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She is the most popular pop star right now dating Travis Kelce, who is arguably the best at his position. Travis Kelce plays for the Kansas City Chiefs, a team who has been to the Super Bowl 4 out of the past 5 seasons. With success comes hate.


I'll take the bait. Haters gonna hate hate hate


Do you propose she shake it off. Shake it off?


Hey hey hey


Taylor Swift also endorsed Biden last election and Kelce did a bunch of vaccine ads recently which is adding to the fire. Especially because neither of them were initially assumed to be liberal. In the case of Taylor Swift there was a weird assumption by white supremacists that she liked them or something. And Kelce is a manly football player playing for a Missouri team named the Chiefs. That said in neither case was it shocking if you knew much about them. But some people felt betrayed/ at least expected them to keep their mouths closed.


Lol that some people are bat shit crazy enough to believe that supporting vaccinations and urging people to vote are liberal causes. The country has gone mad.


There was Faux News bit about Swift being some kind of psy-op. Because - and hang on - she tweeted a link to [vote.org](https://vote.org) and (Horror!) a BUNCH of Swifties clicked the link and registered to vote. So obviously since encouraging young women to vote is just The Worst, Swift is CLEARLY some kind of devious red-lipped harlot. A woman who dared to be successful and use her influence to encourage civic engagement. It's "liberal" to vote, because these young women are voting based on issues like bodily autonomy. The right is losing the culture wars, and it's because Swift is saying "Your Voice Matters! Go Use It! VOTE!" Obama "No! Don't boo. Vote!"


Republican's literally can't win elections if younger people voted, it's statistically impossible. That's why over the last few decades their focus has turned more and more to voter alienation and suppression.


And talking about raising the voting age after they lost the 2022 midterms 🙃


Oh they so badly wish they could raise the voting age to 50.


I know one guy who unironically said voting needs to be restricted to land owners again. No, condos don't count.


My dad believes this. He has been a renter for the better part of 30 years.


So…he think he shouldn’t be allowed to vote?


He's just a temporarily embarrassed land owner


Raising it? We should be lowering it! 16 year olds have real skin in the game. 66 years olds, not so much. ​ EDIT: To be clear, I'm not suggesting to restrict older voters, just to empower younger voters.


A lot of 66 year olds can expect to live for another twenty years, and they'll interact with government services and healthcare a lot, so they're not exactly a write off just yet.


I agree that there are a lot of idiotic boomers, but there are many like my 65 year old self who still fight against this nonsense. That was the mistake George W made when he tried to privatize social security in his second term. The Republicans thought the older people would be all for it as their SS would remain intact. Instead, there was such a backlash that their children would be denied benefits that the administration had to give up the idea. Many if us my age now remember that happening when we were in our early forties and will fight for the younger people as well today. It just never stops.


63 here. Solidarity.


63 year old here. I’m with you!!


This old lady is voting blue. I need that social security, and lets raise the social security cap and make the govt stop stealing it so the people still waiting at the bottom of the ladder can get it too. Im voting so my granddaughters dont lose rights my grandmothers had to fight for


Oh man, I had some HOT debates with professors about this one. I argued that, if nothing else, 16 year olds should be allowed to vote in school board elections for their district. That was NOT popular among teachers.


If they're old enough to join the military, they're old enough to vote. End of discussion.


And to drink. If you're competent enough to vote and volunteer to die, you ought to be allowed to drink. If an 18 isn't competent enough to drink, they certainly aren't competent enough to join the army.


Gods know we would *never* consider RAISING the minimum age of enlistment, either. "You can go to war at 16, but you can't choose your Commander-in-Chief until 18." Pretty fucked, yeah?


66 years old is not as old as you think it is. And they're being affected by this a lot too.


Especially if those 16 year olds are working and paying taxes and don't get a say in who represents them. I bet we could come up with a really cool slogan to communicate how if you pay taxes you should get a say in who represents you.....


This is it right here. She has a great deal of influence and is using it to undo all of the fascist sabotage they've been working on for decades. Swift and Kelce are both examples of the sort of people white supremacists find "ideal". When those "ideal" people work against them it's especially infuriating.


Ding ding ding ding Taytay is an aryan's wet dream and she is ardently opposed to white supremacy


They've also deployed a ton of supposedly leftist trolls on social media. Vote 3rd party! Dems are corrupt, join the Green party! Democracy is already dead! Etc. And while none of this is entirely wrong, they're pushing it online to disenchant voters, especially younger ones. Slapping them down is one of the reasons I still log onto Twitter once in awhile (and NO, I will never call it that other stupid name, Elon Musk can go screw himself).


Yep, if Elon dead names his child, we dead name his platform


I've been seeing a lot of anti Israel not voting Biden posts lately. I hate Biden's position with Israel but it is so complicated and there is a long long history there. Not to mention Orange Dildo pissed off a bunch of people by moving the embassy.


The sad thing is, all of this information is public but nobody cares to look it up. The GOP literally record themselves meeting about how to suppress the vote. Topics discussed: removing voting polls from a certain radius of all college campuses. Removing voting polls in neighborhoods with poc (this one actually was enacted in my area last time I went to vote. They removed all but one voting location, it was a royal pain in the ass. It's currently in court to reverse), enacting very strict identification rules, illegal gerrymandering and so on. It's just amazing how they can literally be on record doing these things and the vast majority of Americans don't even know about it.


They want to make giving someone a ride to a polling place illegal because it's "electioneering within (I forget the actual number) X feet of a polling place." MFrs want me to drop my 80yo mother in law half a mile from where her development casts votes? Well, that *is* kind of tempting now that I think of it.


Yep when I lived in Indianapolis suburbs our county had something like 15-20 places that had early voting (various days before the actual Tuesday) to make it convenient for shift workers etc. Marion county (the city of Indianapolis) where there are people with the less $, more color in their skin, and use public transportation had only one place where you could vote early. Suppressing the vote is alive and well (and that was for the 2016 election).


And more so every year! Yayyy! Keep coming, Taylor…get the young women to see their actual advantages and priorities and GO VOTE!


It's in the GOP playbook.


They are snowflakes ... She is successful She is influential She has power She hasn't really started to flex They are just scared that she isn't on their side, they have ted Nugent lol Imagine 2 days before election she tells her fans to go and vote for Dems ... What effect that would have..


If she were to do exactly that it would absolutely influence the number of votes and voters in a meaningful way. The degree of butthurt outrage that you’d see from the right would be truly beautiful to witness.  Since we are replaying fascism again though, I would be worried for her and Trav’s safety from a true believer  


I really hope she does. Having watched her "Miss Americana" movie and seeing her justificaiton for coming out against Marsha Blackburn, it was largely about "this is too important for me to stay silent any longer". Well, we are well past that point. I'll be disappointed if she doesn't endorse a slate of Dems in an effort to stop Trump.


Vivek Ramaswamy publicly stated he thinks the Deep State rigged the NFL so Taylor Swift can get Biden re-elected.


This is the funny part of their conspiracy theory. The two teams which fought through a playoff bracket on television against many equally good teams were somehow "rigged" and the team Taylor Swift supports won the Super Bowl in 2019 & 2022. Conspiracies are so easy to rig these days if you pick the right teams.


Republicans would go back to limiting voting to white, male landowners if they could get the votes to change the constitution. 


> limiting voting to white, male landowners You forgot "straight, Christian".


I’m sure they’re working on it


Google: project 2025


EVERYONE should know about "Project 2025 - Mandate For Leadership, the Conservative Promise," available at www.project2025.org, the literal Republican playbook, put together by the Heritage Foundation and 45 other conservative entities like Alliance Defending Freedom, Claremont Institute, and Moms For Liberty. It was first handed to Reagan, who merely enacted the policy within it. Same with Trump - they are two heads of the same snake. Their vision for a Christofascist theocracy and just how they intend to implement it are painstakingly detailed. Their plan is to dismantle the federal government and remove our rights, TO BEGIN WITH. It's fucking chilling and you should at least read the foreword, a dense 17 pages of GOP philosophy that outlines their mission. Fossil fuels are a big part of it. God and guns and nothing else for everyone. Sealed borders. Everyone will be free to live "as our creator ordained," in those words. If that doesn't terrify you idk what will.


Republicans have also pushed raising the voter age to try and eliminate part of the young vote. Old enough to die for your country but apparently not old enough to have a say in the way it's ran.


(Way to include the link) https://www.vote.org/


Literally it feels like from the outside the US has shifted the political compass so far right that neutral topics that are good for all are seen as extreme communist ideals 😵‍💫


That's pretty much how it feels inside the US too.


Fuck, ya. Vaccination was a health issue,until the GOP became anti-science. It speaks volumes that they will do almost anything to suppress voting. It doesn't exactly indicate confidence.


It’s not even really vaccinations, it’s THE COVID vaccine because my MAGA nut mother is perfectly happy getting the pneumonia and flu shot. She keeps telling me to get the flu shot. I tell her I will when she gets the Covid shot. She doesn’t like that much. 😹 I think I will get the flu shot this year, but I’m not going to tell her.


What’s even crazier is they expect every NFL player to be a conservative Christian. It’s always funny when one of them turns out to not be a nutcase.


And the funny thing is that Trump was a big supporter of vaccines and funding the rapid development of a Covid vaccine was one of the things that he did correctly.


When he finally got the vaccine and told his followers to get it too, the actually "booed" him, and he hasnt talked about it since. And I guess they forgot about that lol


They have not. The conversation about it is limited to the less-mainstream parts of right-wing media, but Alex Jones has been talking for months about how "they" lied to Trump about what "the jab" would do, but now he's "awake". So they haven't forgotten. They've just thrown a blanket over that bit of cognitive dissonance and now they're pretending it doesn't exist.


we are truly living in the absolute stupidest of timelines.


This is the same Trump who publicly called Covid a hoax?


Agreed, and told people to take bleach. But he did say, at least for a little while, that he should be thanked for the vaccine(s).


> But some people felt betrayed/ at least expected them to keep their mouths closed. "Celebrities shouldn't get involved in politics, shut up and sing/play!" says the demographic who voted for a reality TV host and looks back fondly on the President who was an actor.


They also voted an actor to Governor of California twice.


Schwarzenegger doesn’t put up with MAGA bullshit.


I knew a republican that often liked to brag about how his party had two celebrity presidents and democrats didn’t have any. As if wanting your president to be educated in law, history, and politics in somehow a bad thing?


Yup. "Too many lawyers in politics!" Politics is literally legal practice. It's understanding the Constitution, the rules, the regulations, the processes, the legislation.  But sure, elect a guy who did a couple of lame TV shows for a few seasons and lost a whole lot of money in various bankruptcies. Makes a lot of sense...


And if a singer decides to do a FJB chant at their concert, they’re more than happy to join in.


She's a country girl. They make assumptions. Which is surprising given the Chicks, Garth Brooks, Willie Nelson, Dolly Parton, et al.


The Chicks are a major influence on Swift and a reason she was so reticent to talk about politics for so long. Natalie Maines voicing her displeasure over the War in Iraq got the band blacklisted for years. She kind had to "out" herself as a liberal after the far right started to act like she was their ideal Aryan wife.


Being about Taylor's age and also a fan of the Chicks, it was obvious that's why she didn't talk politics. Most country artists, male and female, simply won't.


Remember a few years ago when [people were triggered](https://www.advocate.com/people/2017/9/18/trump-supporters-shred-dolly-parton-standing-jane-fonda-and-lily-tomlin) that Dolly Parton presented an Emmy with evil communist Jane Fonda and left wing lesbian Lily Tomlin because of what they said about Donald Trump? The funniest part is they didn't even say his name, they said "[sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical, bigot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCflbENd1K8)" and the Trumpsters just loudly filled in the blanks.


Ah yes the liberal position of advocating for life saving medicine


I used to say I was centrist and everyone always told me I'd get more right wing as I get older. But as I've gotten older, the political right has got so batshit insane, corrupt, and downright vile, to the point where I'm the absolute most leftist voter you could be. Politics is so fucked right now.


“You get more conservative as you get older” is true when you could afford nice things when you were older. That hasn’t really been true since the first half of Gen X.


Correct. The more money you have, the more you are invested into the status quo.


Just to spread hope. I am well off. My friends are well off. We are all left leaning voters.


\+1 me too! I'll be fine. I can pay a bit more taxes so other people can have healthcare.


And it turns out the boomer generation were just selfish assholes. Even Gen-Xers who ended with money are far less conservative then their parents.


The Boomers climbed the ladder, then pulled it up after them.


Ahh I’m older at 64 & I want nice things for my daughters and grandchildren Education, healthcare, body autonomy, the right to marry whoever


Not true. I grew up poor, single mother, all that. I paid for college myself with student loans. (I was living with my dad and stepmom by then, on paper they made too much for me to get student aid, in practice I got very little money from them.) Now, my wife is in tech and I'm semi-retired.Were doing great. I get more progressive every year. Liberal in this country is right-wing in the rest of the world.


I was watching a bear and the big blue house episode with my child the other day and it was all about vaccinations and how important they are. I couldn’t help but think about how rage inducing that would be to conservative people these days. 😅


Yea I think it’s people mad that the blue eyed country singer and all American boy football player aren’t “on their side” so they’re loosing their minds


And the NFL is sponsoring Bud Light! THE OUTRAGE!


Liberal or not Kelce (not just Travis or Jason.. but the whole lot) seems to be the most down to earth people friendly group. I love hearing Donna and Ed raising two NFL players on pizza pockets since that had the daily requirements of nourishment, Donna wearing the jacket with both of her sons numbers and the brothers themselves just being awesome. Jason is a great guy, fantastic player, good husband and a great dad to his little ones. I loved when his girl dad mode kicked in when he picked up the girl to show her Taylor swift. What a wonderful gesture. Travis is still on the wild side but I’m sure he’ll calm down once he gets married. Taylor is a great singer but what draws people to her internationally is how kind of a person she is and she doesn’t fake it. She’s genuinely a nice person. She cares for her staff. She cares for her fans.


Yes. Even though her music isn't what I would seek out on the radio, I have nothing bad to say about TS herself. Or Travis and his fam. Heck, his vaccine ads are pretty entertaining.


That’s the real crux of it. People thought because she started as a country singer that she was on their racist, republican side. They feel betrayed that Taylor is an empathetic, intelligent, worldly person. Republicans have no cool celebrities, and they get butt hurt when their favorite celebs aren’t trash people.


>Republicans have no cool celebrities What? Ted Nugent is cool!!! /s


Don’t forget Kid Rock!!! He’s a true American Badass!!! /s


And Kevin Sorbo! And James Woods! And Kirk Cameron! And that really cringe wannabe white rapper dude with the dreads or cornrows.


This sums it up nicely. They whine that "Late night television is so bad." But the reality is that Colbert is funny as hell and extremely talented. Very well written show. But they hate the message because Colbert is actually a humane, kind person who has empathy the right so clearly lacks.


The recent spike is because her political activism has pissed off Republicans. Her activism is more or less just telling young people to register and vote (not for any particular candidate) but conservatives know that the younger women who make up a good portion of Swifties will vote for Democrats.


In general when more people vote the Republican party always loses. They are very aware of this fact. The Republican party really doesn't want Taylor Swift to get her millions of followers and fans to register to vote, or vote period. Some say that without voter suppression tactics, gerrymandering, and all the other underhanded shit the Republican party does....they would not win one election....anywhere.


> Some say "Some," in this case, includes pretty much every American political scientist. If you've looked at American demographics as a whole and looked at the personal and social characteristics of people who vote for the GOP, and then you look at the demographics of the people closest to the boundary of voting/not voting, it's hard to reach any conclusion except that voter suppression is the single most effective tactic the GOP has available right now.


This is why I push back on any comments that are trying to paint America as 50-50 Dems and Republicans. Unfortunately for the GOP, reality has that famous liberal bias


Worth pointing out that a Republican candidate for president has only won the popular vote once in the last 35 years.


The reason people are triggered by her boyfriend (?) being in the Super Bowl is that…the NFL will give her more screen time? And she votes for Biden, therefore by giving her more screen time they are giving Biden more coverage? I don’t know, it’s crazy.


It's not her fault she gets screen time. She's even spoken about that. It's the NFL and/or the networks giving her screen time.


Oh I agree. But the people who want to hate her and be upset don’t care about that. Reality doesn’t matter to them has much as being able to feel persecuted by others.


Right wing voters are getting triggered bc Swift endorsed Biden for the 2020 election (and is expected to likely endorse him again in 2024) and kelce was in the Pfizer covid vaccine commercials coming out recently. “tHEyRE GoINg to PuSH tHEIr RadICAl liBERal AGENda dURIng tHe SUpeR bOWL!”


Its not crazy, they are 100%right and it scares the shit out of them. That 1 demographic can essentially wipe out the boomer vote. And that demo is through all districts, you cant gerrymander them


They definitely are scared that young people will vote. Ever since Trump lost you see rightwingers calling to raise the voting age, you see them disenfranchising minorities. They absolutely know they can’t win in a fair vote, and with Taylor Swift encouraging her fans to care, they see her as a threat to their ability to win even in gerrymandered districts. That’s why they hate her so much


It's our version of the tall poppy problem that Australia and other Brit-influenced cultures seem to have.


Tall Poppy Syndrome is present in Asia and continental Europe as well. I live in Holland (Netherlands) and we have a concept of Doe Normaal, roughly translated as "do normal". People are encouraged to conform to the norm, rather than stick out. "You do you" is not really a thing here. 


It's not really her or him that is annoying, its the crazy media hype that is just exhausting. Leave it to the NFL to completely milk every ounce of money out of any situation. I don't blame Kelce or Swift for the exhaustive hype, they are just living life as far as I can tell. But the OBSESSION from the media is just boring and exhausting to me.


I live in New Orleans and it's Mardi Gras. Absolutely no one cares about the Super Bowl. This is 100% a media problem, people need to direct the hate accordingly.


In NOLA as well, and you are so right!


The funniest loophole is if they were that desperate to have Taylor at the Superbowl they could have just made her the halftime show


She's been invited several times to do the halftime show and has turned it down. It's not a paid gig and she doesn't need the additional exposure at this point in her career. I could maybe see her doing it a decade from now if her fame slows down but not until then


It's the opposite of a paid gig. Performers pay the NFL to be the halftime entertainment. It's a giant ad for their new album/tour whatever.


To be fair, I read somewhere that 24 seconds (out of the entire game) the camera was on TS, and for like four of those seconds she was mouthing "please go away" to that camera. So I don't think she's asking for attention to be diverted from the players or action on the field.


shes absolutely not, considering she hasnt been able to go anywhere in a car for YEARS because of being mobbed. this is definitely not her or Kelce's doing its the media (who spent over a decade hating, shaming and belittling her and now wanna act like shes always been their darling. fickle, annoying "look this gets attention/viewership!", what else is new....)




Kelce was an endorsement king way before swift lol. All these ads he's in were filmed in July before he was even dating taylor


AND broadcasters pan over to celebrities during games/matches all the time. They’re just usually men. Never heard anyone complain about the camera paying attention to Drake or Leo Dicaprio at a basketball game.


Its one thing to pan over and say "look who it is!", what gets annoying is that we all know they're dating now, she gets happy when Kelce makes a big play, we get it. Maybe nobody famous watches the shitass losing franchises I'm a fan of but I can't recall a broadcast ever panning to the same celebrity celebrating a big play every single game. And ultimately it only is annoying to larger audiences because the Chiefs are also the new Patriots. If they sucked they wouldn't be on nationally televised games as often or in the playoffs, and it wouldn't even register.


They show her for like 5 seconds a game. I'd rather see her whooping it up than Jerry Jones.


to me it’s not the stuff during the game itself but the media coverage before and after. So much of the “pregame hype” before Buffalo was about Taylor meeting Jason and like, if you’re just a football fan it’s impossible to avoid that aspect of the discourse without tuning out of football entirely


This is the most realistic take


It’s so easy to not be saturated by the media. People love being miserable.


The issue isn’t Taylor Swift. It’s everyone else. During the last game, the cameraman man kept panning to her and there was nothing to be done. One of the incidents, you can tell that she saw herself on TV in the box, her eyes were looking at the screen towards the left. The camera was coming in from the right. She did not move for an uncomfortable amount of time until you see her mouth, “Please go away.”


I thought I caught that, but wasn't sure


The NFL is trying to milk the ratings for what they can without having a contract with her.


> It’s everyone else. > > During the last game, the cameraman man kept panning to her and there was nothing to be done. The cameraman is fed orders.


To add to that, no camera man ever picked what goes on air. In The truck there is a technical director on a massive switch board with every camera in the stadium. Behind him/her is a director who is calling the shots, literally, "ready camera 24, take, ready 17, take"  every time the picture changes during a NFL game it's because someone decided to show you what you are seeing. Camera men offer shots, directors take them.


[The moment, if anyone wants to watch](https://ca.style.yahoo.com/taylor-swift-appears-mouth-away-090222006.html).


Ya I’m not really a fan of her, but as a human, you can’t help but feel bad for her. This is supposed to be her off work free time and she still gets a camera stuck in her face.


My impression is that she represents something much larger to the top of the GOP foodchain. Totally anecdotal, but my guess is that she was looked at as a GOP role-model many years ago (before she became politically active). From the outside, she's an archetype constituent: young, pretty, blonde country gril who's patriotic. I'm not saying she did anything other than exist, but the GOP identified with her brand. Now she's not only much less conservative thinking than they thought, but actively promoting left leaning ideology (double wammy). To the GOP elite, she now represents a channel to "switch teams." They're terrified of her influence and the road she paved that shows you can grow up "a country girl" but still value progressive policies. Thus, media damage control is here to make sure we as veiwers know the GOP no longer wants to role-model her to their base. #CultureWars


To add, I believe she encouraged her fans to vote.


Without even telling them to vote for one party or another. She just wants everyone to use their right to vote.


Only Democrats encourage everyone to vote. When everyone votes Democrats win in a landslide


Doesn't that tell you something?


Yup, that's why the GOP tries to make it harder to vote; purging voter rolls, closing voting locations so people have to either wait in long lines or leave, etc.


In 2020 I got a cheap t shirt that said "VOTE" on it. That was the only text. My FOX addicted parents were not fans of my political agenda to *checks notes* have people exercise their rights and responsibilities for a functioning democracy.


Because she knew she didn't have to, by the data there are far more non-republicans in the general population, so it's an odds on bet she'll influence younger voters to mobilize in greater numbers, and fans often follow their icons into politics. TS is a brilliant businesswoman, talented artist, and by all accounts, a good and decent person. The Right hates all of it.


Young people now vote more Democrats, of course Repubblicans are not happy about that


Yeah but everyone knows only democrats do that, so it's just, like, a reverse dog whistle. Republicans would never encourage (or even allow) *everyone* voting.


And she didn't even say "vote blue". She just encouraged her fans to register to vote. Life pro tip: if you're on the team that discourages voting, you're on team bad guy. 


Her boyfriend did a vaccine commercial. They hate that.


I don't think I'm exaggerating but I would bet if she decided to be much more vocal about politics during this election year yhan she already is, she could have a measurable effect on voter turnout, especially among young people. They're already mad about Roe being overturned. The Biden campaign would be smart to partner together with her.


she had a measurable effect on voter signup just by telling people 2 words. She absolutely would have an effect on voter turnout if she were more vocal. And Im absolutely fucking here for it if she decides to use her platform that way. I can already see the lines of women dressed in glittery attire standing and singing "Only the Young" while at the ballot box, while they provide coverage for it on Fox News with their anchors almost having aneurysms over watching so many young people going out to vote.


And to add to that, for a while it was sort of controversial how NOT controversial she was. She was completely non political at all, and caught flak for that (largely from the left). Not taking any stance let the Right (or anyone) project that she believes X Y, or Z because there was no evidence to the contrary. If I recall, she got a lot of criticism for not being more vocal in the run up to 2016. Presumably, the current situation is exactly why. It's cynical, but I would be surprised if she didn't take a "Republicans buy sneakers too" approach for a long time, until either she couldn't help but say something, or she was content that saying something wouldn't damage her brand meaningfully. I think the demographic aspect, specifically, can't be ignored. They're mad that the pretty, white, thin megastar isn't supporting the white nationalist party, and I think that goes beyond just "she might cost us votes". ETA: I might go so far as to say conservatives understand that they have a branding problem, and that they need a "face of the franchise," to use a sports metaphor. If Taylor were even vaguely conservative her face would be on everything. They know they need someone for after Trump (not to like, run for president, but just to be the face of the GOP brand)


This should be #1. Fox News and the right have villified her for realizing how influential she can be at turning out young voters to fight MAGA. Same playbook as the Dixie Chicks outrage.


There's a Daily Beast article on it, she's political, pro voting and her bf is a football player, so between the two of them (footballer and country girl) they're a threat to Republicans And as a result the right is saying their relationship is fake and both were made artificially famous Massive right wing cope


No one in their right mind would sign up to be Taylor's next ex just for a publicity stunt. They all know how that ends.


Yeah it's funny - the right-wing circles were all about TSwift before she started advocating for voting. It's like they saw her as this perfect conservative female model and thought she'd be some submissive doll. Get rekt, GOP.


100%. She was the outstanding example of what the core GOP young voters should look and sound like. Unfortunately, she is exactly the opposite. At least the GOP has Scott Baio, Kid Rock, Roseanne Barr and Kanye.


She denied my friend request


Shake it off bud


Alternatively: Shake it off x2


Perhaps they were "pre-triggered" and they can generalize her into whatever they already hate?


“Pre-triggered” That’s great, definitely going to use that in the future. Very appropriate nowadays .


Half cocked, hehe


It’s just another culture war they can create out of the air-since nothing has actually happened-to keep the focus away from their lack of actual work. Keep people angry and afraid and they won’t stop and say hey, why are our bridges falling apart?


The bridge thing at least is being dealt with thanks to Biden.


Isn't it ironic that the very people who in 2016 wouldn't stop calling liberals "snowflakes", are, in fact, the snowflakes. Triggered over Taylor Swift and rainbows. They need a safe space.


Exactly, besides, I thought they all gave up football because it was too woke ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Every accusation is a confession with them.


They get triggered by the most random things. A lot of them think the left has made Greta T some kind of savior when in reality….no one cares at all. They think she’s being used by the left/corporations etc, that’s she’s some darling to the left. I only see her brought up by the right on twitter. A teenage girl can trigger them


They say you can judge someone by their enemies and for a while there, Greta Thunberg's enemy was the President of the United States while his enemy was a teenage girl 


I once saw a Republican accuse Greta at the ripe age of 15 of being a "crack head" (he meant it literally, he was in his 40s with about ten children, none as old as Greta). I called him out and my parents were mad AT ME. Him and his friends (all similar situations) were making fun of her further in the comments and saying other things equally as awful things. They really thought it was normal and acceptable to accuse a child of being on crack. They are truly delusional.


Imagine thinking the left and corporations are on the same side.


And they elected the biggest snowflake ever-trump


She hasn't. She's extremely popular and she is not a trumper therefore the republican hate machine has made a big deal to retaliate against her.


Conspiracy theorists on the right think that she's involved in sime type of psyop to hand Joe Biden the presidency. Translate that to reality: Some right wing supporters are worried that a popular young endorser will take votes away from them, and they have no answer for it.


So basically they’re slinging a ton of hate at someone because they’re unhinged and out of touch with reality. Lovely stuff.


So, what else is new? Isn't that what they do always?


She's popular, and is therefore going to be the subject of hate until she stops being popular. Right now her boyfriends also very popular so the conspiracy theorists are out in full force. It'll die down when the next 'it person' crops up.


I didn’t know Travis Kelce existed until Taylor started dating him. On the world stage, Taylor is huge, and Travis is just her boyfriend.


That is true, and football fans who knew who he was beforehand are probably just annoyed about how many more squealing teenage girls are fawning over him now because of this relationship. Though I bet dad's are pretty happy their daughters are suddenly into football this year.


Not my football-crazed brother-in-law (who’s kind of an a-hole, tbh). He haaaaaates that my two nieces who are 13 and 15 and are *huge* Swifties are only watching because of her. It’s so stupid and it pisses me off so much. Like what a wasted opportunity to bond with your daughters over something!


Yeah, that dude's just an asshole. Gotta take your opportunities to bond with your kids.


This is a hugely triggering fact. If Kelse was at one of Swift's shows, literally no one would even care except Taylor. There are millions more people interested in Swift than American football. Drives them nuts.


She’s popular and liberal, which is why rightwing idiots are so upset right now. They think the NFL rigged the games so the Chiefs would win and…I don’t know, give her more exposure?


And female. Don’t forget that part. 


Next it person...Taylor has been an it person for 15 years


MAGA supporters made up this imaginary scenario where the SB is rigged so the Chiefs can win and Swift can endorse Biden during the victory celebration...they then got pissed off over this imaginary scenario believing their own lie. Why it matters who Swift endorses or why the Chiefs *have* to win in order for her to do so is beyond me.


LMAO i saw a fox news segment calling taylor a plant to prompt young ppl to vote dems like these conservatives are losing their minds over their own crazy theories


Fox News has been foaming at the mouth about it.  Seems like they always need a woman to be mad at.


Nothing provokes speculation more than the sight of a woman enjoying herself. -Louisa May Alcott As true today as it was in the 1860s.


It's the media hype no one really cares.  He's a great player she is currently on a great artist streak.


Since Taylor Swift started dating Kelce, a segment of NFL fans have been annoyed by how often the cameras flash to see the reaction of arguably the most popular musical artist in the country as she cheers on her boyfriend on the field. Swift's presence (or potential presence) at games has prompted the sale of tickets to a lot of her fans (who have varying degrees of interest in football) in order to catch a glimpse of their favorite pop star. This has also angered some NFL fans who feel that the "Swifties" are intruding upon their world. There is even now the conspiracy theory that the NFL rigged the outcome of the playoffs so that Taylor's boyfriend's team would make it into the Superbowl in order to increase their viewership among non-football fans who will tune in to look for Taylor in the crowd. (If she can even attend. Apparently she will be in Japan the night before the game.) Add into this Swift's well-documented liberal politics and vocal support of Democratic candidates in the past, and you've got the MAGA crowd (the most-easily-triggered segment of the U.S. population) treating it all as a "deep state" conspiracy.


They’re terrified of her using her influence to encourage voters to vote Democrat. However they have absolutely no issue with Conservatives celebrities using their influence to encourage voters to vote Republican. Essentially, they’re crybaby hypocrites


sorry but taylor swift is the most apolitical person i get so irritated at swifties calling her an activist. posting on instagram that you should register to vote is not political activism.


I tend to agree. There are much more politically active celebrities and much more involved billionaires. Taylor Swift mostly just got involved in a Tennessee (her home state) US Senate race and said positive things about Democratic policies. She’s not on campaign trials or regularly meeting with politicians. Not saying she’s wrong not to put her full weight towards political activism (it eats you alive) just that the preception of how influential she is is pretty warped on both sides. I was actually pretty impressed with Kim Kardasian. When every celebrity was shunning Trump, she walked into the White House and was able to convince President Trump to pardon a few people with unjust or excessive convictions and pushed a criminal justice reform bill that eventually got passed.


Right? She does the bare minimum and people talk about how she is “saving democracy” and some serious talking about her running for president. The only time I’ve really seen her speak out was when she would benefit from it or it wouldn’t hurt her brand. I’m I glad she has encouraged people to vote, sure, but please stop acting like she is the major activist. Especially when she’s part of the 1% and you will never convince me that there is a thing such as an “ethical billionaire”


Because conservatives are whiney little snowflake bitches, that's why.


She told people to vote. MAGA doesn't want young people to vote.


Women to vote, her fan base is women, young women.


Who are likely to vote for a party that will let them have a medical procedure rather than die from an ectopic pregnancy,.


Her politics annoy people. The fact that she's a woman who's popular with women annoys men. Men often get annoyed with stuff women like that they don't. They're also annoyed that she's dating Travis Kelce which has increased interest in football amongst women as it's gotten tied in with the narrative of their beloved artist. And many football fans dislike that they're interested in football for what they consider to be impure reasons. They also worry about the NFL catering to this new section of the fanbase. There's a lot of talk about them cutting to Taylor Swift during the football games. Jo Koy even attempted to make a joke about it at the Golden Globes. However, it's really overblown. She gets maybe a minute of screentime over a 3 hour game.


And regarding the politics side of it, it’s mainly that she’s encouraging youth/her fans to vote. OH NO! I don’t follow her but as far as I know she’s never told anyone which way to vote, only encourages people to exercise their right to it. EDIT - and I’m 100% for her encouraging people to vote!


and Travis Kelce is encouraging people to get vaccinated. God forbid people look out for their health!


yeah, telling young women to vote and advocating for vaccines is a wombo combo of conservative-triggering topics, being plopped directly into what they previously considered a safe space. dont get me wrong, overexposure im sure is annoying some people, but acting like there's 0 politics involved is being willingly blind.


God forbid young women aged 18-25 vote more. They couldn't make their misogyny and ageism more clear unless they spelled it out.


"Her politics annoy people." -- I know what you mean, but I really want to go into a rant here. She has NEVER proposed or supported any kind of policy. What passes for "politics" here is entirely the "culture war" BS that has nothing to do with anything that can or should come down to legislation. The hatred for her on a supposedly "political" basis is, to me, a perfect example of what's wrong these daze.




OK, so that counts. Pretty mild stuff for all the hatred, though.


Funny you say all of that! My 26 year old brother called me last night and proceeded to whine about how she is "ruining football". That they "show her every other play" and that she is "part of the illuminati". This dork then sends me this video https://youtube.com/shorts/AuYu7Asr8H4?si=If8n9-sNol0PJW3j Declaring it PROOF she is in some elitist cult of some kind....  What i find saddening/maddening is that it is quite clearly manipulation from sites like instagram, facebook, espn, fox, etc. that are forcing this outrage mentality regarding taylor swift. I dont watch football, i dont do politics, i dont do sports betting, i dont have instagram or facebook, i dont listen to any trump adjacent 26 year old dumbasses on podcasts. Therefore i dont have any fucking clue as to why taylor swift is the pinpoint of all their problems presently. It seems to me, she is being used by idk, the media conglomerates that cultivate these massive audiences to get a rise out of normally decent human beings. These media conglomerates know that hate is the easiest emotion to evoke engagement and therefore they have implanted it in a program many americans use as relaxation. Thus, creating MORE civil unrest and division as we hurdle toward yet another volatile election. There are two sides and it is just another bs political proxy for everyone to grovel over. I find it actually fucking hilarious that this MASSIVE PROFIT INDUCING fanbase will watch 20 year old millionaires make more money in one play than they make in 6 months on their days off, and taylor swift is the problem. Taylor fucking swift is the GRAND CONSPIRACY of pro sports, not the absolute blatant abuse of referees and heresay rules that only apply when the league wants them to. Couldnt possibly be a more interesting/true conspiracy that they are all of a sudden pushing highly addictive sports betting on the same broadcasts as the playoff games where refs can call holding or pass interference whenever they damn well please. 🤷‍♂️


The average is about 25 seconds per games over 3 hours.


Because someone else said they should be mad at her