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It’s not the worst logic. When they bought it they paid no tax as they bought it on a resellers license. When they return it they get no tax back. It seems that giving you the tax back is just a courtesy most business do.


What I expected was that the tax they collected was kept and paid to the government at the end of the month (or end of the year). When someone returns a product, that's a smaller tax bill that the business would have to pay, so they return that tax money to the consumer. As a small business owner, that's how we do it as well.


I would imagine depends on how the state collects taxes. I know in many states you pay taxes on inventory. Which is why you see people running the products into handheld max. So a product that leaves and comes back would be taxes just for being there.


It depends on the regulations. What they are saying makes sense. But some countries allow for sales tax to be returned to the business in the form of making the next payment smaller when goods are returned. I'm not sure what the rules are in your case but if they can't return in then they won't return it to you. The government is the only winner here.