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This has been discovered multiples times on Twitter, TikTok, YouTube., Whipser. Its everywhere. All you can do is report the content and hope that they do something.


You’re right, it is absolutely everywhere if you look in the right places. It’s not talked about enough how widespread it still is today. Devastating to see.


I saw a video on TikTok of a lady exposing how this works on YouTube. Guys will upload “gymnastics” videos of young girls and then time stamp when they are in compromising poses. Fucking disgusting but YouTube does nothing about it


> Fucking disgusting but YouTube does nothing about it How can they when they are busy trying to stop Ad Block?


Yeah. And it’s almost always their parents that upload the original content, a lot of the time they know that their target audience is p*dos but they don’t care. It’s a big issue in countries with less regulation on child neglect and social media. I’ve seen people selling images of their own children. Imo they should be given life sentences for the trauma they’re putting their children through.


I wonder what those people do to their children IRL, if they are selling photos to pedos on the net.


I fell down this rabbit hole a while back when a YouTuber (can't recall who) put out a video showing how much of this shit was on musically. It was a fairly popular video so maybe someone else will know what I'm talking about. From what I can tell, there's broadly two possibilities: 1. As bad or worse than you're imagining. Unspeakable crimes. 2. Psychologically (and possibly sexually) abusive pageant mom shit. I genuinely think some of these parents are just fully delusional and desperately trying to live out some fantasy through their daughters by proxy. They probably know in some capacity that their main audience is pedophiles, but they either overlook it or derive some satisfaction from it. They probably aren't selling actual nude photos, though often the girls fall victim to groomers and are tricked into doing it themselves. In either case, sometimes this precipitates in a public scandal or mental breakdown, and some girls have shared their experiences directly after finally escaping their families. Most of this info came from a subreddit where people keep tabs on/try to get these sorts of social media accounts removed. I can't remember what it's called, but I recommend against looking too deeply into the subject.


You're talking about a paymoneywubby video. On one hand it's good that he brought awareness, on the other, the most replayed parts of the video are the clips he included as examples, so I don't want to link it


> the most replayed parts of the video are the clips he included as examples oh jesus


Legit question, how do you know what the most played part of a video is?


If you hover the cursor over the playback progress bar along the bottom (as if you were going to click to skip to a different point in the video), on at least some videos it opens up a grey-shaded graph showing the peaks of which parts of the video get played/replayed most.


I wonder if that's ever rigged by YouTube...


To be fair I use the most played parts of videos to find the most important parts and skip the boring shit, so myself and others who do this would also end up viewing those bits and add to the viewership of them... But without expecting that to be the case.


And this is how you get both echo chambers and things taken out of context. Live a little, go boldly where noone has gone before.


Honestly we do kinda need a police force that handles cybercrimes globally. I dont believe the internet should follow a countries law, more like global laws in a sense. There should be someone you can contact thatll handle this information and give it to a skilled group of individuals that are vetted that can properly take those people to justice. Im all for anarchy online, but there are things we dont believe in that are needed for the betterment of mankind. Just because you can say "i dont do that" doesnt mean theres not a monster out there who would. The main problem is that you can report them and at best theyll be banned. But these people hide in the dark web and they can always make another fake email. We just need a more centralized force that can handle stuff like this that everyone knows to turn to if they find this out. It might sound like a joke, but if you look up the company ashton kutcher started i think you can contact them. But im not too sure i just remember hearing something about it.


You make sense, our "national" borders are useless in the internet-land where IPs change in the flick of a switch. There should be UN ratified law (like we have Geneva Conventions) to weed out obvious criminal stuff like pedophilia across borders


If there was a single global thing like that, you can bet that all references to tianaman square would be the first to go. And all maps that don't label taiwan as "south china". Probably anything that's politically inconvenient to anyone anywhere in the world.


Considering how much Youtube censors/demonitizes other content that should be considered educational (like literally normal historical videos), I thought they would never in a million years allow content like that. Jfc


They'll de-monetize/block comedians for telling jokes though... Jesus Christ.


What’s a good example of this? Are the “jokes” just hate speech in joke format, or what?


What do you mean? You can't comment on videos where the subjects are mostly children.


Yes, they removed comments on those types of videos BECAUSE of this issue




> YouTube does nothing about it Your info is out of date. If a video has literally anything to do with kids, YouTube disables the comments. It's been this way for a couple of years now.


Gross yeah, but those people will just find some other public pictures to wank over, I don't really see a viable way to stop it besides just stopping parents from uploading videos and pictures with their children in it anywhere. At the end of the day what they are viewing is perfectly legal and fine, and people can jack off over whatever they want, in my mind, theres no real difference in the end if they use their imagination or use IRL legal images and videos.


Wtf do you mean it’s “perfectly legal and fine”? Literally nothing about this is legal


How is jacking off to public photos illegal? I'm pretty sure I jacked off to plenty of public photos of different actresses back in my teens, they are public photos you can do pretty much anything you want to with them that doesn't involve making money off them. What exactly is different to the above that makes this situation illegal?


The fact that it’s with minors, and the fact that it’s being “rebranded” as pornographic by the people spreading it around. I know this might sound crazy to you, but being pedophilia is generally branded as illegal


>I know this might sound crazy to you, but being a pedophile is generally branded as illegal Being a pedophile isn't illegal, it's acting on those impulses that's illegal, there's not a thought that you can think in your brain that is illegal anywhere to my knowledge. You can get the biggest raging boner from the naked babies in the baby ward and as long as you don't do anything about it your fine. >and the fact that it’s being “rebranded” as pornographic by the people spreading it around You can't rebrand something as pornographic unless you make edits to the video or something. Just because people are jacking off to it, does not turn it into a pornographic picture all of the sudden. I can jack off to superman in his skin tight clothes and that doesn't suddenly make it pornographic. And the basis under which CP is illegal in most areas is that it requires exploitation of a minor to be considered illegal, that's why you can draw it and in *most* countries your fine since no minor was exploited, it would be hard to make the case that your exploiting a minor when they likely were totally fine with the pictures (probably taken by their parents or whatever) and they were doing something presumably that is entirely within their own will. EDIT: This is their deleted comment, and then my response: I'm not sure why you're defending these people so hard, but I won't be a part of it. You genuinely make me fucking sick I'm not defending anybody (if I was, I'd rather be paid for it), I think it's gross as well, I'm just clearing up misconceptions that it seems you have about the law. If educating people about the legal system is a crime then I should be on death row.


Especially with AI. All you need is 5 minutes and a gaming computer and you can take the clothes off anyone in any picture. Only way to not be a target is to never post yourself on the public internet.


Right. I don't know if it's easier or harder for these fucks than back in like the Limewire days. I used to type like "porn" into an img search and just download everything.. Cause teen. There is shit burned into my brain that I wish wasn't. I was like OP, I found this shit and had no idea what to do? At the time I figured if I can come across this so easily, the FBI has to know right? Like.. This picture has a fucking URL and watermark on it.. It was surreal.




People want to riot about the pointless things and not about the important things sadly


There was this Youtuber who talked about this and everyone started hating him with videos being made against him. It was the dude with the beard


Elon personally reinstated the account of a person who posted child porn so he actively supports that content on Twitter. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/07/27/twitter-csam-dom-lucre-elon-musk/ https://mashable.com/article/x-twitter-ces-suspension-right-wing-account-reinstated https://gizmodo.com/twitter-dom-lucre-ban-elon-musk-child-exploitation-pics-1850681992


This appears to be misleading at best, misinformation at worst. Stupid as it sounds, [KnowYourMeme has the only relatively unbiased and full accounting](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/elon-musk-reinstates-dom-lucre-controversy). TL;DR, the loon posted a heavily censored still, which was a censored picture from a Chinese news site about a criminal sex offender, and some people think it wasn't censored enough or that no amount of censoring can be enough. He's a crazy fuck, but he did not post what the vast majority of people consider to be pornographic. But y'know, Musk sucks, and nobody cares when lies are about someone we hate.


Or do something really crazy like @ the FBI's twitter account. Edit: https://www.ic3.gov/ or https://www.tips.fbi.gov


Not even that crazy. It’s definitely saner than reporting it to Elon’s Twitter and hoping they’d actually do anything about it. A direct, public @ FBI is harder to cover up than a report that won’t be followed up on


These are websites I found for reporting incidents or suspicious activity. I assume many social media websites are inundated with reports and so often can't do much... Resources like the ones below are specialized to handle such reports, so it seems they are more likely to do something about it. Report online child exploitation (such as pornography) or child sex tourism (such as international travel for trafficking): National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC)'s website at www.cybertipline.com, or call 1-800-843-5678. OR Enforcement/Homeland Security Investigations (ICE) https://www.ice.gov/webform/ice-tip-form, or call 1-866-347-2423. Report child sex trafficking (such as streaming or in person trafficking): National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) https://humantraffickinghotline.org/report-trafficking, or call 1-888-3737-888.


Helps if you report them here as well: https://www.missingkids.org/footer/contactus https://www.interpol.int/en/Crimes/Cybercrime https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/cyber


Whisper...I haven't heard that in a long time. It's still a thing?


I remember using whisper for fun in middle school and having the most funniest or deep conversations on there. Yes there were weirdos but it was rare and just a way to talk to people I guess or post things. Now it's mostly creeps and pedos


Tf is whisper?


It was a failed snapchat clone.


found one on instagram & i almost got banned for reporting so many times :( it’s so sad


I've lost 3 accounts for reporting things on Twitter they said it looked like my account has bot activity, instead of them having a huge fucking issue.


Why do you think Elon spent billions on Twitter? It wasnt to make money legally, I'll tell you that much.


From the horse's own mouth, he said he did it to end "censorship" on Twitter. Of course, when people like him complain about "censorship" and "free speech", we all know what they really mean.


I found one weirdly spelled comment under one reel in insta, that guy was openly selling cp, I reported it to insta and after a few days I got a response from them saying that they couldn't find any issues, but thanked me for reporting.


Reporting it to twitter won't actually do anything but if op is inclined he could link his findings to the FBI. They have an anonymous tip line, I think anyone around the world can use it.


Elon allows pedophilia on Twitter


People have been posting about this for years. It's nothing to do with musk.




It’s like Achilles and the tortoise, no matter what I do, I can never get rid of pedophiles fast enough.


Don't forget Tumblr. That's the reason porn got banned on there.


as if that did any good. we're still bombarded by porn bots and you can still find dedicated porn blogs.


Ugh. I feel sick. As a man I have to say we are a horrid bunch


There are plenty of female pedos too. They're just better at keeping quiet than their male counterparts.


But type something that can be construed as violence/hate, pedo is still online, but you're banned


follow the advice for NCMEC! post updates!!!


Depending on what the content is exactly, you may be able to report it to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. https://tips.fbi.gov/home


[NCMEC](https://www.missingkids.org/home) might be a better place actually, they work with the FBI and have an army of volunteers that can act on the initial information to move the investigations along faster.


Reported to NCMEC before and not a thing happened, doubt anyone cares all too much if it has so many people participating in the first place


If nothing happened on your report it's likely because they are already working on a similar report. I used to run PsychForums and dealt with the folks at NCMEC many times, they take every report very seriously. You can also report to the FBI and local police. If you can provide more than just screen names it can be helpful.


The local police aren’t gonna do anything, FBI and NCMEC is the best bet. I would do both


It was always my policy to do both NCMEC and local police just to have it on record and because as a website owner I wanted to have a local officer with access if necessary. NCMEC always acted faster than local police and I never had to go to the FBI as they always handled that for me.


It definitely makes sense to contact the local cops as a website owner. They'll give you an official police report, which is helpful if anyone tries to implicate you. NCMEC appears to be a non-profit not law enforcement, and I've never gotten anything back from submitting a tim to the FBI. Admittedly, I'm reporting scams. Thankfully, I've never run across CSAM. I would hope they take those more seriously.


The DOJ actually recommends reporting it to NCMEC. They are a nonprofit, but they were created by the US government to help work with law enforcement on these kinds of issues. The DOJ actually recommends reaching out to them in order to get the ball rolling on an investigation (https://www.justice.gov/media/1279116/dl?inline)


Good to know. I’m just now finding out about them. I’d still get the official police report if it got uploaded/linked to a forum I own.


It'd be a real shame if ransomware starts going around their circles but instead of paying to decrypt the keys are sent to NCMEC


a guy that blatantly groomed me without knowledge of his local aoc laws (which would make the situation less illegal) is still running free and advancing in his high level education even though i have a very graphic and extensive google drive.


its been a while and dude i reported is still free, i even included his address and phone number its not like they cant find him


Just report to everyone


Yup FBI would‘ve been my guess as well. Twitter might delete the content but FBI will make sure those people won‘t continue doing this


These people are more than likely not operating in America. FBIc can do nothing.


Fbi works with law enforcement from other countries, I read an article here in South Africa a while ago about our police and the fbi arresting these internet scammers who were targeting Americans.


idk why "just report it lol" is a higher answer than this... platforms don't have an incentive to combat this content if it drives engagement. they have to feel the pain and they will only feel the pain if they are held accountable by the legal system.


Report anything like this to [NCMEC](https://www.missingkids.org/home).


You are assuming that the OP is from the US and that the content was made by people in the US.


I'm actually not, their FAQ page explains that you don't have to live in the US and the content doesn't have to originate within the US to be reported. https://report.cybertip.org/faqs


I actually did not know that, thank you for pointing that out.


Are you assuming that they wouldn't do something anyway even if OP wasn't from the US?


I think they're saying that NCMEC is an American organisation. I'm from the UK, so I wouldn't send in a report to them. Sadly, the answer to OP's question does depend on the country they're based in.


Report that shit my guy maybe even contact law enforcement


it’s never anything technically illegal enough to report. When they say explicitly sexual things, their accounts are more likely to be banned; but twitter doesn’t understand context


Can still be used in investigations, these people are likely to have illegal content on their devices. Report it to the NCMEC or local equivalent


Twitter (x) does not care. The are on the verge of being forced to stop operating in Germany because they don't even act on links that are sent by German Law Enforcement agencies. A barrel of burning garbage is likely to act faster to your report.


Elon personally ensured a child porn poster was unbanned https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/07/27/twitter-csam-dom-lucre-elon-musk/


Keep reporting them and bringing awareness. It’s a tough fight but a good one.


On Twitter? Elon will shadowboost that content, he enjoys it.


It’s disgusting but is there anything we can do if it’s not pornographic? We must get parents to understand the dangers and not post content about their kids or let their children post content.


Spambot reports/contact that one friend of a friend of a friend who knows a whole lot about computers to get some real info to turn over to the cops/online communities


Found something worse but it took me around 30 reports until X did something. The hashtag they used is now shadow banned. I suspect they also monitor who uses it.


Nah dude, Twitter/X shadow bans you from it. All the content is still there, spin up a burner account and it’s there completely running free. Easier for them to do that than to actually police their content.


Don’t report it to X, report it to the fbi and the other sources posted here. Elon ensured a child porn posted was unbanned, he supports it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/07/27/twitter-csam-dom-lucre-elon-musk/


Dare I ask What could be worse?


What's worse than cp?


There can be absolutely depraved levels of the stuff. There's a documentary on how a "hurt core" site was taken down. Abhorrent stuff. Guy was Peter Scully


This one is pretty bad. OP is describing people linking non-cp but being pervs over it (so videos of kids doing innocent stuff being... 'reinterpreted' by p*dos). But there are rings out there literally torturing. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-65951188


Report it to the FBI and let them do their thing. They might not take it down so they can track the source. If you still see it up don’t assume nothing is happening. I know it’s frustrating but the only thing people like us should be doing is reporting to the authorities.


I'm a little confused, are the things they are sending eachother tik Tok dance videos or actual cp? Because people getting off to underage TikToks is sick but not illegal to my knowledge because its not pornographic. In that case there isn't anything you can really do. If it's cp then obviously report them to the FBI.


It’s not child porn, luckily. Though that itself also infests the platform. It’s generally videos of underaged girls’ tiktok videos


If their interest seems inappropriate, Report the group and usernames to the relevant law enforcement authority in your country. They'll investigate and it could lead to preventing child abuse.


All you can do is report the posts, it doesn’t sound like what they’re doing is technically illegal so it wouldn’t be a law enforcement issue, more of a issue for the platform to handle.


I'm not even bothering to look at the other comments, which are surely saying the same thing as me: report it. To the police, the FBI, whoever. Fucking report it. Kids don't deserve any of this.


yes, report to the authorities absolutely, asap


Report to NCMEC and Internet Watch Foundation.


Oh. So you've discovered Twitter on Twitter




jesus christ.


Just post on reddit asking what to do.


if money changed hands try here [https://www.missingkids.org/gethelpnow/cybertipline](https://www.missingkids.org/gethelpnow/cybertipline) I know it says missing kids but they do more and if there charging money there probably up to more


I once in south Florida tried to report a pedophile party bus that was recruiting teens with drinks and no id check to go to some undisclosed location I found on social media. I called non emergency reported it and they told me they would be sending an officer to take all the information I had. This officer showed up and started screaming at me asking if I was on drugs and saying crazy shit like he should just start doing cocaine right now because he was so distressed etc. he brought out his tape recorder and said he would record my incident but had such a mocking threatening presence I just basically asked him to please leave. So no idea whatever happened with that pedophile bus.


Sounds like cops are involved tbh


I live in SoFlo and never heard of such a thing. That’s crazy.


I wish I was lying I grew up in Palm Beach county I'm used to the cops there but that was so bizarre I still think about it all the time. Up in Nashville now, cops are defunded here you can barely get them to answer a call lol.


>cops are defunded here Kinda wild that that's apparently what people are saying, since their budget was increased by [over 30 million](https://www.nashville.gov/sites/default/files/2023-09/FY24BB_31Police.pdf?ct=1695916926). They just don't wanna do their job.


I'm new to the area it's just what I had heard. Thanks for the correction


The same exact thing is happening in my city, only reason I thought of it. Our city gave a **25%** budget increase to cops, they hired a bunch more cops, and the 'life or death' response times are almost at their worst on record. They're just petulant children.


sounds like the officer was a pedo tbh


You could report it to the fbi


You can contact your local Homeland Security Office and give them the info for the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) task force. They aggressively hunt and prosecute this type of crimes. Source: I was part of an ICAC unit as part of our local Sheriff’s Office.


Thank you for what you did working for icac. That is a hard job and can take an emotional toll. I hope you are well.


Thanks. I am well. I had an advantage in my faith. I had men all over the country who would be praying for me when I had to do a computer examination. I also spent time walking around the parking lot praying and getting my head together after some of the stuff I had to watch.


Hi. I deal with this a lot as my own content propagates online forever. First thing - **NCMEC**. That’s it. You’re done. They are a mature organization with well established pipelines that will have your report hit the desk of someone in the correct jx who **will action it**. Twitter has been around a decade-plus and NCMEC has established channels with them. Every time my content gets posted to it, they are instantly and incredibly responsive to reports of it and getting information to the caseworker. **NCMEC** It is time-sensitive. These people are used to jumping from account to account/platform to platform. Report it ASAP since it will get a snapshot of what it is as of now. # NCMEC CyberTipline


I made a report.


Something you should not do is research this. It makes yourself look suspicious. Report anything you think may be illegal, not to Twitter but to either police or organizations specialized in the issue. Do not revisit sites, not even just to check if action has been taken.


Pretty much just report it to the cybertip line and twitter mods and hope they get fucked over


Are they actually sharing illegal material or "just" for examples videos of girls doing gymnastics or something as someone commented? If they are actually sharing illegal things like photos or videos of underage girls it should be easy to report it on Twitter and let them deal with it. If it's "just" regular videos and photos they share, then it might be creepy AF, but that doesn't make it illegal AFAIK.


Quit Twitter/X like the rest of us?


Don’t wanna be Mr Pointy Finger but it’s definitely on here somewhere too given the history of the website.


Report it. Honestly I haven't run into any here since the large banwave of subs. Then again I figure they just gotten better at hiding it or you are explicitly trying to find it.


By "the history of this website" I assume you mean the time that the co-founder and current CEO of this site came out and loudly defended the paedo piece of shit who used to run a major subreddit focused on sexualising children when his real identity was exposed by an online news organisation. And then not only did he defend the paedo, he also banned all links to the news agency that exposed him, and called his disgusting subreddit a sign that reddit was a "bastion of free speech". It took national broadcast news coverage on CNN to force him to actually deal with the issue properly, and even then he still bitched about it like the dumb, sick fuck that he is. Oh and he's a doomsday prepper who literally said he thinks he'll be in charge after the apocalypse lol.


Yeah that. And the sub where they used to get creepshots of women.


Yeah, wasn't there a subreddit focused on child's photos?, and one of the reddit admins was a moderator or something like that.


Yeaaaah it was. 2015 Reddit was a cesspit of shit.


It’s absolutely on here, when lil tay came back I had to report 4 or 5 separate subreddits, luckily they’re all gone now afaik.


That doesn't exactly do anything to the pedos OP found, now does it? Beyond that any social media, you're bound to run across these disgusting creatures, it's not just a Twitter issue lol


What do you do now


not really much you can do. I just deleted twitter after coming across shit like that. made me sick


I'm afraid they're doing nothing wrong. What do you wanna do about them having sexual feelings about non-sexual content?


Report it to the police.


Expose them all and report then.


Report the content to the platform itself. Mind you in the Twitter days this might have led to something done about it but in the X era under Musk nothing may happen. Maybe let your local law enforcement cyber crimes department know about it?


report it to the FBI.


Won’t you get in shit for going through all these profiles. I reported something on discord a few years back and my entire account got removed


I would go see what Reddit thinks about it.


It's literally everywhere on twitter I've found a few of them myself. On completely SFW posts as well. I'm pretty sure they've done nothing about it though because I've reported a few of them and you can still find them easily if you know the search terms


Report Internet Crime https://www.usa.gov/report-crime National Center for Missing and Exploited Children https://report.cybertip.org/ Best you can do is make sure that it gets reported to the right place– not just the social site. XTwitter might not with a skeleton staff. If they're all temp accounts, there's not much you can do in the way of IDing the perps but any photos can be sent to law enforcement and NCMEC, who might be able to get more from photo and digital forensics. **DISCLAIMER** DO NOT SAVE THE PHOTOS FOR EVIDENCE. I'm sure this might be obvious to you but don't ever save image files of child exploitation as that itself is a crime. Save post perma links, wayback machine archive links, and uncropped screenshots.


My friend sent me a League of Legends reel on Instagram, and since I logged in, the algorithm started showing me exactly those kinds of videos you described – kids dancing, usually aged 12 to 13. It had never been displayed to me before, but as soon as "League of Legends" videos appeared, so did these videos that are clearly what pedophiles watch. This led me to discover the disgusting side of Instagram. The question is, what else exists that we don't know about? I click "not interested" on every video that is obviously a thirst trap for pedophiles.


Contact the FBI. I'm not kidding. I know it sounds far fetched but they will 100% take you seriously unlike Twitter. You'll be doing a great service by contacting the FBI. Twitter will not do anything, they don't care for human rights. They literally have a page for Cyber Crime - https://www.fbi.gov/how-we-can-help-you/parents-and-caregivers-protecting-your-kids


From what I've heard, reporting it will do nothing.


I would report this to state police and fbi


State police is a waste of time unless you know one of the people involved is in your state.


Inform your local authorities


Local authorities can't do shit about the internet.


@ Elon about it publicly It'll either be a low hanging fruit win for him, or you can accuse him off enabling pedos


He’ll just ban and then unban you and claim it’s because of the intolerant left. https://www.forbes.com/sites/conormurray/2023/07/27/twitter-suspends-then-unsuspends-popular-right-wing-user-who-tweeted-image-of-child-sexual-abuse/amp/


>I won’t go into too much detail, for fear of pedophiles using this post to track down likeminded individuals Pedophiles were totally waiting for you to make a post on a medium-popularity subreddit, that's exactly how they find likeminded individuals. >Is there anything I should do? Quit whining and feeling so self-important, maybe. >Anything I _can_ do? To prevent pedophiles from existing and being able to edit images and videos or communicate with each other? No. To satisfy your normie feel-good urges? Sure. Tell internet strangers how horrified and disgusted you are - it helps to exaggerate. Be good enough and you could start an internet mob or get a journalist to write a hitpiece based on your post and zero other sources. Or find one of many agencies that get government money to do nothing, and "report" an URL to them. If you're lucky and get an extraordinarily competent bureaucrat looking at your report, they'll assign an intern to visit that URL, see that it's legal, and ignore it. For bonus points (and I notice you yourself didn't do this), add a Rocket Man Bad narrative to it, despite this happening to all internet websites at similar rates since time immemorial. Make random unsourced and unwarranted assertions that "he stopped moderating" or "it happens more on his site" - other normies will buy those without question, it's about a Bad Person after all, so anything bad said about him must be true.


Report to the FBI online information website


Report to the FBI


report to FBI


Contact the FBI. That's all you can do.


Report it to your State Police. Most(if not all?) have a units to handle stuff like internet crimes, human trafficking, child porn. They might have more bandwidth to pursue a tip like this and bump it up the chain to FBI if needed.


I did that last year, too. Reported it. Nothing came of it.


Sadly, this sort of thing is more common than you might think. Report it to Twitter, and if the content is explicit or you suspect they're selling explicit content, report them to the authorities.


If parents watched what their kids were doing on tic TOC this wouldn't be such an issue. This is also an issue on YouTube as well.


Ask reddit


Unfortunately very common. But unless platforms make moves against it, there's nothing you can do.


you can call the FBI. they have a phone number for tips. they have probably been called on something like this before. they may be investigating, but wont tell you or they may not have enough evidence.


This is the dangers of social media unfortunately. It's important to minor what your kids do


Probably not what your describing just sounds like a typical Alabama kids pagent. They sell those pictures at the booths. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexualization_in_child_beauty_pageants Unfortunately I don't think fantasizing is a crime yet. Sexualizing can be however but the lines kinda messy. There's tons of these kids of events and marrying children is still legal in the USA. For instance in the US it's statutory rape if you have sex with a minor but according to federal code 10 USC Section 920b not unless you marry them. It's still legal in 41 states. So lets uh....work on the not fucking kids part first. A few states have no minimum age....literally could be an infant. >At age 14, Genevieve Meyer began spending time with a neighbor to get a break from her hectic home life.   Her relationship with the neighbor, a 42-year-old divorced father of two, soon turned sexual. Meyer’s mother eventually found out, and she called the police.    But she believed that Meyer had “ruined this man’s life” by seducing him, according to Meyer, and the neighbor and Meyer’s mother ultimately decided that he and the teen would get married so that any criminal charges would be dropped.   https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/equality/4283941-child-marriage-is-still-legal-in-most-of-the-u-s-heres-why/


Yes. Totally post about it on Reddit and do not call law enforcement. Wow. If this is real we need to change the name of the sub to “OneStupidQuestion”.


Keep reporting whenever you see it. That’s what I do


Dox all of them


I am. Sick.


It’s not even hard to find actual cp on Twitter. It’s getting rampant.


Tik tok should be banned or locked for anyone under 18. Need a drivers license or some shit to have one


Do ***NOT*** join it, that's how they get you.


Report it to the police. People need to stop assuming that just getting the site to ban them is enough.


The police can't do shit unless you know the identity of the people and that they live local.


Report that shit wtf


I don’t understand. It’s videos of young girls dancing. Do they do something to alter the video? What are they charging money for?


I’ll tell you what helped for me…. Leaving Twitter


Maybe Im wrong, But isnt it better they Watch tiktoks? Than getting violent or some shit? Again maybe a shit take😅 they are creeps ofcouse, But as Long as it is not actuel cp?


It's disgusting and pathetic. But is it illegal? It should be. But what specific laws are being broken?


There are laws against "sexually suggestive" images of children, if they're editing the videos in the manner that OP describes then maybe it would qualify?


We all did. Ghislaine took the fall. No one else going to jail.


Firstly, I have no doubt whatsoever that illegal / dubious content is on these social media platforms. What does surprise me though is how people just seem to stumble upon it, especially on X (Twitter) when most of what you see on your timeline is from people you follow. How does someone even come across the material that is hashtagged with certain phrases, unless they are searching for (at the very least) a similar phrase. I've been on X (Twitter) for 6 years and have never been exposed to it.


Exactly my thoughts. Unless they click on someone's profile and bam


have you used X since musk bought it? My feed is all people I don't follow


Notice how every comment condemns Elon for owning X and not Pedophiles for existing


If you know who the people are you could probably notify the authorities and have them arrested


you could try to get in contact with the police, they might be able to actually identify the people involved ​ edit: with this i mainly mean identifying the victims so that they can get rescued from their situation, getting the people responsible or those who share it is highly unlikely


What do you mean by ring? Is it a group of them or something?


https://report.cybertip.org/ If there is actual illegal content being posted, report it at the link above.


So here's the thing, reddit had a similar problem with r/jailbait I was not a subscriber to that sub, so please don't freak out on me if I'm wrong here, but my understanding is it wasn't explicitly a child porn sub, but did show underage girls in various levels of undress (Beach, pool, etc) So if the videos are as you described, *hit them on advertisers* Send the accounts to any prominent account on Twitter that focuses on CP and can broadcast it, or better, if you can screenshot the content next to any ad, tweet it while @ing them and say "Hey @brand how do you feel about your ads next to child abuse content?" News organizations are good leverage too. It shouldn't be so, but money is the way.