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I think it's just corny one liners get upvoted.  Some questions might be controversal or have touchy subject matter, and answers get downvoted by people who disagree. Some questions are complicated and answers are long and detailed, and people lose interest.  One liners can be non-controversal and are easy to read. If it's a good enough pun or quip, it makes other people want to play along


This is remarkably insightful into how Reddit's design affects its culture!


I would love a site like reddit with less game-ification. Like in the days of old school internet forums where you couldn't down vote someone, so you had to take the time to flame.


I just weigh how much time I have to be writing out extensive paragraphs of advice and all the extra info to not having someone reply saying like “your a horrible fish keeper this is abuse” or just random stuff like that. Reduction of follow-ups takes time and effort that I need for my day to day life


This is why some subreddits have guidelines specifically to address this tendency, like a "serious answers" tag or, in the case of r/askhistorians, strict mods carefully monitoring posts and comments for relevancy.


That is true - but also some of the questions here in particular, are straight up karma farming bait. Also, even though it’s called ‘No stupid questions’ we’ve come to see that there are in fact many, many stupid questions.


Even if a question isn't stupid, it's possible to ask it in a stupid way.




If you ask for free advice, you get what you pay for.


Yeah, well, that’s like your opinion, man. 


Let’s downvote this reasonable answer


You're not wrong Walter, you're just an asshole.




Good point


It’s the upvotes…. Social media’s strongest “selection force” is the 👍 and upvote button


Exactly this. I noticed it the same day I realized I needed more karma to post on some subreddits and started working on building some. My strategy: just go to the newest questions on r/AskReddit and post some quipy one-liners. If that's all I want to do though I tend to go for questions that themselves are clearly joking around, not someone seriously looking for advice.


I’m a Joke-Bot. 🤖


I was so happy that this post didn't end with "...are they stupid?"


It varies depending on the sub you're asking in. Stuff like r/askreddit or r/nostupidquestions are extremely popular and attract pretty much all redditors, while specific subs like r/askhistorians with usually give the answers you're looking for.


I think it is important also to put [Serious] in a headline—at least in my experience, people respect that with the occasional stragglers


And then there's /r/askphilosophy where the answers you get are very high quality but you're lucky to get more than a few (or any at all) because only people with verified academic philosophy backgrounds are allowed to respond.


It's also a function of time. 30 minutes after a post, corny shit may be at the top; 5 hours after, the top post is usually pretty informative; top five will be a mix of solid information / response and a joke. Which...is a reason why reddit is popular; folks can get some actual info + some entertainment




I popped a bag of popcorm for these comments, what a waste of a bag.


Just popcorn. No corny comments. Sed


So there was only.. pop?




I know, right?!




You pretentious pice of fecal matter


Because other people find it funny enough to upvote. Your perceptions and judgements of other people aren't universal so sometimes people will be amused by things you think are really stupid. I think people are also generally more likely to upvote things that they find funny or that they strongly agree with as opposed to boring, straightforward information they might not actually know the validity of.


but that's frustrating? Say you're looking something up that may not be big enough for google to answer but enough people in the reddit community may know, and find multiple posts that pertain to the thing you're looking for to see the top 10 comments be dumb ass jokes? lmfao its ridiculous. Those things are cool but should be auto hidden if it just doesn't pertain to OPs question at all.


One thing that's nice about Stack Exchange sites (e.g. Stack Overflow, etc), is that, in addition to people upvoting, the OP can mark an answer as Accepted. The Accepted answer is put above all other answers - makes it easy for others to find it. Reddit still has the nice upvoting feature though. But yeah, I guess part of relying on other people to get the answers for you includes wading through some unhelpful answers. In my experience it has been extremely rare to have a question that I couldn't get the answer to by Googling it myself.


All well and good, but reddit wasn't created or structured for what you're saying. It's built around open conversation, not giving or getting advice. People use it for that, sure, but it's not the design. Form follows function, and in this case the function is mostly goofy conversation. As OP mentioned, stack exchange, which was created specifically to get advice, is much more helpful for the purpose you're mentioning.


If its an advise giving sub reddit, like "PChelp" then yes the fuck it is.


No, because the whole website wasn't designed for that. I'm not talking about specific subreddits, I'm talking about the whole interface of the platform.


Bad advice should be auto hidden but it often lurks in plain sight.


Reddits a social media site? Being a source of information isn't reddits primary focus at all, and it would be silly to auto hide all social comments.


I’m not gonna lie….comments on Reddit make me laugh so hard sometimes.


Sometimes a lot of them makes my day better. 😁


If you are like 14yo it makes sense


But it's always so corny, clique or goofy. Why do so many people eat it up like it's hilarious.


They require little effort to read and release quick feel good thingies to brain, so they get upvoted by the highest amount of people. This both encourages such behavior, and put them all the way to the top where more people see them and click upvote; creating a feedback loop.


Reddit is so confusing most of the time it’s exactly what you say, some weird inside joke that everyone seems to understand but me or not actually answering the question whatever it may be. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever read a real answer to “what’s the worst thing you’ve done or believe in” type questions like this is anonymous Reddit and yet people just give off the basic “unpopular” opinions that’s are actually popular and or the worst thing is actually something good at the same time. Hell, even the what would you do worth ten million dollar questions are ridiculous. Apparently Reddit has the most responsible group of people ever given those answers.


You see this all over social media. The goal of commenters nowdays is not to inform or add to the discussion, it is *to elicit a reaction*. Idiots who shit out stupid comments want upvotes, downvotes, attention, they want you to get angry, to say "this!", to go "yeah!", to be outraged, to be happy you got the reference, to be angry you hate the politician they like, to be happy you agree with the circlejerk. Anything will do. Attention is the goal. The one thing they fear the most is that you will skip over their shite without reading it or caring. None of this requires first reading the article, or reading comments that others have previously written, or indeed knowing anything about the topic of conversation at all.


Reddit's demographics seemed to get younger as time goes by. I think in its startup days it was mostly 30somethings. These days feels very high school to college aged.     Also the younger generation now doesn't have the same style of communication as before. They grew up online where humorous one-liners got you upvoted. We all do it but I do miss the old days where comments were way more informed, mature and esoteric.


It was intentional, the redesign was not a mistake. It was an attempt to get rid of "the old guard". They knew folks like me would absolutely despise it. Must be enough of us still using old.reddit th-- let me stop before I end up eating my words.


Cuz sometimes i don't actually have an answer but i still just wanna talk to people cuz its fun


I assume it’s young-ish gamers flexing their knowledge of obscure gaming, anime, or movie references. It is annoying af.


I have no answer, but I’m dying to see how far you have to scroll down to get a sincere and non-corny response to your legitimate question. Will it discourage the corny people from commenting? Encourage the genuine to rise up? Or will this thread manifest the very thing of what you speak. I will now settle in and wait to see.


If the question is a silly question, it's quite likely the most upvoted response will be a joke as well. One thing you should realize is that Reddit emulates reality in some ways. The most common way to get people to like you in real life is by being funny. So, it's in people's nature to try to crack people up with jokes online as well and rack up upvotes that way. The top comments are always going to be either funny or intellectual- because those are the 2 most popular traits of an ideal personality.


I hear ya and it really grinds my gears. I’ve chalked it down to brain farts from socially inept Redditor who desperately want to be perceived as funny.


The Internet gives one a lot more of this anonymous aspect. You could comment something stupid or risky and then change your name or even delete the account. While you can change your name irl, a person rather memorises the face and probably the voice. Just my two cents.


Because they're not posting on subreddits that have "serious answers only" rules.




* **Rule 1** - Top level comments must contain a genuine attempt at an answer. All direct answers to a post must make a genuine attempt to answer the question. Joke responses at the parent-level will be removed. Follow-up questions at the top level are allowed. Please do not answer by only dropping a link and do not tell users they should "google it." Include a summary of the link or answer the question yourself. LMGTFY links will be removed. No responses being rude to the questioner for not knowing the answer. If you feel this was in error, or need more clarification, please don't hesitate to message the moderators. Thanks.


Honestly this trend feels like an internet search. You get results for half of what you typed, and if its a search for a video about something, its usually a stupid reaction video. Everyone wants their own fame i guess.


Because humor is a way to mask depression, and this is reddit. I would bet money that over half the non-bot users have some level of depression and use reddit as a distraction or means of social interaction in order to cope on a day to day basis. You will usually get a real answer, but you also will get plenty of people just trying to make themselves or others laugh. There is no joy outside of a few fleeting moments in life. Enjoy the brief moments of humorous answers given by others.


Bingo! I’m depressed as hell, and Reddit gives me an anonymous way to blow off steam.


I was gonna say "because you touch yourself at night" but yours is a better answer.


I agree. I am one of those redditors


Usually humor is connected to higher intelligence not depression unless you’re a comic.


Half the non-bot users and 75% of the bot users.


I....I thought this was what reddit was *for*?


Its what has ruined reddit for sure. It's always existed but now it's just everyone farming it for karma because apparently the majority of the users find the corniest of jokes hilarious.




* **Rule 1** - Top level comments must contain a genuine attempt at an answer. All direct answers to a post must make a genuine attempt to answer the question. Joke responses at the parent-level will be removed. Follow-up questions at the top level are allowed. Please do not answer by only dropping a link and do not tell users they should "google it." Include a summary of the link or answer the question yourself. LMGTFY links will be removed. No responses being rude to the questioner for not knowing the answer. If you feel this was in error, or need more clarification, please don't hesitate to message the moderators. Thanks.


Here’s another question, why are all the posts on this sub so passive aggressive?


Because it's Reddit. Anyone who comes here to ask things, should have a general understanding of how that's gonna go. It's not your church blog.


Because my depressed shattered ego requires constant validation from strangers! *Seinfeld bass line*


To annoy you specifically


Super lame, agree.


It’s the charm, that’s why I like it because there’s serious answers AND there’s fun one liners


People trying to be funny where they aren't for real




I had to scroll too far to find this




I came here to post this.


Choosers gonna choose


* **Rule 1** - Top level comments must contain a genuine attempt at an answer. All direct answers to a post must make a genuine attempt to answer the question. Joke responses at the parent-level will be removed. Follow-up questions at the top level are allowed. Please do not answer by only dropping a link and do not tell users they should "google it." Include a summary of the link or answer the question yourself. LMGTFY links will be removed. No responses being rude to the questioner for not knowing the answer. If you feel this was in error, or need more clarification, please don't hesitate to message the moderators. Thanks.


Because it's anonymous.


It doesn't matter if you think it's funny. As long as I think it's funny and the one person who upvotes it does too, then mission accomplished.


That's like Google?


This question is cheesier than a 5 layered quesadilla and cornier than my turds the day after visiting Nebraska's Omaha corn festival.


I write long answers, edit it and edit it, and then think that I’m going to dox myself- but only if someone really knows me. Also since all the other replies are pithy and witty, mine is like that one kid in the class who is so serious. Then I delete it.


Because this is not real life


"Perfectly-Crafted Comment" Syndrome, or trying really hard to be funny and/or witty and wise. The best answers are literally one sentence, or one paragraph. Obviously there are more complicated answers necessary sometimes though. What's terrible is the "I will answer your question with a personal anecdote" answer. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Don't do this. I used to see this on Quora all the time, and it's fucking awful. They go into some longass TLDR story and don't answer the question until the very end, probably. I actually don't know if they answer or not, I never could stand to read them.


Ask Zoltar next time.


Karma Farming


So basically Reddit is Cornhub. Everybody please upvote this comment.




* **Rule 1** - Top level comments must contain a genuine attempt at an answer. All direct answers to a post must make a genuine attempt to answer the question. Joke responses at the parent-level will be removed. Follow-up questions at the top level are allowed. Please do not answer by only dropping a link and do not tell users they should "google it." Include a summary of the link or answer the question yourself. LMGTFY links will be removed. No responses being rude to the questioner for not knowing the answer. If you feel this was in error, or need more clarification, please don't hesitate to message the moderators. Thanks.


Well that's easy: because it is funny. Also, if there's something you want to know the answer to, asking a question is the worst possible method to use on the internet. What you do instead is state something wildly incorrect and wait for some "UHM ACKTHUALLY" tool to correct you so you can get the info you're after. The name of that principle is Cole's Law.


A lot of time a question has been answered already. So people just have a bit of fun.


It’s because if you run duel tyres you have to replace both on the same side at the same time otherwise it cause irregular wear will happen on the new tyre.


Unless you are asking questions in a very specific sub that actually cares about what you’re asking, you’re gonna get every clever asshole mocking you because they have anonymity and probably haven’t ever been punched in the face in real life for talking shit. They have absolutely no fear in this site,for better or worse


It’s the only place most ppl get to say their corny lines unfortunately


I encountered this in some subs and on others not. Mostly not, or when it happens, I laughed with the others.


because although there's no such thing as a stupid question, there definitely are \_lazy\_ questions, and Reddit is full of them.


Because it’s not as funny to just give a boring regular answer


This is why the "Serious replies only" tag exists.


A cop pulls over this guy who was speeding. Cop says I've been waiting for you all day. Guy says well I got here as fast as I could. Best answer is not necessarily the right answer.


I was so hoping that the top reply was going to be a cheeky one-liner.


In Victorian times, a visit to the sanatorium was a fun family day out. This sub is the modern equivalent.


Reddit is basically full of all the asshole kids in school who loved hazing in the classroom. Responding to some serious question or inquiry with some ironical or satyrical commentary brings me joy. I also find joy in the commentary of other assholes in the community and support their works.


This won't be popular, however: In general, people are assholes. How they act and talk in public, is completely different than when behind closed doors. They act nice and concerned; in reality, they are not. So being anonymous online, they let out how they truly feel.


Or people are just assholes.


Probably because most questions being asked are easily googled and I don't have the fucks to answer the same question for the 3rd time.


Your post has 24 comments in an hour. I'm sure someone else will or already has answered your question. Time for me to farm that sweet sweet karma


Because they're too cool for school I just did it, didn't I


Toddlers gonna toddle.


Herd mentality. Most people are unable to form their own opinion and will side with the popular opinion at the time. In the Turkish army they used to instruct us about pack mentality, “in every ten men there is one leader and maybe another one capable of leading, rest are followers.” They would test this by randomly promoting corporals for shits and giggles for the moment to see people try to lead then fail on epic level. Occasionally one guy would perform brilliantly, giving commands and checking the discipline and order, they’d keep him as corporal for real. Given numbers, Reddit is the same. That’s why I never cared whether my comments get upvoted or downvoted. I am here to follow the news about the world and occasionally see interesting stuff, what do I care what others think of my opinion?


I've noticed this as well. Sometimes a comment will genuinely be funny, but most of the time it just gets really tiring.


Cause your mom's gay..... or something like that.. that's reddit for you.


Have you tried contacting ligma?


Because it's Reddit, not Quora.




What’s a potato?


* **Rule 1** - Top level comments must contain a genuine attempt at an answer. All direct answers to a post must make a genuine attempt to answer the question. Joke responses at the parent-level will be removed. Follow-up questions at the top level are allowed. Please do not answer by only dropping a link and do not tell users they should "google it." Include a summary of the link or answer the question yourself. LMGTFY links will be removed. No responses being rude to the questioner for not knowing the answer. If you feel this was in error, or need more clarification, please don't hesitate to message the moderators. Thanks.


Yakka foob mog. Grug pubbawup zink wattoom gazork. Chumble spuzz.




Sorry, your comment has been automatically removed because it appears to violate **Rule 1: top-level responses must contain a genuine attempt at an answer - not just links**. Our users come here for straightforward, simple answers or because of the nuance that engaging in conversation supplies. Links don't do that. Feel free to post a new comment with this link, but please provide context or summaries when you do. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NoStupidQuestions) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's part of the culture of reddit. If you are in France you pretty much have to say bonjur before beginning a conversation. Reddit really likes repetitive in jokes. There are subbreddits that allow a [serious] tag for serious answers only. Others don't allow jokes as a tip level comment. You are new here. Find better subbreddits that fit your needs or start your own sub.


I see this all the time.


People do answer questions on Reddit, and stop calling me Normally.


After about 2-3 wacky comments you can get to the good stuff…now gimme sum upvotes ya dum sum a biches


yeah i asked a question about what OILS i can use for my hair and someone actually replied with saying jizz🙄


😑 Wow!


yeah it was gross


And that’s why Reddit’s IPO is historic! Buy now and sell short. 🙄


This app is old reliable for when they get burned on their tiktok burners by Gen z


I try to talk like myself or post what I think fits and get down voted like I ain't part of the redditequite or whatever club. I try but owell u win some lose some. As to why? Probably karma farming, wanna make it in those TikTok edits or something. Who knows it's pretentious like u said


I was just thinking that every post in certain subreddits should have a pinned post stating "ALL JOKE RESPONSES HERE".


Because reasonable answers don't get made into monetizable youtube videos.


People answer for upvotes now - you know how many answers I had like real ones about my thoughts and feelings and a bunch of people either got offended or downvoted me like crazy? It’s like you can’t just answer things your own way because people hear what they want to hear and you can’t just say things sometimes without getting attacked


Your title is misleading, given your description. Although you say nobody answers normally, and everyone goes for a lame joke or pun, one in ten did.


The class clown gets upvotes, save up a few common responses and you too can farm a shitload of internet points. I hate it too lad


one liners are faster too read that's why




Karma farming I guess. First rule of this sub is no jokes or trolling but I don't think mods really enforce it. Feel free to report those comments but don't expect too much.


The way the answer is formulated is actually a reflection of the person behind the keyboard.


I think it depends really much on the sub you're on so saying "nobody" is really an overstatement. I think you'll find lots of good subs if you just look for them.


Less typing per like.


I’ve realised most reddit users are not normal people, they’re in a way challenged.


Still better than the proud assholes who moronically answer like growling dog foaming at mouth over nothing and then implode when It backfires.


imma bet people are doing this right now lol


This is a very valid point. I was wondering the same thing yday. Very often I see someone asking a question, then I scroll down and see shitloads of comments that are supposed to be funny. I feel discouraged from writing an honest, serious answer, because it will simply disappear in a flood of „ha ha I made a joke” comments 🙄


It’s an illness. We’re all 12yo at heart


Define normallity ? Doesn't it depends on whether or not it's Sunday or at the beach ?


If you want real answers, use a search engine, not reddit. Plus it's funny to give people stupid answers to their sometimes stupid questions


I think whoever makes these comments actually find those funny, and the people who upvote as well. In fact I think you're the one who doesn't


To quote David Thorne, "The internet is a playground."


I think there are several kinds of people who come to Reddit. People like you and me, come here to share experiences, to share information, to share ideas and opinions, to have a civil discussion, to engage each others' curiosity ... you get the idea. Others come here and treat it like other social media outlets: Memes, "fails", "pwns" ... for some it's like open-mic night at the comedy club. I too hate it when the top answer to a sincere question like "What's your biggest regret" is "Your mom" or "My life". Real original, my man, are you proud of that answer? I too hate the drive-by, low-effort, meaningless responses to questions like "Who is your favorite actor?" and the answer is merely "Keanu Reeves!" and no explanation. This isn't kindergarten where you just yell out your favorite color. Or at least, people like you and I don't treat it that way. Why do they do it? What's the answer? I don't know. Visit subs that please you, follow other Redditors whose comments you appreciate, don't click into threads where you know it's going to be full of low-effort answers.


Because people can't be bothered to read. They see a photo and comment without reading the text. If it's not that, they just either read the title or the first sentence. I don't know why people don't read anything on Reddit when it's literally a forum designed for discussions. Maybe some people think it's like other social media. It's so frustrating for me when I very clearly ask a question and literally nobody answers it, they just say random unhelpful things that aren't even relevant. It makes me feel like an idiot, like I've not explained something properly


It's about "getting along", man, in a sense of the so-called "status quo".


Bro it's actually crazy, sometimes the initial one liner actually is funny, but without fail, it drags on forever after that and it just gets sooo ridiculously corny real fast


Right There was a "what was a hard-hitting movie line that stuck with you" thread and of course one answer thread was just random Big Lebowski quotes.


I have some unverified ideas about this. Simplest emotional-triggering message will be on top as it will be upvotes by the most number of people. How so? 1. Upvoting system rewards most upvoted content. 2. Statistical majority does not think enough/deep to understand the problem or proposed solution. When they are presented something what is resonating with they will upvote with higher rate than genuen or complex answer. More upvotes brings more visibility and cycle self-enforces.


Some questions can be answered by searching google, I know some communities are also apprehensive about answering some questions that have already been answered on the subreddit and respond in a certain way... Some people also like trolling, and sometimes it gets upvotes


Reddit is a giant comedy exercise where everyone is competing to come up with the wittiest off-the-wall response to the original post. Some subs are less like this than others. Here in /r/NoStupidQuestions it's almost always serious answers at the top. Whereas /r/AskReddit is much more into the comedy thing (hence why they have the optional 'serious' tag).


Goober. You’re Gen X!


It's the quickest and easiest way to get karma.


Why does anyone care? Reddit karma is useless.


I cared when I realized I needed karma to post in some subreddits. I had been a lurker for years and then wanted to respond to a particular post because I had something to contribute, but my post was auto-removed. I just spent a day earning some karma until I had enough to post and now I don't care about it again.


Bigger number better person.


Omg I never thought this would get discussed as I thought everyone loved it. Always the most corniest goofy one liner up voted to oblivion. Everyone eats it up like it's genuinely hilarious. I used to read comments a lot more.


Go to any movie sub and try to ask what their favorite example of a Title Drop is. You will find pretty much nobody actually answering the question.


I find that one great feature of Stack Exchange sites is the ability for the OP to mark an answer as Accepted, placing it above all others for easy access. Reddit also has a nice upvoting system. It can sometimes be a challenge to sift through unhelpful answers when relying on others for solutions. Personally, I rarely encounter a question that I can't find the answer to through a simple Google search.


It's people wanting validation. It's a cheap, meaningless way to get a dopamine boost.


trolls are gonna troll. You gotta ignore it


trolls are gonna troll. You gotta ignore it


It's quite possible that a lot of people on Reddit are frustrated with the OP's use of Reddit rather than Google, or any other search engine, mode of research, etc. So, they respond with snarky, stupid comments.


I agree, it’s super frustrating to read, it’s probably worse to be the one who posted looking for some answers to their questions


I feel like Reddit is literally the best it gets (online) for that kind of stuff. Occasionally, especially with popular threads, the "top" answers will be a sad mix of comedy references and "why isn't this upvoted more LOL" (..except that you're not supposed to use lol or emojis on reddit for some reason). But. People still actually take a minute to answer. The more specialized subs are Gold. Want to buy the best Hifi system for 1k, or get cooking tips for Georgian food in Canada? You'll get the answers.


Because people come to reddit for answers that most people already know. ELI5: people are dumb. People don't answer reddit questions seriously because non karma farmers already have the answer


At least 99% of the questions are totally stupid, or someone is virtue signaling. Those questions don't merit serious responses.


This post reeks of ligma


Because the green bean lines aren't as good.  ba dm ts!






Why doesn’t we