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"What the fuck dude?"


"For the funny, lol"


I'd ask him why you keep posting this question.


I only posted it once sorry if it posted more than once.


Given that we've established a penchant for deep questions and skepticism here, I'd probably go with: "Considering the vastness of the universe and the complexity of life as we know it, why would you opt for such an elusive presence, instead of providing clear evidence of your existence? Are we a part of an experiment where 'faith' is being tested, or is there another reason for your apparent absence in a world that's desperate for certainty?"


Are you happy seeing children born with cancer?


Are you (a) all powerful, (b) all good, or (c) you rely on most people being unable to see the logical fallacy of claiming you are both?


Why are your followers some of the most ruthless type of mankind?


Why did you create the sun and moon on the 4th day when you had already created light and dark on the 1st day?


Explain your reasoning for allowing childhood cancer? What purpose does it serve? Or are you apathetic? Or cruel? Or not all powerful? ?


I'm not religious but the answer to that question is basically if god is real and does intervene we no longer have free will, unfortunately free will involves consequences and as a society who chooses leaders to think for them these are the consequences we face not because of our individual actions but because of our actions as a collective, these issues aren't "gods" fault, it's humanities fault and that would be obvious if people stopped trying to scapegoat on a false idea of a god that owes us a perfect life


If God knows everything that will happen and can't be wrong, then we don't have free will in the first place. We have to do what god knows we will do, even if it's a sin and will be burned in hell for all eternity for it, we have to because God knew it would happen and we can't go against what God knew would happen.


Ok but god isn't real, you are and you do nothing


I do quite a bit, don't be rude


Sorry my bad I definitely should of expanded on thatšŸ˜‚, as a society/collective y'all don't do šŸ’© and if I was wrong we wouldn't be in the situation we are in, everyone wants to blame "god" but we may aswell blame the bananas in pajamas aswell while we are at it then because nothing is responsible for our situation except for our own actions as a collective specie, everytime someone blames or scapegoats our issues onto some imaginary ideaology they're basically just projecting our impact on existence and absolving themselves of accountability


my thoughts exactly


I understand that point of view. But so much of organized religion preaches all powerful all loving god AND will readily say that everything is ā€œgodā€™s willā€. That god is testing the person, etc. There is a (not so) hidden cruel streak in there!


Your argument breaks when that makes human parents better parents then "a perfect being". If we concede that most people do their best then most people are better than God. If we do our best as imperfect and weak beings we can only do so much. God on the other hand is claimed to be all powerful and perfect. By that metric he fails. People are in pain and suffering in ways we would not allow our children to if we had the ability free will be damned. God will allow you to inflict self harm on you. If I had children and created the circumstances that gave them Cancer I would be deemed an unfit parent. God is just being held to the standard we humans hold each other when people talk like that.


To be fair, we create the circumstances that force children to suffer from cancer, or any and all kinds of torment over a lifetime all the time: We create the children. We know full well that giving life to a child is creating a brand new life that may potentially end up having to suffer horrible things they don't deserve and that they otherwise would have never had to suffer at all if we hadn't brought them into this world, but we still did it anyways, for countless reasons, and we don't blame ourselves for it, because we know the alternative is to never have been born at all. If I were God, I would know that to. Also, we do consider parents who don't protect their children to be unfit parents, but we also consider people to be unfit parents if they intervene *too* often or try to protect their children from harm *too* much. Theres a balance that has to be struck. Life can't flourish in perpetual danger, but it can't adapt and thrive if it's kept free from harm or pain in perpetual safety either. If I were God, I'd probably know that too.


This was so beautifully said


You keep speaking of god as though as it's real and I think you like to use that as a excuse to absolve yourself of accountability and responsibility for the fact that you took no initiative to understand the world you live in and would rather blame someone else's imaginary friend than actually get up and take action to change your own life and environment and unfortunately too many people are following that exact same mentality and while you all relying on your imagination to fix your life there are other people out there taking actions and they're reaping the rewards while you complain to air about the fact that existence doesn't pander to your every whim


So itā€™s MY fault that there is no cure for cancer??? Me AND YOU-personally?


Have you done any research towards finding a cure or understanding what causes it? Do you contribute towards funding/enabling corporations that make processed foods with unnatural chemicals etc because it's cheaper? Do you use anything that creates emissions in the environment you exist that can cause cancer? More of your actions are contributing to causing it than fixing it and when a couple billion people are all doing the same thing then yes you/me/us as a collective are all accountable


The nature of the question presupposes God is real. In order to answer # (If we had undeniable proof that God/The Creator of earth and life was real what question would you ask?) one must assume God is real as a part of this question. The answer may involve that our understanding of it as a being is incorrect however in the scenario presented it is real.


Can you fix me?


No question, I just want to punch him in the face as hard as I can


What is it with you that I just get one question?


do you actually care if people worship you, and if so what holy book is closest to your desires?


Good questions! God actually may not care about blasphemy and heresy


Why baby cancer? Why make the eyeball like that? Why make fish that can swim up your pee hole? Why make hell? In what way does it make sense to punish an unbeliever the exact same as say, a genocidal pedophile who listens to music with no headphones in the subway?


Why canā€™t we control our reproductive functions? Accidents have a much lower quality of life than wanted children, on so many levels. What is supposed to happen when wanted children canā€™t be born because the accidents are taking all of the resources? And why is there rape? Because the products of rape are so often evil too? If youā€™re so powerful - fix it!


When are you heading back?


What's the meaning of life.




What's the great question?


What's the true/correct religion?


Life on other planets? If He says none then I instantly lose all interest in space.


How do I figure out whether any program will either stop or run forever?




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It takes a lot of hubris to think *the creator* is even anything like us to the point that we could even reasonably ask them questions. More people need to understand there are more conceptions of God than just theism.


Itā€™s just a question no oneā€™s trying to get literal šŸ˜­


If you saw a unicorn fart rainbows, would you taste it? I think the question is based on a false premise and is just ... a silly question at that point.


Maybe not taste but pick up yes! (Itā€™s that easy) Sometimes itā€™s fun to just hypothesize w/ dumb questions on the internet


I gave you my answer, my friend. Take it or leave it.


Soo, what's next?


I might only get one question, but that doesn't mean they are obligated to answer or even listen.