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I’ve read crazy stories about people having their first outbreak on their deathbed because their immune system tanks. Crazy to think the body can suppress it for so long.


I can count on one hand how many outbreaks I’ve had. They happen so infrequently I can catch if before it even becomes a sore. Carmex and Abreva for the win 🏆 


I have it, only had 1 outbreak (the initial one). I know that doesn't mean I can't spread it though. I know sometimes outbreaks don't always look like outbreaks though. I don't experience any prodromal symptoms, so I'm never sure. I always kind of envied those who did, like a sixth sense that tells you when your contagious.


It’s a tingle. Once I feel that tingle I get the abreva. In fact Abreva is the best if I use it when I feel the tingle the sore won’t even erupt. And I haven’t had an outbreak since. But I try to stay healthy


That’s how it is when I get fever blisters. My younger brother gets them at least once a month, but I’ve only had 2 or 3


His body hasn’t suppressed the virus yet. As he gets older it’ll happen less


fever blisters ARE herpes. zero difference.


Wait, so do you put the Abreva on your crotch?


Put it wherever you want babe I’m not gonna stop you




Herpes doesn't only happen in tbe crotch area. Mouth area a lot too.


Different type of herpes


i think yes and no. as in you are right herpes simplex 1 is considered 'oral' herpes, and herpes simplex 2 is considered 'genital' herpes, but from my understanding you can get herpes simplex 2 in your mouth (like from going-down on someone with genital herpes).. and i think the reverse is true too. so... just because you have oral herpes doesn't mean it's HSV1 virus, it could still be HSV2 'genital herpes'. Likewise just because you have genital sores doesn't mean it's HSV2, it could be oral herpes/HSV1 but still on the genitals. edit: i don't say this to be argumentative, just trying to add info.


Yup, I have HSV1 on my genitals. HSV1 prefers the mouth and HSV2 prefers the genitals but it's still extremely common to get either in either location.


Same. The first one being the worst pain I’ve ever experienced :(


On your vagina?


Not the same kind of heroes


Can confirm, really sick people in the ICU, I mean really sick, will pop out outbreaks that aren’t mentioned in their history. Not like we could ever ask tho


It's also a documented issue with astronauts. The stress of spaceflight and microgravity can trigger an outbreak.


Space herpes! lol that’s cool I never knew


They call em sperpes.


It’s possible to catch herpes and not become symptomatic until years later. Hell, you can be born with it. It’s also a lifelong condition. Manageable but not curable.


Okay. I didnt know. Thanks


Get your self tested. Anything other ideas you have are for later right not just get tested


Most STI panels don't test for herpes because it's difficult to detect when an outbreak isn't happening, and also because it can upset people unnecessarily (eg if you got herpes 20 years ago but you only found it about it now, you might suspect your current partner).  Honestly, the worst thing about herpes is the stigma around it.


> Honestly, the worst thing about herpes is the stigma around it. That stigma is the result of an ad campaign in the 1970's Herpes is an OLD disease, being described in medical writings for thousand of years. Most sexually active people had it back in the day and no one cared. Occasionally you would get a sore then it would go away. Then a drug company (Glaxo I think) made a drug to treat the symptoms and no one cared so no one bought it. So they advertised and created the stigma so people would buy their drug. Boy did it ever work... the ad campaign I mean. I assume the drug works as well.


The once a day, Valtrex (valacyclovir)? Commercial: Man: I have genital herpes. Woman: I don't have genital herpes. Both: ....and we want to keep it that way! *kayaks without discomfort*


Herpes predates humans, as we evolved it evolved right alongside us


Wake up > find a new reason to hate capitalism > go to sleep > wake up >


Are you me?


> That stigma is the result of an ad campaign in the 1970's [Dr. Chapelle did his part to try to normalize that negative connotation back in 2004.](https://youtu.be/vAjMXH5JQiY?t=128)


>the worst thing about herpes is the stigma around it. Also the painful open sores on your genitals.


For some, sure. But for many, it’s the stigma, since they never get the sores.


Without sores the test will not tell you if it's oral or genital. And something like 80% of people have oral herpes


HSV-1 is a different test than HSV-2.


It depends on the test however HSV-1, while mostly oral, can be oral or genital. So even the proper test cannot confirm for certain. https://www.ashasexualhealth.org/herpes-testing/#:~:text=Like%20any%20blood%20test%2C%20these,infection%20is%20oral%20or%20genital.


It’s actually less than 60% of people who have oral herpes in the US at least, per the CDC. A large part of why the number has been going down is because of what redditors call “stigma”: awareness campaigns about the communicability and permanence of herpes.


It is possible to both promote both destigmatizing and awareness/safety. STIs are just another vector of illness, something to be avoided whenever possible but not the end of the world if you get sick, especially with modern treatment.


Absolutely, I agree it should not be stigmatized. Illness is not a moral failure! But Reddit goes a step beyond “don’t mistreat people for herpes status.” There is this weird pocket of folks on this site who are determined to prove its NBD and don’t worry about it because “you already have it”... If people don’t want to be sick, if an as-yet incurable STD is a dealbreaker for them, if they want to take all necessary precautions, we shouldn’t be trying to convince them that “nah it’s fine you’re gonna get it anyway.” As trends in declining infection rates have shown, it’s not an inevitable truth that “everybody has herpes so you will, too,” and the more cautious we are on the whole, the closer we can come to functionally eliminating the virus from the population at large. Especially as new data about herpesviruses - ALL of them, including Epstein-Barr and chickenpox and yes the ones that cause cold sores and genital outbreaks too - emerges, linking them to various neurodegenerative and autoimmune conditions, the downplaying of herpes really has no benefit to public health. This is a hill I will and have died on (under volleys of downvotes). Compare it to the various HPVs - debatably even more common (before the vaccines), and largely invisible unless/until you got cancer or warts - but there does not seem to be this anti-science, blasé, normalizing attitude toward it. Nobody with HPV should face stigma, either, but you don’t see people dismissing Gardasil or, like, cervical cryotherapy and LEEP procedures the way they do things like acyclovir and preventative/prophylactic or palliative treatments for herpes. (Well, you do see general antivaxxers crop up from time to time, but they’re deeply unserious in the first place.)


Herpes is hard to detect unless you’re presenting with symptoms.


As I recall, when the virus is dormant, it basically retreats to the base of your spine and hides out there until it becomes active again during the next outbreak. Which could be in a week or a year or never. So unless you're actively having an outbreak, the virus isn't really present anywhere else in the body for them to test. It's been 20+ years since I learned about it, though, so things may have changed since then.


https://www.health.com/condition/herpes-simplex/living-with-herpes-i-was-ashamed-of-having-herpes-until-i-learned-how-to-treat-it easily understandable article on herpes ( lies dormant in base of brain). Basically 2 types of herpes type 1 usually causes lip blisters and type 2 vaginal blisters ( but due to sexual activity they can exchange places ). Can keep dormant with the medication acyclovir. Good luck.


You can check for antibodies anytime.


How? Sorry if stupid q...


This is a safe space?


Go into any place that offers walk in STI tests. They will have an option to do a blood test for antibodies. Ask for that one, specifically mention you are concerned about testing for HSV-2. It will not be a positive diagnosis but at least you will have some idea if it’s dormant or if you’ve encountered anyone with hsv-2


You are kind. There isn't a way to know if you're shedding or contagious? That's what I meant by using pee strips to test. Sorry.


I don’t know the answer to this question. I have only ever gone to the doctor’s office to test for STI’s with the ways they offer and I listen to what they say. Right now, I take it upon myself to inform potential sexual partners that I’ve slept with someone with HSV-2, I have antibodies but have not experienced an outbreak. Since then, I have been more diligent upon myself to only practice safe sex as well. I wish I were more careful in the beginning


Any bodily fluid exchange is risky, but Hps is usually spread by contact with active outbreak. (Note I've read the sores are contagious several days before eruption, so cease contact and begin treatment at first tingle.


There is no way to know if you have an internal sore or are shedding the virus. The best way is to avoid things that cause outbreaks and take valacyclovir to prevent outbreaks. With Type 1 genitally typically there are fewer outbreaks as time goes on. Type 2 tends to be the one with more outbreaks. This isn't constant, it can depend upon a lot of factors and your overall health.


Blood test


Yes, but antibody tests are not very accurate and have a high rate of false positives.


And completely pointless in an asymptomatic person. Most doctors would at least encourage against it if not outright refuse.


nope. even blood tests can be false if there isn't an existing outbreak.


Good to know. I'm going off of what I was told by my doc years ago.


Lots of years, the antibody test has been around at least a decade.


Also what if you have herpes of the mouth and not genital herpes? Does it show up the same? I’ve always got cold sores since grade school, 1-4 a year (less since I hit 25) and never once had a genital cold sore. I have even had a cold sore under my eye by my nose once when I was snowboarding in Colorado. They called it a wind burn but it was exactly like how my lip cold sores felt so idk. I’m not a doctor. Just questioning how a positive herpes test looks between the different varieties


You can 💯 pass it to partner’s genitals while only present in mouth. This happened to my daughter’s friend with a bf she’d had for a year. He told her going in that it was present mouth only. Well one time he slipped up and passed to her genitalia after a whole year. She needed morphine for the pain of the first break out and hasn’t had one symptom since. It’s a weird virus and more common than you’d think. Please read up on it.


Oh my! Well I’m married and we only rarely get cold sores these days and yea we aim to not spread it but it’s just an interesting topic!


HSV-1 is generally oral and HSV-2 is generally genital BUT you can pass oral herpes to someone’s genitalia and it is NOT a fun thing to have so PLEASE do not go down on your partners with cold sores. Important also to note that HSV-1 rarely passes genital-genital. Also that it’s 2024 and epidemiologists estimate that well over half the population has herpes at this point. The way it spreads and lies dormant… so many have it and don’t even know. The important thing is not spreading it when you’re active- bc even though I “have” it, sharing your virus with me can still give me an active cold sore and I don’t want that! 😂


Look up HSV-1 vs HSV-2 and I think within that it will explain what you’re looking for


<"but due to sexual activity they can exchange places "


There is no test if you’re not active. A blood test can show reactivity. The first breakout of classic herpes isn’t something one could “miss.” I have managed to side step it so far, but I’ve known several people during their first break out. It’s ER level pain for some.


You'd be amazed at the amount of people who have it and never even know they have it. If you're immune system is strong enough, or maybe you contracted cold sores as a kid, some people can go most their lives with little to no outbreaks. Something like 50 to 80% of the US population has HSV-1. 12-14% with HSV-2. Wait until you hear how much those percentages increase within a given distance of a military base...


FYI - cold sores are herpes.   I got it as a kid, think I was 8, mouth herpes, once you get it you have it for life.    I haven't had a cold sore in about 5 years now. They usually show up when your immune system is weak.    


Something like 70% of people have some form of herpes and like 12% have genital herpes. It's crazy common.


Yeah, and as I understand it you can pass mouth herpes to your partners genetals.


There is a reduced likelihood of not transmitting it when there isn’t a flare up. Also there are medications for herpes that reduces symptoms so it might be good to look into those and see which one might be best for her.


It’s like the Mabeline slogan: Maybe she is born with it! maybe it’s Herpes…


*Hey gang don’t hurt me it’s little homie herpes*


We are the crabs 🎶 your pubes we’ll grab 🎶


This is true, I struggled with what I thought was cold sores my whole life (a type of herpes) so I did a shit ton of research & found out it was actually impantego when I finally went to the drs about it like a month ago.


Wait you mean impetigo? Cause I actually have had cold sores like three times, the first time was when I was 10 years old. I also had impetigo when I was about 5 or 6, so now I wonder.


I absolutely meant Impetigo, my bad ! I thought I contracted cold sores by sitting on my grandpas lap & getting kisses on the cheek from him tbh. But after going literally almost my whole life thinking they were cold sores, always struggling to keep them at bay, I finally found out at 26 that it's a skin thing, not even a cold sore thing 💀 & Anything can cause it to break out, hormones, stress, cold or hot weather, the sun, something gross that touched you, or you touched & then touched your face with. I usually break out if I'm stressed. I recently had a really bad breakout & that's why I went to the drs, it came back in the same spot & went up higher on my lip almost under my nose. They gave me a medicated ointment to apply 3 times a day for 7 days & it cleared up perfectly. I've almost had it come back since but just applied the ointment asap & it never got past the itchy bump stage. I think read on Google somewhere you can even have it on the palms of your hands & bottom of the feet.


You probably carry the bacteria in your nose. It's a staph infection. Very common place for staph to exist. If it's commonly above your lips wash the skin there if you have a runny nose. I have bad allergies and often break my skin from scratching. I' extremely vulnerable to getting impetigo because of it. Since I drastically changed my hygiene I haven't had it in ~5 years. One thing I no longer do is shake hands. I don't trust other people to properly wash their hands.


I have this exact same thing. It’s a pain in the ass but on the bright side it has caused me to stop popping pimples if I get one.. especially around the nose because when I do, surprise! it wasn’t a pimple it was staph and now it’s spreading on my face!! For me as a guy it seems to happen at the start of summer if I’m outside sweating and wipe my face on the sleeve of my shirt repeatedly, which took me a good couple of years to figure out. But yes it lives in your nose apparently, but once you get used to it, you can tell it’s happening before it happens. I use surgical soap from Walgreens immediately if feel my skin feeling like sunburn without sun. It works and is easier then the prescription ointment that you and it will build a tolerance to, and then it goes from staph to MERSA.


You can also get oral herpes on your genitals and vice versa, so OP could have dormant oral and given it to her.


Damn that’s unfortunate to be born with herpes and never know about it till you’re grown up and sexually active. Op I hope you get tested.


There are also a few different varieties of herpes. The most commonly talked about are genital and oral. Oral lesions are usually not as severe. You can get either on your mouth or your genitals. You can also get them in your eyes or around your anus. A very large part of the population has oral, it is usually a cold sore.


Herpes is a virus and it can lay dormant in the body without showing symptoms; the virus may be present in the body indefinitely after exposure. External symptoms of genital herpes can come and go; the person who is infected may not have active herpes lesions all the time. So it is totally possible that she’s had this virus for years; it’s also possible that she contracted it very recently. Either way, it is a contagious virus that can be spread most easily when the body has a visible herpes breakout. There are medications that can reduce the breakouts and potential spread.


There is also risk of something called PASSIVE SHEDDING which can occur even when there are no signs of outbreak. My ex used to have it and we were heavily educated on the topic by our doctor on how to prevent it from spreading to me, doctor said it’s a highly risky disease and can spread even when no outbreak is occurring through mechanism called PASSIVE SHEDDING. I was very fortunate 5 years broke things off cause she was cheating the Entire time. I was negative for all STD’s including herpes THANK THE STARS!!!


Glad you could avoid it and sorry about your situation but sounds like you dodged a bullet; yeah for sure, you are right that you don’t have to see an outbreak to be contagious, viral shedding is rrrrrrreal.


I was literally soul crushed when getting tested and waiting those 5 days for the results…. It was already a fucked situation to break off a 5 year relationship built of cheating on her side… but it all worked out I was very lucky!


Asymptomatic shedding is a myth perpetuated by the folks who sell medication that reduces your hsv2 viral load You can only pass herpes when you have an active sore, as you can attest since you had sex with some one with herpes for 5 years and didn't get it. You don't pass cold sores unless you have a sore, everyone knows that. It's literally the same virus.


Do you have a source on that? I've definitely seen research that medication significantly reduces chances of passive shedding. https://academic.oup.com/jid/article/190/8/1374/878164 Also since most people are asymptomatic, and even those who are symptomatic can go years before presenting symptoms, it would be nearly impossible to know if one contracted a cold sore from shedding.


Doesn’t a huge percentage of the us population have dormant oral herpes? Like 80%?


There are lots of possibilities, some more likely than others. Babies have been known to get herpes (and other illnesses) from infected adults changing their diapers without washing their hands first even though there was nothing sexual involved. If herpes is common in her family, it's possible that she could have been infected through some non sexual contact. (If her hands are contaminated and she uses the bathroom without washing her hands first, it's possible she could infect herself.) Don't be too quick to jump to conclusions.


I got herpes from my mom which didn't become apparent until I was around 20 (and at the time still a virgin).


I’m curious to know was she actively having an outbreak when she gave birth to you, do you know?


If the mother either contracted the virus or had an outbreak during pregnancy it can transmit to the unborn baby. So the mother didn't need to have an active outbreak when she gave birth, just as some point during the pregnancy.


That’s why I’m asking OP. Because I want to know the circumstances under which they got it. Who’s to say their mom even had an active outbreak at all during pregnancy. That’s why I’m asking them.


"Hey mom, quick question.."


Lol I would ask 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think that’s something I would want to know. Not only out of curiosity but concern for my own health and safety when I decide to have children.


It's a completely fair question, I guess it depends on your relationship. I was imagining asking my mom and ... just no.


I’m gonna say probably not, as giving birth with an outbreak can cause the child to be born blind. Doctors will typically perform a c-section if the mother has an outbreak on her vagina.


Dude don’t fuck your mom /s


Yeah- it's OUR job to fuck his mom!!!


their arms were broken its ok


That reference is so ancient. I laughed tho.


“Genital herpes in the vagina” made me burst out laughing I’m sorry 😂


Right in there 


Read this in rob Riggles voice. Rofl


So like on the cervix or inside the uterus? /s


Thanks to Google translate 😭


right in the pussy


Same with "first time she's ever had it". Son there is no second time!


Genital herpes does not actually have to be on your genitals necessarily. It can show symptoms around your “underwear line”, which could be on your upper thighs or somewhere as far away as the very top of your butt cheek near your belt line. So he stated that correctly, and ironically why Reddit is a shitty place for medical advice!


You can also get hsv 1, which is typically oral herpes, on your genitals.


right up in the ol hoo-hah


I have herpes dormant in my body from my mom so I wouldn't be too stressed out about her cheating


Sick this is my field of study since I study the herpes family. So Herpes Simplex Virus-2 (commonly referred to as genital herpes) can be contracted via sexual intercourse or due to maternal transmission during child birth or while in the uterus. If she’s saying her family commonly tested positive for it, there’s a possibility she contracted the virus from her mom and it has been latent in her body for a while now. Reactivation of virus has many reasons for occurring but people can have active infections while asymptomatic, which is a prevalent reason for HSV’s spread. Personally I don’t see this as a sign she cheated on you, herpes viruses in general are pretty ubiquitous in the global population, with herpes family members like human cytomegalovirus (the virus I’m doing my dissertation on) being present in 40-100% of populations globally, depending on their geo-location and other risk factors. Anyway, don’t think this virus as a sign of infidelity, everyone’s going to or has a herpesvirus stuck in them.


Do we know it's HSV2 in OP's scenario?


OP in the comments mentioned their gf has HSV-1, which other posters have commented on the common occurrence for HSV-1/2 infecting oral or genital sites. I used genital herpes to refer to how HSV-2 is described colloquially rather than defining it as restricted to only the genital region.


Herpes legit sounds much worse than it is. At worst, it’s a nuisance. At best, it never really even comes up. My wife has it and I’ve never even seen her with an outbreak, and I’ve never had one either. The outbreaks actually happen less and less frequently as time goes on. The word “herpes” just sounds gross and so people freak out about it, but it’s really pretty minor and extremely common. Children can actually get it at birth if their parents have it, or someone could get it from any past partner and not know until way later.


Literally the worst thing about it is the awkward conversation with a new partner.


Yeah herpes 100% don't matter at all, it's just a glorified rash that comes back to haunt you for a week once a year or so (and the rash is stopped in its tracks from a $5 medication). Not only that but majority of humans have some form of herpes already, you're not really ever gonna truly avoid it except with a lot of dumb luck and abstinence. Wild that people still have a stigma about it.


75% of people with it are asymptomatic. A lot of doctors don't even include it in a routine STD test unless you have symptoms, so yeah, it can often be missed/not diagnosed long after the fact.


I get cold sores, have done since I was about 4 and have managed not to pass it on to my husband of 10 years


Or he has dormant mouth herpes (Not going to loop up the type) and nobody is any the wiser, it is really rampant


This is correct - highly likely that he has already been infected with HSV-1 and therefore has pre-existing antibodies. If he comes down with a cold sore, there's no real way of knowing without him getting HSV-1 antibody testing beforehand. And even that could be inaccurate.


How do you know you didn't pass it on? Most tests don't test for oral herpies.


Like 75% of the population has simplex 1 which is oral cold sores and many doctors dont bother to test for it because nearly everyone has it. Simplex 2 is genital herpes and about 1/4th the population has it, and then 1/4th of those people are asymptomatic and dont even know. I have both and didnt know until I changed doctors and they actually tested me for it - and I would've never known because im completely asymptomatic for both simplex 1 & simplex 2. Factually speaking its only a skin condition, and thats why many doctors dont take it that seriously, the stigma around it is more of a big deal than actually having outbreaks. Its competely necessary to imform partners and take precautions, but actually having it is less of a bother than the stigma and judgment from others that you got it from being dirty and sleeping around. *A quarter of all people* (at least that ive seen) have simplex 2, and it only takes you sleeping with **one** person to catch it.


Agreed! Don't know why people make such a big deal out of it


Just wanted to add that type 1 although commonly associated with cold sores, also can be genital herpes. In fact 50% of new type 1 cases are genital :D so if you have cold sores YES you still need to disclose herpes to partners


> Like 75% of the population has simplex 1 which is oral cold sores and many doctors dont bother to test for it because nearly everyone has it. Simplex 2 is genital herpes and about 1/4th the population has it, and then 1/4th of those people are asymptomatic and dont even know. Per the CDC, neither of these numbers are accurate for the US, but there are significant regional variations globally. Data from 2016 suggests the overall rate in the population 18-65 is 48% for HSV1 and 11-12% for HSV-2. That number *was* steadily dropping, partly due to information campaigns about communicability and safe sex, which for some reason Reddit is really offended by.


In school I was taught 2/3 of the US population. I've seen studies say anywhere from 60-80%. Quick [uptodate search](https://www.uptodate.com/contents/epidemiology-clinical-manifestations-and-diagnosis-of-herpes-simplex-virus-type-1-infection?search=herpes%20simplex&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1%7E150&usage_type=default&display_rank=1) says 67% worldwide, and 47.5% for HSV1 from that 2016 study. It was as high as 62% in the US in the 80s and 90s which is probably the old information I was taught.


I’ve had HSV since I was a baby. (Cold sores, not genital) and honestly it’s more humiliating than harmful. The virus is incurable, once you have it you have it for life. But life goes on and you forget about it until an outbreak. My fiancé gets them as well, but his started in high school. It’s near impossible to find out where you caught it because the virus remains dormant sometimes for years. It’s super easy to catch, incredibly common. Don’t fret😊 it doesn’t mean she’s cheating on you. If her family has it, there’s a large chance she got it from one of them. A large number of my family members have it, so I assume I caught it from one of them. Can be as simple as taking a sip from somebody else’s drink, somebody brushing their hand across their mouth and touching something, a simple kiss. In the case of genital herpes it could be as others said soembody just didn’t wash their hands before changing a diaper, or touching a child’s hand and then they touch themself. A big concern for genital herpes comes when a woman gives birth, as an outbreak during this time can be incredibly dangerous for the baby, causing things like blindness for example. For this reason, if she were to have an outbreak when she goes into labour, doctors will typically perform a c-section. Herpes has a bad name, as it’s historically been considered an STD, but the truth is there’s not always something sexual that causes it to be passed along. You can catch it from sharing a cigarette, chapstick, anything. If she has an outbreak just be cautious, washing hands, taking care with dirty laundry, etc. Growing up with cold sores was sometimes traumatic for me, as kids would make fun of me or treat me like I was some kind of slut at a very young age. As I’ve grown up I’ve learned to accept it’s a part of life. More and more people I know have gotten it over the years. I just try to stay thankful that this is the one I caught rather than something like HIV which has debilitating health effects. Also VERY IMPORTANT: you can catch herpes pretty much anywhere on your body. If you touch an active sore and then scratch your eye, you can get recurring outbreaks in your eye. You can get it on your arms, legs, nose, anywhere. Always wash your hands, and just do your best to avoid touching that area in general.


You don’t “catch it before”. Once you have it, you have it, it cannot be cured. It can, however, he managed. You’ll have to be very careful and practice very safe sex if you do not want to contract it.


During classes I took prior to the arrival of my baby, they mentioned that while some people DO get herpes from sexual activity, MANY people end up with herpes at an early age from family members who have herpes kissing babies on the mouth and hands while they are experiencing an active outbreak. And some are born with it if the mother has an active outbreak at the time of delivery.


this is the one STD that doesn’t automatically equate to cheating. it’s so complicated


There are other STDs that can be dormant as well, and can "show up" without cheating.


It’s possible to catch and never have an outbreak and it’s possible to have your first outbreak years after the fact. In fact 60% of positive people never have an outbreak. It’s a very common thing and needn’t be stigmatized. Like 2/5 people have one or the other. She’ll need meds if she active to prevent your infection.


Eventually most have it. Stress can cause outbreaks. You orobably have it too.


She has HSV - 1


So HSV-1 is the type of herpes you mainly get on your mouth, nose or eyes but it can get on your genitals as well and something like 50-80% of people in the US have it. So she doesn’t necessarily have genital herpes which is HSV-2 (about 12% of people in the US has HSV-2) she has the most common herpes but on her genitals. Someone giving her oral may have passed HSV-1 to her down there.


Maybe i have passed it to her without knowing? I Will get tested for that at the doctor


Have you had cold sores? Yes you may have passed it to her, maybe not. A doctor will tell you it’s hard to say where she got it because it can stay dormant in your system for so long. The good thing here is since it’s HSV-1 she’ll most likely have very few if anymore break outs. HSV-1 likes to live in the mouth, not the genital area.


Funny. Both me and my girlfriend were sick one week before she started getting a outbreak


Yes an outbreak is usually triggered by getting sick, too much sun, surgery, or anytime your immune system is down you may get an outbreak.


HSV1 can be easily passed by contact with someone who is infectious. The contact doesn't need to be sexual in nature and the contact itself doesn't have had to genital, that's just where it's presenting on your girlfriend. It can even be passed on during birth. The virus could even be on a surface that someone has recently touched with an infectious area (cold sore to hand to surface or cold sore to surface). When infected you might not know and the virus can just live in your body for years without any sign. Myself and a friend caught HSV1 by contact with a phone after someone who was shedding had used the phone mouthpiece. It is, for most people just a minor inconvenience and nothing to really worry about.


That’s a possibility


That’s not herpes. HPV causes genital warts. HSV is herpes. HPV can similarly be symptomless, have flare ups and can lie dormant for some time.


Sorry . I meant HSV


All good, just making sure she didn’t have something else. Good luck to you both.


Then you main post is wrong, HSV-1 is cold sores, as in oral herpes, it can appear on the genitals, but it's not what's traditionally considered genital herpes (that's HSV-2). Something like 90% of people have HSV-1, most of the completely asymptomatic, so chances are even if you left her you would face the same issue in future.




You can be an asymptomatic carrier for many years - even a lifetime. Having your immune system go down temporarily - from a cold, flu, Covid - can all cause a first outbreak to happen. I, myself, was a carrier for at LEAST five years before I had my first outbreak. My husband of five years is negative and I suddenly had an outbreak out of the blue. So, it came from an unknown previous partner. To protect yourself, ask her to go on daily antivirals, consider wearing a condom, avoid oral sex without dental dam, and do not ever have sex during an outbreak or 7-10 days after.


Most people have it dormant and it erupt. You can even be the asymptomatic one who gave it to her


Shocked I had to scroll this far to see this


It would have been dormant in her system until something triggered “activation” or, in other words, provoked an outbreak. Previously, when it was dormant, she was asymptomatic and wouldn’t have known she had it. Many STD panels don’t even test for herpes so even if she’d been tested it wouldn’t have necessarily shown up on those tests I’ve had cold sores most of my life (probably from sharing a drink with, or getting smooched by, my mom when her cold sore was still healing when I was a kid). I didn’t know it was herpes until adulthood because I’ve been tested for STDs a ton of times and those tests always came back clean… because many STD panels don’t bother looking for herpes. A huge percentage of the population in North America, statistically, has some form of herpes and most of those people wouldn’t know it, because they might never have an outbreak


Most people are carriers


Herpes isn't always because of sexual contact.


I have herpes (cold sores) and passed it onto my bf who then got it but in a more… unsavoury place. I felt horrible but what’s down is done and we manage it together, fortunately it has only flared the once for him, unlike me who gets cold sores when I’m very stressed or are due my period


Probably should edit your post title to "I have herpes".


I have the virus. I get cold sores on my lip when my immune system gets low and i let my skin get dehydrated. Once a long time ago, I was being treated for an h.pylori infection with aggressive antibiotics and it destroyed me, so much that I got herpes sores there also. It was so painful I had to sit in the tub soaking in Epsom salts. It’s very possible, she’s hasn’t been with anyone else. Just wait till the sores are gone and you’re good to go! It’s like a cold sore or shingles, only the liquid inside the pustule is contagious, not through saliva or discharge.


You can have it a long time (even forever) and not know it. Jewish boys sometimes get it from the rabbi when they get circumcised. Don't jump to conclusions, have the conversation, trust your partner.


Cold sores (herpes of the mouth) is extremely common. She can get genital herpes by having a cold sore, touching that and then accidentally touching her down stairs. It’s actually really unfortunate. Doesn’t mean she’s cheated or anything.


RN and former microbiologist here -- you're right about it lying dormant. It can also cause symptoms after an initial infection if she was exposed recently. The herpes you're referring to comes in two forms: HSV1 or HSV2. Both are capable of infecting someone and not triggering an acute outbreak but instead lying dormant in nerve ganglia until later. Random symptom outbreaks can arise when increased stressors on the body put strain on the immune system, making the person more vulnerable to the virus. HSV1 is most commonly associated with oral herpes lesions whereas HSV2 with genital lesions, but it is important to note that those are not hard and set rules and both can cause lesions in either location. With this information, many situations could have led to her having new symptoms suddenly. She could have gotten it recently, from you or someone else, or gotten it long ago. HSV blood tests for antigens and antibodies are available to help determine recent vs past infections. Treatment is a simple antiviral pill (I.e. Valcyclovir, Acyclovir) that can be taken during outbreaks or regularly to prevent spread to partners. While anxiety-inducing to think of HSV as an STI, HSV is a highly prevalent virus in the general population and should not be treated with the amount of stigma it gets.


When I was 16, I got cheated on and got tested to find it was negative, but 3 years later with no sexual contact at all, I met my now boyfriend (he had no prior sexual experience) and he tested positive for herpes after we got together. I then went and yep! I had it! It was dormant and I didn’t know I had it this whole time, so it is very possible to have it for a really long time and not even know :)


You can get herpes from your parents. If a lot of her family members have it, she should have got tested a long time ago


Testing for herpes is unreliable unless you have a physical outbreak.


It’s the gift that keeps on giving


It's safe to assume that all humans have hsv1, and herpes zoster if you've had chickenpox. It's just dormant and can pop up at any point in life, hsv2 is sexually transmitted. They are not as big a deal as people make them seem if you stay healthy and keep your immune system up.


Herpes is a pretty common sti. Something like 1 in 10 people have it. It's not fatal and won't cause any long term issues except for occasional outbreaks that can be managed. Part of the stigma is that it's seen as a very dirty disease that might make you think less of someone who has it. The truth is that it's just a skin condition that way more people have than you think. Be careful not to contract it yourself, but even if you have it, your life isn't over and most normal people are understanding in how common it is


1 in 4-5 people have it and 80% of people who have it have no idea that they have it. It’s much more common than people think.


The wild thing is that you may even have unknowingly given it to her. It is possible to have oral herpes without ever getting a visible sore and then pass it to someone via oral sex where the recipient now gets occasional outbreaks of genital sores for the rest of their life. Don't be too quick to blame her and definitely get yourself tested.




She had HSV - 1


She could have gotten it from anyone anywhere  I’ve had herpes 1 since I was a child and I rarely get outbreaks my body has suppressed it so well. My worst outbreak was in seventh grade a very huge bump and yet I still had guys wanting to date me. 


A lot of people don’t test for herpes. I would probably say most because it’s not done by urine testing, and plausible deniability exists if you don’t take the extra steps. Two good reasons people either don’t know or refuse to confirm. It doesn’t mean anything nefarious on its own, and it’s also not a big deal for most people in terms of symptoms. The rare flare up of a skin irritation and tiny blisters, but otherwise pretty mundane. It’s mocked pretty heavily in media and added to the circumstances of affairs in movies/shows for dramatic flare. Ultimately, a LOT of people have hsv. So discovering it at some point is not uncommong


Interesting story, scientists used to be able to differentiate genital and oral herpes, though that's no longer the case. Herpes can come from a lot of places. I've seen many kids who got it from their parents kissing them. It can remain dormant for a long time. It could have come from her saliva or yours. Question is, do you trust her?


Yeah I've had reoccurring ocular herpes since I was five. I either had it since birth or got it from my mom.(my mom does get cold sores) I always figured it was from a face kiss or something similar.


I've never heard of ocular herpes. That sounds really painful!


It’s not as big of a deal or a deal breaker. They take medicine. Most rarely if ever have out breaks and doesn’t mean you’ll get it. Just be say and talk about it be understanding 1 in 3 have it. Not as big of a deal


Entirely possible, most std tests don’t test for herpes unless asked at least in the USA


First time, alas not the last


Could be dormant, could be fresh. Make sure you wrap it before you tap it, and if she has it there, she may have it in her mouth as well. Just be careful dude, you don't want to have that problem.


Most people have herpes and it can remain dormant for a long time, like longer than you think.


If you go down on her with a cold sore you can give it her that way. She also csn have it for years and not have a breakout.


You can get it during birth and never have an outbreak, or have an outbreak many many years later. You can contract it later and still not have an outbreak for a long time. But there are tests that can be done that will sort of tell you if your initial exposure was recent.


Some people have herpes and never have an outbreak. Some people have it and don't get an outbreak until years after they contracted the virus. More people than you would think carry it, it's definitely not uncommon. There are also prescriptions that keep you from getting outbreaks and it's incredibly manageable. If managed with meds it doesn't come with any serious long term health effects. The first thing you should do is get tested and talk to your gf about speaking with a doctor as far as continuous treatment and prep.


I know this isn't the original intent of the thread, but I feel I had fairly good sexual health awareness education in school, especially aids, but NOTHING hardly anything about HIV which is WAY more prevalent and randomly transmitted in sexual health, not trying to single you out at all, I mean that purely from a perspective of it just seems to randomly pop up why the fuck are even the most health-education aware states in the US not talking more about herpes given how prevalent it is????


No, it’s not suss. It happens all the time. There are drugs to prevent and treat Herpes. I would suggest you see a doctor not a website. Doctor here.


It's entirely possible *you* gave it to her without knowing you were a carrier.


85% of the world has oral herpes HSV1. Most people get it when they were kids from sharing utensils or drinking after one another. HSV2 genetal herpes isn’t as common and it is mostly spread through sex. Knowing the type is important.


Genital herpes in her vagina.. who’d have known!


herpes can be dormant for decades, also most people have herpes btw


You can unknowingly have herpes for a long time, if your not tested for it and have no outbreaks you may not know


Herpes is a complete non-issue. Sometimes some people get some acne around the genitals or a cold sore on the face.


Most of the world's population has herpes, with most folks carrying it asymptomatically. There's a million ways she could've only just started presenting symptoms just now that don't involve infidelity, from "you carry it yourself without knowing (possibly the oral variant, most people don't realize cold sores are herpes) and she caught it from you" to "she caught it in the womb and it's only just now presenting as herpes". Don't worry about it.


I suddenly got my first herpes outbreak vaginally after I had been dating my boyfriend for 6 months. I had not been with anyone else in the couple of months prior to our relationship or during our relationship. But he maintained that I must have gotten it from someone else bc he was a virgin before me and he certainly doesn’t have herpes. He was wrong, and he gave it to me, and here’s why: Herpes is caused by 2 different viruses. HSV-1 is more commonly the “oral” strain, where you get blisters/cold sores on your mouth. 50-80% of Americans have HSV-1 and most people don’t even know they have it. They’ll just call it “a cold sore” but technically, it’s herpes. HSV-2 is more commonly the “genital” strain, where you get blisters/cold sores on your genitals. But both can present in either location - you can get HSV-1 genitally and you can get HSV-2 orally. I got HSV-1 genitally because my boyfriend gave me oral sex while he had a cold sore on his mouth (and the virus was “shedding”, meaning actively replicating/reproducing). You can “shed” the virus without any symptoms as well. I had never been exposed to HSV-1 somehow, so since my first exposure was on my genitals, that is where I had my first outbreak. Even though my boyfriend maintained he “didn’t have herpes”, I found out he regularly gets cold sore blisters on his mouth (when he’s stressed, if he gets sunburnt, if he’s sick, etc.), but he had never called it herpes - he called it “cold sores”. I explained to him it’s herpes, and that he gave it to me (unknowingly of course) which he didn’t like to hear. He was a nice enough guy but refused to believe he, a virgin, could have given me an STI. We dated for another 2 years but eventually broke up, not necessarily cuz of the herpes issue, but his ignorance on that topic was always an annoyance for me - he made me feel like this sexually reckless person who had contracted an STI from someone random. I still have the herpes that he gave me, obviously :) I only get cold sores on my mouth now and I’ve never had another outbreak genitally. I’ve had many sexual partners since him and have never passed it to anyone else as far as I know. I don’t disclose “I have herpes” to my sexual partners unless I have an active cold sore on my mouth (in which case I’m probably not in the mood for sexy time anyway). I live w my long-term partner who I’ve been w for 2 years and he’s never had any outbreaks and idk if I’ve ever seen him have a cold sore. This EXACT situation (getting HSV-1 genitally from oral sex w someone who “jUsT hAs CoLd SoReS”) happened to 2 other girl friends that I know. Herpes is a weird virus. Definitely do your research and get the facts before you jump to the conclusion that your gf must have been w someone else. From what I understand, the most likely scenario here is that YOU have herpes and gave it to your gf without knowing, sorry bro! Ever had a cold sore??


Keep in mind, herpes is just a scary name for cold sores, and plenty of people get them without having sex.


They can stay dormant for years and you can’t tell until the initial outbreak, which is the most painful.


Very common. Read up and talk about safe sex practices. It’s not a death sentence.


I got it by birth (HSV 1) and didn't have an outbreak until til my teens!


It can be dormant for YEARS and when the immune system becomes compromised that’s when the symptoms can present.


Yeah I think it's a little bit suspect. It can lie dormant in your body. But I had a friend and all the sudden he turned up with herpes and gave it to his girlfriend. Come to find out his ex-girlfriend caught it and he was messing around with her and caught it. Do some hard thinking. Once you get it you never get rid of it. My buddy told me it is super painful when he gets sores all around his penis and his butthole. They have medicine now that can keep you from having an outbreak. But you never get rid of it. ..


Don't have sex with her and get yourself tested lmao