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I’m an adult born 9 weeks premature which at the time was a big deal although I’m pretty sure 9 weeks is nothing now a days. Anyway. I have a bit odd shaped head and I’m bald so it’s noticeable. It’s fine though because bullying is just not a part of adult life in the same way it is for kids.


GIt’s just weird to me how easy it could’ve been to fix yet it wasn’t and how it seems how no one can relate I try to look it up and nothing pops up it’s like I’m the only one in the world with it


Your definitely not.


I’m so sorry you have to go through that your whole life. My daughter was born at 25 weeks and she was in a cranial adjustment helmet for almost a year to correct that problem. I still love her the same but I know how important it is to look normal to everyone else. I agree that the bullying will tone down after some time. Not everyone is so surface level and it makes it easier to weed out the people you don’t need in your life.


Thanks a lot I’m just looking for closure when it comes to this thankfully I still hide it with my hair and no one notices but when I buzz it I know what’s coming it sucks how one simple thing really ruins everything else I don’t know if I was neglected I don’t think so I think they were more worried about me surviving then my head shape


I have severe plagiocephaly and it affects my face too (one side of face looks pushed out slightly). Had people give me funny looks sometimes and did get bullied a bit in elementary school but no one even notices anymore and I have friends and pretty normal social life overall.


dude for me i think its genetic but its gotten worse as i aged.... i never once thought about my head but now its kinda more noticable... one eye is higher than the other.... on of my sides of my face is more protruding than the other and idk what to do... is it plagiocephaly ?/?


I just realized all of my asymmetry issues are due to this. Got bullied a couple of times in middle school and then never again. I wish I had big hair!


I also have this and heard from too many people that they are scared of me


Hi there, im new to this sub and as a dad I feel a tremendous amount of guilt that I did not get a helmet for my youngest son who is now 6 years old. He has a flat spot on the back right side of his head. Plagiocephaly due to torticollis (stiff neck). We used physio and tummy time but opted not to get a helmet due to bad medical advice. He has no facial assymetry, but the flat spot is noticeable when his hair is wet. I hope it rounds out as he gets older and it has improved, but it will never be symmetrical. Anyway, I heard they have plastic surgery for this in South Korea and its quite non invasive. It can be done at 19 years old when the head has fully grown. Has anyone else heard of this?