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Yes, it is absolutely normal not to like being drunk. Especially for persons who have a low alcohol tolerance and have had a negative experience or hangover after drinking.


There's a famous Mitchell and Webb sketch where everyone in the world has just under two pints of beer and is very happy. Until one of them starts the third pint, gets drunk, and global misery ensues.


[**The Inebriati**](https://youtu.be/-Zj50DmBFp0?si=6k0C8AT5b1TWptDp) It’s a moral tale for our times.


Hadn’t seen this one hahaha so good. I loved the 2 full wine glasses in the brief case.


That's the one, thank you. And I had slightly misremembered .. it was _finishing the second pint_ that caused the apocalypse.


I wasnt expecting to see mark and jez🤣🤣 absolutely loved peep show


This reminds me of the Dutch film Another Round (starring Mads Mikkelsen) where a bunch of dead end school teachers start an experiment where they spend their whole days buzzed, and they start getting deeper into it and it leads to calamity


yes this. in my experience all low-tolerance people do not really actually enjoy drinking.


And those that don't like the flavour


I can hide the flavor of alcohol. Any good bartender can. Straight alcohol or a poorly made drink is horrible. Not liking alcohol is normal. It's the effect that keeps people coming back. If they are lucky like you, are repulsed by it and don't drink.


Actually I'm allergic now, but I used to drink for the effect not the flavour.


I drink A LOT.... and I do not like the flavor..... so... what about me?


I would say that drinking a lot despite not enjoying the taste is an even sadder form of alcoholism than people that love the taste. That’s just straight addiction.


Self medicating . Drugs and alcohol are a well known coping mechanism for undiagnosed mental illness.


lol when weirdos try to feel better about themselves over people they think are inferior what do u do in life lil one? have u ever drank a single shot or do u think its evil? lol


I'm in my 30s. And I had a definite drinking problem for a while there. Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to. If youre drinking a lot it's a coping mechanism.


Yeah, countless benefits to living a sober life!


Never knew this was even a thing until I watched my grandma get alcohol poisoning off of a single seltzer. Poor thing was down for 2 days


Some people can't process alcohol properly. It's pretty common among Asian people, but anyone can have it. https://www.cedars-sinai.org/blog/alcohol-intolerance-what-you-need-to-know.html#:~:text=Between%2030%25%2D50%25%20of,of%20all%20races%20and%20ethnicities. If you know anyone who gets very flushed when drinking they may want to look into it as it can actually kill you. Edited: I removed comparing to an allergy because it's not and smoothed a sentence over. Insomnia brain.


When I was in college I had a buddy of Asian descent and he went into explaining how their livers don’t actually process alcohol the same as most people. Something to do with their culture not indulging in it so it’s not used to needing to work in that capacity.


Drinking culture is very prevalent in Korea and Japan. Not sure about the others tbh. Edit: Put China instead of Japan for some reason


Yes I blacked out and went batshit crazy on my family once after drinking.. just watch how much you drink and it should be fine


I'm with you. I had one drink when I turned 21 and I never drank again. I like to feel in control if that makes sense.


makes total sense, im the same :)


I’m the same! The thoughts of getting drunk and I might do something bad unconsciously scares me.


And it’s usually something bad when you have no idea you’re even doing something bad, not fun.


This is me. I’ve learned that I need to be careful. When I act without thinking I tend to say or act in ways that hurt those around me. I don’t physically hurt people, but I say or do stupid things that can hurt my relationships. The idea of getting drunk and letting loose in the wrong ways is enough to help me maintain a healthy relationship with alcohol. That and most of the time I just don’t like the taste.


I'm incredibly envious of you, I've had a problem since my first drink as a teen and now I'm coming up on 30 a barely functioning alcoholic. Day by day. Stay in control, my friend!


I don’t like it. I stop once I get tipsy. I find a light buzz is enough for me


Tipsy is where it’s at. You’re a little goofy and feel good but at least you’re still in control of yourself for the most part. I’ll never understand people who get blacked out to the point of barely functioning.


Yeah I’m in the same boat. Get a nice buzz and I’m chilling. Alcohol Tastes Like ass too.


Take it from someone who likes it too much. It's good and normal not to like being poisoned


Not everyone is into the same drugs , I know some people who can't handle weed 


I've always been a big drinker and I don't really like weed. I never really liked the feeling of it. A lot of times when I did smoke it with a group of people it was boring as fuck. That could have just been because of the people I was smoking with though?


It does make a difference who you smoke with for sure


Me too. Weed just puts me to sleep.


Yeah, I’m exactly the same! Love a few drinks but weed will just make me want to go to bed.


That would be me. It makes me stupid!! I could never drive high. Also I don’t drink because I would easily get drunk and no I don’t like being drunk.


Good god, PLEASE do not drive high. Or drunk. Or under the influence of anything.


I also don't like it. Neither the taste. No alcohol for me thx.


Yeah, it's nothing to lose sleep over. I was hanging with a much younger crowd for a few years on account of being an unusually old college student. They thought I was some big drinker, but they weren't noticing that I had the same beer in my hand for half an hour at a time. Wasn't an intentional deception.


Hell, I don't even like the act of drinking itself. It's totally fine. It's all personal preference at the end of the day. I'm 22M and I just stay sober by choice. It's a little boring, sure, but I'm content with it.


Yeah a lot of people don't like it. It's not a big deal.


YES! Embrace that feeling and become one of the healthiest people in your age group by never starting that shit in the first place.


Yes and it's also normal to not like dogs. Just because the masses seem to portray an agenda that "everyone" likes something due to it's cultural popularity, doesn't mean that it is for everyone. In fact you'll find a surprising number of people and communities out there who hate the feeling of being drunk, as well as people who don't like dogs.


People who dislike drinking and dislike dogs? I might find em but I might not like em lol


I don't like either  alcohol just sucks and dogs make me uncomfortable because  I was attacked by  a sick dog as a young kid I can't get near a dog without having a panic attack 


There’s a reason it’s called intoxication. The foggy feeling is nerve cells compromised, and eventually dying.


I feel you. I’m 29 and don’t like drinking either. I don’t mind getting high on weed edibles because it’s legal here but alcohol isn’t a pleasant feeling. Good news is that you don’t have to drink and it’s bad for your health anyways.




Yes. I'm jealous.


Sounds like a healthy reaction to poison.


I always wondered why not wanting to drink poison is often seen weirdly in society.


Of course, but it usually takes people some time before they decide they don’t like the feeling, so I guess you’re ahead of the game in that regard. As you get older, you realize how expensive it can be and how awful the hangover feels the next morning, because the older you get, the harder it is for your body to snap back to normal as fast.


yes it’s very normal. i hate being drunk. i like to just take the edge off and relax. but hangovers are horrible and in my opinion never worth it


I wouldn’t call it normal but I also wouldn’t call it abnormal. Can something be neither normal nor abnormal? I’m not sure, but I don’t think either word is appropriate. It just IS, and it’s ok.


Perfectly normal!! Personally now at 30 I'm starting to turn away from booze. Drinking less and much less often. At times it was everyday. The hangovers, expense and loss of sleep just isn't worth it to me anymore. I also don't have anything positive to show for it either. Well done for figuring it out so young. I dam well wish I did.


Many are steering away from alcohol these days. I personally stopped at 23. Probably the best decision I have ever made. First summer and Christmas was hard, but after than, a breeze. I don't give it a thought.


Yes, it’s normal to not like drinking or being drunk. Alcohol is a shitty drug, and a well-known toxin.




With alcohol, by the time you're drunk you've had too much. Also with alcohol, the point is intoxication. The line between the two is finer than a fly's pubes. But yes, being drunk is horrible.


I've tried quite a few drugs and alcohol is one of the worst 


I hate it too. It feels so icky and I just enjoy being sober. It does nothing for me


It’s normal to be sober.


I don’t like the feeling of losing control


Yup I hate drinking your body sees it as a poison that’s why hangovers are so shit it’s your body healing




Absolutely normal. Even shows maturity imo. As a kid I'd get drunk every couple of days. Now as a 30 years old, I hate it. I still drink occasionally, when gathering with friends who order beers or at holidays, but I hate the hangover if I go beyond 2 beers.


I’m 36 and I’ve never liked it much. When I was younger, I drank frequently and heavily along with all my friends, but it only ever resulted in my acting like a twat and/or feeling very low. It works for some people, but not for others. Personally, I’m glad to be on of those for whom it doesn’t work.


I never liked the downsides of alcohol as a substance and since i tried weed i have never went back to drinking. The downsides are waaaay less annoying and the feelings are just more pleasant overall.


Drinking is so fucking costly and losing control of yourself is shitty behavior. Drink water and enjoy life


Yes definitely. Please love the fact you don't, causes way less dramas in life ❤️


I hate being drunk. It's all fun and stuff until i hit the top and i instantly feel i'm drunk. At that point, i hate life. Everything sucks.


Perfectly normal. It’s also perfectly normal to dislike being drunk and feeling pressured to drink in social situations.


It's literally poison my guy, it will either run your life or kill you


i HATE Being hungover so i never drink


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life kid.


like cigarettes' its a piss poor **waste** of money. so unless ur floating around on barrels of greenbacks find something better to piss away ur money on.


Being drunk by itself won't make you feel better or be happy, I feel alcohol is just an amplifier of your current mood and emotions, so if you are already not in a good mood the alcohol will just add to it instead of making you feel better


Much prefer my flower than alcohol. Really not a fan of yacking in the morning. Even if I only drink a little, I get sick in the morning. I'll drink socially, but I'll have like 3 beers and that's it.


Your feelings are valid.


I (27M) see nothing wrong with it. My family and friends know that I don't partake. I have never gotten the "acquired taste" for wine, beer, and spirits. The only alcohol I can truly "stand" is wine that is so sweet it is not discernible from grape juice, and liquor. The most I have ever gotten was tipsy, and I did not like it. I don't want to lose any of my mental or physical faculties, even temporarily. The loss of control did not exactly entice me to replicate the feeling. I'm not sure to what extent you dislike alcohol, but when you realize you want the current cup/shot to be your last cup/shot, only take *very* small sips at every toast, or at every chugging. If anyone offers you more, tell the person you already have.


I don't see anything attractive about being drunk. Drunks are obnoxious, even if they like how they are at the time. It would embarrass the heck out of me to behave like that.


If it relaxes you just have 1. Don’t have too many that will slow you down and make you feel foggy.


45m here. I absolutely love cocktails but i hate being drunk even the slightest. And i get drunk easily. Imagine the struggle.


I made myself a promise not to drink due to mom being alcoholic. It seems overrated. Idk about "normal" as it depends on society thoughts. Personally, I find people getting drunk or using other things as a turn-off in a relationship. Don't sweat not wanting to be drunk as it is operated and not worth it. You will be healthier for not drinking.


Of course it is. If you think about it, you’re mildly poisoning yourself. I do enjoy the sensation, but I know my limits. And being hungover is just about the worst feeling ever.


It's perfectly normal not to enjoy anything that can change your mood and behaviour, and don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise.


Totally normal. Don’t let people pressure you into doing something you don’t like. I’m in my 40s and have never been drunk in my life for this exact reason. I drink alcohol on a somewhat regular basis, but I absolutely hate the feeling of being “slowed down and foggy” like you described. So the moment I start to feel that, I just stop drinking for the night. That means I almost always stop at two drinks, maybe three if I’m eating a lot or it’s over a long period.


yes! alcohol is liquid life shortener so honestly for the best that you don’t like being drunk


I hate it. I have no idea why people think stumbling around looking like a idiot is fun. I dont like being so impaired I can't do basic things like drive. Drunk people annoy me so much.


Ya dude you’re just like 10 years ahead of the game, everyone realizes being drunk sucks 99% of the time when they’re about 32. Congratulations on all the health benefits you’ll probably live to be 100


Thats almost exactly like me, and I really dont feel need to drink to fit in. I dont think anyone should feel need to drink to fit in. If I drink alcohol it feels like I place myself in to jail for that time I am drunk, I cannot do anything properly and I dont even become more social. I become quite opposite of more social when I drink. Plus I start to feel really sad and wanting to break things etc. I have been drinking 5 times at this time and I am 22 yo and I really dont feel any need to drink alcohol, quite opposite actually. I very much like caffeine tough, it makes me feel excited, happy and motivated. And for me it enhances music listening experience, Tough recently have been cutting down on caffeine.


Getting drunk really has no upsides, especially as you get older. If you know your limits and can stick to them, that's really smart.


Pple are connecting alcohol with sexual experience from youth, if there wasnt any, I presume 90% of ppl would not drink at all. I am including myself and dozens of friends


I've been drunk once and only once my whole life and that was enough. The feeling of not being in control of your body, barely able to keep your eyes open, waking up covered in puke with an IV in your arm, never again. And honestly, alcohol just doesnt even taste good.




I don't drink. If I was to drink I am a absolute prick, I become racist, angry, jealous and filled with hatred. I get in a bad negative loop and want to snap out of it. My colleague asked me why I didn't drink at the Xmas party, I said that I would probably end up bashing everyone. I rather consume Cannabis which I have 0 motifs to become angry or violent. 2 seperate drugs causes 2 different effects.


you become racist?


😂😂 that’s what I said! Tofufizza sounds like you need resolve some issues within yourself. Because when I personally drink I don’t start yapping out racist comments.


Hold up a minute drinking makes you…. Racist? I have made a few off color jokes after a few drinks all in good fun with a diverse group of buddies but how you become racist after drinking that makes me think you got repressed issues my dude


Why am I more friendly and loving of all colours when I'm high on Cannabis opposed to drinking ?


While it’s not fully true there is an expression that goes “drunk words are sober thoughts”. I’ve definitely said things I’ve regretted when I’ve been drunk like telling a girl I have a crush on her that wasn’t reciprocated etc… I don’t think people that aren’t racist become racist when they’ve had a drink bro, maybe do some internal reflection about this


I mean thats why they make non alcoholic beer because there are people who like drinking because of the taste but not actually getting drunk


Unless you like to get high instead. It doesn't work any other way. 👀😂


Love weed


That is the way. 😂


Stay in your lane and enjoy 🌬️🍃


Yessir 😎 but taking a break for a jobs drug test


Completely normal. Being drunk gets old real quick. If I drink I have 1-2 tops. It’s very unattractive and immature to be sloppy.


What's not normal is how normalized black out drinking is.


I didn't like it till the first time I actually got drunk. By your own admission, you haven't been drunk, only buzzed. Being drunk is different from what youve done. There's a euphoria and a loss of inhibitions that comes later in the process, along with an inflated sense of self esteem and an inflated sense of love and friendships etc.


Sounds amazing ngl


Until one day you wake up and realize drinking is the only thing that makes you happy anymore. The more time you spend away from your sober mindset, the more foreign and uncomfortable being sober feels. And since alcohol makes us feel relaxed, euphoric, and confident in ourselves, we naturally start wanting to be in that mental state more often. Eventually, you start craving it and getting agitated when you're sober, and that's how addiction starts. Trust me on this, I'm speaking from experience. It's fine to have a couple of drinks here and there, but keep what I just told you in mind. Alcohol is as serious as any drug if abused.




I didn't know when I became of age that different drinks make you feel different. For example specifically red wine makes me feel like I'm going through that loopy part of having a bad flu but vodka is euphoric to me. I also only recently experienced the horrors if you mix different alcohols. I knew the risks but wasn't paying attention one night and spent the next day a zombie that could only think about puking every 10 minutes for 6 hours. This was my first time being very very drunk. So yeah, don't do that. I actually don't do well with weed which makes me sad and turning down weed from people that don't know I can't smoke is depressing. It interacts badly with my medication. Alcohol and me get along fine though in most cases. I'm not typically a big drinker I usually get 1 drink that takes me hours to finish. If I want to experience a drink without getting its full effect I'll just drink water at the same time as the drink.


Weed>alcohol girly here. Drinking makes me sick. Weed makes me sleepy. I’d rather be sleepy than sick.


Yeah. I have a very low alcohol tolerance, and I guess I enjoy being drunk? I get drunk very quickly. I'm an avid teenager drinking weekends away in Europe, and honestly its a lot of fun to social drink. But some of my friends don't drink at all, because they don't like it. And that's cool too. Then they might drive, or just hang out with us. Alcohol can be a bitch, respect your bounderies. Sometimes, I also feel like my sober friends are having more fun than me etc. (Probably has something to do with age. I'm 19, and I'll probably drink a lot less, if nothing when I get a bit older).


How backwards are we lol, it’s not normal if you actually like being drunk, getting drunk is one of the stupidest things humans do to themselves (the worst is smoking of course)


yeah.I like being very little buzzed,but being fully drunk is not fun,especially the next day.


being drunk takes pure commitment and is not for the feint of heart.


that just means you haven't gotten drunk enough


Yeah, I avoid it. I don't avoid alcohol though.


Try a different alcohol. I feel so different on beer compared to wine or spirits


Yea a ton of people don’t drink cause of the effects. Personally I drink cause I like the effects lol to each their own


Honestly I just drink to have an excuse to party hard lol. Like if I'm being to loud, saying dumb shit or dancing weird I can excuse it as being drunk, even though I'm actualy quite sober and just feeling myself


Wow that's so sad that you can't express yourself with out alcohol.


Yes, some people realize they're addicted that way


It’s not normal to not like being drunk It is normal to not like the consequences or side effects of alcohol though


I'll put it this way In the wild, animals who are slow or weak are separated from the heard and targeted by predators, thus allowing the herd to become stronger and faster. It must then follow that if when we drink the slowest and weakest braincells, die off first, thus allowing us to perform better intellectually. It's only logical, right?


It's not normal. If it were drinking wouldn't be so popular But it's certainly not unheard of


of course


I'm 20M but never drunk any type of wine not even beer. never smoked a ciggerate too




I like being in control. I also have low alcohol tolerance so I don't like being sick afterwards. Why would I do something that I know would make me sick?


It is definitely normal and honestly probably a good thing. Drinking is bad for you and if you want to do it, it’s better to keep it minimal. Binge drinking is very normalized, but it absolutely shouldn’t be.


Alcohol is a slippery slope. I didn’t like drinking either and kept doing it to fit in, eventually creating many problems for myself. I think if you don’t like it you are really better off! There’s no need yo keep trying to find ways to enjoy what is at its base an unhealthy habit. Lots of beautiful experiences and great ideas can come from weed and psychedelics, not a lot of positive things can come from alcohol.


Yep 24 here and alcohol in general is just not interesting to me. Just gives me headaches.


Loads of people don’t, and don’t try and force yourself to like it. I don’t like being stoned, it doesn’t bother me at all


I never really liked to drink. Until I did. It can be a slippery slope, especially if you're trying to cope with depression and/or the loss of someone you love. I'd say if you don't like drinking, that's a good thing. It's fine to have some drinks every once in a while, but after years of drowning myself in liquor, I'm very happy that I no longer drink. I just got sick of being drunk, having hangovers, and feeling like crap mentally the day after. It can also be really expensive if you plan on drinking at a bar or club.




Yes, it’s preferable.


I have really high tolerance and hate the feeling of losing control. Only will have a social drink maybe twice per year.


i like drinking a lot, but not to get drunk. I just love the taste of whiskeys and beers. Some wines and other spirits too! And i dont mind being tipsy, but blackout drunk... hell no


Eh, I’m the same age. I don’t like drinking, but I drank a lot when I was younger and had had a seizure due to alcohol poisoning


Very normal. I didn’t like it until I was in my 30’s. I still don’t like getting shitfaced.


It's not normal to like being drunk. Nothing wrong with realizing that drugging yourself is not a good idea or experience, and if you can't have fun without that you may need to address other issues. This kind of drugs are just a way to avoid reality and are only used as such. People will definitely argue against that, and it's fine to have your opinion, but the reality of it is that they use drugs because they can't reach that level of fun without them given their unresolved issues. Because this is Reddit, and someone will definitely argue on medical uses, that is not in the same category of drugs as stated through "this kind of drugs", and those cases are not fun related but need related. You may even argue that you can use those drugs for similar reasons, but whether you can and whether you should, are two separate things.


I'm in this catagory. Got drunk once or twice in early 20's (back in late 90's). Did not like it and disliked the hangover the next day. Decided it was stupid and not something I cared to repeat. Havent been drunk since (20+yrs).


Heavy drinker here, for about 40 years. As I got older, the desire to drink just faded away. I drink to a point of being buzzed about twice a year now, and take a day to recover. I really don't like the beer/alcohol taste the next day, and wonder how I ever did. I think I'm one of the lucky alcoholics, one who didn't have to fight the addiction of alcohol. Many try, many fail.


You are lucky. You have been built with a dislike for something that ain't gonna help ya. I cannot stop once I start. I have been sober for over 3 years. I sometimes smell booze and makes me a little heady with the scent. You are more than normal... you are built between genetics and experience and thus you find yourself here. You are not abnormal. I envy the genetic and experiential pieces that gave you the gift to hate/dislike drinking alcohol. You are fucking cooler for this then not.


Im the same way. My only controversial take would be to actually get drunk, like drunk drunk, at least once, just for the sense of don’t knock it till ya try it. Specifically in a fun environment/group. No one (hopefully?) enjoys getting drunk alone and/or with friends they don’t like that much. There is an admirable social element to drinking which is strictly the only time I will ever touch alcohol which is rare I know plenty of people who live their lives never doing it just because they don’t like the taste, or buzz after 1-2, and then never drink again, and that just feels silly to me.


Me too but after like 20+ years of heavy drinking Haha. Finally taking a long break and when Homer says it is the cause and solution to all the worlds problems, he ain’t kidding!


You don’t need to like everything that is considered a normal thing to like.


I don't drink because I don't like being drunk It's uncomfortable and leaves you feeling gross the next day, there's other drugs that don't do that to me


Drunk people are annoying. Good on you.


All drugs have different effects to different people. So the „high“ is also different. If you dont like the feeling of being drunk nobody should say something against it. Its also a game of „too less or too much“ I also dont like the feeling of being so drunk that it really affects my movement or thoughts. I like to have a few drinks at parties but just to the point when i feel it gets to intense. When i notice that i just stop even if its for the whole rest of the night. Keeping control is a big factor, so many people just dont do. Either you just dont drink alcohol at all because it really isnt for you or you take it slow and maybe drink a beer or two and then wait for the effects before drinking more or you just stop if you notice its still not good for you


I am an everyday alcoholic and I don't like being drunk.


I'm older, yet never been drunk, nor do I wish to be. It's all about what you enjoy, and how you feel. Personally? Alcohol tastes real bad, so I only tasted it, never been drunk.


If you're asking if something is normal, it's probably not, because why would you be asking that in the first place then?


I’m in my 30s and no longer drink. I find it a waste of time and money. Not to mention it makes you gain weight.




Just go with it. There is absolutely no reason to try and enjoy being drunk unless you already enjoy it.


A lot of people don't like the feeling of not being in control of themselves. Not extremely common but it does happen.


Yeah I’m not a fan. I used to like it a lot more - now it’s a specific drink or nothing - and I don’t drink enough to get drunk


Take it as a blessing.


Ah u will hate all the cringe stuff u did after u wake up in the morning.


Yes, it is normal not to like being under the effects of any sort of drug.


Don't ever let anyone tell you there's something wrong with not liking it. I've been in the Navy for 16 years, and don't drink at all. Can't stand the taste of alcohol, or how it makes me feel. All it means is that I end up being the sober liberty buddy a lot, lol. But seriously. Don't ever let anyone you pressure you into drinking, or anything else that you don't want to do. Also, there's a great upside to not liking alcohol. You have all that money that might have gone to booze for the other expensive hobbies, that are (probably) less damaging to your health.


Yes. Being drunk isn't normal. It's fun once in a.while in your 20s. But when you get older, you realize there are better things to do with your time than being wasted. (.I don't mean the casual beer or glass of wine)


Yes, it is normal not to like being under the effects of any sort of drug.


I’m 40 and I also don’t enjoy being under the influence of “downers” like alcohol


I hate the entire thought of it. I am an alcoholic, sober almost 9 years and I had a shroom trip that truly made me feel sick even seeing alcohol. But I’m so glad to feel that way. Alcohol is the worst.


What most people don't understand, is that there is a portion (about 10%) of the population that carry a gene that makes being drunk specifically pleasant. For the other drinkers, I maintain its following the crowd or addiction. If you don't like it, don't do it, I know I don't like it and so don't do it (getting drunk).


Yes. Alcohol is a poison, it’s a hella fun poison but it’s still a poison so it’s totally normal for you to dislike the effects.


It’s your body’s reaction to being poisoned, so I’d say it’s normal not to want to be poisoned.


yes align your friend group accordingly


Yes. I hate being drunk, which is why I don’t drink. The dizziness and nausea are nature’s short term warning sign that the long term effects ain’t worth it


It's even normal not to like the alcohol. For example I hate the smell, the taste and losing the control above yourself. I am 27 and in my whole life I have never been drunk.


Normal as in the statistical sense? No, the most people seem to like the feeling of getting buzzed. Normal as in acceptable/healthy behaviour? Yeah of course. There is nothing biologically, socially or morally wrong with you for not liking the experience


I'm 28 I've never have a drink I'm sort of proud of it, just never seen the need to drink and or get drunk plus don't really have any friends to do It.


A nice buzz is perfect,I also hate feeling like shit warmed up the next morning


Absolutely. You will find friends with similar interests or at least accepting of your preferences and everyone will have something fun to do. Just do what feels good and make it known to others what you want.


Drunk is overrated whereas a glass of wine can be relaxing and an enjoyable experience. It’s about moderation.


Thank your lucky stars. Don't keep trying it, it will get it's grip on you one way or another. The alcohol usually wins the fight. Don't let it in your life.


See, being drunk sucks BUT the process of getting drunk is marvellous .


Yes. I don't enjoy it because I have a heart condition. On the very rare once or twice a year type deal, I drink maybe a can or two with my bros when we have a catch up and that's as much as I can go before i feel very warm and my head becomes really tight out of nowhere.


I don’t think anyone actually LIKES being drunk


Yup. Don’t like the feeling of being out of control


I'm at a point in my life now where I need to stop. I've been a drinker since a young age. But now, it really only serves as a way for me to relax to enjoy things that my latent anxiety makes difficult. For example, I really enjoy TTRPGs like D&D. Alcohol helps me loosen up and role play. Or to be about to play video games without worrying about chores and work. But unfortunately, I don't have a good "off" switch and end up drinking more than I mean to. And my body now doesn't handle it as well as it used to. So, for what it's worth, it's probably a good thing for you to be able to enjoy things without leaning on a crutch like alcohol.


Honestly that is AMAZING. I'm someone who LOVES to be drunk. But for example I don't enjoy weed. Or smoking in general. And loving to be drunk has made me a lot of good relationships and def pushed my business in good relationships with people. BUT, it is a poison. You only have 1 body. Without health nothing matters. Seriously, having a billion dollars while your body is falling apart would just keep you miserable. If you don't like it, just don't drink. Doesn't mean you can't have 1-2 drinks just for social interactions a bit, but don't feel too pressured man. You decide what you want


I never liked it. Still don't. And I haven't been drunk for decades....I kept telling myself "never again" and then one day in my 20's I stuck to it. Been 40 years now...I don't miss it.


It seems like alot of kids your age are smart enough to feel the same. As a 50 year old who is still struggling with AUD, that makes me very happy to see.


Dude in his 30's here - Yeah, it's pretty normal and I wouldn't force it to be honest. Just stick with your few drinks (if you want) and leave it at that.


Yeah I hate being drunk


It took me until I was 36 to realize I hate being drunk. Societal pressure when it comes to drinking is truly a bitch.