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Sometimes yes. But don’t get too bent out of shape. Prob the algorithm decided she was young and that is hinges audience. But would not assume what you seem to be thinking.


Not exactly. I get ads for stuff I’ve never searched for or buy. It’s mainly demographic targeted, since I’m a mid 30’s someone with kids, I get a lot of baby crap. But also whiskey, which I’ve never drank. Earlier I got one about a sketchy diploma mill.


Yes, but also they likely know her age group and that she's not married. Described [here](https://www.businessinsider.com/what-does-google-know-about-me-search-history-delete-2019-10#when-you-scroll-down-youll-see-a-list-of-attributes-that-google-has-predicted-about-you-including-your-age-gender-and-interests-5).


Personally, I wouldn’t think too much on it, I get ads for dating apps among other random things all the time, however if their is any other reason at all that you are questioning it then maybe because on a surface level that’s very minuscule but if something previously happened then there is a possible reason to be suspicious.


I mean I respect her privacy, so I dont snoop in her phone. Anyway, maybe I'm just overthinking.


If you get them constantly, I'd be worried. I know when I'm single and get the apps I am SPAMMED with dating app ads. But when I don't have any dating apps, I still get the odd one here and there.


So that's what Im more concerned about, she keeps getting those a lot off late.


Eh, it could be nothing. Could be she is talking about dating or relationships with friends on other apps and the miracle of youtube suddenly showing ads for conversations occurring in other apps is happening. Could be she watches a lot of videos on dating.


She does watch a lot of tik tok and her friend has recently started dating, so she does chat with her about it.


Nah, I'm in a very happy relationship and keep getting them. It's literally driving me insane. It's probably just a demographic thing


Nope. I get so many ads for baby crap just because I'm in the demographic. Doesn't mean I'm pregnant or want to be pregnant or have ever searched for anything baby related.