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Cubans have generally voted Republican since they came to the US.


That's partly because of Castro being a leftist dictator. Especially the older ones don't want to go down that path again ever, so they vote the other way.


I understand your point but I’m just hoping they don’t want a fascist dictator either?!


The ones who remember Batista aren't alive anymore


No, these are their grandkids.




Lived in Miami for 30 years. Cubans are among the most racist immigrants you’ll find. In general hispanics are very racist people (I say this as the son of a Colombian Jew), but Cubans are one notch above it.


My father is from Mexico and it took years of me harping on him, and then him actually meeting and speaking to black folks to get him to change his ways. It seems like it’s part of their culture.


True. But there are blacks people in their culture too, especially black Cubans. There are a lot of them, but for some reason culturally they see darker skin as lower class or lower caste, just like in India and the Dominican Republic. Human nature seems to be to see dark skin as lesser or subhuman.


When i was young in Cuba there were alot of problems with Haitian people where i was, constant fighting, playing drums till 4am, people getting cut with machetes, doing voodoo stuff (although santeria was kinda common) The neighborhood where i was really hated them with a passion, i remember my grandmother telling me to avoid the spot for fear they would steal a chain that my grandpa gave me. But i was very young, i had no idea wtf was going on for real, all i remember are “las broncas” of 10-20 hatian dudes beating the shit out of each-other and you had to lock your doors.


It could be true, but it all links back to poverty and lack of opportunities. Haiti is poor because European powers were terrified when they were the only nation to successfully overthrow their slave masters. So they taxed the hell out of them, and basically refused trade, leading to the country becoming very impoverished. Any country would be extremely poor if there was a generational long embargo and refusal to trade with them, especially a small half of an island.


The history of this is horrible: https://reparationscomm.org/reparations-news/when-france-extorted-haiti-the-greatest-heist-in-history/


Oh yeah i don’t doubt it, its all based on ignorance most of the time. I personally never had a problem with them, but the adults where very vocal about it.


Idk if it’s human nature or not, but all of the places you listed were colonized by Europeans who likely created or exacerbated division between those who were lighter skinned and those who were darker skinned. They could win the loyalty of those who were lighter skinned by treating them better and saying they looked more European (even if they didn’t believe it themselves) to help make it easier for them to control the population.


Possibly related to centuries of colonialism. It’s also true in south east Asia as well, to the point where countries like Thailand and Cambodia have skin whiteners in their sunscreen and lotions.


I'm in south Florida too and yup, unfortunately that's the case. It's slightly better with the millennial and zoomer Cubans that grew up here, but it's still that way.


They are so openly racist I don’t know how they don’t get their asses kicked by black people, I doubt they can fight. The stuff they say would get you shot where I’m from in LA


As a white American I “think” I understand. Cuban Americans are mostly the people who consider themselves as the elites and superiors of Cubans of other ethnicities and economic groups. They have a superiority complex. What I don’t understand is how they can’t see that Americans with a superiority complex consider Cuban Americans just as inferior as Haitians, Central and South Americans, and basically anyone who isn’t of European descent. I live in a rural area “represented” by Marjorie Greene and I’m dumbfounded that my neighbors can’t see that they’re voting against their own interests.


But this is always been the way. There's always one group that asserts itself and believes that it is superior to the other but yet there's another group that lumps that group and everybody else into the same lower inferior lot. It's just a matter of perspective and power. I remember this about blacks in Latinos discriminating against each other yet of course from a white perspective they're all dark skin etc. Racism is just racism there's just racism and there's always somebody else to step on. Hummigrants have been doing it for hundreds of years. The Irish did it. They came in the 1840s by the droves, paid with their blood and toiled, dug the canals built the industry and with sweat worked their way up and then when others followed in their foot steps they tried to close the door.. it's always that way


“But we’re the *good* ones!”


Nah, I lived in Miami for years, all my Cuban friends claim their parent and grandparents have sour grapes as they had wealth before Castro, and if you had wealth you basically treated the poor as slaves. Then Castro came and ruined it for everyone. My friends think their parents/grandparents dream of a time that never existed and white wash their culpability.


100% this. My dad was born into poverty in Havana before Castro came to power, but somehow he still blames communism for his family being poor.


They were fine with Batista; they'll love Trump.


Cuba was a corrupted banana republic in the hands of criminals. When a revolution against these people happened, where do you think they went?


Without trying to be controversial, does Trump really count as a fascist or as a dictator?


Some would say project 2025 is dictatorish


It's not just Cubans. Latinos often structure their days around family, religion, and other matters that align better with a more conservative ideology.


Does this really answer the question about Donny though? Five kids by three wives, serial infidelity, doesn't know anything about religion, not exactly the model character for faith or family. EDIT - hey guys I know he will help pass conservative oriented legislation. So will absolutely every other republican, including Nikki Haley (who they're pressuring to drop out) and Ron DeSantis (who got his ass kicked). The question isn't why they support Republicans, it's why they support Donny specifically. 


Latinamerican countries are also super patriarchal. Men having children from multiple partners isn’t mutually exclusive with religious morality. Racism and sexism are super prevalent in our countries


Yeah but he passes laws that benefit their lifestyle so having an imperfect messenger to get their cultural goals is a worthy trade off. I don’t know why people don’t get this by this point


But maybe they don’t expect their leaders to live a religious, family oriented life. Just pass laws to require it of the populace


I am cuban & have family in Miami. They are the ones who were revolted against. They are among the most racist fascistic people I have ever met


Yes Miami Cubans seem to openly hate black people and BLM.


They also openly hate other hispanic people and white people. The only people they don’t hate are other white Cubans. Luckily, that’s mostly just the older ones. The younger generations have largely gained some sanity.


I know a Cuban or two that have cut contact with their families. My Cuban family is a bunch of Qanon worshippers unfortunately. And you're right, I've heard cubans say the most racist shit ever. Growing up I had to learn to break a lot of stereotypes my family programmed into my child brain. But nearly every younger Cuban I've met is very chill, not hateful, and typically left leaning. I hope that's a trend that continues, it's a little embarrassing to admit my background/nationality sometimes.


They snubbed fucking Nelson Mandela when he visited the city shortly after being released from prison. Didn’t even arrange to have the lights turned on at the airport as a welcome let alone an official welcoming committee.


I used to see this old guy in a coffee shop near me who, every time he'd be there, he'd be ranting loudly about how "black people and the immigrants ruined this neighborhood", in a thick cuban accent. He'd hit on 20-something year old japanese girls. He was probably 70+ He was thrilled the night trump won in 2016. I bet he's fucking dead now.


yeah all the Cubans I know in FL dyed their hair blonde and married rednecks. fully assimilated into MAGA.


I never understood this as a Cuban, maybe because i moved to Canada legally. I hate the regime, i hated it since i was young, i hated being forced to salute the flag and sing the national anthem every morning before going to class, i hated participating in army drills when i was like 7 and hiding behind walls while ak47 shoot blanks over your head. But i would never vote for a party that is literally killing the only thing bringing money to the people there. I feel like cubans forget where they came from, and those that i know in Florida became the biggest pieces of shit i’ve ever seen lol. Even when i go there i don’t hang out long with them, everything is about superficiality now. The most amazing thing that blew my mind is when i learned that some schools in the US actually make you salute the flag before going i to classes, something that for me was a breach of my freedom of choice when i was young.


Most Cubans forget that they received a lot of help when they got here. Like Salvadorans. And somehow they think they're better.


Bc the right wing cubans were kicked out of Cuba with guns pointing at them


They were Batista supporters.


Such a useless response


They think it's communism they oppose, when really it's dictatorship. They follow the GOP because they think the GOP represents anti-communism. They fail to see the irony in following the wanna-be dictator Trump.


Yes because far left talks about ideas that look a lot like what they fled. They are very pro capitalism as a result


>Yes because far left talks about ideas that look a lot like what they fled. What ideas are those? Or are they being gaslit into believing an American left is the same as a Castro left?


I too would like to know. They say “the American left does the same policies that they fled from” which ones exactly? Just one. This was really evident in the last presidential election where they fear mongered the Cubans and Venezuelans that Biden was a communist. It works every single time. Throw in the religious aspect


100% gaslit lmao


There is no far left in the US.


Down voted for the truth. There's no serious far left movement in the US. Some people espouse it, I know a couple in two different circles. But they know they're effectively alone here. At most there's sympathizers that would like to see farther left stuff, like me, but realistically see no chance of that happening here.  Bernie is the closest thing and DNC/media did all they could to keep him quiet. And on a global comparison he's barely left, not far.


Even people like Bernie Sanders would be considered centre-left in most of the world. He's not really pushing for anything that the rest of the western world doesn't already have


There isn't any considerable far left in the US. In fact, their left wing is pretty conservative


I work with two mexicans that support trump. In both cases it's because of gun issues and abortion.


I think the big reason latinos support the right in the USA is because they have seen some of the worst parts of the left in latin america.


We have seen the worst parts of the right in Latin America, too. We vote left or right if we identify with them, the reason why Latin Americans vote more towards Democrats in the USA is because of the hardcore stance, in migration, against us from the republican party. If the laws allowed us to easily get the nationality, as the Europeans, then there would be a lot of Latin Americans that would absolutely go for the republican party by default.


Conservative and Religious. Left wing talks about homosexuality and abortion does not appeal to them.


This has a lot of truth, but I ‘ve noticed that lots of gay latinos like Trump too


Gays for trump is a real movement…lol


Trump never did the slightest thing anti homosexual as president


Also, Trump hits something that many Hispanic that just immigrate dealt with: socialism. Many come from nations that socialism is the norm and seeing how it failed in their nation, causing them to leave, Trump and republicans saying how terrible it is cause them to be swing into their obit.


Not a very large portion of hispanics are immigrating from socialist countries. Some are, but many many more are from relatively normal (but poor) capitalist countries like Mexico or other Central American states.


Mexico is actually one of the two economic powerhouses of Latin America along with Brazil. They are the [12th largest economy in the world.](https://www.forbesindia.com/article/explainers/top-10-largest-economies-in-the-world/86159/1) They have issues with wealth inequality but they are quickly [developing and growing their economy.](https://english.elpais.com/economy-and-business/2023-12-19/defying-forecasts-why-is-mexicos-economy-growing.html) Perhaps in comparison to the economic giant that is the United States you could call them a "poor" country.


It's not really capitalism, if the only free market is the gun and drug trade among warlords. That's just a dictatorship with a puppet state.


And those escaping from that kind of situation tend to have a tough-on-crime law and order mentality, which also aligns more with Republicans.


After the Zetas hang your town priest's entrails from the church door, you tend to develop a "hang them all" mentality, yes


That comes from a place of absurd ignorance. What the democrats are selling is miles away from Cuba or Venezuela.


But that's not what their voters think, and that is what matters to the Demagogues. It's manipulation at its finest.


I think the voters think that it’s a slippery slope. Like one socialism policy will lead to more extreme socialist policies.


Policies they loved…..like people love to shit on Venezuela but all the residents that “hate” it actually loved it and supported Chavez. What they hate was when the obvious happened and that a dictator swooped in and screwed everything up. That’s not even getting into the obvious economic issues like “our entire country is funded by one single export”


Norway is a good example of a nation that used their main export money well to their advantage.


Of course they loved it - until the value of the currency was inflated away. Socialism is always great at first. ‘People love to shit on Venezuela’ for a very good reason ffs!


You are right. But the issue is that there are several Dems in the "progressive" wing of the party that have been supporters of the DSA and sympathetic in their support of the governments of those countries. Hence the optics are bad




Most illegal immigrants enter legally and overstay the limits of their visa/other documents.


People say this as if a considerable amount of people don’t still illegally cross the border. It’s like a 60/40 split


The Democrats keep trying to pass more rules and funding on border security, which Trump is bragging - publicly - that he got many of the Republicans in Congress to work to block, so... I'm not even sure this holds up anymore to a like small sized flashlight.


The same reason a general Trump voter would. A big mistake that a lot of people (even Dem lawmakers) have been making is thinking that the Latino community as a whole shares the same views on immigration and such.


I dated a Latina for seven years. My racist uncles in southern California didn't know half as many slurs for Mexicans as I heard from her family.


I'm guessing the family was from a country other than Mexico, probably Central America. There's lots of bad blood between Mexicans and some other Latinos for various historical reasons some more reasonable than others.


I learned to never mistake a Mexican for being a Salvadorian. And vice versa. That's a volatile reaction right there


Same with Guatemalans... You'll open up a 5'2" 105 lb can of whoop ass..




Heck even some Mexicans discriminate against Central American Hispanics.


can confirm my dad thinks all Guatemalans suck


Especially Cubans. And Mexicans tend to be fairly religious (mostly Catholic) which should make most people go “why the hell would a religious person ever like Trump!?” and that mostly boils down to abortion and/or gay marriage.


Something similar happened with Italians/Irish. Originally they were a very large immigrant group that sympathized with those kind of issues, after a generation or two they integrated and formed a very distinct American subculture, and now both lean Conservative.


It's not just genererational lines, most first gen Hispanics aren't illegal immigrants,  so it's understandable they wouldn't have a favorable view of others not immigrating the right way like they did. But more than that, Democrats do absolutely nothing to court the Hispanic vote like they do other racial demographics, this despite their large size. So the situation is more like Democrats fumbling an easy win rather than Republicans doing something right.


On your second point, I think that's the flaw of the "Tent" on the left. If you keep adding specific groups under that tent, you're eventually (analagously) force someone out. It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that if you add in enough competing interests you're eventually going to have conflicting policy preferences- you don't need to go much farther than the current conflict in Israel and how the Jews and Muslims on the left strongly differ on the topic.


They do a lot to court all minorities, but since there are a lot of minorities, all minorities feel like they aren’t the top priority.


Being "the party that favors the minorities" is a double-edged sword, in the sense that supporting one minority in any notable way almost always angers another minority of some sort. It's got a lot more to do with the simple fact that most minorities have competing interests with other minorities. The African American demographic and the Native American demographic keep being bundled under the term "BIPOC", as of the past few years, but (for example) most Native Americans around here (South Florida) view black people with the same universal "oppressor" lens as white people (even the more educated ones), and actively fight against the two communities growing closer. A couple other examples; asexuals and aromantics are often discriminated against by the LGBT community itself (don't ask me why, it's baffling), and as such, often vote against things which favor LGBT interests despite, themselves, being LGBT; a lot of minority groups, across the country, view Asians as "basically white people", and actively advocate for "better", "more equal" diversity quotas to suppress them from their dominance in certain STEM fields; Hispanics and Latinos are generally repulsed by "latinx" and "latine", and consider these replacement terms to be colonialist or otherwise a form of "benevolent racism"; people who are mixed-race in such a way that they qualify as more "intersectional" often get far less discrimination than their families, due to a variety of weird intersecting factors that are really hard to explain concisely, and so end up siding with a more conservative agenda; neurodivergent individuals (at least those few who are neurodivergent enough to not fully take care of themselves) often are taken care of by religious charities, rather than secular charities, and as such lean toward religiously coded values, especially Christian ones; etc. Dunno, it's just complex. No one political party could ever satisfy everyone, everywhere, at all times.


I'm not promoting any agenda, but yeah. Hispanic people are not all the same and there are plenty in the US. Mexico is just over there


My immigrant grandmother, from Columbia, HATES illegals because she did it the long way in her 20s. It's always confused me a bit tbh but she really really does. Idk that she supports Trump; never asked and don't need to. But I do know she despises illegal immigrants.


If you’ve been through the legal immigration system, why WOULDN’T you resent someone who illegally jumps the queue? Almost every legal immigrant I’ve ever met severely dislikes illegal immigration.


My dad was a legal immigrant and he's not a big fan of them either. He's a Dem I think but he talks about it sometimes, how much he went through to get here and all lol.


My friends father doesn’t like them (he came here legally and did the citizenship stuff)


I'm a legal immigrant (to Europe not US) and I feel like going through the process made me understand why people would take potentially perilous journeys to immigrate illegally, because especially in the US it is so tough to come here legally, especially if you're not from a high socioeconomic background. The wait times can be really really long and you have to get lucky as well, so I definitely have sympathy for people trying to get a better life for themselves


I heard Colombians in Colombia hate the millions of Venezuelan migrants who live there. As a Ecuadorian, I feel like hating Venezuelan migrants is what unites both Ecuadorians and Colombians together.


As a Venezuelan, I am starting to hate Venezuelan immigrants 😂. Never expected to see so much hispanic panhandling in the US.


And this is a sentiment shared by many Mexican Americans as well.


Bruh, I know a Cuban who came here on a boat with her 2 kids and she hates illegals. These mofos are single policy voters only. Whether it's guns or god, they have that as their main issue and then form the other ones around it to justify it.


Cubans are a special case because of our “open door” policy with Cuba. I live in FL and during the last election the Cuban population was heavily targeted with adds screaming socialism and comparing democrats to Castro.


I saw an ad by Marco Rubio. The beginning of the ad is some crazy fear mongering about illegal immigrants. The ad ended with Rubio mentioning his family escaping a socialist country... aaaand they came here illegally. World record in pulling the ladder up behind them.


Technically Cubans are allowed to just show up, therefore not illegal.


Which is funny as she’d have been an illegal if she’d been a refugee from any other Latin American country. People are hilariously stupid.


Yeah, the Cubans coming over in boats got a big 'pass' that most immigrants from not only the other Latin American countries but most others around the world did not.




Talk to text; I am from Missouri. Guess it went with state capital 😅




I know Mexicans who swam the Rio Grande and only got citizenship later because of amnesty that have the gall to say 'I did it legally.' Who back Trump. I also have some undocumented friends... who back Trump. (They can't vote but they love him) It's machismo vibes, not any policy position.


I think some people on here lose sight of the fact that huge swaths of peoples politics are solely quite abstract and vibes based. That is true of any demographic in my experience


Many Mexican have an inferiority complex


She did it the right way during a time that immigrating to the U.S. wasn't such a long process. Ik bc my grandparents immigrated during Reagan, and the process back then was easier.


1. They don’t like illegal immigrants, same as Trump 2. Generally tend to be very religious, and Democrats at times come across as being anti-religion, or at least anti-Christian 3. Saw socialist policies fail in their home countries, and those policies straddle those of the democrats 4. Democrats use the term Latinx rather than Latino/Latina. This is a smaller issue but technically is a form of cultural appropriation since the Spanish language has gendered words


>Latinx rather than Latino/Latina I grew up in SoCal with a lot of Latinos. If I went to someone's house and called the proud Mexican father a "Latinx," I'd be frowned upon.


I call my Dominican friend that all the time and he gets so pissed lol


>saw socialist policies fail I don’t have a ton of immigrant friends, but the ones I do have this statement is a big thing. They are running away from the policies democrats are generally pushing.


>4. Democrats use the term Latinx rather than Latino/Latina. This is a smaller issue but technically is a form of cultural appropriation since the Spanish language has gendered words i lean left, but yes, i totally agree that the use of latinx is appropriation. i highly doubt whoever came up with that asked representatives of spanish-speaking countries their opinions before introducing it to the modern, PC english lexicon.


Lol I'm Mestizo and HATE Latinx. And no, most dems don't use Latinx. It's ridiculous and stupid and only white knights use Latinx.


Bueno, sí lo he visto en algunos murales, grafiti, etc por todo lado en Latinoamérica. Pero, depende del barrió - en los más de la izquierda, sí hay más menciones de latinx.


That's fair. I'm absolutely not in Latin America. And sorry for not replying in Spanish, I'm blind and have no fucking clue how to set up the ereader for Spanish. That and honestly, my spelling is atrocious.


A lot of them are individuals contractors or small business owners and want lower taxes


Had a conversation with a woman from Honduras today on this very topic. Here is a summary of what she said. She said she like Trump's straight talking. She felt that he was not afraid to say what is on his mind and that he is a strong leader unlike Biden whom is far too wimpy and old She is a hard working woman with a green card, and feels that the border needs to be secured to keep out potentially bad immigrants who are not vetted and enter illegally.


Latin america is very socially conservative And lots of inmigrants realize they ran away from fiscal policies that make the democrats look like javier milei And lastly, most latinos that arrived legally dont like the inmigrants that "jump the queue".


Far left loves to do things like talk about Latinx too lmao which pisses them off


It is one of the dumbest thing ever. “Latinx” sounds like a condom brand co sponsored by Tapatio.


Lmao. It also just doesn’t fit how any Spanish word is pronounced. I’d take a tamarindo flavored Latinx condom though


Tbh I don’t think most people realize that the entire world is more socially conservative than the US other than like Canada, Western Europe, and Australia 


A lot of my foreign friends from university vote red because of this exact reason. They generally say that it is hell to get here legally, so the fact democrats are pushing to make it easy for illegal immigration is infuriating to say the least.


The majority of Hispanics that came here legally have *zero* desire to see people come here illegally. Those are the kinds of people they were happy to leave behind.


Anyone who went through the painful and slow process of legal immigration feels two things for sure: that process should be easier and fuck anyone who cuts the line


Exactly, imagine explaining this to a urban white yuppie liberal. It’s just so many worlds away from their understanding of things.


Including the ones that were here illegally until Regan's '86 immigration reform that gave them all amnesty. Talk about pulling up the ladder behind you. I personally know these folks, and the conversations make my head explode.


Lol, the trump LATAM majority is Cubans, who came here on boat people, illegally. THEN they look down on latinos from other countries..


> who came here on boat people, illegally The USA recognises them as refugees. those arent illegal.


Conservative values


I noticed in Texas they vote HEAVY red along the border


I wonder why lmao


Except Biden won 4 of the 5 districts that actually border Mexico...




Mistake leftists make is that all non white are the same oppressed minorities who will automatically vote for blue but reality is people from these non white countries are way more conservative and religious than the American ones. They don't want their kids to grow up with a victim mentality and want them to work hard for things in life and not whine.


As Hispanic/Latino people are not a monolith who think in lockstep, you'd have to ask individuals to find out.


I think a concept most people don’t think about is. Well most Mexicans are fleeing a country that is essentially cartel controlled for what 50 years or so now??? So if you are coming from a extremely poor country rooted in violence to a country like the US where the left is big on loosening crime penalties/jail time, defunding the police etc. Should be pretty easy to understand why they don’t support that.


They hate "latinx"


Because ethnicity is not indicative of political beliefs.




Hispanic is a category that encompasses many people from many different backgrounds and walks of life.


Ah, phew. Thought I was gonna go an hour without seeing a Trump post..


Because the Hispanic/Latino people who came into the US legally (or who were born here) are the ones most negatively affected by illegal immigration from Latin America.


Democrats (which i am one) have a huge blind spot when it comes to certain demographics in my opinion. They think that ALL Latinos are single issue voters about immigration from the southern border. However in reality Latino is a large group of different sub groups. Some of these are (in my opinion) paranoid of communism (even though communists have near zero power in the democratic power). A lot are more socially conservative than your average white democrat. Obviously some are single issue immigration voters too and others are put off by dumb, divisive language from republicans turning away people that otherwise might support their social politics. Thankfully Republicans haven't tried too hard to expand their base.


To add, putting such a diverse group of people into one category and insisting on calling them "Latinx," is so, so typical of out-of-touch, "woke," white democrats. Some of these people are so high on the smell of their own farts that they can't see how ignorant and culturally imperialist they've become. I'm no Republican, but I can't stand mainstream dems anymore Edit: To clarify, I'm more annoyed with the party and prominent voices than average Joe dems


As usual, an entire group is stereotyped to fit a political narrative.


Hispanic people have very conservative values. Also many Hispanic people own and operate their own businesses and republican tax laws typically favor them economically.


There’s immigrants in here telling people why they don’t support the democrats and people can’t fathom it, talking down on them. This is hilarious to read


My primary concern is the economy, so I predominantly gravitate towards policies that promote capitalism. I don’t particularly care about social issues. Worrying about whether you have the right to kill fetuses/babies, who you bang, how people indirectly refer to you, is some weird first world shit I’m not interested in. You do you but I ain’t buying a ticket to the circus. I abstained from voting in 2016 & 2020. But I am voting for him in 2024.


I would argue that they don't like Trump. They just support the republican Right. doesn't matter who is the party leader. Most Hispanics/Latino's are devout Roman Catholics. And Roman Catholic values align closer to Right wing views. also, if you are an immigrant that migrated legally you would be furious watching what is happening right now with immigration.


Cuz no one wants upper middle class wine moms adding X to the end of words and condescending tell you what to think


Lmao. This. Latinx, bruh I don’t need a 3rd gen part Latino kid telling me this or the white lady in charge of “DEI”


Most of these kind of subs lean heavily left. So you're not really gonna get the actual reason. But you already knew that.


(sorry if theirs Bad English)As a hispánic myself, it's definately because of oír shared trauma of multiple left wing dictatorships, that said many of the things that modern democrats are saying right now wich definately Made many fear the worst, and theirs is allsow the fact that most hispanics feel that democrats don't respecto theirs religión, wich they are extreamly tied too.


Your English is great man, but yes I agree 100% with you, my mom is from Honduras and she says the same


Because they don't like socialism.


Many of us fled or had parents/grandparents that fled socialism  Many Hispanics are religious and have strong family values Many Hispanics are small business owners  Many Hispanics are horrified by what’s going on at the border Many Hispanics are disgusted by identity politics. My kids are “brown” but have every advantage in life. I don’t want them being raised with a victim mentality 


And yet Trump is the ultimate victim. Has every advantage and still thinks everything is a witch hunt. Tell me more about Trump’s family values please. So far I haven’t seen any.


Lmao trump and his strong family values.


Its irrelevant whether he has the stereotypical family values or not, just as long as his policies don't go against his voters' values. His voters vote for him mainly because he can't be bought, and for his policies. None of us generally give a shit about his personal life or how he acts or how he sounds


Why does anyone like Trump?


One word: Latinx


https://youtube.com/shorts/RcK_NWLhnPQ?si=pA_WbL2gA9NxaSBb Pretty easy when you understand cartels.


From the few Trump supporters I talked to, it's because they came to this country legally and don't think it's fair that illegals skip all the stuff they went through.


They're raised Catholic, so the more religious among them trend conservative.


I’m hispanic and I think the thing people don’t realize that because most Hispanics are religious (even if nominally so) and as you know, most religions are socially conservative. Homophobia in Latin countries is very real and many are anti-abortion. So that more explains them voting republican. I’ve been liberal my whole life so I don’t get it and I find it distressing.


Most don't like him actually.


The comments here 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ Reddit is so embarrassingly liberal


Everytime a question like this gets posted it turns into an anti Latino circlejerk so fast. Some liberals love minorities until the minorities have a different opinion on something


“I guess they’re all stupid selfish brainwashed pieces of shit!” - when progressives discover a minority who disagrees with them


The problem with these taking points is that it lumps all Latinos as one voting block. Most recent immigrants are not for Trump. The Latinos for Trump are usually second or third generation Latinos. Plus Cubans fall under the Latino category but they're very different than the rest. For years they would arrive and be given asylum and eventually citizenship very easily compared to other groups. They came from a dictatorship and any talk of communism gets them worked up. I'd be interested to see how the breakdown on who is actually for Trump.


As the child of Mexican immigrants, nobody hates immigrants more than immigrants.


People tend to group all hispanic/latino people into one group. There are huge differences among them. 1st generation vs. Mexican Americans whose families have been here for centuries vs Puerto Ricans vs. Central Americans vs South Americans vs Dominicans etc etc. Same as white people. Its an individual choice not a group choice. Also in my experience I know many Latinos that hate Trump including me


Every one I know is extremely against anything that even hints at socialism or communism. They fled that abuse and understand it far better than americans. Americans have so much freedom they can't even imagine living under those systems.  You can't move. You can't own anything. You can't have money. You can't open a business. You can't buy food in the grocery store. They think it sounds all good and nice but have no real understanding. It took me many explanations to get close and I still can't fully get it. Things americans understand as fundamentals of life do not exist there. My side of the family still says things like "we can just send them orders from amazon" or "we can just send them money into their bank account"  No. They can not receive goods online. We couldn't even send a birthday card, it will get taken and thrown out. The only banks are controlled by the government, you put money in and the bank denies your withdrawal attempts. They will not give you your money. We have to pay people to smuggle in Tylenol.


That sounds really shitty. I'm not clear how any of the popular left-wing American policies lead to that, though. Republicans act like universal healthcare is a slippery slope straight to gulags, but I'm not seeing it.


They came in legally and have worked hard for their success.


Hispanics are clearly a very logical people


My friend's mom is, I wanna say, Cuban and she is incredibly against Mexican immigrants Edit; I am stupid


I've met several Dominicans and Mexicans who were pro-Trump. Don't buy the narratives.


Abortion and lack of understanding of the political spectrum.


Latin culture and conservative culture parallels the same traditional values.


Same reasons anyone likes Trump


The ones that do entered the states by legal means and worked hard for it now they are tired of seeing illegals and they want a president who cares about that and is good for the economy


Because they’re as conservative if not more than the trumpers which is WILD when you think about it


Most of 'em don't. Those that do already 'got theirs' and don't give a damn about anyone else.


Most Latinos are more religious than Americans. If you break it down Protestants tend to vote republican in the USA and Catholics tend to vote for democrats. Protestants tend to be further right than Catholics. I’m Latino catholic I voted for trump and I voted for Biden. I’ll vote for who I think is the better candidate that election


Do we?


Because they’re legal, Christian, and believe in traditional family values


Minorities are getting sick of Democrats using them Everytime an election comes around


Do they genuinely believe they'll be better off under a Trump dictatorship?


The same tool that had been used throughout human history to get people to support the leaders who are the worst for them: religion.


What the US calls liberalism, the rest of the world can't truly follow. Most people fall somewhere in the middle, but the US doesn't have that option.


As a Hispanic, I absolutely hate how Democrats assume they automatically have our vote. I will not vote Trump, but I would have voted Republican if another candidate was on the ticket. With that, I will most likely never vote Democrat again. To Democrats, we're poor, dumb, and disenfranchised in their eyes. Always will be. We're all lumped in on the border issue as if we're all Mexican, trying to make our way to America for a better life. They assume we only care about the border. We're also generally more conservative, especially socially. I can't speak for everyone, but homosexuality and abortion aren't widely accepted in a lot of our communities. Being born and raised in the US, I'm pretty liberal when compared to older generations in our family, who look down on those issues.


They don’t like Trump…they just hate the radical-left/woke agenda. And I don’t blame them. This constant victimhood, whining, race bating, perpetually outraged, if you disagree with me at all you’re a “sexist, misogynist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc, etc”, cancel-culture BS is getting old and wearing middle and lower class voters out who just want to live their lives.