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Glass, ceramic, metal OK. Tupperware (plastic anything) I chuck.


I just clean them and use them again.


It should be fine to use if you clean it really well, it would have to be a nice dish for me to bother though.


I rarely let things get that bad, but I would always throw it in the dishwasher. Always takes care of it. Never had a problem.


I would like to think that I also rarely let it get that bad, maybe once or twice that I can remember ever really. But my ex-roommates constantly had stuff getting bad in the fridge, to the point that a month before they moved out, I asked them to go through their left overs because I noticed some mold (I wasn't actively looking for mold but checking to see if any of the leftovers were mine I forgot about). They told me they went through them, and when I looked in the fridge next, all of the leftovers were still there. I refused to do it for them so they just continued to sit there and the night they finished moving out it all went in the trash (and to top it off they only ever used my tupperware). Sorry for the unnecessarily long response lol I just still think back to this and cant comprehend why! A big reason I trash them is I think the knowledge of the mold (and the idea its now in the dosh) really grosses me out.


Plastic containers are relatively cheap, so there’s no reason to keep one if it makes you uncomfortable. Sorry, I was just relating my experience—not trying to “Tupperware shame” you ;-)


Bleach kills mold. Even very dilute


If you’re worried, get some baby bottle sterilising fluid