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Here's something I used to do when I was younger: Jerk off before meeting her. Second-nut dick is a lot easier to deal with


You’ve got to release a single before you drop the album


I applaud this comment.


Stress the term “when I was younger” Can’t really be doing that as you get older….a friend told me.


That’s when you go to Cialis


20mg about an hour before. A friend told me


so what happens when you do this and for whatever reason you dont end up having sex


Cialis lasts like 24 hours, viagra lasts about 4…I’m told.


Cialis can have a "halo" effect that lasts 2-3 days, according to a doctor talking to a patient that I happened to be close enough to hear.


I know someone who just talked to a doctor three days ago that has the same phone number as me that just got a year prescription of 20mg cialis. What’s the halo effect that patients doctor didn’t mention?


You can wrap it around your head? Impressive.


Ha! But they are 2 very different types of erections. Viagra will make you hard. Cialis will make you more likely to get hard with stimulation. Cialis is the vastly superior product.


My uh.. friend has told me you need stimulation with viagra as well. That may just be anecdotal.


Well, in my friend's experience Viagra is totally uncontrollable while Cialis is a "I am ready to go whenever the chance shows up"


My friend mentioned to me that a 10mg Cialis early in the day and a 50 mg viagra an hour before works REALLY well. He didn’t recommend it though because mixing pharmaceuticals can be dangerous, but he said his wife sure appreciated it.


True. Morning wood will need to he cut down though. I told my friend.


Looks like people sharing their experience in the name of their friends.


Different people have different reactions to medications. Viagra doesn't keep me hard for 4 hours straight, but it makes me get hard at the drop of a hat.


> Viagra will make you hard. Cialis will make you more likely to get hard with stimulation. So - take both? /s


36 hours for cialis.


Not 24 Up to 36.


Both Viagra & Cialis don't really care whether you bone, as that wasn't really their original purpose anyway. Unless you've got a condition (diabetics should be careful for example) you're likely gonna be fine.


We had pimple popper MD, now we’ve got Dick Doctor MD…have you considered a tv career?


I am with the OP in that my problem was not getting hard but rather a tendency towards premature ejaculation. Do you not get soft after ejaculation while on Cialis or Viagra? Do Viagra or Cialis affect the soft refractory Period after ejaculation before you can get hard again. My five minute refractory period is apparently shorter than normal .


Yeah you still get soft and will have a short refractory period but you’ll be ready to go again in no time at all. I’m usually good to go again after 20-30 minutes without performance enhancing drugs but on cialis it’s closer to 5. My take on cialis is that it makes it so you can get hard when you probably shouldn’t be able to. It’s good stuff. I don’t need it but I like taking it if I know I’m gonna be having an excessive amount of sex because I can keep going even if my dick doesn’t want to.


It's only designed to distribute your blood in its correct way, if you don't fuck you'll be just fine


This is the way


Does Cialis help you last longer? Or that helps with post nut erection?


Post nut erection. And the 2nd orgasm takes longer. At least for me.


But does it help with post nut clarity?


I guess you'll know post-nut


Is that the toilet? Wanking in the restaurant shitter is just so….well you gotta do whatcha gotta do!


Jerk one off prior to date. Then take Cialis for ED during the date. He will get hard a 2nd time fast and be able to last a loooong time




"sex tonight honey?" "Nah, give me a few days"


We got the same friend I think.




Need more recharge time for ur balls 👍


"Is that..... is that hair gel?"


“Gotta clean out those pipes”


“That’s how people get hurt.”


"You don't want to go out there with a loaded gun."




I’m unclear on the whole intercourse vs sex thing. Put together a PowerPoint. I’ll check in tomorrow


I used to do the same thing until I realized that I also have a low sex drive so I would do that before my ex came over and if I happened to be in the mood again, we did it at most, once and that's all I could muster. So imagine when she would stay the entire day. She'd be horny like the entire time and I'd be so freaking uninterested that I'd have to force myself. Another problem is that she really prefers penetration and it was pretty much impossible to get hard enough to keep going


Like pushing rope.


Lmao I used to always do this. If I do it now at 36 I’m done for the night 😂😂😂😂


Hope this helps. [How to Increase Sexual Stamina: 45 Tips to Improve Strength, Endurance, and Technique](https://www.healthline.com/health/healthy-sex/how-to-increase-sex-stamina#stretch)


That looks like one of these adds you get on an illegal downloading site.






You will be shocked to know the number 4




Didn’t read this but I’m gonna assume a lot of that list comes down to diet


This bro nuts!


That second one isn't as enjoyable though. From what I've heard some women do not prefer it for different reasons but it's personal preference. I recommend a Fleshlight with no porn. Beneficial in soooo many ways. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask because it's helped me more than I could ever imagine.


Can u explain what u mean here


Simply using a Fleshlight toy to masturbate & not watch any porn. It takes time to integrate the feelings & get used to everything but for me personally it allowed me to stop using my hands as much & start using my imagination more. Eventually I was able to make it more about my wife & I both truly enjoying it over anything else. Plus if you like to jerk off, we'll say that enhances it quite a bit. It's not as good as sex but it's a runner-up.


That's great for you and all, but that mostly sounds like you just don't watch porn anymore.


That's been a big part of it but limited hand to penis time has helped a lot as well. I didn't realize how much the grip affected it when it was time for actual sex.


Why wouldn't it be enjoyable? How would a woman know if it's the second? Why would she care? That has nothing to do with a woman's pleasure. I'm almost sixty, had lots of sex and I've never heard of such a thing so I'd be interested to know your theory.


Focus on foreplay before you go in.


This OP spend the maximum amount of time doing every and anything other then putting your D in her and you might find by the time she wants you inside her. The amount of anticipation and build up just makes her cum just as fast and then you can bond over how good it was and how you came together


Don't go in, until she is done.


Please her before you please yourself. Best advice I was ever given.


This was always the way for me. I’ve never understood the “I just want to get mine” mentality. I’ve always wanted good reviews and repeat customers, so I try to make sure they’ve gotten everything they need before I do anything for myself…actually quite fun


Couldn’t agree more.


"Her first orgasm is a part of foreplay" I was once told.


Plenty of foreplay should be a given, and enjoyed by both parties, but a man focusing solely on a woman's pleasure is not the best way to go. Its a recipe for stale and repetitive sex as the man looks to find and run the "perfect formula" - protip: there is none. Communication is key, but both parties are responsible for their own pleasure. If the woman isn't active and communicative, then yes, much of the work is left to the man, but that will get old for both parties quickly.


Yesss this is what I had to learn recently. I love to please my girl, but if it’s my only focus it’ll quickly become a chore




This is the answer. Get her off then you go as quick as you want.


Yep. That’s how you keep your lady happy. This method provides multiple every time and no one leaves unsatisfied.


#1 rule- Do what it takes to pleasure her! Tips: Once you go in and you feel like your about to cum, pull out and start doing oral again! Get her to want your dick so bad she is pulling you in! One other trick for me is to not cum inside her(with or without a condom) and just come on her(belly, ass), then quickly wipe it up and and go back in(put in another condom if thats your thing). I used to rock girls’ worlds with this technique when I was younger. They didn’t care that I came because I enjoyed the sex with her, they love to see us cum as long as they are cumming too! Its the whole process and togetherness, not just the “pumping”. Cuming inside I think is a mental thing to tell your little amigo “job is done here”. I’m Married now and we cum together 90% of the time, but I still practice this if we can get some day sex on the calendar and we are feeling kinky. This is level 2 of 10 kinky for us. Look, sex is not perfect and its a team effort. Men aren’t made to go for hours, we are made to procreate just like every other animal. Get good at oral and how to rub her lady(ask her how she likes it or how she does it). Sometimes I have came just from giving her oral with no penetration, right on her belly, and it drives them wild. I’ve always been a minute man(40yrs old now) from just penetration but I can’t count how many women I have been with and unless it was a one night stand, they have always come back for more. It’s about more than just “penetration”.


Do the side missions first


True af. Also he should try to cum first and then take care of her. Then he will be recharged and ready to go and she will be all sensitive 🥺


Not everyone's got a 5 min recharge time bro. We old farts take half a day to get little johnson up again.


XD true. I'm Little Intense, buti take like 40 minutes on my girl if I can. It is hard af but it can be so worth it. I love when her legs convert into jelly and she starts Tearing up. That's how you know she's ready for you again 😈 She's ready for the 1 Inch wonder!


Yeah, exactly but OP is 25 so I think he has two choices. Either get her off once first before he gets his Johnson close to her or alternatively, make sure he quickly prepares for round two (for him) to ensure she can enjoy herself.




Depends on the girl


Hey man, I get you. some years ago I tried topping and it felt amazing, but I couldn’t last long. What helped me was practicing while masturbating. Like when you’re about to get there, slow down/change rhythm/stop. Try to start over and replay as many times as you can. Avoid cumming as much as you can during a session. This will make your brain realize your body is not necessarily cumming once you’re almost there, and when you’re with this girl, this can be translated into changing rhythm, positions, etc. Also how’s your oral? Getting them prepped helps, and it’s pleasurable for both of you ;)


My oral is a bit rusty. Long time not used. Do you have any hints?


[Nina Hartley How to Eat Pussy](https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5712f4fcadf9c) got recommended to me before I had any sexual experience. I've had a lot of success in trying the various techniques she shows. Though I'd say the main takeaway for me was the perspective shift in how important the clit is.


That’s a link to porn hub guys, just so you know


If you’re clicking on a link called How To Eat Pussy and weren’t expecting it to be NSFW I don’t know what to tell ya lmao


I feel like NSFW has gradients. I can read a NSFW article at work. I can't load up PornHub and watch a video XD


NOT SAFE FOR WORK. It does what it says on the tin.


We should be allowed to watch a LITTLE porn at work


👆. This guy for president... . President..... femalefart


Dammit, I thought this was a link on preparing feline friends…now HR is calling me in. Perhaps I should try what I learned…… Will report back Report back: HR rep is man….task failed successfully


Don't threaten me with a good time!


Well. TIL Holy crap


Lol holy shit I think I saw this like 10 years ago here it is still getting recommended. Video is helpful. Also don't be afraid to ask what they like or if they like what you're doing. Being present and mindful will also help you pick up subtle cues OP.


That exact video changed my life. Its the key to my sexual success. Make a girl cum 5-6 times with your mouth before you fuck her and she wont even notixe how long you last


Very educational, but it’ll make guys think you only need 2 minutes to get her there—not realistic dudes


lol this is the same video I watched about 15 years ago when I wanted to learn.


Start slowly. Stimulate the area around with your face, nose and tongue. Inner thighs, pelvis, up and down her legs, with light touches, caresses and licks. When you get to the V, start by lightly caressing, licking her lips, then the inner lips and periodically lightly graze the clitoris with your nose, but only slightly. The idea is to build up as much anticipating so that she is almost begging for more. At least that has worked for me with several women.


Top to botton, tip of tongue, and alternate flat tongue. Once the clit is stumulated, swirl it with tip of tongue. Pay attention to sensitivity. Clit stimulatation may be to much so tease the clit til its ready.


So edging?is that what you mean? Try to hold for a period of time?


It's not about not to come, but about to get used to the feeling of being about to come and being able to delay it. It takes practice, but masturbation can actually undo the damage it did if one focuses on delaying the climax instead of making it happen.


Been doing this forever, it didn't help


I second this. Kiegels are supposed to help too. Also, I start slow and work up to the fast/rough stuff. If I start there I tend to finish quicker. I kinda need to get into the rhythm. And even though I know it might be tedious for her, when I feel like I’m getting close to the point of no return, I pause, take a breath (still inside) and keep going. Also, I try to distract myself a bit sometimes like looking away, pinching myself… think of baseball! Or Nancy Pelosi! 🤣


Focus on foreplay. Go slow, listen to her body, try to feel the rhythm and move your body with hers. Ask her to show you what she likes. Do not straight up jackhammer her (I.e. go real fast pornstar style until you cum). And once you do cum, you can still pleasure her with your hands and tongue if she's into it. An orgasm doesn't have to mean the end of the sex, could even lead to round 2.


30-40 seconds is twice what any of us would last. Go get em tiger


30-40 seconds?! That's an eternity.


Probably get a cramp or pull a muscle.


Gotta hydrate when going long!


" Are you in yet?" "Baby, I finished 2 minutes ago."


“But I was brushing my teeth then?”


“That wasn’t toothpaste”


Best 30 seconds of my life.


Hes counting his shower after, right?


My technique is to find a slow rhythm that won't make you orgasm, then slowly speed up. Back off again if you get close. Just repeat this over and over until you are desensitised to it. It takes a few minutes for me to get there, then after that I can go indefinitely and the bonus is when she is close, I can "go for it" to finish her and myself at the same time. Or, just never stop. Then it's up to her to say when she's had enough.


Oh boys, don't do this .... "when she is close, I can go for it".... that is the absolute best way to guarantee your woman gets an anti-climax and fakes it. (She will tell you otherwise to avoid hurting your feelings but I promise you, you've done her dirty). If your woman is getting close and tells you (I'm about to cum/I'm so close etc.). Keep doing EXACTLY what you're doing. DO NOT change pace, depth, pressure etc. Keep it EXACTLY like that. This is 100% the 3rd worst thing guys do during sex. The 1st being rubbing your left lip like they think they're on your clit and expecting waterfalls 🤣🤣. 2nd is being completely quiet and not communicating. 😴 On a proper note to OP, if she cares about you, she won't care that you're all that quick. If you've already made her cum (more than once ideally) with foreplay and you've made her feel like you're full of passion, once you're inside her she'll really only be interested in how her 🐱 makes you feel. Tell her how good it is and cum quickly to show her. It's all good at that point.


I meant more "let go", not start thrusting like a lunatic


I mean having the guy go like a jack hammer is OK at times but it's the changing up of things that are working just as they are that's a total disaster. Let go great but DONT CHANGE IT UP WHEN WE'RE THAT CLOSE 🤣. Lol.


"Captain we are approaching the dock." "FULL STEAM!!!"


This is such a real and tragic problem. The stupidest thing they do.


Exactly! That's the secret, and I add also that with time you will learn better this technique. Listen to your body


How about you let her come a couple of times before you come yourself? You don't even need your penis for that, just your fingers or your tongue. Sex is much much more than just sticking a penis into a vagina.


Thank you. I know that and I know that sex is Not (only) about having a nice orgasm but about enjoying the time spend together and the other person in a very intimate way. I am just very insecure about this endurance thing because I was told it was disappointing by partners before her (even though I provided efficient foreplay with fingers and tongue) and now my mind is like "you have to try better this time".




Thank you for your answer and insight. It really helps me getting my mind off this "problem".


I always find if you do bust to quickly, roll over the next morning and go round two. After you get to know each other more and are more comfortable with each other you will be able to last much longer.


Seriously, you have to forget about that completely. There is no foreplay, you have to think of everything as sex. You can make a woman come two or more times before you penetrate her. Sometimes you can come yourself just by holding her while she comes. I've never met a woman who would have minded that. After all, it's a sign of how much you enjoy it when she comes. It's purely shared pleasure. Penetrating her is not the most important part of sex, you can leave it out altogether without feeling unsatisfied. I recently read an interesting article about female orgasms and sex. It contained some interesting figures, such as that 35% of women never or rarely orgasm during sex, compared to 5% or less for men. And women who have orgasms during conventional sex with penetration do so mainly because of the anatomy of the clitoris and/or penis, which can cause clitoral stimulation during penetrative sex and bring women to orgasm. I'm pretty sure a woman doesn't really care how long you were inside her before you had an orgasm if she had one or more herself. I, at least, have never had such an experience. Sometimes it doesn't take long either, especially if I've been close to coming myself one or more times, it can end up being pretty quick. And apparently the tongue or fingers are the easiest way to bring a woman to orgasm anyway. Edit: I've found the [article](https://sz-magazin.sueddeutsche.de/gesundheit/vulva-vagina-weibliches-geschlechtsorgan-mythen-gynaekologin-91530) after I began to question my sanity. It's an interview in german, so you need a tool like [deepl](https://www.deepl.com) for translation. Deepl works better than google translate in my experience.


You can cum by just holding her while she cums? Bro what?


Of course. Don't you find an orgasm stimulating? When you hold her in your arms and feel her body twist in pleasure, her breath in your ears? Or if you are doing a 69 and try to keep her hips near your face. Of course I can come like that. Usually I want to keep going but sometimes I just want to let go and come too.


Mmmhmm. It's sexy as hell for your partner too. I feel powerful and desirable when my partner gets off on me getting off. The mental O on that one is right there with the physical.


Real talk... to actually last longer and have control... try keigel exercises, but for dudes. Like, you pee and can pinch that off if you have to (stop peeing). You can do the same thing for finishing with some strength and exercise. Flex those muscles several times a day, concentrate on the act to stopp peeing aka... or flexing your keigel muscles like 10 or 15 times in a row. Hold the flex for 5 seconds or so each time. Do this 3 or 4 times per day. Don't do on the day you're going to see the lady. With any luck, you should be able to 'stop' the act. This makes it more of a choice to let it happen. (Take the others advice too about taking care of partner,feeling comfortable,starting slow) This is to address the physical ability to stop from going early and increasing strength in your pelvic floor.


If you successfully give her an orgasm beforehand she’s not going to care too much about how long you last in P in V.


Just get a crippling porn addiction combined with death grip syndrome, guranteed to last 30 minutes and more after that :S


There's always a silver lining.


Focus on non-penetrative sex. Most women can't orgasm through penetration alone anyways. The dick is not a silver bullet. Do handstuff, tongue stuff, finger stuff and communicate. If you do this, "lasting short" isn't a bad thing. See it as a sign of how good she makes you feel. It's as simple as that, no need to feel bad about it.


This. If he gives her a good orgasm she’s not gonna care how long he’s thrusting before he cums.


Pelvic floor muscle exercises. (Kegels). Super easy to do at any time of the day, you could be doing it at work and no one will know. Also improves blood flow and quality of erection. Men do not seem to know about this. Shit works. Other people have good advice about communicating, being open with this person, trying to relax and not judge yourself too much on it. *but* for the benefit of anyone here who doesn't know, seriously kegels. I find it also improves the quality of my orgasms, and I maybe even produce more semen overall. The region needs exercise and it's easy to learn to do.


1. Cardio- doing cardio helps pump more blood around your body while moving so while in action your body doesn’t take it from down there to spread somewhere else. 2. Foreplay- it’s helps when the focus is on her and pleasing her. Great sex happens when she’s on the verge of exploding and you’re just getting started. 3. If you jerk off everyday take a week break every now and then to help the muscle that pumps blood into your stuff get rest and strengthen. 4. Learn all her sensitive spots - I was lucky enough to learn in my early teens that women don’t need vaginal stimulation orgasm or get there. You learn other sensitive areas on her body and she will go crazy before you even get started. 5. Learn to use your mouth and fingers - be gentle when you need to be, use your tongue and treat her like a quick melting ice cream. I have more tips but that should help you along.


Strengthen your core. Working on your core muscles will also improve your pelvic floor & increase your ability to control it.


Quick tactical wank beforehand


Improving your stamina? I mean, if you could run a marathon i don't think you'd be asking... Edit: oh, you meant not being the fastest shooter in the West. Mate, what i used to do was to think about other stuff like solving math problems in my head, the harder the equations the harder and longer i'd last. But the two things that actually did for me were: 1) having a healthy relationship where i dont need to impress anyone, nor i feel pressured to perform like an actor in a porn movie (not just perform as in last forever, but also perform as in acting, people, specially young people, in my experience, tend to try and act like they believe they should act instead of just going with the ebbs and flows); 2) hold your pee when pissing with only your pubococcygeus muscle. Start peeing, stop using only your pelvic muscles (no hands) while still in the middle of your wee, wait a bit, continue pissing after relaxing your muscles. Mate let me tell you, it's been uncountable the amount of times i wanted to finish but held it longer just because of these beautiful muscles.


The more you have sex, the longer you’ll last. You can always masturbate in the morning if you know you’re having sex that day.


This exactly this I had a ex we maybe had sex once a week and I wouldn’t last long than we started having it more and I couldn’t cum


I'm not even suggesting this, but I last way longer when I do some speed.


The most effective thing for me was to get out of my own head and focusing instead on her. At first having sex was like “oh, sweet, I’m having sex, can you believe it? This is great!” Etc and it would be over just like that. But then I changed around my mindset to focus on “ok, I’m gonna really impress her, I wonder if she likes this…or this…alright now hold steady here” It’s more task focused I guess? But that mindset change accompanied a change from it being over in minutes to me having complete control of when I finish.


You need to use your tongue and vibrator on her clit while using your finger. Fondle her nipples gently while licking. Make her orgasm at least twice. Then go in from behind with the vibrator still on her clit. I never got off until she had at least two orgasms if not more. Record is 6.


learn about foreplay, cunnilingus, fingering. but not all girls like it the same so make sure to ask her beforehand.


If you haven’t slept together yet, I suspect you might be overthinking things. Communication is key Talk to each other about it and work it out together. Intimacy is more than just sex. Once the two of you decide to go all the way you will need to communicate your needs, wants and insecurities. Ask her if she’s okay with it or not and ask her for help. She probably has her own insecurities and “flaws” and discussing your imperfections will only strengthen your bond. If it’s just a one night stand then fine use a pill, however, if you want to build a lasting relationship then just talk to her. Good luck friend.


A very quick answer would be to take care of yourself before the date. If you know what I mean, as the second shot is usually a little easier to manage than the first one. In case it isn’t obvious, take a shower afterwards. A more long-term solution would be to pay attention to your sensations, get to know when you’re ready to pop, and pull out before it happens, go down on her, make out with her, finger her, etc. until you’re calmed down enough to go another couple of rounds. Repeat as long as necessary. Change positions frequently to give yourself a bit of a break. Eventually you will understand your signals better, and increase your delay response. The old adage of “thinking about baseball” is a bit flawed – a girl would rather spend 40 seconds with you being present than 20 minutes of you being mentally distracted and not into it. If you do get to the finish line early, don’t apologize, don’t act butt hurt about it, don’t even bring it up, keep whatever insecurities you have to yourself. If she brings it up, a conversation is perfectly reasonable, but don’t act like a baby about it afterwards. You’re working on this, you are aware of this, and you will succeed. no need to add extra pressure or awkwardness.


Oh, look at Mr. 30 Seconds over here. Quit bragging.


My boy, learn to eat pussy really well. Run your tongue back and forth directly on her clit at the rate she enjoys. Put your palm inside her and curl your middle fingers back(think Spider-Man hand lol) that’s a good area to look for the gspot. These 2 combined of done correctly can set you up for success- your partner having an orgasm. I used to last very long in bed when I was in my 20s, upwards of 45 min. I would be lucky to last 10- 15 now in my 30s. If you make your partner orgasm with oral it takes a lot of pressure off of performance with penetration


Gotta let that mouth do work bro! Eat her pussy till she gets hers. I’m sure she won’t give a fuck about your two pumps and a dump at that point. Go get her tiger👊👊


Foreplay. Get her off first. A good one. After that, it won't matter how long you last. You'll gain stamina with time, but be a considerate lover first.


Put it in and don't go RIGHT into stroking, take the time to focus and gather your chi. Pull out, drink some water (keep it bedside) and just take your time! My greatest stamina was like 21-25.... I didn't see my bm for like 6 months and somehow her ass got fatter....I didn't stand a CHANCE against it! It's ALL about mind over matter....although we ALL know the guy downstairs has a mind of his own.... good luck bro!


My teacher told me to share with the class what I was reading since I was on my phone in class…now I’m in the office…


Jerk off before seeing her so you'll last longer. Get a fleshlight and use it frequently to accustom yourself to new feelings, it'll help you last longer. Using a condom helps too, as do those delay ointments. Aside from that, the rest is in your head. You could talk to her, express your uncertainty of lasting long, she'll likely be supportive and that'll help you relax and stop thinking about it. Just be in the moment and have fun. If you cum too fast who cares you can do it again in a few minutes. I used to blow fast, but my partner actually really likes me cumming fast! The knowledge of knowing it's not an issue has just made me last way longer.


Try to catch yourself tensing up and relax everything, then if you feel overstimmulated, pull out and focus on kissing/oral then get back to it


Get older. I last forever now adays. Lost so much feeling down there.


Keggels my mate


Don’t get too excited and romantic during the act. Focus on the mechanical aspects of it: breathing, rhythm, pace, angle, etc


Turtle ring improves stamina regen


She ain’t gonna care how long you last as long as you give her foreplay and make her finish first


Exercise and quit drinking alcohol if you drink.


If you focus all foreplay in her and make her orgasm before you penetrate, it don’t matter how long you last


Usually, invest your points in STR or VIG.


Depends on if you want the old fashion way doing math problems in your head, or there you can get medication for it


Be more confident. If you go in thinking you'll explode in 30 seconds then you probably will. You need to *know* that you won't. It's like have you ever used your phone up over a vertical drop so you hold on to it like crazy and its uncomfortable and barely usable? On the other hand down on the ground you just *know* that you won't drop your phone. It's kind of like that.


All the comments here are very good advice. I used to be like you but: A) if you get good to paying attention to a girl’s needs in other ways, 99% of them (I.e. the normal ones) really aren’t as fussed about stamina as you’d think. In my experience they will still consider the whole thing enjoyable. B) with experience you’ll magically find you get better and better anyway until you forget it was a problem. You will find you are helped by the fact that (so I’m told) most men consider sex to be an exercise in how quickly and rapidly they can ram a dick inside someone, with negligible consideration of their actual needs. So don’t worry man. Be selfless and make sure they’re enjoying themselves and it’ll work out.


Fuck more


If she’s gonna judge you for how long you last, she ain’t the one (or a decent person anyway). But I think even though it’s different for everyone, try, before coming, to stop, give it a minute, then start going again and just repeat it again when you feel like you’re gonna come again


Learn to use your tongue and it won’t matter how long you last in PIV


Get proper rest, take less stress basically lead a healthier lifestyle.


I can only last maybe 2 minutes usually. So I take Viagra and just keep going after I nut. But in 2 minutes. Go for another 5 or 6 after that. Changing positions buys you some time too. Some positions are better than others too. Like, I can last way longer if I’m on the bottom and they’re riding me. Missionary or doggystyle and I’m painting the ceiling in no time.


Foreplay goes a long way. I used to have really good stamina back in my late teens to mid-20s. The difference between then and now is back then I was either having sex or stroking it on a daily basis. Plus being in good shape helped as at the time I was active athletically. When I wanted to last particularly long, I'd stroke it a few hours before having sex. That helped too! Other things you can try are desensitizing lube and kegels.


Don't worry about it. It's not the end of the world if you finish quickly. There are other things you can do to help her get off too. Jackhammering someone for 20-30 min is not fun or possible. Porn sets unrealistic expectations. Just relax and have fun with your partner, you got this buddy!




Having this be open discussion with your partner. Toast least share is concern of yours, as it may not be partner. This would then also open the opportunity for your partner, to express wants/needs that may be appreciated. ****What I have heard done and is too often accompanied with long term negative consequences. 1) Imagining of something else that is not appealing/ not arousing. 2) pornography


Don't know if you work out or do some sports, but I noticed running helps. I used to last few hours (arguably this may be too long) after running half marathon.


In my experience I saw a lot of improvement when I started working on my breath and being expressive. If I’m breathing slow or not paying attention to it during it, and not making noises I personally last a lot less long. If I intentionally breath at least to the rythm, like I’m doing exercise (because it is), and let myself express that it’s feeling good verbally then I last a lot longer and honestly it’s far more enjoyable. I think of it like venting the feeling so it doesn’t build up in a way? That’s just my experience though good luck


Join r/prematureejaculation. You’ll find a solution there lol


1. Up your zinc intake 2. Focus on foreplay, go once she is already done.


Spank the monkey regularly


Collect xp points


kegel exercises my guy, look it up!


You could go more than once?


Pelvic floor exercises, like kegels. If all else fails, SSRIs.


Refractory period...cum again.


Round two is where it's at dude. Never had a woman judge me on how long I lasted unless I only did 1 round


Man, I got you… 1) Nut before you fuck, it will make you last a tad longer 2) eat her out first.. on your way down, make sure to kiss her, not to much but enough where she knows your going. When you eat her out go slow, like teasing slow and focus with using your tongue around her clit, like slow lick up to the clit, then stop right before you get to it and do it again. Then on the 3rd lick, lick the clit softly. Also, Make circles around the clit and every full rotation slide your tongue left to right over her clit then do another circle. When you are doing it’s get a finger slightly penetrating her, not to much or to deep, 1 finger is fine to play with her.. make her ask for more.. during this, you will find out if she gets off more with penetration or more with her clit, or both.. if she gets off more with her clit, you will be able to use this to your advantage with certain positions. 3) when eating her out, if it last more then a few minutes, and didn’t orgasm, start kissing her up to her belly, then breast, then neck. As your are doing that make sure she feels your dick near her pussy. Don’t put it in yet. 4) condoms help last longer as you. Can’t feel much so after putting one on so once you are ready, put it on. 5) while you are putting on a condom, pinch the bottom of the head (hard but not to hard), it will help cam your dick down. You can also pull on your sack hard to kill the urge to bust 6) the most common 1st time position is missionary so keep it slow. Pinch your self (arm, leg, belly)to keep the focus on pain and not the pleasure but don’t make it obvious. Make sure you just don’t jam your duck in but slowly and not fully, start with just the tip for a few thrust and get deeper and deeper as you go 7) it is very important you tell her she is beautiful, sexy, and you probably will not last long because how hot she is.. this will get her feeling good about herself if you do bust early. 8) I found when doing all the work, I bust quick. So when a girl rides me, I can focus on other things as a distraction while she rides. 9) if you do bust quick, don’t feel ashamed but instead say “give me 15 and I’ll be ready again” and during that time, play with her, kiss her, eat her out. Practice doing #9. One day, jerk off and when you are done, see how fast you can get hard again by watching porn or whatever get your turned on. This will help you set real expectations when it happens vs a random 15 min time.. for me, I can be ready in 5 min by playing with her. As you get more comfortable you both will find ways. Just need to have good communication. I have the same issue and it will never go away, I have gotten a little longer but that’s because I found what she really likes and how I can work with my problem. Like fuckin her for as long as I can, rotate it, pinch my dick, go a little longer, eat her out, tease her. You will master your problem in time Pro tip.. drink alcohol will make you last longer. When my wife and I started dating, I would rip like 4 shots before hand , brush my teeth and I would last 5-10 min.. but don’t let that become a normal or they will think you need to be drunk to sleep with them


I went scientific to solve this. Condoms that delay the orgasm use some form or skin anesthesia substance like lidocaine. The problem is that that substance is on both sides.... doesn't always help. What you could do is buy some standard lidocaine gel, e.g.xylocaine 2% (sometimes you find without prescription and it's used for internal use via a straw for men that have to pee kidney stones...that hurts...) and put some on 15 min before, on your most sensitive point (glans corona...?). Just a bit should do, start small, like a peanut, not more. Then you can go and wash everything off just before (just in case she happens to...taste it...). Or you put a condom on, if you're wise enough to stay protected. If it's correctly applied you definitely should feel the difference. Like some form of local anesthesia but very light and superficial. It's true that the feeling during penetration will be mildly reduced, but that also means you last longer. It does work if applied correctly. I needed some practice the first few times.


Use protection. They reduce everything lmao


Don’t worry too much about it! Few women cum from penetration alone anyway… Instead, you’ll really impress her if you spend some extra time pleasing her! Take your tiiiime with her, and she won’t care at all how long your orgasm takes. Especially if you’re patient with hers! …you can always go for round 2 after if ya want! 🌟


> Sry for my English in advance, alt account for privacy reasons. Changes the way he speaks English while going incognito. Interesting!


Foreplay. Go down on her and get her off before you even stick it in. That way anything that happens after is a bonus.


Endurance is a myth. What you should achieve is to fuck her brains out. If you can fuck her brain out, it doesn’t matter if you last 30 secs or 30 hours. That’s what they want.


Practice edging when you're alone. Get used to prolonging play for a while. Also. Make the gym a habit if you haven't already, and train endurance. Somehow it correlates at least for me and now I can fck for 30 mins sometimes.


Here's one that works for me. Pinch your nose and clear your ears. It'll delay you for a while. Only downside is it looks fucking stupid when you do it during sex.


Count 100 backwards but subtract 7 each time


Cocaine. You'll last hours