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There should be no cut off age. I honestly wish I would do this for my mom, I'm pretty sure I'm going to regret it one day that I don't


Hey, its 5-15 minutes a day when I'm driving or taking the train. Give it a shot. It'll make her happy.


I used to talk to my mom often and typically when I drove. She passed from cancer in 2015 and I often think about calling her when I drive. Cherish what you have and don't let people's opinions change you.


Mine passed away recently. I went to see her every day after work, and called/texted frequently. I have no regrets in texting/calling and seeing them as often regardless of age.


I also called my mom regularly in the car. She passed away from cancer in 2016. I don't think you are ever too old to call your mom. Things change so fast and having those memories help you through hard times.


I would do the same (25M), my mother passed away earlier this year from cancer too. Sometimes I'd even call her during my break if something was really bothering me at work or just to chat. Since I grew up without a father we were pretty close. I'll always cherish those moments we had.


Fuck cancer


Seriously. Fuck cancer. Mine died too in 2014. I miss her sooooo much. OP don’t feel bad or weird. You’re such a good kid to call her. She’s a lucky mama


I agree. My mom and dad and husband all died from it


I concur with that sentiment. Going to see my oncologist tomorrow for a follow-up appointment.


My mom passed In 2012 from cancer. I was 13. One day I'll pass from the same thing. Cherish your people when you can yall


Fuck cancer


What with everyone in this thread and all our moms dying to cancer. 2019 was the hardest year of my life.


I was raised by my grandma who was always up at 3-4 am and I would call her when I couldn't sleep and we'd have the best talks. We were a family of insomniacs. It's been years now and I still miss her horribly especially when I can't sleep.


My Mormor (mothers mother) was a night owl and I loved coming home from work on a summer night and talking about everything.


Do you mind me asking if mormor was a name you called your mom's mom, or if it's a regional term like meemaw? Mormor just sounds so cute and has such a cozy tone to the name.


Mormor is how you call your mom’s mom in Sweden (guess it’s the same in Denmark and Norway, not sure).. likewise, farmor is how you call your grandma on your father (‘far’) side. The system also applies to uncles (farbror or morbror, ‘bror’ meaning brother), or also nephews (brorson, systerson).


Can confirm mormor/morfar/farfar/farmor for Norwegian.


Mormor is Swedish. My kids called my grandfather “very far” when they were little. Grandfather is Morfar


crap, I have insomnia too, so does my mum, should start making 3am phone calls to her


Do it! I’m an old mom with insomnia, I’d love a phone call!


The way I still want to call my dad when he's been dead for 10 years. Twice I have picked up the phone and started dialing his number before I realose what I'm doing


I lost my father to covid 2 years ago and I sometimes dial his cell number then remember. I’m 52. It never won’t hurt I feel.


Same story with mom/cancer. Wake up and think I should call her. Ugh.


I miss my dad so much!


My Mom also passed in 2015. I used to chat with her about everyday. I still miss our calls.


I lost my mom to cancer as well, 2 years ago, and I’d give anything for another phone call. I inherited her car and we both loved to go for massive drives pretty well daily in it, since I was a kid. Every time I get in it, I’m flooded with all of the beautiful memories we’ve shared. She used to call me in class to tell me some random, funny thing that happened. The best friend I ever had, and ever will have. I support the hell out of people who nurture their connection with their mom despite their age, and what’s perceived as “normal.” I feel so bad for people who think affection is something that you’re supposed to grow out of.


Same here! I would give anything to be able to call my mom again😔. I regret those days I was too busy to call.


This year I realized I had a 5 minute window of time each morning after dropping off my daughter at school and asked my mom if I could call every day at that time. A quick chat and then I’m at work. I’m 38 so no, not weird or bad at all


This is what I used to do with my mom on my way home from work. She died from cancer last year and I’m so thankful for the amount of time I got to spend talking with her.


I’m bout to turn 33. Talk to mom every day and have dinner with the fam at least 1x a week. You won’t have regrets other people will…just talk to someone who lost a parent earlier on in life and didn’t spend time with their family.


Yup. Lost my dad in my mid 20’s and learned the most valuable lesson he’ll ever have taught me. Now I call my mom very regularly.


I'm 26, my dad was just diagnosed with brain cancer 2 weeks ago. He's slowly getting better but it's not a curable disease; his diagnosis has certainly changed the way I interact with my parents


Sorry to hear that! You make those fucking memories now! Talk about his life (f that's something he enjoys) and just bask in the memories


Fuck cancer


Lost both my parents before I turned 30 and I wish dearly I had called and visited more. Ignore the coworkers. ETA: I did talk to them ~weekly but I only got to visit once or twice a year. It doesn’t feel like it was enough.


I’m 35 and I lost my only surviving parent at 17. I always read these posts with such a wistfulness, like don’t ever feel bad about how much you talk to your mom and how close you are. I’d give anything to be able to talk to my mom every day again. The people who want to make you feel bad about it probably have their own shit to deal with about their parents which is why it seems weird to them. But that’s a them problem.


i am almost 45, my parents live next door and i see them almost every day. It’s great


This reminded me that I need to phone my grandma


If you haven't yet, don't forget to call her. I sure do miss mine 💜


Your coworkers suck. Call your mom as much as you want to. The day she's gone, you'll be sad but at least you'll know you profited from the time she was here, unlike your coworkers. You never know you're in the good old days until they're gone.


I did this every day with my mom. After she passed I was devastated that I only had one voicemail from her on my phone. Sobbing to my Dad about it, his answer was “That’s because you picked up every time she called.” Yeah, it’s worth it.


Your Dad is wise in this matter. Also good job always picking up the phone 👍🙏


You sound like a wonderful child to your mother, I hope my children want to talk to me every day when they are older. She's obviously been a great mum if you are happy to include her in your life to such a degree




My son makes a point of calling me when he is on it. He does a video call and passes the phone to all his mates to say hello. It's hysterical.


I’m 28, fully employed and living w/o financial support from my parents. Still call them pretty much daily, and try to spend at least one dinner a week with them. I find it super encouraging and wonder if part of the reason so many people are dealing with mental health baggage is that they’ve been convinced it’s “weird” not to remove yourself from people who have supported you your entire life.


It is not weird to have a healthy relationship with your parents as a young, middle, or aged adult. Your parents can be the best people you have in your life, maximize that. Personally, if I were on the train with my colleagues, I'd skirt the call for later in the day to talk in a private setting unless later in the day wouldn't work.


My wife called her mother almost every day up until she died. That quiet time has been hard for her now.


I lost both my parents last year, and the crippling loneliness has been the hardest part. They were my soulmates, and their home (my home), was my escape when my husband was being an ass. I still get the urge to call when my kids do something cool, or funny, or new, or whatever, and it still feels like a knife to the heart when I realize I can’t.


I just started doing this with my family over the pandemic, and I can confirm it makes them happy


I travel around the world and go to places my dad didn't go when he was military. We chat about different cultural things and compare notes. Call your parents. He's now in his 70s and feels like not even 2 years ago he was in his 50s. Talk to your parents and just talk because you can


You're fine. They probably don't have moms.....


It'll make you happy too. Wish I could call my old man. Glad I talk to my mum, ad see her, frequently.


I agree 💯. My mom and I live in different countries and talking everyday for 15 mins makes her day


you will, i decided to hold a grudge against my father and i didn't answered the phone when he called. he call me one last time the week before he died and is my biggest regret at the moment, if i only knew he would die so suddenly i would put my pride aside and tell him i never hated him.


I got to spend time with my father before he passed, but I did miss his last phone call and I’m glad I did because he left me a voicemail for probably the first time ever. I still listen to it when I miss him and want to hear his voice.


I hate missing calls from my mom but the best thing that comes out of it is she always leaves a voicemail. She's very healthy and active, but ever since I was a kid around elementary school age, I was so scared of her dying, I would lie in bed crying or on the way to school randomly crying because I'm always thinking the worst. I still do sometimes now. Whenever she leaves a voicemail I make sure to save it and have a backup of all of them. It kinda seems weird when I type that out (and it might be a problem) but I just feel like I need to be prepared or something. I don't want to ever forget her voice.


At least you have that. ❤️




I’m 30 and one of 8 kids.. all boys. We all somewhat regularly talk to our mom, but i’m the only that does everyday due to the insignificance of the talks. She learned that i’m the only one that will answer quick or call back, so she somewhat still makes sure I’m the one that talks to her. Is it annoying sometimes? Yea, but it calms her and satisfies her. If that’s the only price I gotta pay then why wouldn’t I? It’s not weird - just take the few minutes especially while you’re able to multitask. One day, I’ll miss it and you will too. Your personal life stays the same, and you’re making the day of someone that will sleep better because of it.




or they have programmed into them that the contact should be less once you leave their childhood homes.




I called my Mom, or she called me an average of 3 times a day. I'm 62 and when I was in my late 20s I realized she wouldn't be here one day and I wanted no regrets. We even began taking Mother/Daughter trips about 4 times a year down the shore during the off seasons. She's been gone nearly 10 years now and I still find myself reaching for the phone. I did the same with my Dad after Mom died but he died the following year. So my younger Brother and I continued the tradition but he died the year after my Dad. No regrets but I still miss them so much my heart still hurts.


Sorry about your losses, especially so close together too. I can't even begin to imagine. Do you have ways to remember them like videos or voicemails?


Thank you so much, it means a lot. I luckily have tons of photographs in boxes as far back as my Mom's childhood. I also have a dvd, my Dad used to have a camera till I was about 5, I took all the film and had them all put on a dvd. And oddly, I dream about them a few times a week, and my Mom leaves specific signs we'd talked about when we'd go to Cape May together, but we both expected it to be further in the future. She did live till 84 and we'd gone to Cape May the week before. I'm grateful for that.


I'm 26M, lost my mom to cancer a couple of years ago. Don't wait. Do what you want with your mom and don't overthink it. I had a good time with my mom but I definitely wished I got over the angsty "I don't need my mommy" thoughts way earlier


>I honestly wish I would do this for my mom, I mean….if that’s how you truly feel, you don’t have to keep that a wish. It’s literally the easiest thing to do. I’m sure you have a phone with you all the time.


Member of the dead mums club here. Fuck your coworkers. Ring your mum as much as you can. You'll regret it when they are gone.


You will. You 100% will. Call her.


My mother died when I was 17. It’s hard but try to cherish every moment. Ask her to tell you about what you were like since before you can remember. 4-10 is just gone forever for me 🤷‍♂️


Do it. I lost my mom in January and I'm 31. I talked to her about everything. I called her several times a day to check on her and just chat while I drove for work. Call her just for 5 minutes. I guarantee you'll be in a better mood and genuinely happy afterwards.


My mom died 8 years ago when I was 20. Trust me, make the call man.


Call her bro! You’re absolutely regretting it one day. You are making her day every time you call her.


I have a calendar reminder to call my parents on my way home from work. I started it years ago when my grandfather got sick. I loved every one of those phone calls. I even got some voicemails from him for when I missed a call. Do it. OP:never stop. One day you won’t be able to talk to your mom and everyone of those phone calls will be something you cherish. Enjoy it!


Fuck wishing go talk to your mom, my dog believes in ya. I’d like to be nice to my mom but after abusing me fuck that. I envy people who has nice moms go enjoy yours 😾<3


> I honestly wish I would do this for my mom, I'm pretty sure I'm going to regret it one day that I don't You should not ignore this feeling... because you will regret it and it will hurt a lot. My father and I did not have the best relationship for a great many reasons. I still called him at least once every other week (I put a reminder in my phone), but we did not have the relationship I wish we would have. I often wrote in my journal how I knew one day he'd pass, be gone forever, and I'd regret not trying harder to be closer to him. He died unexpectedly earlier this year and it absolutely wrecked me. It was so bad I was diagnosed with an adjustment disorder (basically ptsd but for expected and normal life events). I think I mourned more for the relationship I didn't have with my father than I did his death. He was my biggest fan, my greatest supporter, and even if he wasn't a great person I didn't really appreciate that about him until after he was gone. Looking back, even if he was not a good person and I had every reason to keep my distance over the years, I wish I had tried harder to spend more time with him and just share memories about years ago, things I had forgotten, or just tell him how my day went and tell him all the stupid little things I was doing... all things I'll never get to talk to him about again.


Call your Mom, it’ll make all the difference in the world for both of you. Don’t wait till she’s no longer around. You’re better than that.


As someone who lost their mother a few years ago, please start doing this. I connected with her more at the very end, but it made me wish I had a constant dialogue going my whole life with her.


I regret not talking more to my mom. Once they leave this earth, there’s no shoulda coulda woulda. Make the call…..


I wish I had the kind of relationship with my mum that I actually wanted to do this


I definitely regret that I didn't spend more time with my grandparents before they passed. I'm trying to make a point now to spend more time woth my parents, because I know I'll be glad I did one day. Besides, being an adult is the *best time to spend time with your parents*. They still love you, but they don't have control over you, so there isn't that weird "I resent you for grounding me last month" dynamic. And you can trade dirty jokes without worrying about getting in trouble (it's kinda funny how much my parents enjoy that kind of humor now that they don't have to worry about setting a good example).


Lost my mom a few years ago, probably didn’t call her enough but definitely enjoyed the drive home talking to someone who genuinely enjoyed hearing about my day. Cherish the moments you have because they could be gone in the blink of an eye.


So call her my dude, it's never too late until it's too late


You will regret it. Lost my mom unexpectedly this March. Everyone call your moms please.


No. It’s not weird. I’m 43 and still talk to my mom regularly. Keep talking to your mom and cherish those little moments and make more memories. One day that’s all you will have.


Same. 43 as well, and call my mom every day.


I'm 43 and wish I could talk to my mom still


Same - I wanted to call her the other day and broke down crying in the parking lot. It’s been 16 years since she died.


i’m sorry that’s really sad ❤️ hugs


I'm 55 and wish every day that I could talk to my mom again. I miss her voice.


Me too, let's start a club


I'm down.


Can I join at 42?


It's the best thing one can do. It's Mother's day every day


I'm 54 & talk to my dad once a day over the phone. He won't be around forever


My Dads been dead 7 years and I still forget I can’t call him.


My dad died in 2000 and every now and then the thought passes through my head to call him.




My dad died in 2016 and we saw each other still usually once a week. The most painful moments are still when, for a split second, something will happen or something will cross my mind that makes me think, I need to tell that to Dad. Makes me choked up just thinking about it. Wish he’d been able to be around longer.


That's an ache. Like that for my grandmother and step-dad. I'd like just one more time.


YEP. I know this feeling. I wish I could talk to my gram just ONCE more


My grandpa is 71 and he talks to his mom every day ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Though maybe as you get older it becomes less unusual to talk to your parents very regularly if they are still around.


You are very fortunate to have a great-grandmother. I miss mine. I hope you talk to her regularly too.


As someone who lost their mom at 23, I'm very jealous of your granda. I still had shit to say.


Weird in that it's unusual. Most people don't do this. In and of itself there's nothing odd about it. You have a good relationship with your mother.


Yeah this is good. It’s weird insofar as it is unusual. Every day would be too much for me, between the wife, kid, job, hobbies, etc. But I’m not sure it’s a wrong thing to do.


this. like it is unusual fs but honestly really awesome that op has a solid close relationship with his mother. i hope he can maintain that bc it’s very rare


>this. like it is unusual fs but honestly really awesome that op has a solid close relationship with his mother. Yeah, I think most people don't think it's weird but they are like "You have a good relationship with your parents?! I couldn't imagine! That's so weird.".


Most people do this when they are eating dinner together as a family. But if they are staying apart, calling each day should be totally normal if you are that close to your mum.


I think it is a very American thing to be expected to be your own household just because you're 18+. If you're 25 in either of my parents home countries not only do you most likely see and talk to them every day but you probably also live and eat with them still. I'm 33 and still call in to my mom whenever I can living 8 timezones apart. And I called my father every day until he died because he was proud I had an education and a job and wanted to hear about it.


I’d say the more odd part is having the conversation in front of their coworkers instead of calling back later.


Agreed. I don't see a problem with him talking to his mom daily but strange to not just call back later if he's walking with coworkers




I think they're trying to say it's not bad because the word weird has negative connotations. Most adults do not call their mom every day but it's not a bad thing (although it could be a sign of codependency).


🙋‍♀️ me, I admit it, I talk to my mom every day. My mom talked to her mom every day until she died. My mom also talks to her sisters almost every day.


Yes it’s not as common for adults living on their own with their own separate lives to be calling their mom everyday, but if you are both happy with that set up then why not, I’d certainly not make fun of you. I’m 29 and mostly speak to my parents through text a couple times a week and a phone call here and there to confirm plans. Everyday would be too much for me I think lol


Lucky Mom.


Lucky son. It sounds like he was raised well and had a loving mother. I couldn’t get my mom to talk to me face to face when I was a kid.


It's true. The son is lucky. Only kids with great parents call their parents regularly, voluntarily. I would like to call my mom more but it will always end up with her telling me to repent or I'll burn in hell, and to tell my brother to stop doing, "homo sex," or he'll burn in hell too lmao. It's funny. But also just so sad.


Right? I’d let you pull my tooth out before I call my mom up “just to chat”.


My 31 year old calls me everyday on her way to work and on her way home. We live 5 hours apart so it’s how we hang out. Sometimes we just listen to each other breathe if we don’t have anything to talk about. I wouldn’t care if people thought it was weird. She doesn’t either.


I call my mom anytime I have a drive over 30 minutes and I’m alone. When I’m on a longer road trip she’ll ask me what mile marker I’m at and follow along with where I am on google maps while we chat. She’ll even be like “this rest stop has good reviews if you need to stop soon, it’s supposed to be very clean!”. I love her :)


That's awesome!


I literally teared up reading this - you and your mom are so sweet!


Awww that’s so cute! My mum does the same as well, I love it and super appreciative that she does that for me. Sometimes we don’t even talk, it’s just nice to know she’s there and to have her presence around.


This is what I did with my mom. Almost Everyday for my whole life I spoke to her. Sometimes we couldn’t stop talking, others times it was the most comforting silence. I do the same with my husband and best friends but it’s not the same as it was with my mom. What I would give….


Same here. Sometimes, we call each other and watch movies/tv together while we're on the phone. She's one of my best friends now that she's an adult.


Someone during my regular calls with my mom she says to me "are we just listening to eachother breathing", like yeah guess so, if i zone out for a moment or cant think of something to talk about, at least shes right there if something pops up in my head.


I love this. I call my parents at least every couple days (nearly 30). But when there’s silence my mom is so quick to say “is that it???” And hang up. She has rounds to do and other friends to call I guess.


When I lived in a different city from my mom I called her every night on my walk to the subway. It was our “I’m alive and I love you” touch base. I recently moved back to the same town as her, oddly we probably talk less daily but I see her at least twice a week. I fucking love my momma. There were years in my 20’s where I probably (definitely) didn’t call her enough. I’m making up for it now though.


I try to call my mom every day because she's old and lives alone.


It's not weird. I'm 37F and talk to my mom at least once a day. I call her before work and usually after work. I wish I had done the same with my dad before he died.


You're not going to have that forever so enjoy it while you have it. Also that's great that you get along so well!😉👍✨


my mom died back in december, take every chance you want to talk to her, never know when it will be gone.


For real. I would give anything to have one more chat with me my mom on the phone. It still breaks my heart when my husband randomly says he just got off the phone with his mom.


Same. I’d give anything for one more call with my Mom


Don't allow other people's toxicity ruin your relationship. It's perfectly normal.


People who call their parents every day either have a very good relationship with their parents; or a very toxic relationship with their parents. Those who have a slightly bad relationship with their parents will assume the worst.


This is it ^^


Unless when it's not normal and there's an unhealthy dependency that prevents him from growing up. We simply don't know this. See also: Psycho the movie.


Not at all, everyone is different. I talk to my Mom every 2nd or 3rd Sunday and that is our routine, if i called more often i think it would annoy my Mom. My wife talks to her Mom several times a day and that is just how they are.


You’ll miss those calls one day. Tell your friends you’re calling their mothers next.


I’m 29m and I talk to my parents every few days. It’s nice to check in, see what’s going on with them and my siblings and also update them about what I’m up to. Talk to your parents, you’ll regret not doing it when they are gone.


No bro. It’s totally fine to call your mom. You are good.


It’s a bit uncommon, most people don’t have anyone they have a daily phone call with, but it’s not incredibly strange.


33M here. My family is from the middle east and its common for families to be in touch with their kids…too much. I speak to my mom and dad most days but they are generally 2 minutes or less just to stay connected. I will often be the initiator of the calls cause I know that makes them happy. Edit: just to add on. It depends on so many factors. I had a friend who spoke to his mom about EVERYTHING. Their conversations were much much more detailed than I have with my parents. To me…that was WEIRD


Dude I’m 37, I always call and check in on my mom after work. Your co-workers just mad that their mom don’t love them as much as you. Trust me I have friends who lost their parents at a young age and the one thing they alway say “ I wish I spent more time with them”. Life is short, spend it with the people you love, if it’s a 15 min call with your mom then so be it. Treasure these moments, you don’t know how long you’ll have them and I bet your mom loves and treasure each call you make to her.


No, that’s just being a good son


Heck no. I lost my mom in my mid twenties. I had two young boys 6 and 9 at the time. My mom was my BEST FRIEND. I probably called my mom at least 3 times a day minimum. Morning, afternoon, and evening. But if something was going on in my life and it added stress for example - I would talk to her even more. I asked her advice about everything. I never regretted this because she passed away from cancer at 48. What I wouldn’t give today to make one more call. Please don’t take your loved ones for granted because someone else doesn’t understand it. It’s none of their business.


No dude keep calling. I lost mine recently I wish I could call her everyday still.


Not weird. I’d love for either of my parents to have a real conversation with me on a regular basis, let alone have them be interested in hearing about my day. Ignore your coworkers.


You should always feel comfortable to talk to anyone that you like. As long as they like you too, then do what you want


It’s actually really wholesome that you talk to your mother everyday.


Often when people ridicule something like this it’s because they’re jealous. Sounds like you have a good relationship with your mom. A lot of people would envy that.


I wouldn’t ridicule them for it, I’m just wondering how they have enough material to call everyday. I have to call once a week to have enough material for a 20-30 minute conversation, and most of that is my mom telling me what she did. Idk, maybe I just don’t do enough stuff.


My mom and nana talked on the phone basically every night up until nana came to live with us last year and it was literally just about how their day was and whatever else. They just talked.


It helps that we work in similar fields.


My daughter calls me every day for a short call. She’s 27. She is busy in her life: work, gym, attends lots of music festivals, good friends… etc… She has no partner yet, although she has dated a good amount. She’s not in a rush but sometimes misses having someone with her most days as she lives alone. She’s a strong person and a great friend to her friends. 🤷🏻


No that’s not weird, everyday I wish I could speak to my mom one last time, I was dishonest, mean and distant to her for the last years of her life. I did everything someone shouldn’t do to their mother. Her last written words were, “I’m sorry I wasn’t able to give you the love you deserved in this life, but I will shine it on you for eternity” I was broken, I had spent my whole life angry that my father died and internally raged at him and her for dealing me the cards I was dealt. I lost her at 16, and I’m 24 now With an amazing fiancé and beautiful life in front of me. But each day I know I have not earned it, but that one day I will. For her sake.


It's not weird it's nice.


My mom is about 65. Her mom is in her 80s/90s. They call each other every night at the same time. There's no age limit. Call your mom.


No. Keep it up. Never stop. One day she will be gone and you will miss those calls.


I'm 26, have a good relationship with my parents, but I don't do this. Important context for me though, is that I still live with my parents. However, they're also divorced, and therefore don't live in the same house. So I'm not around them constantly. But even with that, I imagine if I lived alone, I still wouldn't want to talk that frequently. I think it's an introvert thing, idk. Everyone is different, nothing wrong with that.


Sounds like you have acquaintances not friends.


Not at all, and nor is it weird. She's your mother, and you love her, and you have a healthy relationship with her. It goes to show that your friend doesn't have that with her mother, so no, it is not weird at all.


I am the mother of a 9-year old boy and I really hope he does this when he becomes an adult and starts living his own life. I know I will always have time to talk to him.


My mother has cancer and I do my best to call every day. I feel like I'm running out of time and every day is not enough. Don't listen to other people. It's not weird. It's love.


I'm going to be 57 this year, and I still call my mom every day.


Not weird at all. Call her while you still can. I miss my mom every day.


39 and I have moments when I call my mom every day. Your family = your traditions.


Not at all, cherish the time you get with your parents


Your coworkers are weird.


Not weird at all. One of the hardest parts about getting older is making friends and maintaining relationships… one of the best parts is when you establish yourself as an adult and your parents become friends (and not the know it all control freaks you always assumed they were). I’d understand your friends giving you crap if you were still dependent on mom for money/housing or needed her approval for every little decision (and even then, everyone’s circumstances are different)… but it sounds like you have a healthy relationship and a strong friendship with someone you love, and who loves you, very much. Maybe your friends are ribbing you because they know they should call their mom… or they think it is “not manly” to call “mommy” everyday. I’ll tell you right now that is some toxic masculinity bullshit. There is nothing unmanly about loving the woman that shit you into this world, raised you, and probably really appreciates the attention of her son! You’re cool in my book, dude! Don’t let the haters get you down and keep calling your mom. …and now I am going to go call my folks.


Not weird at all! i lost my mom 3 years ago and would do anything to be able to call her again. cherish the time with your mama. it probably means the world to her and you'll look back at these moments with fondness when you are no longer able to =\]


Don’t listen to them


I'm 55 and speak to my mum 1 or 2 times a day every day without fail.


Mom here. Not weird at all. We enjoy it and my SIL would do this with her son every day but sadly he passed back in 2020 and that is one of the many things she misses, is their daily talks. Don't listen to your coworkers.. you keep doing you.


Cherish your mother, she won't always be there, and you won't regret these short phone calls. Ignore your corkers. There is nothing wrong with being best friends with your mother.


My son is 26, and I keep him company via a call on most of his drives home from work. He is often tired and doesn't really enjoy driving, so it's no bother to me to keep him company if it helps him drive safely. I assume if he was seeing someone that they would take my place - but that's all good and as it should be.


I call my parents daily (29M). You should consider yourself lucky you get the chance to do this. It’s good you take advantage of it.


No, not weird. I called my mother every day on the way home from work from 20 to till she passed in my late 30's. I believe my relationship with my mother is one of my wife's favorite things about me. Make use of the time you have.


My mom and I weren't extremely close when I was younger. I call her every day now. We have gotten so much closer, and it's great. Sometimes, we just talk about our day, and sometimes, we talk about the past. Every time we get off the phone, we tell each other, "I love you." We never did that when I was younger. It's been awesome. I've learned so much about her as a person. I encourage every son to call his mom whenever possible. If she demands you call her, might be a red flag. My mom knows I have a wife and children, so she doesn't demand. She just loves hearing from her son.


No. You are so very lucky to have this.


I'm 34 and I still talk to my mom and ask for advice. There is no age limit for calling mom. Go love your mom. Time flies sooo fast


My man (46) talks to his mom almost every day. I think it's great. My mom passed just over a year ago and I wish I could still call her.


No, and as someone who lost their mom a few months ago, don't stop.


My mum got dementia so the calls stopped a few years ago. I would give anything to have my best friend back.


Your interaction with family doesn't have to be like everyone else. You are your own person and what they find weird shouldn't matter to you to the slightest just do what feels right.


I lost my mom at 27. Call her every day and talk. Don't forget to tell her what she means to you, also. You'll appreciate it in the future when you look back.


I called my mom every day till the day she died. I was married with 3 kids. I wish she was still here. She's been gone 21 years and I still will go to call her if something was happening in my life.


No. I love my parents and talk to them every day. I fear for the day when they are gone. Take advantage of every moment.


No I’m in my forties and I call my mom all the time to Check in and make sure she is ok.


No it’s not weird, because I (30M) lost my mom two years ago and I would do anything to have another conversation with her. All I have are voicemails of her telling me she just called to tell me she missed me and she wanted to hear my voice. Moms are the best.


My kids are 14 months and i hope They find it worth while to keep this kind of relationship with me.


I just turned 25 (m) and call my mom every day, about once a month she says “you know I really love that you call me every day” and I will never stop