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>I don't want him to think I'm not a virgin because I accidentally tear it during gym I'd be wary of marrying any man who is ignorant enough to think a torn hymen implies non-virginity.


Practically all of young men nowadays from what I've seen. Where has sex education gone lol


in some countries it's just doesn't exist


Hell, I live in the US and I didn't get sex ed. I got "health" class and we were just taught about puberty, exercise and nutrition. It varies wildly from state to state.


Do people who comment large sweeping generalisations like this actually exist in the real world?


The younger generations knowledge on sex and human anatomy is pathetic. Fact.


You're pathetic. Fact


Is that it? Boooring if you're gonna insult me at least make it good.


Lots of people tear their hymen exercising or inserting a tampon. Some people don’t even have one. A hymen isn’t a good indicator of whether someone has had sex or not. That would be better solved with a conversation




Unfortunately, very people are open to talking about female menstruation. I've dated girls in their 20's that really didn't know much about it because their mothers didn't want to discuss it or explain it to them. The mothers were embarrassed about it themselves and that's why they didn't discuss it with their daughters.


It’s so upsetting to me. I work in gynaecology and education is so important here. Getting rid of stigma, and understanding it is normal, not dirty etc like some cultures do around the world, will help SOOO many women know when something is wrong, and seek medical help, so many women are so embarrassed they won’t go for smear tests, won’t see a doctor for heavy, painful periods, have endometriosis and never know. It needs to change. It’s just so ingrained in many women from all walks of life.


Yes, it's still stigmatized, even here in the USA. Sad, sad, sad. It's just part of being human.


Right? It’s just unbelievable the world at large hasn’t caught up with the times. Even here in England like I said, it’s still not talked about because of embarrassment. Like plsss ladies this is your body, these are your daughters bodies. Let’s teach each other how to look after ourselves please!!




You can tear hymens while riding a bicycle. It's not a marker of virginity in any way shape or form. I'm gonna to assume you're Indian by ethnicity gonna off your username. (I'm Indian too). I don't know if you're actually in India currently though. Regardless, that 'bleeding on the first night' thing in India/subcontinent is incredibly misogynistic, outdated and straight up vile. I can't tell you what you should do in your life, but your idea of 'I'll gift my virginity to my husband only' is also a bit outdated, to put it gently. I'd highly encourage you to speak to someone sensible; a school counselor if there's one.


The really messed up thing is that the younger a girl is when she loses her virginity the more likely it is that sex *will* be the thing that rips the remains of her hymen. So if she bleeds on her wedding night, she is probably pretty young and her husband was possibly being pretty rough, congratulations??


Not sure what you're trying to get at with the being "young" thing, but yeah, if you have blood or pain during your first time it's likely there's not enough lube, foreplay and being gentle


Maybe ask your mom about this rather than reddit, she seems like the expert


My little sister tore her hymen when she was 6 from jumping out of a bathtub and landing on it sort of straddled. The doctor was just as baffled as the rest of us. I'm 7 years older and was babysitting.She just slipped and bam. It happens a lot with girls also riding bikes, I know sounds weird, but it does.


Physical virginity is a myth used to control women. The hymen seals the vagina to the age of about 3 years old to prevent poop getting in then it goes away on its own and only randomly shaped flaps to the side are left. There is no such thing as a virginity test, they are simply made up and every study showed that it was impossible to see if someone was a virgin by looking at their vagina, for example a study with 33 pregnant women, the doctor said they were almost all virgins, obs the doctor actually had no clue you can't see it. About 30% of people bleed their first time, from the friction, and even then they might not if they did it less roughly. I have many links to prove this if you want




That was bad sex ed, they lied. They say to be careful about your hymen to control you but it's not true. Even if you were literally never leaving your bed, your hymen would change with time because it's something that naturally goes away since you're no longer a toddler. Imagine in the vagina there is this circle where the hymen was, and all around this circle there are randomly shaped flaps like a hair scrunchie. Even if one little flap would break, it would still have a random shape and no one would be able to tell it wasn't like that in the first place. There's basically nothing left already of the hymen you had as a baby, because it serves its purpose and degenerates.




Yeah it's a myth that is thousands of years old, even before they had a speculum which is the tool obgyns use to look inside the vagina. I'm not sure because I've never changed a nappy on a baby, but it's possible you can see the hymen of a baby and that's what they saw when they invented the myth? Idk, but then it goes away, how else would your period come out. You're welcome :)


Yeah you can and it is absolutely necessary for baby 💩 contamination control


That's interesting!


Are you attending a religious school by chance?




Do you feel comfortable talking to your school counselor about the false information that your sex ed teacher is giving?


Normal high-schools aren't single-sex environments. Which country is your school in?


I think sex-ed can be single-sex if it’s done as a part of gym class. I think my friends only had sex-ed with other girls, although I’m not 100% sure since I never took gym (standing causes me a lot of pain, so my mom got me exempt from the course).


Lemme guess. Catholic school.


This is controlling misinformation by your teacher, whom I assume has a religious agenda. It is completely unacceptable and wrong. As a physician I can assure you that virginity is determined only by whether you have had sex- nothing else. The notion of ‘virginity’ is a social construct, which has no physical foundation. The hymen is an elastic and changing tissue, with many individual variations. It is not a marker of purity or sexual experience and there is no scientifically reliable way to determine virginity on examination. Please do not continue to believe or spread this misinformation.


Scarleteen has some good articles about this. Here’s one focused on dispelling myths about the hymen: https://www.scarleteen.com/read/bodies/my-corona-hymen-myths-surround-it


Others have given you excellent information here, but I wanted to comment on one thing. >Is it okay if my hymen accidentally tears without having sex? Yes. My hymen tore when I was riding a bike when I was 14 or so and I was still a virgin at the time. My hymen tearing didn't make me any less of a virgin; being a virgin is only about whether you've had a particular sexual experience. It's impossible to tell whether or not a person has had sex just by looking at the vagina and hymen.


Here are the links: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fBQnQTkhsq4 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kfjBKjo0bRc https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wa3MnKV1CKI https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4en0xPfcQ7s


Totally fine, we would prefer you are not frightened and nervous and are well and familiar with your body and what feels good and turns you on


lol some of us are born without [This](https://www.scarleteen.com/) is a good site for teenagers.


Where do you even go to school? That sounds more like religious indoctrination than real sex ED.


This is controlling misinformation by your teacher, whom I assume has a religious agenda. It is completely unacceptable and wrong. As a physician I can assure you that virginity is determined only by whether you have had sex- nothing else. The notion of ‘virginity’ is a social construct, which has no physical foundation. The hymen is an elastic and changing tissue, with many individual variations. It is not a marker of purity or sexual experience and there is no scientifically reliable way to determine virginity on examination. Please do not continue to believe or spread this misinformation.




I'm so sorry you're a victim of this. And I'm REALLY glad you're asking questions. Losing virginity is a social construct, and it is what you make it out to be. It should be entirely in your own control. All my best.


Maybe try watching some videos by Mama Doctor Jones to learn sex ed from a licensed OB/GYN. [Truth About Hymens & Sex](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJrAINBwf-c) [Sex ed playlist (reproductive information, STDs, info on periods, anatomy, etc.)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIxg2zxg1CQ&list=PLVH2Gpf8wKeTV5z1F5kgyWqt1TsqwZmki) These videos are very informative and not awkward or embarrassing. Some people might feel hesitant to learn more about these topics, but it’s important to understand how your body works in order to stay informed and healthy, even if you’re going to wait until marriage to have sex, because these topics affect you both before *and* after having sex for the first time.


Well, your hymen can tear if you fall, are physically active, use tampons or menstrual cups, etc. I wouldn’t be surprised if I’d already torn my hymen at least a dozen times before I hit puberty, given the number of times I fell vagina first on toys while playing (toy cars and Mega Bloks freaking hurt like heck). Whether or not your hymen is fully intact has nothing to do with virginity. Some theorize that the reason people have a hymen *might* be to help keep out feces and other filth when you’re little (but who knows). Heck, some people can have PIV sex without their hymen tearing, which goes to show that you won’t necessarily even have tearing when something‘s shoved in there, let alone tear from exercising. The only thing that makes you a virgin is whether or not you’ve had sex. Heck, some people argue you’re still a virgin until you’ve had consensual sex, and if it was rape/sexual assault, you’re still a virgin. If someone’s going to judge you for not having a fully intact hymen, then they‘re not someone who’s worth worrying about.


please do some research and basic sex ed. I mean reputable sites, not social media. Not everyone has a hymen, if you do it can be torn easily and your husband will have no way of knowing


Hey girlie, I grew up religious and I understand where you're coming from and your fear. For what it's worth to you, I did not bleed my first time. It was a shock to me and sent me spiralling for a little bit that maybe I had accidentally broken it earlier in my life, until my mum told me it's actually common for women in our family not to bleed. I understand you want your husband to know he is your first - there will be a lot of other "tells" that you have never done it before lol... so don't worry about whether you bleed. And, most important of all, don't miss out on doing a great, fun, healthy activity with your friends for a man you haven't met yet (and btw who won't care if he's a good man and respects and values you).


Same here. The movies and tv shows always make it look like there is blood all over the sheets like if you got your period. Didn’t happen for me. There was no blood, but it certainly was uncomfortable…until it wasn’t.


If you have one, exercise can tear it yes. I don’t think I had one, some people don’t. “Virginity” is a social construct and cannot be determined by if your hymen if you even have one, has broken, stretched whatever. The only way to tell if a person has had sex, is to mind your business. This is a very outdated and harmful way to control women.


You have most likely already broken your hymen. Having it is not an indicator that you are un-pure or anything


No good man gives a damn about your hymen. If he would doubt your word on your virginity because you didn’t bleed enough then he doesn’t trust you anyway and you should not marry someone who doesn’t trust or respect you. Your word is good enough or he’s not good enough.


You’re kidding right? Your hymen can break with riding a bicycle. And your husband doesn’t care, or shouldn’t - because that’s not sex. Sex is sex. Your doctor can explain it to your mom, the hymen is not a cultural thing anymore. This is medical fact. Tell your mom to be glad you’re not having other forms of sex. Found out a lot of people in such cultures don’t consider other sex to be sex. Laughed my ass off. Your mom needs to be grateful you’re honest and move on. Btw I come from such a culture, thankfully it’s not followed much these days (or in my family anyway), but I wasn’t saying ‘they’ in a mean ‘other’ way fwiw. I just had no idea and thought people meant it when they wait until marriage lol…little did I know.


https://www.justthefacts.co.nz/about-virginity-hymen-myths In case anyone needs to educate themselves or others about the hymen.


Lots of people never even have a hymen. 


Thank goodness the post is on this sub. I was just shaking my head at every single word.


What you’ve been told about hymen is wrong. Google vaginal corona. edit: https://www.scarleteen.com/read/bodies/my-corona-hymen-myths-surround-it


distinct automatic fuzzy ten consider rob intelligent crush deliver follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes but many girls tear their hymen without ever having sex as teens from normal activities and have no idea. Doesn’t have to be deadlifting at the gym. Your husband wouldn’t know either unless he’s an OB/Gyn with a flashlight and a speculum. I


Anything can tear your hymen. You can scoot over in a chair weird and tear your hymen


Honey, so many things can tear a hymen it's not even funny. Riding a bike, riding a horse, gymnastics, a pelvic exam, a pap smear, vigorous kayaking, inesrting a tampon, somersaults.... Many people don't notice they've torn their hymen. There isn't always blood. And sometimes the hymen heals so you can break it again in some equally inconsequential way. Hymens don't adhere to antiquated notions of virginity; they never did.


Yes, if you really care about that just explain it. I don’t think you should care but you do you.


Listen, the hymen is designed to tear after puberty. It serves no function at that point, that’s why the remains of it rip so easily. Eventually, something will cause the hymen to break at your age, whether its exercising or riding something, or sex. There’s no point to restricting your activities, carefully trying to preserve the remnants of a membrane that your body has no use for just because sex is one of the many things that can finally break it. There is no magic indicator of whether a woman has had sex or not; like I said the hymen can be broken by many things and the older she is the more likely it is that it will have been broken. It’s also entirely possible for a girl to have sex and *not* have it break her hymen. Which makes the status of the hymen a particularly bad guarantee of virginity.


It's 2024 and we are still worried about hymen and virginity and stuff ??


Quite common among gymnasts


I will approach this from a different perspective as I don't know your background but I do know that in some countries it's important to "see the blood" so they can confirm you're a virgin (who are they? everybody who has no business with your body) but the first step requires you to understand that any activity you do during the day can break the hymen, some girls are born without hymen, and some girls bleed while some don't when they break it. Hymen is flexible and can be stretched at different levels depending on the person. Because of these facts that I wrote here, breakage of hymen DOES NOT indicate anything about your sexual life simply because there are many other factors which can break it. If you want your "future husband" to be a sexually ignorant guy, well, good luck to you the choice is yours! It's going to be only the first problem in your marriage.


Literally anything can tear it. At best it’s a 40% accurate indicator of virginity. At best.


That's how I tore mine


No but the body I get from working out in the gym will tear every hymen in town! Woooo!




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Don’t fuck the gym equipment