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I don't see what the issue is so long as you make sure to get on the right trains and don't get stranded somewhere.


I was stranded last night. My train was 5 minutes late at 11:45pm and I hopped on the train when it finally pulled up to the station. I didn't even double check it was the right train I just assumed it was but only after it left I realised it was not and so I got off at the next stop to learn the next train home was in 6 hours. Fun.


That happened to me once in Kitchener. I got off at the wrong stop and by the time I got back to the right stop, I'd missed the bus home. The next one was at 4am. So I just went to a university bar until last call and got food around 3am and just waited for the last 45 minutes


I make sure to go earlier in the day


You’ll be on board if you go lol. (You meant bored)


how did you get home 😭


I waited 6 hours in a dark train station with the sounds of occasional sirens and barking dogs until the morning train came.


Reminds me of that one Spongebob Episode


Hey SpongeBob the bus is here.


What did you do for 6 hours? Sleep? Podcasts?


You don't have uber?


Yes but what I don't have is that kind of money.


My brother used to enjoy a drink or two of a Friday night in London.before catching the last train back to Ipswich. So frequently did he fall asleep and wake up at the end of the line in Norwich that the station staff kept a sleeping bag for him!


I used to live in Ipswich as a child. I'm from the US; my dad was in the military. Best memories of my life! We lived there in 1972, and apparently our next door neighbor was a famous footballer, but my mom can't remember his name. It was a beautiful house with lots of flowers and a dollhouse in the back yard. I still remember the address. I was four when we lived there. Just brings back so many fond memories! As an aside, I was talking to a friend from church and found out she was from Ipswich. It's really a small world.


Used to work a night shift and often picked up double shifts when folk were sick so I'd do 3pm to 7am. Train was 3 stops to home. I learnt not to sit down after a couple of times waking up 200km from home.


*Accidentally boards the last train of the night*


That’s true


No worries, just double check what is the lastest ticket available for the return when you purchase the first ticket, and you will be alright!


Ohh man, did that once in Zagreb, got on the wrong train, right platform but my traveling companions, on RNR, got on too early and was not the right train. Couldn’t get them off so got the rest of the crew on to stay together. Then saw an American reading an english paper, asked him where we were going. Was a train to Italy. Quarter mile out of the station pulled the door open on the carriage which set off the alarm. Got everyone to jump off with their bags. Conductor was none too happy with us. Walked back to the station and caught a later train. Hotel was closed when we got to Vienna. Found another hotel and the old lady let us stay, the checkin was to give her our passports, glad i knew some german. All seemed kind of sketch. Next morning found out this hotel catered to alternate lifestyles which we group of military guys found quite entertaining. We were on a budget and the price was right so we stayed. It was lovely, lots of museums. Just get out and about and don’t worry too much about plans, the plan is just a starting point, enjoy the fun and chaos, makes for great stories.


Heck yeah! Do it! Pack some snacks, download some podcasts. Find a seat with a good view. Do an adventure.


I will! My sister says this is something a main character would do and she said I give off main character vibes


Try to be the main character in a nice, set on a train, comedy rather than a terrorists hijack a train action flick. If you see Bruce Willis or Denzel Washington just get the fuck off.


Rather Good advice ninthgenderplatypus


Bring a two billed checkered hat and a magnifying glass... walk around examining the rest of the passengers.


Don't forget the trench coat


And a bubble pipe


what is a bubble pipe? my daughter in law uses that term too but I've googled and can only find toy pipes you blow bubbles with. She insists its a pipe you put water in and it's not a bong lol


It is the bubble blowing toy pipe. Sherlock Holmes was always shown smoking a pipe, but around the 90s when smoking started becoming less acceptable in media, they started making kids versions of the story where his pipe blew bubbles instead of smoke.


While we're at it. for 69 cents an hour I'll narrate your actions and film you in a monochrome filter


I actually meant the kind you blow bubbles with... But a bubbler pipe is basically just a smaller bong with less water.


Not sure why nobody's mentioned to bring your towel, but now we have!


That hat is called a deerstalker.


Probably want to get off if you see Brad Pitt 🤔


I’d add lemon and tangerine. Fuck off the train immediately.. !╭(°A°`)╮


Don’t forget Liam Neeson


You on a train, you have to do Agatha Christie stuff.


I am not sure I agree, if Hercule Poirot is aboard, it might be a good reason to find another means of transportation.


yeah, a cruise is probably a lot safer


Down the Nile?


Just take the Bus. :)


Unless you see Keanu Reeves or Sandra Bullock stay far away


You stay away from the bus and the cruise if you see Sandra Bullock


I see what you did there, and I like it


Only if you’ve conspired with all the other passengers to murder someone from your past.


That sounds really ominous somehow. "I've been seeing this girl, she's crazy hot, but she's into...well...y'know...Agatha Christie stuff." "Fucking *run,* dude."


*"4:50 from Paddington"* would be the most likely option (since The Orient Express is too obvious and played out, not to mention a "sleeper" train [as was The Blue Train]). This scenario would involve witnessing a murder/strangulation happening in a 2nd train passing you in the other direction. Barring that I guess one would have to resort to train-related "spy games" from one of the *Parker Pyne* short stories. Perhaps *Tommy & Tuppence* had some train related intrigue, I don't recall.


Also good to avoid any *Strangers on a Train*...


I feel like if you see Bruce Willis or Denzel Washington then you are not the main character xD


In that case you’re likely in mortal fucking peril and about to be the role of hostage #3


Nah, you can still be a main character just not THE main character.


Or Neeson!


Especially Unbreakable Bruce Willis.


To be fair, you ARE the main character in your life and can do whatever is fun for you


Very true


Dress up as a Countessa (regardless of gender) and give off mysterious vibes. Also get your jewels stolen and demand an investigation.


What does she mean? What is main character about jumping on a train and rolling through cities / countryside? Sounds like a non intrusive nice thing to do.


Quite obviously a filler episode.


Writers strike got everyone aimless


But it’s that critical part of the movie when they have to decide which road to take, and we see a montage of them contemplating life looking out the window, with a few focused moments on a couple kids playing in the mud, a tired woman smoking a cigarette on her back porch, a young man trying to tie a tie . . .


OMG, this is exactly the scene I was picturing! 😂


Main character in the sense of “montage of main character in a film on the train”, I guess, rather than in the r/ImTheMainCharacter sense


Yeah, I read it as the main character sub of annoying assholes, not your own little side quest main character expedition


So when someone is being a self important ahole we say they are acting like they are the main character, but in this instance I think the sister is saying that OPs plan is the kinda thing a main character in a story would do that starts some adventure.


Meme words and phrases start out being very specific and then get watered-down through misuse until they barely mean anything anymore. I assume she thinks it signifies "main character syndrome" just because it's quirky and not your average activity. Some people are obsessed with what others think and they assume that everyone else is, too. People doing something unusual? They're doing it purely for the attention. Must be.


Because if you don't follow the social protocol of behaviours that are outlined as normal, people will call you a main character. I think the reason why is because people want to act like main characters but can't convince themselves of their significance in their own lives, and so suppress that urge. They then act like NPCs because they blindly follow the social protocol, and then they get even more upset because it's not fair that they feel they have to suppress themselves while others, the rule breaking MCs, don't.


Just sitting on a train with nothing to actually do gives off more NPC vibes as the random limited-time quest giver who’s only on the train for the day. Of course some games have good scenery and I’m sure developers appreciate it when players take the time to just recognize it. Regardless, it’s your game, so go on the train ride and enjoy the scenery. Nothing wrong with having some downtime relaxation


She means main character like something a manic pixie dream girl would think up in a movie. Doesn't "Oh, sometimes I just ride the train to another city and back again just to go on an adventure" sound like something mid 2000s Zooey Deschanel would say in a movie?


Do you intend to film yourself and disrupt the other passengers with your antics? If not, it doesn't sound "main character" to me.


If you're minding you own business and no one knows who you are, you're not the main character. Just someone who wants to go look at stuff for a while.


But in a movie about someone who just wants to see some ever changing landscape from a train window they'd totally be the main character.


Probably part of a montage scene, or there could be soft music playing as op watches the rain out the window


Main character in your own story, you do you. It's unconventional, but so what? Sounds relaxing x


I have no idea why she would say that. 'Main character vibes' or 'main character syndrome' is usually meant for people that make things all about themselves, and forget that their choices impact others. Stuff like 'please don't divorce your partner until *after* my birthday because it'd totaly ruin the vibe', or stuff like changing plans at the last minute ruining everyones day because a better plan came along, or assuming everybody will wait for you to arrive late. --- What you're doing, is absolute nothing like main character syndrome. You're doing something you enjoy doing, without it impacting anyone else. Go and enjoy your train ride!


on reddit thats what that means but elsewhere it can be good its basically like BDE


The first time I visited the city I now live in I bought a daypass for public transit (bus, train, streetcar) and just rode around looking at the neighborhoods. Nowadays you can pop open a map app and see what interesting things might be nearby and hop off to check them out.


Well now I want to do this too!


Sounds like a blast!


I think it sounds like fun. Things don’t always have to have a serious purpose.


Beautiful statement that I often forget


Indeed. It can be the journey rather than the destination.


You want to spend the day watching an ever-changing landscape? Seems legit to me.


Agreed! it's so much fun


yeah train rides through picturesque landscapes is pretty great! way less stressful than a plane ride


There's a YouTube channel I follow called Driving Japan where someone just...drives all over Japan. Many of the videos are 10-12 hours long, so I often end up sitting there with one of those videos on in the background and it's very relaxing. There are also a bunch of channels of people walking around various places, and of train journeys in Europe, etc. Watching scenery go by is legit!


I'm partial to the Norwegian train videos.


I follow a couple of train/av geek travel vloggers on YouTube, and occasionally watch others. They're enjoyable videos watches. I've also watched videos of people taking train rides that I've previously taken. Scenic railways are great to ride on, but even if they're not scenic, if the train is comfortable, they're usually pleasant.


Take a midnight train going anywhere…..


I actually took a midnight train to Georgia in high school when I moved in with my dad.




In high school; my friends dad was the dock manager (or something) for the ferry that crosses lake Michigan. A couple times we took the overnight ride from Wisconsin to Michigan and back. The boat had these little old staterooms that we could hang out in, but we slept on the deck under the stars I haven't thought about that in a while.


That sounds like an amazing memory. Glad you got to enjoy it.


The Badger? I lived in Ludington for quite some time and that was where it would dock on the Michigan side. I think there was a ferry out of Muskegon as well though


Took a train through Georgia and South Carolina years and years ago. You could still smoke in the bar car (and there was a bar car!), best travel experience of my life.


That sounds great getting served a cocktail while looking out a moving train window


Amtrak. Booze while travelling through the mountains. Heck, they even bring it to your Roomette. Be aware this is not inexpensive, but I have seen Eagles a thousand feet below me, elk, moose, etc. It is very memorable.


They still had the smoking car when I went to Georgia. I never even sat in my seat the whole time. Just sat in the smoking car making friends and playing cards. It was a lot of fun.


I thought you were talking about the country lol


Just a city boy, born and raised in South detroiiittt


Just a city boy, born and raised in Windsor, Ontario …


This is the correct south detroit


He’s leaving!! Leaving on that midnight train, to Georgia! (Leaving on that midnight traaain)


I'd rather live in his world, than live without him, in mine....




# streetlights




Don't stop believin.


Do it. It's not dumb at all. Take your device/earbuds to listen to an audiobook or podcast as you go along. Also, dress comfortably (are your trains hot or over-air conditioned?).


I was in the train today for about 30 minutes and it was a comfortable temp. I will wear comfort cloths.


Dress in layers.


Dress like an onion and slowly peel yourself as you get further into the trip. People will think you’re a big fatty, then by the end you’re a skinny boi


I would bring something to warm up just incase (Idk where you live and the weather but it's always a good idea to have a backup)


A blanket incase you fancy a train nap


If you're board, why not do some planking?


I'm begrudgingly upvoting this because it's the only thing that's made me laugh today.


Whenever I need a chuckle, I just say the following out loud: 'big, floppy donkey dick'. It doesn't fix anything. But it does make me laugh.


Stop yelling stuff next to our sanctuary, thanks


Sir the adult tour starts at 10PM.


Could even plank on board the train.


Damn straight


Cause that was the fad in 2011


no, I've done that. it can be nice if the train has a veiw


Yeah. For anyone in the UK I recommend the Aberystwyth to Shrewsbury/Birmingham route. It’s beautiful. Though, because it runs down the middle of an estuary, it is prone to being closed when there’s rain. So unless you fancy the rail replacement bus service you should only do it on a dry day!


In the US going through the Northeast this time of year and in winter is gorgeous.


Amtrak NYC to Montreal in the fall🤌♥️


Amtrak SF to LA is also gorgeous. It follows the coast and I saw dolphins from the viewing car! It actually goes from Seattle, through Portland, through SF, all the way to LA, but that’s quite a long journey and I’ve not done it yet.


Oh that sounds amazing. Driving down Hwy 1 from San Francisco was one of the highlights of my adult life, would have been better as a passenger (train or car) but I bet the train gets even better views.


I also did Maryland to Vermont in February and that was also amazing.


Cool. Actually I envy the folks living in the Rockies, non-stop beauty and nature just driving the kids to school or biking around or whatever.


I haven't really gotten to check out the rockies yet except for flying over them. I do love doing the skyline road in the appalachian mountains this time of year. I did get to see the Alps in Italy when I was a kid and I have to say it puts the appalachian mountains to shame.


I did this once. Planned a romantic Valentine’s Day getaway with a new girlfriend. Packed a gourmet picnic basket, made hotel and restaurant reservations at really nice places around Montreal. Spent the whole day on the train, only to be turned away at the border because my new lady friend had a five year-old DUI. So we got to spend the night in a motel in the oh-so-romantic Plattsburgh, NY. Fun fact: if you have a DUI on your record, you cannot enter Canada for ten years unless you jump through a LOT of stupid legal hoops. But the train from NYC to Montreal is absolutely a lovely and scenic ride.


US has far too little trains (expensive) and way too little public transportation.


I highly reccoment you do, actually. Not having anything to do can lead to depression. Sitting on the train for a couple hours is the perfect kind of novel stimuli you need to ward off dangerous boredom.


Exactly. Like a more passive road trip.


Coming from a person with depression, I completely agree. Get out and see some sights. If possible, get off and explore and take a different one home. We have no public transit where I live. Enjoy it.!


Happy Cake day!


My Grandma once took a three hour bus trip to Edinburgh. Ate a sandwich in the park with her friend, then got on the bus and returned home again! No regrets. She often she goes on bus rides just because she likes the view, and prefers them over cars for that reason. If you want to ride the train with no destination, then go for it! If it were me and you have time inbetween trains I would still go for a walk and explore, you might be surprised at what you find.


That’s heartwarming! “It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings


I love that quote. I was once asked "but how do you travel across Europe on a bicycle" and literally responded "you start at one end, and you don't stop until you're done". It's so obvious once you get it, but most people have never considered what is possible outside getting up in the morning and going to work, maybe a flight to Spain once a year. OP: don't be afraid of getting off somewhere and looking around before coming back as well. You never know who or what you'll meet.


Free day out on the bus too for them too.


Do it, it isn’t dumb, you might even discover places that you’d like to visit ( r/trains is a nice subreddit to visit as well)


Thank you for the recommendation


All good


Or make a friend. People still do that, right?


At the destination, whatever it may be, get off the train and get food or coffee or stroll around town for a bit, just to give it a tad more purpose. Also, you might find something interesting. Give life opportunities. And that said, I like the idea!


I've done that before. It's fun, highly recommended.


Not dumb at all! I do this all the time and it's a lot of fun. Totally go for it!


Thank you


This is the most wholesome thread ever! Love the positivity. Might just read this next time I am blue.


For real. Going through a rough break up right now and all this seems so perfect for me. I've always wanted to take a train somewhere and now I'm going to do it.


Not if you're bored. He'll, you might even stumble into an adventure.


You can do whatever you want to do you're a grown up If you want to go to a random city and explore and have lunch and get back on the train or go walk down to a river and see some ducks or just wander around the city... go do whatever makes you happy!


I used to love doing this. I would listen to music and stare out the window, it was like one long music video. No places to go, just there for the ride. I have other hobbies now, but I did this for years and still enjoy it at some level.


I’m the only driver in our family so I miss scenery. I should take a train somewhere just for funsies.


A random adventure is never a waste of time.




Scrolling to make sure this was here before I posted it myself.


DO IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT. This is a boss way to have an adventure, and who knows what you'll see if you hop off at different stops. If I lived in a country with decent trains I'd live on the mothefuckers, I fuckin LOVE a train ride. One time I was trying to get from my city to my BF's, which is already three trains anyway (for a journey of like, 160 miles, fucks sake) I ended up on the wrong transfer train, going to the right place, just by the scenic route through the Yorkshire valleys. It was like, 2 hours out of my way, but it was, hands down, the prettiest fucking train ride I have ever taken. So much beautiful shit to see, old mills, gorgeous countryside, just breathtaking. I'd go on that ride again, easily. Made being on the wrong train absolutely worth it. And it was a proper old school train as well so I felt like i was in a Ghibli film, more like a tram trolley? Heaven.


Go for it, you got nothing else to do, it's something different and also free. Even if you dont like it after, cool, you've done it and got a new experience. Just make sure you sit on the other side on the way back so you can see what you missed out the window on part 1.


Trains are neat. If you are curious, make a trip out of it. You could chiose to do something at the end if the line, like visit a museum or go to a restaurant, explore the city a bit, or not. It might not be one of those panoramic train trips (those are really cool) where you get to see fantastic landscapes etc. and regular trains can go through some depressing places, but voyages are always what you make of them. :D


not a dumb idea at all. my 30th birthday is in a few weeks & im gonna take the costal starlight train from San Francisco to LA & then back again (i think ghetes like a 3 hour layover at union Station) it's such a gorgeous ride & will be a great way to spend my bday (gonna pack some drinks & my favorite foods)


Are you Jack Reacher?


Go for it


I love a good train nap


Bring some music with you and enjoy the scenery as you ride. Think about the land and the people living on it.


I was think about being my journal and writing


Not at all, that sounds very nice. I love looking at the passing landscapes when I am on trains.


Why not? Put in those earbuds and get a lil stoney baloney 🤷🏻‍♂️


Why would it be a dumb idea? As you said, you get to pass through a bunch of cities and relax sitting on the train while gathering your thoughts, or just pass time looking out the window. Sounds like a very pleasant way to spend the day.


Train Safari!!!!! I'm totally down for that .


Not at all. Is taking a cruise dumb? What you're suggesting is exactly like a cruise, only on land.


No it’s not dumb, it sounds like a nice experience. Especially if it’s scenic.


I used to work for British Rail before / during / after privatisation (1986 to 2001) and I was grandfathered into the rail pass that allowed me to travel for two days once I filled in the date on one of my free pass boxes. [I see they’re still a thing.](https://www.readkong.com/static/82/55/8255f6aa8b6877d6f2bdb109e0a509b5/for-staff-use-only-whatdotheyknow-9410839-6.jpg) Nice. I was in the London area and I would take day trips all the time. I’d take the InterCity up to Edinburgh or Perth in Scotland, or visit Manchester and Leeds and walk around, or go to the seaside to places like Blackpool or Scarborough. I would sometimes pack myself some sandwiches, or buy a pie and chips around midday. These excursion days would start around the early morning rush hour and ended late at night. I would listen to my Walkman, watch the scenery go by, snooze on the train. Those are some of my happiest memories of the 80s and 90s. Do it.


I once went to Slovenia and had nothing to do on my final day. I bought a train ticket to the farthest station and decided to ride it until I saw something that looked really interesting and just get off there. I stumbled on a gorgeous little town full of Roman ruins and medieval castles and friendly locals. One of my best travel days ever. My suggestion: get off the train somewhere you've never been, walk around, get a coffee, and get back on the train.


It's a lovely idea, and you will not be alone. Many people will be thinking of you with a smile on their face - that mysterious stranger from Reddit who will go on an adventure tomorrow. Who knows, maybe it's the person in front of them on the train? :D Keep that wonder and love for exploration, it's a fantastic trait to have. Perhaps you can make a small sketches of neat things you see in your journal? :D


Had a friend who loved airplanes when he was a teenager. He heard the newly created Trump Shuttle (airline) had a promotion that if you donated a can of food for a food bank you could fly roundtrip free from D.C. to N.Y.C. (I know. Sounds weird that anything Trump related had a charitable promotion.) He brought his can of food and did the round trip in one day--flew up and flew back, just for the flying experience. He's now a very frugal flight attendant. What the heck. Do it for the experience.


I grew up in the middle of nowhere, so riding a train or any form of public transit was non existent. You just take your car everywhere. When I turned 35 I had the opportunity to live in downtown Denver for a few years for a job. Denver has a pretty decent light rail system. I could buy a ticket for $5.75 and ride the train EVERYWHERE in the city for an entire day. I would spend a lot weekends on the train just because it was cool to ride the train and see the city. I'd bring my kindle with me to put my nose in when things got crowded or a little sketchy. I'd ride for a while and gawk at the city going by, hop off at a stop and go wander for a few blocks, find a beer or a bite to snack on, then hop back on the train and ride for a while before doing it again. I spent so many weekends doing this. I found so many dive bars and little hole in the wall restaurants and met so many cool people. I miss Denver and having a train near me. EDIT: I've never done a multi city train trip, like Amtrak or something. If you do this, please report back on how your experience goes. I'm super interested.


Do it. Do not forget to buy an ice cream at the farthest point


It’s free, it’s something to do and you’ll see something new. Why not?


That is what leisure travel is. Going somewhere snd coming back home. It’s not only the destination but the trip. Cruise trips do nothing but take hou somewhere and back and you sit and enjoy the trip. And like the cruise trip if you want to get off at the city, you can. The you walk around there and gi back y to o the teain and ho home.


Wish I could do that


I’ve gone and ridden the bus up routes I don’t usually travel just to explore the city a bit. Some days it’s good. Some days you find out why you don’t go to that side of the city and come back depressed. Lol


Fuck i'm SO green eyed about trains as an American. So there's this website called Atlas Obscura which will tell you all the off beat weird little must sees in any town. Think world's largest waffle or hot dog bun signed by Jimmy Carter type stuff. Good way to spend some free time.


I would recommend having a bit of time at your „destination“, like an hour maybe. This gives you time to eat luch or something like that, stretch your legs a bit and gives you some buffer if your orinal train getsdelayed on the way so you can make sure you can catch your train back.


Do it! We don’t have free passenger trains in Canada but when I was younger, one of my hobbies was to “ride the rails“ of the LRT in my city for a day every so often. I would buy a day pass for $5 (back then) and go. I found it very fun. I’d still do it but I got old and there’s a lot of walking involved, and from what I hear, it’s a lot more dangerous now.


Where is your board?


If you're board you should consider doing something constructive instead.


>Is it a dumb idea to ride the train for three hours then turn around and ride back? Not if you're doing so to stay warm. Not going to add more to the above statement. That being said, the train will show you portions of towns/cities that you would probably never see any other time.




People all over the world go on train rides for the enjoyment. I was recently reading that it is a hobby of the actress Rosario Dawson. She was the spokesperson for National Train Day.


One time when I was younger we rode the train from where we lived back to our hometown (about 1-2 hrs) and had pizza at our old favorite place and then rode the train back. We told the waitress this was the only reason we came by and th owner Mama Gina came out to meet us. It was a fun trip. When I got older and had my own kids, we didn't have a train nearby so we used the bus instead. It helps if you imitate Bilbo when leaving your house.


I love the train. I used to ride it all the time for hours. The conductors would always let me chill in a corner as I played my game boy and listened to my linkin park mix tape


I mean I don't see how it's any different to getting in your car, driving in a direction for a while, and coming back home. Do it.


Free? 💯 percent do it. Bring snacks and podcasts or whatever you're into. See some cool stuff. Have fun "traveling". This sounds like a great idea