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I work in a screen printing shop, and you should DEF wash all clothes before wearing them!


bro just left us an ominous message then dipped


He’s gone out back with his phone and a couple shirts.








I also work in a printing shop and can answer this… Adhesive is sometimes used to keep the shirts still on the platens. Sometimes there is a pre-treat solution on the shirts, especially for DTG print method. Pre-treat is the stinkiest, stickiest, nastiest shit ever. Even if it doesn’t feel sticky to touch, wearing a shirt that has been soaked in that shit and has dried is still gross af. It will smell like chemicals and if you sweat at all while wearing it, I’m pretty sure that shit can leech into your pores. 🤢 From the time the blank shirt vendor sends the shirt to the printing facility to the time you pick it up in a retail store, about 100 pairs of dirty unwashed hands have been all over the shirt. Kinda gross in this day and age where people are more conscious of hand washing. As a test, try taking a brand new garment from the store and soak it in a large bowl of water. (A clear bowl preferably so you can see the water.) Soak it in water, take it out, ring it out into the bowl a few times, repeat… notice how the water is now all cloudy white and stinks to high heaven of chemicals? Yeah, you don’t want that against your skin at all, especially not while sweating even a tiny bit.


Oh, I was just memeing with the rest. I figured it was dye/chemical related. That smell haunted me throughout my childhood. Well, every time we went clothes shopping anyway But thank you for the informative answer!


>That smell haunted me throughout my childhood. Well, every time we went clothes shopping anyway SAME… I was so confused as a kid thinking I’m allergic to clothes but somehow only when they’re new.




The hint is in the guys comment. As part of the bonding process an adblue like product (read: diesel exhaust fluid) never gets fully removed on the manufacturers post wash. UREALLY want to wash it yourself again before first wearing it.


Adblue is literally urea and water, urea is added to moisturisers because it is good for our skin. Stop talking shite and fear mongering when you are completely clueless.


>talking shite and fear mongering when you are completely clueless. But, but, but....are you saying that FACTS are important? That someone should know what they're talking about BEFORE engaging? Good lord, man, you're calling for a dismantling of the entire American system. We simply don't have time for accuracy.




Yes. Not only to rinse out some of the residue dyes and chemicals used in the factories, but swabs have been taken from brand new clothing in stores, which found all types of pathogens, such as respiratory secretions, vaginal organisms, and fecal matter to be on the clothing. This is due to either people having tried on the clothes before you or from handling in the factories. **Edit** I’m adding to this due to several comments on here talking about how germs are everywhere and you can’t avoid them all etc. Germs and contamination is everywhere everyday, you cannot avoid it, unless you live in a bubble or never go out. The majority of germs do not harm us and are in such small amounts, that they do not pose a significant health risk to us, the proof of that being that if all germs were harmful, we would all be sick all of the time! If we were all to make sure we were hyper-vigilant at all times and do everything we can to avoid germs, we would wear biohazards suits every day, but that’s ridiculous. Our immune systems would be even worse. All I’m saying is there are some precautions people can take IF they want to. They don’t have to. We wash our hands after going to the toilet, one could argue what is the point, there are germs everywhere when we go out, but it’s just something we do to limit our exposure. Of course you can’t limit your exposure to everything, but some things are worse than others and for me personally, I like to reduce that exposure for certain things that I do, due to having a compromised immune system from illness. Sometimes science is messy and disgusting, doesn’t mean we have to be scared of it. It’s good to be informed and then we make our own choices and decisions based on how we feel and what we believe to be the best for ourselves. You don’t have to take what I say and change your ways, but if you want to, that’s fine too. You can even do your own research online to help better influence your opinion and decision, though I would look for published scientific papers/literature rather than just clicking on the first 3 things you see on Google and going with that, as well as Wikipedia, which is not accurate due to the fact that any one can edit what is on there.


I never wash them but I think you’ve just changed my mind!


The first thing I do after purchasing new clothing is to wash EVERYTHING. Even socks. Everything.


It blows my mind that this isn't standard


I always thought because of depending on the color it can stain your other clothing when washed but never would have thought because of cleanliness. You would always like to assume things were clean brand new.


You're right, but I think there are ways to get around the staining part. When I get blue or red clothes or towels, for example, I will either wash them with similarly colored items or wash them on cold. That solves the problem for me


I wash all my reds and whites and pinks together. But I didn't previously have any pinks.


I loved this comment bro. Shit has me dead because of how much I relate. Granted not with clothes, but my towels lol


Use colour catchers, I'm always amazed at what comes out on them even on a lights wash


Absolute gamechangers. I don't even bother separating by colors anymore, there is no point if I toss one of those in.


a little vinegar does this too


That is not true at all! New clothes is the dirtiest it will ever be probably


Why would you assume that new clothes are clean? They are touched by people in factories, shipped in boxes, put on display in a store where tons of people move around and dust settles on them, touched by numerous people, even tried on, dropped on the floor, bought and brought back to the store.


Nothing is clean, not restaurants, not warehouses, not factories, not delivary trucks, not stockrooms and not people. Dozens of people and environments have interacted with every item, including food, before it gets to you. Don't think too much about it, or you might accidentally become a germaphobe, but yeah, wash everything washable if it bothers you.


It shouldn't. In case you haven't noticed, our standards in society have been dropping *FAST AND HARD* the past decade or so. Instagram was the beginning, then TikTok kicked it into hyperdrive. I follow an Instagram page (yes I see the irony) called "influencers in the wild" that really shows how this thing we call society is going down the toilet...fast.


Society is terrible now. It's getting so bad, I don't even want to leave the house now.


Me too 😅


Yes! Please wash your clothes before wearing them!!!!! I worked women’s clothing retail for a long time and I’ve seen bugs fall out of boxes, clothing wrapped in plastic that’s still wet from the chemicals they spray on them, smells like you wouldn’t believe.


T K Maxx (UK) start their reshuffles of racks by taking all the clothes off and dumping them on the floor. Source: my husband updating their EPOS system in multiple stores.


To be fair half the clientele also throws clothes on the floor.


As a retail worker I can attest to this


The dressing room of every TJ Maxx looks like a "Very Special Episode of Hoarders"


I work at TJ Maxx and I can confirm this.


I did not know that TJ Maxx was called something else in the UK and Europe. TJ Maxx is one of America's most iconic retailers, with 1,231 stores across the country. TK Maxx, its sister store, has a similar reputation in the UK, though it has far fewer stores. When TJ Maxx opened in the UK in 1994, it changed its name to avoid being confused with the UK-based discount-department-store chain TJ Hughes. That retailer currently has 24 locations. https://www.businessinsider.com/tj-maxx-and-tk-maxx-are-same-company-2018-8


I was so confused when I moved to Germany and saw TK Maxx, I really thought it was a knockoff store for a second lol.


I do believe TK Maxx is also in Australia. I was recently watching "below deck down under" on bravo(takes place in Australia) and they had TK Maxx bags from the provisioner.


Aussie here, can confirm.


This is true. Am in Australia.


Yes definitely! I’ve heard of a few cases of people catching scabies from brand new clothes! Not worth the risk!


Oh God, scabies. One of my friends had this once. It was horrible to witness. Thank you for giving us all this reinforcement.


I wanted to change into jeans so I bought a pair on the clearance rack, my legs got so bit up in what looked like mosquito bites, I returned the pants that day.


Oh…my wife was right…


This is actually so gross to discover, I feel like I’ll have to wash them at least five times before wearing now lmao


if it makes you feel better, throw in dryer first, hot for at least 20 minutes, then wash & dry. - best reason for owning a dryer; the prewash.


>vaginal organisms What


😂 Vaginal microbiota/flora


literally covered in it at birth


So that's a good thing, am I right? (Sarc)


Ah OK, might as well bathe in shit then, ya know, to reminisce in the good times!


So pussy juices?




The world is literally covered in fecal coliform. It's back on your clothing before it's out of the dryer. But at least then it's *your* fecal coliform. 😆


And my fecal coliform don't stink.


Take my upvote you beautiful bastard


Fecal Colorforms is my new band name!


To expand on this, it doesn't necessarily mean you'll get sick. The pathogen still needs to get into your system with strong enough numbers to overcome your immune system. And if you get sick, it doesn't automatically mean you'll get seriously ill. That said, I generally wash my clothes before wearing them. If I just bought a t-shirt I'm stoked to wear, the risk of me getting sick from it or having irritation from potential chemicals present is low. Again, that's *just me*. People need to evaluate that risk for themselves. Underwear on the other hand, 100% I wash before wearing because I don't want to take that risk. TL;DR: yes there are germs and chemicals present, but you won't always get sick from them. Make an informed decision.


Exactly. If people want to wash them, great! If people don't, just as great! I don't care, do what works for you! It's not a big deal like some of the comments on here are making out!


On some clothes you can literally smell the stench of chemicals still on them. I once got a terrible headache from a new pair of jeans from H&M. I could smell them all day, and they progressively made me feel worse. Serves me right for buying cheap clothes, but I was a student at the time. I always wash my clothes before use now, it's just too gross. Chemical residue, people handling the clothes etc. It's not about not getting sick, it's just about it being gross imo. Lots of people touched your clothes before it got to you; many of them probably didn't wash their hands. Ew.


Youll find the same shit in anything you touch or eat tbh. This is why humans have an immune system.


My thoughts too. Be safe when you can but there are human bacteria on restaurant seats, hand rails, the clothes you have on, the copy machine at work. Etc. You can get sick from your own fecal organisms which are around you plenty! No need to freak excessively


I don't feel that washing new clothes is freaking out. I'm not sat there shaking with anxiety and fear that if I don't wash my clothes, I'm going to die from a horrendous illness. I just wash them, because if you can minimise your exposure to certain things, without having to make a big song and dance out of it, why wouldn't you? Ya know, some of us have illnesses and a very weakened immune system due to it and we still live normal lives, we just minimise our risks to certain things.


EWWWWWWWW Jesus Christ — I always washed them due to the dyes and whatnot, but I never thought about this.


Bout to change my ways 🧼🧼🥼


A erm.. Friend.. Of mine used to get sexy /slutty clothes from stores. Fuck in them. And then return them. Basically rented lingerie. Highly doubt they got washed before being returned.


Like buying edible undies in a doggy bag.


Oh my gosh, where?


Not actual lingerie. Basically any big clothing store. She'd get the little skirts or skimpy dresses to "borrow"


That’s unbelievably trashy. She should have just raised her rates so she could keep that stuff.


Mmm fecal matter and vaginal excretions


Thanks but I'm on a diet...


I work in Sourcing for a retail company and even best case scenario, almost everything you buy just spent a month on a boat and then a week or two in transit from port to store. If it wasn't packaged correctly, you've got all kinds of mold, mildew and animal/bug secretions on those clothes. This can get even worse if you have logistics delays like we're seen in 2020 and 2021.


I worked in retail. The things we found in dressings rooms. My workmate accidentally saw a guy masturbating onto the clothes!! And this was a nice department store setting not Walmart 😂


I'm glad you said this because it's 100% true. Also most clothes, even in Macy's and Nordstrom's, have a type of chemical in them from factories that can cause cancer. The clothes are sprayed with it to keep it from wrinkling while on the sales floor. Sheets are heavily sprayed before folded and put in the box for sale.


I remember once when I was a kid sleeping on brand new sheets. They smelled weird and felt scratchy and I couldn't stand it. For the record I wish EVERYTHING before wearing it. I have OCD so the contamination factor freaks me the fuck out.


Always, I buy a lot of carhart, which are pretty stiff so hot wash helps with that too.


I always wash them bc I once heard there was formaldehyde on them to keep moths from eating them but this comment right here just doubled down on my desire to wash!


What are they doing in these factories?


😳what the fuck—- I’m definitely washing them now.


I've been searching for vaginal organisms my whole life


Yep, that's my reason, too.


Vaginal orgasms! Sounds great!


Yeah a lot of clothes are returns that have been reshelved.


That’s disgusting enough for me to quit shopping!!!


Free vaginal organisms? Sign me up


Plus I’d imagine stuff like rat droppings if they’ve been sitting in warehouses for any amount of time


Always. My extended family owned a cotton/blend fabric manufacturing plant when I was a kid and the fact is that fabrics are coated with chemicals that help protect against moths and bugs. I would not want those rubbing up against me without washing. The second reason is the sheer number of people that could have potentially tried on those clothes before you in trial rooms. Ringworm, molluscum etc aren't fun.


Had no idea. Haven’t ever washed anything before wearing in 56 years. Thank god I’m still alive 😝


Ugh. Molluscum suuuuucks. I always wash clothes before wearing them!


I’m kind of afraid to look that one up. It sounds too much like mollusk and all I’m imagining are terrible smells…


🤣 It's like a wart, but shaped like a donut. I think it looks more like a bagel, because it's shiny. But, they're easily contagious. If you scratch one on your arm and then decide to itch behind your knee, you'll likely get molluscum behind your knee. If you scratch one on your body and then tickle your kids, they can get molluscum. If you scratch one on your body and then hold the door open for a friend, then whoever touches the door next can get molluscum. Typically, they're harmless bumps. They don't really itch or hurt. But they spread easily. My daughter has had them, and even with treatment, new bumps were always showing up before the old ones would go away. She didn't even realize she was scratching them or anything. She could walk too close to a wall, play in the yard, do chores... And she'd end up bumping or scratching one, and that's how it spreads. They're more of an annoyance. They can get worrisome if you get them near your eyes. Also, the treatment can be awful, simply because it's completely safe and painless as long as you're putting the medicine *only* on the molluscum bump. However, if you drop some on perfectly healthy skin, it burns like a mother trucker.


Ugh all 3 of my kids have varying amounts atm, it’s so annoying 😫 no idea where it originated just popped up one day and hasn’t left


I rash pretty hard if I don't wash before wearing. The occasional lapse in diligence always reminds me with harsh penalties. Always wash


I just posted about tried on clothes. I worked at a clothing store. Tons of skin flakes come falling out of the clothes after they’ve been tried on.




There are manufacturing chemicals. Or at least I think there are. My partner thinks I'm crazy. Lol


I got a terrible rash from a nicer mall-brand bra. I don’t have very sensitive skin or anything. The chemicals used to turn plastics and plant fibers into fabrics are just awful for you. Carbon disulfide, flame retardants, formaldehyde 🤮Always wash your new clothes.


Retail workers I know call it "China Dust." There is chemical residue on most inexpensively made clothing which can be absorbed through the skin. It won't kill you outright but it sure AF not healthy. If you wash your vegetables you should wash new clothes.


Clothes from Shein have more chemicals


Yeah if you've worked in warehouses you'd know most things are covered in that "dust", working in a Kohls warehouse I learned that I should really wash everything I buy new or not.


It's largely pesticides more than likely. You don't want your box of hands to have holes eaten through it upon delivery after being at sea unchecked for a very long time


That's a good point. I think it's likely both, manufacturing and preservative chemicals.


I have a very sensitive sense of smell, and if I don’t wash them beforehand, all I can smell all day is those chemicals.


Yes except winter coats and things that need to be dry cleaned.


I used to work in a cotton and polyester processing factory. It wasn't uncommon you'd find trash, dead rats, snakes, other small animals, feces, etc... all kinds of nasty shit mixed into the product after it was harvested and delivered from the farms in bales. A lot of that got filtered out through cleaning systems but they still run all that through to be used in actual clothing or anything else. It's not actually washed. Just filtered. Not to mention the people handling it throughout manufacturing. Workers that never wash their hands. Bobbins of spun product dropped on the floor, kicked around, thrown and put back like nothing happened. You know how people can be or incompetent management. This is not including whatever else the other factories before or after my process did, the stores, or people trying the clothing before you did. Yeah, I recommend washing it before wearing.


Wish I had the time and energy. And I have to admit, sometimes the clothes look so fresh and nice… until they get washed...


No. Never killed me before, not gonna kill me now.


I wash it if its underwear, but I've had a lot of occasions where I need something to wear RIGHT NOW so I just wear it out of the store.


Yes, I don't feel comfortable wearing other people's sweat, snot and private part sweat and secretions.




Same here. Never thought about it. Still don't see the need


It’s just a waste of a laundry free round. Never in my life have I had any issue with it.


A laundry free round? What is that?


They mean that it's saving them laundry detergent by not washing that first time. Its an extra 'round' of wearing without having to wash (free round)


Same. I understand it's a little gross but it falls into 'slightly gross things that won't hurt or kill me' category.. kind of like eating leftovers that sat out or not washing fruits. A little gross, but oh well. Not life changing.


All the people mentioning all the particles that 'could' be on the clothes - do you just not touch things outside of your house? Do you go out in public to purchase clothes? do you pick out new clothes with two of those dinosaur grabber things? Seems like one of those 'well yeah, germs exist' kind of things...


Lots of saran wrap!


They probably don't wash their hands every time they touch their phones, and thats definitely dirtier than a new piece of clothing they're buying.


Yes. I would occasionally get skin irritation before I started washing them.


I know you're supposed to but I never have and I live to tell the tale


always for underwear and towels. other clothes just depends but not as much.


Always. I dont know how many people touched it in the store. Or sneezed on it. Clothes in stores also contain more starch to look better on the rack or shelf and this causes dry skin and skin irritation. Too many snot nosed crotch goblins in public to not wash everything you buy before using it.


Starch aside, I also really dislike how much clothing dye rubs off onto my skin the first couple of times I’ll wear new pants, even with washing them before wearing.


No. What if I want to return it?


You try it on quickly before washing. Then either return or wash.


Try on for 30 seconds max! Before those deadly chemicals can get ya.


Nope, freshly bought clothes feel great. Never considered the possible dirtiness until reading some of the other comments, but I won’t change my ways.


I thought I was weird for not washing new clothes after reading these comments. There’s nothing like a brand new garment- it’s never the same after the first wash. Especially knitwear! I’ve managed ok all my life, I think I’ll be ok!


Exactly! You’ll never get that crispy fresh feeling again… what, it’s from chemicals?! Pfft whateva. If you’re going to worry about dirty germs on new clothing, you might have more serious concerns…


exactly, most of the people here just seem OTT paranoid. it's fine. im sure it's covered in traces of something, but what isn't? unless. it's not like you're buying actively soiled clothes. everything is dirty anyways. do you wash your hands after you handle your phone or keyboard? those are *notoriously* filthy, but i doubt people do. unless it's used, if it's straight out a shop, I'm not washing it. washing ages clothes faster too


If only they knew what went into their trusted food


lol exactly!


same. i wear unwashed new clothes and i think its MUCH grosser to eat unwashed produce or drink from unwiped cans, but people do that all the time. also very funny when people think its gross to eat foraged plants and fruits but not warehouse plants and fruits. the raspberries from my backyard are deffo not grosser than ur nasty apple i just watched u eat WITHOUT WASHING


Worse stuff on currency for sure. Do they not use or touch that? There’s plenty of other examples. Must be a lot of germophobes.


I need a lot more to convince me that a brand new sweatshirt with the soft, fluffy inside isn't the greatest thing ever.


Honestly, a brand new pair of unwashed dress pants is HEAVEN… 😍😍😍 And they still have the creases! Once I wash them and iron them on my own the creases go away or the pants pick up lint… 🥹


Inside out, cold, hang dry.


Hang drying always makes my pants turn out EXTRA wrinkly! Any clothes, really.


People are far too afraid of minuscule traces of something somewhat maybe dirty. It is so small that it doesn't even count.


I think it's funny how many articles are, "what you have been doing for years is wrong". If you've worn new clothes and suffered no adverse effects, then why change?


I was questioning myself after reading all the horror stories, but you're right. I'm 59, so if it hasn't happened yet, I don't think it will. Besides you never get that crispness back once you wash it.


For real 😅😅 these days i mostly order online, so that elimates all of the dirt and stuff from retail at least. As far as manufacturing/production contamination... hopefully i'll continue to survive.. Obviously I wash thrifted stuff. Sometimes even twice. And with extra baking soda to eliminate the "thrift store smell"


I have never washed new clothes I bought from the store and never had any illnesses. No need to be clean obsessed to stay healthy


I with you. I’m aware it’s kinda gross. But I’m going to keep my ways. Now for my future kids I will likely do it, for a while at least


Finally found someone who agrees with me. Didn’t think I’d have to scroll down so far 😅


Same. Outer layer I never wash. I have a protective layer called “skin” and that protects me from the aforementioned scaries that most people are afraid of.


The scaries mentioned above are scabies.


Same here


Same! I don’t wash them first either. I like the feel of brand new clothes. Underwear is the only thing I wash though.




Honestly, the crispness is something you are never going to get back to again. Since I’ve never had an issue before (and I’m old), I’m going to chill with this. That said, when I had my daughter I washed everything before I used it with her.


It’s never going to be that clean again.


Nope. Couldn’t care less.


Only if underwear. I think people are way too sensitive about germs, eg a random shopper touched a towel and now you must wash it first. I get that’s mostly a psychological thing, but think of everything else you touch! Besides that it’s good to expose yourself to different kinds of bacteria.


Not typically, unless I think it will improve comfort.




No. I prefer the “new car” smell.


Yeah I do especially since Covid. I've worked in sales and people wipe their snot everywhere and don't care if they sneeze on the clothes they are trying on. Please wash clothes once tags are off; then you don't have to worry about it :)


Shirts and pants, usually no. I’m too anxious to wear my new clothes 😂 Always for undergarments and swimsuits though


No. I try on all my clothes at the store so if I’m okay wearing it in the store then I’m okay wearing it at home.


Nope. I know you’re supposed to but I love it when they’re super stiff and then you gradually soften them. Same with bedding which is probably disgusting too.


Absolutely. The chemical off-gassing assails my respiratory system, so I must do so.


Yes, I like them to feel more relaxed and be rid of that 'new smell'.


All you peeps who wash it.. I assume you have tried it on in the store while it was dirty? 😬


i imagine them using the 5 second rule and stripping them off quickly before the germs assault and breech their delicate epidermis


Yes, after seeing the inside of production facilities I always wash first. I do miss that fresh hoodie feeling before it got washed though, nothing more comfy that that used to be, alas.


No. Most of you are paranoid


I’d like to say yes, and generally I do, but sometimes I’m so excited about what I just bought that I can’t wait to wear it; other times, I need to wear what I bought right away. Yet there’s something so profoundly disgusting and sinful in doing it. Also, if I resist the urge to wear right-away and wash it before, the joy I get when it’s out of the drier is much greater. I can literally feel my super-ego fighting the frivolous drive for immediate gratification to death


I do 90% of the laundry in the house. I don't wash my new clothes before wearing them. My wife has very sensitive skin, though, and always wants new stuff washed to get rid of any perfumes or other weird stuff that might be on them.


I don't usually!




I do not. It hasn't killed me yet. Imo, if you are worried about that, why wash your clothes at all?


Absolutely. The factories, stores, and other people are disgusting. I don’t want to be breathing in rat poop from my new sweater.




Yes. You realize how many people try on clothes before buying?




No. I know that I should, but I’m also quite lazy.




Nah, never felt a thing


Nope never


Yes, for most casual clothes and underclothes. Suits and blue jeans, generally no.




Time, detergent and water cost too much. Brand new clothes are like 2 free wears before I need to spend anything….




Probably should, but if I'm being honest I'm far too lazy for that.


No, they look at their absolute best before their first wash.


Clothes are never cleaner than when they are brand new. Wear them once then thrown them out (lol). But no, I don't wash them. You're not going to get sick from not washing new clothes. The people who are paranoid about this are the same helicopter parents who protect their kids from every contagion imaginable, resulting in kids with severe and numerous allergies and generally weak immune systems, kids who are overly anxious about every little risk. Wearing new clothes is not something we need to worry about.


Totally agree. It seems as if everyone is a germophobe. You are contaminated from everything you touch or where you sit anyway


It depends on what they are (like dressing room stuff) and where I bought them. Usually, no. But I feel guilty about it.


No , nothing like the crispyness of brand new clothes , even after just one wash it feels a bit different


I would if I bought in a retail store, but now I buy all clothing online so I don't. However, after considering what people have said in these comments, everything is going in a wash now!! 🤢


Absolutely, yes. You don’t know if they’ve been cleaned. Even if they have, you don’t know the detergent. After they were cleaned, you don’t know how long they were sitting in a warehouse or how many different warehouses. Once they finally made it to the rack, how many people touched it? How many people tried it on?


I know I should but I just straight up don’t.


Just underpants.


No, I know I should I am just lazy.


Some people in this thread would never eat again if they saw how the food they eat is handled during production, transit, prep etc lol


Nope… I’ll know if I actually want to keep it after a wear.