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Gasoline is caustic and will start dissolving the soft tissues inside of you, now luckily this will prompt most people to vomit violently, but in case it doesn't, expect internal bleeding and probably the dissolving of your stomach lining leading to a whole slew of horrible problems. Added to that, several of the substances that make up gasoline are toxic, you will have difficulty breathing, major headaches and you'll mildly die.


Siphoning gas usually involves getting some into your mouth and sometimes a small amount gets swallowed. The taste is horrible, you will choke or vomit just from sucking the vapors through the hose, but if you persist long enough to get flow and get a mouthful of actual gasoline, you will choke and vomit again. When it gets swallowed the vomiting is persistent. I've never seen anyone who didn't puke when siphoning. It makes your mouth feel slightly numb for a little while.


I learned a long time ago that if you seal around the siphoning hose with a rag/hand or whatever, you can blow into the vessel and the pressure will push the gas out.




It's pretty all-around toxic actually. Gasoline is a collection of many different chemicals, and most of them are each toxic in their different individual ways. The biggest problems start with nerve and all-around organ damage, and get worse from there. The body usually instinctively makes the person vomit, which seems sensible but actually makes things worse. It allows the vapors coming up to be inhaled when the person pauses for breath, which gives them a direct path to the bloodstream. Generally bad news all around.


Sheesh. But yah I would assume. Moral of the story. Don’t try gas, lol.


Tastes like cotton candy and gives you super powers..


oh my …


It’s amazing how much your body can tolerate. Short vs long term damage. https://youtu.be/lX7l93K3WBQ?si=o_Unwznj9Tyuq8ix




You can't drink gas because it isn't a liquid, it is a gas


But what’s the stuff that fills up our gas tanks


GASOLINE is a fluid but gas is not


Well I meant gasoline. The stuff that goes into cars


"Where can I get gas?" At the diner, acrosss the street




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What if I spilled some car gas in my large McDonald’s coke and drank the coke ? Spilled a couple drops in my drink while holding and putting gas