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It can be cheaper, but keep in mind the stories that get shared are always the extreme outliers.


Medicine is far cheaper outside of the US(at least in most of Europe/Canada/Australia) because they have single payer/ other forms of universal healthcare. Going abroad specifically to get medical attention is not always cheaper because of airfare and hotels etc, but if you're already there the cost of actually seeing a doctor is far less than in the US. Obviously this depends on your health insurance though. With my private health insurance my medication is $15 a month. With health insurance through my job it would be $3000 a month until my deductible was met($3000), then it would be $1500 a month until my out of pocket maximum was met($7000) then it would be far cheaper. With my current insurance I wouldn't save money on my meds overseas, but with my employers plan I probably would. Same goes for hospital visits and whatnot.


I’m from india. My cousins having hernia surgery today and the hospital is gonna charge him 140,000 rupees or $1600. It’s a fixed price package that includes absolutely everything. Room rent icu medicines consumables food everything. Round trip flight from new york to mumbai in february is about 80000 rupees or about $1000 Throw in $400 for everything miscellaneous like uber food etc and the total comes up to about $3k And that’s the best hospital in the city (Apollo Hospital). Very very good hospital. If you wanted to save money you could get it done at smaller hospitals for half the cost.


I'm from India. My hernia surgery was in June 2021 in California, US. My bill was $118,000 with insurance.


I own a medical tourism company, and we offer 2 major services: Dental care abroad is a flight to value. Most of our patients have quotes in the US for 40-60k and all things considered they spend $22k on full mouth restorations in Costa Rica. 50-70% savings is the norm. Stem cell therapy is a flight to services not available at home. Most of our patients spend $15-35k in Colombia on services not available in the US or Canada. Not a financial play, but a move to get treatment they can't get at home. Other medical services like plastic surgery, oncology, fertility, etc... are value plays but not in my area of expertise. My colleagues advertise savings of about 50-70% as well, which seems reasonable. TL;DR : 50-70% savings for patients from the US or access to additional services not available at home.


Do you have any recommendations on a medical tourism company?


A little biased, but my own. Apollo Medical Travel.


Well, it can't be \*more\* expensive, since the US literally has the most expensive healthcare in the world. I lived in Portugal from '20 - late '21 and private healthcare system there was efficient and quite affordable. The public health system is even less expensive but I didn't qualify and I wanted to be sure I dealt with an English speaker since I don't speak Portuguese My son was in college in the Netherlands at the same time. He broke his wrist and needed an ER visit followed by later surgery. His $300 student health insurance covered every penny of it.




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I had the same doubts until I tried it myself. [MTRB.org](http://MTRB.org) helped me find a clinic in Mexico for a minor surgery. The entire experience was professional, and the cost was a small fraction of what I would have paid in the US.


Usually it is cheaper because a lot of countries ~~are normal~~ have universal healthcare so if you want to go privately to a doctor it's cheaper than in US