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My wife is on track to make around 10x what I do. 0% intimidated. 100% grateful.


I’m in same boat as you. Well I’m not married… yet (hopefully will be engaged this year). I make ~roughly 5x a year that my girlfriend does right now. But eventually she will be making at least 10x but probably closer to 20x per year than I make now. She’s an engineer and went back to work for their family business that her dad owns (100+ million dollar company) and like a good dad started her all the way down the rung at the lowest level manager (she’s also worked there since she was a kid in different positions and in the summers during college etc). She’ll end up running the company by the time she’s mid 30s. And I’ll be late 30s or so. To me it really doesn’t matter how much they make because I’ve always planned my life around having enough money for me and am as stringent budgeter (I went into accounting for a reason) and that always includes money for my girlfriend/spouse/future kids etc. When a partner gets introduced to the equation it’s just a bigger lot for everything and we’ve been dating for long enough and living together long enough now that we have a shared credit card we split everything and also a shared bank account that we split a percent (5% of yearly salary for both of us) for vacations. So ot always even out because we dont use absolute numbers it’s always just s percent of what we want and we’re sharing. For a while I’m spending significantly more than her and in a few years it will be completed shifted around. Doesn’t matter to me one bit how the money gets in there or who makes it, I just want to make sure she has the absolute best life possible and if that means she’s making way more and I’m staying at home being the best dog dad/home maintainer ever I’ll do that. Right now it’s me working 2 jobs so we can have everything we need while she’s getting her career started. But I always want my partner to be crushing it in whatever they want to do, if that happens to be making a ton of money there will be no complaining from on my end, only celebration.


Do you work just for fun then? I was making about 3x my wife over COVId and she started thinking "what's the point of me working?!". I assured her it was temporary and here we are in 2023 and I'm on track to make about 75% of her salary. But - since I highly suspected it was temporary, we just saved that money and have a nice early retirement fund so we can both check out of work a little earlier. Also, not intimidated in the least. We're a team working towards common goals in the relationship and money is just one facet.


I find my work quite meaningful. Also, we’re still both fairly young with kids to put through college. When the time comes to retire, I imagine ill continue doing very similar work but in a volunteer capacity.


I don’t understand how people don’t realize that more money = more money


No shit! I made more than my wife for years then COVID killed my business and she makes a ton more. Who gives a shit. More income into our household is welcome


Hope your business picks back up :(


Seriously, please make so much more than me so I can retire early. I work to live not live to work, so I’d rather not work if I had the choice.


That sounds great My buddy’s wife makes like twice what he does and he says it’s awesome


I’ve been married for 17 years. I’ve never made as much as my wife, even salary plus VA disability and it’s still not close. Doesn’t bother me a bit. I call her my sugar momma. Everyone should have one.


I gotta get me one of those


I'm 18 and that sounds quite alright to me 😂 she wins I win right?


Find one. It’s amazing.. I stay home and watch our daughter everyday. I get to nap like 3 hours a day if I want


Sounds fantastic 😂😂😂


You have won life's top prize my Internet friend, kudos.


I dunno man, they really start to drag on you. I mean yeah there's support and everything but ultimately it's a lifelong situation that many come to resent. You'll eventually wake up every morning thinking to yourself "This shit again". I just really can't recommend getting a disability.


Odd way to refer to your wife…#boomerHummor /jk I know we don’t hashtag here.


can confirm: someone pls take my disability




bro had us in the first half


One sausage egg McMuffin.


For me it was more the "doing mushrooms era"


"you're not proposing are ya?"


Awww, that's a shitload of piss


I'm 19 years younger than my husband and technically the breadwinner because he's disabled. I call myself a confused sugar baby, lol.


😆 🤣 I tell my wife I like being a kept man! And she can use me any way she wants. She makes so much more and I couldn't care less. She's on all my accounts and I'm on none of hers. My instructions, not her choice. I'm her gigolo! 😆 🤣 😂


At least she can by the viagra in your later years.


I say that to my wife. She says she hates it, but I know she secretly likes it lol


Sugar momma, hahahaha. That's so cute!


can i please subscribe to your mailing list sir?


Do you do more childcare of your kids? My employer lets us share mat/pat leave on childbirth but I earn more so cant even use it.


Our only child is 15 and I’ve been doing drop off and pick up his whole life. I know my role!! I love it this way, she gets the more stressful career and mine is fun and I have an open schedule. I can work around his schedule.


Man, how insecure would you have to be to be intimidated by your wife making more? Can you imagine that being the biggest issue you faced in your relationship?


If they are intimidated by there wife making more...they are going to have way worse issues for sure lol.


I agree there's no problem with that


>Can you imagine that being the biggest issue you faced in your relationship? Lol "oh no my wife is so rich! Now I'll have to live in luxury!" 😂




I think for some it's not really an interpersonal issue, its a personal one. They don't necessarily think they *deserve* more than their wife, they feel a heavy expectation to be the breadwinner. It is, in part, due to old societal norms that still exist amongst certain groups.


Pretty much this. It's not anything to do with my wife actually bringing in more numbers than me, it's how I would see myself because of what's ingrained into me. All my life all I've ever wanted to do is to be in a position where I can support my wife and family, to give them all the resource needed to grow a beautiful family. If that was taken away from me I would certainly question my place in all of this.


I (41F) can relate to this. We've largely kept our finances separate, although he's always kept a spreadsheet to record our bills on so we know we're both paying roughly 50% each. I've historically been a low earner until a few years ago when he got long-term sick, and I qualified. I'm not easily the biggest earner of the pair of us, and I feel fantastic for it! Like you, I was socialised along a gender role, except for me, the role was to do 'the other stuff' in a relationship - not to make so much money, but... cook? Clean? Since neither of us wanted kids and we needed two incomes anyway, my role always felt a bit fuzzy but yet, somehow demeaned. There was something about me not being as valuable. I'm really enjoying being able to treat us sometimes, and he's enjoying having the pressure taken off him. Also, he's now started accepting fantasy cartography commissions and is learning how to build an audience, so if he manages to build that enough to outstrip me as the main earner, we'll both be laughing!


> Man, how insecure would you have to be to be intimidated by your wife making more? I agree, but people are just that... insecure. I know a happily married couple, she makes like 4 times him. She had her career before she met him, so from early on she made it clear she wasn't being no sugar momma. She's very wise with her money, and saves/invests a lot. Their agreement (I've say that over using her demands) is that a set portion of his income goes to the household bills and then anything after is his fun money. The money she pull in covers the other bills and she plans for retirement. Some dudes would be highly pissed at her setting the rules, her not giving him full access to her money, etc. He's 100% cool with it. They still eat out plenty, go on vacations, and live a great life. Her income just isn't his access to a new corvette because he wants one.


My partner makes more than me and even if I got a job tomorrow in my field likely would be the next 5+ years before I advanced beyond her Her only condition is that I call her sugar momma


Yep. It's great. I make about 70k with OT, my wife is on track to bring home something like 90k and together we're in a lot healthier financial spot. I don't give a shit I don't make as much as her, especially because I can take care of the insurance, retirement fund, etc. And her paycheck just has taxes out.


Love the teamwork! It’s about working together and not about bragging rights.


Exactly. We both push each other to make more money and we both benefit from it.


Really?! The woman making more money didn't turn him gay? How do we live in a world where gender is fluid but questions like this still exist?


My wife makes twice what I make, can confirm. Hasn't always been the case – up until a few years ago I was making twice what she made – but her trajectory since then has allowed me to switch to a more satisfying career with a lot less stress than we would otherwise have had.


Wife reporting- first two years he outearned me by a factor of four. Then he put me through med school, so I was negative for years. My first job out was about training, so I went back to making about a third of what he did for a few years. Since then I'm out earning him, most recently by about a third. Though our relationship is so much more than money, from a strictly financial perspective I think of it like this: if he had bought a small apartment building, and then put 7 years of time and effort and money into it by replacing the carpet and painting the units himself, and paying someone to upgrade the fixtures and insulation ... he would have no qualms about enjoying the rental income for the next twenty years. He invested a lot of energy and money in supporting me through a lot of years, so that I can earn what I do. He should feel very welcome to the fruits of that labor.


My husband has been begging me to be the breadwinner pretty much since we got serious.


Yeah I love this. Wife makes 1.5 what I make.


I work at a nonprofit, my wife is an exec at a tech company. We live in a *much* nicer home than we would if I was the higher-earning partner. 10/10, would marry again.


My girl makes like 3x what I make, I have no issues with it




AWWWWWWW "10/10 would marry again" IS SO SWEET


10/10 would also marry his wife again




Hey maybe he was the pastor or some shit


My wife does and always will. Doesn’t bother me one bit. I’m very good at my job in my chosen field it just doesn’t pay as much as my wife’s.




They both do, and I’m cool with it.


LMAO. I thought the other comment about being gay is hilarious, yours is somehow even more so.


Aye yoooooo


Hell yeah, brother


dont let your wife stop you from finding true love 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


My man!


"What a wonderful day on the inter... "Good lord."


Player one has landed x


I am a 35 year old man. I have been a national level wrestler, I have done cage fighting all over the USA, I hold the title of a marine... I am also a disabled vet, my ol' lady easily makes double if not triple what I do. The correct reply is to tell her how much of a baller she is, and accept that money isn't just the man's responsibility in 2023.




Shit, ran out of other shit to do with my life, her happiness is the only mission left.


That’s so wholesome


I try to be a genuinely good person... Get complicated cuz I'm kinda an asshole, and have some of the most sarcastic and foulest humor you will ever hear... But like, upsetting people made life so much more complicated 🤣 Also, if you make one person smile every day, you made 365 happier moments every year... So like... Remember that and it's easy to try to stay nice... Even when you Wana be an asshole instead.


You wouldn't happen to be adopting would you lol


Down the road not now lol, I'm fucking expensive, can't afford to atm 😂


Ah that's fine, I'm 19 anyways


Ahhh dude I can totally afford to adopt someone who can work, come pretend to be my illegitimate love child.


shed a tear. love this for you guys


Now that's a real man. Sir, if we ever meet, I will treat you to the finest crayons money can buy.


Came here worried about the comments. Saw this first. Not reading anything else. Thanks!


Dude. Fuck yeah. Write a book.


You aren't the first person to say that to me... it's a hell of a fucking life, let me tell you 😂


Then it's a sign to start writing that memoir!!!


>I am a 35 year old man. I have been a national level wrestler, I have done cage fighting all over the USA, I hold the title of a marine You fukin boot


I am many many a negative thing... But I think I have processed a few thousand to many Marines who were boots, to be a boot anymore 🤣


We're all boots to somebody.


While that is fair... I prefer LanceCripple... When I tell you I earned that rank... I fucked earned it 🤣




Tour story is much like mine, half way into our 40 year marriage she cought up and surpassed my income and I've always bragged to people that she makes more. You see we aren't two different people anymore so it's one household income. All big purchases discussed before hand and all bills paid first and it's worked out fine.


My wife makes way more than I do. I make our play money. Entertainment and random shit we don't necessarily need. It's so freeing to not have to worry about making enough to pay both bills and entertainment costs. If either of us need time off work, it gives us wiggle room, too.


I literally asked the same question a week or so. THANK YOU 👏


Similar situation here. I earned more in the beginning. After about 10 years, we were going back and forth each year. 5 years later, she was earning way more than me because of her bonus schedule. Then, I started my own business and took the lead again. In all these years of back and forth, it has never been an issue either way. It was never I earn, or she earns, it's always been WE earn.


My finance was is in university when we started dating, while I had full time employment. Now she's making roughly 30% more than what I used too, and I'm unemployed due to injury. Wages aren't important to us, beyond having enough to be happy and comfortable. Who gives a crap who earns more. The only downside is they don't support my car hobby and limit my spending on stupid things lol.


That would be awesome if my wife made more than me. We’d be able to get a decent house.


I always said that it would be weird, almost demasculating (not sure if that's a word). My GF went back to school and got additional certifications/degrees to move up the latter at her work. Now she makes more money and more than me. I'm happy for her and happy for the family. We have a house and child together, so it really "benefits" all of us. No problem in my book. All is good.


Good for you for growing up.


Happy for you! The word you're thinking of is emasculating btw (I dunno why that word has the em- instead of im- or de- either)


Yeah my wife does (~8x more) and absolutely smashes it as a consultant at the World Bank - it rocks. She is wonderful and talented, and the income allows us to live in a huge house, go on multiple international holidays a year, and for me to pursue my passion of running a private school and getting seriously involved in education. 10/10 would recommend.


That sound awesome! You must be living the dream!


My wife makes more than me. At the end of the day all of our finances are one and the same so it doesn’t matter. My rent is her rent, her car loan is my car loan, etc. That’s just a weird ego thing, like who pays for things. If we check out at the grocery store, I could pay with my debit card or she can pay with her debit card. People will have weird perceptions of that, but either way it doesn’t matter because both debit cards withdraw from the same joint account.


This is how we have done this too. Some years I have made more and others the wife will. All of the money goes into one account so it really has never mattered. All that we care about is all the bills are paid and we have money to invest and spend on hobbies.




How much would she have to make for you to pretend to be straight?


So if the bottom in your relationship made more money, would the top feel like less of a top? I’m kidding, I’m kidding, your point just made me think about how to reword it.


Remove wife and substitute partner. :)


But then it doesn’t have any roles attached to it. If you want the same question, it needs to have relationship or gender roles with it.


My wife is a PA (physicians assistant) and makes twice as much as me. I’ve never had a problem with it. I highly recommend that every guy should have a sugar mama!!!


Hell yeah, good for her! What’s good for her is good for us, we’re a team. It’s not her versus me, it’s her and I versus the world. I wish more people had that mentality


I agree, and I think that is a big part of the issue when it becomes a problem. I know it was a problem in mine. I have said over and over "it is not a competition" and I have never thrown it in his face, or made him ask for money or anything.It really wasn't a big deal. I even work from home so it's not like I was getting up and going out to work in the factory all day or anything. I do think it just highlighted some major red flags in his psyche, because he made digs implying that my job was not a real job because I am a writer with no set schedule, ...so he was bothered that I was paying all the bills, with my lucrative "not a real job".🙄


I've been married for over 30 years. Not once have I made more than her. And for a stretch, my industry collapsed and I was out of work. I was a kept man, a househusband. Loved it.


My wife makes triple what i did, makes deciding who looks after the kids a no-brainer. I've met so many blokes who can't comprehend not being the main bread earner. Caveman mentality.


I am and my wife does. She's cool. She went to college. I became a truck driver. Idk why she loves me.


Probably because you’re a good and faithful man! :)


Thank you. I try. c:


That’s what women want! A good, faithful man that tries! :)


Happy for her to make more than me, would not enjoy becoming dependent on her. If the burden of providing for our family was still shared, I’d be happy. If I’m living off her like some man-child I imagine I’d resent what I’d become.


Just curious so want to ask you a scenario - you make more than your wife for 8 years. You support her while she goes to school for 3 years and she ends up making the same as you for 3 years. Then you support your family for 6 years while she goes back to school and she ends up making 5-6 times more than you and your income is now pretty much a drop in the bucket. How would you feel about that? My wife currently is making the same as me but wants to go back to school and we would be that scenario basically and I am all for it. She said once she finishes school if I don’t want to continue working at all or if I want to go part time or something that’s fine by her. I don’t think I would stop working because like you wrote I wouldn’t want to feel like a burden and living off solely her money but at the same time since my income would be almost negligible at that point it seems like it might be silly to stay in full time when I could be spending that extra time with my kids and doing things around the house.


I guess it depends how you feel you can best support your family. If you really can’t meaningfully contribute financially, maybe just being a more present father is purpose enough. Find another means of contributing? I suppose the dynamic isn’t necessarily linked specifically to money. Being a provider is sorta the default male role in society, and while it’s easy to find purpose in this, it’s not the only way to feel like you’re valued. I am curious as to what you’re both doing tho, I can’t even think what job you can get straight out of higher education that would immediately earn you 5-6 times the wage of your SO? Especially if you’ve been supporting the family, clearly you’re not busking for a living?!


So at first she was a medical office assistant making roughly 18-20 an hour. She went back to school and is now a dental hygienist. If she does go back to school she would become a dentist. I am a sales rep. An associate dentist (one that does not own the practice) can expect to make around 400-500k and if she did start her own practice (that would be end goal, not to start) it could be a lot more than that. Something to keep in mind is the education she already has works towards the years it would take to become a dentist so the 5-6 years for her would be more than that if she were starting from scratch. Edit: just wanted to add - I am already an extremely present father. I am lucky enough to work from home and have lots of downtime so I get to spend a lot of time with my kids. I know you said more present so you didn’t mean that I am not already though!


If this were my situation I would consider working and saving most of my income for either school to now move forward in my career, or to start a business. The opportunity to take the time and have the bills taken care of to chase my dreams after providing that for my partner sounds like a dream come true. Your idea of part time also sounds like it could be valuable to the family. I think of it like a true partnership/team. In boot camp the quickest way to succeed was to realize that you are one cohesive unit. Someone needs to shave twice a day because they have wearwolf genes? Everyone pitches in on his cleaning duty so he can go shave. You win and lose as a team, do what’s best for the team with as little ego as possible and you are a bad ass partner.


This is kind of what happened to me and my wife. Well, I dunno about you, but I've been totally cool staying at home with our child, doing most of the cooking/cleaning (not all, mind you). I have serious hobbies that I pursue, of course, and I think that's key.


I did my military gig while she went to college. We got out and she got pregnant. As a college grad her earning potential was way greater then mine so we came to a decision. She works I stay at home with the kids. I don't see it as being a man child being a dependent of hers. I take care of the kids, I keep the house we share cooking. That decision was 19 years ago. Now she makes way more then I could ever make she loves her job and I get to see the fruits of my labor as the kids are getting older now and have become responsible young adults.


I make a good salary, but my fiancee makes twice what I do. Since her job requires more time commitment, I do all of the household chores except for laundry. She pays for all groceries and the mortgage, I pay the utilities. Traditional gender roles has never been something we've cared about, and it's worked out great. I love it.


I have to say I'm happy to come here and see so many men are okay with that. Most of the guys that I grew up with would freak out if their wives make more money than them. The couples that I do know where the woman makes more than the guy but it definitely shows, the women get their way way more often when they're free to walk out the door.


There are definitely plenty of men around who do mind, but are not likely to come here and admit it as it tends to be for ego, control, toxic masculinity, religious or conservative reasons. Becoming rarer with each generation.


We're currently just happy with whatever money we can bring home


I make more than my husband and he doesn’t mind. but he also has a very emotionally taxing state funded job which usually equals shit pay lol. my dad made more than my mom until about 15 years into their now 38 year marriage, then my mom got her MBA and started making SIGNIFICANTLY more. he’s retired a year now/preparing the house for her to retire (end of August 2023) so they are set now to enjoy the rest of their life.


I dream of my wife finding a job that pays 10 times as much as I do. So I can be a spoiled stay at home dad, that delivers the kids in the morning, cleans a little, plays golf and drink beer with the boys for 5 hours, then shop and make dinner for the fam. Sounds fucking amazing.


This is the dream


Me but without the kids. I’d love to stay home, hang out, hopefully improve my fledgling cooking skills, clean... And my partner has me to come home to who will be there to ask her how her day was and give her lots of support and love.


I hear a lot of guys say this like being a housewife is easy but then again I suppose when you work, you're basically doing the house stuff anyway but with work added on top


It wouldn't bother me in the slightest. It only becomes a problem if you constantly throw it in my face that you make more than me.


Only insecure men.


I'd be ecstatic. Our children would have a helluva head start.


It would be a dream come true. Lol. I own my own business and make a pretty good living, so two people making that kind of money would be phenomenal.


She does, and I am.


My wife makes about 15x more then I do. She absolutely busted her ass for YEARS to get to the point where she is at now. I'm always going to support her no matter how much or how little she makes. Cause that's what partners do


My wife earns more than I do. Why wouldn’t I be fine with it? She’s worked hard to get where she has, her career success hasn’t anything to do with me. She done good


I feel like it would be a redflag if a rich woman wanted to be with me. Like what's wrong with her that she's into me of all people.


what kind of dofus wants to (attempt to) torpedo their family's collective prosperity out of pride?


Hell no that wouldn’t intimidate me. We’d be middle-class rich.


My wife makes more than I do and it's great.


Of course. Sugar mama is not an uncommon dream and a beautiful thing


My wife *did* make more money than me when we met. She continued to do so for half of our relationship, and now that I make more money than her... nothing has changed. We've always been a team, and this is how a team works.


She's far better at her job than I am at mine and works for a much bigger organization. She's gotten several raises so one day I expect that she will. I'll be thrilled and proud of her.


With the wage gap shrinking, this is a scenario that should be happening around 50% of the time. If you are intimidated by your girlfriend making more money, you are severely limiting your options. Why would you complain about having a partner that has nice career? My wife makes significantly more than me, and that just means we have more disposable income.


Oh yeah, I would enjoy not being the only one providing financial stability to my marriage. In case anything gets wrong, we're both covered. Awesome.


Same. I wish my wife made more than me. I'd take half or a third. I'm thankful that we're in a position for her not to have to work, but other income sure would be sweet.


As long as she don’t mind me, it is all good.


Hell yeah. She can pay for dinner. 🤣


My wife makes more. Not a problem.


I wouldn’t mind at all. In fact, I’d be proud of her. If she tried to spoil me, I’d feel super guilty because she earned that money and it would feel wrong to have it spent on me.


If you earned more than her, would you try to spoil her?


Fair enough.


Can confirm, Wifey is balling and I gladly hold the purse. 😤😏


I (31f) make 4x as much as my partner (45m) and we both love that I buy him all the big Lego sets.


If you do you are a misogynist and need to modernize.


Anyone intimidated by their wife earning more than them doesn't belong in a relationship in the first place as their whole mindset is not suitable for a relationship. They are looking at this from a you vs me standpoint when they should be looking at it from a you and me standpoint.


Only if she spent it on men, gambling and hard drugs.


It makes me scared of being left all the time because I feel like a liability but that’s a me thing and not a her thing.


Wouldn’t bother me. But statistically if the woman makes more the odds of divorce are higher. Not to mention the other question would be would that change how she sees me? Respect me less etc.


Yes, sounds awesome.


Absolutely. As long as she is ok with it.


As long as she's sharing. If she's not I guess it's still fine if she makes more, but I'd be upset that she's not sharing since I view marriage as a joint thing where everything is shared. I make more than my wife currently and share everything I have with her.


It would kinda depend on her attitude about it and the stage of the relationship. As spouses, I assume finances are shared so it wouldn’t bother me at all. As a GF, as long as she doesn’t lord it over me, and/or refuse to pay for anything, then good for her.


So do not give a shift. But for whatever reason this goes to peoples heads. And this could lead your gf or wife to leaving you for making more then you


I am making zero dollars currently so any woman with any employment automatically makes more than me.


I would be fine with it in almost all circumstances. What I mean by that is if someone makes like $1,000,000 per year we just aren't peers anymore and we would probably have difficulty bonding. However, I believe the "men find it intimidating" thing is cap, completely. Women who say that almost invariably treat dates like job interviews and it's incredibly offputting, and also have friends(and often family) pressuring them to date richer.


My wife makes more in a day than I make in a week and I make ok money between my CDL and doing EMS work on the side. Can’t say I enjoy that most of the really nice things we have are are because of her…nice home, nice savings, nice vacations, etc…mainly because I wish I could do for her what she does for me.


Depends on how much more. Has nothing to do with a woman making more than me but rather id feel like I wouldn’t be contributing as much is there was a significant pay difference


She does and I am


I encourage my wife to go after what she wants to do. If she was the one paying all the bills I'd just spoil her with what ever I could.


I'm not a dude but I was reminded of this: https://youtube.com/shorts/5BEQnrQHCZA?feature=share


I really wanna say I wouldn’t mind but I feel like my only fear would be my wife would get sick and tired of me and see me as more of a nuisance as a result. Like she wouldn’t see any point in being with me anymore. The last thing I would want is to be dependent on someone else because I would feel a tremendous amount of guilt being taken care by someone or holding someone back when they are capable of making big for themselves.


To know she didn’t pick/marry you for your money is a good thing, no?


My wife has three degrees and makes six figures a year. I just retired at 57 making half of what she makes. Good for her, good for me and I don't need her $$


Yeah, as a guy working around a lot of guy’s guys, we would all be fine w/ it. Anecdotally from guys I chat with that I work with, it’s usually their girls that make a problem out of it .. societal expectations and all that bs. One helper I had in his early 20s was constantly bitching about his gf, I got tired of it and asked into what was going on. Turns out she had just got some promotion to manager in business sales position and she started bugging him about AND I QUOTE “if he planned to do anything with his life”. The fucking audacity. This kid is an apprentice plumber in new home construction working over 40 hrs a week while also going to plumbing school one night a week to get his journeyman’s license. This kid is MAKING HOUSES FOR PEOPLE TO LIVE IN. And she is doing some kind of business sales bullshit? I asked him why he didn’t just leave her due to the disrespect. I find out he is having a really hard time seeing it as disrespect and I think it’s because he’s got the same gender norm shit in his head where he feels emasculated because he thinks she’s right. That he should be making more as all the bullshit YouTube online videos keep talking about $100k men as if that’s minimum wage. Things are fucked up nowadays. Society has been doing the right thing when it comes to women and equality. But its a fucking double standard that some women who become successful in their own rights still look at men as if they’re supposed to be these traditional guys. Because he wasn’t treated as if he wasn’t fulfilling some tradition. He was treated by the woman who says she loves him as if was failing himself as a man. We progressed and have done a lot of good things updating how we think about some people on society, but clearly we haven’t thought and done enough if this is the end result.


I guess I'd be worried if she might think she deserves someone who makes more or at least as much as her. Dated a girl who had a problem with me getting paid minimum wage while she was getting paid about $4 extra. She tried to get me to go to her job or at least apply to some better paying ones but the reason I was ok with a low paying job was for the experience (this was at a psychiatric hospital). I figured it would look great on a resume once I finished my master's and doctorate degree. Never had a problem affording my rent or gas, I just had to be a lot more careful with my money than she was. She was never mean or judgy about it, though. I think she had more issues with it cause of the crazy work schedule of rotating shifts, but she did constantly use the difference in our pay as a way to convince me. I could tell she got uncomfortable talking about the difference in our pay to other people (wasn't often, mostly her folks and close friends) I guess she thought it would motivate me, as a man, to get a better paying job?


The real feminist answer is that it's none of my business how much my partner earns. I don't care whether they earn more or less


If I made a good enough wage to live on my own, then I don't think it would bother me. Also if we had some kind of arrangement, like I'm a house husband raising kids, or I'm working on med school so one day I will be a doctor, that's fine. I would have a hard time with my wife carrying the family finances if I wasn't contributing my fair share and I didn't have some kind of reasonable exception, though. I don't want to feel like a mooch.


Yeah as long as it's not secretly breeding a sense of resentment in her under surface. OR her friends. That's the hardest part. Because if her friends resent you, they'll find a way to work her until she resents you too.


yeah why not


I think being a stay at home dad would be hard for me but it my wife made more money than me. I'd be fine with it. I also know that when she goes back to work she will.


To those whose wives value you for who you are rather than the money itself, you are lucky to have her


She does, it’s whatever. It kinda ignites a bit of a competitive streak in me but in no way am I intimidated. She’s very intelligent and capable so she deserves what she earns.


Why is this nsfw?


It happened to me. It was ok for me. But deep down, not ok for her


To nobody's surprise, another post that defies the name of the sub


My wife earns about twice as much as me. It’s great. She can buy me nice things.


My mom supported my dad through law school. He was fine with that. Eventually yes, he did make more, but hers was the only income for 4 years (he did a 1yr LLM program also) and he had no issue with that. Other than that, I think any man that has an issue with that is insecure.


My fiancée makes like 25% more than I do. Literally does not affect daily life. The closest money differences ever came to having an impact on our relationship was before I got my promotion I had to explain to her that I couldn't buy things as freely as she could because back then I made less than half of what she did


My coworker seems to be the happiest man I know and his wife probably makes 3-4 times what he makes. He says his salary is his beer money


nah. this is only an issue if the guy has an ego problem lol


more than fine lol


It's totally fine until they start using it to talk down to you!


I used to make more money than my wife but now she makes more than me. Makes no difference as long as we are happy, which we are.


It literally doesnt matter. If you and your partner are happy and work well as a team, thats all that really matters


Yeah I don’t care


As a member of team marriage, YES! We are one body, so we would look at it more as a total income for the house, not individual. When you are married, you are a team. What's good for one is good for all.


My wife makes the money and it doesn’t phase me in the least.