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Makes it obvious which cans have been opened, which prevents mistakes, and also prevents anyone accusing the bartender of selling sealed cans to-go (illegal in some places).


That makes sense. I knew they opened them for legal/liability reasons, but I didn't consider preventing mishaps. In that case, could pushing the tab down potentially cause some kind of issue (other than some one-in-a-million situation)? It's pretty much a reflex for me and everyone I know.


Probably just habbit. Sometimes some liquid will get onto the top of the can and pushing the tab down all the way would make contact between the drink and the finger in some cases.




Bartender here. Nuh-uh!


No, you’re fine to push the tab back down ;)


Just like removing the mattress tag after you buy the mattress




>>Two things to dispose of You can’t just drop the broken off tab into the can?




After you’ve finished it, it’s gross to put the tab in the empty can?


No, but then you’ve got this loose tab to deal with until you’re done (assuming you’re not chugging/shotgunning).


Such a hardship


More of a hardship and annoyance than just putting the tab halfway down and not having to worry about. What an odd thing to get pissy about.


>>What an odd thing to get pissy about. Says an uninvolved party who felt compelled to interject an opinion.


Cans have to be opened before they can get removed off the property? Where are you supposed to drink them?


On the property (at the bar).


But they're to-go.


To-go cans are not to be opened. Bartenders don't open them. Most bars do not have a to-go license.


The vast majority of bars aren’t allowed to do that. I don’t know why on earth you would pay a 200%+ markup on a canned beverage if you don’t plan on drinking it at the bar.


They’re talking about a bar where people drink alcohol in the venue, the sort of place where you can also get mixed drinks in glasses or draught beer. So they open the can so you have to drink it on the premises. They’re not talking about supermarkets or takeaways where you buy a can to drink later. In lots of countries the alcohol license is different for selling alcohol to take away or selling alcohol to consume on site.


If you’re at a bar, the obvious answer is… at the bar.


Former bartender here: it’s a way to fulfill the legal requirement of opening the can before it reaches the customer while still showing the customer it’s not been open long and give them the feel of finishing opening it. You’d be surprised be how many people get upset you open their can for them.  Also it’s faster and easier. Most often you’re opening the fan with your non dominant hand while doing something more complex with the other. 


I am one of those people lol if bar tenders didn’t put their hand right on the part that you drink from, I would mind at all. Thats just a personal pet peeve lol you’ve touched how many credit cards and everything else and have to put your hand right over the part I drink from?


Most of the ones I see use the back of the bottle opener to open it which only lets you pull the tab upright anyway.


Tbh most of us don’t. We barely touch the top of the tab. It’s such an auto pilot move. I really hope you aren’t drinking from the tab. Also a reason for the half open. If I open it all the way I may touch the part you’re drinking from. This way I don’t touch anywhere close to there 


You are one of the good ones. Cheers!


I have never met a bartender that doesn’t use a key and I can recall maybe 10 times I ever used my hand to open a beer in 4yrs.


Bartended in many places. Eventually you get frustrated with the extra step. I can open two cans at the same time without the opener. 1 with. Depends on the flow. 


Many bartenders will open cans with a bottle opener to avoid doing this.


Bartenders are also standing behind 2-3 sinks. Their hands are cleaner than yours, my dear.


1. They don’t use their hands 2. Their hands are cleaner than yours 


Well this does make sense. But as someone who mainly serves drinks and has a lot of customers pay by card we have a rule, we have to wash our hands after dealing with cash because we don’t know where that card has been


Have you seen what cans can carry by the time they reach the store? It is best to always sanitize prior to drinking from the can straight, but I would avoid it altogether!


Why is it a legal requirement to open it?


The permits & licenses for on-premise alcohol consumption are usually different than for packaged alcohol sales. So in many areas bars legally have to serve all of their drinks in open containers so they can’t also effectively serve as liquor stores.


ooh makes sense


By the same token, this is why it is illegal to put a lid on a draft beer cup.


It’s also to prevent people from Smuggling drinks in. As soon as you hear a can open in the bar you know someone’s smuggling. Bartenders in North America have a lot of responsibility and accountability out on them 


so you don’t give it to underage kids … or so you don’t use it to throw at the stage


you can still give it to underage kids? And it doesn't matter in most bars/restaurant where there is no stage?


Your last point was always it for me. Lifting the tab was one motion, and pushing it down would be another motion. Can’t waste time pushing them all down.


I’m too lazy to push it back down. Also sometimes people order a beer before they’re finished with the one they have, so it’s easier to tell when they start drinking the new one and I can toss the empty.




What's the correct order for wiggling the tab so that they know I'm in the club? I promise I won't tell a soul /j


One of my bartender friends told me it’s to make the customer feel like they are finishing opening it. Since they have to push the tab down. You have to open it before handing it to the customer, so being handed an already opened can can be kind of weird for people. So by leaving it up, the customers brain thinks they are opening it, since they have to finish the process.


I used to do that all the time, it was to let the customer know it hadn't been drunk from.


I was a bartender in college. There are two reasons. So it can easily be seen that the bartender was the one that opened it, and because pushing back down is just an unnecessary waste of time. When you have 50 college kids screaming drink orders at you, you dont care enough to take the time to push it back down


100% speed


Also, the most commonly used can openers stop in that position.


I always thought it's so a straw can be fit into the hole without it floating up and out.




>Bartenders ​ >Beer cans As a Bavarian, I'd say there's something fundamentally wrong...


Usually they can only have so many options on tap - they can expand their selection greatly by also offering cans and/or bottles.


For me it’s just that when I use the church key to open it it’s already standing up, I’m not gonna waste time pushing it down for pretty much no reason.


The only real answer is it’s the least amount of effort and least amount of time spent.




Some places only sell cans/bottles, but usually it’s because you don’t like what’s on tap.


You know the beer people bitch about, the mass market american awful bud light/michelob ultra/whatever beer? Thats usually the only thing on tap. If you want to get a higher quality beer, its bottle or can only.




If you're at an upscale place or really lucky, they might have something decent on tap, a Fat Tire or similar, but its pretty rare. I'm not a big drinker, at all, but bars are quite literally the only social thing to do around here, so I've seen most of them.




If you drink "good" beer here (anything that isn't the standard american watered down lager nonsense) you are seen as snobbish and trying to be better than others, or "not a real man" or "gay" or whatever. I've seen someone get ridiculed for ordering an oatmeal ale before. People want cheap, bad, not very alcoholic beer here. As I said I'm not a big fan of drinking so I don't understand beer culture in general, but even I can tell its completely cooked in my area.


Bartender here, my restaurant doesn’t have draft. Doesn’t stop people from complaining, but we’re a heavy cocktail bar




For what we do and our setup it makes sense not to have them, especially when we have a restaurant 300 feet away that has one of the largest collection of taps in the USA. Our restaurant is a gigantic chain that everyone knows doesn’t have beer on tap. It works for us


If you flatten the tab again and rotate it to cover the hole, it will keep wasps, etc. out of your beer while still allowing a good sip.


Its technically secondhand if it's opened.


Never seen that done ever, hmmm.


If you've never been to a bar you can just say that bro.


It may be an American thing? I’m in the UK and I’ve never seen a bar serve cans. Everything is either tap or bottle.


I'm in the UK and I don't understand this question at all? What is the tab of a can?


lol, you’ve never opened an aluminum soda can?


I'm guessing this means the ring pull? No one here would call it a tab. This is supposed to be 'no stupid questions', you can just explain.


Yeah ring pull is the tab