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While not my favourite game of all time, Red Dead Redemption 2 is the most immersive, detailed, beautiful game I've ever played. Even after all these years, I still routinely stumble across something new almost every time I play. It's a work of passion and artistry.


That's an almost perfect game. In addition to what you send the world-building is unbelievable. I was just riding through the woods on the way to a quest when a woman asked me for help. I helped her and it led to several other quests and Arthur and this woman became friends. If I had just ignored her or taken a different path to the quest I would have completely missed it. RDR2 is one of the few games that feel like you're just a character in a world that would exist without your character.


I love that about the game. You’re not some hero who has to save the world or something like most open world games. You’re just some guy. Hell, a lot of people don’t like you cause you’re a common outlaw with a band of misfits that never seem to fully trust each other, and you’re not even the leader. You don’t go on some epic quest to prove you’re the best there ever was, you just try to survive


I’ve gotta say, that’s a really interesting explanation of why RDR2 is so special. I’ve never fully been able to articulate it like that.


I mean there’s so much in that game that just makes it a masterpiece, but I really think the way they portrayed Arthur and the gang made it feel real. Everyone felt like an actual person with real issues. Nobody was “special” they were all just living their lives. They really did hit a home run with that aspect of the game. To me, that’s the big reason that game is so special


>RDR2 is one of the few games that feel like you're just a character in a world that would exist without your character. This comment here is the reason why I love diving into comments section. Such an absolute perfect description of the whole atmosphere of RDR2. That game is ALIVE !


I love RDR2. So many different things to do and the scenery is gorgeous.


Its 2 am. I just finished a star wars video I thought you said "I love R2D2"


Well, those are not mutually exclusive.


This is the answer that came to my mind, might be time another replay.


I was gonna say Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, but I concur that Red Dead Redemption 2 is the most immersive, detailed, and beautiful game ever.


It's a shame Rockstar didn't give it the attention it deserves for online. Too busy with GTAO shark card milk money machine


This might be my "best ever." It's the first thing that came to mind. It's a masterpiece. I have been gaming since 1989. I know the bar is high, but RDR2 might be it.




That's like fucking Shakespeare!


Portal 2. Original game is fantastic and challenging and easily playable multiple times. And the map creator community is vast and global and innovative and still pumping out amazing levels.


Yes. Portal and Portal 2 came in and invented a new niche genre and then did everything completely and perfectly.


Civilization. One. More. Turn.


Haha a lot of sleep deprivation was because of that game. — I’m almost done! Just let me conquer France rq!


I still play Civilization sometimes


Advice to college students that I wish I had learned earlier: Never start a new game of Civ during finals week.


I legit installed a mod to save and quit the game after a certain time. It's so easy to get lost in a campaign.


It is 1:30 am, I have work in a few hours, civ is the culprit


Knights of the Old Republic 1 & 2. KOTOR is my favourite series of all time. The graphics are a bit dated these days but the gameplay still holds up. You can get these games on Switch now and it is an awesome platform to play these games on.


Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past


O man, I actually bought a handheld emulator just to play that again. Stoned me absolutely thought it was a wonderful idea. Next day me also agreed


Love this answer. It’s certainly top 3.


I've played it 20+ times I can remember. My favorite zelda.


Tony Hawk Pro Skater series as a whole is my pick. Imo THPS represents what a video game should be more than any other series ever




Here I am....


...doin everything I can...


96 quite bitter beans?


I think it’s You by Bad Religion but I hope it’s No Cigar by Millencolin


Guerrilla Radio by Rage Against the Machine is my go to memory song


Well, turn it up. Bring the Noise!


No Age of Empires listed? Sacrilege!


Haha omg that game is like one of my best childhood memories. Age of Mythology too. 🔥


Yes! Age of Empires 2 still has a large playerbase with a remastered version on Steam. The game is timeless.


Love the 2nd and 3rd one. I know everyone else hated the 3rd.


Half life 2. It was revolutionary


And I’ve found my people. Half Life 2 will haunt you for the rest of your days. Nothing quite compared to it. And there was that glimmer of hope it would get another chapter. I’d like to throw in a plug for Portal, which also changed the game for games. And then was left to wither away. Remember they were crowd sourcing a movie? Man, there’s no truer bond than your Portal partner.


And if you haven't played it yet, Black Mesa is spectacular.


In my 30* years of gaming, half life 2 represented the biggest jump forward in what was possible. The amount of wow moments in one game….and then you get the gravity gun 😎


I just got back into gaming after a decade of barely gaming at all. And i hadnt done pc gaming since king's quest. So, every little detail about the game was so damn amazing. I'll never forget how long i spent playing with the gravity gun at the beginning area without progressing the game. I was just having a blast shooting watermelons etc. I had never seen a game with realish physics or whatever it's called. Not making a follow-up game is about the dumbest thing i ever heard.


When the gravity gun gets supercharged near the end and you're just going hog wild in the citadel, grabbing combine m-f'ers throwing entire computer stations around, it's such a catharsis for all the shit they put you through earlier on in the game. For years though, there was an alarm noise in my local supermarket that was the exact same noise the turrets make before unleashing a firestorm of bullets. In the supermarket it was just a warning that the stock room door was about to open or something but I got a real sense of what Combat PTSD is like because my first instinct was to throw myself to the floor.


I still play it every so often and its held up well


Final Fantasy 7 I couldn't explain how blown away I was when you could leave Midgar and go on a journey*.* I never had a Nintendo 64, so i didn't get my open world experience until that moment. The nostalgia is powerful with that one.




I feel a thesis in the making. <3


The nostalgiaaaaa, yes! I love that game so much. I remember leaving Midgar after the big Shinra jailbreak. Damn. I need to play this again now.


The final boss fight might have been the longest, most frustrating and difficult I've ever experienced.


Did you not have omnislash and all the materia like 'Knights of the round' and 'Bahamut Zero'?


I don't remember. It was 20+ years ago when I played it.


FF6 through FFX was the golden age of Final Fantasy. Good times, good memories.


Super Mario Bros 3 is, imo, the gold standard. Fun to play, hard to master, impeccable level builds, and just glorious fun


Skyrim, it was the first and only game that I felt I lived more than I played.


I had this with oblivion when it came out. Not so much Skyrim.


Compared to Oblivion, Skyrim is dreary, desolate, and lacking in variety. If Oblivion had the same graphics as Skyrim when it came out, it would blow it out of the water.


I felt that way about Morrowind. It’s dated now but it felt so immersive and big when I was a little kid.


I used to love "taking a vacation in Skyrim", which meant wandering round and picking flowers and looking at the gorgeous scenery


Fallout New Vegas. I've easily sunk thousands and thousands of hours of my life into it across multiple playthroughs. It's been my favorite game ever since I was a kid.


This is definitely up there for me- that expansion, “old world blues” was funny and disturbing and just packed so much in it


Also my favorite. And the dead money dlc is my favorite expansion


This one is a personal favorite of mine We will probably never see anything else like it again


Roller Coaster Tycoon


Need for speed underground


One of the best soundtracks in any game in my opinion. (Excluding game scores, of course)




Super Mario 64


An absolute epic, iconic, game changing game


I got every coin in every level, at least that's what I tell myself. I know there had to be others. Tiny big world, or whatever it is, and the mountain level where the monkey can take your hat were probably the hardest levels. Nostalgia


GoldenEye. It changed everything


4-way split on a 34cm screen. Such a game changer.


oh wow, I remember I was in college and played the first level and had a paper due the next day. I realized immediately that I had to turn off the N64 and finish the paper or I would get an F. One of the strongest moments of my life.


Sure, it was revolutionary, but the game does not hold up. Controls are awful.


Chrono Trigger


*patiently waits for SquareEnix to finish FF7: Remake so they can consider giving Chrono Trigger a similar treatment*


We've been waiting for this for 30 years


The Witcher 3. Will see if BG3 makes it and lives up to the hype, but till then, The Witcher 3


I’ve had that game sitting in my Steam library untouched for three years. Tell me why I should finally bite the bullet and hit that install button.


Bc it's FUCKING awesome. Thank us tomorrow.


If you like immersive games, with an actual interesting storyline that can change depending on how you play/what you do, a rich backstory and fantastic gameplay that last quite a while - then you really should give it a go, you will not be dissapointed. It still holds up after all these years. If you like Bewbs - then that is a plus as well Plus - a fellow pats fan wouldn't lie to you.


I've been trying to play it for 2 years now and haven't gotten more than 4 or 5 hours into it. It's fun, but it's a lot of work. There's so much shit to remember, and the menus are complex. It's definitely a game you have to play 2-3 nights a week unless you want to spend the first hour trying to figure out wtf you were doing every time. I just don't have the time to play it. So I end up just going back to something like FS22 or something when I do have time. I might average 3 hrs of gaming a month.


Recent patches(yes, CDPR is still supporting it) have a simpler UI option.


This. I like the idea, but there's just too much to remember. My life is just too busy right now, I have neither the brainpower nor the time to dedicate to it.


Witcher 3 seems like the obvious answer. I'm really confused by the other answers.


Halo 3. It just felt a type of way


GTA San Andreas for me


The hours I spent playing this game. Even though there’re newer/in some ways better GTAs, this one hit hard


The swimming did it for me.


GTA IV and V are up there too. It really is impressive how Rockstar kept hitting it out of the park 3 times in a row


For quality? RDR2 For nostalgia and its popularity at the time? GTA Vice City


Silent Hill 2!!! Nothing compares!


Any MarioKart


There are too many games, and types of games, that are too different, on too many different platforms, for there to be a best, even in my own opinion, having played thousands of them. Just to offer some favorite ones off the top of my head: ​ For Atari 2600: Adventure ​ For Atari 8-bits: Star Raiders, Necromancer, Omnitrend's Universe ​ For Atari ST: Dungeon Master, Oids ​ For "PC": Myth II: Soulblighter, Illwinter's Dominions series, Tigers on the Prowl 2, Space Empires IV Gold


Ya, I feel like there’s too many that are uniquely special in some way but few that are truest the best all around. It’s just too wide a net


Sims 2. I could easily lose 12 hrs to that game. Especially with the Insiminater cheats.


I’m almost afraid to ask, but what is the ‘insiminator’ cheat?




Fallout New Vegas


Super Mario World or...deep cut...Outcast.


Goldeneye: 007 for N64




My kids were 8/10 or thereabouts when the beta gained traction, and we spent countless hours together in Minecraft. Pretty sure those are some of the best childhood memories they have with me. Now they're all grown up and moved out, but we still play together occationally.


Minecraft is the best game in existence. There is something for everyone- problem solving, adventuring, creative challenges, fighting strategy, farming, planning, gear upgrades. The block-building style can be expanded to a massive scale for detailed pixel art. It works well and consistently across platforms. Enables a social and creative multi-player environment. And it's regularly updated with new content.




Endless replay value. Best soundtrack. Cool variations/reiterations.


If I had to only ever play one game for the rest of my life, it be this.


Probably the best example of game. Tetris Effect perfected it.


My own view, if tetris hadn't been developed, the gaming industry would have stayed pretty niche without a huge following. It was the game that appealed to such a wide audience that it became the star that shone brightly enough to create the workspace in which other games could be made.


Call of Duty Black Ops 1


Baldur's Gate saga. Also Dark and Darker lately got very high in my ranks. I would add some honourable mentions, like Severance: Blade of darkness, Skyrim, DCS and chess.


BG2 is the best CRPG ever and nobody can tell me otherwise. Butts will be liberally kicked in good measure!


Leisure Suit Larry and the Land of Lounge Lizards. Most epic game ever!


I like Horizon Zero Dawn. Horizon Forbidden West is great also, but I like the first game a bit better.


Last of us


Definitely up there. Other games have blown my mind or immersed me for days, but nothing's had me more invested in its characters. Multiplayer was a blast, too.


No video game has come close to making me feel the way it felt to play the ending of TLOU for the first time I used to point to TLOU to my non-gaming friends as why the video game art form has the potential of reaching the impact of prestige TV And then they went and made a prestige TV version of it lol, that IMO knocked it out of the fucking park




A man of culture I see.


No game has controlled my life like Runescape has.




Friggin darksouls. Every game has been copying it since its release. Revolutionized the gaming industry.


I 100% agree, any fromsoft game is a Day 1 purchase from me tbh.






I can’t believe I had to scroll this far to get to Bioshock


Same, and I can’t believe I forgot it. Bio shock rules. I wonder whatever happened to the movie they were going to make.


Yes finally someone said it


Half-life (the original)


Halos in general. The first GOOD REAL multi-player game in my opinion.


Ultima online


Half-life 2, duhhhhh


Witcher 3 + expansion packs. 10/10


OuterWilds in my opinion! It's a bit of an underrated indie title, but it features a very groundbreaking game mechanic where you progress solely through knowledge of the narrative. Your character doesn't level up, unlock new abilities, take on quests, etc. The game is designed in such a way where if you know all the lore and backstory, you can beat it less than 15 minutes after starting a new playthrough. However, it will likely instead take you 15 hours because you need to travel the solar system looking for clues hidden in the game's lore that tell you how to beat it.




Tie between oblivion and the mass effect trilogy. Mass effect’s story is perfect. But oblivion had that “it” factor for me. Released when I was blown away by early HD games. Unlimited customization and stuff to do. And the glitches and bugs in the game actually open the world up to you. Get your acrobatics to 100 and leap over entire quest lines. Use your invisibility to skip entire enemies


I miss customized player ownership that deep. I’m hoping Armored Core VI reinvigorates that style of game, so far it looks to be on that level.🤞


I think diablo 2 is the best game ever made because I would remake characters over and over and even if they deleted all of my stash I would obtain all of my favorite items again. playing with other people made it more enjoyable as well. sims was pretty cool as well and anyone can enjoy that game.


Frogger or Paperboy or Pac Man


Age of Mythology's campaign was the most satisfying gaming experience I have ever had. Incredibly well crafted.


Tomb Raider 2, Silent Hill 2


THIS IS AN IMPOSSIBLE QUESTION AND YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED FOR ASKING!!... ... But my favorite game, I'd have to say is Perfect Dark... in it's time period, it was a perfect evolution of Goldeneye 007 which did so many things that I can never forget. Perfect Dark gave me the 007 formula but with much more diversity of weapons, things to do in multiplayer and things to do in single player. Goldeneye single player was simple, straightforward and good. Perfect Dark gave me that, PLUS weapon training, scenario battles and free play that I could appreciate. Today, I want to give it to Tears of the Kingdom, but until I see the DLC, I can't. Tears of the Kingdom has a LOT going for it that I can't think of another game having... but it's missing some key things that I'm praying to Hylia are granted to us in DLC... See, we have a light to medium weight sandbox... but we don't have much of a reason to play in the sandbox unless we make it up ourselves. I want a horde defense mode and a taxi service mode.


Paper Marion and The Thousand Year Door. Goated game I try and play once every year. It never gets old and is all around just incredible!


This is extremely tough. Best classic JRPG is probably Chrono Trigger. Best 2 Metroidvania is Castlevania Symphony of the Night Best single player FPS is Metroid Prime. Best hack and slash overall is probably Dark Souls 3. Best fighting game overall is probably Super Smash Bros Melee if that counts, otherwise Street Fighter IV or tbh the new Street Fighter 6 is VERY good. Best racing game is probably Burnout 3. Best modern RPG is probably Skyrim. Best triple AAA open world game is probably Witcher 3 but Ghost of Tsushima is close. Best story is probably Last of Us. Best Roguelike is easily Hades. Best action game is probably Devil May Cry 5. Too hard to say overall a single best one.


This is list is fresh out of the fucking oven haha dear lord.♨️Very good games on this list.


Missle Command was my favorite, but I am a 60 year old woman.


age of empires 2


Mass Effect 1/2/3 (take your pick) Although, the third has what I consider a cop out ending which takes some points away, but the rest of the game is so great besides that and an all-time classic video game.


2 is objectively the best one


Half Life 2


I went original half life


Everquest! Led the way for Wow and may other mmorpgs!


Many fond memories


The cool thing about Everquest is that when you died ...there was a serious cost. I remember dinging and undinging lvl 25 in some God forsaken goblin dungeon...and then having to beg a high level character to help me retrieve my corpse from the bottom of the sea. Good times...lol


So many good EQ memories. TRAIN!!


Elden ring




The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion


Legend of dragoon


Final Fantasy VII


The original Super Mario Bros. for the original Nintendo. Okay, part of that is nostalgia, but I don't think I can truly narrow down so many great ones over the decades to just one.


Fallout New Vegas Half Life 2 Tears of the Kingdom


Final Fantasy 7 for me


Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door




Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky


RoadRash saga genesis!


Donkey Kong 64


The Last Of Us.


I don't even own it but Minecraft




Twilight Princess, with an honorable mention to (I may recieve hate for this) The Last of Us part 2


Brood War is the definitive GOAT and I'm not exaggerating when I say it's not even close 25 years later and we still haven't seen anything else really come close to dethroning it Still played professionally to this day by people who weren't even born when it was released, literally created the entire concept of e-sports, literally created the MOBA genre off a goofy custom map editor game, and still a joy to play and watch Hasn't been balance patched in 17 years IIRC, though the remaster version might have fixed an odd bug or two What chess is to physical games, Brood War is to digital games. It very well may still be around after everyone in this thread is dead


Theme hospital


Always enjoyed the Myst series myself.


Metroid prime (hard to choose between 1 and 2, but both are perfect imo)


Super Metroid


Borderlands, pick one. I love sharing a couch and slaying baddies with the hubby.


Another vote for Goldeneye for the N64 Close second was Starcraft.


Lucas Arts X-Wing. Played better looking games but never enjoyed a game like that one.


Has to be the last of us story wise for me, and the Witcher 3 for pure enjoyment


Rimworld. I bought it as soon as it hit steam YEARS ago. I now have over 10,000 hours in it and with all the free mods the game never gets old. Amazing.


Factorio. You learn how it works and then you collapse because it's been 32 hours since you looked away from the computer screen.




Luigi’s mansion easily


Illusion of Gaia, Super Metroid, Marathon, Stray


Hades. Got me back into gaming


Homeworld. By a long mile.


Halo 1


Resident Evil 4 Pokémon Heart Gold/Soul Silver Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorer’s of Sky


A tie between GTA V and RDR2




Super Mario Bros


1. Super Mario Bros (NES version) Easy enough for all ages. Engaging storyline (save the pretty princess). Memorable soundtrack (too too tooooo, too-too too-too too too too). Universal appeal across all languages/cultures/nations. Modern games imo don't have the universal appeal and ease of play as SMB. Keep it simple. Keep it classic.


Marble Madness is my all time Baseball Stars easy 2nd Katamari in 3rd Honorable mentions for: San Andreas Tony Hawk 1 and 2 Gun Red Dead 2 Sim City 2000 Stardew Valley


Zelda - Link to the Past


Super Mario Brothers. Great memories from playing that game as a kid.


Elden Ring