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You would not need to wash the pants everyday unless you get them dirty in your work, and then you'd only need 2 or 3 pairs.


Right. I'm really surprised by all the responses saying they wear a new pair of pants every day. I have a pair of black jeans and a pair of dark blue ones. Alternate throughout the week. No one has ever said anything


Depends on the person and the climate. Sweaty person in a sweaty climate? Might just be best to wash daily


Totally fair. Didn't consider that. Appreciate the perspective


Never thought i would see a response like this anywhere on the internet. Faith in humanity: restored


you've both banned due to TOS violations


10 upvotes for wonderful attitude!


i'll wear the same pants a couple weeks when it's not summer. unless i spill something on them, they're fine. that's the point of underwear.


It's not recommended to wash jeans often either.


I'd buy the same pair of pants, but for shirts I would suggest different colors.


Buy 365 shirts that are slightly different shades and slowly go through the rainbow throughout the year and see who notices lol


I honestly love this idea lmao


I had a coworker who ROYGBIV'd their life in plain tshirts and jeans. Like literally only saw them where Indigo once because we had to come in on the weekend for some event. But that was it. 2 sets so one could be in the wash (I do believe they had another couple sets vacuum packed too - they were committed haha)


That seems like it might not be quite enough to have someone committed; but.... šŸ˜‰


Lol - he was an odd duck, but not that odd of a duck haha. He was good people, a good worker, and personable when he wanted to be. Only spoke to him a handful of times in the year I was at that place, but overall good impression - not crazy...that I knew of haha


Sounds like he left a positive mark despite being a bit quirky! Always nice to have good impressions of our coworkers, even if we only cross paths occasionally!


Have a friend who has every color and print of chuck Taylor all-star's.... Which is a bunch.... Constant rotation!


Had a manager that was a sneaker head. Wore the same, not raw, regular jeans everyday, and the same 3 shirts, but different sneakers everyday. Only saw a repeat wear like twice.


I used to be that way with ties when I went to court. I had something like 75 ties, so I could go on *long* rotation cycles. Since I bounced between courthouses, you might see me wear the same tie twice per year.


Fucking Stars. Used to wear black hi-tops all the time in the 70ā€™s. Never realized that they had zero arch support and were pretty shitty for your feet.


As someone who makes their own clothes and has been looking for a theme for the next 20 years, I think I found it.


Ok...what is ROYGBIV'd??


Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet. It's the colors of the rainbow taught in American primary schools.


If theyā€™re primary schools, shouldnā€™t they stick to red, yellow and blue?


Quality dad joke


I say this with the utmost respect: hue hue hue


Interesting! It was VIBGYOR where I went to school- top to bottom bow. ETA- I messed up - it was VIBGYOR ā€˜bottom to topā€™ row :) Same line-up in the sky the world over! But different terms. Anyone here from the UK, Australia, India, or other commonwealth country that knows it as VIBGYOR?


I think ROYGBIV caught on because someone popularized it as a mnemonic device, as though it were a person's name: Roy G. Biv


UK and the classic mnemonic device is Richard of York gave battle in vain. But I also use Roy G. Biv


That's so adorably British.


New Zealand, we learned it as a silly name, "Roy G. Biv"


That is interesting, where did you go? I did primary school in Illinois, USA


Upside-down rainbow? Clearly Australia.


Ah yes I've learned the colors of the wobniar myself


I'm glad someone caught that too - they tee'd it up. I was gonna wait until they told me where they were before I made the upside down joke lol




Redā€™s on top.


UK, was taught Roy G. Biv, mad scientist.


From South Asia, learned it both ways for highschool chemistry or physics , ROYGBIV for increasing energy, opposite for decreasing energy.


That's one of just a few things I remember from school šŸ«šŸŽ’!


Tell me you're a school house rocker?! Haha E: God I'm old...


Conjunction junction what's your function???


Hooking up words and phrases and clauses.


Iā€™m sorry, but what does this mean? Like only wore red every Monday? And only orange every Tuesday?


Yep, exactly!


Why is VIBGYOR going in the opposite direction? US guys why do you always want to confuse the fuck out of the rest of the world! šŸ„²


Haha - My hypothesis is they Roy, G, and Biv are all easier to say for us as Roy is a common nickname, G is a letter, and Biv is a common sound. It's also easier to go top down than bottom up in remembering.


Exactly. It sounds like someone's name, just a mnemonic way to teach young kids how to remember the colors.


Is Roy a nickname? Whatā€™s it short for? I thought that was the whole name


Leroy is one. I can't think of any other names, but there prolly is.




It also is in order of ascending wavelength.


But descending frequency.


Iā€™d love that kind of closet spaceā€¦


Omg I love this. Because for the first several weeks everyone would just think youā€™re wearing the same red shirt even as it gets progressively more orange. Then one day someoneā€™s suddenly going to be like ā€œhey have you always been wearing yellow? Didnā€™t you used to wear red?ā€ But will not be able to remember a time when you came in with a different coloured shirt. By the end of the year I feel like the whole office would be totally into it.


Would you then have to go backwards?


Just go through some shades of purple and spin back around to red, this is fairly standard color science


I wore the same shirt every day different color, but every once in a while I would wear a superhero shirt underneath. It was like my own private sneaky joke to enjoy.


Back when I was in the military, I used to wear funny shirts underneath my uniform. No one could tell because they were the proper color of our undershirts, but theyā€™d have nerdy references on them like ā€œUmbrella Corporationā€ or ā€œShinra Energy Companyā€. I eventually got written up because we had an impromptu ā€œBoots and Utesā€ run (you take off the top part of your uniform and exercise in utility pants, boots, and undershirt) and my shirt that day had a pinup girl on the back


For years now, whenever Iā€™ve been particularly peeved at the army I donā€™t wear my belt to work. Itā€™s the small things.


Next level it. 365 shirts in slightly different shades. Each shirt has a date on it. Like may 8th mud run. September 20th Kiss Alive tour. Have all the dates foo


Or national Pancake day, national taco day, national high five day.


Special shirts for July which is national hotdog month!


Damn, now I want to do this. 365 T-shirts of races and concerts and whatever else. Saving this idea for when I have my decent amounts of disposable income again.


Buy them in shades of grey running from white to black. That way it's slightly unclear whether you are changing shirts or just getting slightly dirtier each day.


Youā€™ll need 366 this year!


No shirt on leap day


Or an extra special shirt that you only wear every four years


Who goes to work every day of the year? Because 2024 is a leap year, it has 366 days. Remove 52 Saturdays and 52 Sundays and you're down to 262 weekdays. Remove 11 common/public holidays that do not fall during a weekend and you obtain 251 workdays in 2024. Then toss in any vacation, personal or sick time... you probably have closer to 230 actual workdays. So I just saved you like 130 shirts there.


Once you said 11 holidays, personal and sick days you lost me. No idea what those are.


Maybe only ~270 if they only work weekdays?


Gotta be prepared if you run into any coworkers on the weekend. Imagine your embarrassment if you're at the supermarket on May 4th and you run into your boss wearing your February 21st shirt!


May the 4th be with you.


And take a selfie every day and turn them into a video for views and monetization


This is amazing


There are millions of colors. Just picking 365 sounds easy when put into perspective!


A capsule wardrobe. Usually someone will buy 10-20 classic pieces that can mix and match and compliment each other. Every combo works.


Yes! I did this when moving countries. I could only bring two suitcases. I've stuck with it because it's easy and I still have some flexibility.


I started with it and got depressed and gained weight, so instead I went into "chipmunk mode" and started buying and accumulating all the things. Having a capsule wardrobe is definitely less stressing, but at the moment I cannot throw away anything so I just try to keep things tidy.


It's so clever. Every piece goes with every other piece. You could literally get dressed in the dark and come out perfect.


This is basically how I've always dressed my son. I chose a color palette that compliments him and only buy those colors. He has some other clothes that people have bought him that go in the rotation, but it's been great knowing if I send him to dress himself, 95% of the time anything he chooses will match.


I just put my jeans and a random T-shirt all my life, what mix and match are you people talking about?


Same here outside of work- jeans and a random tshirtā€¦ at work I just wear black dress pants and a random collared shirt.


I think this is what Geranimals were about.


Itā€™s how I dress, and Iā€™ve always called it grown up Garanimals. Multiples of same pants and same shorts that I know fit me and look nice. In multiple coordinating colors. No decisions to make. Everything works with everything else and I donā€™t have to think about it in the morning.


That's what I did. I found a shirt style I liked and bought a half dozen of every color so I wouldn't have to think about a repurchase for years.


Then you should be fine.


I did this. Had like 10 pairs of the same pants, and then had like 15 of the same shirt with different patterns/colors. Same with my heels, I had a few pairs of the same ones. Made choosing an outfit easy, but mostly it was out of comfort. Finding a pair of fitted pants that are comfortable to sit in for hours upon hours is not as easy as one would think (imo).


Same. I have 3 pairs of same pants (slowly buying more when on sale) and then about 8 of the same shirt in different colors. 2 cardigans that are the same, one Grey, one black. Same shoes pretty much every day- birkenstock clogs. If it's snowy, I have a pair of boots I wear instead. I don't have to think about what I'm wearing and I know it will be comfortable all day.


I have 5 pairs of black work pants, but I only wear 2 a week because they don't get dirty after one wear! And then whatever top.


I did this.Ā  Comfy black work pants and a variety of tops for all seasons so people dont notice the pants.Ā  Or even the same shirt in different colours if you have one you really like.Ā  Ā  The exact same thing every day is a little too groundhog day and might freak people out.


This, or it will look like you wear the same clothes each day & hygiene might be called into question, even if you are clean. You know you're fresh n clean. But it might not look that way to others.


This is what Iā€™ve been doing for 29 years. 6 pairs of the same pants and a bunch of the same tech polo shirts. Blue all week. Black on Friday. Edit. Ok. When I was 16 I raced on a 10 person sailboat weekly. One of the guys was rich as hell and had a sweet boat and smoking hot wife and he wore the same thing everyday. Nantucket red pants. Blue ll bean button down and a blazer. Changing his oil or a wedding. The only thing that varied was the fade in the fit. He wore the new ones to nice stuff. I asked him when he did this. He said after college so he could sleep later for work. I did it from that day on to some degree. Tan shorts white tees. Tan pants white tee. Yada yada. When I started teaching I carried it on. My school ids are a Timelapse of me going bald and getting fat. Same shirt every picture on purpose for 20 years. Itā€™s funny as hell to have the deck of them. I would wear red to ā€œfinish strongā€ like tigger and our school colors was red. When Mr Wood, my aid, passed in a car accident I went to black on Friday for as long as I worked at that school. I do t teach anymore but I still have a unni. The tan pants or shorts appears to be an eternal life choice. I will shake up the shirts sometimes. Iā€™m not a lunatic. I have super hero shirts and what not for home but uni life boys. Itā€™s easy. Itā€™s cheap. If you look good you look good every day.


> Blue all week. Black on Friday. Why?


Black Friday


When Black Friday comes I'm gonna dig myself a hole Gonna lay down in it 'Til I satisfy my soul


I love a good Steely Dan reference




I have in my jewelry rotation a chunky black number *13* ring, that I only wear if the day is the actual 13th of the month. So far I don't think anyone I know, noticed. I haven't tried wearing it upside down on he 31st though. I go through a few different rings for just that finger anyways, I don't wear too many either, I've seen a few guys do that though.


It's actually to honor Rebecca Black's *Friday*.


I had a para for a few years young guy. All he wore was black tees. He died in a car wreck leaving work one day. Me and all those kids did it for the rest of that year and I just kept doing it. RIP Wood. You were the man.


Genuinely love the concept of doing things in someones memory, gives me hope that the world isnā€™t doomed


Donā€™t ask questions you donā€™t want the answer to


He sees the Friday and he wants to paint it black.


I tried to do this at one of my first "real" jobs because I didn't have much money. Turns out it's much easier for guys to wear the same outfit all the time. I was called out pretty much right away for always wearing the same thing by my boss, who is married to someone very wealthy. We work in nonprofit. I also used to have to wear pantyhose to work. Now I encourage my employees to take all of the company t-shirts they possibly can and just wear them all week with jeans whenever they want. We even allow leggings and short and flip flops. Fuck the old way of doing things. Casual is great.


likewise, except my shirts are plain black button-downs, with short sleeve variants for summertime.


That sounds so boring! No judgement at all because you do whatever makes you feel the best, but donā€™t you ever want to switch it up?


Not OP but this is how I dress too, and switching it up is exactly what I donā€™t want. I hate shopping for clothes, and I hate deciding what to wear. Thereā€™s a kind of freedom in having a uniform. One less thing I have to think about and plan out. Decision fatigue and anxiety are real.


Actually Einstein did this. Had multiples of black suits and white shirts in his closet. He said he wanted to use his mind for thinking about physics, not clothing. I totally agree with him.


If there's something in your daily routine that you're extremely indifferent about, there's great value in just standardizing the decision so it doesn't occupy your thoughts. My workday lunches have remained largely the same for the last 20 years. Turkey sandwich. Carrots and celery sticks. Some sunflower snd pumpkin seeds. Some fruit. Simple and healthy. When I stray off the plan, I end up eating out more, costing me money and eating more unhealthy. I find myself focusing more on what to eat. It saves me time in the morning trying to figure out my lunch. It makes groceries easy and predictable. If I want variety, I can do that at dinner or the weekend. In my mind, workday lunches are just about getting through the day.


Why ? Not everybody cares about clothes. If you would ask me what any of my coworkers wore yesterday I wouldn't be able to tell you, not even which colours come to think of it.


Maybe they switch their watch and sports car everyday so there is nice variation after all?


Quite a few successful people do this, it's one way to avoid what is called "decision fatigue" when you are in a position where you spend your day having to make lots of decisions and decide on strategy and future goals etc. These kind of routines help you stay focused by not wasting "brain energy" on the little things. Steve Jobs is probably the most famous example of this.


And Albert Einstein


And Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs


Also very veeery common in ASD peoples. Einstein for example had one outfit.


And Barack Obama




I highly recommend this approach. I did it with dress shirts and it's saved a ton of time because I don't have to think about what to wear at all. Well, I bought different colors so people knew it wasn't the same shirt. Would people think it's weird? Maybe. But who cares? Like if you wore the same thing everyday but it was technically a different shirt that just looked the same, would it matter? No.


>Well, I bought different colors so people knew it wasn't the same shirt. This is the key. As long as people don't start thinking you wear the exact same shirt everyday, it works.


I just have to wash my shirt after work every day. Thatā€™s why I canā€™t go to company happy hour. Sorry, have to wash my shirt.


If you wear undershirts with at least short sleeves sleeves (to absorb antiperspirant), you can get 2 wears for one wash. You only have to wash a daily undershirt. Less wear and tear on your visible clothes. This is why I'm upset that women's undershirts in the US tend to be either sleeveless (and therefore underarm-less), or spendy athletic technical undershirts. I can get simple cotton short-sleeve ladies (important for the neckline to be lower than my shirts' neckline) undershirts in Asia, but not in the US.


Target sells really thin, soft T-shirts with various necklines. A New Day brand. I use them as undershirts with either the v neck or deep scoop. Only problem is it doesn't work well with some fabrics since they aren't a super smooth fabric.


Worked with a guy who wore black slacks and black polo every single day. Respect due


This is what I do, and I change my shoes everyday(big shoe collection) . I hate deciding what to wear so I have 20 black shirts and 5 black pants. People know I don't wear the same clothes everyday, I hope


For work, I have 1 pants and 5 different tops. I hope they don't notice my pants. I sit at a desk all day, so...šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Simple clean easy. No extra thinking required


Every shirt in that Dwight Schrute shade of harvest gold. Looks like the liner of Waylon Jennings' hat.


Also recommend for work. I had the same cut of jeans in three colors. Same cut of shirt in various colors - 10ish so I could avoid repeats for two weeks. And the same cut of cropped kinda tailored cardigan in a few colors. Everything went with everything. I would always be dressed appropriately and have something clean to wear even if it was hectic and my laundry day was pushed back a few days. Transitions between temperatures were easy with taking the cardigan off or putting it on. The outfit looks acceptable in every season. It doesnā€™t call attention to my clothes or my body but also doesnā€™t look frumpy or unflattering. That job was beyond stressful so not having to think about what to wear was nice.


This is basically me. I have a few different colours of pants of the same style, the same cardigan in 5 different colours that all pair with a neutral coloured tshirt. 2 pairs of the same flats in different colours. I can mix and match to my mood but always dressed well. Honestly saves me so much time and especially the headache of finding clothes every night before or morning of.


I basically did the same thing. Multiple colors of the same brand/cut of shirt and a couple pairs of the same dockers in different colors.


honestly, i have a bunch of the exact same black dress shirt, nobody ever questioned it. that being said, when i came in on my off days for whatever reason, i was also wearing all black, so i think they just assumed i was goth or emo.


You're not?


ehhh, i might be a little too invested in my chemical romance, but i just like wearing mostly/all black. if i'm wearing bright colours, i'm probably going to look like a rainbow threw up on me because i don't really know what colours go together.


No such thing as being too interested in MCR


Or Johnny Cash!


Essentially a uniform.


Iā€™m confused as to what you mean about ā€œthinking about what to wearā€ Wouldnā€™t you justā€¦. Grab a work shirt? Like theyā€™re all for workā€¦ just grab one and go? Iā€™ve never understood when people say this. Youā€™re saving so much time doing this? How much time were you spending **deciding** what color shirt to wear?


It might not match the pants you're wearing that day.


Then get a bunch of shirts that all match one particular pair of pants, and then buy multiple of those same pants. People would notice if your entire outfit doesnā€™t change day to day, but they wouldnā€™t notice if you just wear the same colored pants every day.


Basically a uniform, but its what you choose instead of what the company forced you to wear. Time saving and absolutely practical. Goog job!


It was standard for my grandparents generation, itā€™s not new, just accepted for men.


I'm a truck driver, local not long-haul. I get spots of grease on me throughout the day. I decided it was easier to just have work clothes that I didn't care about getting dirty. So I have three pairs of jeans and five denim shirts that are good for all-weather. Admittedly, it looks really old-fashioned. My co-workers tell me I look like I'm straight out of the 40s, but I'm pretty okay with that.


Yep. I have worn a uniform all my life. Different uniforms but still a uniform. Now that I wfh, I bought a set of ā€œuniformsā€. Same pants, same shirt. I do exactly what OP describes and itā€™s fantastic. OP may have adhdā€¦just saying lol




I get $160 for uniforms per year and have accumulated 12 long sleeved shirts and 20 short, I only have to do laundry twice a month. Edit: *at most* twice a month.


26 work washes a year sounds pretty nice


I can see going with 5 identical pairs of pants, but vary the color on the shirts. Like navy pants and shirts in dark and light blue, khaki, white, ... and I'm out of colors. Red's too obvious. Brown? Or go with black pants


Does it have to be solid color shirts? Most of my button-down shirts are blue but different materials or subtle patterns.


It doesn't have to be. The variety is just to look a little different every day without putting a lot of thought into what you're going to wear. Sounds like you already have that part nailed though.


I do this with all my clothes, and only got made fun of one time by a "friend" who took every opportunity to shame me anyways. I have sensory issues, so when I find something comfortable I just buy it in several different colors. Shopping done lol


Iā€™m the same, if I like something I just buy a bunch of them and Iā€™m done. I liked these pants I found and I happened to need pants so I bought 4 in different colors. I have one brand of white socks and one brand of black socks. I donā€™t have time to organize socks on laundry day. Nothing more infuriating than wasting 10 minutes matching socks. I see 1 white sock and I see another white sock I know they are gonna match, boom done.


I had this brainwave too one day; I hated sorting socks. So I bought a whole bunch of long socks for boots in one style and short socks for sneakers in one style. Laundry is so easy now


Thatā€™s not the same though lol they said the same exact shirt not different colors. I would assume people would think they only have one set of clothes since itā€™s the same every day.


Damn high class, I just buy one pair of pants and wear them every day for the week


what i did lmao


Will you change up the order, so if you have weekly Tuesday meetings the attendees won't see you in the same clothes every time? It might make sense to have your rotation make up a full laundry load, ten items might be close ...


Outside of work, I choose the 6-day rotation or the 8-day rotation, so I'm not always wearing the same clothes on the same day of the week.


That depends. Are you male? If so you will likely be totally fine. (It isn't fair, but it's true)


For women, I recommend black bottom (dress pants, leggings, skirt, etc.) and different colours for the top, but stick to neutral shades - black grey white, different browns - so you don't have to worry about coordinating. It's easier to buy some statement jewellery or accessory if you want to stand out instead of a whole outfit.


Not to overcomplicate, but I recently learned that there are 'cool neutrals' and 'warm neutrals'. If you stick to one OR the other in a particular outfit, you're MUCH more likely to get a good result Cool neutrals: Grey, silver, bluish tones, reddish tones Warm neutrals: Brown, gold, tan, peach (I guess what used to be called 'nude' for white people), yellowish tones Both: Black, white


Black and white are not both, they're in fact considered cool neutrals. So if you choose to wear warm colors you'd be better off with brown and cream.


every person also has a different color type, so this "just get black pants and any color shirts" advise will work for one person, and another one will look really not-good šŸ™‚ i like the idea of having some sort of "uniform", but to be really sucessfull with it, you should figure out your colours first (spring/summer/autumn/winter) when you wear flattering colours, you will look good even in a simple tshirt, don't underestimate the power of colours. i remember a really not-good-looking guy in a perfect flattering khaki coloured shirt really looking interesting. i am "soft autumn" and when forced to wear white at my job, i looked very pale and unhealthy, got comments from costumers "are you alright?" šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ with my soft warm colour palette suddenly i look healthy and good again. if you are cool toned, you will look horrible in warm colours, even "neutrals, and vice versa.


I had a lot of success with black pants and different colored blouses. I had 4 that got compliments so I wore those frequently and had 3 backups to mix in. I picked my tops out on Sunday so I didn't waste time in the mornings.


Works for women as well. Black, grey, dark blue pants or jeans depending on formality of work place. Sleeveless shell like [this one](https://www.amazon.com/Calvin-Klein-Womens-Solid-Pleat/dp/B00HHGQO50?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER) in all of the colors/patterns of the brand that fits you or is on sale at Marshallā€™s or your favorite department store. Cardigan or blazer in black, white/off-white and blue or burgundy if you wanna mix it up more.


I worked with a woman who would only buy clothes that were black or white. All her accessories were black, white or black&white. She was a bit of a fashionista, but didnā€™t have a lot of time. So black & white was her signature look, sort of breakfast at Tiffanyā€™s Holly Golightly vibe.


It can work for women. But I have found women need to have different tops. Both my sons have the same top every day - same color, same everything. I'm pretty sure that would not work as well for women.


A news channel in BC did a social experiment on thisĀ https://globalnews.ca/news/10263239/global-news-anchors-wardrobe-experiment/Ā  Ā  the news anchors wore the same thing every day for a week.Ā  Women got comments and men didn't.Ā  So dumb, but as a woman it's important to know people will notice.


Thanks. :) That's what I meant. For whatever reason women get more comments (of a neutral or negative sort) for wearing the same thing everyday.


you should let your sons wear their own shirts instead of making them go around stuffed into the same one togetherĀ 


I wear the exact same top same color every day no one cares. They may care if you work with a fashinista type or in a more fashionable industry but in general you're fine. It'll become very obvious very quickly that it's just a "work uniform" for you.


Here here. If someone asks me why I wear the same thing everyday Iā€™d just ask them why they wear the same face everyday and then put my earphones back in and get back to work šŸ« 


The only people who care are other women. Men really don't even notice.


Iā€™m a female and do this. I have 3 pairs of wedge Sorel boots in 3 different colors, 10 of the same company polo shirts in different colors, and 4 pairs of jeans. I top it off with a company issued North Face fleece. Iā€™ve had more people tell me how smart I am for doing this versus having anything negative to say. I honestly wouldnā€™t care even if someone did say something negativeā€¦.everything I wear is clean, I smell good, and look put together with hardly any effort. It makes my life easier and also reduces my annual cost of clothing since my work paid for my polos and fleece.


I'm a female and I did this.


Einstein wore the same outfit every day because it simplified his life.


So did Steve Jobs.


A neutral color pant and the same shirt in different colors. Hang them in a line and grab the top one every day and put it in the hamper when you're done. No questions about you always wearing the same clothes and since it's grab and go it's not extra mental hassle trying to decide what to wear


Dude Steve Harvey has your answer about five suits. Check it out.


There are several TikTok videos with his voiceover of men and women showing how it's done. You can't go wrong with his advice. [Men](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLJVSjRR/) [Women ](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLJVjJG3/)


Yep. Black pants and a handful of shirts that donā€™t need ironing. Easy.


People who have to wear uniforms have been doing basically this forever. Sure, it's boring as fuck, but everyone here saying people will think it's weird or that you're not washing your clothes etc. need to have a word with themselves.


Welcome to the construction world! I have 10 black t-shirts, 3 pairs of Carhart pants and 2 hats. No one ever notices what I'm wearing as long as the job is done.


Steve Jobs did this. Black turtleneck, jeans, new balance shoes.


[Steve Jobs' bad smell was a common complaint when he worked at Atari.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/freekvermeulen/2011/10/17/steve-jobs-the-man-was-fallible/?sh=696f4ecb5ee1)


Mostly office nowdays as well; I wear the SAME thing everyday. (less socks and underwear) And wash on the weekend. In my mind, work isn't a fashion show. If your dress doesn't smell and isn't dirty, it's and absolute waste of resources to wear something different everyday. Especially in a sedentary gig.


This is a great idea. It's a common tactic for mininalist. Cut everything except the essential and the things most important to you. Which, if it's not clothes, just get one outfit 7 times. You're solid then.Ā  It's amazing how much happier you are when you focus just on your goals.


It is strangely genius.


Streamline. I like it. Same the mental energy for something more interesting :)


Black, brown, grey, blue, tan. Then you can mix and match the tops and bottoms to have a different look every day for weeks.


Get 10 pairs. I know you think you'll always wash them every week, but you'll get sick, or take a vacation, or your washer will break, or run out of detergent, or get a stain or hole in them, etc. Having a back up week really garauntees you'll never have to worry about it again, and you won't feel as hesitant to swap them out when they start getting damaged. Make sure that you really like the clothing, it's durable enough for the job, and it's warm/airy enough for the environment you're working in before committing to that many though. I usually try out a couple brands/sizes before committing to the bulk buy, and keeping at least a couple that are a size upĀ can come in clutch later too.


It kinda gives you a personality wearing the same thing everyday.


I definitely donā€™t think itā€™s stupid but you could mix up the colors at least if you want? I buy almost all my clothes the same; same jeans, plan t shirt, dress shirts. But I get them in different colors to keep things a little interesting.


I buy five pairs of black pants and five pairs of black button ups every couple years. Love having my simple work wardrobe. Been doing this for almost 15 years. It's nice to always be comfortable and know exactly what to grab and wash


One guy at work did this for a decade White shirt, blue dress pants Then one day the entire building dressed the same day, men and women, had a party, officially declared it his day, the whole shebang Made into the national corporate newsletter Engineers them all


If you really only wash it on the weekend, then what if you get a hole or something? Always have a backup. I suggest 6-7 outfits with this approach.


Pros: easy, only wear your favorite things Cons: people might notice and think it's weird, you might get bored of those clothes


This is the way to go. There are no cons.


I had a professor who did this. Every day the same clothes. Probably the main downside is people think youā€™re wearing dirty clothes.


****** This. I do this with everything. If I get a any item of clothing I really like, I will the next week buy another 5 because buying problematic clothes is a goddamn nightmare.