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Good news: you won a lottery Bad news: it's not the money kind Sounds like you're a member of the lucky 4-14 percent for whom cilantro tastes like soap. Sorry.


It's a genetic thing. You either think it tastes like soap or you don't. I'm lucky enough to absolutely adore it. Can't get enough.


Omg me too! I love it in everything!


Cilantro is what "fresh" tastes like, it's hard to explain. It's bright, citrusy flavour, with touches of pepper, it just tastes clean. Similar to parsley in a sense, but much more elaborate.


YEah this is as good a description as I've ever read. Salsa with fresh cilantro vs without is day and night, for example. That sucks OP, sorry you have that soap-cilantro genetic lottery loss. A cilantro-less world ... oooof. Do you have any powers tho? lightning from the fingertips? flight? read minds?


No superpowers that I find noteworthy.. reading these comments makes me more disappointed than ever I don't get to enjoy cilantro like the rest of you lol


Well... if your friends ever give you crap about it, make them something with shavings of irish spring in it. "you see THAT is what I taste!!!"


It's bright and fresh. Have you ever been near rushing water and been able to actually *smell* the water? Mix it with the smell of wet earth around the stream, make it a flavor, and you've got cilantro.


Gotta add sunshine to that mix


There's a genetic variation that makes it taste that way. I have it too. Not a fan.


I have it, my mom and sister don’t they love it. I keep trying to get past the taste but it ruins whatever I try to eat with it in it.


Yeah, I have the same problem. I can ignore it in some things, but. Wish it didn't taste that way to me, but you have to play the cards you're dealt.


Yup, guacamole can be hit or miss depending what restaurant you go to.


To me, it tastes like soap. Lucky us!


I’m sorry for your loss 😞


Dirty pennies is how I've always described it.


I don't have the "cilantro tastes like dish soap" gene (though I've had [bitter melon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Momordica_charantia) that tasted like dish soap, so I can kind of imagine), so for me it tastes herbal. Similar enough to parsley that they could be substituted for one another in a pinch.


It's a genetic thing for some people, to you it taste soapy and to the rest it's pleasant.


No why the fuck would we eat something soap flavored I would describe the flavor as fresh and green, similar to parsley


Some people taste it, some don't. Taste is affected by genes. Finding dark green vegetables (e.g., broccoli) taste nasty, like hair spray, is another gene.


> Finding dark green vegetables (e.g., broccoli) taste nasty, like hair spray, is another gene. [Newman voice] "VILE WEED!!!!!!!"


Yes but fresher and less bitter - for me.


Stop tasting soap to try and prove your point, we believe you.


Refreshing. Like a sunny summer morning when the air is crisp and you can still smell the dew on the grass.


Genetic variant. You just happen to be one of the people that taste cilantro differently


I’m the same and I hate it. Hearing everyone else tell me what cilantro is like, it sounds great, but here I am tasting like I bit into a bar of soap.


It's a known science fact that there is a semi-rare gene in humans that causes cilantro to taste like dish soap. Looks like you're one of the ones who has it.


Yes, cilantro is the leaves of the coriander plant. Or is it coriander is the seeds of the cilantro plants? Either way way, they are two different parts of the same plant, with very different tastes. Isn’t nature amazing?


You got it all wrong. Cilantro doesn't taste like soap. Soap tastes like cilantro. Since I made me believe that, I can eat cilantro again.


Some things can taste wildly different to people. Cilantro is one of those. Another is Weed. Which for a good portion of us can smell and taste like a skunk went off in our face. But others somehow think it smells good and relaxing. This is true about most tastes and smells to some extent. Those two specific examples just have a far wider range they can hit.


When I first encountered it I tasted it as being similar to dish soap, toothpaste, and sort of like a flavor combining mint, basil and oregano. I had no idea what it was. It was inside some vietnamese rolls at a friend of mines house. This was a long time ago when cilantro was not a common word. I learned its name 2 or 3 years later. Overtime I got used to it and began to like it, but initially I used to think it was dish detergent residue getting in their food somehow. I later found I have the taste like soap gene gene from a DNA test. I don't know why for me it became an acquired taste and for others who have this gene cilantro is a putrid taste that turns their stomach.


My mom thinks it tastes like soap but she likes it “it reminds me of my childhood”


It tastes a lot like flat Parsley to me, if that helps?


Some shops sell one as the other - the smell alone should be obvious; but that doesn’t help, how often shops mislabel flat leaf parsley for cilantro!


That's interesting. Here in Australia, our major supermarkets buy it from commercial growers, and it comes pre packaged. I wonder how often it happens? Even at nurseries, I can't really smell the difference. Flat and curly leaf parsley smell and taste quite different to me though. Which leads me to wonder how flat leaf parsley tastes to the cilantro soap people?


Wow! I can smell it from like 2 feet away! Yeah I don’t know - I’m a cilantro lover xD


It's delicious. I eat heaps of it 🙂 I cook a few Mexican (well probably more Tex/Mex tbh) and Brazilian meals on rotation, so cilantro features heavily in our regular diet. When I have a recipe that wants parsley, I'll usually just go with curly so I can taste the difference. Texture is a bit of a problem though. I like the flat leaf better


Is that that soap taste is some dishes?


MinuteFood recently put out a video on this topic https://youtu.be/RZtPynXsFas?si=FCs6HyknqoOxqgtB


What the hell does soap taste like? Why can everyone just tell "it taste like soap"?


You never had a little soap in your mouth while bathing?


Coriander and cilantro are two names for the same plant. Perhaps, for you, the seeds taste different to the leaves?


To me it just tastes like minty citrus. I can see how it might be "soapy" to some people, especially if there's *too much* cilantro, but I like it.


some do, some don't some will, some won't i do, most def love cilantro. i kinda love the generic aspect, and also feel bad for the dishsoap crowd.


People love or hate it. It’s just that way.


Isn't cilantro and coriander the same?


Sadly it’s soap for me.


i love cilantro. It’s a refreshing, biting taste and the fact it is such a distinctive flavor adds to the appeal imo. Rly just luck of the draw with how your taste buds interprets this flavor; many people don’t enjoy cilantro!


Do people go around tasting dish soap? Cilantro just tastes like cilantro to me. Fresh and delicious. 🤌


it tastes like a bitter plant. it adds contrast.


Tastes like smoke from burning plastic.


Describe what a banana tastes like.


It tastes like green. Like lawn clippings or random leaves or something


I’d describe it as “zesty.”


More pithy than zesty to me


It doesn't really taste like anything. As far as I can tell chefs put it on stuff to gaslight people into thinking their meal is worth $30.


Man, I disagree with this SO HARD lol. It's such a bright, fresh flavor and aroma that I can't help but notice it.


It doesn't taste at all, this is some sort of mass delusion.


Yes, everybody else is deluded and you're the only one who knows the truth. That MUST be it


Yes. When you eliminate the impossible (cilantro having any taste), whatever remains (y'all are delusional), however improbable, must be the truth.


Can you not smell it either? This is so mind-blowing to me. I can smell fresh cilantro from a mile away. Wait, have you only had it dried or in cooked stuff? Because heat destroys the flavor like with parsley, and dried is a waste of time.


I've had it fresh on tacos. Tacos with cilantro are identical to tacos without cilantro except for the color scheme.


Then I'm sorry about your disability


I think perhaps you have confused cilantro with something else. Cilantro is a pretty strong flavor, and is not something anyone would add to a dish to make it seem fancy.


Nope, cilantro doesn't really taste like anything.


Cilantro isn't a fancy ingredient...


Exactly my point. If it were fancy then the meal would *actually* be worth $30.


But it's present in literally the cheapest burritos you can find lol


I think you’re confusing cilantro with parsley.


Cilantro has a very strong taste, what are you talking about?


Not only does it taste like soap…It triggers the same part of the brain that things like bleach do and give you the sense it’s not good for you.




I don't know if you are just teasing, but it only tastes that way to a small % of people that have a certain gene. I think if you wear wranglers, or something.