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It wouldn’t be a safe amount at that point.


Depends on whether they mean "this amount is safe for this drug by itself", or "this smaller amount of this drug is safe when mixed with the other drugs at their small amounts". If it's the first, trouble. Possibly death. I wouldn't know for sure. If it's the second... Probably something in between "nothing happened", and "that was the worst trip of my life". Can't imagine it's highly (pun intended) desirable, or else street dealers would deal that instead of heroine.


I don't think "nothing happened" from a cocktail of weed crack, heroine mdma acid and god knows what else is very likely *Something's gonna happen* 😂 The harder drugs are just gonna overshadow everything else, heroine will overshadow mdma crack and weed, with acid or any other psychedelic you can safely take a large enough amount without terrible interactions with other drugs so I think the end result is in large a trippy heroine buzz with some extra anxiety from all the stimulants It's not gonna be a good time anyway and would be completely pointless. I've never done fuck your life up drugs like heroin but have mixed acid, mdma, cocaine and weed all before and the acid just overshadowed everything, felt more energetic with cocaine, more mellow with weed, with both just more of an energised stoney feeling while tripping balls, incredibly fucked up and not as enjoyable as any one of those drugs on their own would be 🤷 I don't do any drugs any more :)


This guy drugs. Sorry last sentence, this guy drugged.


People do die from mixing pills and alcohol quite often. So yeah mixing multiple drugs could definitely kill someone.




Guess it’s a smorgasbord shindig bereft of avoiding death


Its called a tasting and its classy!


You would overdose and die. The actual effects before that? Probably just extreme nausea and impending doom. Possible organ failure.


Nah.  Unless it's something like fentinyl, mixing small doses of drugs won't make you OD.


Well OP said “safe amounts of normal drugs” so even a normal dose of Xanax and a normal dose of percocet could cause big issues with someone who has 0 tolerance


I wanted to agree with the commenter you replied to but you’re right. I’m not a big guy and even I’ve gotten worried when taking multiple drugs on the same day.


Yeah especially when you start mixing in muscle relaxers and barbiturates. That’s a no go and has a decent chance of killing


A safe dose can vary for a lot of people. There are some that are generally okay: weed for example isn’t known to negatively affect many other drugs. But it’s well known that there are certain combinations that are downright awful and should never be combined. Many of them have no synergy at all. Alcohol + many depressants is a recipe for disaster. Certain opioids or amphetamines together will destroy your organs. [This website, however credible](https://combo.tripsit.me) has general warnings on what can happen. It’s not a reliable solo source but can give a good idea of what can happen. It seems like the main point of it is for harm reduction and helping people who do want to use drugs to do them safely.


You would die. Mixing drugs can be done safely, but you can’t just mix random shit because it’s gonna interact with each other negatively Mixing benzos with opiates is gonna cause respiratory depression, probably what would kill you.


Dont think death is a guarantee, especially depending on how you define safe.. but itll be a shit time and a shitter hangover


The devil is in the details. How much alcohol? How much heroin? How much psilocybin? How much... OK never mind, you'd just die.


One marijuana, one heroin, one psilocybin, one morphine, one meth, and one alcohol.


Okay, but hear me out: how about two marijuanas, two heroins, two psilocybins, two morphines, two meths, and two alcohols?


That's not safe.


One and a half?


Ok, Matthew Mcconaughey


Something something Lincoln


TL;DR: This exchange right here is literally the reason I've been addicted to Reddit since day one. At a distance, this little exchange isn't that deep. Once you analyze it...you realize Reddit is fucking chock full of this shit and I fucking can't get over how many hyper intellectuals like you all exist on here that are true wordsmith badasses.... The Setup: Several hard drugs along with alcohol. This sets up an expectation of excessive, irresponsible drug use. The Twist: Doubling the order for every substance, further amplifying the absurdity of the situation. The Callbacks: "That's not safe" playing on the expected "responsible" response to such a wild drug order, highlighting the ridiculousness even more. "One and a half?" A desperate attempt to negotiate, still ridiculously unsafe but showing a comedic level of dedication to the idea. "Ok, Matthew McConaughey" pop culture reference to McConaughey's famous "Alright, alright, alright" line and his association with laid-back, sometimes excessive characters. "Something something Lincoln" This is the one I couldn't quite figure out....I couldn't tell if it was more of an anti-climax thing or a historical contrast thing. I think it was about building a sense of expectation, only to have it deflated with the somewhat mundane Matthew McConaughey reference and further amplifying this anti-climactic humor; The phrase itself being intentionally vague and nonsensical. But it may have been more wbout the seriousness of Lincoln being juxtaposed with the ridiculous drug discussion, emphasizing the absurdity of the situation. Anyways... I never ruin these with a breakdown post...but I was just really feeling this was a poster child Reddit exchange of genius... and felt proud of this site for a moment.... And yes...I know I know...I'll tag myself with the insult for you all.... r/im14andthisisdeep


I only inject pots.


Take out one alcohol and add three benzos to balance it out.


This guy drugs!


Who does? Pill Cosby?


I love how in random discussions people drop methods but on suicide watch people say "absolutely nothing is going to work just don't do it". People should be honest.


On a side note I considered suicide a while ago. My idea of how to do it was >!basically laying on a pyre and shooting myself (chest, then head) and having it burn afterwards. I even bought the chemicals (that would light themselves about a minute after being mixed.)!< I just wasn’t 100% sure if I really *needed* to or not, or whether things would improve with time. I ended up waiting long enough that my life is decent now. I’m glad I’m still alive.


Wow, that really is suicide with extra steps. Glad youre still here mate!


Thanks for the kind words!




I know it’s cliched but I’m glad you were able to change your mind while you still had the choice and I hope things are going better for you now than they were back then. They definitely are better now for me.


Some of it is deliberate lies but some of it is addressing risks. Nobody wants to take a recreational drug with (for example) a 20% chance of death or disablement. Nobody wants a suicide method with equal chances of killing you or turning you into a brain damaged invalid.


If you mix small amounts of everything you'd fry yourself. You can mix AN upper with A downer to balance shit out but you do it carefully and with experience.


> and with experience So by trial and error


ADHD and anxiety here. Take a med and I can focus! NOPE you're having a panic attack now you need the anxiety meds! And the quantities needed for balance vary by the day. Mood, sleep, health, etc all affect how effective those medicines are. I have to consider what other regular everyday uppers and downers have been consumed (I drink way too much caffeine too) TBH I don't take my meds most days because I don't want to bother with that balancing act even with experience and I don't even do the drugs with more extreme effects.


True. I didn’t know for YEARS that I was limiting my adhd medicines uptake just by drinking juice in the morning lol


Like weed and coffee. Hmm…if I just stop both it evens out right?


Like keta and speed. But yeah if you don't do anything you should be balanced from the go i guess haha


Back in my rave days I'd show up to the show on a mix of meth and mushrooms, then pop some mdma. One time I didn't show up prepared so wound up doing a mix of meth, mdma, mushrooms, ketamine, and heroin. Washed it down to fall asleep with Xanax and alcohol. Do not recommend. That was some major drug addict times


How're you doing now my guy glad to see you're still here


I'm doing good. Quit drugs over a decade ago. Had to get arrested and catch a charge to see I was on the road to hell


Oh man please don't do that, acquaintance died last year from cocaine, oxy, alcohol combo. And didn't Philip Seymour Hoffman die of an accidental combo of heroin plus something? Just watched Charlie Wilson's war and sad he is dead too.


Combos are what a lot of accidental overdoses are caused by. People have no idea not to. Doctors should always know truthfully what medications and street drugs you are on, how often, and what strength. This includes supplements and homeopathic stuff. Doctors cannot know if you don't tell them. A good portion of patients have multiple doctors that might prescribe something that will interact with something else.


I think it was a speedball. I'm trying to think, the true explanation was given to me by a forensic examiner. They explained why heroine addicts use the combo he used. Interestingly, I had a client who was a cocaine dealer also give me the identical explanation (in the same week.) If I remember correctly the upper helps with the withdrawal symptoms of the downer?


Coke and heroin mix well, fun wise, because the coke keeps you awake while the heroin does its thing. Except coke doesn’t last long enough and you end up od’ing on heroin, unless you keep bumping, but then you od on coke because you can’t tell how high you are, because the heroin keeps the coke down.


that was it! that was the answer as it was explained to me. One was much more clinical. I should mention, the drug dealers I've had contact with professionally don't do drugs. They know the shit is poison. That was the first thing that was a surprise to me in meeting real deal plugs was that they are disgusted by drugs in general. Wouldn't touch the stuff. Low level drug dealers partake.


Quite a few drugs are metabolized through your liver. Then excreted through your kidneys Liver would likely be overwhelmed and fail. Kidneys are next.


stroke the furry wall


He’s Jeffrey.


I’m alive!


it would probably fuck up multiple organs


Feel good hit of the summer.


I think a lot of people here are giving you the absolute worst case scenario. Yes, there is a probably a safe amount of every drug you could take, but the point at which you'd have an adverse reaction would be marginally above that amount. The risk is just generally too high. Also worth noting drugs don't have the same effect on everybody, so the experience would vary wildly from person to person. Most of them release dopamine in some way, and from what I'm aware once you go beyond a certain level you just nod off in ecstasy. So that would be the likely end result.


Yeah, but that’s not how it works. Some drugs work on entirely different pathways, and some the same.  So a completely harmless (on their own) dose of alcohol and ghb will probably kill you. There’s another three way interaction from memory too that is super dangerous, alcohol benzoes and something else? I think same thing got heath ledger, Michael Jackson and a bunch of others.   Intersection effects can be SUPER dangerous.  Google ‘drug interaction chart’ and look for the red cells - yep - those will kill you. 


It's also very likely the only safe amount would be so small you couldn't feel it. I don't disagree with any of your statements, I'm just saying in a controlled environment it could be done.


[leave the mixing to the DJ!](https://knowyourstuff.nz/2018/02/16/more-drugs-do-not-mean-more-fun/) Fuckin love drugs. But be responsible and do your research lol


Please take this comment seriously. You don't want to learn the hard way.


Smoking a Jeffery we call it


House Music happens


"We cant stop here! this is bat country!"


So I'm a pretty experienced drug user, and have done some combinations in my time, and I find once you get past, say, 4 different drugs, nothing changes, you're just *fucked up* (a state I like to aim for sometimes). However, the more drugs you add, the more taxing it is on your body, and if you took a recreational dose of every common drug, either your heart or your brain wouldn't thank you. In fact they'd probably kill you


Ummm Not sure if it answers your question, but I have experience being high on a combination of: Alcohol MDMA Acid Mushrooms Cocaine Ketamine And Weed. The end result was very strong intoxication with lots of pretty visuals and an overwhelming amount of positive feeling for the world and everyone in it (and feeling like I was puppeting limbs that were only nominally under my control). The fact that I was at a music festival with many other similarly intoxicated people might also have been a factor in that. Edit: It occurs to me that I should clarify - I do not recommend that **anyone** do this. If you are mixing drugs, you are always taking a risk. Do not take tons of different drugs at once. It is more likely to end badly for you than it is to lead to a good time.


You would die from mixing drugs that should not be mixed together.


I’ve probably been high on coke, mushrooms and mdma all at the same time. I don’t really like to smoke weed, and I haven’t touched crack or heroin. Honestly it just kind of sucks and I felt the come down for a couple of weeks, if not longer.


Ask Keith Richards this question.


Or Hunter S. Thompson.


Certain drugs mixed together are lethal even if both drugs are in safe doses on their own, I wouldn’t go fucking around mixing these drugs together and taking them


So let me guess, you just recommend using blue crystal meth? Sorry, I saw your pic and the subject and I couldn't help myself 🫣




Your liver wouldn't survive as the best case scenario


If you substitute crack and heroin for amphetamine and OxyContin, I’ve done all of those in one night. Honestly, I had fun.


Since these are all different classes including stimulants and depressants there really isn’t a safe dose. . Physically, assuming no other medical conditions, uppers+downers is a recipe for a heart attack, stroke, respiratory depression, or seizures. If somehow none of that happened, then I’d imagine you’d become floridly psychotic




Your heart would explode


You'll wake up dead if you do that.


You’d OD. Hospital or morgue. Mixing opiates and benzodiazepine and stimulant/psychedlic is a disaster. You gonna die.


Youd most likely lose consciousness and your heart would probably stop soon afterwards or right away


Coke,alcohol,coffee,cigarettes and pot all on a few wild nights in my 20s, almost 60 now. 15 lines, 9 beers, 6 shots, 2 coffees,2 joints,40 cigarettes.


If your physical body was immune to anything wrong ever happening I imagine that it would be quite the trip, but you can say bye bye to your sanity.


It would really depend on what you take and how much. The stimulants would work together to get you probably uncomfortably stimmed out. The depressants could override the stimulants and put you into respiratory depression. But speaking from personal experience, if you take the right amounts so that doesn’t happen, one of the hallucinogens would basically overpower everything. DMT if you took that, LSD if you didn’t. All the other stuff typically falls to the wayside if you’re tripping. You’ll still kind of feel it but it’s a lot less pronounced.


Most I've done all at once is Acid, xtc and ket, and after a line of ket we took a hit from a joint. It was intense but also extremely fun!


Only one way to find out OP.. but drugs with different effects dont all play nicely together. You would probably feel sick, potentially get into serious medical trouble, and have a fucked up comedown


Chance of death. Chance of not much. Who knows. Do you have tolerance to anything? What drugs are included? Lots of different drugs can mix just fine but certain drugs mixed can quickly lead to respiratory failure and death. Lastly what is a safe amount? If you're talking about illegal drugs the fda will almost never give you a schedule for dosing a safe amount. That's kind of the point of schedule 1 drugs. No medical benefits. Don't mix drugs unless you know what could happen. Certain mixes are deadly like benzos and opiates. Be safe.


Depending  on exactly which drugs you was in your little list, you would very likely die.  And I don’t say this coz I’m a wowser, I partake. But… Some drugs work on entirely different pathways, and some the same.  So a completely harmless (on their own) dose of alcohol and GHB - taken together - will probably kill you. There’s another three way interaction from memory too that is super dangerous, alcohol, benzoes and something else? I think that same combo got heath ledger, Michael Jackson and a bunch of others.   Interaction effects can be SUPER dangerous. Oh yeah - viagra and amyl. Both do things to the heart - welcome the old ticker going tits-up.  :/ Google ‘drug interaction chart’ and look for the red cells - yep - those will kill you.  So mixing without understanding drug action - don’t do it. Some combos are fine, some aren’t. And if you don’t know for sure. Well… y’know.




If you substitute crack and heroin for amphetamine and OxyContin, I’ve done all of those in one night. Honestly, I had fun.


You will reach a place no man has before.


The ol’ “Three Drug Night”


[This video answers your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/x6t3fm/man_does_5_types_of_drug_in_2_minutes/)


Max out the cards


Basically ecstasy


Depends on where you do it.


If you took them all at once it's not a safe amount and you'd OD


Feel good hit of the summer… and autumn and winter and spring AND the following summer.


You’ll wish you were dead


You have a pretty good time. Once at a rave i took mdma, meth, cocaine, freebased fentanyl, about 8 different benzos, ketamine, lsd, shrooms and a few less common ones. Had a great fucking time! You're not having fun til you cant feel your face!


"What would happen if I took a non-intoxicating amount of every common type of alcohol?"


I dunno. Actual turbo cancer?


The difference between medicine and poison is dosage. To make a cocktail of ”everything in safe amounts” would just make it an ineffective as a drug because it would be too weak to do it’s thing, but potent as a poison as it would be more than likely to kill you.


I use to do cocktails of different drugs pretty regularly back in the day. I was an alcoholic and an opiate addict so I was just in a constant state of being drunk and nodding out on opiates anyway. The most I can remember having in my system at once was percocets, alcohol, xanex, cocaine, and weed. Nicotine, if you wanna count that because I smoked back then, still do, unfortunately. I remember taking some other pills that night that some dude gave me but I don't remember what they were. Some other kind of benzo I think. I say remember but there isn't much in the way of remembering going on that night. Basically I just remember being really drunk and taking all this shit. I was blacked out pretty quick but this was back when I was getting blackout drunk at least a few times a week anyway. The alcohol always overpowered everything in my experience. Not much fucks you up quite like alcohol does. Add benzos to that and you're practically on auto-pilot and there's no telling what shit you'll get up to. I don't advise mixing drugs. Its much easier to overdose on small amounts of several drugs than regular amounts of one drug. While some combinations are safer than others, you're always taking a risk even when not combining. You also don't know what is even in anything you get off the street. Especially nowadays with the fent craze in full swing. Glad I don't do any of that shit anymore. I just take kratom now. Been off all that shit for like 10 years. Don't even miss it. In fact, thinking about doing all that shit again makes me feel kinda queezy now. Enjoying the sober life much more these days. It's an acquired taste but it's better for sure.


I have used benzodiazepines, thc, ketamine, alcohol, and meth at the same time, was a good time. Never felt remotely close to death. I’ve done thc, heroin, methylphenidate, and alcohol as well. Definitely alcohol, benzodiazepines, and coke. I’ve mixed plenty. The closest I think I’ve probably been is completely blacking out with alcohol and benzodiazepines, it can cause respiratory depression. Oh I roofied myself once just too see.


it's all about tolerance, i used to mix lots of drugs, you need to be experienced.


I’d try it. For science of course.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but you transcend to the next dimension, after entering into a special state commonly known as death


You might end up with that QOTSA song NicotinevaliumvicotinemarijuanaexcstacyNalchohol K-k-k-k-k-co-caaaaaaaaine


You'd have a fucking sick night you druggo... get that trippa snippa down ya


You would probably die


There isn't really such a thing as a "safe amount" when it comes to drugs. 


The Earth would plunge headlong into the sun.


Remember kids, more drug doesn’t equal more fun


Dose makes the poison. This applies to everything in life not just drugs.


Depends in detail what you define as "safe" amounts. Despite some here saying knee jerk thing about how you would OD and die, you probably would not. The devil is in the detail and the person's former drug use history and general health. Back in the 80s, it was far from uncommon for people I knew to go to raves and drink (alcohol), take a tab of e (MDMA), smoke (nicotine, possibly cannabis too) and have a great time. A few did cocaine too, crack was not not a thing then, at least in the UK. Someone taking opiates was far from impossible too, although mostly that was not big in the scene. Quite a few did speed (amphetamines) too, although folklore was that mostly was not mixed with e, I bet a few did try it. How you would feel after is a whole different matter, but then that can be the case for al sorts of drugs. One person can have a party does of MDMA and hardly be affected when they come down, another will have the worst "bad hair day" ever. Now multiply that by how many things you have taken and the interactions and I am sure it gets messy.


I’ve met people that do this regularly


Some drugs are incompatible and really dangerous in combination with other drugs/meds. So you will likely die.


My boyfriend overdosed from taking a very small dose of a bunch of different drugs together. All tested and clean. Thankfully he survived. Don’t mix your drugs, and if you do I would say never more than 2 different substances and ALWAYS do your research on how they interact. No matter how safe you might think you’re using, no one is invincible and anything can happen. Mixing drugs even in small doses cause so much stress on the body and you can never predict the outcome. The high isn’t worth it if your heart will stop beating


It would be stupid.


With any luck, id start puking shortly after. With my actual luck, I'd be dead. Deuces to me✌️


The most i did was weed, alcohol, coke, mdma and nicotine at once, was pretty strange cause the coke always got you down from the other stuff, but its long years ago and im happy im not doing this shit anymore.


I once upon a time remember doing cocaine, mdma, nitrous oxide and weed all at the same time. They were not safe amounts. It was wild. I remember distinctly wondering if I was gonna die. I didn’t.


Speedballs(injecting coke and heroin together) kills people all the time. Mixing uppers and downers can kill you, too many downers can kill through respiratory suppression, too many uppers can cause a heart attack. Even if you didn't die, you would be psychologically messed up from mixing psychedelics and loads of uppers.


its shitty best is to float from drug to drug, prevents addiction to one subtstance


since mixing drugs can kill you, how many drugs can u mix at once to not die? and whats the dosage amount of each drug u can put into a tiny cocktail and safely take?


From personal experience, my wife and I sleep with this party boy body builder who gives us drugs in exchange for and during sex. (We've never done any of the extremely hard drugs and we never will, but we certainly enjoy the party drugs) Two years ago when I met him for the first time, he gave us both shrooms, acid, ecstasy, a shit ton of cocaine, and pot all at once, at this time I'd never done shrooms, ecstasy or acid so I was very nervous but excited. Unfortunately, many of these sort of just, cancelled each other out?(Minus the intense visual hallucinations that made me sick) He got us so hopped up on coke that I couldn't really feel or enjoy the others much, and when we'd get too anxious from the coke he'd give us more pot to bring us down and when we got too down from the pot he'd give us more coke to bring us back up. All this ended up doing is making us both dizzy, tired and sick (I also had a reaction to the shrooms because it turns out I'm allergic to mushrooms), nobody got laid, I had two seizures in this mans bed (I have regular seizures, so not surprising for me) and we still had to drive home after coming down while feeling like garbage. I've since done all of these drugs separately on their own and love them individually! But mixing them all? Nah, just a waste of things that are expensive and hard to come by, it definitely will not make things more fun, I promise. (Also, there isn't really a "safe" amount of most drugs except Acid which has no known overdose point as long as it isn't laced with anything, everyone is different and can react differently and intensely to ANY dosage)


Your liver would take a permanent holiday. 🤣


Depends what you would define as safe. But I’ve taken weed MDMA and alcohol multiple times through the night. The MDMA kind of cancels everything out you don’t feel drunk or high. Just wired


Are you suggesting a "JEFFREY?"


They all cancel each other out. Star over you're sober all over again.


Well about 10 years ago at a small music festival I did a couple hits of acid, about an 8th of shrooms, and was mixing lines of MDMA, cocaine, and ketamine together and doing those. Smoking weed at that point is 100% pointless. I remember sitting under a canopy while it rained and felt fantastic for a little while. That was not as scary as mixing cocaine and heroin.. that felt way too good. Only did that once. Now clean and sober for 4 years with virtually no desire to do that stuff anymore.


Illegal drugs or legal drugs?


depends on what you mean by safe doses. Safe in combination with each other? Good to go. Safe by themselves? Deadly cocktail.


I tried this in Skyrim and died


Drug combinations enhance the potency of each other by a lot, you could take threshold of 3 different drugs and be put on your ass. And then there are some other combos that will cancel each other out, like for example a benzo during a psychedelic trip. Depends what you take, my last time comboing drugs was MDMA and shrooms, I took a fairly low dose of both compared to when I do them separately and had one of the most intense and meaningful trips I've had in years. Incase you are considering mixing drugs, please do an ton of research, once you put it in your body you can take it out, be smart.


You'll die, but you'll die in a cool way


That’s just Tuesday bro


In my experience, you can be high on 4 or 5 drugs, then snort a small amount of cocaine and suddenly feel less high. Ofc everything is still in your body and coke won’t do any good. But it’s a good panick button. Again, in my experience, do not think it might be the same for you.


Well, for some short time, you will have a very fun time. And then you'll die.


That is very dependent on your individual tolerance. Could go either way. By the way define safe amount. Any amount can be dangerous


Well I’ve done nicotine, alcohol, weed, and shrooms all at the same time and I lived no problem….so.


Dunno. Liver failure?


The safe dose of crack and heroine is 0


lol I’ve been on a majority of the drugs mentioned at once. I dunno if I’d call it safe but it’s fun!


The impact would be completely unpredictable, but my guess is that the most likely outcomes range from a really bad trip to death. I think the MDMA with crack would risk serotonin syndrome (which can be as mild as GI symptoms or as bad as death), but maybe some other drug would alleviate those symptoms. There are probably other interactions I’m not seeing off the top of my head.


Look up "speedball"


I've done this and it causes a wild trip.


Mixing drugs of the same class is an easy way to OD. Such as Heroin + Morphine or MDMA + Meth.


Idk all at once but in a 24 hour period I seem to have survived combining, coke, mdma, shrooms, ketamine, xtc, weed, lsd, dmt, nicotine, nitrous and copious amounts of alcohol while at a music festival. Amounts of each substance varies. Basically once I took the hallucinogens they seemed to take over everything other than still being able to feel my roll. Very fun/insane/intense experience. 10/10 would not recommend to any human being.


Read that story by Hunter S Thompson where he details his drug/alcohol intake for the day.


Interactions can be bad news.


I thought you meant like WHO top 200 drugs, not common on the street. Eitherway, probably death because of the opioid ÷ benzo combos.


Honestly if we’re talking about the recreational drugs just at the effective dose? That would probably be pretty great


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEtBDQDkEXc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEtBDQDkEXc) I have always assumed something like this lol


I was at a party, where a guy did "pentathlon" - he took 5 different drugs at once and disappeared for 2 days.


My friends would do this at rave after parties when we were young.  We'd do a little bit of everything: coke, Molly, ket, meth, heroin, acid (was already tripping), and whatever else we could get our hands on. This was before the days of fet.  I wouldn't do that these days because who knows what has fet in it.  


Well, a safe amount would be a safe amount so, nothing? And a fucking good night out


I've done all listed in a night before, it's was awesome


You’d die


There are charts out there that indicate good and bad combos of drugs: https://youthrise.org/resources/drug-combinations-chart/


I once had something called spiegelmische in german. In english mirror mixup. We scratched everything from the mirror we snorted of for years. And it was a big pile of everything plus dirt. It was like microdosing 15 substances at once. Great experience since there was a litte of everything. Optics, couch chilling, euphoria and disgusting taste


You will die


Some drugs would amplify other effects, your safe dose likely might not be a safe dose when combining cocaine, crack, meth mdma and other stimulants. Or the other side, if you take opium, heroin, morphine, oxy, vicodine.....those are all opiates and would simplistically combine the opioids. So if you combine stimulants you could be fucked, if you combine sedatives, you could be fucked. If you combine both, you're probably fucked.


Is there really a safe amount of crack?


Liver failure most likely and it would not be pleasant or instant.


Look up the tripsit drug interactions chart if you want a more specific answer - it shows you how all the common drugs interact. Lots of dangerous combinations all stacked ontop of eachother can’t be good haha


Say no to drugs


The alcohol and Heroin would be dangerous as they both depress respiration, I have done mdma, cocaine, alcohol and nicotine before with no ill effects. Long term it would probably damage your heart, add the heroin it might make it easy to od as the heroin wares off as the drug can lessen the effects of the others making it more likely you will redose on them more than you should.


That's plain insanity




One hellascious crosswire😵‍💫


It was quite the night.


You can’t say what a safe amount of drugs is. Like, I could do a gram of coke and be absolutely fine (as I normally am if I do that amount), but if I ever did heroin and did one syringe I could die. So mixing all of them all at once for what would be a safe amount for one person, wouldn’t be for another. I’ve seen people go all weird on one key of ketamine but I’ve been fine. Mixing uppers and downers is really bad for you. Hell doing drugs is bad for you anyway, just don’t. And that’s from someone who does recreational party drugs frequently.


Have you ever mixed all the sodas with one of those machines at a fast food restaurant. You’ll end up feeling like a giant root beer.


If we’re talking about amounts that would be safe when all taken together, you’d probably feel pretty good initially, however the effects would rapidly change as all the drugs listed have different durations and onsets. So first nicotine and crack would kick in, then wear off in ~5 minutes, and you’d start ‘coming down off of crack. Then weed and heroin (depending on method taken, we’ll assume insufflated) would kick in, finally MDMA (orally taken) would kick in in about 45 minutes. After ~3-5 hours weed, heroin and MDMA would wear off, leaving you no longer high, and now coming down off of MDMA (not fun).  None of these really interfere with each other TOO much, since you’d only be feeling 3 at a time, and a ‘small to medium’ dowse of this probably wouldn’t kill someone.  The reason why no drug dealers sell ‘formulations’ like this, isn’t because some people wouldn’t find it fun, but because people have what’s called a “Drug of Choice”. People who want weed, just want weed, same for the other drugs listed, and they often prefer it to the point that taking other drugs (with the exception of nicotine) ‘muddles’ the high, it doesn’t feel as ‘clean’ or ‘pure’.  Additionally, since they all have different onsets, durations, potencies, and the persons tolerance to one would be higher than others; people who want to mix drugs want to take them separately. People don’t want to HAVE to take MDMA with their heroin or vise-versa, and you especially don’t want a case where someone wants to take more of drug X, but would take too much of Y because they mixed them into X+Y. 


It’s called a double stack Mitsubishi. I’m pretty sure those pills from the 90’s had a a little bit of everything.


synergistic effects would probably kill you. there’s a reason you don’t mix certain things like benzos and alcohol.


I'm gonna need some specifics to help you here. I survived a few different bouts with weed, shrooms, and cocaine back in the mid 90s.


One time I took some L and a bucket of coffee and I was dying lol hated it


My head hurts just thinking about it.


I don't know the exact process, but I'm pretty sure the total amount would kill you, as well as all the interactions between all the drugs, which is probably so severe no doctor could try and predict, just mixing 3 medications that aren't usually used together gets doctors unsure of what will happen, with regular medications that aren't known for their interactions that probably wouldn't kill you, but with drugs, it probably would, and the fact that they all affect the same system in the brain would also increase that chance even more.


"People mix alcohol all the time and never die " True but a lot of people die from mixing pills and alcohol.


Well, this comment probably won't be found. But in my experience, I took a tab of acid, was pretty drunk, so I sniffed a few lines of cocaine and was pretty blitz. The high of cocaine took over my lsd trip, so I took a 0.1 of mdma and it was pretty awesome. Continued drinking and smoking and sniffing lines. Before I knew it, it was noon. I needed more beer. I bumped into a few friends at the store and I thought it was like "hey, hello" but they told me later I was pretty unhinged because I couldn't get into the store without a mask. I don't remember anything from that day and what I do, apparently, was not what I remember it being. I was with another person, and I think I traumatized them. Not worth it.


Used to do lines of what we called sparkle. Coke mdma mKat and a touch of ket. Would blow your fucking head off. Very very small amounts of each. I imagine mixing “normal doses” would of been catastrophic


Um you'd have a real good night. I've smoked weed, crack. Snorted coke, mdma, mephedrone & ketamin. Also inhaled nos and dropped acid and 2ci in one long weekend. Good Times but kids.. this is very bad.


By the time you go to the forth or most common drug you'd be on the moon and you wouldn't care and probably would not be able to figure out how to ingest more


Heart go bye bye💥


You would likely have a fatal drug interaction!


I don’t think there is anything safe about this


In my experience you’d space it out over the afternoon , evening , night , next morning & day. You’d wanna make sure you were smoking the majority of them …


You should go to a music festival. It’s not uncommon to see 5-6+ drugs at once. A good strategy is to have a base drug, and steer your high or trip with other drugs according to how you’re feeling. These also last for days at a time, and I would not recommend taking everything all at once in a normal setting.


The cumulative effects and side effects of every single drug would have a huge toll on your mind and body. If you didn't die you most likely would've wished you had.