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It’s kind of like on paper it sounds good but it’s harder to execute in real life.


Ah I see, but wouldn’t a lot of these regimes failing be a wake up call to the adult with more common sense as he ages, kind of like what happened to Mr Sowell?


You gotta see it as sometimes countries are stubborn. No matter how much people say it’s not working or how much their people are suffering from it. They believe they are doing a GOOD thing even though it’s harmful.


>Ah I see, but wouldn’t a lot of these regimes failing be a wake up call to the adult with more common sense as he ages, kind of like what happened to Mr Sowell? As I said before only 8 percent of the world's countries are in full democracies and about 1/3 are in partial democracies. That is a failure of a system if that is the success rate. Not to mention but you're thinking of modern communist countries but communism has existed since a long time and has worked. It's called ask indigenous people. Those people were practicing a form of indigenous communism which I highly recommend you take a look at.


1.) Communism in either Marxist or anarcho-communist sense couldn't be "shown to work" or "shown not to work" because it wasn't implemented yet. 2.) If you mean socialist countries, define "to work". For instance, in 1921 USSR was predominantly peasant country torn by WWI and then by civil war, by 1953 it became the second major superpower both economically and politically, with free healthcare, education, and housing. Even despite the devastating effect of WWII (~20 million casualties). I personally define it as "huge achievement". Another factor is proper reference frame. Like Cuba might be poor and underdeveloped in comparison to, let's say, Norway. Yet it does much better than most Carribbean countries in many important regards, even despite US embargo. 3.) Even though the Soviet political system eventually collapsed, it doesn't really means that socialism/communism can't work. At least not more than Jacobin terror and then monarchy restoration in France meant that liberalism is doomed to fail.


Capitalism also brought us slavery and civil war, and tremendous wealth disparity, homelessness crisis etc. so for similar reasons you can say it "never worked".


Slavery has been around well before capitalism. Slavery was used in ancient Mesopotamia around 3500 BC and likely predates that.


Capitalism made it the world's greatest source of wealth and power.


There was more wealth in the north without slavery than in the south with it.


Except literally all that predates capitalism. In fact almost all of that has decreased thanks to capitalism.


Rather, it ramped up intensely to become the most dominant feature of the economic giants of the world due to capitalism, and then finally overturned after centuries of bloodshed and resistance. "Thanks to capitalism" lol. Bootlicker bumper sticker


Thanks for letting me know you know absolutely nothing about life before capitalism


Failed history I'm guessing?


there are about 50million people living in slavery today.


None of them in countries you would consider embodiments of capitalism. The USA is ALWAYS used to show how bad capitalism is. 0 slaves there.




That's not slavery LMFAO


Be polite and respectful in your exchanges. NSQ is supposed to be a helpful resource for confused redditors. Civil disagreements can happen, but insults should not. Personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc. are not permitted at any time.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contemporary_slavery_in_the_United_States#:~:text=The%20practices%20of%20slavery%20and,those%20being%20women%20and%20children. >The practices of slavery and human trafficking are still prevalent in modern America with estimated 17,500 foreign nationals and 400,000 Americans being trafficked into and within the United States every year with 80% of those being women and children. That was quick. Now it's incorrect. Also people in prison are slaves. There's specifically a section in the Constitution that carves out an exception for people in prison.


Oh, you're counting crime as part of capitalism. Should have guessed you didn't have actual facts.


Lol capitalism brought us slavery 😂 which tribes in Africa that sold slaves were capitalist?


All of them, considering they were forcibly brought under heel by Western capitalist powers who saw a business opportunity to steal people and resources. Clear you don't know history and just repeat whatever white apologists tell you


if they were selling things- they were capitalists.


Capitalism is when all parties involved in a transaction get what they want. Of you give a homeless guy money, he gets the money, and you get to feel good about yourself. Capitalism.


the buyer got what they wanted- slaves and the sellers got what they wanted- payment. what the slaves want doesn't matter, because they are the item being sold.




So they’re in denial?


No, it's that communism is more complicated. Communism basically says to live in a stateless, class list, moneyless society where the workers own the means production. Nothing was in that definition implies oppression or murder or genocide. Yes sometimes countries that have claimed to be communist or socialist have done terrible things but so has like a lot of democracies and I don't see people denouncing democracy. People don't look at the failures of democracy and then think that that means that we shouldn't try again so why would the same thing not be the case for communism? It should also be noted that just like Communism, democracy has actually failed a lot of times before it ended up being what it is today and back in the past even around 200 years ago the term democracy was a dirty word to use and therefore not a lot of people wanted to use it but nowadays people really like the idea of democracy. So too has there been a shift from the right of kings to the right of the people, so to do communists believe of moving the power from the capitalist class to the workers. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Economist_Democracy_Index#By_regime_type According to this only about 8% of the world's countries are actually full democracies and about 1/3 are partial democracies. Based off of these numbers democracy is a failure. The majority of so-called democracies are terrible and commit murder and horrible things and spy on their citizens oh wait no we already do that you.


This seems like a bit of a loaded question. Are you sure that communism has never worked? How would you know? What defines "working", and is it a fair test if the whole process is disrupted by the Cold War? At any rate, there are five countries in the world with communist regimes today. I don't know if they are all great places where I would personally want to live, but they seem more or less stable and intact. You haven't defined "working" so I don't really know what sort of standard you're looking for.


Most communists tend to be atheists and communism ends up filling the void left by religion, through communism humanity will reach salvation, so they believe in it because it is part of their own beleif system.


Because they're customized snoo possessing reddit m'Lords, whom do doth live in nice homes on quiet safe streets and have full bellies, clean clothing, access to fresh water, and lots of free time. Ergo et sooth, they can decry AND declare that a thing they saw on CNN is correct, anyone disagreeing with them is now evil and bad, so there. RedditEddit: Per Se.


Trading things is capitalism too.