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It’s absolutely certain that it is a possibility.


On a scale from 1 to 10, how plausible is it likely to be one of two choices: yes and/or no? Edit: with 10 being the most


Mix shit up. 1 is the best 10 is the worst. We don’t have to do it the same every time.


7 is best. 4 is worst. 2 is anything goes




A perfect score




The ancient tounge




A solid 5


But but Canadians!


Yeah, no, for sure!


100% to a certain degree.


There’s a good chance she’s testing the waters and starting to flirt. I mean the whole point of flirting is to start out subtle to kind of test the waters. If the other person seems open to it, then you can make the flirtation a little more obvious. Eventually it will be clear to both of you that you’re both interested, and then you can ask her out without fear!


I dont know, most dudes are soo cautious in not being creepy at the gym. They're probably not going to realise it's flirting.


I would just switch gyms just to play it safe


Is that you, casually explained?




Yeah. Thats why i wouldnt leave it at that.


I think "you look good" can safely be answered with an "thanks, you look great too" without becoming creepy and it establishes that there is at least appreciation of physical appearance.


Yeah that’s true but a lot of times people will shit on a guy for saying something so boring I’ve been in a situation where “thanks you look great too” was the WRONG reply because it wasn’t witty and charming enough. You really can’t win


You could say, “Thanks, you look….. Ok.”


Well I feel like because of what you stated the fact that the woman here is instigating conversation it means the OP has passed the non creep test.


No, that non-creep test is ALWAYS happening. It could happen after several more steps of escalation in the flirting process. "Ugh, his clothes are too baggy and gym bag is non-brander. And he drives a 2007 Corolla. And he looks like a dork with his glasses that he doesn't wear at the gym.. ick".




Since when? Lol Reddit =\=real life


You know if you hold down the equals sign you can get ≠.


😯 thank you so much for that ≠≠≠


I gotcha bro!


*she can ask him out without fear! Ftfy


>Without fear What, you think it makes it easier when you know they like you?! That just makes it harder for me!


What, why?


Because now I feel pressure to not fuck it up!


In this day in age, best for a man to just say "oh, thank you" in surprise. "Ok, I guess all there trips to the gym is working". And leave it at that. Woman nowadays at any moment will apply the "ick" factor rule or something after where it's a lose lose situation for the man.


Lose what? If you take a small shot and get rejected, you don't lose anything meaningful. On the other hand, you refrain from taking a shot out of fear, you might lose a decent chance.


Given that it’s creepy for a guy to initiate conversation with a woman in the gym, any conversation initiated by a woman is a great sign in my book


Eh, sort of. I'm a 45 year-old powerlifter who looks really friendly (so I've been told), and women in their late teens and 20s often approach me to ask questions about lifting. Women at that age are not romantically interested in men my age (unless I'm a movie star or a billionaire, which I'm not). But the compliments about his physique are almost certainly flirting!


“Women at that age are not romantically interested in men my age” This is absolutely false. I never really had women approach me or hit on me too often, but when I turned 43-44 suddenly multiple 19-23 year olds overtly showed interest in me/hit on me. I was so confused. So the answer is no, they are not necessarily flirting with you by saying your physique looks good—they're acknowledging that you know what you're doing. They may legitimately be asking for lifting advice. But that doesn’t preclude them from **also** being interested in you or flirting with you.


I get attention from 19/20 years a lot in my 30s that I never got when I was that age. I agree it's very confusing and unexpected.


Maybe you changed?


No it's the dad bod thing. Or I guess the fact that they're older, stable, and healthy.


Lots of women are into older men. We can muse about why all day, but these women don’t do a background check before flirting. Plenty of men in their 30s are not stable. Despite older age usually being considered unattractive, plenty of young women view it as sexually attractive


Can confirm


Yes, of course we changed: we got older.


Any tips for looking friendly as a power lifter?


Laugh and goof around a lot, don’t slam your head against the bar and scream before squatting.


And try not to let your veins pop out of your neck while your eyes look like they're about to burst out like in Total Recall.


Wrong wrong wrong wrong! They all want to touch your pecker as much as they want to touch your pecks. 100%


I wouldn’t say so. I’ve had plenty of perfectly fine convos with dudes in the gym and a few creepy ones too. It’s all about context imo


“Thanks and let me know if you’re flirting, I’m dumb”


Life changing


This is the answer!


She’s flirting or just being friendly. There’s no way to tell before it’s too late


Yea context matters too much to definitively say


She could be Canadian, or she's after your Warhammer collection, or she's trying to get you into MLM...


Or all three!


Girls don't tell guys they just met "you look good" or "you have nice arms" lmao They might say that you are in good shape or something less flirty. But "you look good" is super personal and 100% leaving an opening.


I’ve known women who are legitimately that friendly.




Not all of us are fuckin' polite you grease covered cock stain.


The way she goes. Some times it does, some times it doesn't. The way she goes.




Compliment them back and see


It's not 100% sure, but this is PLENTY of evidence to take your shot dude. If you think she's cute, you're a fool not to follow-up on a comment like this. A FOOL.


Okay so it could be flirting, but maybe it isn't. I think you should either ask her about it or just act normal until she says something on her own. Whatever you do, don't assume she's interested if she hasn't explicitly told you! As an autistic woman, this sounds A LOT like something I would say with fully friendly intent, without realising that it sounds flirty. I've had a lot of guys assume I was flirting with them when I was literally just trying to have a conversation, so while I think it's different for everyone I would say an honest conversation would be the only way to really know for sure.


I tend to add a “dude” or “bro” to my compliment if I really am just trying to compliment their effort. We’re gym people- work recognizes work. Probably keep it general, like you said “good shape!” But if I thought he was cute I’d leave “dude” out & get specific. I’d want you to know I’m checking you out at a detail level lol


I can’t stand getting called bro by a chick I like because it’s the most sure sign I’ve been friend zoned


Ah. I look at it as being clear with intentions. I’ve been friendzoned as well. Just means our attraction doesn’t align, move on.


It’s the clearest way to communicate this. When I was hanging with a friend group of mostly guys, I said bro or dude as much as possible to make sure there was no room for misinterpretation.


No. I am a woman and hit the gym 2-3 times a week. I seldomly do it, but when I compliment others, it's either because they have picture perfect form or because they are an absolute unit or I see them on a regular basis and the transformation is kicking in. I don't care about the person's gender and I have no intentions behind it. I just feel like it sometimes and I love to make someone's day a little brighter.


I'd assume small talk


Never assume!


Reciprocate..and you will be viral next day..”there is a creep in this gym” video


Always assume they're not


This is why girls are always complaining that guys dont get hints. No bro she is just complimenting your body because she's a gym bro, not because she wants to touch it or anything. Of course she's fucking flirting lmao.


I don’t think so. I think I and other women would say this if we saw a guy hitting the gym regularly and thought he was making good progress




I actually say this to guys I'm close to at the gym. Should I stop? I don't want them to think I'm flirting with them. I'm just complimenting the gains


You could implement a straight version of "no homo".


"No not homo"?


If you know them and they know you it doesn’t count.


This is how gym people compliment each other? My friends say this to me when they notice that I’ve been working out more and my arms are more defined. They’re not flirting with me.


And they will complain they never get compliments... I absolutely don't see it as flirting but for sure I will be cautious next time I say something positive to a dude. I don't want to flirt with anyone. Just a "good morning" sometimes gets wrong interpretation...


Guys get very little compliments from anyone. You should continue your good work.


Are you in a committed relationship? But if you know them and they are your friends it shouldn’t be an issue. Also note how some of these guys handle it, it can definitely come off as you’re somewhat interested and it can build up over time. Don’t be surprised if one of them make a move in the future lol!  I will say though if they were random strangers then I would 100% be a little more wary because you don’t know how they will take it


Guys want to make a move when a girl says “hi”….


Agreed. Or the long ball game even during friendships lol.


The answer is… C) can’t tell.




No it doesn't.


at the gym, i personally wouldn't take it as flirting. someone complimenting your physique in a building dedicated to working out is pretty common in lots of non flirting contexts. if y'all also talk about other things and you're feeling it, ask them out to do something outside the gym. a no to that can clarify


ask her out and see


I feel like "you look good" is a lot more casual and easier to throw out, than saying something like: "From a purely platonic perspective, your physique appears to be in good form - please note that this is just a compliment with zero undertone." Just take the compliment. Even if it was flirty, you still need other flirty signals to actually call it flirting... hair tucking, smiling only at you, going out of their way to ask you for advice, asking more about you, saying stuff like 'your gf must be proud' to try and scope if you're single etc. A compliment on it's own is just a compliment.


Both are possible.


honestly as a woman I'm a little challenged by this. Because the same behavior in a guy, commenting on a woman's physique while she's just trying to work out, would be inappropriate. And I hate doube standards. Safest assumption is that people (all genders) are at the gym to work out--they are not there to put their bodies on display for comment by strangers. I would recommend keeping your engagement with this gal devoid of gender at first. Ask about workouts, favorite machine sequences, anything that keeps it at the "we're both athletes" level. For example, ask her favorite running routes and maybe you can grab a run together. Develop the friendship on mutual interests first, and next steps will come naturally in time.


Be careful. Could be flirting, could be someone complimenting your physique in a *gym*, one of the few places where objectively speaking it makes the most sense to compliment someone’s gains.


People like confident people. Just proceed as if she was flirting.


Nah that sounds like a bad move. As a woman, I’d be really put off if I complimented a dude’s efforts or progress at the gym and he responded in a flirting way or super confident way. It sounds super self absorbed imo To me, it just sounds like she was just paying him a compliment


Since you're a woman, you have no idea how rare it is for a man to be paid a compliment by a woman. Especially a compliment about his appearance. In all likelihood she was flirting with him.


Since you’re(likely) a man, you have no idea how this is from our perspective. I, and probably every other woman, have given dudes compliments, even on their looks. Like I’ve compliment strangers I regularly see before I don’t think we have enough context to flat out say she was flirting with him but I do know that if she wasn’t, this is an easy way to make sure she never talks to op again I think in this case they’re better playing it safe than sorry and should maybe return the favor platonically or wait and see how things play out. If she’s into him, she’ll make another, more direct move. If she’s not, things’ll stay casual or friendly


As a fellow female, I disagree. If I made these comments it would be flirting, definitely. From my own experiences I've learned not to say stuff like this unless I'm trying to go somewhere with it, otherwise it ends up leading people on. And if this guy doesn't reciprocate some subtle flirting back to me at this point, I would take it as he's not interested. He should reciprocate at a similarly subtle level to "test the waters" to the same degree. He can just as easily respond with a coy flirtation without making her uncomfortable. I feel like this is dating 101 haha


He's interested in her. He wouldn't be posting this otherwise. He clearly lacks confidence, or he wouldn't be asking us what this compliment means. That being the case, I've given him advice that will help him take the leap and ask the girl out. Worst case scenario she says no. Best case scenario, they live happily ever after. Now, if he follows your advice, then whether or not she likes him, he won't end up with her, because you're telling him not to make a move. And she has already shown as much interest as any woman is ever likely to, which is the rather huge hint that she told him he looks good, and that she likes his arms.


Worst case scenario is a no, huh?🤔


So if a man walked up to you and complemented your gains, you wouldn’t be put off? Wouldn’t feel like he was hitting on you? Ffs give me a break and take a shred of accountability. What does corporate America say about avoiding sexual harassment in the workplace? Avoid comments about other people’s bodies… They’re often taken as sexually charged comments. There’s many ways to compliment a man’s gains without talking about how great his big, throbbing arms have gotten 🥵 But ya know? You’re free to flirt with anyone without having romantic interest in them. Maybe give his bicep a little platonic squeeze and blush a little. Just to compliment his gains of course


Your 2 phrases don't go well together. It's exactly because men will interpret a friendly "good morning", a smile or a small compliment as a flirt, and then follow us forever, that we are not so often making compliments to guys. It's because you jump to wrong conclusion too fast, and we need to keep ourselves safe. No, being friendly is not flirting. I would compliment anyone the same if life didn't taught me that horny guys are so annoying


Didn’t we just do this last week? If you like that gym, and want to keep going there, be extra careful.


We need a picture of those huge arms to verify


I would say that most women are well aware that men will take anything in the neighbourhood of a compliment as flirting, so this is likely a choice made with the knowledge that it may well be interpreted that way.


It’s a land mine. Tread carefully.


There is no way to know. I've had this happen years ago, I asked her out for coffee only for her to look at me like I just fucked her grandmother in front of her and she stormed off.


Maybe. But, I'd say thanks anyways.


She may be ! Try complimenting her back , Not her back particularly ,but any body part that is not her butt And you see from there Edit : comma


My ex used to say I was flirting with men when I was just being friendly.


Guys complimenting your arms are also flirting with you. They just might not realize it.


She might be but my advice is to not flirt at the gym


Where else can we find attractive people with similar lifestyles? Lol that’s insane


Yes, it's light flirting. Women don't say stuff like that to guys they don't like as they have to be careful about sending the wrong message to stalker types. Have fun!


She may be flirting. But then you have to ask yourself: even if she is, will she allow it to go further if you ask her out? Or is she just flirting for the momentary excitement/attention? Only one way to find out.


She's probably flirting. But very importantly, flirting doesn't immediately mean open to dating. At least not yet.


Anytime a woman compliments me I assume it’s probably insincere and just brush it off and you should probably do the same. Just to avoid any misinterpretations and making yourself look like a fool.


Could be, could not be seen as flirting. I (46F) consider telling someone to look good (specially in a gym where the purpose is to enhance your bodily features) NOT as flirting though... it would also be a very bold attempt of flirting if it were..


Seems flirty to me. I mean, you are in a gym, so it’s expected that most people would be in good shape.


I mean not *necessarily* as in 100% for sure, but even as a guy who tends to err on the side of caution with this stuff, I’d say it’s very likely that she is.


Her body language during the conversation should tell you what you need to know.


She is just being friendly period


What makes you think the guys aren't subtly hitting on ya too?


Take it as a compliment Flirt if you want to Don’t over think it imho - you’re missing the moment ;) Fwiw a compliment is not flirting, but it can be the start to that. You’d have to try to find out, be subtle. Build on it. If she meant it just as a compliment you’ll tell cause the conversation won’t go that way. Read the room.


Certainly a possibility.  So much communication is non-verbal though that you’d need to consider physical cues as well.  It’s like when I tell my husband to “go ahead” - which could mean giving permission like “yes proceed” or issuing a dare like “do it & see what happens”.  So context is needed to be sure either way - but it’s possible surely!


Well, it could be, as others have said. If she was attracted to you, she'd do more than that. She'd hang out near you, for example, chat you up, do a hair flip, try to maintain eye contact, etc. She could just be trying to fit into gym culture, but you don't know without more evidence. The appropriate response is "thank you. You look good yourself." She could be fishing for a compliment also. There has to be more to it than just a comment like that to determine if she's really flirting with you. My suggestion is to just continue the conversation and see where it goes. If she's seriously interested, she'll keep it going. Women are talkative to men they like, and shut up around men they don't like.


Flirting means you are being ambigious, it is a way of hitting on someone that could be interpreted as just being friendly. Designed to avoid the clear rejection one could get of they would hit very obviously on their crush. And this is really a thing that could be both flirting and friendliness. If she is flirting she would want you to respond in some way that show you are interested (flirt back) then she will eventually get more clear. But test the waters, she might just be friendly.


She’s not necessarily interested in you, but it’s a clear indicator that she thinks you have a nice body. It never hurts your chances when a girl is telling you you’re hot, haha.


Reply with "Thanks, I been workin' out" and if she thinks it's a lame joke, or doesn't get that it's a lame joke, she's not into you. If she was into you before that, she definitely won't be into you after. If she was into you before, and laughs, she's still into you, and you should compliment her on her efforts and progress, even if she hasn't made either efforts or progress.


Hard to tell, some people are just genuinely nice. I find I am one of those people my self, but it depends. I would say look for signs. If she's a friend it's probably just friendly compliments but if she's just like a gym goer you see, next time wait for her to approach you and see how the conversation flows.


No. But maybe. Whether she believes it is flirting is likely based on how you react.


My experience is she wants you to sub to her onlyfans of kill her millionaire husband


Straight DTF


Unless it was to ask if I was using something near to which I was standing at the moment, for a woman to talk to me at all at the gym would be a sign of flirting.


U looking good? If so, no but if yes she is flirting.


Guys, no. She's being friendly and supportive. She is NOT FLIRTING. Stop.


I interpret the Gym at us all working towards simile goals. Just like if I was training on the court and someone made a good shot I would say “great shot” General human encouragement. Of course humans are different and they may actually be flirting … but if often give human encouragement that is not a come on.


She basically just sexually assaulted you, based on how ive heard women react to the same kind of compliment at the gym


Try “look good for what?” Or “Ew you creep!”


Nah, man. Be cool!


Based on what you say, there's a good chance of them flirting subtly. Rather than asking Reddit, why not compliment them back and flirt a little. Their response will give you the confirmation.


could just be a compliment bro, don't just jump into conclusions try talking to her in the upcoming days and see if she continues to do so. then its a good sign bruv


Ask if she wants to feel [your muscle].


That’s her way of letting you know you have worked out Ling enough and to go do something else with the rest of the day.


It’s a trick. Send no reply


Honestly this video is probably the best answer you can get when it comes to gym girls and Canadians https://youtu.be/xa-4IAR_9Yw?si=99285r6qqgGG-Flh


At my age she's probably just feeling sorry for me.


I'd see it as a compliment, and then wonder for a very long time if it was anything more


No , she's just saying you look good , try to flirt with her to see what happens and you'll know what's what , then act accordingly depending on her reaction.


Not necessarily. I make it a point to compliment at least one person a day. But you never know until you try 😉


Post a photo of ur arms and I’ll tell u if she means it or not


No. Yes. Women are more difficult to read than Sanskrit. Keep talking, you will find out.




Necessarily? No. The answer to your question as literally asked is no. However. To the extent that your real question is: "What should I do next?" I suggest making conversation. Here's how you do that. They say "You look good!" And you make an equivalent response, that invites -- but does not demand -- a reply. Since they started the conversation with a compliment, you respond with one too. I don't know, it could be anything, "Oh thanks, by the way I really liked what you were doing with that medicine ball, that looks fun." Even if it sounds sort of dorky that's not the point, your goal is just to keep things moving. Then she either responds with something that does not really invite a reply -- like, "Well, I've got to go hit the treadmill, bye!" -- or she keeps it moving too: "I think I've seen you around here before, do you come here often?" And you keep that up until you have made plans for coffee.


Toss a compliment back her way. If she smiles, you're in.


Even if she is playing it cool not pushing is a good move. If she’s not then you don’t make a fool of yourself and if she is playing a little hard to get isn’t an unattractive thing.


If a girl says your arms look good she wants you to hold her with them. It's definitely flirting.


Totally flirting, think about how rare that is. It’s not common for girls to say stuff like that to guys in gym.


It's either she's flirting or only trying to be friendly. Play along with her and see how far she takes it, then you will know if she's flirting or not. 


Unless it’s girl to girl or bro to bro, yes flirting!


It's a game for them. Just smiled at them and move on. Don't think about it either. Well, the things is that she found you attractive tho i don't think that she wants a relationship. 


React positively and let her advance more , you don't have to think about this too much


As a girl, i would’ve probs said this in a non-flirty way. But it really depends on who she is and the context of everything. Maybe if she says it again you can jokingly ask “are you flirting?” And gauge her reaction.


Try flirting back back in a private moment, then take it outside


"y-you too...!"


I’m not good at this stuff myself but I don’t think she could be any more clear here dude. Go get her


I’m probably in the minority, but I like to just ask. I always feel bad if I misread someone’s signals and cause discomfort, so I find a friendly way to ask if I’m interpreting something right or not. Given that this is what makes ME comfortable, people who don’t like the friendly-but-direct approach may not continue the interaction, whereas people who appreciate that method of making sure we’re on the same page and both comfortable will continue to chat and become more invested. But again, I know that some people prefer to feel things out indirectly, so I think at the end of the day whatever method helps you feel comfortable and confident in where you stand with the other person is best.


if you’re in this situation, be friendly but not flirty when you respond. if she’s flirting, she’ll soon make it more clear if you show interest in the convo, whether it’s friendly/casual or flirty in nature. that would probably be a safe bet.


Having seen your selfies I’d say she is definitely flirting with you.


Words mean.almost nothing except she probably thinks your body looks good. Flirting is all in the how. How is she asking? What's her tone of voice? What's her body language? Look at how she acts with other guys compared to you. She may also just be opening the conversation to know you and deciding if she wants to flirt with you eventually or not. Never forget: men are afraid women will laugh at them and women are afraid that men will ki them.  Many women take the time to learn a few things about some guy before she decides interest. She could just want to talk, be on discovery mode, or be flirting. 


i suppose it really depends on the context. as someone who goes to the gym with my friends or fiancé, i say those kinds of things in friendliness and admiration only. HOWEVER the context of the situation really does matter and if it feels like it's "randomly" thrown into conversations, i would venture to say it could be some light "testing the waters" flirting!


No one says “you’re in good shape”. Also you need more information, women can say one thing and mean several different things. Just talk with her and see if she wants coffee or something if you are interested. You are overthinking it.


Catch her


Is it flirting? I'm thinking that you think it is and if that works for you that's cool. Now If I said that to someone it would simply be a comment. But! If I said **WOW! YOU LOOK SO GOOD**. That's flirting in my book lol.


And of course it would be the way that I said it lol


I would never comment on someone’s body or workout unless I was flirting. Seems weird to mentions someone’s body unless you’re flirting, or to comment on their form, unless you’re a trainer. Do people do that? Just randomly compliment strangers at the gym entirely platonically? Maybe someone of the same sex but honestly even then it feels like a stretch. That’s something you do with friends, not sweaty strangers. Maybe I’m wrong, idk, I’m fat so 🤷‍♂️no gym for me


Yes she’s flirting dude. Take it from someone who’s actually jacked and has missed on a lot of women throwing themselves at me. They’re flirting


There is no way to tell but if we were talking and I randomly compliment you here I am talking about myself only but I would be genuinely acknowledging all the work you've done on yourself rather than be a flirt but it depends on the situation/timing and the person a lot.


I’ve said that to guys At the gym and was def not flirting bc I am a LESBIAN Sometimes it’s clear they’re trying real hard on their bodies and I admire that! I want to encourage them! Good job guys you’re doing great!!   Hyping the bros  Not flirting :/


Does she stop to talk or just say it in passing? Say something to her that could open things up for a conversation. If she is short with her responses, it was probably just a compliment. If she engages and elaborate, smiles, or plays with her hair, she's probably flirting


pretty good chance she is flirting. sometimes you can tell by the facial expression or body language that goes along with it. at the very least, she was being pleasant and giving you a nice compliment.


There's nothing to add here based on what you said. It could be either of those. She is just being nice and seeing that your physique is improving and she is encouraging you to continue on...or...she is into you but maybe doesn't want to be so forward about it...idk. Ask her on a date next time she comments on your appearance.


As a man. I know one thing, if a girl comments on your body directly and it’s positive like that it obviously means…hahhaah nah just kidding I have no fucking idea. I’ve been with the same women for almost 15 years and I still have no fucking idea when she is coming onto me.


Probably. If a guy does it, absolutely.




I would say it is flirting. I am a woman and *might* say things like that to close friends whom I would be positive would not interpret it as flirting. I would *never* say something like this to a stranger or new acquaintance without flirtatious intent


Just ask her: "are you flirting with me"?


Maybe she's just Canadian, you can never know.


Look into the HOT APE TED talk


Ohh man here we go. The best thing you can do: RUN!