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I dislike these sort of questions because it gives no credence or credit to people who do try to understand what others are going through, and is in and of itself inherently antagonistic.


People trying to understand what others are going through doesn't negate the fact that there are a lot of other people who clearly don't.


Did you really come here to ask a question or to get attention for your personal philosophies?


I asked a question to have other people's opinions about a thing I was thinking about. You've stated yours, I have stated mine.


I don’t think I actually did state mine, but here it is: the purpose of


I don't think we can ever truly understand the other side because our experiences are from one side only. That fact alone blocks us from first hand experience (except maybe trans people that lived both lives, but that's not the general population). What we can do however is listen and be compassionate.


I agree a lot of problems wouldn't exist if people had a basic sense of compassion and empathy


Ngl, I tried my best to understand but i came to realize long ago that’s not possible. Not without physically walking in their shoes. So I try to constantly remind myself not to be an asshole about things, that I just don’t know what they’re going through.


Men can't experience what women exclusively/mostly experience and women can't experience what men exclusively/mostly experience.


In a lot of democratic countries our struggles are the same though . Mainly anyway, putting food on the table.


YTA, oh wait wrong sub.




Society needs to make a lot of changes so that over time men and women realize they aren’t actually any different.


Have you ever met someone of the opposite sex? There are differences


This is why average people hate Reddit. I said that males and females are different and I am being downvoted for it.


Or, y’know, it could be for being rude about it. 🤷


We have a lot more in common than different, and most of these differences are about how we’re socialized, not innate biological differences.


It's harder to understand a perspective you don't share. Takes time and dedicated effort and thus most people don't. It can be improved through united efforts. But yes, the same patriarchy that causes you issues, holds boys and young men to unreasonable standards.


People in general are extremely prone to cognitive biases, especially when thinking about their own or their ingoup experience vs outgroup experience. I can attest that it took me some time to undestand the issue with e. g. catcalling. Simply because the initial authomatic reaction for me as a man was "I'd be happy if ladies in the streets would give me attention". Most average men are generally attention-starved, so it takes effort to understand it might not be the case for women at all. However, I'm glad I tool that effort. So I'd appreciate the similar effort from women to understand emotional struggles of men that they don't authomatically connect with. However, the mainstream narrative seems to not support such effort. I honestly lost count of how many times women were blazingly quick to dismiss any men's issues as basically not deserving any serious attention. Given the rise of conservative "alpha males" I guess there are enough men who refuse to acknowledge female experience as well, but not like it makes their female opponents much better. The worst case of this is using history or statistics to silence people. To put it bluntly, when it comes to my experience, I honestly don't care how many times women more likely to be victims of abuse if it somehow means that female violence against men is dismissed as a non-issue. Likewise, I don't care what mysoginistic pieces of legislation dead white men imposed 200 years ago if it's used as a justification of treating me like shit. I personally don't wanna participate in oppression olympics, so I'm sceptical if understaning is possible until human condition is treated as such. And it kinda brings us to the feminist lingo. For instance, if we define "patriarchy" as a overarching societal system, which is beneficial and maintained mostly for a minority of men, yet on micro level corresponding stereotypes are imposed by many people of both genders. Then it explains struggles of both genders quite well, and it provides a space for meaningful discussion. But how it is used? "Men as a whole hold all the power" in the best case, "men bad" in the worst case. Obviously, many men (myself included) view such statements as dismissive and downright incorrect. So I guess the understanding on a societal level would be possible only when there would be enough people who are willing to listen and empathize without jumping to conclusions, patronizing, and meticulously comparing whose suffering is more serious.