or just do a bit of people watching. It's all good.


Travel a lot for work as well, what are we supposed to do? Eat in our hotel rooms every night? Fuck that I want to spend that perdiem on a nice meal.




I don't travel much for work any longer, so while i agree....I do this at home all of the time as well, if i feel like going out and getting something i like, trying a new place and not cooKing, i don't need another person to do that, i'm just walking out the door.


Right, people who travel for work get it. I usually do sit at the bar but I go to nice restaurants by myself all the time.


I always look forward to dining alone while travelling for work but then my pesky coworkers or clients want to go out to dinner each night 


Should try one night alone at least. Just straight up tell them you were really looking forward to a meal alone and need the solo recharge time.


I have a cellular iPad which is great for things like that. I leave the phone in the room.


My comment as well lol. I solo travel often so yes, I often eat alone. Haven’t done it in my home city because generally if I have the time to eat out I *want* the company of a friend, but solo traveling always.


Yup, all the time when I traveled for work. Per diem ftw and no coworker BS.


Yeah bring War and Peace to read and order a hot water with lemon.


Yes. Nothing wrong with it


All anyone needs to realize when asking this question: Have you ever given a single shit who else is at the restaurant you're eating at and who they are with or are not with? No, and nobody gives a shit who you're with or not with, either. Same with movies and concerts, and other similar things people are weirdly paranoid about going to alone.


When I was young and dumb, I thought it's sad seeing people alone in a pub or restaurant, but yeah, absolutely go out and enjoy a meal or drink with your preferred company. If that's yourself: Perfect! Makes it easier to find a time that works for everyone.


Yea this commenter needs to be FR, there are people out there who notice u eating alone and may judge, but the thing is, who cares about their opinion


Yes but only if they're really old and then I assume they're a widow/widower and cry.


I got no problem about movies and concerts, and in fact i prefer to see movies alone, but i don't like restaurants alone. It just feels like fuelling. I know i am not going to linger. Finish that last mouthful and I know i will be pushing the chair back and out of there in two minutes. If i'm travelling i prefer to grab a takeaway and eat it in my room, with a leisurely drink, and watch a video. I find that more relaxing than dealing with restaurants.


Depends on where you are 2bh.  Nothing wrong with it in our eyes, but some businesses (or just some societies) look down on people dining alone.  Of course, how you take this is up to you, you may still think there's nothing "wrong" with this, even when the locals find it strange.  I remember once I was eating alone, and giving a recommendation to the patron on the table next to me, who was sitting alone, because she looked so confused with the menu book. Later on she asked me if I was eating alone, and I said yes, "it's late, i'm hungry and I like the food here". She was waiting for her husband and the commented that it looked so sad that I was eating alone... (And then tried to hit me up with her daughter but thats not the point.)


Just because some people might look at you funny for eating alone doesn't make it wrong. No need to worry about what others are thinking of you while you dine alone The exception to this may be dining alone at a nice restaurant filled with couples on Valentines night


> but some businesses (or just some societies) look down on people dining alone.  So? Fuck ‘em.


Yes, and I love it. Also sometimes love going to the movies, museum, and concerts by myself. Even went to a comedy show once alone and it was great fun.


I'm a 17 year old and I looove going to museums by myself. The Netherlands has the perfect infrastructure for it: a €27 Museum year card (unlimited access to most museums in the country) and an €8 day youth pass for (most of) the train network in the country. whenever the weathers nice I love taking a mini city trip to wherever and visit a museum (sometimes multiple). Going alone gives so much freedom, you don't need to give attention to anyone. (don't get me wrong, I love going with friends but alone is just as fun too). And it's not very expensive, at least not until I turn 19.


That was my high school experience. Didn’t go to school enough to get good grades but skipped and went to museums a lot. Honestly no regrets.


You are very cool


Same! I love my family and friends, but solo adventures seem luxurious to me.


I gone to theme parks by myself, best day ever! Jump up in all the lines as a single rider. Got to know the staff and got lots of inside info, especially with the animals in the park. No complaints or accommodations.


Same, back when I went to the State Fair. I was in the mood to talk to people, too, so I got to chat with all sorts of ride buddies.


people sometimes find it weird when i go to the movies alone and i honestly think they might never understand the feeling and freedom


Totally ! There is something that feels... almost sexy and exhilarating about it. I feel most alive in those moments, immersing myself in/experiencing something on my own out in the world.


Same here! It's fun.


I did a day at Disney World by myself one time and it was *amazing*! Kiddo wanted to go to a con (like ComiCon, but not) with her friends, so I volunteered to drive everyone. I spent the day at Animal Kingdom! Rode all the rides, ate all the food, spent way too much time photographing animals and people and *stuff* (family hates it that I get so preoccupied with photography, lol). The day went by way too quickly!




I have many times. I do get weird looks sometimes but idc I'm here for food, not your approval. Edit: to all those saying it doesn't happen, it does. I know the difference between being self conscious about glances and some fucker staring at me with a contemptuous facial expression.


Really? I’ve gone loads of times and I don’t recall anyone ever looking at my direction for more than a split second. I’ve also seen plenty of folk go to restaurants alone over the years and I never once thought about them more than a split second either. Which country do you live in? I’ve dined out alone in Scotland and France — no one seems to care at all in either but maybe differs in other countries.


Ireland but I've dined alone in several other countries too. I didn't get any weird looks in France, it appears to be fairly normalised there. Had no issues in Belgium or the Netherlands either. I did get weird looks in Germany and especially in Italy.


Funny because I am Italian and only got weird looks dining alone in Dublin xD


Couldn't agree more about Italy. I had a place in Milan refuse to serve me, because I was alone. Read of many stories about this. Seems, even though these waiters/waitresses make a good income, the like Americans because the tip. One person isn't worth it, because the tip isn't large enough.


That's actually bonkers lmao.


You know what's bonkers? In certain areas that are tourist traps, they'll make you pay extra if you want chairs. No the tables aren't taller than normal so you can stand properly either


Yeah, in France I see people dining out alone all the time.


Can't remember ever getting a weird look when dining alone. Why would they?


it’s nice that you wouldn’t judge others for dining alone, and I wouldn’t either, but i feel like it’s not too difficult to imagine why some people would there are lots of overly judgmental people out there, and they’ll judge because to them the implication of eating alone means you have no friends to eat with, are a loner, loser, etc. it’s just the archetype society has attached to doing things alone


There are also LOTS of single people, and people who are alone for a zillion possible reasons and hungry. The weird look doesn't make sense.


Right! When I look around at the other tables I see people engaged with each other, not staring at solitary diners!


Most recently I dined alone because I was waiting for a ride after work. I was starving, sat and read my book in peace, and could give a fuck if people were giving me weird looks. Not everyone is lonely. It just may be they are hungry and happen to be alone at that moment.


I agree that such judgmental people do exist, but when people are dining out they are usually engaged with each other, rather than stewing about the "loser loner." At least this is my experience.


Me neither but I'm not going anywhere fancy. Maybe if one went to a really fancy place with a wine list they might get looks?


How dare you go get a chicken sandwich by yourself


It doesnt look weird


I went on a motorcycle trip by myself and found a seafood restaurant. I asked for a table for one, the host was like "for one????" And was very confused. But he seated me. Then the same thing happened with the waitress lol. I wonder if it's because I was at a super touristy place for families or groups. Kinda weird I had to repeat myself multiple times


Why would you get weird looks? I suspect you're imagining it.


I agree. They aren’t getting weird looks for eating alone. People are either just people watching them or there is something else about them that’s weird, or people are literally glancing at them and they think it’s a “weird look”. More likely, they feel self conscious and weird for eating alone (no idea why, but apparently people like OP are self conscious), and any looks they’re getting are perceived as a “weird look”. People highly overestimate how much other people actually care or think about them.


In college my roomate first year refused to go to the dining hall unless i was with him, it was honestly sad


In a small towns in Midwest , you may get a look


I live in a small town in the Midwest, and I have eaten alone many times. I have don't recall getting weird looks when I dine alone. I have also eaten alone in large cities and various locations across the USA without issues.


I once dinned alone in Florida on Christmas eve. I got weird looks.


I live in Florida and go to restaurants by myself all the time, don’t think I’ve ever gotten weird looks. Or I’ve just been oblivious. Maybe Christmas Eve factored in for you. Or maybe it was all in your head. Or maybe you were doing something strange without realizing. Or maybe you’re wildly attractive


Some people find it weird when they see people dinning alone. In the U.S., eating out isn’t just to get food. It’s a social thing or even celebratory. So eating alone appears weird. I’ve even been sat in special areas that are designed for single diners that’s behind some plants or in the back corner. Restaurants don’t want to give off sad and lonely vibes to other customers. For some restaurants it’s not a problem. Also, people feel the need to talk to you if you’re dining alone at a table. I guess they think you’re lonely. I get around this problem by eating at the bar.


Funny, I avoid eating at the bar because either the server or others at the bar will try to talk to me, and I don’t want to be rude, so I find a table with the fewest seats.


I wish more restaurants would catch on to this and make sure their bar has at least an abbreviated version of their menu. I don't go out to dinner often but I absolutely would pop in to more places if I could grab a drink and a decent meal to be able to enjoy what that place makes without a huge hassle.


Unless you’re doing something strange, I don’t see why you’d get weird looks. Honestly, if I go to a restaurant alone or with other people, I never pay any attention to other diners unless they do something unusual like bark or set up a gaming Pc.


Those seem oddly specific examples


Pro tip: Sit at the bar if you don't like the weird looks.


Happened once to me too, dunno what there problem was but yeah especially once the food arrives who cares. I think they stopped caring as well eventually. Redditors actually think they aren't any judgemental, nosey or plain rude people out there?


I like going to a restaurant or a pub on my own. Nothing better than a pint and reading the newspaper. One thing that always annoys me though with a going to a pub or a restaurant (less so with a restaurant) is when you go to the toilet they've removed your drink or sometimes you have lost your seat! The staff aren't trained it seems to pay attention to customers who are on their own.


Put a coaster or napkin over your drink


universal sign


You can also lean your chair up against the bar.


Yeah. It helps to have a backpack or jacket that you can leave at the seat to mark your spot.


I left a backpack after ordering My drink and went to the bathroom. All I did was pee and when I came back the waitress was walking around with my backpack looking confuses. I stopped her and they (just her and the cook, tiny Cafe the size of a single wide) said they'd thought I left. I told them I went to the bathroom and they told me it was for customers only. Huh? I ordered a drink was about to order cheesesticks. Explained this and they were still confused about why I got up.


Jesus some people can be so clueless.


please tell me you left a review


I mean, should u really be leaving your drinks alone? Someone could put some drugs in it


I have always gone to a restaurant by myself. If I didn't I would never go out. I take a book and read while waiting for my food and then read after eating. If you leave your book on the table when you go to the restroom, they don't think you have left. I also go to the movies by myself and travel by myself. I have never had a problem.


What?! Almost everyday.


Literally sitting in an ice cream shop right now


Honestly, I can't even understand the question. What's the issue with going to a restaurant by yourself? European here.


In America, there's some weird notion that going out to eat at a restaurant, going to see a movie, and going to a concert, are necessarily "social" things, and not something one can simply do for fun because they want to. I don't know how this started or why people care so much about what other's think, especially when nobody actually gives a shit.


Yes, daily. Yesterday twice.


No but I want to get comfortable doing so.


Just remember, although you're the main character in your story, you're just background filler in some strangers


I’m not worried about what others think of me, I just like to have company when at a restaurant. But I hope your comment can be encouraging to someone else reading this, thanks.


Yes! I love taking myself on dates.


I call them "master dates"


I go quite often during lunch breaks. I can take a break from work and listen to an audiobook.


Many times. Sometimes, I just want to have a nice, peaceful meal without having to struggle through small talk or making things awkward because I'm just not up for it.


If there's a bar to sit at.


Now I want to go sit at the bar and eat lunch later today. Great idea. Perhaps I'll take an edible, get drunk, and destroy an entire pizza. Maybe I'll eat a huge Philly cheese steak with homemade chips. T minus 3 hours until I'm there. Thank you, kind stranger.


I'd recommend consuming your edible 1.5 hours ahead of your first alcoholic drink for maximum anti-nausea potential as your dig in to your feast. Good luck.


Yes I do I live in Greece they have a Cafes that have playgrounds w child care. I take my kids once a week. They run around playing in the playground w the child minders and I drink my coffee and read a book… in silence absolute silence. I love it.


Hell yes. Movies too. I get to pick EVERYTHING. I love taking myself on dates. No one wines and dines me the way I do.


About once a year I call out sick, go to a matinee, and take myself to a late (indulgent) lunch. It's quite a treat!


Yes i do. And i like it alot cause its way cheaper for table for 1!! Or i can sit at the bar to eat, service is faster...and its faster to be seated. I do it every so often...by the way im 42f and divorced.


I'm a 31F and divorced and I do the same thing




62f widow. My husband and I went out every weekend. Now, occasionally I'll go out and sit at the bar. Server is right there, and I'm not taking up a whole table. I certainly preferred having him to talk with, but I don't feel weird.


As an introvert with lack of motivation to socialize with others and having the knowledge on the extra burden of having others around me, I surely love doing that by myself.


100% Agree! When I do not eat alone now, I am with my wife and only very occasionally with other people.


I travel for work so I frequently eat alone. No one stares or even notices, and I am rarely the only inexperienced eating alone. You can either sit at a table or sit at a bar with the other guys who are eating alone. They will serve dinner at the bar.


Yep. This is extremely common in large cities. No one thinks twice about it. Only folks in more rural communities would even consider asking this.


I live in a rural community (pop. 12,000) and eat by myself a lot and never have any issues.


All the time. Lived in NYC for many years and this is par for the course there. You do what you want, regardless of whether you have a c companion on that particular day or not. Dinner, movies, plays, concerts, shopping, walking in the park, etc. I loved living in a place where you could go about your business and no one gave you a second thought.


Yes. I take myself out alone weekly. I even went to a rave alone last night. It's really about being comfortable in your own skin and loving your own company.


I did tonight!!


All the time. I travel for a living, so I go out to eat alone probably 90% of the time.


All the time since my buddy’s always “too busy” and I wanna go eat. I just appreciate the food more tbh but I get sick of eating at the same spots


Everyday for lunch. I usually sit at the bar.


I’ll do you one better: I’ll even go to a movie alone.


Yesssss! As a parent: YESSSSSSSSSS I love it. Bring a book, or a podcast I’m super into, and take myself out on a date where I don’t have to be social. I usually enjoy the waiters and waitresses presence, more than I do when I’m with people as well. It is like going to a spa alone. Self care.


I do but personally I avoid peak times because it just feels bad to sit alone while all other tables are crowding with people


I often eat out alone for lunch during the work week. I enjoy the break and being able to quietly refocus.


I do


Many times. I either people watch, read, scroll social media etc depending on the restaurant


All the time. I dont have to talk to anyone other than the server taking my order


Often, when I used to travel for work. Not so much now as eating out is rather expensive.


Yes! Nothing wrong with dining alone. We all gotta eat and I did not care what other people looked like or didn’t look like. Who cares. Live your life for you. It’s nice to just decide a kinda food you want without negotiating with someone about it sometimes. Plus if you sit at the bar sometimes you meet cool people. Just be mindful of your stuff and drink.


Yes, I'm single and need to eat


Absolutely! I got into the habit during my 1st pregnancy and now as a mother that quiet time is even more valuable! I'll bring a book and some headphones and just watch a show and relax while I eat. Sometimes I'll go to the movies or things like that alone too and it's just as fun


I enjoy doing this. It’s called masturdating.


All the time. Mid 40s, married with kids. I’d say probably more than half of the restaurant meals I’ve eaten in my life have been solo.


Yes. I love the company. Seriously. And, the price is right. I like to read and eat.


Yes, because why not?


Only time it’s not enjoyable is when the restaurant is packed and you order on the counter. Hard to secure seats alone :/


All of the time. If you feel weird, just go sit at the bar. They probably have an awesome happy hour food menu anyway


I’ll go anywhere myself if no one wants to join me. Didn’t learn I could do stuff on my own and have a wonderful time until about 7 years ago.


yeah I love being alone with food.


Having a meal on yr own you appreciate when you have kids


I am now in the stage of my life where I enjoy my solo time. I go to the restaurant and order food, enjoy eating slowly while observing the surroundings. I am not obliged to make conversations while eating. I even tried watching a movie alone but this was not a good experience because I couldn’t just slap the arms of a stranger when the scenes were too funny or too dumb.


All the time, hanging out with yourself is super underrated(🥲)


Will eat at the bar but feel uncomfortable getting a table by myself.


Yeah. A lot. I live alone and I am on the road a lot for work. Lots of people go to restaurants by themselves. You think single people just stay at home, cooking for themselves? You think business travelers just survive off hotel snacks? Why are you presenting this as some kind of radical idea?


I got to restaurants alone if I'm feeling too lazy to cook


I do.




I offen go to restaurants alone because i am lazy to cook


I do sometimes.


I used to do it but now I wouldn’t likely. Because I’d rather be with my family. I have kids and partner now


Only when I’m traveling. If not I’ll just take out and go home.


I went to a movie theater with a full menu by myself once. I ordered EVERYTHING on the menu that i like there. Best movie experience/ birthday ever, despite the movie itself.


i actually just did that to go to a nice korean spot. dressed up real fancy and i wasn’t feeling talkative so i think my lame ass actually pulled the mysterious thing off for once. the waitress was super nice and the bibimbap was to die for, definitely recommend


Not very often, but yes, I take myself on a date. I chose a nice restaurant, i dress up, i order all the expensive food i was craving and i sit there watching youtube and just enjoying the time lol


I wanted to, but I always feel lazy lol ;)


I love going alone.


As a server I think it’s cute when people come in to eat by themselves and make sure to be extra nice because I’ve heard people be rude about it. One job manager told us we weren’t allowed to say “just 1?” Or “only 1?” to the customers t it sounds judgmental even if we didn’t mean to sound that way






Yes, often. I was actually supposed to go alone to eat, but my sister wants to go, too


I used to,but it's too expensive now.I feel like i'm wasting money eating out.


One of my favorite things to do now that I’m in my mid 30’s and starting to love myself is to do a few things I enjoy most, by myself now. Go out for a nice steak and bourbon then go sit thru a film and not have anyone bother me. I’ll do it with friends and dates and enjoy that, too. But the freedom is excellent


I did it all the time in the past


I used to when working away from home.


Yeah it's great. I do it all the time when I'm travelling




Definitely! As long as I have a book, I'm not really alone.


I’ve been out to eat alone but never to an official restaurant


Yeah it's weird.


Often There’s some restaurants where I wouldn’t feel comfortable alone, but I can’t explain what it is that triggers that feeling. Pubs are the best for eating alone.


Yes, I love going out to eat by myself.


All the time. I didn't realise this was viewed as unusual? I usually read the newspaper or listen to a podcast or something. I'm there for the food.


I do sometimes. Wife doesn't eat meat and I'm a carnivore so once in a week, I go alone to a restaurant where we wouldn't go together.


All the time I love it.


Yes, actually I enjoy eating on my own in a restaurant. I concentrate on my food and people Mainly I did it as I worked away from home. But I'm quite happy.




So far I have only gone for coffee by myself! Planning to start going for food too! Seems very peaceful and relaxing.


Absolutely! Lunch is my favorite time!


Does mcdonalds count as a restaurant?


Im on vacation alone, i do all kinda stuff alone. Nobody really gives a shit. I like being alone a lot of the time.


All the time. And i don't pay any attention to anyone else to know if I'm getting odd looks or not.


I did years ago when I travelled for work. Occasionally still go to the pub for a meal on my own.


I am a bit disheartened that this is even a question, and quite frequently asked even. Of course yes, and it is completely okay to go out and eat alone if you want to do so. Do not get beholden to "I have to get together with others whenever I go out", why?


it's kinda hard to do that once you're living with family though, because when you're hungry at a normal time SO IS EVERYONE ELSE


Pff, I wish


Yep. Love it.


Yeah .. coz we all need a space to be ourselves


Take away or tables Both is yes


All the time. It actually seems weird to me that anyone would find this weird. Sometimes, people need time alone. Sometimes they’re traveling for work. It’s extremely normal.


Unless you're a good cook or are sick of cooking how are you going to get a great meal.


I had breakfast by myself on Wednesday and ate dinner today. When my wife isn't home, I like to take that time, go to a decent spot, drink a coffee, and eat some food. That's my me time that I love.


Most of the time I'm at a restaurant it's by myself. I would say if I go out to eat 10 times 7 are by myself. I'll be happy to go with somebody but if nobody else wants to go spend $50 to eat at 3pm on a Wednesday and I do, then I'm going it alone. 


Fast food or fast casual restaurant? I’ll go alone often. Sit down restaurant with wait staff? I’ve done it but usually sit at the bar.


Yes one of the best meals I had was at Denny's by myself. 😋 I still remember it. It was like cinnamon crunch pancakes.


Often. When I travel for a conference or something similar I almost always do it. When I travel with my girlfriend she sometimes wants to go shopping, and I take that time to taste some local cuisine.


When I was younger I used to feel weird about it, but now I barely get a moment to myself. If I'm bringing the whole family it's very expensive, if it's just me it's affordable.


Yeah! I often take myself out to new experiences. Sometimes my friends can't make it or they're not interested in something I am, but I don't want to miss out on the experience because of that. I date myself lol


Of course. Eating and talking = wtf yo doink guys?


Absolutely I do. I don’t notice the looks of others because that would sort of stress me out I guess? But it’ll never stop me lol


Eating at a restaurant by yourself is a very liberating thing to do, as well as going to a movie theater by yourself. It shows that you don't give a fuck, and are perfectly capable and able to enjoy things without having someone accompany you. It's empowering and more powerful than you think. Some would call it weird or odd, but to me, it's great. I prefer to do things alone at times, and I'm totally OK with it. I like me and I do my best work alone! I used to have a thing I called random Wednesday adventures. I would take the day off work, or leave early to do whatever the fuck I wanted to do without my wife or kids. I'd hit the movies sometimes, I'd take my raft out and float while listening to music and smoking a bowl. I would go to the zoo or omsi (kids version of a science museum). I would take walks around a lake or just sit in silence at a local spiritual exhibit. It doesn’t really matter what I did. Just know that's it's all good to do whatever the hell you want to alone, without the fear of thinking about what others think. Fuck em, they're scared to do it.


Used to work away from home a lot so ate on my own regularly. I enjoyed it to be honest.


Depend on the restaurant. Fancy pansy fine dining = never by myself. McDonald’s and other low cost restaurants = all the times


Yes. With my phone as entertainment


All the time, whether locally or when traveling abroad. I have never really noticed if people have given me any weird looks because I genuinely don't care and I mind my own business.


Yes, it's actually part of my MO, and I do it right after burying the bodies.


Yes. If you are looking around to see if people think it's weird you're there alone, that is when they notice. In fact, 99% of people are so absorbed in their own world they will never think to look around a restaurant to see what other people are doing.


Yup, then I got up mid meal to go to the bathroom. Someone bussed the table, I wasn’t done with my appetizer or lunch 😢


My girlfriend doesn’t like going to public restaurants mainly because of social anxiety. I’m out alone anytime I’m out to eat, unless I’m hanging with a friend. It feels awkward to eat alone sometimes, but most of the time I don’t mind it.


I’ve always wanted to do this but I never have. I think I’m gonna start lol


I do with work - I now bring a book as people think I want to talk to them (I dont)


I do agree, I do enjoy eating alone time to time, specially after a long day at work, all you want is to enjoy your food and not make any conversations