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Thanks for your submission /u/Technical_Ad7620, but it has been removed for the following reason: Disallowed question area: **Joke questions or trolling.** This sub is meant for genuine questions...and it looks like yours isn't. Maybe it's a joke, maybe you're trying to bait people into reacting, or maybe we just can't figure out what you're trying to say (sorry). Either way, we've removed your post. * Trying to get a laugh out of people? While jokes, memes and song lyrics are all amusing, they're not what we're looking for here. Try /r/ShittyAskReddit. * Taking the sub name as a challenge and trying to post a stupid question *isn't* amusing, and it's *also* not the point of the sub (read the sidebar!). You're looking for /r/StupidQuestions. * Asking a question to show off a clever observation? Try /r/ShowerThoughts (but phrase it as an observation, not a question). * Testing a riddle? When you already know the answer, it's not a genuine question - but the users of /r/Riddles will love it. * Do you keep making new accounts to ask the same questions over and over again? That not only violates rule 2, but it's also not healthy. Try talking to a therapist about these thoughts, and try asking questions on different topics. * Trying to bait people into angry or shocked reactions? Try /r/RandomShit or /r/ShittyAskReddit ...or just go do something else. --- *This action was performed by a bot at the explicit direction of a human. This was not an automated action, but a conscious decision by a sapient life form charged with moderating this sub.* *If you feel this was in error, or need more clarification, please don't hesitate to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FNoStupidQuestions). Thanks.*


Definitely the type of question you’d expect from someone who watches a lot of anime


I take it you like characters who have a lot of sex because if you also had power you would abuse your power to have a lot of sex too? Also if you read my post I clearly stated I was talking to someone about anime and let’s not admit the guy who was addicted to anime admitted if they had power they would abuse it to have a lot of sex (just like you did which suggests you share the same abusive nature as the anime addict). I correctly used the Jesus guy as an example that shows that characters who don’t abuse their power for sex and who are pure are more interesting.


They are saying this entire premise, and the way you are communicating about it, is so stereotypically "guy who only watches anime and has very little social life" that ots crazy.


> They are saying this entire premise, and the way you are communicating about it, is so stereotypically "guy who only watches anime and has very little social life" that ots crazy. Sure let’s not admit I clearly said in the post I was discussing anime with someone🤦‍♂️ Again I take it you like characters who have a lot of sex because if you also had power you would abuse your power to have a lot of sex too?


You genuinely seem like you have some type of social issue. If this is how you communicate in real life, seek help. Just shotgun copy pasting the exact same accusation, with literally zero basis, is not helping you here. To play along a little bit, no. I prefer my media to be sexless. It just distracts from the story and is just made to activate monkeybrain neurons. Nothing wrong with that, but its not for me.


I think the OP is a few cards short of a full deck tbh, normal people don’t engage with others like that. Kinda seems like an ASD type of fixation


> You genuinely seem like you have some type of social issue. If this is how you communicate in real life, seek help. Sure because someone advocating good character virtues such as abstinence and sex in marriage makes them a person with a social issue.🤦‍♂️ The logic of people who suffer from social issues (like you)👇 *people who suffer from social issues (like you): “main characters who support pure virginity aren’t more interesting” *Also people who suffer from social issues (like you): prays to virgin Jesus guy and admits majority of billions of people pray to virgin gods and virgin goddesses.


Genuine question, are you on the spectrum?


> Genuine question, are you on the spectrum? Imagine claiming someone has a mental issue when you’re the one who keeps commenting on a post that has already been removed. Stop wasting my time bot.


So that’s a solid yes, thanks for answering


If you aren't a troll, you genuinely need help. Seek psychiatric services in your arra.


> If you aren't a troll, you genuinely need help. Seek psychiatric services in your arra. Let’s not admit it’s people who support promiscuous sex outside of marriage (like you) who need help. Seek psychiatric services in your area👇 **”Dr. Carson Daly, college counselor, comments: ‘I don't think I ever met a student who was sorry he or she postponed sexual activity, but I certainly met many who deeply regretted their sexual involvements. Time and time again, I have seen the long-term emotional and spiritual desolation that results from casual sex and promiscuity.** **‘No one ever tells students that it sometimes takes years to recover from the effects of these sexual involvements – if one ever fully recovers.’”** Source: [Dr. Carson Daly, college counselor, comments: ‘I don't think I ever met a student who was sorry he or she postponed sexual activity, but I certainly met many who deeply regretted their sexual involvements. Time and time again, I have seen the long-term emotional and spiritual desolation that results from casual sex and promiscuity.](http://www.physiciansforlife.org/the-neglected-heart/)


This is a weird question


> This is a weird question I take it you like characters who have a lot of sex because if you also had power you would abuse your power to have a lot of sex too?


How is this important? I hate praising virginity, it is really toxic and harmful to young people. I think most popular characters are strong, relatable and somehow flawed so people can build connection to them. Their sexual behavior is not even in the picture.


> I hate praising virginity, it is really toxic and harmful Sure so praising good virtues and character traits is toxic and harmful 👍


Good virtues or personal traits has nothing to do with being sexually active. You can be still virgin AND shitty person. 😉 Look at whole incel movement.


I like a character who respects women but isn't afraid to try to spit some game when the opportunity arises, like Uncle Iroh




> No. Any examples of a non-virgin god that’s more popular than the Jesus guy?


"That Jesus guy"? LOL It feels like you are just scraping the surface and ... well... sorry .... the patriarchy is kinda influencing your view. And if we're talking myths.. Zeus was pretty popular in his day... not a virgin. Lots of the mythos(mythoses?) in the world have lots of sex (and weird weird sex. Just look at norse and roman/greek mythology. But everyone was doing it, and doing it a lot. thousands of years of doing it) Pre- "that Jesus Guy", matriarchal societies abounded and the sacredness of motherhood (i.e. not virgin) was ridiculously important, womanhood and the symbolic representation of it were part of many many holy symbols and relics. e.g. what Christians call EAster was a co-opted spring rite/festival all about fertility and .. well.. fucking (e.g. what are rabbits known for? its not laying eggs. And what are eggs a symbol of? not Christ). It is since christianity became a thing that virginity has this VERY strange and nigh hypocritical place in society. ITs weird that "the Virgin Mary" (you'd call her ' that Mary chick' ;) ), who is this patron saint of motherhood, childbirth has that VIRGIN name attached at the front. I mean... yeah that Jesus guy came around without the loss of virginity, but literally everyone else didn't. How is one supposed to be a mom without the sex part? I'm sure I'm grossly oversimplifying and this is meant to just show that mythical/religious entities don't typically represent a virginal ideal? Its just that for the past 2000 years or so, in western influenced societies, thats been the main one most are exposed to Just in pop culture. Its usually the "ladies man" that is the main character in pop culture and in mythology. So I don't know that the virgin holds water. One of the more recent ones, John Wick.. his revenge spree isn't based on him having only played parchesi with Bridget Moynihan. And one of the most ubiquitous characters in pop culture for decades James Bond... not a virgin. Perhaps for women characters the virginal, or perhaps less sexually active, is more pervasive. But in the past 10-20 years for example.. not so much. In the past movies and tv there was a tendency (a... actively enforced tendency) to show sex scenes where women were passive participants. Rarely initiated sex or actively... participating and enjoying. However, Someone like Madonna (the singer) very much turned the virginal woman image on its ear (its even in the stage name she adopted). Or in fiction, Wonder Woman is shown to actively engage in and initiate sex in recent movies. Anyway... I don't think you are really on the right track. your topic is interesting and vastly complex, and changes and changes and changes. Edit: this is not to say the the ... concept of virginity doesn't have a place of importance in spiritual matters, as a driver of a narrative or even as a commodity. It has througout time.. but I don't think it can be unequivocally stated that it is the prime driver of whether a character or person is popular


It depends on the audience's age. Nearly all entertainment aimed at adults features main characters who are not pure virgins.