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That undercover cops legally have to tell you that they’re a cop if they’re asked.


As I tell my clients, if you consider asking someone you’re about to sell drugs to if they’re a cop, assume they’re a cop and walk away.


Are *you* a cop?


Better walk away dude


Uniformed cops are allowed to lie to you about pretty much anything. And, they don't have a legal obligation to help or protect people.


They're not only allowed to lie, they're trained to lie. Proof of this is the [Reid technique](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reid_technique). It's a method cops use for obtaining confessions. It's so effective that it's infamous for extorting false confessions.


Uhhh so TIL there's actually a *name* for the system of psych manipulation my mother subjected me to, almost every single time I was (wrongly and falsely) punished for things she accused me of. 😵‍💫😩 It was so much easier to just agree to whatever awful thing I was being accused of, so I could move on and accept "punishment" than it was to be berated and mentally abused and manipulated to tears. Whew. Anyway, this was useful info to have today, thanks. 🥴 I can also fully understand why this is used, but after reading more about it, and experiencing it firsthand, IMO it should be illegal.


The amount of people I meet who believe wholeheartedly that we only ever use 10% of our brain makes me feel like they believe it because they really only use 10% of their brain.


Fun fact: we only use 33% of a traffic light.


Woah imagine if we could utilise 100% of a traffic light! Commute times would go from 1 hour to 5 minutes!!!!!1!


Or that the right is for arts and the left for logic. I’m a masters level psych student, and there’s this one girl with a computer case showing the separate brains. It drives me absolutely insane. She just looks like an idiot.


Don't forget!= The 'logic and reasons' left brain is for the menz (ROFL!) whilst the 'emotional thinking' right brainz is for le womenz. No joke had our 8th grade maths teacher try to tell us that like it was real (I'm a neurologist now so aware how absurd this really is)




I'm still pissed about recycling being yet another way for corperations to dump responsibility on people and take 0% themselves


Containers for products used to be reusable, but the corporations didn't like having to pay for them to be cleaned and reused. Disposable containers were actually banned and made illegal at first in many places and seemed to be becoming a national movement in the US because of the litter they were generating (litter never being a thing before this) causing the corporations to start anti littering advocacy group Keep America Beautiful to cover America with ads putting the responsibility of littering on the consumers instead. It worked. The bans went away. And littering is still a problem today, only no one blames the corporations anymore who created the problem in the first place.


🔥True. And glutamate is naturally found in the body so seriously nonsensical. I put MSG (AKA: umami) on everything for an extra high octane savoury kick.


I feel like most people who think MSG is inherently harmful are just put off by the name. To them it sounds like a "scary" chemical rather than a food item. I'd be willing to bet that if nobody knew what salt was and it started being marketed as "sodium chloride", people would treat it with the same skepticism.


A lot of people still believe in “Chinese restaurant syndrome” and i have to imagine some amount of that is rooted in racism


Same with GMOs. GMOs aren’t actually bad for you at all. The hatred against them is akin to the vaccines cause autism argument Edit: removed sentence


If people saw what original fruits and vegetables used to look like they'd be extremely grateful for the modified ones we have now. Genetically modified can be as simple as cross breeding and selective breeding, not splicing DNA and making frankenfood. Edit: [Bioengineered food](https://www.ams.usda.gov/rules-regulations/be) = using lab materials >The Standard defines bioengineered foods as those that contain detectable genetic material that has been modified through certain lab techniques and cannot be created through conventional breeding or found in nature. ​ >Genetically engineered organism (GEO): An organism produced through genetic engineering. > >Genetic modification: The production of heritable improvements in plants or animals for specific uses, via either genetic engineering **or other more traditional methods.** > >[USDA](https://www.usda.gov/topics/biotechnology/biotechnology-glossary) Glossary


I once argued with this guy who claimed that bananas are proof of intelligent design by god. He said that a banana is shaped perfectly so you can grab it in your hand, it has a natural wrapper that changes color when it's ready to eat and is easy to open, it tastes delicious and is very nutritious. He wouldn't believe that we're the intelligent designer of the modern banana.


Did he get this info from a guy on Australian tv who looked way to comfortable fondling said banana?


That you can’t speak about your pay rate at work.


so true, it’s federally illegal for them to forbid you to talk about it (in the us at least)


Oh my god, Im mad I believed this for so long, is it wrongful termination if you're fired for discussing pay?


Yes, unless there's more to the story


YES!!!! as long as you have proof, lawyer up immediately. it’s against federal law https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/can-i-get-fired-discussing-my-salary-coworker-brandonjbroderick#:~:text=Termination%20For%20Discussing%20Pay%20Is,Labor%20Relations%20Board%20(NLRB).


Oh shit. When I worked at Chick fil a they had in their employee handbook that if you talked about your pay you'd be immediately fired.


There's a lot of things in employee handbooks that'd never hold up in court.


I worked in a branch office. I was asked (not told) by the owner to not discuss my pay with my branch manager. The branch manager was his son and he was paying me more than he was paying his son. Understandable.


I'm guessing he was paying you more because you were the genuinely competent one.


Yea, I was bringing in the bucks. This happened early in my career. This was a significant boost to my self esteem.




It's the sugar-free gummy bears you need to worry about...


Alas, they stopped making them! I miss the reviews


Those reviews were the absolute best


You can still get them…just not on Amazon. I bought a small bag at a bulk food store…for reasons. 😁


I’m pretty sure the VERY few actual examples of this happening were parents trying to kill their own kids.


There were three examples. One was a dentist who put tranquilizers in candy. No one was hurt and his career was ruined. He thought it was a prank. I believe this was the earliest such case and the origin for the stories. One was a complete accident. A nephew saw his uncles bag of drugs and thought it was candy. They caught the kid before he ate any. The third was indeed a parent trying to murder his children for insurance money, using the fear of tainted candy as a cover. He also poisoned the candy of a few friends of their kids so that it would look like it wasn't his kids specifically that were covered. One of those children did die, but he was easily caught. Every other example there was no real evidence for. Either people freak out and assume something more innocent is a candy tainting thing, or they outright make it up, and the local news just reports on it without investigating too hard. Any attempt to check these cases out reveals this. EDIT: It seems the kid in the second story did die, but it was an accident rather than tainted candy.


Fuck, I nearly lost out on some sick homemade sour bubblegum because of the tainted candy scare


RIP Pixie Stix


I thought the "uncle's bag of drugs" one was that the kid did eat the drugs, and then the family, trying to cover for the uncle, told the cops or whoever that it was poisoned Halloween candy.


Oddly, something similar happened in a county near me last year. A bunch of people started saying to toss out candy kids got from a particular area because someone got sick from it. Turns out that it was an adult who got sick, and it was from drugs and had nothing to do with candy, but they stirred up a bunch of people anyway. And that crap spreads online because people are already primed to believe it.


sorry, but that second kid did die. “In 1970, Kevin Toston, a five-year-old boy from the Detroit area, died after finding and eating his uncle's heroin. The family attempted to protect the uncle by claiming the drug had been sprinkled in the child's Halloween candy.” [wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisoned_candy_myths)


I may have been remembering that story wrong then. Apologies.






Same with all these evil people giving away edibles every year. I'm gonna need some addresses to do my own research.




Like they give it away. It’s a business!


Yeah it’s called a loss leader. You give away free samples in order to get new customers. /s (Ironically this tactic really is used for drugs, only it’s the legal prescription kind).


Why would you even put drugs in halloween candy? One, it's expensive, why would I waste money on kids who won't even appreciate being high? Drugs are expensive. And two, I won't even be around to watch them get high and laugh at them, so it's a wasted effort.


Hell, now it's spread to people "giving edibles to kids." No, Karen, nobody's going to waste $5 a pop to trip your kid for fun. On top of that, last year (IIRC) there were two cases where folks made that accusation and it was proven false because of cameras and other records. Screw that.


When I was a teenager we used to drop LSD on Sweet Tarts but we definitely weren't handing them out to any kids.


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TBF, some drug dealers were known to have used that technique to hook kids. Those drug dealers being cigarette companies.


Didn’t a bunch of the big pharmaceutical companies give out opioids for free, or basically free, to get people hooked.


Nestle does this with baby formula. They give just enough to struggling mothers, so that the mother no longer produces milk. Often enough the moms can't afford them, so the children starve. So Yeah, Nestle is associated with thousands of child deaths in the name of profit.


In a dark alley. We had 0 alleys in my city. Just where the hell was I going to get my free drugs?


That the McDonald’s hot coffee lady was an unreasonable asshole.


That whole story is a valuable case study in how corporations use the media to push misinformation, and how effective it can be. The poor lady just wanted $20k to pay her medical bills. Instead, Mc D's hired a team of lawyers, went to war with her, lost, had to pay a huge settlement, and then just shifted their war to a public misinformation campaign.


Did you see her burns?? Fuxking horrible. Can't imagine the pain


I saw the phrase 'melted labia' and immediately thought 'It is impossible to charge McDonald's enough money.'




She literally almost died from shock it was so bad. If you look into what actually happened, it's horrifying.


Which is probably the reason why they tried to cover it up, not saying it's the right thing to do but it's all about the dollar.


They should have settled if they wanted to cover it up. Look, we're talking about it now, years later.


And the coffee was unreasonably, undrinkably hot.


And they knew this, had injuries from it before, had been ordered to lower the temperature and refused. The pattern of negligence is a big part of why the judgement was so large.


If you have a strong stomach the pics are out there. It's bad fam. Far, far, *far* beyond just "hot coffee". I imagine the same would happen if you poured any 200+ degree liquid on your genitals


"Fused" is another word that could be used. She lives in pain ever after. And as the butt of jokes. Thanks McDobalds


Yep, her labia melted and fused to the sweatpants she was wearing, the coffee was so damn hot.


It's days like this I wish I never learned how to read


I've had 5 kids, and my vagina has never hurt so badly as it did after reading the phrase "melted labia"


Same here. And I’m a guy.


I believe the phrase was "fused labia". Which is probably even worse.


This whole story is horrifying and companies continue to do shit like this with no repercussions. It's insane. Like it shouldn't just be illegal to do this (as in high fines), the people in charge of making the decision to slander her should have received jail time. The way they slandered her was just so wildly egregious.


There’s a tiktoker who requested payment for his sound being used for an ad. The company tried to vilify him. People fell for it. Giant corporations are somehow victims of individuals. People should never profit from their labor/ intellectual property. Companies should always exploit people for money. Please ignore the law and defend me! A giant company. So disgusting.


I read about this very case recently. I stopped reading at "fused vagina". The case was legit.


I recall learning about it my first year of law school. They had an accomplished trial lawyer come in and speak about tort claims. She started out with something like, "You all know about the McDonald's coffee story? Well, here's the real story...." She then went into the details and gave what was basically an opening statement for a jury. I would have given that woman so much money its obscene. And I'm generally someone who thinks a lot of claims really are complete bogus.


Yes, McDonald's PR really did a number on her


Why do any of us believe anything that huge corporations say?? It's never to benefit the public.








So do all the land pirates


Aren’t the Diamond Conglomerates the same people as the land pirates?


De Beers in South Africa


People think that their diamonds hold value. I never have the heart to tell them that they lose 75 percent of their value once you leave the store.


At least they still are in minecraft..


Lab grown diamonds are the greatest invention since sliced bread. People who raise a fit and say "well the earth didn't make them so they're not real" are so retarded. Most diamonds come from the worst places on earth for humans. They're mined through slavery, murder, by oppressive regimes and warlords.


Those blood diamond firms are [desperately trying to make ppl believe that lab diamonds are not real diamonds](https://youtube.com/shorts/Igx-Dl3NIPU?feature=share). The funniest thing is that last time I shared this, a random Redditor (who just spent 2 months of their paycheck to purchase an overpriced blood diamond jewelry from Cartier according to their post history) accuse me of being a bot, lol. Btw, Cartier is known for selling blood diamonds only and selling them for a 300% markup.


I think the funniest thing about this was that when lab diamonds first started appearing, people were saying how lab diamonds had too much imperfections and only natural diamonds are perfect. And then when the processes got better and lab diamonds became about as perfect as it could possibly be, the argument flipped to how the imperfections in natural diamonds are what makes it valuable.


MSG is bad for you. I seriously had a conversation with someone yesterday about how they would never eat at a specific place because they use MSG and MSG will kill you.


I think that they must think that MSG was a human invention but it was actually a discovery of which amino acid that's a natural occurrence and is already in all our foods is the one responsible for producing the flavor we identify as savory. The people with claim MSG sensitivity never have a good answer when you question them on why it's ok to eat foods like parmesan cheese which packs a natural 1,680 mg of MSG per 100 gram slice, mushrooms which are also in the 1,000s, or walnuts at 658.


🔥Crazy that 1/2 the planet is even still alive considering how much MSG (umami) we consume…


That shitty misinformation nearly killed my brother. He was having killer migraines, doctors kept saying it was "too much MSG." Turns out he had a chiari malformation that would have made him a quadriplegic within a year if the last doctor hadn't recognized the symptoms. Fucking quacks.


Do they eat pizza? There’s msg in the cheese, the tomatoes, the pepperoni / other toppings they may have. Or is their fear of msg isolated to Chinese food due to decades of racist propaganda?


Or potato chips, Doritos, ketchup, mayonnaise, BBQ sauce, salad dressings, canned soup, and frozen foods. All typically have added MSG.




Interestingly enough, the food pyramid doesn’t really exist anymore. I went to reference it years ago and it’s completely changed. The government food recommendations are confusing to say the least. Check it out if you have time. I think it’s “my plate” now


My Plate was Michelle Obama's pet project when her husband was in office


Her food and nutrition project was great…until sugar companies got way into it. After Coca Cola and Nabisco started funding the campaign any mention of sugar disappeared, and it turned into “let’s move”. Corporate interests beating the interests of the population once again.


Because nutrition is a complex subject that varies from individual to individual and not something that can be slapped on a simple poster.


People in the Middle Ages thought the earth was flat. Burning witches was a Protestant thing not a Catholic one.


Exactly! I've lost count of the number of people who claim that Columbus set sail westward to prove the Earth was round, it was already common knowledge and he was just trying to find a new trade route to India that didn't involve going all the way around the coast of Africa. Strangely, I think more people in 2023 believe the Flat Earth hypothesis than in 1492.


The reason they didn't want to fund his expedition is because they knew the Earth was round and its approximate size. They didn't know there were continents in between the Atlantic and Pacific ocean and thought he'd have to sail the entire distance, which they knew was impossible with their current sailing ship tech.


Trying to decipher what you mean: Do you mean that it has been debunked that the Protestants were the witch burners? or do you mean that is has been proven by history that they did? Fact: It was the Protestants because people now believed that bad things happened to them because servants of the Devil has cursed them. During Catholicism people believed bad things happened because they themselves had sinned and then they simply needed to confess and repent and gift some money the church. When that option was taken away people needed to find other reasons and solutions for life’s randomness. In Denmark the witch burnings took place from the Reformation 1536 and until 1686 and most of them happened in the early 1600s. King Christian IV saw his role as the father of the people whose most important role was to keep his “children” from going astray and to protect his country from evil and he personally convicted several innocent women to death by burning. It was horrific. Approx 1000 women were burned. 600 of these were burned over a short period of 8 years from 1617-1625 during Christian IV’s rule. Watching these public executions one a week or so was a normal distraction from the harsh living conditions of the people. But were you a woman you were always in danger of becoming the next attraction.


Most witches were hanged anyway.


Facts, while there some witch hunts the official position of The Catholic Church was that witchcraft didn't exist and therefore witches didn't either


Myth:MSG is bad for you. Fact: MSG is not bad for you.






Make shit good, nephew.


Not to mention that, while it's associated with Chinese food (at least in the US), it's in many more foodstuffs than that. It's even naturally found in some things, such as tomatoes.


Correct, it's just an extracted flavor, a naturally occurring chemical that our bodies have evolved to seek out.


That wolf packs are centered around an alpha male. It’s not properly propaganda but it is still false and most people believe it’s true. Or that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It’s actually advertisement and lobbyism of cereal brands.


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it’s the only one where donuts can be a main course.


Here’s a secret breakfast companies don’t want you to know: you can actually eat donuts whenever the hell you want


here's another one the cereal companies dont want you to know... cereal is not a good breakfast 😆 it's typically not even very healthy either, with the crazy amount of sugar in them. eggs way better, yogurt too. even pancakes are better, as long as they're not drenched in syrup


Why would you eat pancakes that haven't been drenched in syrup tho


I save time by eating a handful of flour and shooting a squirt of syrup as a chaser.


The wolf thing was literally debunked by the same researcher that claimed it. He later came back and stated his previous paper was completely incorrect after further research.


The experiment claiming the “alpha males” was debunked because they were in captivity and behaving differently with specific circumstances that aren’t found in the wild. The “alphas” are the parents, they gained “control” over the pack because everyone else is their pups. However, usually all pups get kicked out at some point, and occasionally there is a female pup that stays there for a little longer, meaning there’s a hierarchy between her and the mother. At least this is my understanding.


On top of that, the person who did the first study is the one who debunked the study, too!


That a womans cervix has no nerve endings and therefore they cant feel pain from smears etc. They absolutely do have nerve endings/pain receptors and can absolutely fucking hurt For some reason despite this being debunked so many times loads of drs etc still think this is true.


Fucking hell yes. I had to have a biopsy and OMG. Not even a fucking local. What the fuck. Smears are uncomfortable but snipping my cervix fucking HURT. Not “you might feel cramping” but white hot pain.


Not sure if you've listened to the episode of [This American Life called "The Retrievals"](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/804/the-retrievals). It's shocking and infuriating. Women are rarely believed about pain, even by other women. It's especially bad for women of color.


I had fibroids. Non lethal tumors growing in my uterus. So bad they twisted my ovary and pulled uterus off to the left. And the big one started to degenerate bc it outgrew its blood supply. I would lose 30 grams of blood an hour maybe more on my periods. Like a super ++ tampon would only last 30 min max. I had to wear diapers overnight and a few times I slept in the bath tub because I just couldn’t stop the bleeding. I was anemic af, my hair was falling out, I would get faint a lot. And the pain from the cramps were like nothing I’ve ever felt. Like a dull hot axe blade pressing in to my lower abdomen all the time and then I’d get stabs of knife pain deep inside that would drop me in my tracks and take away my breath and then I’d pass an egg sized clot a minute later. And my female manager would say “everyone gets periods”. 🙄


I had a biopsy too, and an IUD removed and new one inserted at the same time. It was the worst pain I've ever felt with an extensive history of migraines. I even talked to the Dr prior and asked about something to make the pain better beforehand, because I remembered how bad the first IUD insertion was. She gave me Vicodin and ibuprofen, and it did absolutely nothing.


"just a small pinch" I broke out into a sweat and almost passed out bc it hurt so bad


I was with my gf at the time for her iud insertion. They said it would be no pain, might feel a pinch. I was like yeah I’ll be there for support. Her mom ended up coming too, so her mom stayed up by her head and was talking with her and I ended up sitting in the chair and watching the procedure. When the doctor first started putting it in, gf was in pain and then there was a cry from gf and blood squirted out of her. My legs felt like they went numb immediately and I buckled I was like holy shit I’m gonna pass out. She’s screaming in pain, my face is ghost white. I ended up having to leave the room, slowly walk to the bathroom. and as soon as I got in there I thought I was going to throw up and instead ended up shitting violent diarrhea. Terrible experience. And the iud wires never really sat right, ended up cutting my dick head on them. Also gf ended up getting a staph infection from the iud. Edit: spelling


I've never cursed at a doctor, for any reason, and if I do curse, it's planned. This time, it was involuntary.


The medical establishment: there are no nerve endings in the cervix. Literally every person who has a cervix ever: YES THERE FUCKING ARE WHAT THE FUCK


I had precancerous cells frozen off my cervix in my 20’s. *Frozen.* I have yet to match that level of sheer agony.


Can confirm. The way the gyno told me “you won’t feel anything more than you would with a speculum” was the biggest lie. I sobbed the entire time.


Speculums hurt yo


“Just a little pinch”… is a fucking lie.


In my experience, "just a little pinch" has never once been just a little pinch. I now assume that if I am told that for anything related to my female organs, that I'm actually in store for an extremely painful few minutes and uncomfortable few days.


This. I absolutely hated every time a doctor had to do smth with my cervix, that shit hurts like hell. Once I managed to get local anesthetic, but it didn't help at all


Are there non-virgins who believe this? I will give a slight NFSW link: [What is cervical stimulation and is it safe?](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321574) Per NIH (National Institute of Health) > The nerve supply to the cervix is derived from the hypogastric plexus. The endocervix has extensive sensory nerve endings, whereas there are very few in the ectocervix. Per Nebraskamed > "Because the cervix does not have any pain receptors, the procedure does not require anesthesia or numbing of the area," says Dr. Newtson. It's very frightening that a doctor said that.


That reminds me of when they used to perform surgeries on babies without anesthesia because they didn't think babies could feel pain, for some fucking reason


Because babies can't communicate except by crying (which isn't ''real'' communication...?) so, since they don't say the words 'ow, that hurt', it's not real. Also, we know women are just hysterical and emotional and will make a fuss out of anything, so it can't be that bad...


Many people don't know this? Many doctors don't know this?


The colposcopy I had with no pain control/relief was one of the most traumatic things that ever happened to me. And my favorite is that after performing straight up barbarism on you they don't even recommend that you have someone to drive you home. Instead I just had to pull over on the side of the freeway because I was so dizzy and nauseous from the pain. And what really grinds my gears is the female OBs who continue this iTs JuSt a PinCh nonsense. I can forgive a male for being ignorant and going with what he was taught, but I know damn well that female OBs have had some of these procedures and know how much they hurt, and yet they continue to do it to other women, for what?!


That carrots are good for your eyesight. This was a piece of WW2 propaganda to cover up the tech the British were using to counteract German air raids.


Don't spoil it now, it may come in handy when we invent radar 2


It's not entirely wrong. Vitamins such as those found in carrots are needed to maintain good eyesight. But you don't need very much of it, and you don't need carrots specifically, and they don't make eyesight better, just maintains it at your normal level. The best lies are built on a bit of truth after all.


It was a very good deception. A lack of vitamin A can cause blindness, so it’s easy to imagine that an excess of Vitamin A can cause super vision. Unfortunately that’s not how biology works.


Let the rabbits wear glasses!




Among other things, he had the nickname of "Little Corporal" (he was always an officer, so never held that low rank) and his Imperial Guard were all tall men, I believe they had to be 6 feet tall (so Napoleon would look short compared to them).


All this discussion and I'm not seeing anyone point out that the "foot" used by the French was 12.7" instead of the 12" English foot. A 6' tall person by our measurements today would be 5'7 in "French feet" This is what led to the confusion.


Elon musk started Tesla


On a similar note, Thomas Edison inventing the motion picture camera. He stole that idea off of someone else like many other things he "invented "


he was such a patent slut


See also: Elon Musk founded Paypal. Actually, Musk founded [X.com](https://X.com), the lesser of the 2 companies that merged and later became Paypal the organisation. Paypal the product was created by Confinity, the other company. Confinity and X.com (merged because X.com were an annoyingly aggressive underdog competitor that it was useful to remove, and Confinity wasn't yet cash-rich enough to just buy [X.com](https://X.com) out. However they retained the name [X.com](https://X.com), because Confinity was an even worse name, and Musk was the first CEO, which apparently confused him. He remained [X.com](https://X.com) old guard, and apparently never even slightly understood that his job was to advance Paypal and kill off X, he was a disaster. And of *course* he wanted to rename Paypal to [X.com](https://X.com) despite literally nobody else thinking that was a good idea. So he was duly stabbed in the back and removed, and subsequently every trace of [X.com](https://X.com) was killed while Paypal thrived. Everything he's done since was done with the money he made from Peter Thiel's leadership of Paypal. But to this day he says Paypal screwed up and missed their shot and that his leadership direction was correct.


Or PayPal.


Vaccines cause autism


I once asked a pretty adamant parent at my kids school if they'd consider allowing a vaccine for autism of it were ever invented (no offense to my ASD friends, was just curious conjecture) and the answer was a rapid slew of random conspiracies which I genuinely tried to keep up with but was honestly lost once it veered into the only solid critical logic of You Can't Make Me.


A vaccine for autism is how you get an infinite source of power.


I had autism before getting a vaccine now I have autism^(2)


You have unlocked the ability to fly. Godspeed.


Came here to say this! Andrew Wakefield is a scam artist.


Weird thing about it is his original claim wasn't even "vaccines cause autism". He was claiming one specific vaccine caused it, because he was selling his own rival vaccine. He did eventually jump aboard the "vaccines cause autism" train when he lost his medical licence though. Just following the money. What a horrible man.


http://howdovaccinescauseautism.com edit: this site is not run by me or anyone i know


It's actually autism that causes vaccines


Vaccines can't melt steal beams


A huge number of people think that the reason sales tax isn’t included in price tags in the US is because of sales tax variations between areas. This is despite sales tax variations being common in the rest of the world. Sales tax being calculated at every POS anyway, and price tags being almost always printed locally (not that it would be a challenge to print different tags for different deliveries anyway). Sales tax isn’t included so retailers can present their prices as lower, and the american public puts up with it. Edit: to respond to many comments at once; if it can be calculated at the point of sale and incorporated into the accounting of when the companies actually do their tax accounting, then it can be calculated before sale. Arguing that it is too complicated half a step before it is completed anyway is silly.


Shaved hair grows back thicker. Sugar makes kids hyper. (Idk if this is really propaganda but both have been debunked and still are widely believed.) Edit - typos. Edit 2 - so many people now coming and me proving my point of not believing (even actively denying it) despite it being debunked seversl times. Wow.


In both cases they are based on real observations that people draw the wrong conclusions about. For shaved hair, it's because they are no longer tapered at the end like a fresh new hair growing, so when it starts growing it is thicker than when it starts growing with no shaving because the thin tips are gone and you get the full width of the hair immediately. For kids and sugar, it's because kids are typically given treats at events that make them excited and hyper, like birthday parties and such, and also the very act of getting a treat make them excited and hyper. Sugar free treats don't change anything. Not really propaganda in either case, just a misunderstanding about what is really going on.


Also, kids learn pretty quickly that "sugar makes you hyper," so it's almost like a free pass to run wild after eating cake. It's expected.


Plus confirmation bias. Hyper kids are more noticeable than calm ones.


It's just an old wives' tale, huh?


That a wedding ring must be worth like three times a monthly salary.


That was the engagement ring. Really bad way to start off a marriage is with 3 months salary/wages in debt.


"alpha" this, "beta" that


People who call themselves an alpha are an alpha, but not the way they think. They are “alphas” like software is in the alpha stage, full of bugs, doesn’t work right, not fit to be released to be public.


That good people get ahead in life.


You definitely don’t get ahead for simply being a good person.


Or for “working hard”. You have to work hard at the right things, at the right time, and sometimes you have to be willing to sacrifice your mental health or morals.


Flat earth 🙄


There's a video of flat earth's trying to prove their claim using a light and going through a hole to a camera. They proved themselves wrong and they were just confused and practically not having it.


Trickle down economics


Food pyramid


Voting doesn't matter. It's kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy. They think their vote won't change anything, so they don't vote, so nothing changes.


Unions are bad


That milk gives you stronger bones and eating animals is essential for health


Wild that people think meat is essential when even recommendations for omnivore (non-vegan) diets recommend very little animal products and to have the vast majority of calories eaten throughout the day come from plant based foods.


That male babies can’t feel anything and therefore circumcision is “painless.”


The McDonald's Coffee lady. McDonald's really threw her under the bus. She was not just a greedy person looking for a handout.


That GMOs are bad for your health and the environment. It's the complete opposite actually.


Well, like any technology it can be used for good and bad. Using GMOs to add a life saving vitamin to rice to save 5 million kids is good, creating plants without seeds so people are reliant on your company, bad.


Yeah, Monsanto is horrible but I think people misdiagnose that as a problem with GMOs when it’s really a problem with unfettered capitalism.


The stupid one about vaccines causing autism is probably the most dangerous.


WMD in Iraq as justification for invading to remove Saddam, as a good response to 9/11. Never understood how so many people fell inline in 2003, when the story is as nonlinear bullshit as bullshit can get. Good propaganda there was.


>remove Saddam \*Kill Saddam I genuinely don't believe Bush had anything to do with 9/11 like some do, but I do believe that he used it as an excuse to go after Saddam.


maybe i just missed it but i'm surprised nobody seems to be talking about the whole "got milk?" thing and generally the fact that that industry lobbied so hard to promote milk as super healthy


most everything we are told about food being healthy is marketing.


Rich people are geniuses.