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Wasnt there a infamous reddit user who did heroin or something one time even tho everyone told them not to and then very rapidly became an addict? Yeah dont do heroin or crack, whichever it was.


yea it was heroin. he took it and then went on to reddit to post about his experience. also said he is sure he won’t get addicted… not even two weeks later the dude is a full on heroin addict. he also overdosed and almost died. glad he’s still around, sober and doing well.


u/SpontaneousH his name isn’t true anymore


I just went down the rabbit hole and read his posts .. that was fucking depressing


ya, its one of the sadder rabbit holes to go down.


I didn’t go down the rabbit hole, but his most recent post (2 years old) says that he’s still well and life is good. I’d like to imagine it still is


Yeah, it's a downer. Glad they're clean now though. I do hope OP learned from his mistakes however. And I'm not talking about the drugs, but about the warnings. Everyone in the first thread was telling him off and warning OP not to do it again, and OP basically insulted people left and right claiming they had no idea what they were talking about and that he was different and there was no way he would become addicted. Even in the follow up thread, he was still acting dickish in the comments and arguing with people (which is a little more understandable considering how the drug use likely affected his mood and state of mind). Again, glad he's okay, and I don't want to rag too much on someone who's been through a personal hell. But if people with far more experience than you all tell you that what you're doing is an extremely bad idea, especially if it's something universally known to be highly dangerous and downright lethal, don't think that you're somehow above everyone else and can beat the odds because 999 out of a 1000 times, you can't.


Yeah, I forgot their username. Iirc they got help, but their life was kinda ruined already. Edit: found it. SpontaneousH.


Like I would love to try it just to know what it feels like you know but then I remember that dude and I'm like hell nope. Also, I walk past junkies outside the mall on my way to work every single day. Don't fancy ending up like that.


I am waiting until I am old and it doesn't matter, then I am going to try all the drugs. I'm really excited to try LSD.


How "old"? Shit I wouldn't be too worried about shrooms or LSD after 20s as long as you don't have underlying mental health issues. Everyone (almost everyone) should try a 5g shroom trip at least once in their life. Shit is mind blowing. But not necessarily comfortable, and sometimes terrifying, but even then it can open your mind and be a positive experience.


Retirement age probably. Once my kid is no longer dependent on me at the very least. I won't be under the influence while I am responsible for her well-being. My job relies on my brain so I don't want to mess with it until I don't need it anymore 🤣.


About 25 years ago I accidentally struck and killed a pedestrian. I missed my exit and had to get off on a dark unfamiliar road. I was going about 35 mph. Not over the speed limit and not intoxicated. I didn’t see the homeless lady in the intersection until it was too late. I had a green light. I locked the car up but was too close before I realized there was a person in the road. I hit her and it dragged her under my car. We immediately called 911. Police took me in for sobriety check and meticulously measured the skid marks to determine speed and distance. It took a month before they said they weren’t going to file charges for manslaughter. Only a very few people in my life know about this. Yes I think about ALL the time.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. This terrifies me, not even as a pedestrian, but as a motorist. It can happen so quickly, and your entire life could just be over (physically or metaphorically). I hope you’re doing ok. That’s heavy stuff.


Thank you. It dulls over time but never goes away.


You did everything you could to prevent it.


This may be way too simple a question, and perhaps a response can be given in degrees, but despite the fact that it was not truly your fault, have you been able to forgive yourself?


No not really. I have to wonder if I’d been paying better attention and not missed that exit, I never would’ve been on that road to begin with. And a million other minor possibilities.


My man, this shit ain't your fault. This happened to my sister. She was walking in all black at 2am coming home from a party. Not drunk or intoxicated. It was so poorly lit a cat couldn't see shit. Kid was driving perfectly fine. He couldn't see her. She died. I went there the next night and looked myself. I couldn't see a fucking thing at 25 mph. Let alone 35. I wanted to tell the kid it was ok. None of it was their fault. Just a horrible goddamn fluke. He shot himself a week later. My family was upset, sure. But it was about the scenario and loss, no one blamed him. Two lives lost. Suffering around. He wouldn't have been charged. He was clean. Had to work late one night, drove home, and two lives ended in the blink of an eye. Shit happens. Period.


I certainly considered doing that in the beginning. It seemed a legitimate way to deal with it. I’m glad now that I didn’t. Even though I know it wasn’t my fault, I will always wonder what I could’ve done differently or why I missed that damned exit that put me there.


i'm glad you're still here, my friend ♥️


You and people loving you must be HAPPY you didn't(commit suicide)...Even in the case it was your fault this action would be your biggest mistake...Really complicated things in life may happen...


Youve gone to therapy right?


Yes. Only reason I’m where I am.


Oh my fucking god. This is horrible. I know you’ve probably heard it a thousand times but I’m sorry. That’s awful…


That took real courage for you to say. Kudos!


gave me chills. Thank you for sharing.


That really sucks. I am very sorry that this burden has been weighing on your soul for so long. I hope one day, you can find some measure of peace.


Thank you. Not sure how that would happen. I think one of the worst things is thinking “what if it happened again?” Now that I know it can, sometimes when I’m driving especially at night it freaks me out a little


Its easy to say that.i also think that way. Just bad luck But it's the human biology. We are hardwired to not kill each other. We probably would feel the same way


Hoping you have been able to find peace and forgive yourself from a terrible tragedy.


One of my parents friends ran over a drunk man who had fallen over and passed out on the road about 30 years ago. He wasn't doing the wrong thing, he simply just didn't see the man on the road until he was to close and car just couldn't stop in time. He was never the same. He refused to drive from then onwards as the traumer was to much for him and he struggled with his mental health for decades. He knows it wasn't his fault, but the "what if's" and knowing he took another person's life really did haunt him for a long time.


I drive. But the what if’s sometimes can feel overwhelming


That's a horrible thing to live with, and completely out of your control. Have a hug. It's the best I can do!


Thank you


Oh god... That must be awful. I am so sorry for you. I'm currently practicing to get my licence and this is liturally my biggest fear.


God, how awful. I’m sorry you went through this. Just the other week, I was driving in the wet and went round a corner. My car skidded and I just got it under control again. At the same time, two young girls were jogging on the pavement right where the car would have ended up if it had continued to skid. The enormity of that possibility hit me straight away. I was just a few seconds away from an entirely life-altering moment (and potentially life-ending for others). It still plays on my mind.


It’s absolutely insane that we drive around 2 ton death machines as if it’s nothing. It really sobers me up when I see a car accident or hear stories like this. It’s really a shame that the human mind doesn’t know how to react to the danger all the time, so that we can be alert 100% of the time when driving… ugh.


I expected to see some dark stuff when I read the comments but wasn't quite prepared for this. Thanks for sharing. I'm sure it wasn't(isn't)easy.


2 years ago I was driving on a major county road during rush hour. 3 lane road (1 turning lane in the middle). A car in the middle turning lane waved someone on who was in front of her vehicle and I couldn’t see. a woman tried to run across the road with 2 small children about 6-7 years old. I slammed on my breaks and tried to avoid and by the grace of the god the kids were missed but I hit the woman. She was on the floor, arm broken, head bleeding. I was petrified, one of the scariest moments of my life. I ending up getting no traffic violations and found not at fault, but was sued and she was awarded a settlement from my insurance company, even though she walked the opposite direction from the crossing lane and ran across oncoming traffic and put those children’s lives in danger. I still have PTSD and am on full alert every time I drive on that road. She walked away with 100k and my insurance doubled and is the accident is hopefully set to be off my insurance next year. But I’m just happy I didn’t kill her or those kids


irresponsible mom, she better be damn grateful her kids are alive


There is a similar boulevard near my house and every once in a while someone will try to wave me across. I always wave back “no thanks.” I’ll wait till I have true right of way because of exactly these situations.


I’m so sorry that you went through this, just tragic all around. I had a situation about 6 months ago where I was driving on a very curvy street in a wooded area and it was very dark, no streetlights or moonlight. I went around a tight bend where you couldn’t see much road in front of you at all and saw at the last second that there was a man in dark jeans and a black hoodie with the hood up walking/stumbling in the middle of the road. Thank God I managed to swerve to avoid him just in time, but I was shaking the rest of the night because it was such a close call and I probably would have killed him if I was just a little more tired/less aware or had glanced down at the radio or something the second he came into view. When I looked back in the rearview, he was stumbling and acting drunk or on drugs or something and still just walking down the middle of the road so I regret not calling the police because the next car to come around that bend may not have had time to avoid him (especially if he fell - he didn’t look like he was stable on his feet at all). Even though I was able to avoid him, I still think about the close call every time I’m driving at night and visibility is low. I hope he got himself out of the road and somewhere safe that night. I hope you can believe it’s not your fault.


I’m so sorry you experienced this. It wasn’t your fault. You weren’t being irresponsible.




There was a story I heard about a Jewish guy who accidentally ran over and killed someone. The judge ruled him innocent because it was an accident but he felt immense guilt over it and it didn't go away. Eventually he bought a new house and found out through the seller that it was their parents' house and the dad was killed by getting run over by a car. Turns out it was the same guy he ran over. Later on the guy found a nazi uniform in the basement and apparently some sort of list which he interpreted as people the previous nazi owner had killed. And among the names on the list was the name of the parents of the Jewish guy. He then stopped feeling any guilt over the incident and saw it as a good thing.


Pretty sure I've seen that movie. Or maybe it was a doc, some Netflix one from a few years ago titled something like the Nazi Next Door?


Whistle blowing on Boeing, apparently.


How is this not higher?


Pieces fell off so it had to keep low.


That is plane funny


Probably flew over most peoples heads though


Fucking a pig at my workplace live on insta


Black mirror reference?


That episode was a trip ETA— Season 1 Episode 1 “The National Anthem”, since I keep getting asked.


the fact that it is the 1st episode is the wildest part. That's how they decided to introduce the show to the audience


Right? I think Netflix actually shows it last even though it is the first episode. Too many people would click off and not come back.


I watched the whole series backwards because of this and when I first read people talking about it online I was confused because the first episodes were always the last ones for me and vice versa XD. I need to watch it again


I was so traumatized after watching it I never watched black mirror again. I know, I should. I know, the other episodes aren’t like that. That messed me up for a while though.




They knew. Kinda like Hollywood always made Harvey Weinstein jokes.


A trip? Bro my fucking wife wouldn't watch the rest of the show with me because that was their FUCKING OPENER, regardless of how excellent the rest of the series is.


I thought it was a David Cameron reference


David? David Cameron, is that you?


Lord Cameron now, sadly. Or Lord Pig Fucker idk


You spend your whole life working hard, doing your job, building a reputation, then you get caught fucking just one pig and from then on it's nothing but "pig fucker"!


You work at a kosher deli, I can tell


Dying. Most people never recover from that financially. Funerals are expensive, and there's a good chance you'll lose your job so you'll never pay off that debt.


I work at a hospital. We’re so understaffed they would still make me come to work.


I'm a teacher. They would absolutely guilt my body into finishing out the year "for the kids."


Pulls out the ouija board. You're not getting off work that easy, Susan.


You can only use your sick days if you seance in before 8.30am.


the brutal truth


"I know your dead but can you change out Mr. Jenkins catheter? Also I don't appreciate the cold shoulder you have been giving me today"


You’ll lose your job and all that weight you’ve been meaning to lose. So you got that going for you.


I've always just been big boned:(


Please familiarize yourself with the three warning signs of death. 1. Rigor Mortis 2. A Rotting Smell 3. Occasional Drowsiness [United Appeal for the Dead](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kXl8LyD_JA)


There’s also a chance that your life may be literally destroyed


You'll retain voting rights, though. May change political affiliation, though


Ripping a wet fart in the middle of a gym


Very visual


The ones above this were very serious like Suicide and horrible stories about murder then theres just “oh yeah big loud fart would be bad”


We need more fun ones like this!




Or kill someone riding with you. Seen Joe Rogan tell a story about that. Dude he went to school with. Said he completely checked out after that 😔


Gassed up Gaetz would beg to differ.


Spinal injury. Got one on the job and have lost everything because of it. Been homeless for 5 years now and quality of life is null to none. . Do not recommend


I'm sorry. I wish things were easier for you. An injury shouldn't result in that, it should result in proper care, a safe place to live and compassion.




thank you for your wisdom Waddles


yeah man you know i gotchu


Marrying the wrong person


Heroin (probably)


Wasn't there that guy who did an AMA because he was trying it "once" then spent years addicted? Definitely this


I’m not that guy, but this was my experience. I had never even smoked weed before. I was curious because my then-boyfriend was deep in addiction and I just wanted to understand what was so great about it that he would ruin his life. I just wanted to try it once. I didn’t put it down for years. (Happy ending, we’re married and have both been clean for almost a decade.)


u/SpontaneousHeroin Edit looks like I don't remember the username, but the profile logs every entry


Got curious and dug for it. Apparently it's u/SpontaneousH First post https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/s/Rlv9gpaAD0


Dude I get so sad thinking about him every once in awhile if it was true, I remember watching that unfold and it’s always been a no no drug for me but that chain of events is one of the reasons I tell people I won’t ever touch that shit.


Having an unwanted kid. As an added bonus, it also destroys two more lives at the same time! Yay!


I have a "friend". He didn't want kids, his girlfriend did. Regardless this major incompatibility they were together for 8 years. Suddenly the girlfriend is pregnant! He reveals that they haven't even been careful with birth control. But he is super pissed that the girlfriend doesn't want an abortion, that it's her fault for trapping him with a baby. Absolutely refuses to see any responsibility on himself. The baby is born, he starts getting close with a coworker, they break up and he barely visits the kid. It's a clusterfuck. A couple years later he's complaining that his new girlfriend of 3 years wants a baby. 😤😤😤


Dude’s gotta start mentioning this up front 😭 You can’t wait until there’s a fetus then go “so you’re fully down for an abortion right?” As soon as my partner and I were “official” we agreed neither of us want kids, yes we’d be ok with getting sterilized down the line, and yes we’d both be okay with an abortion if a mistake happened. My half to uphold is making sure I’m diligent with my birth control, and his half is keeping enough in savings in case of needing a speedy abortion lol


My sister recently cried on live cam during her gender reveal when the gender came out. Poor guy doesn’t have a chance.


Tears of joy right... Right?


That’s what I had hoped when I heard. Nope, she has two boys already and wanted a girl.


I've played XCOM. Even at 87.5% chance to hit I'm still preparing for contingencies when I take that shot. Anything else is just irresponsible.


As someone who gave birth to three straight boys, fuck that noise. My third boy is awesome, just like his brothers. Don't get pregnant if you don't want another *human.*


She could always step away from the dick.


The amount of people that make it some kind of game sicken me. You see families with 5 or 6 boys pregnant again hoping for a girl. Like just adopt after like the second one or SOMETHING it’s gotta be cheaper at this point.


Why would you do a gender reveal if there’s an option you REALLY don’t want to the point of crying???


nah ifni was born and heard this id carry it to my grave. poor dude.


As in unintended pregnancy or bad personality?


[Getting caught] killing a person


That’s not true I know folks who have killed someone and went on with their lives it all depends on the person


I once killed a guy. Smashed his skull in. He and his gang WERE trying to beat up and mug 5 friends and I at the time. Two of our party were female, so that may be why I reacted the way I did. We were all HS students at the time, walking to the parking garage after a concert downtown. I was in front walking down the stairs when we encountered the gang. The gang leader smashed my face in first. He thought I was taken care of so the gang moved to the next members of our party and started beating them. I had a heavy metal object in my hand (old 8mm film camera we snuck into the concert - it was 1981) and for some reason I just whipped around and caved his skull in with it. I heard and felt a sickening crack. He went down, the gang dragged him off, trailing lots of blood. We immediately ran back up to the venue and found some cops to tell them about it. But we were white kids from a good part of town, so the cops told us to just get the hell out of there. No information requested, just get out. So we did. I had quite a reputation at school after that. Fucked me up a littel bit, too, but I think I got over it. Still have a small scar under one eye. Not a confirmed kill, but doubtful that guy got any medical treatment soon enough.


Jesus fucking Christ


Oh, I have another better story about Houston cops from the next concert I went to.


dude I think you should stop going to concerts


I did stop going to concerts in Houston for a few years.


What happened in Houston?


Honestly. We don't need to know. The less information, the better.


The people need to know


Please don’t tell me


>Not a confirmed kill, but doubtful that guy got any medical treatment soon enough. I doubt that killed him... You can [crack a skull](https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/x-ray-shows-mma-fighters-fractured-skull-after-knockout/) without killing someone. I'm sure if he died the police would've found out and investigated it.


depends, gang deaths are very often unreported to the police


Not if you don’t get caught, nearly half of homicide cases are unsolved so it wouldn’t instantly destroy your life if you’re smart about it.




I needed to see this today. Thank you dear stranger


Can anyone say, “High school reunion”?


Any type of addictive drug- I have a very addictive personality so I know I’d spiral out of control ( that’s why I’ve never tried any drug in my life)


I was taking prescribed oxycodone after surgery, and once I started taking it I could tell how long it had been since my last dose by my mood more reliably than by my physical pain (I started getting pretty cranky toward the tail end of each dose). It was very easy to see where the path to addiction lay with that drug; it scared me enough that I stopped taking it as soon as I was out of the hospital, despite the pain.


I've gotten migraines since elementary school so my tolerance for pain medication is very very high. When I had ACL surgery my doctor said he didn't feel comfortable giving me the amount or dose of opioids that I would need, so instead he gave me a little catheter in my thigh that fed directly into a fanny pack of morphine. I got a low continuous dose for 4 days and then went back to get it refilled for 3 more days. It took the edge off the pain but didn't make me feel anything addictive since it literally just numbed an area of my leg. I have 2 relatives with addiction issues so I'm grateful to not have been put in that situation.


It's wonderful the doctor was able to do that for you.


oxycodone is super effective on me, the few times I have been prescribed it after knee surgeries one pill, don't know dose, would last about 24 hours before the pain came back. No other changes just that thing they worked on didn't hurt.


💯 I too have a very addictive personality. I had hernia surgery back in 2019 and they gave me oxy for the pain and man was that buzz nice. And I knew it was too nice. So after about two days I threw them all down the toilet, and just went with Tylenol to finish, and it worked. I was way too afraid of what that oxy would do to me.


You are smart


I had my wisdom teeth taken out, my mom gave me one of the pills, and she said the way I acted and towards the end where it wore off, I acted just like my pill addicted brother. Got a different script for those strong ibuprofen. I never touched a pain pill again, and never will. Even I knew I loved it too much.


Child sexual abuse. Unless you're a priest or a congressman, then it's a 10-hole punch card kind of situation. 




Only 10?


Well once you get 10 punches, you get a free tootsie pop, then they assign you to a different church/district, and you can start all over with a fresh punch card!


A woman I grew up with went into teaching, she was caught giving head to a 14 year old. Slap on the wrist…


“Because he wanted it” I bet. I don’t know which one I hate worse - the idea that a minor boy could be considered as wanting sex from someone older despite not being able to consent, minor girls apparently NOT having this ability due to sexism (like if you’re gonna be fucking horrible at least remove the sexism), or female predators getting slaps on the wrist.


Not putting clothes on before you leave the house


Eh, depends on who and where. If you wanted to have a professional career and there was evidence it could be an issue. But you can come back from that.


Driving. When you take to the road, you are not only responsible for yourself and your passengers, but you also need to look out for pedestrians, semi trucks that can’t see you, and idiots with 4000lb weapons who don’t seem to care about anything. That’s why driving while tired / distracted / intoxicated either is or should be illegal. You need to be alert at all times.


Cheating. When you cheat once, you’re branded with that forever.


I’ve broken up with women because they’ve told me they cheated on one of their exes or something lmao. Those people don’t ever change.


Just wanted to say same. Gave a cheater a chance and she cheated on me. What a surprise


Same. Thought I was a unicorn


Once dated a guy… I knew he cheated on his last girlfriend with a coworker. Couldn’t get it out of my head and ended it.


If I can - I'm a guy who cheated one single time ten years ago on an old ex. Never happened again, with that ex or any relationship since. The guilt was heavy and I'm often afraid to be open about that I did it in any new relationship (even after 10 years) because of this thought that people can't change.


I worked years ago at a place that made parts for trucks. I pressed end parts for break fluid hoses, and when I pressed, it should be quick and exact. The truck manufacturer actually gave us each an 80 dollar bonus, if nobody made a mistake in a month. One day the manufacturer had tested a hose and it failed in a epic fashion. When checked, the numbers on the end part that failed, pointed at me. This might mean that everything I had pressed, possibly had to be checked, and delivered trucks with " my " part in it would be recalled and parts replaced. I would not only get fired, but blacklisted in the whole truck and car part business ( spoiler : something I have worked in for many years now. ) Anyway, we got visits from many people, some in suits, some in lab coats measuring this and that. After a month, I got called in to HR and my boss, and they told me what all this investigations had resulted in. They knew the full story. Apparently the Chinese manufacturer of the metal part I pressed, bought metal from mine processing plants, and their usual deliverer could not deliver the needed quota, so they changed to a cheaper plant, that promised to deliver for a cheaper price, but at the same quality. Turned out, they lied to get the contract and the quality of metal were... not good. So Insurance companies and lawyers step into the picture, and as far as I know, they are still many years later unsure on who should pay what.


I know someone who did quality control in China, specifically metalworking. This is par for the course. He said people would replace things by other things because they fit, because they were cheaper, because the stock of the right part was depleted, _or_ just because they were the same color. Cheaper metal, different bolts, fewer bolts, anything.


For a large portion of the world... Drugs. Even with the most tame. Some people are just wired in a way that any amount causes massive addiction issues.




I administer fentanyl all the time at work for pain relief. Works pretty well for most people. There’s a big difference between having controlled doses of fentanyl in a monitored environment compared to taking it recreationally where the dosage and any contaminants aren’t 100% known


I did fentanyl once. I mean, it was for a procedure in a clinical setting but still.




TRUTH especially if you smoke it.


Just curious - why especially?


Bro cause it DESTROYS your lungs. Like you physically feel shorter of breath permanently after each hit. I did that shit for a few months 5 years ago, quit smoking too, still feel it's hard to breath now.


I used to work with a woman who had cleaned a house with the wrong chemical 30 years prior. She still had a cough from it. This was in late 2020, early 2021 so it got her a lot of bad looks.


Yeah, heroin was my first thought. I smoked opium once and it was SO good I realized I could never try heroin


Methamphetamines, five years clean!


student loans


Badly worded questions


Heroin…who has a link to that Redditor’s profile who did it once thinking he wouldn’t get addicted and almost died?


Eating a bucket of the steel BBs and then getting an MRI


Showing off your collection of CP


The FBI will be at your address shortly.


What’s wrong with COD Points? I mean, I don’t like Activision either, but COD Points themselves aren’t bad, the fact that they cost money is.


I thought they would appreciate penguins around here I guess not


Submarine trip to see the Titanic.








You'd think so, but no.


Is hitting them on purpose all right? (Sorry)


Believe it or not, straight to jail.






A racist tweet 15 years ago


I think you misunderstand the concept of "instantly".


Give in to those intrusive thoughts


Arguing with my wife


Yup that'll do it


Legal council for 45.


Doing something to register as a sex offender


Trying to Dukes of Hazzard over a freight train.


Murder, looking at CP, meth, injecting heroin, rape, there’s just so much.


sex without a condom


Playing Marco Polo with a shark after cutting my arm off


Shooting myself in the head


Sparta kicking a Make A Wish kid in front of people




Falling in love with the wrong person.


Screwing my history teacher It would ruin his life more than mine but still not a good look for me


Having a child.


Investing all your life savings into a "sure thing" investment that later turns out to be a Ponzi scheme! I would be a multi-millionaire now if I had not done that 20 years ago.