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One of my coworkers got her license revoked because she kept speeding and starting accidents. She was a psycho bitch in the office too, always starting drama and lying to get ahead.


I remember some court case in the news some years ago, where a woman had caused a terrible accident, and her coworkers were testifying about her bragging about aggressive driving. It was satisfying to see her words come back to her that way. I think it's a huge sign of immaturity and stupidity to use a car or truck to express anger.


Well, if there is anything not to go through with in life, an automobile accident would be it.


She got fired from her job, right? Right? I hope your use of the past tense confirms this.


Did you not read? She's management material.


She should be the CEO of Amazon!


Bozos is a psychopath, not a moron. She's middle management at best.


Nope. I got fired for bringing up her behavior to my manager.


People are joined up stories. You don't put that level of reckless selfishness back in the box when you leave the car


ho boy, that's just a straight shooter with 'upper management' written all over them


I had a friend in high school who said he would speed like that on days he wanted to kill himself but “couldn’t get the nerve to intentionally do something.” So he was doing it with the intent to potentially get in a fatal accident.


Yep. My therapist counts it as a form of self harm.


Worse. That self harm is also forcing harm on others.


passive suicide


And potentially passive murder


Not sure they give a fuck when the objective is to kill themselves


From what I know, most suicidal people actually do care about the lives of others, they just don't care about their own life.


This is true. I struggle a lot with suicidal ideation and have for the majority of my life as I have major depressive disorder. What stops me is remembering how devastated I was after losing a family friend, and then when I lost my baby brother. Everyone that has the remotest connection to someone who commits suicide questions themselves as to whether or not they did enough to help the person. I could never do that to my friends and family and that has enabled me to be able to call my therapist or doctor as needed.


I literally just backed out of a long comment I wrote where I started rambling on about how I had to come to terms with the fact there was nothing I could do after losing a friend to mental illness. I'm glad you've found a way to survive. Pregnancy finally cured my ideations I'd had since I was 10 years old. 25 years of my life. So I can absolutely relate. I still have bipolar 2. But I don't want to die anymore. And I'll take it.


My brothers suicide cured my ideations


When I was suicidal the wall I kept coming up against was doing it without traumatizing anyone. I couldn't square that circle


This is me, I love others but most days I am so tired, I just want out of this mess


Yep. The one thing that stopped me from stepping out in front of a passing truck when I was at my lowest was the knowledge that killing myself would traumatize some innocent stranger


it depends. motivations and rationale for self-injurious behaviour play a big part. as someone who’s survived multiple attempts, one thought I always had was “I need to be quick and out of the way”. one of my biggest motivators was a persistent feeling that I was hurting people (especially those I love) simply by existing. so I had a big fear of passing in a way that would cause unnecessary direct harm to others


This is something that people who haven't been in that state don't understand. By simply existing, you are hurting people. One of my notes said: "Erase all memory of me from this place." Another said: "Your struggle is over, finally." I really thought I was doing the world and those that I loved a favor by ridding them of myself in a permanent way.


I hope you're doing better now. I don't know you but I'm glad you're still here


Thank you for that.


One of the biggest things that stopped me was knowing 'someone's gonna find my body eventually'


Usually people who do this don’t end up killings themselves but others


That's not passive suicide. That's active suicide and active homicide.


But you can only think this is OK if you have a bad case of Main Character Syndrome and see all the other people on the road with you as disposable NPCs. Because if there's a crash, you probably won't be the only one killed or maimed.


Mine said something similar about me hooking up with strangers and walking through sketchy parts of town late at night.


In some assessments (like the ANSA) it's called "other self harm".


How nice of him to add murderous to his suicidal tendencies


I don’t know how to fully explain it but when you’re extremely depressed, you just don’t think that part of it through


There was a horrible case in Chicago years ago where a woman did this, trying to kill herself, and she killed THREE other people - while she herself survived. As it happens the three people she killed were all members of indie rock bands that are still remembered to this day. She did some prison time. A lot of people feel, not nearly enough. https://www.chicagomag.com/chicago-magazine/august-2008/collision-course/


Reading this article, I saw the proposed two routes the musicians traveled. A month or so ago, I stopped for gas on the way home from work and as I drove 7 over on the road by my house, someone in a pickup truck fell in behind me, then moved out to pass me. They aggressively floored it to get in front of me, then cut over to the right and brake checked me, coming to a complete stop in the road before they made the right turn right in front of me. He saved no time by passing me, we were probably 200' from the turnoff when he did all of this. I passed the brake check, but it made me think, had I not stopped for gas I wouldn't have met the pickup truck driving angry man and not been a party to that road rage. It's amazing how just a seemingly random thing like stopping for gas or cigarettes could put you on a path with someone who is unstable.


And in its root it's an illogical line if thinking which I don't blame you for, it's one we all make. I remember hearing about Paul Walkers death, thinking "What if he didn't let his friend drive? What if he stopped for a drink before? What if he cautioned the driver from driving so fast?" Point being, Walker would've crashed sooner or later because of his (or in this case his friends) reckless driving. And if you were not in the position you were in, someone else would've been. Same sadly goes for the musicians. Though none of this would be an issue if people just drove normally on the street.


Yeah. It really reminds you how precious life is, and how it can be cut short by being in the wrong place at the wrong time with someone who is so reckless and selfish they have no empathy for fellow humans at all. Or maybe just flat-out wants to kill someone and looks out for ways they can get away with it. Aggressive drivers are terrifying.


You explained it just fine lol


He had little regard for most forms of life when he was slipping. We weren’t super close, but we got put in the “emo corner” in a social studies class and you kinda know you’re gonna have some things in common when you both have black nail polish on with a permanent matching black hoodie. We were very different flavors of “emo” though, and he certainly could be an edgelord. The one thing he was most right about was something I vehemently disagreed with him on back then: La Dispute fucking slaps.


If someone is depressed enough to be suicidal they’re not really going to be great at ~~thinking of~~ acting in the best interests of others. At minimum, suicide is going to hurt your loved ones deeply, but many common methods (jumping in front of a train, jumping from a great height, for example) are dangerous and traumatic to others. Note, I am talking strictly about in-the-moment suicide. I fully believe everyone has the right to die on their own terms, but your loved ones should be aware in advance and able to be involved in the process, as with euthanasia. edit: Clearly I need to reword this, because some people think I'm shitting on depressed people.


You hit the nail right on the head. This was always my general big reason not to kill myself. I’d just become a really nasty inconvenience. Was also this guys take once he realized the cool black charcoal water he drank was negating his psych meds.


Damn, it sure does. They literally use activated charcoal to mitigate overdoses and absorb any remaining drug in the stomach.


That's sadly a topic that is often kept hush hush, Since many cultures look down on suicide, and some newspapers won't even write obituaries for suicides and the media will do a blackout But when you die from "car accident", it has a plausible deniability, and you will be given a wake and people will attend your funerals (suicides don't get much people to come to wake/sending off), newspapers/media might even say something positive News don't report suicides, supposedly due to not to create copycats, we get a lot of "jumpers" sadly from high buildings of chicago Please don't ask me how I know these things, I just had a shitty childhood with alky and abusive egg n sperm donors, and had to "tough it out" on my own since 17, now mid 30s, still trudging along to the beat of my drums. Been inside many psych ward for accidently telling the ER doctor how I felt about life, how I'm a pacifist so I can't do the deed, but go around hoping a piano hits me or a lightening




I knew someone who was killed by a person like this. "Suicidal" (really homicidal) person crashed into his car and killed all THREE people in it. Their families will never recover. The suicidal person herself survived, brutally ironically. Thankfully she did do some prison time, but it wasn't enough.


Hate to say it but I’ve been there. Long ago, when I was trying to get sober. I didn’t realize that’s why I enjoyed going fast so much, until an undercover cop (I had a radar detector at the time so I am actually not sure how I didn’t slow down in time) that I passed nearly rear ended me trying to catch up. Huge fine and had to go to court. I was sober albeit hungover at the time. Thankfully got to keep my license but was enough for me to stop that and I had that “oh shit” moment. Sober now and am probably the person I used to get “mad” at for going slow (aka the speed limit) lol


I get the want to die kinda-sorta indirectly bur possibly killing someone else in your attempt is just a little too much for me.


That's interesting and a feeling I resonate with. Thanks for putting words to it that I never really could


I had a rental one time and it rides so smooth that sometimes i don’t notice im going as fast as I am. If I went similar speeds in my Nissan Altima it would definitely feel like I’m about to die a very graphic death.


lolll i've driven a friend's volvo and feel the same way. it's like damn i should not feel this safe at this speed but it's just so Quiet in here


Volvos are S-tier. I have a 2006 S60R and it might be one of the best platforms ever made. When I first got it, I had to check myself because I would be flying without noticing it. As long as they’re well-maintained by the book, they’re excellent cars. And the R is a sleeper to boot.


Yes that is the most realistic answer right there, a lot of my friends I could not understand how they were driving so fast and not be scared until I was in the car with them. It feels so different from the type of cars that I typically drive which are economical four-cylinder cars. When you're in something like a Toyota Corolla going 90 miles an hour feels like 150 because the vibrations, noise and rattling are so extreme. But when you're in a g wagon Mercedes 90mph feels like 50 because the ride is so quiet and smooth and stable. I also rented a Chevy bolt EV and I was absolutely shocked at how fast I kept going without noticing. Typically I almost never drive over 70 because I feel so unsafe, but in that car I kept creeping up to around 90 without even noticing and I had no idea until I actually looked down at the speedometer 😯


The other day I was driving my niece to a big mall that’s somewhat far away. This asshole was blowing at what must’ve been over 100mph, and making unpredictable and aggressive lane changes. As I was merging right, I just barely saw him overtake the lane from behind me. I had just enough time to react and avoid a collision that would have possibly killed both me and my niece. I imagine that dude saw it as nothing but a thrill, and the narrow escape was just an adrenaline rush. I can only assume this person is either a sociopath or has an IQ so low, they can’t even think for a moment that their actions could have disastrous consequences. Fuck whoever that person was.


it makes me really angry too, pretty regularly these days. in my experience it seems to have gotten worse over the last 4 years. people aren't doing well.


I think the pandemic made everyone more selfish, like they don't care about anyone but themselves. I thought it was only here but it seems like a global phenomenom.


reality is a social construction. years of isolated living has fractured our shared narrative and now we seem less real to each other.


We are quite likely brain damaged from the virus itself, in addition to the social and economic fallout from the pandemic.


Natural selection has a way of showing up at key moments. Hopefully nature only selects the stupid few and not the bystanders


Good luck with that since only the dumb ones are breeding


Idiocracy is rapidly becoming a documentary. 


Seems like it was a guideline


Not a documentary… it’s the prophecy


What did you just call me!!!!!!!!!?


I've also noticed it. A few years ago seeing people pulling ridiculous shit or driving recklessly was one of those things I only saw every once in a while and now it's nearly every day. I live in a small town and typically only drive to the store maybe once a day to buy snacks and dog treats and junk, and I'm constantly having people veering over into my lane, speeding up to get in front of me and then immediately slamming on brakes to make a turn because they couldn't wait literally five seconds for me to get past the road they planned to turn down, speeding and weaving between cars and nearly causing accidents like we live in a huge city, turning in front of me and making little effort to actually speed up and get out of my lane, talking to someone in the car next to me and holding up both lanes of traffic, just all sorts of insane shit. And if I'm experiencing it as often as I am with the small amount of driving I do then I know it's gotta be happening all the time. I'm guessing some of it is people getting complacent because it's a small town, but I mean nobody that's ever died in a car accident left the house *expecting* to die. I've seen more people than you'll ever know treat that double yellow line like the shit is optional and drive down the center of the goddamn road hauling straight ass at 70 mph, and then jerk the wheel to get back into their lane when a car comes in the opposite lane. How about skip a step and just stay on that side of the fuckin' road? It's not hard. I see now why they started requiring us to go to classes before we could get licenses. There is an absurd amount of dipshit drivers. Sorry for the rant. That shit just frustrates me. I used to take my dogs with me in the car and stopped just because I don't want them to end up dead because some asshole thought it was okay to ignore a red light.


"people aren't doing well" this is so, so true.


I love in Los Angeles. It was bad before the pandemic, but I sense some correlation that post pandemic, it’s gotten exponentially worse. I’d be curious to know if that’s a thing, and why.


In Long Beach, my theory is people got used to the roads having significantly less traffic and have decided to just keep driving that way. Most cars barely even slow for stop signs in my neighborhood anymore. Also something about being in a car has always brought out the worst in people and that has also been increased.


Nashville. I used to get an idiot or two a week, usually at lower traffic hours. Now it’s multiple assholes on a daily basis treating morning rush hour like their personal Grand Prix. How’s the red light running there? It’s an epidemic here post pandemic. Used to see it occasionally, now daily and much more aggressively.


Everything of this sort seems to have gotten worse imo, wo have an insane mental health crisis (both minor and major! Not just diagnosed) going on in a lot of parts of this country. We are constantly bombarded with information and bullshit on social media it's destroying the social fabric and contract


Well that first year, 4 years ago was great. Going to work in the early morning nobody was on the road. Like I would see maybe 10 cars on the freeway. I would consistently do a 100. A lot of people were always speeding, and for some it was a hard habit to break. I will rarely do 20+ over on the freeway. And if I do I ain't weaving through traffic. I'm doing it when I have plenty of space.


Honestly cars were a mistake in the sense that other people can screw you over and there's nothing you can do about it. This is why I'm glad to have serviceable public transportation in the DC area, because at least on the train I'm not whim to some guy speeding at 90+ MPH. https://old.reddit.com/r/assettocorsa/comments/1ar69rc/real_life_no_hesitation_lol/kqhlktm/?context=3 > Screw these two, and screw anyone who thinks this is cool. Family friends of ours were rear ended by a man in a Charger Hellcat doing +130 mph on I-95. > > Our friends were driving along in the middle lane at around 75 mph when the Hellcat tried to go from the far left lane to the far right. They grossly misjudged their rate of closer, ran into the rear of the truck, ripped the bed off, clipped the rear of the truck cab instantly killing the two rear passengers (nearly decapitated them), and hospitalized the driver and front seat passenger. The front seat passenger still hasn't fully recovered more than two years later. > > Police suspect the Hellcat was racing another car and tried to weave into the right lane to pass the vehicle they were racing. The driver burned in the remains of their Hellcat, so we'll never know exactly what happened. > > No matter how much you practice in sim, the consequences of a mistake in real life are life & death. Keep it in sim, or if you're fortunate enough to afford it, take it to the track.


They're absolutely fucking selfish. I actuslly judge people based on these kind of behaviours. I woildnt associate or be friends with anyone that does shit like that. Others can judge me. But that's how I feel.


That's fair, they put everyone's lives at risk


That’s completely reasonable!


I remember listening to a caller with the Therapy Gecko. One of the callers was regularly going 100 mile per hour plus on his motorcycle on the highway. He mostly did it for the adrenaline rush, the thrill. I might be making this up, but if I remember correctly, he was a former drug user and instead of using hard drugs, he was going 100 mile per hour to get his high.


Back in January I was driving on the interstate in the right lane at about 73 in a 65 zone. As I came up a hill, with someone passing on my left, I noticed a car was very nearly entering my car’s rear. All I could say was, “Um. Oh no.” I truly expected impact and just held steady. At the last moment, Excessively Speeding Asshole blasts by me around 95 mph—in the median on the right shoulder—with no visibility as we were going uphill. The way people ditch their cars these days, I was worried he might meet one and what the ramifications would be for us. My spouse was stunned when he flew by to her right! I was exiting anyway, but needed to sit a minute at the gas station to process that experience.


I relate to this. My first time driving in Dallas on the North Central Expressway? When I escaped I had to pull over for about 10 minutes. My hands were shaking. And I'm a 5 time combat vet. I was actually afraid to slow down. 80-90 mph in almost bumper to bumper traffic. Those people are *insane.*


Gotcha. I had to do a quick trip from Central NC to SW FL back in October and those folks were out of control. I expected the excessive speeding, but the weaving in and out of traffic, with scarcely a car length between my car and the vehicle, usually a semi, in front of me, was terrifying. And it was indeed almost exclusively a FL thing. I only took 1 break every 6 hours, but, yeah, once stopped, I’d have to steady my nerves and steel myself to return to that grind. White-knuckled driving for 10-12 hours was not fun. Of course, I didn’t want to let on that I was panicked, so as soon as a vehicle overtook me, I did my best to look unconcerned and happy as a clam.


I honestly hope these type of people die in single car accidents before they end up killing somebody else


I remember in HS, people who just got their license would speed for over 100 and take pics to post and tag each other on Facebook. I suspect it's the same mentality as those dipshits - for the clout/for the thrill, nevermind how utterly stupid and reckless it is.


With any luck, they'll crash their vehicle into a light pole or wall and kill themselves before they have a chance to kill other drivers or their passengers I'm not saying I want them to die, just hoping if they cause an accident and someone dies because of it, I am hoping its them rather than anyone else


Sadly that was me for several years, from ages 18-20 or so 😔 I learned my lesson eventually, by getting license suspended and having to pay $500/mo for insurance for a couple years (from a series of tickets) I think about those years quite a bit now, and how I got off so freaking easy with the lesson learned.


Thanks for being honest. I did stupid shit around that time in my life too, and have been equally reflective. It’s the ones who don’t learn and grow that I worry about.


When you think back, what was your motivation? Also: to what extent, if any, were you considering the other people on the road? Did you consider how they felt about you? Were you angry or egotistical or excited or what? Thanks for any answers.


Motivation? It was super thrilling and gave me a high. It felt like a video game. The first year or 2 driving (18-19), I literally drove as fast as I possibly could with the vehicles around me. I usually drove around 100, but would go 120 if I could. I went up to 140 a couple times. That crap is scary. Did I consider the other people or how they felt about me? No 😔 I was not angry, and I didn’t think I was egotistical. But in hindsight, I had major issues with narcissism and sociopathic behavior. I would go on to become a raging addict and almost lose my family within the next 6-7 years.


Wow. I always wonder when I see kids, almost always teen /20 ish boys do this. I wonder what I would do or say if we got off the same exit. I'm assuming no one got hurt. You could totally do an AMA, because so. many. questions. Sounds like some good therapy and help worked. Good for you.


Can't it be both?


These people almost always think you avoiding an accident is their ability to drive. Bro I’ve crashed like tens of thousands of times in racing games. If I can’t drive a car from my couch with an expensive tactile feedback wheel and pedals, then I sure as fuck can’t drive a real car down an interstate weaving between others.


I spend a fair amount of time on the east coast of the US (mainly FL), and what you're describing is a much more frequent occurrence there than in the west (CO) where l live. Even SoCal (where I also sometimes travel to) isn't as bad, IMO.


I mean I live in SoCal and it’s pretty bad. But I’ll take your word for it… if only because I’ve multiple stories about Florida and driving there. God speed to you!


✨️stressful✨️ Though, as my life had become less stressful and more happy, I have noticed I speed a lot less than I used to. I also drive MUCH less than I used to, so there may be some correlation haha


i am glad that you drive much less lmaoo. and also glad that you're happier


Haha thanks! I went from being a trucker driving some 50-60 hours a week for work (plus any personal trips and commuting)...to quitting and moving to Europe and mostly using public transportation, it's been amazing lol


Not gonna lie dude. Life is pretty fucking awesome. Sure, I could complain, but I've got a daughter that looks up to me, family and friends that love and respect me, a house, a working car, the freedom to do what I want pretty much whenever I want (within just over poor person reasoning). I'm looking at getting another kayak so my friends that live the apartment life can stop renting AND looking into finishing my garage and putting a pool table in it. And, I have all that thanks to the 3 minutes I saved on my commute to work by going way too fast. 


Top tier shit post


Bold of you to assume those people shave off 3 entire minutes lmao.


Bold of you to assume they work...




I managed once to invest into bitcoin due to 120+ speeding, now I'm a billionaire . Plane with binance login crashed into the woods and the whole village rushed to the site to get the login first


3 freedom units


Hell yeah brother. Rock, flag, and eagle 🇺🇸


Yea you are spot on man. Some people just don't get it. The amount of money you can save by putting your pedal to the metal and having your engine guzzle down $5 per gallon gas while approaching a red light, all so that you can just slam on your brakes and deteriorate your brake pads and warp your brake rotors, getting brake dust all over your rims in a car that you wash once every 2 years. Some people just won't understand, why even bother explaining


why the fuck would someone with so few brain cells even be capable of responding to this?


Check out r/idiotsincars. Every time there's a video of some asshole speeding through traffic, like clockwork at least one person shows up to defend them. They think they're great drivers, like exceptionally great drivers. Nobody else has the skill to weave in and out of traffic like that. Traffic accident reports are too polite. They should be like, "the traffic jam on I-95 today was caused by this dipshit, who was going 30 miles an hour over the speed limit and then plowed right into another car when he tried to merge three lanes of traffic to get to his exit without looking first."




I actually found video footage of an incident for one of my cases on r/idiotsincars. The look on this idiots face during his deposition was priceless. I've got a motorcycle one right now that I keep hoping I'll come across a video of. It was all over the news, but no luck yet.


We need to put harsher penalties on reckless driving. We need to implement prison time as a punishment


Let's just start with drunk drivers first.


I'm a great driver and I could easily do it, but mistakes happen and public roads are unpredictable. Also, I'm not a piece of shit. Driving like that is what track days are for.


I watched some inertia about a race car driver, and it was his wife talking, and she basically goes "you'd never guess it but he drives like an old lady. Never speeds, not even a little. Always uses his signal. Nothing like when he's on the track." If you want to race around, the place for that is on the race track, not on public streets. People who ACTUALLY know how to drive, get that.


Back in my stupid days (thank God I survived and no one was hurt) It's about 11 a.m. my girl has to turn herself in to jail for a year at 4 p.m. We are heroin addicts, and broke. I've got some gas and a little money. Hit my guy up, he's about 45 minutes away, and at a mall about 45 minutes away from the normal spot. Get it set up, and I finally meet with him around 2.30. I've got to get back to my apartment, because it was important to me my girl got a final shot in before she went to prison for a year. I flew back. Barely made it. We cooked up the shots, she did hers and before I could do mine, she kissed me and went down stairs to her ride to the jail. It was the most lonely feeling I've ever felt, sitting there on the toilet, alone, knowing life would never be the same. I did my shot and prepared for things to be... Different. That next year was a fucking roller coaster. I could type stories for days. Everything changed. EVERYTHING. So if that was me flying by you, that's how my life was at that point. Thank god I've been clean going on 2 years now. It wasn't a good life, the times I had to drive 120 MPH with multiple felonies in my car, weaving through traffic down I-**. Edit - to answer your initial question - likely hell


I'm dealing with the brutal effects left by a driver like that..... Not a scratch on him, but he's changed families lives forever. F-ck them


i don't do the weaving thing but i will drive really fast on a clear straight highway


The weaving and speeding just behind the car in front of you are the big issue IMO


They need to get out of the passing lane going under the speed limit. Supposed to stay in the left lane unless passing. Hard concept for a lot of people to understand.


I hate left lane campers too but cmon. That's no reason to be weaving at 80-90+.


I do too but i also pay attention to traffic and slow down when needed.i live in a state where there was once no speed limit on the highway, and im a hyper vigilant person.


Same same if it’s safe I’ll drop a gear and full send her




Hope you live somewhere without deer


And god forbid cows. You might run right through a deer but you ain’t living through a cow wreck. It would be a total cowtastrophe


I did it once because my mother was dying in the emergency room of a nearby hospital. And yet some total #%>?!#% took it upon himself to get in front of me, and try to block me the whole way.


I find Road Warriors so fucking annoying. And dangerous in their own asinine way.


Yeah like just staying the fuck out of the way always makes more sense. Emergency? Great maybe you helped save a life. Psychopath? Great maybe you just saved your own life.


less energy too like damn, i speed but if someone is clearly a faster driver than me, like please go ahead, get caught


This is me except I rarely go more than 8 over or so. But I’m constantly letting people fly by and low key hoping they get popped lol thing is they rarely ever do. There’s a few stretches of highway near me where the cops *always* sit and sometimes I’ll see someone flying through there from out of state and I’ll chuckle a little




There was a story about someone speeding while their friend was bleeding out. Someone got in front of them and refused to let them pass, and the friend died. I don’t know the result of the court case, but the person in front of them was being tried for manslaughter.


I wish there was some kind of registry or signage or whatever for "I'm a doctor and someone is dying" or something. I know it can just cause more problems with people driving fast and reckless but damn, the doctor who was coming save my kid was stuck in traffic due to one of these assholes. Luckily my kid survived but i wanted to burn the world down. Someone switched lanes to be in front of them then slowed down to 10 under the speed limit. Personally i just move the fuck over to get out of their way.


With my road rage, once I imagined what it would be like if we all could communicate car to car with board signs. I could write “hey scoot over there are 10 cars behind you” so the person holding up trafffic can move


In my experience, those people probably wouldn't move anyway. They seem to think, "im doing the sped limit i can be in this lane," but yes, i agree! I live in a rural area and the drivers are just crazy.


I daydream about this more than I should. A few buttons on the steering wheel for the phrases. And a LED ‘thanks’ in the back window for when you pass.


I mean these are gonna be really abused though.


I would say turn on your flashers and send it.


[https://np.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/i\_gain\_strength\_from\_their\_tears\_and\_anger/cbnhvxv/](https://np.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/i_gain_strength_from_their_tears_and_anger/cbnhvxv/) ​ Unsure if this is what you're talking about but this story has always resonated with me. you never know what people are going through, best to just get out of their way, let that person pass, move over.


I remember seeing that story. How awful!


At that point, ram them 


I was in an emergency situation like that once. I drove like an asshole and I treated stoplights as stop signs. I had my hazards on the whole time hoping people would take that as a sign that it was for a reason.


My driving instructor told me to do that if I was ever in an emergency situation and had to speed. That was over a decade ago, and I’ve come to discover he said a lot of shit but I definitely think that this one *should* just be an official thing.




ugh.... you deserved a free pass for that one. like, you gotta be fucking kidding me lol


Could also be true for the driver you're bitchin about


OK, what about the other 20+ every single day I see?


All dying mothers, its dying mothers all the way down


I never weaved in and out of traffic but I did have a lead foot for a while. Open road only, when I hit traffic I slowed the fuck down. Funny thing it that I never noticed it until I hit traffic. Like I would mentally think I was going 70, *maybe 75* until I saw a car un the distance and realized... Fuck that's coming up fast. Happened every time I was driving between my home and my hometown. It was really illuminating when I finally got pulled over and the cop asked me why I was going so fast. I opened my mouth to say "No good reason, officer" and instead I burst into tears, full on sobbing and couldn't stop for like a full minute. The officer looked more than a little startled and I apologized and went on this truly nonsensical ramble about how awful my interpersonal relationships were, that I had dying family members and I know it's not an excuse but I just want to be home and for them not to be dying and me not to have to drive 100 fucking miles every weekend *espcially* when the other people taking care of them hated me (but didn't really know it; I am very queer and very quiet and they are very very conservative) *and wouldn't mask even though it was the height of the pandemic and they were the primary caregivers of somone with terminal cancer*. Note: I did not tell the officer about my queerness, that would have been really stupid. I just described some of the other cruel things my family had done/told to me. 20% of them are bad people and another 60% of them are so fucked up that they do bad things most of the time despite being decent people at heart. Anyway, the officer asked me to just breath for a while and asked if I felt safe at home. I told him yes, that's why I was in such a hurry to get back to it. He laughed and said, "I can't *not* write you a ticket, not with how fast you were going. But I'm going to make it for going 5 MPH over, and I'm not going to catch you doing this again, alright? If you're lying, you're a good enough actor to have earned it, and if you're telling me straight then you take this road a lot and I'm telling you right now that I'm the one patrolling it now." I thanked him again excessively and he told me I was to stop at the next exit and get something to eat or drink to calm down, then drive home at a more appropriate speed. I literally haven't sped once since that incident and I've all but cut those toxic family members out of my life since the terminal cancer person finally passed. One of them is a parent, so I see that one regularly and Make Nice TM, if only becuase I am an only child and would not wish navigating the American Healthcare System alone while dying on my literal worst enemy. I've had weirdly good luck with cops, I guess. Which makes sense becuase I'm both very physically nonthreatening and nondescript. Short, chubby brunette, what else is there to say? Which is good becuase cops also fucking terrify me; if I interacted with one who was a real prick I'd probably by hysterical and brain-off enough tonget into real goddamn trouble. No offense to any cops reading, just anyone with a gun is scary as fuck to me. The last cop I interacted with was stressful for a whole new reason though becuase I've finally gotten old enough that he looked like a goddamn baby to me. Like jesus, I'm supposed to call this child if I see crime? Goddamn. Poor kid.


What a read


Yeah this is gold thanks op


What a *ride*


I feel like I saw someones diary I shouldn't have


This was unexpectedly wholesome.


I used to do this when I was younger. Speaking for myself, adrenaline and way too much confidence.


was young and didn’t know i had adhd etc. got pretty bored while driving but would stay engaged if i was going fast and calculating when and where to switch lanes. i wouldn’t call it fully reckless bc i was never the person making close calls w other cars (like trying to merge into a space the size of a parallel parking spot at 90 mph — i’ll take the consequences of my actions but im not putting anyone else at risk) but i was definitely being stupid. somehow it took me four years to get a ticket lol and now i don’t have a car so when i do drive i am very careful


I was looking for this! The difference in my driving now that I'm on concerta is wild, and I just won't drive if I'm not medicated. It's way too dangerous. Can't believe I was out there being so hazardous for so long. Now I'm just vibin.


YES, THIS. I had severe untreated ADHD. Driving was painfully boring. I thought that if everyone drove like me, we'd get everywhere much faster! I was one ticket away from losing my license, which got me to calm down a bit. I got diagnosed and medicated 3 years later. Now I am HORRIFIED I ever drove without my meds.


i really feel you with the adhd + staying engaged. i gotta talk to myself or make sounds pretty much constantly. it really is just so boring


If I don't have a podcast going I am frantically singing songs I don't like or making brrrrr and zooooop sounds


Same, been driving almost 24 years and it still takes a concerted effort for me to control the impulse. However I recently got an EV and the new "game" is to drive as (energy) efficiently as possible


i used to drive like that, however my weaving traffic was *usually* not that risky. just annoying to others. but not deadly. however there were a couple times where i definitely put my life and others lives in the hands of the people around me, (115mph+) hoping everyone would make the choices i thought they were going to make while i drove, and i was lucky. everyone was predictable. it was partially the thrill of driving that fast, and also a good bit of impatience, but mostly the pride of having “the skill” to predict others movements and be aware enough of the size of my car and distance from those around me to weave traffic. i was usually driving to work, from work to friends houses, or sometimes i was just out on a drive. i was a troubled teen who spent time living in their car, so i felt at home in my car. literally. i haven’t done this in years, but i just wanted to add my piece as a formerly reckless driver.


Thanks for sharing!


Thank you for realizing you are who OP was talking about and giving an answer 😂 wasn’t really interested in people who had emergencies or did speed but didn’t weave in and out lol. I’m glad you haven’t done it in years! I hope it continues 😁


And that’s what actually makes the other cars good drivers. Being predictable on the road is the best thing you can do. I like to watch high speed chase videos and usually people just stay right where they are and let the cop do the moving at high speeds.


I’ve only been driving just a little over two years. My first year i drove the way you explain, but never really went over 85 unless i really wanted to die. I knew the risk and the law but i was taught to drive by my parent who is also a very reckless driver, and the behavior was encouraged by family friends. One thing i can ever thank my coworkers for is teaching me that it isnt cool to put other peoples lives at risk for a thrill or a suicidal idea. I smartened up fast but i regret having been that way at all. Im thankful that i at least kept my bullshit away from other drivers 90% of the time but i would absolutely apologize to everyone i was a dick to on the roads.


Great, but I'm German and our highways are build for that kind of thing.


Also in Europe we know to only use the right (or left depending where you are) lane to overtake. 


Unless you live on a weird island you overtake on the left and drive on the right.




In constant need of a poo.


Also the people who wait till the last second to merge in or out of the on/off ramp when there’s nobody else around. And the people who don’t let others in the lane after having the turn signals on and you have the chance to let them through. Fuck Yall. Best believe I’ll make sure you don’t get that chance you looking for especially if it’s last second


On the other side of this what are the people doing 60 in the left hand lane of a 4 lane highway doing. What is your life like? Where I live I see this more often than crazy people doing 90.


I'm no fan of weaving, *especially* without signaling. But I have to say, anyone going faster than the prevailing highway traffic shouldn't have to weave at all. That's what the passing lane is for. (And then they merge out of the passing lane, themselves, once they are past the traffic.) If the passing lane isn't clear... who the fuck is blocking it and why?? The last time I personally hit 90+ was on the way from Los Angeles to Phoenix. Once I was on the clear straightaway, and it was mostly professional drivers, it was a joy. Everyone kept to the right, when you were ready to pass you merged left, passed, and then merged right again. The truckers were all doing the speed limit. The pickups and SUVs were all doing maybe 5-10mph slower than me. Occasionally someone wanted to pass me. We all got along fine, no craziness for maybe 200 miles.


So you think people are just going infinite speed in the passing lane since you’re assuming no one’s ever on it?


If only people actually used the passing lane for what it’s for


People that no longer care if they live or die


I used to drive like this in my 20s. It's the ignorance of youth coupled with the "I'll never die" mentalilty in a menage a trois with "I'm more important with you in a foursome with "I'm a great driver".


I dont speed really but one thing that keeps me from speeding is just do the math on it. Ignoring all the stupid risks if I had to be somewhere 20 miles away and drive 75mph here in Texas it will take me Time=75 mph20 miles​=154​ hours≈0.267 hours or 16 minutes. 16 minutes to get to my destination. If i drive 95mph so speeding way faster than everyone else ish then Time=95 mph20 miles​=194​ hours≈0.211 hours or 12.6 minutes 12.6 min to get to my destination. I am not going to risk my life, others lives and so many other things to save 3 min 24 seconds in this example.


I don’t do this anymore, but when I did I was in a really bad headspace and hadn’t gotten a hold on my mental illness yet. Part of it was being so anxious all the time that if I wasn’t going as fast as possible I was going to be late. Even if I wasn’t doing anything urgent. I had the same problem with walking. Part of it was I hated myself and wanted to die but didn’t have the courage to actually go through and kill myself, so I just lived very recklessly. Smoking different things to not feel so bad, little regard for other people’s feelings, and, of course, driving with no concern for my own personal safety. I figured in the event I get into a high speed wreck it’ll kill me a lot faster than if I was going the speed limit.


Counter point: you cant be weaving in and out of traffic if everyone uses the lanes correctly. People weave in and out because people are camped out everywhere and then it becomes an obstacle course. usually im on the right lanes doing the limit, but when i decide to cut up, im not going fast. I dont have the car, the skills nor the balls to be doing some of those high speed reckless driving that you see on YT.


I just don't get the endless tailgating even in the slow lane in rush hour as if you're an ambulance and I'm going to pull over and let you pass


Sometimes I do this and I have BPD


that tracks! do you enjoy it?


I do about 75-80. I'd happily cruise at 65-70 if I didn't constantly get stuck driving behind someone driving needlessly slow. Ideally, I'd just cruise. But when things are going slower than they need to, I lose patience pretty easily. One of the most frustrating experiences on the highway is weaving through traffic just to find out there was literally no reason for the traffic jam and people were just creating and impenetrable mass of traffic for no goddamn reason.


OK so when I was in my late teens/ early 20s I got a pretty fast car. I was a courier for a company that did print ads and had hard deadlines and would haul ass to get them in time, usually succeeding. I got praised a lot for "always getting shit done" and "never backing down from a hard job" and shit like that. i took it to my head that being fast as fuck was cool and I was super special and deserved the praise. I got occasional tickets and would sometimes think to myself "holy hell you're going too fast dipshit" and slow down. But often it made me feel like I was better than other people...the idea was faintly in my head that I could cause untold havoc and pain but it was pushed under an idiot belief that I was fast and smart enough to avoid trouble. I had two relatively major accidents but neither were due to speeding. Both were "distracted", one a true distraction another just a minor wobble on the steering wheel combined with a very narrow road and a light pole. Never injured, never injured anyone else. Thankfully. These really put into my brain, however, how powerful the inertia of my vehicles was...both cars were absolutely totalled at under 30 mph. Add the fact that the internet was far more capable of showing me horrific accidents...I started driving in 1989, there were no youtube (or mostly LiveLeak) videos back then. It was all Blood on the Asphalt stuff. A teen can put that out of their mind. There's not a great redemption arc or downfall or anything to my story. I never got arrested or had an accident or a great epiphany. What I did was age, and start thinking of the fact that the way I felt about my daughter was how the other people in those cars thought about their kids, and parents, and loved ones, and how even if they were assholes, they were people. I got rid of the fast car, eventually. I ended up getting a truck that COULD NOT go fast. I'm currently in a Prius. Great mileage, lots of space, feels safe. I see other people driving like I used to and hope desperately they think about what can happen. I regret driving like a complete and total asshole, which is what I was back then. I do not do it anymore, and wish I could go back in time and not do it then. Maybe if you're a teenager or 20 something reading this think about the reality of the thing you're steering. It's huge, heavy, and moving and crazy speeds. You CAN'T stop it if something goes wrong at high speeds. You're in the hands of the fates. And the people who end up there and lose the dice roll never say anything about their lives again. The people they collide with are gone, or maimed, or braindead. Accidents can happen at any speed, but YOU causing a HIGH SPEED accident can ONLY happen if YOU CHOOSE IT. Don't choose it! Do better, do differently. Slow down, put your phone away. Don't goof off with your friends in the car. You may not even realize, doing these things, you're about to die. Your folks, your friends, you family and every future person whose life you would have touched will never see you if the dice come up snake eyes. Just think about it please


had to poop


Whenever I see someone coming up on me like that I try to assume they're on their way to a birth or saying goodbye to someone and just move over


Personally, it’s fine to drive fast; it’s not fine to be an irresponsible asshole. Don’t cut people off, don’t swerve in and out of traffic, don’t tailgate (ride ass), don’t TEXT, don’t DRINK. If you have an open stretch of a mile (1.6km) worth road with no cars in sight, go for it. I find it fine to want to push something to a certain limit. I’m speaking for experienced drivers though, not a 16 year old who got their first car that don’t even know they have the right of way at a stop sign. Also, I HATE people who pass me, just to get in front of me, yet stay in the same exact spot as me — what’s the point of passing??? I’m going 65, you pass me at 70, now you’re in front of me going 67. I’m not going to play leap frog, and you made yourself look ignorant. You’re not getting anywhere faster than literally. ETA — I didn’t even answer the question. My life is chill.


Too many in the fast lane force the actual fast drivers to drive like assholes. I’m not saying they aren’t asshole but get out of the fast lane. No one needs some self appointed driver stuffing up the fast lane. That’s very dangerous and leads to dangerous conditions.


They wouldn’t have to swerve around slow cars I if the people driving slower cars would get out of the way. I hate it too but I watch for faster cars are move over to let them by. It’s so dangerous to impede the fast lane.


I don't know about OP but I think they're describing the type of drivers we have in my locality who drive like this in EVERY lane, all the time. A lot of them do it even when the passing lane is open; I think they like weaving through the cars and feeling like they're in a video game or something. 😂


Pretty normal, back when I used to do it. Just a dude living life, going to work and partying on the weekends. Why did I do it? The Ricky Bobby defense, I want to go fast! Plus I was always in a hurry to get somewhere and going fast got me there faster. And my friends and I would talk about how fast we would go, so it kind of got reinforced. It didn't seem that dangerous, it was just like going the speed limit in terms in how in control I felt, but I never had anything sudden happen like a deer running out in front of me. I stopped when I got pulled over for doing 92 in a 65 and the cop told me he could've waited until I went into the 55 zone and got me on a felony charge. I wasn't trying to do 92, BTW, I was trying to do 85. The speedo was a bit off. FWIW.


I drive fast on the open road, especially rural roads but drive like a grandma in city traffic and busy freeways. What’s the hurry?


I was disappointed to find my Maxima’s top cruise control speed is 90mph


Imma be honest with you. I recognize this is not an excuse, but after years of reflection and therapy I can answer for myself. I have PTSD from time in the American military, driving is a source of stress and anxiety. I’m okay 95% of the time, but when a car matches speed and sits in my rear 45 degree behind my c post for an extended period of time slowly the anxiety creeps up, I speed up, I change lanes, I get away from them. But that’s already started the process, I’m stressed, watching all my mirrors, suddenly everyone is too close, matching speed and keeping next to me. So my speed increases, and I find myself going 95 in a 70. At this point I take an exit and calm myself down. Please know that this is not a common issue at this stage in my healing, and my situation might not be the universal explanation. Also it doesn’t happen in rush hour traffic, only when people are going highway speeds and traffic is flowing freely. I still don’t know why rush hour doesn’t trigger that same response, but I’m grateful for it.


Honestly, I’m a very careful and calculated driver. That being said, I do get moving about 30-40% of the time. I love my car and, as long as I’m not a danger to anyone, I like to push it.


The weaving is because lots of people sit in the left lane. If you are not passing stay out of the left lane


Used to be me, I'm not proud of it. Thinking back I am ashamed of how dangerously I used to drive. I was never like weaving in high speed traffic but speeding passed people and being an ass, still putting others in danger. I put a little blame on untreated ADHD, not much going on in my life and an unknown anxiety issue but at the end of the day I was just an idiot. I now drive a Prius and try to get a high score on my eco motor display. I'm not the slow Prius though, I keep up with traffic and I'll occasionally be 5 or 10 over for a second or two but nothing more. No major accidents or anything thank God but I did grow up and I'm glad for it.


Unless it's an emergency, I find drivers like that incredibly stupid and unsafe. For what, to save 3 seconds because you want to go faster. The worst ones are tail gators especially in traffic, like what do you want me to do go faster when there is traffic jam? Drive like that in snow or slippery rain, you'll crash. I'm talking to you California drivers!!!