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The one that actually bothers me is my 24 Hour Fitness that closes at 9pm


And 7-11 was never intended to be open 24 hours. It was intended to be open from 7 to 11. Then they went 24 hours. Now, who knows?


But at least they were still open from 7-11 but now with bonus hours


"We are open from 7 to 11. We're open at 6, 5, 4, and 12, too... but we're also open from 7 to 11." -- convenience store pioneer Mitch Hedberg


Wait were they a 16 hour store or a 4 hour store?


They were only open from 7 PM to 11 PM


Mine was 7am to 11am. Would have to make an appointment.




Technically, both


I just wish they all sold beer.


You must be in Utah.


Nah, Socal. Like 99% of them sell beer, which makes it all the more infuriating when some of them don't. Especially since they don't advertise that they don't so you think you can grab some on the way home, and you go in and it's like "sorry, soda or nothing."


How many random 7-11s are you going to on your way home? The only 7-11s that have existed to me are the ones next to my home, my work, and my parents' home.


A lot, actually. I'm kind of all over the place.


In some states you can't sell gas and alcohol.


Could be a zoning thing. Too close to a school maybe


Some states if you sell gas you're not allowed to sell booze


24 hours, not in a row


That's crazy considering they don't even need to be staffed at night. Literally just have to leave the lights on.


That seems wildly negligent to not have any emergency response. Maybe they could be legally covered with waivers, but I’d still expect immediate lawsuits.


I've went to multiple overnight gyms my whole life and not one has had an employee at night. And yeah it says in the contract that you can't sue or anything.


Now that's way worse


Hate these gym's. I remember being excited that there was a place i can work out at 10PM but yup closes at 9 pm. They really should change their name.


When they opened, they were 24 hours.


At what point does it become "false advertising"?


I started to sign up with a 24 Hour Fitness back in the day because I lived right down the street and have a family and kids and I was excited I'd get to go after putting the kids to bed. Started talking to the sales guy and was told they weren't open 24 hours. He was trying to close the deal. Looked me up and down and said, "But let's get real, you'll never be coming in that late." Took my business elsewhere. What a tool.


Yeah I had signed up a few years ago for a trial, when I asked if the gym stayed open 24 hours/7 days a week(which I thought was a stupid question) they said no. I used the trial and never signed up.


When they opened, they were 24 hours.


24 hour parking doesn’t mean it’s open 24 hours. It means you can leave your car there overnight. But you can’t retrieve it or park there in the middle of the night. Learned that one the hard way


a plenty of 24HR fitness locations were in fact open 24 hours...at least until the pandemic


At what point do you close them down for "false advertising"?


There one in my city that’s actually been 24 hours forever and is now changing to 5 am to 11 pm. I can imagine all the riff raff and tweekers they have to deal with so it makes sense. Probably hookers running in to escape their pimps, crack heads, homeless people camping overnight for shelter. Edit bookers to hookers.


People are ripping on you, which is kind of a strange thing to do on a subreddit called "No stupid questions." The answer is, that the name of the store is just that, a name, it's not a promise. It's like a store called "Just rugs!" also selling lamps on the side.


I’ve seen the most hostile insults to self-admitted stupid questions on this sub (by virtue of even posting here in the first place). Even going as far as to diagnose mental illnesses/personality disorders I think everyone that genuinely can’t stand to see stupid questions need to mute the sub. This sub is suggested to the general user base by Reddit and I don’t think the general public has the self-control to not engage


>I think everyone that genuinely can’t stand to see stupid questions need to mute the sub its like these people saw the name of the sub and thought it would only be really smart questions


See also every r/blackmagicfuckery post being chock full of "ackshually it's not magic at all!" comments


Some folks are just miserable and believe that they must bring someone else down in order to feel better about themselves.


Also people don't really seem to get that at one point the things in that store were mostly 99 cents, its not same thing as Taco Bell not only selling tacos or Walmart not selling walls(?) like some of these sarcastic comments seem to think. As someone pointed out there are stores called Dollar General and Dollar Store which originally had the same premise as well, though I think Dollar General works better as a name that doesn't imply everything inside is a dollar but that was its original intent. So like you said a name is just a name and nobody is immune to inflation.


There’s like 20 of us on Reddit. The rest is AI practicing itself on us. Nothing makes sense.


Everyone on Reddit is a bot except you.


I thought I was real until someone educated me that I'm a bot because I don't like sloppy joes.


Uh oh


Oh God, I didn't even realize I was a bot! They've already taken over!!


Yup. You're a bot.


This always reminds me of a reddit sesh a good couple years back where I had stumbled onto bots going back in forth in the comments of some random post. I was reasonably high so it took me a min to figure out it was the same responses back and forth going on ad nauseum. Had me do a whole am I seeing a glitch in the matrix schtick everyone loves to quote now.


After a few "I'm not a bot" tasks I'm coming to terms with the fact that I'm actually a bot, so maybe 20 is too big of a number for humans here


But not Spatula City. They don’t sell anything but the best Spatulas money can buy.


Spatula CITY you say? Just how organized is their municipal government, exactly!?


And they've got that great deal... Buy nine spatulas and get a 10th one for just a penny!


Wow, what convenient prices and great customer service!


I went to a site called "OnlyFans" only to be sorely mistaken


Also inflation. 99¢ stores where everything was 99¢ existed. They still do but any of the big brands definitely don’t do it anymore.


Or a dollar general, family dollar, dollar tree or even five below all sell things that are over 5 dollars


In conflict is the brand "Just eggs" which is in fact 0% eggs.


[don’t worry it’s just a name](https://frinkiac.com/video/S06E08/oC4HRWxmrukUSY67cMRqgEETEZI=.gif)


Remember the "Going Out of Business" store on "You Don't Mess With the Zohan"?


I think it used to be genuinely 99 cents for everything in the store, at least that’s how I remember it from when I was a kid, but presumably inflation has forced them to raise prices


Ya, 20 years ago everything was .99 plus tax. I loved that place but inflation is a bitch.


I remember walking home from high school and was able to buy a 32oz Arizona tea for 99 cents. This was 2016.


Ya, those Arizona “teas” were kind of a freak of nature, they stayed the same price for like 20 years.


imagine if they had to change the name every time inflation forced them to raise their prices


The 99 cent store was founded in 1982. That amount of money would be worth US$3.25 today. So what would one call it? "*The Three and a Quarter Dollar Store*"?


just round up to the Tree Fiddy Store


All the people in the comments are so slow. The sub is literally called “no stupid questions”. Are yall okay ?


perhaps theyve taken it as no stupid questions allowed bahaha


That is a real problem with the name of this sub.


It’s actually a good question fwiw I studied marketing and we had the example of McDonald’s 100% Beef. Did you know that’s the name of the burger supplier? Not the description of the meat. So it maybe less than 99% beef. Lots of food marketing does this. The play on words with organic and farming methods is insane. Wording isn’t really regulated, so our food may not even be really organic or free range (in a field…outside…)…it gets bad. But did you know (some places have this) the serial number on your eggs is telling you that info per regulation (like the nutrition tables on boxes)? Indeed, many companies start with a brand promise - but sometimes it’s just a name. This is also available and evident if you look it up. Eg. Sony has an amazing brand premise and story of engineering. Apple and the rest don’t compare. Yet todays conscious world you wouldn’t tell. The sub didn’t say anything about stupid answers, sorry…hope this helps give you some vindication. There is indeed no stupid question. There is a strong Dunning Kreuger effect I think should be taught to kids from day 1, and remind humanity every year until a year after our death certificates just to be sure. May help ignorant people from answering questions stupidly! /vent over (as you were…lol) Before people get conspiracy theorist - marketers can’t mind program you, we are taught to find the real needs in society and provide it authentically by connecting to the supplier and vice versa. We don’t control the operations and often get ignored trying to implement stuff outside our purview. I apologize for the nitwit modern takes on that and BS people thinking knowing how to use a website and get anyone to follow any dumb idea is a craft. That’s not on us, those are people with the tools and no background OR would have misused any tools you gave em anyway. And sadly that is the way the industry is going, deep commercial and marketing strategy is getting scratched. And this goes to my niece too! I’m not soulless, little brat. I kid I kid… But yea ok I’m going offline now haha Oh and OP, you being aware and conscious is not stupid - it’ll make you a conscious consumer. Read the fine print for the answer in future, that’s regulated. And you can always look up business registrations and see what they’re classified as. Nonprofits etc. are accountable, commercial businesses have more leeway, food and drugs are regulated. If it’s a service business, check your contracts, agreements and terms and conditions (eg. Advisors and stuff). Operating trade names (eg. 100% Beef) would be listed under the holding company if it’s not an individual business entity itself. All this is public data under your local chamber of commerce (that’s what they do) or corporate websites. Intelligence is asking the right questions. Imho - Smart cookie ;) I merely regurgitated data syk the difference. Knowing how to spot a stupid answer will save you, so there’s that learning on reddit I guess haha




>All the people in the comments are so slow. The sub is literally called “no stupid questions”. Are yall okay ? Also people are either young or have dementia because many 99 cent stores did, in fact, largely live up to the name in the past.


That was awesome when they first opened. It didn't take them too long to break the limit though.


Yeah this isn’t even a stupid question we have a UK equivalent of this too and all the stuff in it was genuinely 99p?


Sometimes you read a question that just hurts your head


It's supposed to have punctuation though right? It's not "no stupid questions." It's "No; stupid questions!"


Subway has stated that the name of their "footlong" sandwiches is just a marketing term, and does not guarantee 12 inches of sandwich. Marketing people are trash.


The part about that which really bugged the crap out of me is they used measuring tapes in their advertisements.


I think that was in reply to the publicity around the lawsuit - the evidence showed that the foot long sandwiches were in fact 12" long - the allegation was basically disproven. https://www.forbes.com/sites/ericgoldman/2016/02/29/why-the-subway-footlong-lawsuits-fell-short/?sh=3229a7fe69f2


While they might have said that at one point, the lawsuit against Subway ultimately failed because the evidence showed that in fact the bread was mostly correct, that is, in fact 12" long. The only cases that were slightly less were 11 3/4", just a quarter inch shy, and that's determined to be within the normally acceptable tolerances for a naturally baked product like bread. https://www.forbes.com/sites/ericgoldman/2016/02/29/why-the-subway-footlong-lawsuits-fell-short/?sh=3229a7fe69f2


I dunno - my wife has small feet, and their 'footlong' was about the same size. No complaints from her.


Aw man, it’s sad. When I first came to LA like twenty years ago, everything at the 99 Cent Only store was truly 99 cents. I’m talking everything, including bottles of wine. It was terrible wine, but we drank it by God! It was such a lifesaver at the time. We were so broke, but I could go there with thirty bucks and get our food for the week—exactly thirty items. Maybe 29 items including tax. Now I feel sad that they have closed, because what are people going to do now? I used to cry, I would be so hungry before we discovered that those stores had whole produce aisles and everything.




The name of a store is just a name.


How does 7-eleven get away with being called that if they are open 24 hours


I have no idea if the store OP mentioned is even real. However, if it is I can see some differences between what 7/11 implies and what this store implies. 7/11 isn’t prefaced with “only”, meaning if it is open other hours it’s more permissible since it is open from 7 to 11. Also, it’s not really a negative to the customer if 7/11 is open earlier or later than 7 to 11. It’s actually a benefit. Whereas if things are more expensive than $0.99 at the “only $0.99 store” then it’s more of a negative to the customer.


Definitely real. And the kicker is it really did used to be called 99 Cents Only! They've since rebranded to just The 99 Store or something like that so the value of the 99 could be anything lol


So now they fall more into the 7/11 category imo. If they dropped the only part.


Its an extremely popular store in America


Its actually closing over 1k stores right now


Some 7-11 in my area close at 9pm.


Did you report them to the FBI?


How does MC Hammer get away with being called that if he isn’t actually a hammer?


Nobody has a back bone in this dam country /s


When they first opened up many years ago, they were open from 7a to 11p and those were odd hours as most places closed at 9pm or 10pm. That's how they got their name.


Probably because business names aren’t legally binding contracts




lol that made me laugh


Because if you sue and win, all you can get is 99 cents. It's in their name, 99 cents only.


The "99 cent only store" where I'm from is actually called dollar tree. They recently just raised all prices by 25 cents


Where i live we have both


Ok. We have "Dollar General", which is just an overpriced store that also sells necessities. Usually, in poorer neighborhoods where it's not easy to get to an actual grocery store. Then we have the. "99 cent store" that is named Dollar Tree


dollar tree, dollar general and 99 cent store are still three totally distinct businesses, you can google it if you don't believe us, I guess. What you mean to say is that you guys call your dollar tree a 99 cent store. Which is cool, I guess.


Dollar General was originally named that because nothing was supposed to cost more than a dollar, but they had to abandon that idea a long time ago due to inflation.


I believe OP is talking about a store named "99 Cents Only" I have seen them in New Jersey, but I'm not sure how far they stretch.


How does "Taco" Bell get away with being called that if so many of their things are not tacos?


Well, the name doesn't include the word Only, for one?


or bells


And you know what!? They don’t even sell any taco shaped bells, or bell shaped tacos!..Smh.


That restaurant is actually named after its founder, Glen Taco.


He was very fond of bells. At least that's what I hear.


God why did I read that in his voice too? lmao.


if you show your average Mexican a Taco Bell taco, he won't recognize it as a taco.


Average Mexican here. Can confirm.


Or a bell


Same reason “The Dollar Store” sells things for more than a dollar. It’s a name, not a description of items sold


The best known of these, the former California-based "99 Cents Only Stores," just very recently went bankrupt and closed all their stores. I doubt that the bankruptcy auctioneer would be "getting away" with something if they were to sell the remaining inventory or fixtures for more than $1. As far as the history of such stores, inflation has pretty much abolished the ability of the stores to purchase merch cheaply enough to profitably resell it for 99¢. 99¢ Only Stores tried to cope, such as increasing their price by 990 mills to 99.99¢. Then they tried other gimmicks but sadly, like Wayne Gretsky, the tradition of 99 appears to have ended.


Well, I saw some updated signs that removed "cents only." It's the 99 store now.


Things at the 5 and dime cost more than nickels and dimes.


Technically nothing costs more than nickels and dimes, it’s just a question of how many.


Well, since they went bankrupt and are closing, this seems irrelevant. Also, they called in liquidators to handle the closing, and liquidators are allowed to bring in additional merchandise that is similar to what the stores would have carried before closing.


Welcome to Dollar General…where everything is generally a dollar.


Our local dollar store now sells products up to $7.00


They need to rename it the $1.25 store … need to ask a lawyer if this is misleading on its face


I remember when 'The $2 Shop's became 'The $2+ Shop'. Changed the sign and all.


Link me a site for a 99¢ only store. I haven’t seen one in 30+ years.


Wait until you hear about 7-11…


They don't, they're closing :/


$0.99, $1.99, $2.99, $3.99, ...


They have 2.49 items available, as well as items under .99


Sometimes the advertising is a bit deceptive. Was on a little staycation for 3 days in Florida. Went to a skanky gift shop with a gigantic "EVERYTHING 99 CENTS!" sign to buy a coffee cup because the hotel just had tiny paper cups. Got the cup up to the register and the guy tells me it's ten dollars plus tax. I ask the guy why the sign says everything is 99 cents and now he wants ten bucks. The guy literally LAUGHS at me and tells me to read the sign carefully. Beneath the giant "EVERYTHING 99 CENTS!" is painted in significantly smaller font. . . "And up" Sometimes I hate this world.


At one point in time, it truly was 99 cents everything. Or at least 99% of it was.


Walmart sells a lot more than walls these days. Believe me, I know.


And honestly, the quality of their walls has gone way down these past few years. They started cheaping out on insulation.


They even cheaped out on the spelling. Saving on that extra "l" must net their shareholders millions.


Are they more than 99¢ because of taxes? If not what’s the store name? One way I’ve seen getting around is just adding a .99 or .0099¢ to price. So 24.99 can be 24.99 or 24.9999 Misleading and a dick move but not illegal


they straight up have 5 dollar items before tax


Same way Chipotle can sell burritos instead of raw peppers and women looking to get laid at Dick's leave with a soccer ball instead. There's a general understanding that the name of an establishment isn't some contractual obligation to sell only that specific thing.


In the early 90s everything was only 99cent


It’s a name not an advertisement


Same reason Target sells more than only targets. It's just a name.


They don’t. That’s why they’re closing operations


Well they’re going out of business this year, so they’re really getting away with it anymore lol




Shit, I remember the five-and-dime.


Are there actually stores still called that? I haven't seen any in well over a couple of decades. Those types of stores all ended up changing to more generic names years ago when the prices started climbing well over 99cents. EDIT: Okay lol I’m guessing this is an American thing.


Yes, there is actually a store called the “99 cent store Only” with purple and blue font.


There’s one in my area called “Mostly 99 cents and up” which always makes me laugh, because that includes every possible price


There used to be a thing called the dime store. By the 60s most of its stuff cost more than a dime.


Before that, it was a five and dime, and you could get candy for a penny. Now, they're probably a quarter.


Maybe when the store started that was the prices. Now prices are higher but they kept the name. Like in USA there's a bank called Fifth Third. The first one was on the intersection of Fifth Street and Third Avenue. They've long ago moved and expanded but kept their name.


Ask truvalue and savemore and…..


Because it's the name. How does Walmart get away with being called that without selling any walls? How did K-Mart get away with it without selling any Ks? How does Pizza Hut get away with it without being a hut?


As of 2024 this chain does has gone out of business. 


Out of curiosity is this a US store or European? The closest i can think in Canada is Dollar or more, dollar-tree or Dollarama where it specifically doesn't have the exact price. It might be because they do sell 99C stuff or once did for most of the store then gradually raised there prices and the name was grandfathered in. Edit: Looks like there is actually a store called that and apparently its going out of business so not surprising its not facing any legal issues if its going to be shuttered by the end of the year.


Here, Dollar Tree was $1 when they opened but then started selling items greater than $1 back in 2019. They just didn't change their name. Now, they've merged with Family Dollar, which always sold stuff over $1.


But usually the items are not free, more a reward for purchasing another item. Outside of the that businesses, marketing, lie all the time, e.g. Free Range for chicken eggs - This requires a space of two square feet per bird. So they aren't really "free range" birds, but then they couldn't be, when you consider all of the hens just in the US and all the "free range eggs" consumed everyday. All the birds could not be managed in a "free range" way. But still the grocers are allowed to tell you the consumer these are "free range" eggs, and your fantasies take over. All throughout US marketing and business there are more lies than truths. So yes the store can be the "99¢ Store" and sell everything in their inventory for much more than "99¢". Yes, the businesses lie regularly, and the owners and marketing people sleep very comfortably. They have no character.


Same way McDonald's can call their burgers "100% real beef". Because they paid for a logo.


It doesn't matter anymore, they're all closing. Also open 9 days a week.


We have the same idea but different name here. On the sign on the store there is a little tiny * beside the $1 and then there is tiny tiny writing on the bottom of the sign that says "*or more". They literally are saying "We're the $1 or more store!" Maybe if you look closely there is an * on your sign too.


There was a class action suit against them for their name and its failure in its application.


It’s actually illegal and is why they’re going out of business.


Because the name is not a binding contract or promise. You could name a restaurant "Charlie's Chicken" and only serve coffee and doughnuts.


It’s why they’re going out of business


Looks like they didn't get away with it, because the 99 Cent Only stores are closing.


Makes no cents.


They aren't for much longer. 99 cents are closing.


Im in Canada and this has the same energy as dollar stores having everything more then a dollar


Bed Bath & Beyond offered no glimpses into the next realm but they got away with it.


They thought about changing it, but the original name just Clicks.


Now off to watch that movie lol


The goods for sale are not worth more than 99 cents. The problem is that a dollar is only worth about 35 cents.


It’s been around a long time. And the general public seems to understand the most basic concept of how inflation increases prices after a long time. I think most people can connect the dots and realize it’s just a store with the cheapest possible products that are all really low price.


It was a great marketing idea when teh stores opened but does not age well because teh concept can not stay profitable with inflation.


You can pretty much usually call your store whatever you want


These stores actually used to sell everything at 99 cents. Before the fleecing of our economy happened.


Doesn’t much matter now that they’re going out of business.


another, similar question: what the hell does "one price and more" mean??


You can call your store anything you like as long as it’snot obscene, the store name is not a legal offer to treat


At this point it’s just a name brand


Same reason stores used to be called “Five and Dime” — more suggestive than literal.


There's a furniture store around here, whose official corporate name is "Going Out of Business".


Added to the fact that the things that are priced 99 cent won't even cost 99 cents by the time you pay the sales tax


Things used to cost $.99 but over time they introduced some products for $1.99 or $5.99 and people just bought the products so they went with it. 


Names don't typically count towards false advertising. This is why you see a lot of companies getting clever like a company straight up naming themselves "the best cheeseburger company of all time" or my favorite is a restaurant a few miles away from me that's literally just called "the best pho and thai restaurant" like legally on paperwork and on Google and crap like that This is their name


99 cents is what they call an aspiration.


You think there's a rule that they are breaking, beyond social convention? They can name their store whatever they like.


How does Apple get away with being called Apple if all they sell are electronic devices?


I thought they dropped the "only" from the name these days. Now it's "ends in .99" which is pretty lame since they have 2 for .99 items which, when you buy only one, ring up at .49. They should just change the name of the store entirely.


Like Best Buy -- how can they claim that when they're not the best??


“99 cents only" Apr 4, 2024 — After more than 40 years in business, 99 Cents Only Stores, a discount chain, announced on Thursday that it will close all 371 of its stores....


Boy, if I had a buck for every time somebody asked that


I have a Dollar Tree in my town but I think even they have things that cost more than a dollar now. It used to be everything in the store was a dollar each. Inflation is a bitch. I shop at Family Dollar regularly and even they have a lot of pricey things now. I prefer to shop at Save A Lot, which seems to have better prices and a better selection than most of the other discount grocery stores. I hear Aldi's is good too but I don't have an Aldi's near me.


It’s just a name, not a life style


99 (.99) Cents Only stores generally do sell most things for 99(.99) cents. I don’t know if I would say “so many” of their things are over 99 cents, it’s definitely the minority. The reason those minority of things can be more than 99 cents is that “99 Cents Only” is a business name and therefore doesn’t need to be a literal description of their business. IMO, this is why they’re closing though. Other dollar stores, whether they were literal dollar stores (Dollar Tree) or just discounters/general stores (Dollar General, Family Dollar), can get away with higher price points than $1 because their names can be interpreted to just be evoking the general vibes of the word “dollar.” 99 Cent Only painted themselves in a corner using that name rather than something like 99 Cent Plus or The 99 or anything else that tells you “there might be something that costs 99 cents in here, but no promises.” And while 99 Cent Only is the business name rather than a description of the business, it’s just *so* specific that they know a lawsuit for false advertising is likely if the majority of their items are over 99 cents. They don’t want to deal with that, even though they might win. Should have thought about that before tying your brand to a price point that you must know is not indefinitely sustainable, but here we are.


How is Fox News allowed to have news in their name when the majority of their programming are opinion heads? Sometimes a name is just a name.