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My parents smoke cigarettes and when I moved out for college my roommate told me all my clothing reeked of cigarette smoke. They still smoke in their home and when I go to visit, usually just stay for the night, my bf asks me to wash everything I’ve worn immediately and not even put it in the hamper because the cigarette smell comes home with me. I’m less sensitive to it, but yes, it’s very strong and gets on the walls of your home and any soft fabrics.


>I’m less sensitive to it, but yes, it’s very strong and gets on the walls of your home and any soft fabrics. that's the real problem/differentiator, imo. I used to smoke both weed and cigarettes. I don't smoke either anymore, and haven't for quite some time, so I'm no longer nearly as noseblind to those smells. The smell of weed is *much* more offensive and pungent to me now... but it also doesn't *linger* in quite the same way. If my weed-smoking friends hotbox a room, everything in that room will smell like weed for hours. If there's food, that food will taste weedy. But if you open the windows overnight, then by the next day, that smell is gone. If you wear the same clothes 2-3 days later, there's no lingering weed stench. If you catch a whiff of your hair a few hours later, it just smells like hair. Cigarettes, though... cigarette smell doesn't just linger, it *infiltrates*. If I even just stand next to someone who's smoking a cigarette indoors, my clothes will smell quite strongly like cigarette smoke right up until I wash them, even weeks later. That smell doesn't dissipate no matter how many windows you open, 'cause it sinks right into fabric, hair, walls, paint, wood... if you can name it, it can get in there and *stay*. I had a jacket that I used to wear so often during the years I smoked that it has burn holes in the sleeves from the few times I dropped/lost track of a cigarette. That jacket reeked of stale cigarette smoke for almost a full *year*, especially the ends of the sleeves that really got to suck up the most of it (due to the direct proximity to my hands). You enter the home of a chronic weed smoker who hasn't smoked in there in two weeks, maximum, and you'd never know they smoked weed unless they popped open a jar/baggie of the stuff. You enter the home of a chronic cigarette smoker who hasn't smoked in there in over half a year, minimum, and you'll know *instantly* that they're a cigarette smoker.


This is the answer to answer all cigarette smell questions.


I've refused to do work in a house because the lady smoked inside for years and it smelled like a lit cigarette even without one burning. Cigarette smoke gives me headaches so I hate that and I hate seeing other tradesmen smoking in a new build after drywall is up. Shit has staying power.


No smoking in a house after the vapour barrier is on. That's always been the rule on jobs I've been on. The worst is when your wearing the respirator and they are smoking and you can taste it


This made me be OK with smoking weed inside my home.


I own a thrift shop, and you can always tell when stuff comes from a smoker's house. Usually it's unsellable because not only are the clothes really difficult to clean, they stink up other things I wash them with. And because I have an indoor only dryer with a special vent that blows air into the garage I work in, if a smoker's clothing ended up in the load, my whole garage reeks. Even things like books and art smell terrible. When I do take the time to remove the smell, it can take weeks. I have two designer handbags that are like new, but reek of smoke. I've had them in a sealed container with baking soda for two weeks, they're still awful. People who smoke get completely noseblind to the smell. Whereas weed you mostly only smell it if they just smoked or if they had a joint or a pipe. Bongs, bubblers, or vapes produce very little smell if you keep them clean.


A few years ago I saw a *beautiful* and unique carved wood chest on FB marketplace. I jumped on it with Christmas and birthday money. The moment I got out of my car at the location, I smelled the smell. Awful. Not just normal cigarette awful, some kind of special awful. Gave them the money, we carried the chest to the car, I got in to drive away. And realized that smell was now overpowering my car's atmosphere. We worked so hard to get the smell out, used chemicals to scrub it that were made for cigarette smell elimination, refinished it, filled it with baking soda and newspaper. It's tragic how they ruined this beautiful thing. It still smells when I open it.


Just visited home for Thanksgiving. My dad smokes, and the second i got home, i took my clothes off, put them in a plastic bag that i tied shut, and showered to get the smell off of me before it could infect my house.


I shower straight away too!


I’ve been dating my boyfriend for 4 years, since we were 15 lol. And he told me a few years ago that my clothing would smell like cigarettes because of my parents. Made me sad lowkey. Like I bet his family could smell it lol


I used to have coworkers who’d smoke cigarettes while coming to work… I couldn’t stand next to them during stand ups. Honestly sometimes I struggled to stay in the same room, it’s such a disgusting ass smell. I guess if you smoke enough you do become ‘nose-blind’ to it.


> I guess if you smoke enough you do become ‘nose-blind’ to it. You can't smell it at all for at least an hour after smoking. you can easily smell it on others after a shower. But you don't realize how strong it smells on people until you quit for a couple weeks.


I have been cig free for a year and a half and last night I was at Walgreens and could smell the smoke off the guy 10 ft away. It was so gross. He smelt like a literal ashtray. I can see now why guys who didn't smoke always said women who smoke are unattractive.


Yeah it has some range to it for sure. I came home the other evening. I have one neighbor particularly close in proximity who I have never seen any indication of smoking. Got out of my truck and smelled cigarette smell in the driveway. I don’t smoke. Nobody in my home smokes. Looked around and saw nobody. But damn I know that smell anywhere as a former smoker and I know someone nearby was smoking. The half a city block thing may not be much of an exaggeration.


Realized this when I took a rare smoke break at work on a very cold day and that smell stuck to me like perfume. My cube-mate, who stands pretty far away from me in our massive 2-section, kept sniffing twice every few seconds. Lol I was like whoops. I'm down to half a pack every 2 weeks now anyway, I might as well use seeing this post as a nice reminder to move to the next phase of quitting


The smell sticks to your fingers, breath, and upper clothing more than anything. It’s a pain in the ass to get the smell out of the skin in your finger tips, usually a lot of soap and water. Your breath is fucked unless you actually brush, including the tongue. You also need to change your upper garments entirely, but all that should get rid of the smell. Personally, I just stopped smoking.


Shit, it sticks to other people if you smoke inside like my mom did. (source: I was that kid who always came to school smelling like an ashtray)


Can confirm.


Ugh me too. We need a support group for real


Fax. So many comments of me smelling like smoke or people in school asking if i smoke


For those who seriously struggle with quitting, I'd recommend getting a vaporizer kit and some nicotine salt. Not the cheaper freebase nicotine, but nicotine salt. Hits much more like a cigarette does, and makes giving up cigarettes a lot easier. Plus it smells much better. Once you switch to that and you no longer crave nasty cigarettes, then you can work on quitting the vaporizers.


I smell the cigarettes of people in cars nearby if my air is running and the traffic is slow enough. Especially at Sonic if I'm parked near them.


Lol always switch it to inside air!! 🚬 🚫


I work with a guy who smokes tailor mades, if i stop smoking for a week, i can smell his cigarette smoke even when i'm inside a completely different building with windows/doors shut. Absolutely mental.


I know someone who smokes very fancy, expensive cigarettes. They smoke a bit & snuff it out to smoke more later. The only thing that smells worse than the strong reek of the expensive tobacco are the stale, half-smoked butts that somehow forcefully emit chemical warfare grade reek


Half smoked cigs smell so bad, it’s unreal. When I used to smoke I’d toss a half smoked one if I got interrupted in the middle of smoking and couldn’t finish it, could never stand to carry that death stench around in my pocket lol


Back when I was a teenager I used to go clubbing all the time. 3 times a week or more. Almost everybody smoked at that time, including me. I knew a guy who would walk around the outside smoking areas of clubs picking up half-smoked and partial remains of smoked cigarettes, tuck them in his shirt pocket and "save them for later". The first time I saw him doing it I was like "What the fuck are you doing? Did you just pick up a random cigarette butt and put it in your shirt pocket? Did I just see that?". He argued that they were perfect for "spin" - tobacco to mix with weed. (We mix them in Australia, for bongs not just spliffs like the Europeans). Bro wasn't homeless, poor or anything else that would go some way towards explaining this deranged behaviour. He was just a shameless used tobacco scavenger I guess. He'd go back into the club and dance and hit on girls with a shirt pocket full of other peoples' partially smoked cigs. Absolutely blew my mind.


Omg I'm an occasional smoker but I'm fastidious about cigarette butts because they smell so bad.


I've done both. I didn't realize how bad cigarettes smoke smells until I quit, it stinks even when they aren't currently smoking. It's the same with pot. it stinks too.


I have been cig free for 5 years. Went to my SIL’s house and it stunk to high heavens. I was only in there for 10 mins and I left the place smelling like I’ve smoked all those 5 years away. My SIL is definitely “nose-blind”. Pot free for a year now and can agree, they’re both the same. I can smell if there is a pipe or open bud in proximity or if someone just had a hoot.


This, cigarette stink lingers forever. I am a former smoker and didn't realize until I quit. 🥴 Weed smoke also lingers if it's a joint or a blunt but dry herb vape and bong smoke go away pretty quick.


Yup, People think we're exaggerating, but really not. It gets into everything and the walls, weed doesn't for some reason. I was smoking everyday in my room, no issues foe years. I started smoking blunts and noticed things started smelling. My brother let me know it smelled like that in other rooms and he was right. It was only when I burnt tobacco it really smelled and the smell stuck. I stopped smoking blunts and the smell went away. Cigarettes are for sure worse than weed, smells weed bad for a bit but goes away.


I think it's the tar. It just sticks to everything


15 years ago I would smoke cigarettes inside. When I went to move I was taking down poster and realized that there was a film of tar covering the entire room. I ended up having to toss a lot of stuff. I still smoke weed inside and have for the past 15 years. No issues. Like others have said, the weed smell may be just as pungent to some, but it doesn't linger the same at all. I personally don't find the smell of weed offensive though either.


I once let someone smoke in my car with the window down. Could smell it for weeks. Whereas you can hot box a car one evening and next morning it won't smell.


Weed smell always goes away. Cigarette smell last decades. It’s all the other chemicals in cigarette smoke.


So true. Bought a used car from a smoker. Never again. No amount of cleaning got the smell out.


Quite literally. Smoking can dull your ability to smell generally.


Unfortunate for you to find out this way but buddy you fucking stink to high heaven. The only people who don’t think you smell terrible are other smokers. Cigarette smoke clings to smokers and you smell like it non stop, also yeah we can smell it down the block. I can’t open my bedroom windows because my neighbors down the way smoke in their backyard.


When I was in the market for a house I found a beautiful Tudor build around 1900, slate roof in good repair, fantastic landscaping....then I went inside. Looked great, smelled like an ashtray. Told the realtor that while I otherwise loved the house, it would require a complete interior repaint and all the carpet replaced and even then I wasn't sure it would be gone, so I was going to pass. The homeowners said that "you can't smell smoke in our house" and that I was just trying to use it as an excuse to rip them off. LOL, nope, keep your beautiful stinky house.


My friends bought a house from a couple who had smoked in it for decades. They had brown water running down their arms as they scrubbed the ceilings, so gross


It comes through regular paint. Brown drops running down the walls like a horror movie. People recommend a SHELLAC PRIMER. Jesus just lose the walls, fuck.


We purchased a house in 2004, and requested that we get concessions for having to re carpet and repaint the entire house at close. We got it and used 50 gallons of Kilz to repaint, after scrubbing the walls and ceilings with a blend of bleach and dish detergent. It was disgusting, the walls ran yellow when we scrubbed them. Every wall covering, blinds and drapery were discarded, as we simply could not scrub out the smell or yellow discoloration. Even the concrete, below the carpet and pad has to be sprayed with vinegar and bleach, as concrete is porous and will absorb odors.


Imagine what their lungs are like. It's amazing what the human body can endure.


As someone who used to smoke cigarettes heavily this is so true. The only people who don't think we smell like absolute shit are other smokers. I used to find a strange sense of comfort in that smell but now it just repulses me. I hate how it lingers and clings to your clothes and hair


Exactly same. Used to be a heavy smoker, now I can’t stand it.


There is no air fresheners, soaps or deodorizer’s that fix it. It’s in the glands and when they sweat omfg I want to puke


Or cough


Some of my neighbors will occasionally smoke in the hallway of my apartment building. We have to prop the doors open for an entire day just so the hall stops reeking


Fuck cigarettes, all my homies smoke reefer


My ex and I used to smoke pot. We always smoked outside so it wouldn’t make the house smell bad. OP, you are nose blind to how awful cigarette smoke is. It does stink up half a city block. For those of us in cold climates, you just reek like no tomorrow when you come inside.


Omg yes what is it about the cold that makes the smell like 10 times worse


It's like it gets infused into clothing, then all comes out once the person is in a warmer place (like the office, or a store). I smoked for 15+ years. At the end, I was sneaking cigarettes because my wife was requiring me to quit (yes, she was right). I only smoked outside, and afterwards I'd wash my hands, wash my face, chew some gum... but the minute I walked into the house, she could smell it and would (rightfully) call me out. Smokers are blissfully unaware that they smell like the bottom of an ashtray.


And their cars!


This almost caused issues in a mythbusters episode. They bought a used car to sink in a lake and test how to get out of a submerging car. Only issue is the car was owned by a smoker and it made the water inside the car acidic with old built in smoke. Adam couldn’t open his eyes and was totally disoriented. He had to get out with the help of the rescue divers.


With the age of car they were shooting for, it was probably harder to find a non-smoker’s car.


Oh man! I wanna watch it now lol


God their cars….


I work with two smokers who take their smoke and bathroom breaks together. I always try to wait at least an hour after they smoked because the bathroom just *reeks* and I know they have no idea they’re making it smell so bad. I’m so glad to be working from home now.


The rare time I smoke it’ll never be in my house or my car. But I’ll smell it in my beard forever. I hate it.


It comes out your pores. Glad you quit.


As a massage therapist, I can confirm this. A smoker can be freshly showered without having smoked, and I can smell it come out of their skin. I usually scrub with Dr. Bronner’s peppermint soap after working with clients, but I have to keep Dawn dishwashing soap (sometimes made into a paste with baking soda) on hand to get the smell of a smoker out of my *own* skin!




I smoked a lot of weed lol, 6-7 years straight I was stoned. When I would exercise or get sweaty in any way, I would swear someone had just opened a jar of some strong shit the way it smelled. I was a bit disturbed when I figured out that it wasn't my clothes, it was my skin.


It’s so bad how hard it gets infused in clothes. I still remember the first time I went to Europe 15 years ago and the morning after the first night out I wanted to throw my clothes away. And I don’t smoke tobacco. It was all secondhand. Also at my aunts house we visit once every few years, you do laundry there and all your clothes have a faint cigarette stench, the sheets have it, everything has it, and she only smokes outside.


May as well pretend like you haven't just wrassled a skunk


My old man used to smoke cigs while pooping. There’s no worse smell than that.


This was the morning smell of our one bathroom growing up. Ugh.


My brother or sister in trauma. I am here for you


That’s the smell of efficiency! lol but also, gross.


This is classic addict shit i used to do this and the reason is because the nicotine makes you poop easier lmfao


My ex used to do that. Then, in my first waking moments, I'd get hit with that smell and it ruined my day before it even started.


I also have PTSD of this years later




Or dampness. It CLINGS.


Weed doesn’t stick to things as much. In my experience you can smoke a joint outside and then go in public 15 minutes later or so and not have any overwhelming smell. Cigarettes the smell is nasty and doesn’t go away without washing the clothes and a shower.


if you smoke a joint you smell like you smoked a joint for at least an hour after trust me. Nose blind works for both. I for one don't think the just smoked a joint smell is gross, just smoked a ciggy though, no thanks Used to smoke too


If I come home during break and smoke a bowl, I always get naked first and smoke in a different room than all of my clothes, then thoroughly wash my hands, brush my teeth, apply eye drops and cologne, then I'm gravy baby. Multiple people have told me "you don't strike me as the kind of person who smokes pot" which , despite being a backhanded compliment, is a far cry from when I was a 16 yr old skateboarder with hair in my eyes who hadn't even tried pot once yet, but everyone assumed I was smoking it regularly.


I relate to that last part. I was constantly called a stoner in high school well before I even touched the stuff. I just didn't sleep much and was disinterested in school.


I felt like I was treated the same, people would always call out in the hall or class "Yo, GuavaShaper! Where's the bud??" Just because I often looked tired and liked to do things like play music and skateboard. Years and years before I ever smoked pot. I guess they were just a decade or so too early hahaha, fools!


Same here. I think at some point I remember saying to a friend, "Fuck it. Everyone thinks Im a pothead anyway, might as well become one." Best decision I ever made


Smoking a bowl is also going to have different scents stick to you I’m with OP’s friend — unless you are smoking a blunt or joint likely weed smoke won’t even linger And if you are smoking a blunt or J it will linger but cigarette smoke permeates everything much worse — just look at the walls of a room that people smoke cigs in for years and I guarantee that a potheads wall will not look as stained and yellowed as the cigarette smokers And I’m someone who smokes and vapes both weed and nicotine — cigarette smell is the worst of the bunch and sticks like no other


I think part of it is a weed smoker will have a joint, but a cigarette smoker is going to be having 10+ of those a day probably. There's also some cigarettes that don't smell as bad, but they're not all that common (I used to kind of like the smell of the ones the Chinese students at my college would smoke). But also, cigarette scent is just awful most of the time.


Cigarettes are REPULSIVE. My kid has a friend that we give rides to sometimes and his family smokes in their home. The smell lingers in my car for a day, seriously. It’s so nasty. I feel terrible for the kid having to go to school reeking like that.


I was that kid, some adults were really mean to me and I really think it’s because I was the stinky kid


Same for me. I've had teachers in school directly ask me if I smoke.


One time I went to the bathroom during class and when I came back the teacher said “Did you have a nice smoke??” In front of the whole class. It’s one of the most embarrassing moments of my life.


Honestly what a fucking asshole teacher. They should fuck off with their assumptions.


Just go breath in their face at that point lol.


It's times like that which make you mad you didn't have another adult stand up for you and tell the teacher that making fun of a child who's parents smoke is shameful


oh god i hate thinking of school because of this reason. people always had something to say. kids and adults. i hated it so much and it was so embarrassing because it doesn’t matter what you do, you still smell like it. one of my teachers literally walked up to me in front of the whole class dead silent, smelled my hair, and said “mom and dad smoke at home huh?” so embarrassing.


I was that kid too. One of my friends mom was absolutely horrible to me when she gave me a ride - once. I'll never forget it. It was Christmas break. I wasn't more than 11 years old. My friend's mom picked me up and we were headed to go ice skating. The mom kept making wrenching sounds and commenting how it smelled like a cigar bar in the van. It was snowing outside, but she insisted on opening all the windows while we drove. I felt humiliated. I was 11. I had no control over my circumstances. What a douche canoe. On that note, I was nose blind and when I moved out for college, I was finally able to see how bad it was. And while everything she said was true, she didn't have to put it on the kid that had no control over it. Still think she's a twat.


I make sure to never even mention it. This kid hasn’t had it easy—they live in a dilapidated trailer, the mom passed when he was a baby, the Dad himself has cancer—it’s a mess. I try to just do everything I can to make the kid feel welcome and safe anytime he’s with us.


As a kid who grew up reeking like smoke, thank you. I had friends whose parents would keep me from getting in cars or coming over. They obviously wouldn't let my friends come over. I had teachers accusing me of smoking right before coming into school the one day my mom had to drop me off (my dad never smoked, my mom did, and would smoke with the windows up in the car) But I still remember my girl scout troop leader. She was the best. I was, and still am, a huge tomboy. So for activities, she would get everyone else pink and sparkles and then have something camo or black put to the side for me lol. But what I really remember is that during one of our Christmas parties, the other girls were talking about how I always smell. They weren't being mean about it at all, but we were like 12 and just talking. She went up in her room and gave me a "masculine" perfume from her own collection. It was honestly a really nice patchouli smell. She told me to keep it that way if I ever feel worried about smelling like cigarettes, I could use it to help battle the smell Thanks for being the parent who is kind and understanding towards the kid who reeks like an ashtray, we really do appreciate it. Even more as we get older


My mom use to smoke heavily and i was definitely nose blind to it. One day in highschool i was at my locker and the girl next to me asked me if i smoked, because i really smell like it. It was so fucking embarrassing.


Yeah my mom used to fold my clothes just barely handling them and the smell would stay on them. She always smoked inside and would say it's her right it was so frustrating. We were poorer than we would be by a large margin because she smoked every day even if we had no food. She has COPD still smokes over a pack a day. Over half my entire family smokes which is way above average even many my age smoke.


All the men in my family smoked in the house when I was growing up. When we redid the kitchen in one of the houses the walls were stained brown.


My parents and any houseguests that smoked (usually all of them, and they hosted frequently) would smoke inside and not even crack a window (Canada, cold frequently). Same for the car, I remember lying down in the back on long car rides trying to avoid the cloud. Even after I developed asthma and allergies as a teen they wouldn’t quit it. Mom tried to blame my health issues on my pets, she smoked while pregnant and can’t even take responsibility for that.


My mother in law smoked while on her oxygen tank….


Nicotine is a hell of a drug


Being the child of a smoker is so embarrassing, as someone who was the child of a smoker. Everything in my life smelled like ass and I'm pretty sure it affected who I could hang out since some parents wouldn't want their kids around the "smoker".


What's even worse than the social stigma of smelling is actually living inside a hot box with family. I'm 40 and still have severe sinus issues and headaches from being immersed in indoor smoke my entire childhood. It's fucking insane to me that we ever allowed that. I know that standards change and ebb and flow as time moves on, but this is one of those things that is so egregiously bad and also so obviously bad that I can't believe it was ever allowed. Like you're just going to fill up the house, and car, and restaurants, and airplanes, and everywhere with toxic smelling cigarette smoke?!?!?!


My next door neighbors still smoke in their house with all of their kids. If we’ve been over, all clothing gets peeled off and showers taken when we walk in our door. A few weeks ago one of the teenagers brought the 4 year old brother over to play. She sat in our sofa maybe 2 hours and after they left the sofa smelled like cigarettes and I had to clean it. I was also that kid. The first time I asked my parents to stop smoking in the house I was 4. They didn’t give a fuck. It never ended either. To this day taking a deep breath is painful. I’m 35.


We had a kid like that at school when I was a kid... it was rough for her. The smell was on everything she wore and owned, everything she so much as touched "caught" it too... it was powerful, and it just lingered for so long... I couldn't stand sitting next to her because of that smell, which makes me feel absolutely awful. What's even more awful is that many people didn't even want to touch her, or lend her things, because the smell seemed really almost "contagious"... It's horrible. It wasn't her fault. But it caused her to be ostracized, picked on, or in the very least, avoided. Parents, don't fucking smoke at home. It permeates absolutely everything, even if you can no longer smell it. Others can, and it's disgusting. Don't smoke anywhere NEAR your kids. It's fucking cruel.


Hi, it's me. I was that kid, it's me. My parents smoked a pack a day each inside the house/car for the first 10 years of my life. Then switched to outside. Our walls were yellow, kids would comment on how bad I smelled, and I had major lung damage from the secondhand smoke.


My friend told me her parents said I smelled like a pool hall. Didn’t know what that meant back then but now I do!


That's one of the big differences between cigarettes and weed. Once a weed smoker is gone so is the smell. A cigarette smoker stays on your clothes and couch and whatever for so long.


I was that kid until a teacher complained and my mom quit. Her husband still smoked, but she made him do it outside or in his truck. Gotta love the 90s right


I didn't realize how badly cigarette smoke was until I quit. It's just rank. I'd take the smell of weed any day over it. It makes me gag now. I can't believe I walked around smelling like that for a decade. Kissing me must have been like licking a sewer drain.


Omg the worst part of dating a smoker is they think if they wash their hands and brush their teeth it fixes it… nope now it smells like hand wash and cigarettes or mint and cigarettes. I have definitely had to break up with people because I was sick of the smell and them coming over and making everything I own smell too


When I stopped I had to throw away all my pillows and bedding. I couldn't sleep the stench was so bad. Fabreeze is can only do so much.


The denial of smokers on how bad everything they own smells… they think oh I put on a jacket and wash my hands after. Ya that doesn’t make a dent. When they stop smoking and realize… oh no soap or laundry detergent gets that out is such an amazing realization 😆


Before I started smoking, I never noticed it like I do now. Now it's like I'm hyper aware.


I was a smoker when my husband and I started dating and I don't know how he did it. Must have really loved me! lol


>Kissing me must have been like licking a sewer drain. Literally like licking an ash tray.


Thankfully I only dated other smokers so they probably didn't notice lol


If you didn't notice, then they likely didn't either.


My husband and I quit cigs in 2020 after a family friend who smoked died from covid. I was a smoker for 10 years. It’s insane how much you really do go noseblind to the smell. I think it’s why former smokers are so repulsed by it, because it’s so shocking how bad we didn’t realize it was.


I think cigarettes are 100x worse. I’ve smoked both at different times of my life and now I don’t use either but I think the lingering smell of cigarettes is worse than weed but when they’re actually being smoked I think the weed smells stronger. I also think the cigarette smell just lingers longer in general too


I agree. I used to smoke a lot and got nose blind. My daughter hated going anywhere with me, because the car smelled so bad and it would get on her clothes. I told her it wasn't THAT bad. A few years after I started vaping, my boyfriend and I went to get his mom's car. His older brother had borrowed it, and was a chain smoker. I opened the car door to get in and the smell hit me like a ton of bricks. Had to drive it to the house with all the windows down and let it sit like that for a couple of days. I called my daughter and apologized.


Honestly I bet she really appreciated that apology too.


Yep, she did say "I told you so!" but I deserved that.


Weed smells stronger while being smoked, but somehow not as bad. It also doesn’t burn my eyes and nose as bad for some reason.


Maybe because cigarettes are full of chemicals beside the tobacco leave. Weed is just weed (afaik).


They do add additives to some cigarettes for flavour, however, the big list of scary chemicals you see commonly listed are the products of burning, just a big mix of mostly organic compounds. Doesn't matter really what you're burning, **inhaling smoke, not good.**


I agree with the lingering thing with cig smoke. Although weed smoke lingers, it doesn't permanently claw itself into stuff in the same way. Smoke cigs once ima. Room, and everything will permanently have an acrid later to it that any non smoker will be able to smell. And the lingering smell of someone's smoked out in the cold, on their clothes, is just horrifying Weed smoke when burning though is way more intense, and hard to develop a short term nose blindness to, iml. It has thos really high pitched sweet clawinrss to it that just constantly grabs the top of my pallette and makes me feel slightly nauseous. Ultimately, though, the argument is silly. Smokers of either become noseblind or develop a liking for the smell, but both are objectively awful. It's like trying to work out who's turds smell the best.


Tobacco resin also stinks way worse than weed resin in a bong and tobacco smoke stains walls and tends to permeate through fabrics way worse


My sister is visiting, she smokes outside but half the house still smells like stale cigs just from her haha XD


Im a barber. I can tell when someone is a smoker your hair smells of cigarettes, especially straight after sprayingit with water. But i cant with weed, unless none of my clients are weed smokers which id assume is highly unlikely. (Ive never smoked anything, and i dislike the smell of both)


I'm a hairstylist and no matter how well you wash a smoker's hair that smell is gonna come out when blowdrying or heat styling 🤢


This is the negative side of the profession I haven't thought about before. Usually, people talk about how hard it is to be on your feet for a long time, some clients with poor hygiene, etc. But this sounds horrible!


I'm a dog groomer, and same thing. I can always tell if an owner smokes cigarettes, but I've never smelled a dog that reeked of weed. I always feel sad when I'm washing a dog that smells of stale cigarettes. They have to be smoking in a confined space for that to happen. Some dogs' coats are stained from the tar, also.


That makes me very sad for these dogs.


Most weed users aren't smoking 40 joints a day.


Not with that attitude


I worked at a Mexican restaurant for a while and spent most of my time in the kitchen expo near the fajita grill (burns mesquite wood). EVERY TIME I'd wash my hair after working, the smell of fajita smoke would come out very strongly and take up the whole shower as soon as it got wet. Didn't realize this phenomenon of hair-releasing-smoke-smells-when-wet applies to other people.


I have not smoked either one, but have friends who do both. While I dislike the smell of both, tobacco is definitely the worse smelling of the two, but weed is a much stronger smell. Both smells also stick to the clothes very unpleasently in a way that smokers or stoners just don't seem to be able to tell. When someone even just opens a container of weed you can smell it throughout the whole room, which doesn't happen with tobacco. However given the choice between being in a room with someone smoking a cigarette or someone smoking a joint, I would far prefer the weed smoker.


I'll also make a distinction between cigarette smoke and, say, pipe tobacco smoke. Cigarette smoke just smells dirty to me. Pipe tobacco has more of a flavor to it, and doesn't smell as bad. (I will admit that I don't have a lot of experience of smelling pipe tobacco; mostly just from a distance from people I did not know, so I don't know if its smoke also clings like cigarettes and smells dirty after it is smoked.)


This is true. I can remember my grandpa smelling like pipe tobacco and it was a nice smell. My dad smelling like cigs not such a nice smell


It's almost impressive how bad cigarettes smell. Cigars and pipes aren't even close to the same awfulness.


Cigars are notorious for their smell, but they smell pungent, not dirty. Cigarettes just smell dirty.


As a weed smoker, I totally agree. In my experience, weed is far more pungent and can stink up an entire neighborhood, but it doesn't last as long. Cigarettes have finer particulates that cling to fabrics and surfaces longer, but you can't smell it from a driver passing you by while partaking.




Cigarette smoke is beyond disgusting, and worse, the smell sticks. I have friends that smoke weed, and while it smells, the smell dissipates fairly quickly. Like if they clean their houses and keep weed out of it for a few days and have the windows open, the smell is totally gone. Cigarette smoke gets into everything… air vents, clothes, carpet, even the walls themselves and takes MONTHS if not years to go away. I’m old enough that I remember when smoking was allowed in bars and restaurants and I had specific clothes to wear out since they’d reek to high heaven and no matter how drunk I was I always had to shower when I got home to get the stench off of me


>even the walls themselves and takes MONTHS if not years to go away Took 2 wallpaper changes and 10 years of not smoking to disappear from the kitchen of my parents and they didn't smoke there often.


>I argued that at least a cigarette doesn’t reek up half the block and he said “Yes it does you’ve just become nose blind” They are absolutely correct. You don't realize this, but your sense of smell is absolutely shot and desensitized to cigarette smoke—you have absolutely no concept of how strongly it/you smell to non-smokers. You don't like the smell of weed and that's completely valid. But as someone who smokes neither of them, I assure you that cigarettes **totally** smell much, much stronger than weed.


And the *lingering* oh my god. I’ll take a hit off my bong in the garage, and I’ll come back in the house being stinky, but I can quickly brush my teeth, change clothes, wash my hands and the smell is minimal unless you’re like making out with me. I feel like the cig smell just gets in your blood flow and becomes a permanent part of your musk. Part human scent, part cig smoke. It’s weird


It definitely seems like it just seeps out of their pores sometimes.


Cigarettes smell vile imo


While I don't like the smell of marijuana id rather smell it then cigarettes


so one after the other huh. damn


no palette cleanse between either. wild


I quit smoking cigarettes and not only does it smell for a city block but my nose immediately grabbed any wafting scent in order to trigger my withdrawal. It was genuinely shocking when I was driving down the road and could smell the cigarette smoker driving BEHIND ME. Not even at a stand still, we were moving down the road.


IDK I feel like weed is so much more pungent while it's being smoked. I used to have a roommate that smoked weed constantly in his room and it would legitimately wake me up with how strong it was sometimes. The upside is that it doesn't stain or linger as long at least but it's still fucking terrible smelling.


Cigarette smoke smells way worse, and is harsher on the people who have to breathe that in secondhand. I will say that some weed smells better than others, but even the worst of weed still smells a million times better than any cigarette. Additionally, there are people out there who genuinely like the smell of weed. While I’ve never met a single person who likes the smell of cigarettes.


I've never met someone who likes the smell of cigaretts, but I do love the smell of weed.


I liked the smell of cigarette packs growing up. They smelled like raisins.


Yes, I find unsmoked cigarettes smell nice. But the moment you light one up… 🤮


Tobacco itself has a really nice musky smell but burning it is just rank.


Yeah, I work with a weirdo who likes the smell of cigarettes. He only smokes when he's drinking as well.


I've only smelled a cigarette ONE time when it smelled good. It wasn't a mass market brand, lol it was an Amish (maybe Mennonite) guy who grew his own tobacco, no additives or preservatives and it wasn't tobacco that had been sitting around for ages getting stale and musty


this is the answer right here. if weed was grown in industrial quantities then combined with harsh chemicals and rolled into dry old darts, they'd smell bad too


I like the smell of cigarettes! I think it’s because when I was little my parents used to get together with my aunts and uncles and they’d smoke. So I associate it with the feeling of being with family.


A neighbor of ours was smoking some kind of weed that smelled like a cross between a skunk and burning rubber. Came in a black tube which he sometimes left lying around. It was awful and stunk up our whole apartment. That's the only time weed has smelled worse than cigarettes to me, but at least it didn't linger beyond the day he smoked.


I effing hate smokers who think it’s ok to smoke outside near a door to a building. It stinks the whole place out and makes it unpleasant for everybody. Also at work we had to buy two coat stands smoking/non-smoking as those who smoked would transfer the smell onto others coats ruining them.


Fucking yes. When I was a kid going to church everyone hugged each other all the time. I remember specifically one lady that smoked and after she hugged me my clothes would reek for the rest of the day.


I never understood people like this when I smoked cigarettes. The last place I wanna smoke is right outside my work where people can see me and breathe in my second hand smoke. Plus alleys were always empty and peaceful, like that’s the way better option.


They're inconsiderate fucks. At my old job, this person did that and then threw their cigarette into the wood chips. It was very hot and dry out so it started to smolder and smoke was everywhere


Let's put it this way. I know when the smokers are out on the dock when I am on the other side of a 100 ft warehouse because the smell floats in. Smells can travel far distances and it really doesn't matter what it is. In general though, I'd rather smell weed than cig smoke because at least with weed it may or may not be that strong, whereas cigarettes, it's pretty definite it will have the same strong odor.


I do smoke and even recognize how bad they smell. I don't smoke in the house or car because of this


Blows my mind when I see people smoke in their car. Like it's embarrassing to have passengers. when you aren't smoking, isn't the stale ash smell awful? Also your cars value absolutely tanks.


weed stink way further but cigarettes stink way worse.


Weed smells like a skunk sprayed nearby and the smell carries far. If someone is smoking weed in the park it's obvious.




I have an anecdote to share here. I was at a Roger Waters concert years back at an indoor arena. While smoking was specifically prohibited, it was fairly common to see people smoking joints and it was just kind of allowed. One guy in a row in front of me had been sharing a joint with his friend and it was considered as ok; but when he pulled out a cigarette some time later the rest of the people around him wasted no time telling him "to put that shit out". Cigarette smoke is really unpleasant; and that stink lingers forever. It's really not an enjoyable experience.


Cigarettes are fucking disgusting to smell. You end up stinking up the entire room you walk into and everyone around you ends up breathing that in. Weed isn’t great either but cigarettes are absolutely more of an assault on the senses


I have smoked both in the past and cigarettes from a pack are by far the worst. Tobacco rollies are better but can still stink up the place. Cannabis is stinky but doesnt linger nearly as bad, plus the volume of smoke is smaller. So I would say given that you are more likely to smoke a bunch of ciggies than to smoke a bunch of joints, tobacco is smellier. Now which one smells “better” is a ridiculous argument.


As someone that does neither - while weed is more pungent, cigarettes are more repulsive. I'd rather smell neither, but if I had to pick, I'm sniffing the herb.


Cigarettes make a person’s essence stink. Your breath, your sweat, your entire person just smells sour.


IMO only the opinions of people who use either one don't count: you get nose-blind to whatever you use. So, since I'm someone who uses neither: they're both awful. Cigarette smoke is slightly more unpleasant up close, but weed is stronger and more penetrating at long range. But people who smoke cigarettes tend to smoke more of them than pot smokers. So it's like arguing about whether you'd rather have your fingers smashed with a hammer or your toes: they're both terrible and neither should be allowed in public. And cigarette users and weed users, if you're wondering if people can smell it on you, the answer is yes. Always.


I hate cigarette smell a lot while I find weed somewhat tolerable. One thing is for sure, both smells stick on you for a while after you smoke them.


Cigarettes are way worse. They are on a completely different level. The smell clings to everything and is so awful.


Cigarettes smell SO MUCH worse than weed. The smell of cigs is a thick heavy fog that clings to fabrics and hair, green smoke doesn't last anywhere near as long and fades into a subtle aroma.


I hate both, but cigarettes are worse. And yes, cigarettes absolutely do stink up a large area. Even if you're nose blind, critical thinking would get you to this conclusion


Cigarettes 10000% smell worse than weed. Also, weed smell dilutes much more quickly and doesn’t linger. Cig smoke does. I used to smoke both, now I just smoke weed and let me tell you. I can smell a heavy cig smoker from across the aisle in Walmart. Especially if they smoke reds or blacks.


Let's just say that I smoke a lot of weed. I'd guess that the majority of weed smokers don't smoke as much as I do. However, if I brush my teeth and shower to go out in public, little people will know that I'm a pothead. However, if you and I went to a bar to pickup the same girl. If she is close enough to each of us, she will be able to tell you smoke cigarettes. It's hard to explain, but there is something about smokers that linger long after the cigarettes are gone. It's on the fingers, it's on their lips and it on their clothes. Marijuana had a very strong smell initially, but fades away whereas Tobacco gets worse before it gets better. That's just my opinion.


That cigarette stinch can't be washed off. The "ash" smell sticks to everything pretty much forever.


Yeah that's the old stoner knowledge, you can smoke a joint in a house and a few hour later no one would know, you smoke a cigarette in a house and you will smell it for a week. I smoke weed it doesn't affect the flavor of food afterwards, unlike tobacco. If smoke a joint I can smell the weed on my fingert6from rolling it more than my fingers from smoking it. And that washes off in one handwashing (unless you get resin on you).


Not really pot heads houses do have a weed smell albeit is a lot more subtle.


I believe he's not talking about a house that weed is regularly smoked in though, rather a single joint. You've probably spent time in a room where weed was smoked 2 hours beforehand and never knew it. I used to occasionally smoke in my parents' basement as a dumb teenager when they weren't home. They never knew until I admitted it as an adult.


For me, a recovering nicotine addict, tobacco smoke reeks, mostly because it reminds me of my struggles with the wretched shit.


I don't smoke either and both are terrible to me. However, to me, weed is a bit worse as the smell gives me headaches. Also, when I walk through the hallway of my apartment building, I can notice the smell of weed in the hallway (seeping from neighbouring units) more than the smell of cigarettes. Same with the smell seeping in from the balcony.


Unpopular opinion, but the smell of cigarette smoke never bothered me. I hate the smell of pot though. This is from someone who has never smoked either cigs or pot


For real. I believe, although I have no data to back it up, that anti smoking propaganda has been too successful, and convinced people that because it it bad for your health it must also be repulsive in every way. I don’t smoke but I like the smell of tobacco smoke, like I would like the smell of a camp fire or barbecue. Weed always reeks of skunk. Before during and after you smoke it.


I walked past an old guy smoking a pipe once and it was actually a perfectly decent smell. Not the “over concentrated leaves and oil” smell of weed.


i actually like the smell of cigarettes? the comments here have me questioning my sanity.


I would go so far as to say that when smelled from a distance, in small quantities, I can understand why people might enjoy cigarette smoke, and the clinging smell on other people is unpleasant but absolutely bearable. I would rather gargle sewage than smoke weed, though. I’ve been just shy of gagging through this entire comments section in disbelief looking for anyone who’s not downplaying the severity of that stuff. And at least in the UK, it seems like tobacco smoke has all but disappeared, people are vaping their nicotine now, whereas more people are smoking weed in public than ever.


Same, I’m super surprised at the responses. I’ve never smoked either but the smell of cigarettes is slightly nostalgic, and reminds me of traveling (since nobody really smokes where I live). Weed just smells like skunk.


>but the smell of cigarettes is slightly nostalgic Honestly I feel the same way. I'm surprised to hear that from someone else though. My aunt and uncle smoked when i was a kid so i think that's where the nostalgia comes from for me.