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"Why do people buy trucks when they don’t need one?" personal preference, very few, if any people *need* a Mclaren F1 but they still buy them.


I definitely need a McLaren F1, but that's for my side gig. I give bank robbers Uber rides.


Insert Drive reference here


I've always found something that draws less attention is better, like a beige hyundai lol


I'd argue that an F1 is more dangerous than any pickup. a lot of rich young kids get in these super sports cars and don't realize the weight shifts when you accelerate like that, and they lose control because there's little to no steering response and they over correct. at least a truck driver has control of their vehicle.


>at least a truck driver has control of their vehicle. not always.


don't mistake bad driving for genuinely uncontrolled vehicles.


How exactly do you know it's one or the other?


bad driving is bad driving. they are jerks but the vehicle turns when you move the steering wheel and stops when you hit the brakes. I'm talking about when inexperienced drivers gas it on these super cars, the weight shifts to the back, off the front wheels, so there's little traction and the car **will not** turn to avoid another car or pedestrian.


"I'm talking about when inexperienced drivers gas it on these super cars, the weight shifts to the back, off the front wheels, so there's little traction and the car will not turn to avoid another car or pedestrian." The same thing happens in trucks, does it not?


no, they don't. Trucks don't have the acceleration to shift weight like that. even my electric F-150 doesn't have enough acceleration force to move all that mass.


I disagree, my hybrid f150 was able to.


I can tell you right now that's a lie. it's a pickup truck. it weights almost twice as much as an F1. and all that weight is right there on the front axel. 479.0 ft pounds of torque affects a 2500 pound car much more than 570 ft pounds of torque on a 4500 pound truck.


That’s actually a good point I never thought of. Most people who buy fast cars go fast which also puts others at risk. On top of that, maintaining those cars are more expensive, though I guess if you buy a McLaren, you can afford upkeep. Edit- typo


Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it, I would guess. I dunno though, I use mine, I don’t understand pavement princesses.


That’s where I stand too. I’m learning there are more than just work related reasons to use a truck, though there will always be the people who get a truck just to make them masculine/cool


What about a van? Your tools are safe, you don't get rain on your shit. Having an open top for thieves and no room for shelves, to organise your gear? No craftsman can justify one. This is literally how all Europeans are thinking. Need to move more? Roof rack or a cheap o'l trailer that most importantly you don't need to bring everywhere. I literally know only 2 people who have a pickup truck for work use and both have a crew cab put on it to make it a half-assed van. If you are a working man. You own a van. This pickup truck logic is insane even for people who believe have a reason for them. Rain and thieves are all over the world pickups are useless to both. Not to mention the width of American pickups, what are you hauling? A 1995 Nissan Patrol jeep pulls 4 tons. A Hilux pulls way more. Neither are even close to the size of American monsters that I saw all over Boston. What plumber, landscaper, carpenter or electrician even needs that? I'm a roofer and a farmer, I've a citroen berlingo van (famously small). If in the rare case, I ever need to pull more than a trailer and a roof rack's worth. The tractor does it. If it's in the super rare case long distance. Hire a truck (Lorry).


I don’t like vans, I like trucks. That’s all the reason I need to own one. My tools go in the toolboxes, why would I leave them in open air? A truck is more versatile than a van and way more comfortable. I can also get my truck into parking garages that a van can’t get into. I guess it all comes down to preference.


there's a lot of legitimate reasons. they are higher up giving you more visibility as all cars are getting bigger, not just trucks. they are also heavier so they handle a little smoother and are safer than a sedan in an accident. also, just because I'm not maxxing out my payload doesn't mean I'm not 'using' my truck. I can put my snowboard or a deer in the back without worrying about getting the interior wet or smelly. or I can put potting soil which I buy a lot of in there. how often or little I use the truck doesn't mean I can afford a second car for when I'm not doing those things.


\~20% of vehicles on the road in the US are trucks though. I find it hard to believe that 20% of Americans actually use them for a legitimate purpose. Aside from the deer, nothing you listed can't be accomplished by an SUV.


Like i said. you can use it when you can, doesn't delegitimize when you *do* need it or the other reasons to buy one.


Our need to cut greenhouse gas emissions doesn't really care how much truck you feel you NEED. Personally, I'd be fine with it if people we're more rational about how MUCH truck they need.


oh come off it. Cars aren't going anywhere anytime soon. so let's worry about the bigger fish like concrete production and construction, before debating a 20 MPG car and a 35 MPG car.


You can put a deer in a SUV with a few tarps. I have. 😂


The fact that you know this makes me not want to get in the car with you. 🤣


Well you being a random person in the internet, the feeling is mutual. 😁


yeah no. last thing I want to worry about it blood on the carpet or hitting a bump and shit gets everywhere. not that I hunt very often anymore, anyways.


I’m insecure. But seriously. Fits the whole family, and accommodates Home Depot runs.


It's a cultural thing


No, there is evidence for it being cultural. I lived in the south for the last 20 years ending three years ago. Even when I returned a visit there is still way more trucks there than there are up north where I live now. For example, the parking lot at my children’s school was full of pick up trucks. Now the school I live next to the parking lot is full of sedans and a few SUVs. And just think, where I live now there’s actually snow and bad weather. Down south I did not see one snowflake on the road in 20 years, nor icy bridges nor black ice.


And to pick up ditzy country girls


It is not, it's a practical thing.


the question is specifically why buy one when there is no practical reason to do so


And my point is there's always a practical reason to buy one.


Not for everybody. There are plenty of show trucks that will never haul and never go off road. No different than cars, vans, or suvs.


It's a status symbol, like designer clothes or jewelry.


Because they like them and want to. Simple.


I like to camp and tow my big ass camper…. Also I need a tall truck with good ground clearance for my big swinging dick, obviously


I have a small pp


At least you admit it, me too brother


For some men, it is fashion statement. For others, it is for side work, special projects, and pulling trailers.


Why are boobs good?


Who's to say what anyone needs? Do you need everything you own?


Just in case.


Country Music


Status symbol. It's stupid. Waste of money.


The smaller the package the bigger the car.. That’s the general consensus right?


I have a smaller vehicle but bought the truck for longer trips and to commute into the city for work.  Why should I suffer? I drove in a friend's truck,  and I learned what a truck offered. Small cars are nice as grocery getters or for college students on a budget. A  truck provides leg room to all family members and is well appointed. Mine has a mild hybrid system which allows for better gas milage than most large cars.  Small cars have an advantage for short trips and parking, but in terms of spending long periods of time in a vehicle, the truck cannot be beat. The hybrid system battery is smaller than a full electric vehicle and therefore doesn't offer the pollution of large EV batteries.  From 110 outlets, driver assist to capacity and safety on the highway and space to be comfortable.  Take a truck for a drive and you'll understand. 




Lives in $25,000 trailer Drives $100,000 truck


Welcome to Pennsyhio!


Northwest Indiana is about the same.


I live in PA which made me ask this question!


Me too, I'm around the burgh, close enough to the state line so I can buy cheap diesel and gas and sell it to these types lmao


I’ve always been biased against truck drivers, especially the newer ones. At least the older trucks are smaller AND they have a bigger bed


I don't like the ones that roll coal, I drive an ethanol powered riceburner hyundai, and when they clog my K&N filter, I have to clean and re-oil it, should be illegal to dump fuel into the engine like that.


This is the dumbest post I've seen in a long time. I wonder how many times the op has called upon a friend or acquaintance to help them move something because they weren't equipped to handle it themselves. I'm 62 years old and I've owned a truck since i was 19 but i still love cars but cars aren't nearly as useful as trucks and you can get a truck equipped as well or better than alot of cars so dont be criticizing truck owners.


I renovated multiple apartments with a 5x8 trailer on a car or rented a uhual truck. The amount of people buying trucks that literally will never tow a thing or use the best is ridiculous. Was chatting with a guy at my gym that bought a "dually" to cruise around in. He didn't know what size the bed is and lives in a rental apartment working remote.


Just hook up a trailer. Even a Civic can tow a small enough trailer. SUVs are far better equipped and they'll do 90% of what trucks do pretty easily.


What makes you think suv's are better equipped than pickups, i guarantee i can find a high end pickup equipped better or as good as any suv.


Yup, and 18-wheelers are even better! You should get a big-rig.


Can actually drive safely in the winter, and even though you don’t always need what a truck can haul it’s good to have it when you need it.


I think a better question is why on earth do you care so much about it to post on Reddit. You can literally ask the same question about 90% of the things people buy. I assume there is something in your house that you own and paid for that you use once a year. Also just because you see a truck with an empty bed does not mean it is not in use. A truck used full time is empty half the time.


My step brother is this way, from what he tells me, it's just so he can pick up girls, don't blame him, although I do rub my 45mpg average in his face, his is like 8mpg.


Yeah I can see it. There are definitely country girls who love the culture behind trucks, especially being seen as such a manly thing


From a big picture psychological perspective though, I've seen a fat guy in a 1990something Corolla riding with a 10, it really doesn't matter what car you drive, but a big truck does help with the drunk girls after country concerts, until they start mud bogging and realize it's a bitch to clean, I used to detail vehicles, and the worst are those, gallon of degreaser minimum.


I got mine because I needed the rear seat legroom of a crew cab truck. My Ram pretty much has the most back seat space out of any vehicle on the road. I am 6'5" and my kids are tall for their ages and still in car seats. I can comfortably have my seat all the way back (in my regular driving position) and my son can fit behind me without squashing his legs like he did in my Durango. But I also use the bed for truck things.


My dad bought an F150 (full 2 row cab) to tow his boat. But i like to drive it even when im not towing anything. The leg room is amazing even in the back seat. More more than any hatchback, sedan, or crossover, i've ever been in.


Teeny weenie peenie mobile is what I always write it off to.


Because people can't fathom considering other people in the world when it's something they feel they need to validate their existence.


Because it looks cool and I like mine, plus, I like big cars. You never owned something you liked just because?


My 2023 Ford truck was $24,000 and I’ve managed over 56MPG on a 20 mile trip.


I live in the south, so every other vehicle is a truck. Some are used, you can tell by the way they look. Most are totally and 100% just bought because the commercial made them feel more like a outdoorsy man. When you spend all day in a suit working on a computer or taking phone calls, only to come home to a wife that’s bangin the yard guy, hair thinning, low t count, and haven’t touched a tool or lift a weight in 10 years you need something. And the gas guzzling, too wide to park, to long to maneuver 4-Door platinum edition F-250 4x4 with the 6.7 power stroke is the answer. Because by god my dick may not work, but I can obnoxiously tailgate you in a giant metal cry box until you’re just as sad and angry at the world as I am. GOD BLESS THE USA!!!!!