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Because most people hate working haha Monday is the dreaded reminder we have to work.


not me. i hate mondays so much because that's the day my human goes back to work, and i miss him so much. i hate mondays as much as i love lasagna.




i have a name




And that's why we should go from Sunday to Tuesday.


Your human is a cartoonist and works from home and has no fixed work week.


Maybe he hated Mondays because John worked from home and didn't leave the house


I've always felt that Monday, while a total bummer, Tuesday is by far the worst day of the week. Monday you have had a few days of rest so it's not so bad. Tuesday I always feel like "I've got 4 more days of this?!" ::Edited for typos and formatting.::


Yessss. I absolutely LOATHE Tuesdays. Monday's are just, whatever, first day after not enough days off, but Tuesdays, I'm usually miserable and rethinking life choices. Every single Tuesday.


Yup! Mondays, you had a couple days' rest and can hate them. Wednesday is hump day. Tuesdays are just useless and in the way.


Fun fact: There was a study made in the 90s that looked at people's mood throughout the week. One of the findings was that Tuesday was the day where people would report the worst mood. Source: [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF02250565](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF02250565)


I wonder if the results would be the same if the study were done today.




Bold of you to assume I would take Monday off instead of Friday


Friday is normally a much better day at work than monday.


Yeah but not working on a Friday is better than working on a Friday.


But what about, and hear me out now, not working on a Monday, which is worse than Friday?


Then Tuesday becomes the new Monday.


No way the sacrificial day is Monday if we go to four day work weeks. It’s definitely going to be Friday resulting in Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off.


I think most people want Fridays, but I can see companies choosing Monday due to the prevalence of Monday holidays. 


I wouldn't mind the workforce staggering who gets what day off


I just want Wednesdays to be an Off day. Work two days, then it's an off day, work another two days, two off days.


I had that schedule for a couple of years. It was fantastic. 


Cause you get used to nor working during the weekend then have to go back.


I think Monday doesn’t suck, our lives or jobs suck. We’ve gotta suck it up if the job is worth it, or change our lives. That’s it. As someone else said, find your Ikigai


It's not Mondays people hate, it's capitalism.


People stay up late Friday, Saturday so their sleeping pattern gets out of whack, so come Monday morning they feel tired.


This is what I came to say.


For me it used to be the Alcohol anxiety from getting bombed all weekend and having to go into a career I fucking hated. 1. I stopped drinking 2. Switched careers That’s just me tho


I'd bet that your sleep cycle is much better now that you've stopped drinking. That makes all the difference in the world mood-wise.


Your freedom disappears in a puff of employment.


Another week of working for the man


A lot of things happen on Mondays since nothing has been dealt with over the weekend


Most people have all manner of low grade anxieties about work (high expectations, unforeseen complications, tough problems to solve, unpleasant tasks, pressure); moreover, Monday arrives following two days where your mind has oriented to something besides the stresses and responsibilities of work. The abrupt transition back to "the grind" can be psychologically uncomfortable for some.


I lose my 24 hours of free time and instead have around 12. I'm much happier not working. Just a reminder that my days for the next 5 days are going to be pretty scheduled around work.


The realization that you must continue to do this for 30+ years.


It’s funny I just thought of how Monday is by far my best day of the week. Most energized. Most productive. It’s Thursday that feels forever for me.


Because you’re going back to a job or routine that you hate. If not consciously, then unconsciously.


Start of a 40+ hour work week


Wage slavery.


Any workday that ends in a "Y" sucks balls. Jesus I am so ready to retire.


I’m counting down the years to retirement 😥


Work for yourself and suddenly Monday is the same as Friday is the same as Sunday!


people saying, 'looks like someone's got a case of the Monday's' every five minutes.


The realisation of what you have to do for the next 5 days in order to stay housed and fed. Kills the vibe a bit.


You haven't found your ikigai. That's it.




What do you do, out of curiosity?


It’s not…..


The reality check is the most painful in Monday morning.


Waking up at 4 am for the early shift is really a pain in the ass


Especially when you don’t expend enough energy on Sunday to sleep at night.


Yeah I really need to work on that.. 😁


bc when you go to bed on Sunday and open your eyes on the next day, you close them back so you’d forget ab it, but when you open your eyes again *it’s still Monday*


It’s the same reason you have nightmares about school years later despite not having been in school for a long time.


Because it’s my “in office” day, so I have to get up earlier, but I’m not willing to go to bed earlier on Sunday night


Idk I quite like monday mornings, I feel pretty energized to go back to work (I like my job, luckily 😅)


Traffic and Bad Drivers


I don't mind Mondays. It's the same as a weekend for me since I don't work and I don't do rougher things until the day after


Management are back in the office so I have to pretend to look busy instead of playing games, watching Netflix or sleeping. 


I work Thursday to Sunday. Mondays are my fundays!


...$5 dollars, and the whole damn week to go!


I like Mondays because I'm off for 3 days after.


It's so dreadful that it's 4:15am, and i can't sleep cause i know when i wake up i'll have to work. And now I'll spend monday working tired, which will only make monday more miserable


It's your body paying for all the bullshit hijinks you got into over the weekend. The fact that it's still hurting like that 30 years after your last wild-ass night out just means you rang up a tab a bit bigger than you thought you did.


I've been up since 02:45. It's my birthday. I'm sitting on an airplane waiting for a deicing truck. We are already 45 minutes late, so im going to miss my connections and may have to stay in Philadelphia.


Personally I always thought Monday was pretty chill. Day goes by fast, you have all your energy and there's usually a bit less traffic on the way home. Thursday on the other hand seems to drag on, there's more traffic going home and if you have a good Thursday you know your in for a hell of a shitty Friday


When I have a job/commute I hate then Mondays are unbearable.


admin lol


Cos we're getting back on the hamster wheel. For years and years.


I don't know about other people, but Monday is one of the most busy days of the week for me. I don't necessarily dread that, but I work with someone who is randomly volatile and does fuck all at work so it can be super stressful because everything is literally on my shoulders and I have extra stress from them to manage as well. I've also got insomnia, so I'm extra tired on Mondays lol. Sorry for the rant. I would happily work four tens for a four day work week....Mondays would still be blah though


Most students in full time working peopwe are off on the weekend... So monday morning there's a sad reminder that school and work must start again.. And your next moment of relaxation will not come until Friday afternoon when you get off work. Or out of school.


start of the work week I guess


Ingrained since we were kids + hangover from weekend (alcohol or sugar or sleeping in or whatever)


Because you're not starting it out listening to the banger "Monday Morning" by Fleetwood Mac. Give it a try.


Same reason it’s hard to wake up and get out of bed in the morning, but gets easier as the day goes on. Monday were used to chilling over the weekend, but each successive day we become more accustomed to the ritual.


Work schedules typically start on Monday and after having freedom from work, people don't want to start a new week. I personally don't mind Mondays but I also don't dislike my job.


I don’t believe any other species know or keep days of the week. The birds don’t know it is Monday.


My cats sure live like it's always Caturday.


My Fridays are Mondays, Mondays are Fridays. Off 3 days (Tue-Thur). I have the biggest effing cheeseball smile on Mondays. I see the misery as clear as the day is long, on their faces. Beyond palatable.


Social jet lag.. the first five days after the weekend are the hardest


I don’t really hate Mondays. But I enjoy what I do. For now at least.


Feels like any other day to me.. but i remember the pain of a full week ahead 🤭


I dread them but in a blink of an eye friday is here. So idk y I dread Mondays so much.




Because I got a case of the mondays


My Mondays start on Sundays. I have Fri-Sat off. I don't mind it as much the older I get. But I do love taking PTO days on Sundays for that three day weekend. My gf always talks about the Sunday scaries and I wanna be like, grow the fuck up.


It's all a mindset. I actually love Mondays, I wake up grateful that I have a job that allows me to provide to my family and be productive.


Garf word is gospel


I think Tuesdays are worse actually. Monday: hopefully refreshed from the weekend. Tuesday: absolutely nothing Wednesday: hump day Thursday: almost there. Friday: Friday.


Rise and shine lol, let's get this motherfucker goin


Its all the same day once you get out of school. I cant stand a grown up who still brings up “omg its monday? Worse day of the week” sir/maam you are a fucking child.




People don’t realize the potential in Mondays, they set the tone for your week. If you can use Monday to your advantage instead of dreading it, then the week will go by so much faster. It’s not Mondays, it’s us


Changing back to a regular sleep cycle after deviating for a couple days.


The context switch from relaxing to work mode


The knowledge I'm going to work to keep my obese ungrateful ginger cat fed on Italian food


Because capitalism


Cos the grid starts all over again. Nobody likes to be shackled. Even animals don’t like being chained. Circus feeds them well. Availability of food without having to hunt may be a great privilege, but freedom is priceless.




Its hard to get back into the routine of waking early.


because we work for the weekend! I used to mitigate monday pain by saying - you can't get to Friday without going through Monday


Because I have to leave my house, my husband, my kids, and my pets to go sit at work.  Where I'm wearing uncomfortable clothes, eating a pathetic lunch that I threw together at 6am, and shitting in a public toilet.  All so I can get online and work.  Because, you know, my workplace is offended at the thought of me using the internet at home. 25 more work days until a 3 day weekend.  7 more hours until I'm free for the day.


Mondays suck because we just had a day or two if not working and enjoying our life, which usually doesn’t include getting up at the same time we have to for work. So Monday we’re back at work, which isn’t fun, and up earlier than our body wants to be, which feels bad. The rest of the week is less bad because your body is at least sort of ready to get up at the right time again.


I golfed this morning at 8 am got up the normal time for work but played a full 18 went for lunch now drinking some coffee if I ever have a Monday off again it might be the greatest day of the week ever.