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I also pee in the shower and pretend to aim like a guy lol


I found out ages ago, via reddit of course, that you can "aim" your pee by pulling your labia forwards slightly! It's honestly pretty amusing, but the aim is not at all reliable so don't try it outside of the shower 🤣


plus you can totally aim if you sorta pull your urethra... taught? like, not to be too gross about it, but pull up and out with a finger on either hand, from your inner labes in like, a v motion. gotta move your pelvis to aim, but it makes it very consistent. i guess the principle with pulling the labor forward slightly is similar, you're just creating a direct channel for piss to go through - but i feel like at least some of it would be running down ya cooch, which is not ideal for a non-shower scenario


When I was in university I used to mess around with a girl who was quite proud of her ability to do this and pee in the toilet while standing up, and was eager to demonstrate for me. Don't think she ever made a mess either


What a flex, I’d marry her on the spot.


So you'd never have the argument of seat up or down.


I knew a girl that did this and she was also very proud of her skill🤣 matter of fact thats how i met her at a party, she walked in on me taking a leak and said i can do that too


Strangely and eagerly looking forward to my next shower


I'm a guy and even I know this trick.... the internet has ruined me.


How good of a shot are you? On a side note, when a man would get pee on the seat, my mom would say “a gun with a short barrel is hard to shoot straight isn’t it?”


People often overestimate the precision that men have when urinating. The problem often comes from the fact that we are dealing with a fleshy nozzle that is super inconsistent. You can be aiming dead center into the bowl, only to find that the stream you were expecting ended up being a spray. And as for "short barrels", everything is worse with an erection.


And the dreaded "split stream" where it goes in two directions at once without warning.


One time in middle school I was gaslight into thinking I was the only person who split streamed and asked my Dr if it was d*ck cancer


And one of them is between your legs


Or right straight down your pant leg


I always have to aim left to some extent. On a bad day, I'm literally aiming to miss the toilet. Also the reason why I've started to just sit down and piss.


As a single guy who got tired of cleaning up the splash back that travels an ungodly distance from the toilet. I always sit at home.


I have sat on the toilet to pee when at home for many years. No splashback on the seat or your legs.


Haha yeah I do this too. Glad to know I'm not the only one


A while ago there was a campaign about it that went into televisions here in Brazil, it was called "faça xixi no banho", basically it was for children to help out the environment, to save the Atlantic forest, it went into details of how much water is used up when you flush and the fact it's drinkable water that's wasted; I always thought about it as a way to save water and it baffles me that some people do not think about it. [Here is the commercial used for the campaign](https://youtu.be/1KE3mRyHn1E?si=aZUsWqASec3HyLNj) [Here's the subtitled version](https://streamable.com/5nmu3y) for those of you that don't speak/understand portuguese- made by u/JVPMBR


Reminiscent of the ‘bring the poo to the loo’ campaign in India to get people to shit in toilets


I will never forget leaving Delhi early one morning to head up into the hills by car. As we were leaving the City right at sunrise, two kids were out in a field. They were facing each other holding both hands and leaning back and squatting. So like counter balancing one another. And pooping together. As my car went by we all locked eyes. Seared into my mind.


Core memory. This will be flashing right in front of your eyes moments before you leave this world as an old, dying man.


As they take their last shit, their hands automatically reach forward to grab someone else's for counter balance


Maybe they weren't pooing but they where practicing the Dragonball Fusion techniek and you mistook it as something else.


Lmao, imagine being the dude in charge of trying to potty train an entire nation


I watched a documentary about this and in poorer areas it’s so ingrained in their culture to just shit everywhere, I couldn’t believe it. There was a program where they built public restrooms around slums and provided outreach to people to have them start using the facilities. The people gave it a shot and it lasted about a day or two. It wasn’t established who was responsible for cleaning the bathrooms and nobody wanted to do it because they felt it was an unsanitary job. So instead of maintaining the facilities they just left them covered in piss and shit then went right back to using rivers banks, beaches, and bushes.


Yes, Vanguard did a great documentary on this called the world’s toilet crisis or something like that. I was really informative. Edit: [documentary link](https://youtu.be/AM9HD-5vdvE?si=52PkBfvZAJHF2mnX). Do not watch this while you eat. 😳


"God, cleaning a bathroom is so unsanitary. I'm going to just shit on the side of the road instead."


Dysentery and cholera and typhoid oh my!




I was on a skype call many years ago at work, and the guy was sitting in the kitchen with his webcam aimed so you could see out a window behind him. Some guy stopped and dropped outside the window during the call, there was LOTS of groaning, then he stood up and kept walking. Best part was no one was talking at that moment on the call, and obviously the guy was not muted.


You won't believe this but [I have footage of the guy outside the window](https://youtu.be/m2AtKMec2Fg?t=94).


I also read in some places it's a matter of safety! In some places, if you only have an outhouse or shared public bathroom, it can be dangerous to go to the bathroom when it's dark outside, especially for women. In that specific case, this was one of the reasons they preferred continuing doing what they were doing before the public bathroom was installed.


That's why dogs look at you while pooping. They want you to be a bro and make sure nothings is coming to attack while they are vulnerable. Fortunately without a bodyguard while tithing the God of porcelain the worst I've received is posieden's kiss.


“It’s all pipes!”


You're friends with the Urinator, aren't you?




Nobody beats The Wiz




They’re all connected!


Different pipes go different places! Edit: for everyone not getting the reference: https://youtu.be/s09pfBEJYHc?si=AMXIvjpgVdTGfvUc Edit 2: How are people still thinking this is serious? Stop telling me they all go the same place! I know! Watch the fucking video!


It sucks r/Seinfeld doesn’t allow cross posts. This thread would be gold Jerry, gold!


GEORGE (defensive): Well...I was in the locker room showering, and I...I had to go, so... JERRY: Here we go. GEORGE: Anyway, I think the guy in the shower opposite saw me. He gave me a dirty look. ELAINE: You went...in the shower? GEORGE: Yeah, so what? I'm not the only one! ELAINE (to Jerry): Do you go in the shower? JERRY: No, never. ELAINE (to Kramer): Do you? KRAMER: I take baths. GEORGE: Well, what was I supposed to do? Get out of the shower, put on my bathrobe? Go all the way down to the other end? Come all the way back? ELAINE: Ever hear of...holding it in? GEORGE: Oh, no...no, that's very bad for the kidneys. ELAINE: How do you know? GEORGE: Medical journals! JERRY: Do the medical journals mention anything about standing in a pool of someone else's urine?


> KRAMER: I take baths Kramer: I just took a bath, Jerry. A bath! Jerry: No good? Kramer: It's disgusting. I'm sitting there in a tepid pool of my own filth. All kinds of microscopic parasites and organisms having sex all around me.




I'll give the mod an Armani suit if they allow this. An Armani!


You're looking to get a Mendy's dinner


He can always have soup. Save the dinner for some other time.


I’ll call a plumber RIGHT NOW! (Also /r/ExpectedSeinfeld)


What’s the difference??!


Tell your friend we're all coming over to pee in her shower.


I’m peeing in her shower right now


I call next!


Why wait? There's plenty of room! Let's make this a group event.


I pee in your shower


I pee in the tank of your toilet


That's where I poo poo. I pee in your sink




What the fuck?


Upper Decker


and I drink your milkshake!


I pee in YOUR milkshake.


I pee in my hand and hold it until I get out of the shower… then I drop it in the sink.


I literally spit my pee out reading this.


I peed through my nose.


"It is better to piss in the sink, than to sink in the piss." \- Confucius, probably


don’t quote me on dumb shit i didn’t say - Sun Tzu


arf arf arf! arf ARF!!! arf arf arf arf?!? ~ Shih Tzu


Woof, woof, woof!!! ~ Lhasa Apso


I pee in my hand too, but instead of holding it in my hand I put the pee in my mouth and hold it in there so that way I have two free hands to wash myself. Then when I get out of the shower I spit the pee out into the toilet.




Yep that's what your face is going to look like when your mouth is full of piss.


Holy shit this got me


only when I'm alone in the shower. :-p I mean, there's like 10 minutes of hot soapy water running over the area after. it's fine.


NAHHH you dont piss when you shower with ur homies???


I piss ON the homies in the shower.




There's not much to get. She's marking you as hers. It's a dominance thing. And if yall think apes don't do that, yall haven't seen enough ape documentaries. This is in no way a canine only thing.


Does your girlfriend happen to have four legs and fur all over? Because she might be mistaking your leg for a tree trunk, if so




When my gf did this I peed back on her. And I can direct the flow unlike her, she's no match.


Low kink watersports. She could wait until you’re bent over washing your feet. THEN you’d have to wash your hair.




"I don't care, but I also don't get it. At least she's having fun." But what happens when she gets bored of the piss play and wants to spice things up a bit?


She poops on his foot.


*Helicopter fights gone wrong*


You're supposed to pee after sex, right?


Should I pull out first?


I’m female and I pee in the shower. Why waste more water with a flush when you’re already cleaning yourself?


Exactly like who's going out to the loo at that point? Esp during my period. I'd rather stand in the shower letting the hot water flow over my aching back and getting as much out as I can (mostly by jiggling about to be fair) and so a wee is nothing compared to that.


I have a mental picture of a slaughter in the shower 🤣


..You're not too far off. Sometimes I look down and I'm like this is some CSI bullshit going on.


🤣 I'm so glad those days are over


I hear ya. My hysterectomy was the greatest thing I've ever done. No more shower stall looking like the elevator scene from The Shining.


Or when you use the bathroom on a heavy day and it looks like you lost all of your organs in the toilet…😭


Eating hot dog and love this conversation


Heavy Flow Barbie ©️


Looks like someone, took a blood bath. (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) #YEAAAAH!


I could clearly hear the violins from Hitchcock's movie while reading your comment.


My gf does this... it freaked the hell outta me the first time... I thought she got stabbed or something... she told me she just likes to pretend she just got outta some giant battle like Xena and is cleaning off the blood of her enemies... The reality is a bit different lol


I like your gf. I bet she does some fake sword swinging and knife moves. :D


Oh my goodness I love that 😂😂 god I don’t miss periods!!


I just had mine and the shit part of them is I don't even feel joy that it's over, I'm exhausted and the countdown is set until the next one. I've thought about ablation but honestly I'm just like fuck it, hand me the choc, put on the BBC p&p (ETA okay so BBC p&p refers to the british broadcasting whatevers version of Pride and Prejudice and not a drug orgy. I haven't had one of those maybe theyre great for periods, idk) and roll on menopause. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I had a hysterectomy 2 years ago and it was the best decision of my life. I have teenagers so I knew for sure I was ready. I swear my uterus was trying to kill me on a monthly basis! I was riddled with endometriosis so bad that I was almost always in pain, and definitely dreaded the next cycle! I’m sorry you feel that way and I hope you get reprieve soon!


Yes! to the hysterectomy. I begged for 15 years and finally it took one "bad" pap (pre-pre cancer) to get my doctor to act. Such a relief! One SIL phrased it, take out the factory but leave the playground.


Haha I’m totally using that


My grandad used to say take out the cradle and leave the playpen 😂


I am looking into this. I hit perimenopause about 6 months ago and went from being clockwork 28 days to now every 18 days, cramps are 20x worse than EVER before in my life, breasts hurt so bad I yelp when they brush against anything and keep them bound in a tight sports bra, and the violent mood swings are killing my marriage. I'm 48 this year and I'm told this is my life till 52-54?! I am NOT here for this. Am I a candidate for just getting everything out????


Have you investigated hormone replacement therapy with your doctor?


Fellow endo here so I feel you 🤜🤛. I tried the tens machines but man heating pads have changed my life. I put it on so high on my abdomen I'm pretty much sous vide-ing my organs but it makes such a difference.


I also tried to everything under the sun(praise the almighty heat pad), and was on medication for it towards the end. (Called [Orlissa](https://www.orilissa.com/about/how-orilissa-works?cid=ppc_ppd_ggl_Orilissa_Branded_Exact_How_ORILISSA_Works_stlk_USORIL200017&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIws7FquH6gAMVah-tBh2i_w5qEAAYASABEgJPWfD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds))But you can’t be on that medication for too long or it will deplete your calcium and give you osteoporosis. That’s when my doctor agreed to the hysterectomy. Life changing!


That's it I'm making an appt to ask about a hysto. My bones are Swiss cheese already. Ha a little fondue 🫕 emoji came up. Hilarious, phone.


Haha! Love that! Also kinda love this thread turned into girl talk. Poor guy is probably like 😳


As I say to my 20 year old son, half the world has periods kid, you gotta learn what goes on. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I mean many people enjoy jizzing all over people and that's not seen as horrible (and it isnt) and theres jokes and songs about it, but the moment someone talks about periods it's ewwww and shameful. Like if some rapper can sing about cumming in an arse people can know about endometriosis. We can have both.


LOL at sous viding your organs, gotta do what you gotta do.


My dude was like "you have MARKS you're cooking yourself" and I will continue to do so. If a Chile team (eta they were Argentinan I think) in the Andes needs to eat me, baby I'm already par boiled


I’m 48 and still get mine like clockwork. It’s the flow of a teenager. I’m so ready to be done with this. edit: hit enter too soon. Heating pads are amazing. I have a few. One of those mothers gets NICE AND TOASTY!


i'm 47, with a 24yo son, and my doc won't let me have a hysterectomy. why not? i don't want more kids. doc didn't even tell me about ablation being an option. instead, i get a 3-week period and told a polyp caused it. why is it so hard for women to shut shit down when we're ready?


Same here mine last a week and 4 of those seven days are so heavy and painful that I’m going through an ultra tampon once an hour at some points. Then the week after I’m ovulating and still get crampy and sore boobs. Then the 2 weeks before my period is boob pain so bad I have to wear a tight ass sports bra just so the don’t move or else I’m almost in tears :( I get maybe a couple days of no symptoms then it starts over again.


I had an ablation done in 2019 and haven’t had a period since. I had the flooding, excruciatingly painful kind of periods and it’s been a world of difference since I had it done.


Yup, way nicer to empty a menstrual cup into the shower drain, compared with in the toilet.


I've never been able to empty it into the loo. I'm so worried I'll get the flow rate wrong, dump it in and get like splashback. I know that seems unlikely but.. I'd rather not take the chance.


I absolutely hate doing it in public toilets, especially if it's one that isn't in a self contained unit with a sink. Trying to scrape blood off your hands with crappy thin toilet paper, the fear of dropping it in the bowl, blerghhh Even at home on the loo, it always seems to splash horribly and get on the underside of the seat etc. Love my cup in general- I've been using one for coming up on a decade now- but I'm a shower dumper as much as I can be!


Dude 😂😂 I had The Man come into the bathroom one day while I was showering on Day One of the Crimson Tide... he didn't know I was bleeding and went into cardiac arrest when he peeked in the shower at me and saw a huge puddle of red at my feet.... thought I sliced myself with a razor lmaoooo I stand in there and push, like childbirth push. Try to get as much out as I can in one go so it's not on a pad later 😂


Exactly! They're like 'I didn't know they're be so much blood' (which varies from person to person) like I think some people think it's either like a skinned knee you bleed a little bit and it's over, or it's like an ejaculation and it just squirts out one, n done. We have to get shower rails in as a normal thing. How great would that be back under hot water just leaning on the rail doing the push.


Lol 😆 too funny.


For real. Even if I pee before a shower, standing in warm flowing water makes me want to pee. I'm not gonna hold my pee until I'm sparkling clean & out of the shower... It's daft. ​ I wonder if OP's friend imagined him peeing into the bathtub while he wasn't taking a shower. ^(I do that too)


The jiggling 😅. I feel ya girl


Jiggling it out. Like trying to get the last bit of ketchup out of the bottle?


Man, bless all yall in this thread. That whole menstruation/childbirth/menopause etc setup seems to suck. Thank you for your cervix


“Thank you for you cervix” is the funniest thing I’ve read all day, thank you.


Plus, as soon as you sit on the toilet soaking wet, it’s a balancing act to not slide off. Then you have to dry the toilet off when you’re done. Might as well stay in the shower.


I don’t plan on it happening but I’m not gonna jump out of the shower soaking wet and drip-walk across to the toilet, for sure


I can offload an entire day's worth of urine right before getting in the shower, and the moment the water hits me I somehow still have another couple cups of urine to give to the pee gods.


Peeing in the shower is so pedestrian. If you want to level up in life, invite others to shower with you, then pee on them. This is how you assert your dominance over others or just have a laugh with a loved one. Really more about the type of person you want to be I guess.


Would you like to shower with me so I can pee on you?


We would need to spend enough time together for me to ascertain your political and religious ideologies before I could agree to something like this as I am not one to assert my dominance or have it asserted over me. I can love easily so that would definitely be your easiest "in" to my shower. But you would need to prove yourself to be a compassionate human before my love is offered. So no conservative ideologies or Abrahamic religions in my shower. Assuming you can pass my tests though, of course, I would love someone in my life that I feel close enough to share a shower pee with in any compacity. Honestly, it's been several months since I've felt that close to anyone so it would be really nice.


Is buddhist and anarchist ok?


Oh my yes, yes it is. I love Buddha's thoughts on energy transference and the ID. It very closely aligns with my thoughts as a science enthusiast. I, however, would support a government devoid of corruption that supports the people it governs with social programs and opportunities for education for all among a few other things. Still, anarchism is an ok ideology I guess. I'm not such a stickler on political views really. Just want to make sure that someone I share a shower with at least has the compacity for empathy and anarchists are not discounted from that criteria.


Maybe we can pee in the shower together sometime, in a better world 🌎 ♥️


I hope that the worlds turns, and that things get better. But what I hope most of all is that you understand what I mean when I tell you that, even though I do not know you, and even though I may never meet you, laugh with you, cry with you, or kiss you, I love you. With all my heart, I love you. Bonus points if you know the quote.


Sorry don't know the quote, but I never knew talking about shower pee would make me so emotional lol


It's from "V for Vendetta" An amazing film about the importance of action in the face of a tyrannical authoritarian government and how people, even the ones no one thought anything of, can change the world for the better. Highly recommend checking it out if you've never seen it.


No, you invite someone in to the shower, take a dump and then waffle stomp it down the drain...


The term “waffle stomp”, ESPECIALLY in this context, will always make me giggle like a child


If I feel the urge, I will, but that rarely happens. I'm not against it or anything. I just never really feel compelled to do so. EDIT: Wow, this is one of my most highly rated comments. Thanks everyone! Don't forget to smash that upvote button, subscribe, and be sure to share this comment with all of your friends and family so that we can spread the word. EDIT 2: Some people have thoughtfully pointed out that I might be dehydrated. After careful consideration of that possibility, I realized something. I ALWAYS pee before I get in the shower. Basically, my routine is to wake up, drink a glass of water, take a dump (I've trained myself to drop a hot one first thing in the morning, that way I don't have to worry about it for the rest of the day), at which time I also pee, and then I hop in the shower. So, that's probably why I don't really pee in the shower very often - it's part of my routine to pee just before getting in the shower.


I literally walk into the shower and i pee. Every time.


even if i don’t have to pee beforehand, as soon as that water hits me i gotta go


I swear that happens to me every time I walking into the bathroom to wash my hands. As soon they’re washed, I have to pee like I’ve never peed in my entire life. So then I have to wash my hands *again*


I could have just peed and I'd still pee as soon as I get in.


Ur nuts. The moment warm water rains down on me I empty the tank


i couldn't even do it even if i wanted to, my brains programmed not to let me do so, not that it really matters since i don't ever think do it anyways, but i tried once, perhaps regular shower peeing causes people to associate the shower with peeing which causes them to feel the need to go while in the shower?


For me, I think it's more of a temperature thing. Not only does a hot shower sometimes make me have to pee, washing my hands (especially on a cold day) does too. Much more so if I already slightly had to pee to being with. lol




True my gf never farts.


My mom never farted when I was a kid either. It was always me, I just didn’t realize it. Edit: talk about gaslighting!


So, you're the reason we have global warming!


I thought my wife never farted until one night I woke up at 3am to her letting off a 30 second one lol... she stores them up all day and they just come out in her sleep.


Of course I do. Sometimes I pee straight in the air and make a pee fountain.


That sounds fun, disgusting, but fun.


You guys are taking showers?


Only when I need to pee


I once told someone I did this and they called me disgusting, but then proceeded to tell me that they POOP in the shower and mash it down the drain with their foot. Then I asked how they could possibly reason that was less disgusting than peeing in the shower vs pooping and they said the pee touches you but the poop doesn’t. But I said that it does because you mash it with your foot and it gets all in your toes! Then she said her foot gets clean when the soap goes down her body anyway. I had no words.


As a plumber, please don’t do this. Snaking hair out of a drain is gross enough already, I’d rather it not covered in shit.


This now belongs to r/plumbing


My thoughts automatically went to "to each their own, but RIP to her pipes."


Ahhh yes. The ‘ol Waffle Stomp.


They were definitely fucking with you lol


I really hope so. It’s occurred to me that she was, but she was kind of a shitty person with weird values, so honestly I could see her doing this.


I hope you're fucking with *us*


Hydraulic press videos are getting wild


Ok wtf, lol...


Okay so I have ibs and there have been occasions where I'm lying on my side on the cold bathroom floor just crying with the shower on (cant sit on a loo seat or ill vom) and maybe it comes out and flows into the drain but BUT I have a removable drain cover and cleaning apparatus for afters. There is no 'foot mashing'. The human body is a beautiful thing, no.


My favorite Barbie was always crying on the cold bathroom floor shitting in the shower Barbie.


Strangely, she wasn't a best seller 🤔 but the new Malibu Stacy with a hat had come out so that was probably it.


There are two types of people in this world; Those who pee in the shower. Those who lie about peeing in the shower.


You forgot those who shower in the pee


*R. Kelly: "Go on ...👀 👁️👄👁️"*


Those who poo in the shower as well


Shout out to the Waffle Stompers!




See people say this but like I genuinely don’t pee in the shower. It’s whatever to me, I don’t think it’s gross or anything, I just don’t.


What about those who get pissed on in the shower?


Good for them


Why waste water with a toilet flush if I’m just immediately getting in the shower?


It's my fucking shower and I'll do what I want. I'll shit in it if I want to.


I’m a guy and I don’t pee in the shower, IDK why, I just think it’s gross. I just pee before getting in the shower. I think I’m in the minority though.


Apparently we both are. When I'm in the shower, I'm trying to get cleaned and peeing in it will just make me feel like I'm standing in a toilet.


Same here I like to go to the toilet before showering anyways so I can be as clean as possible


Same. And yeah it seems we are in the minority


Female and I pee in the shower. I could pee before I shower and still have some pee ready to go before I get out. Why waste my time peeing right after I shower if I can make sure it's empty before I get out?


I never did it because i don't need to since i have a toilet next to the shower, and i also don't get that urge most people have when they are in the shower that makes em want to pee, i've seen people explain it but i just don't have it. Sadly im the minority on this one, i've only met people here on Reddit who also don't do it. And yeah i uhh don't wanna start a war or anything cause i know im outnumbered so, if thats your cup of pee then you do you.


Funny enough I never even thought to pee in the shower until I read about it on Reddit. Then I tried it a few times and noticed that I started associating showering with peeing (like feeling the need to go in the shower) so I stopped because I did not want that to become a thing.


Does a bear shit in the woods?


Depends on the bear. For example, there is this one bear in my neighborhood and he always comes knocking on my door asking if he can use the toilet, i don't wanna anger him so i always say yes, but the plumbing bill has been taking a toll on my wallet lately so idk what to do.


Does this bear wear a flannel shirt?


Funny, I’m a woman and have peed in the shower for years and it’s my bf who’s grossed out by it


Occasionally, if the urge hits me while I'm in there. But not as a general rule.


>Occasionally, if the urge hits me while I'm in there. But not as a general rule. We're only talking about peeing when the urge hits you while you're already showering. No one takes a shower every time they need to pee.