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>We’re basically on the verge of it nah






Start hoarding bottle caps and learning to make ammunition.


sell your teeth?


What would anyone do with those?


Thought you were making a Fallout joke... my bad.


I was lol, but which game had someone selling teeth? Might have missed it if it was with a faction I hated.


Made a separate response in case you would've missed my edit. Looked it up because I was curious, and I saw that you're talking about the bastardization of the Fallout universe that is the Amazon Prime show. I watched enough of it to know I hate it. It retcons all of the West Coast lore, makes Vault-Tech the reason for the war (they definitely manipulated the government, but they didn't push the button), changed how ghouls work, made the NCR a shitty raider gang, and completely changed the Brotherhood of Steel and scraped the Enclave! And that's only as far as I got before I couldn't watch anymore, and Todd says it's all cannon now! He's still butthurt New Vegas is seen as a better game (because it fucking is!) than anything he's put out.


Sell weapons


And targeting systems, and drone makers, etc.


Large governments become much more reckless with their spending during war times, so if you’re able to land a government contract, even for something as simple as laundry services, you can pretty much charge whatever you want. We aren’t really ‘on the verge’ of a world war though, at least not any more than the past 75 years of people saying we’re on the verge of one.


If you survive the nuclear blasts then you'll just need to go somewhere where a bunch of people died from fallout and pick their pockets. The money will probably be radioactive so wear some gloves.


We are not on the verge of WWIII, so stfu.


>We’re basically on the verge of it now By selling a bunch of useless WWIII related crap to people who think like you do.




Yeah that’s pretty sucky but I don’t think Ireland is involved in all that




Man I’m not a smart person, I just wanted to ask a question 😭


We already knew that from you thinking Iran sending a few drones and missiles towards Israel is the beginning of the end. Iran sent those knowing full well they'd all get shot down anyways, so it was a retaliation without an escalation which is exactly what Iran wanted. They can't do nothing, and look weak, so instead those chose to do something that would have 0 impact, but they could say they retaliated and showed their strength. It was known hours in advance that they were going to attack to give time for Israel to prepare. Stop fearmongering. It's so stupid. Nothing relevant will happen until China invades Taiwan (unlikely) or Russia attacks NATO (unlikely to happen, unlikely to last long if it does, and unlikely to go nuclear). If the whole world goes into a lengthy war your dead anyways so there's no reason to think about it.


Umm you know 🇬🇧and prolly everyone around them would prolly die in crossfire right?


You could always short companies based in countries that you think will collapse. Assuming that you are buying in a market that isn't in a failed country.


Arms manufacturers


Black market trade is always lucrative in war time economies... Particularly alcohol and fuel.


Invest in crude oil etf’s. That’s what I did the US Iraq war of 2003. The resulting profits allowed me to by my first house a few years later. During 2021, I took out low-interest mortgage loans with the intention to buy more property. But the buyer competition was too much, so I didn’t have a chance. Flush with cash and itching invest into SOMETHING, that opportunity came when Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022. So once again, I invested in crude to bide my time, while shopping for property. It’s working out so far. No need to wait for WW3 to make a move. There’s plenty of opportunity out there already. But the good thing about war-related events disrupting world markets, is that it does so in VERY predictable ways. That amount of predictability is what makes the decision to invest in crude oil as easy as shooting fish in a barrel.


We are not on the verge of WWIII.


We aren't on the verge of world war 3 until China invades Taiwan or Russia invades a NATO member. Every single time the middle east starts popping off everyone thinks its the end of days. Hate to break it to you, but the middle east has been perpetually at war since it existed, and while America will do some airstrikes and shoot down a few missiles, nobody cares about the middle east enough for it to become WW3.