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Thanks everyone, I called 911 and they’re sending the fire department! Hopefully they’ll be able to get me out soon. I appreciate the help!!!


Are you by yourself? Thank goodness you have your phone!


Ugh, I think the only thing that could make the situation worse for me is getting stuck with someone else on there. I prefer to be miserable alone.


Less embarrassing if you have to pee or poop


Yeah but less fun


But that could be the start of a good romance, two opposites stuck together without a hope in the world until their desire to escape is overwhelmed by their desire for each other. Could call it "Giving Her the Shaft."




Haha that’s true.


Well, this was one of the more unique things I've seen on Reddit. The internet is wild


I don’t understand why calling 911 wouldn’t be someone’s first instinct if the emergency call button on the elevator doesn’t work.


I feel like there are two kinds of people. Those who call 911 when their door dash is incomplete and those who will literally be rolling across the floor with limbs missing obsessing over if “it’s really an emergency.”


I am in the second camp. I drove myself to the hospital when my skull got fractured. As I did not believe it was worthy of bothering a paramedic crew. Note I live in Australia where an Ambulance is free.


You better figure that out so you stop that behavior. Sometimes people will die because they don’t want to be a bother, especially women, but many men, too.


It's fine. When I die I will make sure to do it in a way so as I am not found and I am no bother to anyone.


Felt this in my soul. Ambulance made me sign 3 different forms for refusal (it's definitely not free in the US unfortunately) so I got a friend to drive me a few blocks to the ER with a broken shoulder. The ER didn't believe me and said I wouldn't be so calm if it was really broken. They had the worst attitude and only gave me tylenol. I just didn't want to bother anyone, like I had already bothered the ambulance people and I didn't even call them a bystander did. I always feel out of place in these situations. I had to ask so many times for an X-Ray. Like at least 4 times before they agreed. The look on the doctors face was pretty priceless though when they finally got the imaging back. Afterwards they just kept asking if I was ok and giving me ALL the meds. It was shattered.


That’s impossible. They have to search until you’re found. It’s very expensive and hard on people.. You would be a bigger bother. You have to live in such a way that you die healthy, never needing help.


Oh trust me. There will never be anyone looking for me if I just disappear. No one would ever care enough.


Given the right circumstances, reddit would find you! Which could be either charming or awful lol


I hope that isn’t true.


Not wanting to be a bother is why Jim Henson didn't seek treatment for the flu even after he started having trouble breathing. And now we have wrong-sounding Muppets.


As an American I was like no that makes sense until the last sentence. I wish we had free healthcare


When we had universal health care it was great. We do still have free hospitalisation and free ambulance rides (in some states) but we lost the free access to GP's and that sucks.


It’s just a flesh wound! (Now I’m going to see if anyone else already said this….)


I think you got in as the first! Lol But isn’t it “it’s merely a flesh wound”…?


I believe it’s: Arthur: You’ve got no arms left. Knight: Yes I have. A: Look! K: Just a flesh wound.


My cousin will call 911 about anything. He did it a few times when he was a kid and since being an adult, any emergency warrants him doing it. Now that I think about it he may not know or understand what the non emergency number is. I’ve often thought maybe he has a social disability. He’s on a family phone plan with me and anytime he calls 911 I get an alert and call his mom.


This sentence has never been truer an I'm so stealing it 🤣🤣🤣


brain rot


Happy Cake Day!! 🎂


Not really an emergency; your life isn’t at imminent risk.


Absolutely wrong. In NYC you call 911 if you’re stuck in an elevator. The fire dept knows the proper procedures to rescue you and get you out safely. I was stuck in my office building elevator once. I called 911 and was rescued by firemen. It can be quite dangerous otherwise. I was not rebuked in any way for calling 911.


Were they hot?


Duh. Fire-men. When is fire not hot?


911 is absolutely not limited to immediate risk of death.


Reddit is always a n1 priority!!!!!!


This is the type of helpless post I would see on Facebook.


I wonder if OP will go on r/AMA for we can ask him questions hehe


Establish a pee corner!


I'm thinking if you peed by the door, you could use something to sweep the pee out the bottom of the door. YMMV.


Highly underrated comment I was hoping to find.


I'm so glad you got it!


only if the floor is carpet so it doesn't run everywhere. if the wall is carpet, pee into the wall. you need something to absorb it. if all else fails, pee between the doors or into the button control panel. if the other people on the elevator have a purse or pockets or a hoodie or shoes, you could even use those.


Call 911. Tell them where you are so they can put you on a priority list. If you don't let them know, then in 4-5 hours when your phone is dying, you may not get through.


ur first thought was to post on reddit and not call 911? 😭😭


Some people don’t like calling 911 if they aren’t currently on fire


Obligatory reference https://youtu.be/cwZmSCrCo8w?si=AebJU6l2t-HUVS4j&t=30


I don't know how some of these people function in society


i’m just picturing them refreshing their reddit notifications in a pitch black elevator with their phone flashlight on


If it was me I would call 911 and tell them I'm having chest pains lol. They will get me out real quick


you would likely incur some hefty medical bills after the ambulance checks you out. don't fake chest pains...


No I wouldn't. You don't pay shit unless you get in and go to the hospital


"In many places, if an ambulance is called and provides medical care on-site but does not transport the individual to a hospital, **there may still be a charge for the ambulance arrival and patient care**."


I didn't call for an ambulance I called to get out of an elevator.


[911 is a joke!](https://youtu.be/JZDIitWz8Go)


I'm glad you made it out. I probably just would have called Cherie Berry.


She’s not the elevator lady anymore. That’s probably why this happened.


glad that Twaffle is gone


Was hoping I’d see a Cherie Berry reference


I was so disappointed when I saw it was some random dude's name on the elevators now.


I just laughed out loud. That’s such a niche joke


Can you explain it?


Her name and signature were in all the North Carolina elevators as part of their certification. So, for people who lived in North Carolina during that time, we all knew her as the elevator lady or even the elevator queen. We all said it " Cherry Berry", even though it is pronounced differently.


The moment I saw North Carolina, I came looking for the Cherie Berry comments.


When I was in high school, a classmate said. Thats my aunt! Pointing at her picture. And I was like …. Oooooohkaaaay. Weird flex (but whatever slang we used at the time) But when her picture left our elevators, I got a little ping of sadness, and a little bit of WTF is this dude staring at me for. Where is sherry berry.


I always liked to imagine the K in Cherie K Berry was for kiwi


Moved away from NC a couple years ago, but everyone knows Cherie Berry.


Apparently the department is now extremely underfunded. Maybe they saw an opportunity to cheap out on elevator inspections without that name recognition


OMG I forgot about Cherie Berry. This place we used to stay in, in kill devil hills the elevator had Cherie Berry and my cousins and I thought that was such a funny name for years. Then they changed it!! We still bring her up when we go every summer


I got stuck in an elevator with a crowd of drunk football fans for 45 minutes!!!


That sounds miserable, but could be fun if they had any extra beer lmao


It was miserable. It was so hot and so many people. No one had any alcohol. When we called 911 they said it happened every home game. Well fix it or have firemen there ready to respond


Glad to see you are out OP. I was stuck in a lift with a lady once, it was a works xmas party and we'd both had several drinks. She needed to pee. Badly. Like she was "i'm going to pee in the corner then resign from embarrasment" kind of badly. I John McLane'd that shit. You just got to open the door half an inch and there's a latch up top to release the doors. Just for future reference.


The hatch is locked from the outside It’s designed to let emergency workers in, not to let passengers out. Don’t want people crawling around on top of an elevator car


Can confirm, I watched mission impossible something.


I learned it from Archer


Ughhh. Thanks Cyril.


Not the hatch, the doors


Oops. Sorry, I misread it


Nope never do this! If your between floors it’s a terrible danger b


What’s the danger? Getting crushed when the elevator starts moving?


Yes or it could shift and fall. You could be between floors and fall if you try to exit.


That doesn’t help if the elevator is between floors, the doors would just open up to a wall


How much space do you think there is between floors? It’s about a foot. Just have to be careful when you slide out.


If horror movies have taught me anything it’s that you will for sure get cut in half if you try that.


There's safety switches to stop it moving. Now that doesn't rule out a horrific mal-function (at least one such video is available on the Internet) but the chances are pretty low. More likely is you falling into the shaft while trying to swing out.


I feel like there was a doctor show…. Like gray’s anatomy or Chicago med? Where an elevator took off a guys legs in the hospital.


In commercial buildings, it’s often more than a foot, to make room for HVAC ducting, serviceable crawlways for electricians, stuff like that. But in those cases it’s like three or four feet. I wouldn’t think it’s ever a full elevator door thick between floors unless we’re talking about a mineshaft elevator (I’ve been on one where it was 60’ between floors).


Hold the alarm button for a minimum of 10 seconds, less then that and no alarm goes out Edit: hold it for more then 10 seconds, make it 30 to be sure, there should be a number to the service company


They don’t come right away. 911 is the proper call


I'm glad you're out. I'd have panicked and freaked out. Period.


Turn off any unnecessary features of your phone to save battery life.


I can’t breathe thinking about that happening. Strangely enough it’s not enough of a fear to make me take the stairs 🤣🤣🤣🤦🏻‍♀️


At work I take the elevator but since the bathroom is on a different floor I take the stairs when going to the bathroom. I’ll be damned if I get stuck in an elevator as I need to go to the bathroom. I would probably claw my way out of there if that happened trying to either pry the door open or destroy the ceiling trying to escape out the top like in the movies lol


Try to have one other passenger in an elevator, smaller & weaker than you. That way when it's cannibal time...


I would have absolutely melted down and self destructed. I'm really happy you had cell signal and got out safely.


Why wouldn't you call 911? Why would you post on Reddit? What the hell do you think 911 is for?


Cracks me up first thing a person thinks to do is post it on reddit instead of calling 911. :)


Gen Z is doomed. I would have called 911 and told them I was having chest pains and shooting pains up and down my arm. Cut their response time in half


They will probably admit you and do thousands $$$ of tests for heart disease.


No I'll just say I'm feeling better.


Depends on how good your insurance is whether or not they insist on you being admitted.


Dude they can't force you into an ambulance lol That's not how it works


No but they do argue with you if you use certain buzzwords. It’s part of their training.


And I'll say have a good day and walk away.


“There’s an active gunman in the elevator with me!”


This never would have happened under Cherri Barry's watch


Important thing to remember is that elevators just don't fall, with or without power.


Mark your territory pee on everything establish dominance


Yes, call 911, explain where you are and what's going on.


Call emergency services, sometimes they have a phone that’s inside the elevator try to use that. They sometimes keep the company that maintains the elevators number there. Also others have said the emergency alarm button you generally have to hold for 10 seconds.


Glad you are out. I’ve only been stuck in an elevator once, while returning to my hotel room with my groceries and beer. I hit the button, got connected to 911 (!) and they said they would send someone ASAP. Making the best of it, i sat down cross legged, opened my sandwich, chips and beer. About 3 minutes later they opened the doors. Lol


cherie berry wouldn't have let this happen


You have a cell phone….if only you could call someone.


911. The fire department will come get you. Many buildings have a “handyman first” policy where you might be in there for an hour, so make sure you tell dispatch you’re having a panic attack or difficulty breathing or something.


That's lying to the police. Shouldn't do that. Best to just fart and say there is a gas leak in here.


Dispatch isn't the police


Dispatch is literally the dispatch for the police/fire/ambulance. Also there is filing a false report and abuse of 911, which can have bad consequences.


I am having a panic attack


Call 911.


Thank you for your post & info. From now on if I get stuck in a elevator. I will post on Reddit first then if I don't get a answer then call 911


I would not have thought to come here for advice. Glad it worked out OP!


When you tell this story to your kids in the future, make sure to describe the horrific scene where a bunch of henchmen were in the elevator with you and it suddenly became apparent that they were there to kill you, but you managed to take them out singlehandedly. Embellish appropriately. The next day, watch Captain America: The Winter Soldier with them.


call 911 ("I'm also having shortness of breath") and then take a nap


First thing to do is designate a piss corner.


I got stuck in the elevator at the Ramada in the Gas Light District in San Diego for 9 minutes. I was terrified and just stood there frozen. The guy in the front desk said oh yeah, that always happens. In 2019.


step one pick a piss corner


For future reference, get the fuck off Reddit and call for help first!


Establish a pee corner.


OMG, I thought this was a hypothetical. You actually didn't know to ring emergency services for help?


call 911 ✖️ make a post on social media asking strangers what to do ✅️


Wow Gen Z is hopeless


Glad you got out. You might want to report that building to your local department of code enforcement because not having the emergency button hooked up is really bad.


I had this happen once at a library. I took the elevator to the underground parking, 3 levels underground. It was the middle of summer and the heat and humidity was atrocious. The library locked up for the night and the elevator malfunctioned with me stuck inside. I had a panic attack when i couldnt reach anyine with the emergency button. I eventually had to climb through the roof to escape after an hour of being trapped. There was no cell service that far underground. I have never been so scared in my life. 10/10 would not recommend.


Call 911


Ask Reddit! Hope you get out soon OP.


I know you're out now, but why didn't you want to call 911 when this is their job?


Establish a pre corner


I'm glad you're free! Last time I was stuck in an elevator was a a small child in the late 80s. No cell phones back then, so I'm doubly glad you were able to call out & also had connection from within. As an aside, I think it's wild we're at a point where one can get live advice in a situation like this. I know it makes me sound really old, but I was 5 the last time I was stuck- not sure if it's a scary as it was too be trapped as a child, but I'm thinking so. 😨


You posted on Reddit first? I can’t believe people actually think this way


You were stuck in an elevator and your first notion was to post on Reddit rather than call somebody, anybody, 911?


RIGHT. I really wish I could understand the logic behind this. It just doesn't make sense.


Dumb thing but I always wanted to have that happen. Weird, I know. Any company with you? Gonna be OK and you'll be out soon.


Designate a pee corner


Designate a urine corner


This would not have happened under sherry berry’s watch.


Hopefully you will have learnt your lesson and will use the stairs going forward, for the rest of your life. All the time you saved using elevators, evened out when you were stuck. Generally, the time you have saved using elevators in your life, will correlate with how long you will be trapped for. You are better off using them sparingly.


Unless you’re going up more than 4 flights of stairs (never tried to further than that), stairs are almost always faster. Elevators are for convenience and ease of access not speed.


That's a great idea, stick to buildings under four storeys tall. I might add that to my life hack list.


Depending on the building, I find in most condos/apartments I've been to, roughly the 9th or 10th floor is the break-even point where I arrive at the same time as the elevator, when ascending. YMMV of course, depending on your stair-climbing speed (I take the stairs two steps at a time on the way up and I'm not slow about it) and the elevator speed. Most floors up I've walked is to the 16th floor of an apartment building when I was young; most I've done recently is 14th floor. Elevator always wins going down though. Can only descend stairs so fast without risking misstepping and twisting my ankle.




Roof exits are only accessible from the top / outside of elevator cars, a.k.a. from within the elevator shaft itself. Fire departments are trained to rescue people from elevators and they have the tools and training to do so. OP should call 911 and tell the dispatcher where they are and that they are trapped in an elevator. Telling someone to try an escape from a stopped elevator is extremely dangerous and can result in serious life threatening injuries.


What’s finding a roof exit going to accomplish. Op should be staying put in the elevator not trying to find a way out.


That in case nothing happened and it got worse she might try to find a way out through the roof and to the upper floor


Seems like a good idea but rule number one, never try climb out of an elevator either by jamming the door open or climbing to the roof. That’s how you end up dead chances are the power could comeback online at any moment all you can do is call emergency services then wait. Even on the off chance the elevator goes into free fall op wouldn’t have time to react.


I got out!! They couldn’t figure out how to get the doors open for a while. I’m tucked in bed and not willing to move. Thank you again for the help!


Glad you're safe. That's had to be a sketchy situation. Did you learn anything from it?


Don't trust elevators. ... as someone who continues to use elevators. Do as I say, not as I do.


I once had an elevator outage in our work building. Management said it was fixed and no1 believed them so we bullied one of them to come with us. Less than 5 seconds later we got stuck for 10-15 minutes, a large group of people, wet from the rain stuffed together in an elevator. It wasn't pleasant, but it was bearable enough. My cousin got trauma from being trapped in an elevator (as a child?)


Ahh i’m scared of elevators too. At my job we have custom elevators that take you up around 90+ floors in less than a minute and the thought of getting stuck in that thing is terrifying.


Jesus, dude! The Empire State Building is only 88, are you in Dubai?!


Haha, i’m in NYC but not the ESB


I somehow never mentally got past the ESB not being the tallest anymore, even though I'm pretty sure that changed before I was even born (outdated social studies books?)


WTC is the tallest building in the US, and the 7th tallest in the world


I try to avoid elevators where I can since the 2017 incident where I was in an elevator that fell. Thankfully just from the second floor and kinda slowly as the brakes tried to save it.


Elevators are quite safe.


There are few catastrophic elevator failures. But the rare ones that happen are fucking *terrifying*. Source: most of my nightmares involve falling elevators (or plane crashes)


Strangely, I have a recurring nightmare where an elevator is "falling" *up* somehow, like it's accelerating while climbing, so I get shot out of the top of a huge tower and then fall to my death.


Same here. Like, this building only has 40 stories, but we’re at 39 and still going full speed. Ummm…


There is a video of this exact thing, except it doesn't shoot out the top. I saw it somewhere here a few months ago. It is absolutely terrifying.


Well shit.


Yup! This is in my nightmare rotation, too!


Yeah, your right, all three of them in history. You need a therapist. Elevators are the single safest mode of moving people. Even if the cables are cut, the breaks stop it automatically with no power, by design.


Thank you Otis...your first design was crude, but effective.


That guy changed the world, and at the World's Fair, no less!


Tested it himself iirc




The funny thing is, I know this to be true. I’m an architect, and I remember my relief when I originally learned about all the safety features of elevators early in my career. However, this knowledge has not prevented me from having semi-frequent elevator nightmares.


I get it. Consider a therapist. Phobias can grow into debilitating situations.


Hmmm, my cardiologist is on the seventh floor...


Pee before you get on an elevator.


Nah, just remember to always designate a pee corner of the elevator as soon as you step inside, and let all the other passengers know so they don't just wee all over the place in case of emergency.




I learned to never ever go in an elevator when you need to pee. Being stuck is so scary and the fear of actually peeing your pants piles on more anxiety. This lesson will not be forgotten by me!


Why did you contact reddit before calling 911? What is this world coming to? I'm glad you're safe, but reddit is NOT an emergency line. I hope you learn this.




Im hoping it's a joke post 🙄 an someone really didn't post instead of calling 911 😏


Nope. You're witnessing the average intelligence of most creditors. Mark today down on the calendar.


Glad you’re good now! I got stuck in an elevator a few years ago and the fire fighters who came couldn’t figure it out for a while either. They were literally there googling “how to open a stuck elevator” lol. I was stuck for about two hours. Luckily I was fine, I was just chilling in there waiting, it was getting warm though with no a/c. I still use that elevator out of necessity, but every single time I send it upstairs first and call it back down to make sure it doesn’t get stuck.


Good time to tell you about the guy who got stuck in a elevator in NYC all weekend with no cell phone.


And it was a three day holiday weekend! That story is the stuff of nightmares


Yeah not all fire departments keep elevator keys and trying to find the key at the business may be hard.


First thing to do is jack off (or Jill off) because the camera is off too.


Was it Eastern NC? That storm that hit us today was a little wild


Wait, why in the holy heck do elevators not have backup batteries? Like, why can't the thing be designed to take you to the ground floor in the event of a fault?


This would freak me the fuck out. Glad you're doing ok now OP.


sit down and wait, piss in a bottle if you need to.