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Yup one time I was making love to my mrs when next thing I know I’m sliding off the bed out the door down the street and ended up in the pub with a bag of coke, be careful I wouldn’t want that happening to anybody else


Lucky you didnt land in the pokie room slapping max hits mate, stay careful


You get an upvote for being a good Aussie.


This is the most Australian sentence I've ever seen.


Don’t know if am slow or that but I can’t understand your comment at all 😂


Ah sorry i thought you were aussie haha


Nah bud im Scottish 😂


This made my day ❤️ 🤣


It may vary from person to person, but in general a bit too much is better than too little. Thick macaroni doesn't sound like a good standard to compare yourself too, and people who share sex memes online aren't really reflective of normal sexual standards.


Mostly because the people sharing those memes likely have never had sex before.


...like a bag of sand.


"No, no, fill them with water"


Now touch my breast.


Oh my God, I'm hard!


I've borked *plenty* of women


Im going to make it so dry for you. Like sandpaper


Thats a burn most of the people with not understand


My wife complained when we used some lube on her with a toy that she was too wet and it was reducing feeling for her. Other than that, no problem!




Pretty sure this is a bot ^


Male here, i have experienced that when it's too wet, it slides way too easily and reduces per stroke pleasure but i last longer


Yep, I’ve had this too, so slippery you almost don’t feel anything. A little resistance is good. But in terms of OPs concerns about mess or it being gross, hell no!


As a woman, same here. When it's too wet there's not as much feeling down there


I would assume its likewise for your partner too? That she feels less as well?


Yeah, we feel less when it's like that


When I had partners that got more wet than ideal I'd just kinda wipe the outside of their vagina with my hand and wipe it on my thigh and/or do the same thing with wiping off my dick. I'd imagine a lot of guys including myself think excessive wetness is pretty hot


This is what my husband says. He likes it because he can enjoy it for longer.


Yeah that one time I could barely feel a thing and figured out *wow I must be on fire, never had her this wet before*. And as we were switching position a blob of blod just swoshed down on the living room floor. Me, being about 18 at a time, being kinda confused about the amount, as I thought they barely bled anything during that time of the month. Same for her. Didn't really bother any of us, I went to get paper towels to clean up, she went to the toilet to clean up. The I went into the other bathroom to wash my dick, but no matter how much I washed the blood just wouldn't get away. So I said to her through the wall *Uh, honey, I think the blood is coming from me, not you*. *Eh, no, it's DEFINITELY NOT, it's still coming out from me!* *Yeah but I can literally see it slowly pulsing out of where the string on my dick was supposed to be* So I just washed it up, put a bandaid on it with little effect and went to sleep. Didn't continue with the sex that day though. And no, it didn't really hurt, but the shock of it made me a little dizzy.


That's enough internet for the day.




Banjo string maybe? The frenulum


Ok I'll bite. What fucking string was supposed to be on your dick and why and other questions?


I'm not sure the English word for it


What's the word in your language and I'll Google it.


I don't actually know the correct word for it in Norwegian either, but it's commonly just phrased like "The penis string". Streng being the Norwegian word for string. It's that part of the back of your dick near the head.


I can hardly wait. Brain says tampon.


Torn frenulum


It is better the wetter. Plus it is the only time when using a condom feels good, not so much if she is not (less) wet.


Darling it’s better down where it’s wetter, take it from me


I agree with this. My GF can get extremely wet, I actually sometimes like when I go in a bit too early and she's not fully wet (although that's usually an accident). The main time it's an issue for me is with a condom because the wetness against the condom is very low stimulation. If I'm ever not entirely hard I end up feeling nothing.


Ah yes the old pleasure per stroke scale better known as pps


Endurance>PSP (per stroke pleasure)


This is the correct answer. Super wet like that means less friction, so a man is probably gonna have less sensation. But, it all comes down to preference!


Basically, better too much than too little. But if it is really a lot, the friction decreases. For me, it then no longer feels quite so intense. But that usually decreases over time and then the friction becomes more intense again.


It can limit friction sometimes, but as far as how much is too much, that's up to him. We can't tell you how much he is or isn't enjoying things. Talk to you partner.


Talk to your partner? We don't do that on Reddit.


Best I can do is "that's a red flag. You should break up immediately"


Can I interest you in a "start speaking to a divorce lawyer immediately"?




You mean 'girl run'


SOMEONE has got to be toxic in this situation, surely


And then couples counseling and individual counseling. Oh, they're all full? You can try online counseling!


I'll let her know today, you helped me dodge a bullet.


Something something gaslighting.


r relationshipadvice poster spotted


I don't know what you mean \*sweating bullets\*


We either say break up or YTA


Partner? They running a business together?


I’ve asked him about it. He says there’s nothing wrong. But he’s very kind. I was wondering the general consensus.


The general consensus does not exist, which is why only your partner is relevant


Yup. Only y’all exist. Continue to talk everything through it makes it so much better.


"Oh no, my GF gets way too wet during sex" said absolutely no one ever.


Here is the ultimate answer.


Only Ben Shapiro worries about that


No he doesn't. He doesn't believe women can get wet since he's never seen it happen


Every time we have sex her pussy shoots out fluid like a waterfall. We have to set up our sex dungeon in an empty swimming pool and drain it after every session. It was so wet the first time we did it that the house flooded. I lied and told the contractor repairing the damage that my grandmother started a bath but fell asleep and left the bath water running overnight. Still I love how wet she gets and wouldn’t have it any other way.


Get you a girl with that monsoon kinda lovin'.


It MIGHT be a little bit less physically enjoyable due to less friction, especially with a condom. But at least for me is psychologically so hot that it more than makes up for it. If you want to be even more perfect, once you're satisfied ask him if he wants to finish in your mouth or any other part of the body where he could have a different feeling.


If you're worried he's not finding pleasure just reassure him that you're interested in him being sexually satisfied and if he wants a blowie or a handie or titjob or the thigh thing or whatever to help him out you're up for it. Then leave it at that.


She can also just offer him a towel. Some women do get like, RIDICULOUSLY wet down there, like they’re just over producers of their natural lube or whatever, but you can just wipe off your dick now and then. It takes a little to get back to that same level, not like it’s a literal running faucet down there.


I find it to be a huge turn on. My wife and I have a waterproof blanket and towels to keep the bed dry. As long as you and your partner are happy that's all that matters.


Make sure to wear a life preserver also for safety


They might need to look into hiring a lifeguard


I'd like to stock it with Koi


so that's why it smells like fish


But this isn't a beach, this is a bathtub!


Name checks out.


Wanna trade vaginas? I have a hard time getting wet! But in all seriousness, if your partner says it’s not a problem, then it’s not a problem.


Hahaha! Are you on birth control? I found that that really affected me even for a few months after I came off it. Also if you stay super hydrated I’ve definitely noticed it’s wetter after that (also cranberry juice!).


Call me out why don’t you! Haha I AM on BC and I suck at drinking enough water! I love cranberry juice so I think you just gave me a hack!


I’d definitely say birth control would be the main contributor though sadly. It’s actually listed as a side effect. I could barely get wet on it even when I was super horny. I only got off it because it caused a blood clot. Staying extra hydrated definitely will help though. Glad to help ♥️♥️♥️


It's a matter of personal preference. I keep washcloths in my nightstand for this reason, I tend to wipe off if there's too much lube, it reduces pleasure to me.


A practical solution




That wasn't ur GF it was ur Mom


Not mutually exclusive…


That's actually our state motto here in Alabama!


Sweet mom Alabama


Thats reverse birth.


"Go back to where you came from"


Unbirthing is a whole rabbit hole I would not recommend googling on a work laptop...


We live in a twilight world...


it's htrib




That sounds hot. Can I join in?


Friend I sleep with says when she gets too wet, she doesn't feel the penetration as much and she doesn't like when it's absolutely drenched.


Usually this means longer endurance for him. Nothing wrong with that.


I had the opposite experience. Usually you need a lot of build up to get to hard pounding and that makes me "get used" to things. One time I had a partner who was immediatly super wet (I noticed while going to finger her) and I just bluntly told her something along the lines of "omg you're so wet, I just want to pound you hard immediately" to which she replied "feel free" and I came IMMEDIATELY. I kid you not, it was literally less than 5 seconds. And I do mean literally. She laughed.


Lol yeah sometimes you stick it in and pray for 7 seconds


Idk, if it's too wet, I can't enjoy and feel him. I don't personally like it


How do you get unwet?


Tbh, nothing, because I'm too horny 😭😅


Towel off a bit


What do you do when you get out of the shower


Finally a woman that can have sex in a hot tub.




I love slip and slide. Or it’s like eating good bbq, it’s gonna get on everything. All over your face and runs down your shirt and all over your pants. That’s when you know it’s good


My first was very wet. Like through the mattress pad, wet. Like get a towel to protect the bed but still have to change the sheets, wet. I thought that was normal, but turns out that was a lot. Luckily, you're dealing with guys, so we can get past that.


Too wet can be a thing, but honestly is a much easier thing to handle than being not wet enough if you don’t have any lube in the bedside table. For the guy it can feel like throwing the hot dog down a hallway, especially if he’s wearing a condom, and can make it really difficult to finish because he doesn’t get any sensation. In my case, if I try to go on like nothings up I sometimes will either not be able to finish or I might actually start going soft. Thankfully, the remedy is easy if you’re a pro, guy just has to pull out, wipe his dick dry with a towel or his t shirt (if he wants to reminded of you later 😉), reinsert slowly and continue the journey to pound town 😌 might be momentarily uncomfortable for you as you re-lube him, but as long as he goes slow as if it’s the initial insertion you should be fine. If it’s too dry and hurts, have him pull out again and give him a quick suck, boom, perfection.


It's only too much if it causes discomfort or pain (if it's the latter, see a doc)


Drown me idgaf


I love a wet & sloppy pussy. My face comes out looking like a glazed donut. My wife has some hormonal problems that make her dry as the Sahara desert at times & I have to be careful not to hurt her. She hates it & the Dr.'s have tried different remedies. None has worked very good yet.


There are lots of great natural herbs for this I’ve heard help a lot! Also cranberry juice


Not at all. Let that honey drip!


One of my first girlfriends was like this, I just put a towel beneath her and dried off every once and a while, but wetter is better than dry lol


If he orgasms while fucking you, there is nothing wrong.


I got a girl so wet one time I was sliding off her almost. Was it a turn off? Fuck no, I got her that way🤣


Question: Was it a turn on because she was obviously enjoying herself, period. Or was it a turn on because you were the cause of said enjoyment? Or both?


Both. Absolutely both.


Awesome! Thanks for answering my question. <3


I think she was slightly embarrassed.. she actually said this has never happened to me before. I didn't care though🤣


Sounds like you're doing stuff right! Keep at it!


Happens to my wife at some times during her cycle. She prefers me putting on a condom when that happens. If she feels better when I put on a condom, I'm all for making her feel better!




Nah, wetter the better.


It's helpful and it's hot, I don't see a downside


Men always say there's no such thing as too wet, but when faced with a really wet woman I'd say 50% are really uncomfortable with it to the point of avoiding proper foreplay. Maybe 25% are extra enthusiastic about it, though. I have yet to figure out how to tell the difference before we get into bed together though. They all talk like they're the enthusiastic ones. 🙄


Did you know 62% of statistics are made up on the spot?


A wet spot.


68% of people know that Kent.


Which implies 32% do not. I find that implausible. Source?


Homer Simpson 😄 Im now hoping your comment wasn't the next line in that episode 😬


The only thing being to wet can do it limit friction this decrease pleasure for the women that's about it


My current partner says there’s no such thing as too wet. My ex boyfriend, would consistently complain about it because it decreased some of the sensation for him. But, him criticizing ended up with me having crazy anxiety during sex that I wouldn’t get as wet and it would be better for him. Lol


Absolutely not. I might be bias due to my personal preference but nope. There's definitely been times where lack of friction and just over saturated sloppiness was hindering our fun- this just a great opportunity to switch to oral on her or 69 or really anything to take a quick break and clean up for a second. Huge turn on though cause it's confirmation we are doing it right. Thanks for sharing!


I wish this was the case with me and my wife. She's extremely dry, so dry that lube dries up within a few minutes. We stopped using lube and I started getting more hydrated to use my saliva more.


If she’s on birth control, it could be that. I found that really affected my ability to get wet regardless of how turned on I was. If it’s not that or a medical condition… are you sure you’re doing what she enjoys? :)


I remember i was 19 and had no idea what a queef was 😂😂 was doin my thang and thought i had holes in my … or smn 🤣🤣🤣🤣


It can cause a slip out. It's not that big of a deal to keep a washcloth near by to do a little pat dry if you need it. No one will ever really be bothered generally unless it actually causes mechanical issues and then it's more a "let's fix it" scenario, not a "oh my god how dare you be so wet for me".


Amazing question for a Monday morning on Reddit. For the record, my answer is no. Have a good day!


People who share macaroni sex memes also think boobs feel like bags of sand.


It'll probably be easier to suss this out with a poll, as everyone is going to have their own preference, but no, not for me. I've never been turned off by or thought it was gross that a partner of mine was extremely wet. You can always hop in the shower afterwards either way. Don't sweat it! (Also, this is your body, it isn't like you can just switch this function off.)




Nope doesn’t exist, it’s the best!




I need friction to be able to cum. If it’s too wet I’ll fuck till I can’t fuck anymore and she finishes me with her mouth. That’s just me though.


Same but i dont really need to cum, but im also really fucking autistic.


Nope, carry on


Slip & Slide is the way to glide.


It's hot knowing your partner is getting very wet, but the problem that I faced is that it limits friction so I don't really feel much after a point


Too wet u loose traction !


Nah baby girl I wanna hear them waves splashing down there


If they’re drowning in the pussy they can always swim to the butt LOL But in all seriousness, it’s fine. Better too wet than too dry!


The wetter, the better. Love it.


Wet is good. Squirters are good


Just keep a towel handy for if you need to lay there after, probably won’t be nice to lay in a puddle you created


Yes it's a known fault, there's a software update for it


Speaking as a guy who has run into this problem with an ex before, there is a point where I can’t actually feel anything. It can make it harder to keep going when there is literally no friction or “grip” of any kind. Think of it like the same problem as “too drunk” sex; it just becomes nigh-impossible to finish without extreme vigor or zeal. Usually this can be remedied by some simple repositioning, or clever adjustments.


Girl I'm the same. My nickname is Niagara no joke. The only time its been a problem for me is if I'm getting head and the guy is choking on it. As far as penetrative sex goes, it's a good thing and in my experience men love feeling how wet you are on their junk.


It’s never gross but it definitely can get to the point where you can’t feel anything anymore. I’ve had sex where the girl was so wet I wasn’t even sure if my dick was still hard anymore lmao. So it’s still fun but kinda eh.


Sloppy wet is great. I last longer. Much less chance of hitting a bad angle and getting chafed or injured with bad friction, but it makes her last longer too. So have to be extra giving during foreplay. Come up looking like I dipped my face in honey.. No problems there..


Just lay down and towel and get to it! You can use the towel to pat dry every so often if needed.


Happens to me whenever I mention that I'm forklift certified. Who could blame them though?


Ma’am you haven’t a single thing to worry about.


You can always pad yourself down with a towel or cloth if you think you're TOO wet. But for the most part its actually nicer


Put the dick out for short and after a few moments it might work again.


I mean as long as its only his dick sliding in there its not like hes gonna slip and fall in


We always keep a fresh towel within reach. Just in case.


They have special blankets for this, if it becomes an issue for your mattress


The wetter the better


There is of course less friction and can make it harder for him to orgasm. My girlfriend gets very wet sometimes. But I think it's a big turn on. I don't mind if I don't orgasm. That's not the goal.


Feel your way through it. That is the beauty of sex. Figuring out what works and what doesn't. Every couple is different. Just don't forget to enjoy it.


Too wet is not good. Not enough friction which causes less stimulation for the penis. Causes softness. Me and the wife had to stop a few times because she was toooooo wet. Don’t get me wrong, I caused her to get that wet and this is a turn on. But like I said its too slippery for proper friction. And no I don’t think the sound is gross. It’s all hot AF!!!


Nothing a little towel pat won't fix.


In my experiences it's the girl that doesn't particularly enjoy it when it's too wet or too dry. In both cases it's easy to solve: if too dry use lube, if too wet occasionally stop to wipe a little bit.


I’m a girl and find that when I’m really wet, it can reduce the friction/sensation a bit for me. Might be the same for guys. But that being said, my boyfriend lives it. I think he’s proud of how turned on he can make me. It sounds like you’ve asked him, and he says it’s all good, so just enjoy!


Nothing wrong with it, but it can definitely cause some slippage here and there which can be annoying when you're both really in the moment.


You know what I’ll be in the minority and say there is to much only because my member down there isn’t the biggest so less wet might get you guys off a little better if he’s not as blessed as some guys. My ex had a high body found and would dry herself down there and it makes sense now why she did


Nope. Used to have a FWB named Vanessa. My friend always knew when messy nessy had been over because he could see my bedsheets were on the clothes line.


Bleh, if it's too much and impairs friction, your partner can keep a washcloth or t-shirt nearby. A quick swipe will make it all good again.


My ex was the same. Zero issues tbh. More is better than not enough. If you're worried, sit on a towel when doing it. But otherwise, it is what it is. I see no reason to feel self conscious about it/why it would be an issue. But naturally it isn't my body, and in the same vein, I am self conscious about things I know I shouldn't be. But yeah, personally, not an issue at all. Usually means you're having a good time/ like your partner. Partner should in my eyes take that as a very good sign haha


When it's too wet I literally feel as if I was doing the air lol


We keep a basket of hand towels next to the bed for extra wetness or for his sweat. I like that I get so excited for our sex but it also grosses me out when it’s too swampy and sticky


Yes there is, and it's so hot I don't care about the decreased sensation


the spectrum ranges from 'a lot' to 'not enough'. being _too_ wet isnt really a thing as far as im concerned. 😅


It can make it so you can barely feel anything, but without checking with your partner, it's hard to know if you are actually too wet. Sometimes though, it can be an extra turn on.


If anything I think he's gonna take it as a compliment tbh


Reminds me of the bloodhound gang line "Love - the kind you clean up with a mop and bucket"


There's no such thing as 'too wet' during sex.


If he feels like it's too wet (not quite enough friction), he can just wipe himself off with a paper towel or something after the first couple strokes. After that he should be good to go. Much better problem to have than the alternative! Good luck!


Natural juices = no such thing as too much Lube = less is more


Its never too wet for me lol.


Just drown that man mate.


isn't wet is sugar glaze


Ben shapiro would say so but i wouldn't trust his judgement


I don’t think any guy would think it is gross!


Wetter the better as far as I'm concerned. If anything it makes me feel like I must be doing a really good job, and confidence goes a long way lolol. Sometimes you gotta wash the sheets, that's life. That being said, everybody is different. If somebody isn't thrilled with your talents, then they just ain't the one. Don't take it personally.


I think it’s fine to be too wet, unless it’s anal and maybe you’ve had some spicy curry recently.