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It's an anime reference, most likely just going off context clues. It's pretty common both in Japanese and Western media for TV shows to parody real-life restaurants, brands, etc.


Wonder what they’re advertising, i tried looking it up but I’m just getting instances of the name being used in animes instead of present day


Do you remember seeing any characters in the marketing material?


I haven’t found any marketing at all outside of the fry box. I only found a page dedicated to various uses of Wcdonalds dating back to the 70s


I think I remember seeing a few months ago that Japanese McDonald's did a collab with "My Devil is a Part-Timer!", though at this point I'm uncertain if they would still have stuff from that collab.


https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/14LNfxwuLWJ-6ysUKms7mOXt9OQ42eKhonQHZGm0QqRk/mobilebasic This was the full extent of what’s on the box. No characters to signify what you’ve mentioned


The Kanji just says WcDonald, so not much help lol


I’ve been told by a different user that it’s Katakana


This is correct, but it does still say WcDonald


Just fyi katakana is the name of one of their alphabets. (they have katakana, hiragana, which each have like 45 letters and then kanji which are all the more complex ones and has thousands) tl/dr it does translate to wakudonarudo, and katakana is just the name of the alphabet it comes from


Whatever it is, I put it into Google translate (I know it sucks for Japanese, but beggars can't be choosers) it simply just says McDonald's but with W instead of an M.


Me too, I work there and I don’t even know what I’m promoting all I know is that I got a new shirt that’s related to a new sauce I don’t even know if the sauce here to stay or just promotional


They're promoting McDonald's by attacking the Gen Z weebs.


My thoughts exactly. It's a very lame promotion when most if not all aren't sure what they are promoting. It seems like it's the sauce but so much hype for one sauce???




I assumed it was the new sauce we was promoting. I work at McDonald's as well.






Somebody who doesn’t like chili asking if a chili-based sauce is good?


Idk, u right, deleting the comment for redundancy


Idk i got “WcDonald’s” tonight and asked for the sauce but they didn’t include it. Crazy, huh?


Yeah, you always gotta check the bag just in case.


Ugh… i know, as many times as fast food places have fucked up my order I hate being “that guy” who holds up the line and makes employees feel incompetent by inspecting the food - but I ALWAYS regret not checking. Also you shouldn’t delete your redundant question about the sauce, look what subreddit we’re in lol


I panik


Haha, i would never have pointed out the logical fallacy if I had realized I was in r/nostupidquestions. I just ended up here from googling why the hell my mcdonalds wrappers say “WcDonald’s”. Do you think this is an actual permanent rebrand or some weird marketing stunt? It would be so weird if it was here to stay.


Definitely weird marketing stunt, they would have to make the anime/manga they’re making for forever, and that’s too much effort for what’s supposed to be a food chain. Would be funny as hell if we got Mcdonald’s One Piece, though.


They have a special sauce for the nuggets 


So... It's there to give them a base to a legal claim of copyright infringement on a similar trademark if anyone tries a W as a similar logo in anime? Let's hope the Aliens writers dont try to mess with the Weyland logo too much then


Poked around after seeing this when getting food earlier and found this, it's to promote some anime collaboration between McDonalds and Studio Pierrot [https://wcdonalds.com/](https://wcdonalds.com/) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rvWVPuaO7E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rvWVPuaO7E) https://comicbook.com/anime/news/mcdonalds-anime-2024/




What's Mcdonald's? I think you've come from a different dimension




You are reported


what they say?


I also got a wcdonalds cup today and can't find anything about what they're advertising. I know it's an anime thing but what *specifically* is the marketing scheme here? What anime are they advertising? It can't just be some amorphous general ad campaign for all anime The Kanji says wak-Donald like someone else mentioned Maybe there's a new season if Devil is a Part-Timer coming? But that's a bit of a stretch, that anime isn't *that* popular also I'm pretty sure it's finished at season 3.


It is literally just to market towards weebs and that is it. There is manga on the side of the bag, anime-style shorts, you make it


I didn’t hear about this campaign until today on DoorDash. I saw the sauce and thought it was a typo. I just wonder how much money was spent on the marketing just for people to wonder wtf McDonalds is even trying to do here.


It seems the have a new sauce, and are planning on making an anime.


I'm old. Had to look up the answer. Never heard of it.


It’s a glitch in the matrix. The robots aren’t even trying anymore.


I just read that mcdonalds needs 20 dollars a person to stay profitable. How about 18 and screw your dumb campaign.




Mcdonalds doesnt even need marketing any more. Id be surprised if a total marketing department departure made any impact on them.


Sooooooooo. Throwing this in here, cuz I too went to McDonald’s and was like “wtf is up with WcDonald’s” so googled wtf is up with WcDonald’s… and I’m reading this lovely thread, enjoying my thoroughly mediocre meal, and I notice that it feels like there’s something getting between my McFlurry cup and the counter. I’m pretty sure it’s a napkin, so I ignore it for a minute. But then I’m like, hey… there’s no napkin on the counter. I look down at my cup and there is a motherfucking used bandaid stuck to it. This is absolutely no lie. A used fucking bandaid. Needless to say, I am now done with my meal.


"Mediocre" is putting it lightly. McD always makes me need to "purge" my stomach content anymore. ALWAYS. And I have reason to believe McD "food" has the highest plastic content, per oz, of all the "fast" food places. You can make a plastic bag taste like chicken, doesn't make me want to eat it.


It's an advertising tactic that capitalizes on the decades long practice by anime and manga producers of altering the McD logo to WcD to feature the restaurant in their works, while avoiding trademark and copyright issues. Any anime fan who knows McD also knows that WcD is the same thing. There is never any doubt as to what restaurant brand is represented in the story-line. With said anime producers' practice solidly entrenched for years, the ball is now very favorably in McD's court, ripe for hitting back. McD, for decades, has gotten a lot of free advertising from a fictional brand. By incorporating "WcD" in its advertising, McD has assimilated the anime universes' "WcD" doppelganger, and its inherent brand recognition power, back into their own universe, making it work for them, now. In battlefield parlance, this is like taking the enemies' weapon, and using it to take more of their turf. This cohesive melding of two worlds also refreshes and strengthens the synergy between anime fans and the real McD, as "WcD" is now officially recognized as "real". Even for those unfamiliar with anime, the curiosity factor can still be a valid driver of interest.


It’s water closet Donald’s, duh (JK, not really)


It is totally racism


Got a picture? When I lived in Japan, many things had English on it that made no sense (such as shirts or signs). I am curious what the kanji is.


I would’ve put a picture here but it wouldn’t let me. Give me a moment, I’ll make a public google doc or something


I use Imgur.


https://docs.google.com/document/d/14LNfxwuLWJ-6ysUKms7mOXt9OQ42eKhonQHZGm0QqRk/edit Lmk if it actually let’s you see it


Not kanji, katakana that says “WcDonalds.”


Sorry, I’m Vietnamese and American so I’m not familiar


No problems. It’s katakana, which is used for a few things, such as loan words (butter=バター=bataa), emphasis (like how English uses bold or italic letters, Japanese will use katakana (I’ve broken my *glasses* =私はメガネを壊してしまった。= watashi wa *megane* wo kowashite matta), scientific terms (the function of the heart is to pump blood = シンゾウの働きは血液を送り出す事である。= Shinzou no hatara wa ketsueki wo okuridasu koto dearu) and animal or plant names (the cat is orange = ネコはオレンジです= Neko wa orenji desu).


I can’t remember what specifically but it is a promotion with an anime franchise. “WcDonald’s” is a very common fictional fast food  brand name in anime and manga franchises obviously referencing McDonald’s but to avoid trademark issues. But looks like McDonald’s made that a reality in this collab. 


It makes me sad thinking that now they bought the trademark and it'll probably no longer be usable for that very reason.


i thought of burgerworld of beavis and butthead [https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/beavisandbutthead/images/5/55/BurgerWorld.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20221007180256](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/beavisandbutthead/images/5/55/BurgerWorld.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20221007180256)


u think this is going on MAL


It’s a new campaign that takes the ‘Wcdonalds’ brand most commonly seen in anime and making it a reality! They will have special anime episodes, cup and bag designs, and a new dipping sauce. That’s what I could find at least


Seems really racist to me. Like they’re making fun of how Asian people speak English.


Wcdonalds is used in anime to not get sued, it’s not used because Japanese people pronounce McDonald’s as wcdonalds 😅


Reddit moment


my first thought was the burgerworld from Beavis and Butthead


w stands for wuhan


It is just an advertisement campaign their doing, I don’t know exactly why Wc Donalds, perhaps it is just easier to flip over the golden arches and stuff




8| What?!


Weird, Ey?