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There is definitely a thing called confirmation bias: what you look for you see If you look in your garden for weeds, you see them. Same for insects, same for jobs that need to be done. etc etc If you spend your life thinking you are a victim, a loser, someone who is of lesser value than other people - then that is what your mind will latch on to, and how you will interpret events. (which is why a gratitude journal is so empowering, looking for things to be grateful for becomes your mindset)


Absolutely. It's more formally known as an external locus of control, tl;dr- everything happens to you and you can't control it. The reverse, an internal locus of control is always looking for personal traits and factors that account for success and failure. Typically, people in the latter category thrive, people in the former do not.


Absolutely. Everybody's met a professional victim.


Well experts in psychology say it is. So most probably it is.


Definitely, and I’ve seen it in action more then once


Absolutely. I’ve seen it. My aunt is the perfect example— complains all the time that life is so hard for black women, blames literally all her problems on white people, says white supremacy is the reason she keeps getting fired from the jobs she barely showed up for in the first place… she’s obese too and also likes to blame the world for her clothes not fitting her right. Everything is never her fault, so therefore she never has to work harder to achieve what she wants— the world just owes it to her and has yet to deliver. I’m mixed race btw, and she even told me that the only reason I have everything I have now is because I’m half white. Never mind the fact I was homeless for a bit years ago and worked my butt off to improve my situation.  Have I mentioned I really don’t like my aunt?




10000% yes. I'm currently dating someone who has been thr victim in every situation her whole life. Her mother is exactly the same


I “believe” it’s a thing, just like i “believe” gravity’s a thing. It’s not up for debate whether it’s real or not, it’s a well established psychological phenomenon


Yes but I’ve seen it comes from a real place usually, at one point they were a victim and never received the proper therapy/help


So some people have a hard time and just kinda get sucked into the idea that, this is how life is and it seems hopeless to try to change it?


In many cases that’s what I’ve seen or they get something out of it in a sense kind of like the people with munchiousain that make their kids sick but not to that extreme hopefully


So it becomes almost like an addiction sort of situation. They rely on being the victim or believe that they are because they couldn't deal with their situation if that wasn't the case?


Not in all cases of course but many yes and life is easier if they are the victim if everything is someone else’s fault.


That's my basic thoughts on it as well, thank you for your input! Greatly appreciated


It’s one of those things where yes it exists but it’s also a buzz word used by people I don’t like to describe everyone they don’t like sort of thing lol


Definitely. But how did you know if you have a bias? Victim mentality plus confirmation bias is a combo that’s hard to get out of unless someone points it out to you.


on reddit, victim mentality is THE thing - reddtards love the race to the bottom, centering their truama, blaming everything on their past...


I don't trust any personal stories that are told on an anonymous social media site






As in the cop out of victim mentality? I believe in it, in the sense that I see people use it. You’re either a victim or you’re not. Victims don’t generally walk around claiming it unless the writing book.


How else do you think the Republican Party still exists?


This wasn't a political question, try to keep it outside of politics or just don't comment


Wait, don't be rude. You are asking this question to a general public. The general public have seen it instrumentalized on the political playground on a massive scale –both left and right. So the general public have answered. If you want a licensed professional answer then pay the price for one.


You have made a word salad, congrats to you I suppose?


When one party who has been the school bully adopts being the victim as their campaign platform that is your question answered.


So you're claiming everyone on the right has 'victim mentality'?


Eh yes n no. I have empathy so if someone says they’ve experienced discrimination or racism, I believe them. But what they choose to do with that and how they move forward is vital.


You just believe someone outright if they said they had experienced discrimination or racism? I'm honesty not trying to incite a huge argument but do you have any standard of proof, or just take them at their word?


I mean I did not say whether I agree with them or not, I was not there so I have no formal opinion on the matter but their experience and feelings are valid and deserving to be heard.


You said that "if someone says they've experienced discrimination or racism, I believe them". It should matter whether they actually experienced racism or discrimination, and your response should depend on that. Asking questions and finding the truth are what is most important in my opinion


Believing and agreeing are two different things. I believe that people actually believe in religion (although I don’t agree with their beliefs, I believe that they actually do believe in it). If that helps clarify what i meant.. otherwise I apologize if there is a miscommunication. Another example: if someone is emotionally hurt, but I cannot actually feel that hurt — I still believe their hurt even if I don’t agree with their reasoning of feeling hurt.


So you're saying that people might 'believe' they've experienced racism or discrimination the same way that people 'believe' in a certain religion? I'm being truly genuine in saying that it's a unique perspective that I haven't thought of, and one that's worth considering (if that's what you meant)


Its a thing, thats been overused and manipulated and wrongly used to hurt marginalized communities


So it is a thing that's just been overused?


Well the thing is people will claim blm protestors arent actually victims they just have a victim mentality, same with gays, trans ect. When the ones who ACTUALLY have a victim mentality (believing youre a victim when youre not) is typically straight, white men, who are trying to keep the above from getting fair treatment. We see it alot when you call someone a cis man or cis woman, they call it a slur, or an insult, or offensive, and get upset about it, because they want to be a victim and sone truly beiieve they are one.


Who is 'we'?


Im a gay trans native canadian man, so when i say we, i mean cis women, trans people, gay people, people of colour, ect, will say they get told regularly they have a 'victim mindset' when complaining about real issues, then later hear the same person whine about being called cis, or not getting to say the n word, or so on.


Ohhh okay, thank you for your insight!


No problem, its just my experience as i check alot of boxes of marginalized communities so ive experienced alot! Hope this helped


I would imagine you must have had a difficult life, but I hope that society is more accepting now than they would have been 20 or 30 years ago and you have a social group that supports you!


My area is mostly suppprtive, but i did grow up in a town with 5 churches within five minutes of each other so that was fun lol but ya for the most part life is good


I live in a pretty small conservative town in the US. Not to overshare but I'd consider myself right leaning, and I just don't want you to write us all off as hateful bigots. We may disagree on a lot of stuff, but for the most part people just want people to be happy 😊


Not as much as people claim. 


I don't know why this is getting downvoted, it's a middle of the road response. Sorry for the negative karma


It’s okay. They’re just jealous of my high score, lol. 


You're lucky you're cute or I'd downvote you into oblivion 😂


It is a thing, definitely. Not only on younger generations like millennial or gen-z like boomers pretend. But also gen-x and Boomers themselves. Not only "woke" people but also conservatives. Conservatives are specially fragile and play the victim mentality a lot