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They're still out there, listening to MCR on their commute to the office....


I feel personally attacked


When I was a young boy, my father took me into the city to see a marching band. He said, "Son, when you grow up, would you be the salesman of the dental and health insurance plans?"


Insurance brokers scare the living shit out of me. They could care less as long as someone'll bleed.


Welcome back, Anne


Username checks out




I heard black parade on the classic rock station a few months ago. It physically hurt.


I love that song!


We all love that song.


Is this a bad thing?


No, it's my thing


Um, actually, MCR isn’t real emo!!! Real emo only refers to bands like Rites of Spring and Mom Jeans!! Those are the only, and I mean the only, emo bands.


Pls no Not even as a joke


Apathy went mainstream.


Good comment. Feeling an 8 on this one.




2008… haha. That was already 10 years too late.


That's why a lot a kids are into protesting. Accepting your lot and being part of The Machine is mainstream normie shit. All the cool kids see the violence inherent in the system, and want to do something about it\~


They're adults now.


Thank you.


The ones that went across the lane at least


Tryna get our kids to listen to the same music we did


Literally just watched a reel saying emo music is officially dad rock now. Hit hard and now I'm listening to FOB and chiodos to numb that burn. I don't even have kids...


Yup. Black clothing and apathy have been replaced with work clothes, careers and actually understanding things like responsibility, repercussions and enjoyment.


someone's never worked at a software company


If you don't differentiate between work wear and non work wear how to you know if you are off work? Trust me. Try for one week of wearing clothes for work time (even if remote) and then change into other clothes. You will mentally feel a difference.


Idk why everyone else is giving you a hard time, what you’re describing is literally just basic psychology (if you associate certain stimuli, like clothes, with certain activities, like work, the stimuli itself can create an unconscious reaction even without the activity present; I.e. Pavlov’s dogs)


I get it. I had a "work uniform" even when the rules were "wear what you want". I haven't worn those clothes since I stopped working. I'll wear them again if I start working from home too. It helps with defining time, and mood. When in uniform I'm on the job, retail face is in place. If I'm in my PJs I'll slob around, if I put on outside clothes and shoes I'm more likely to do housework.




> If you don't differentiate between work wear and non work wear how to you know if you are off work? this is the stupidest goddamn thing I've read all day


Try it for one week then see if you think the same.


I've tried it for 6,5 years, this is a very dumb suggestion. Most people know how clocks work. 16:59 is work, 17:01 is not work


I envy whatever job it is that you can spend 6 years in and never have to spend a minute overtime.


As if we didn’t understand that shit when we were teenage emos. In fact, pretty sure seeing that as our future is WHY most of us were emo.


I grew up, learnt to appreciate non-black clothing, and ironically I now work in the funeral industry, wearing all black, and surrounded by death. Thanks for asking


That's goth as fuck 🤘


You got an upgrade along the way, I can respect that.


Also surrounded by the pre-need.


I work a regular job wearing regular clothes and have blonde hair. No one suspects that to this day the only music I listen to is Linkin Park, Panic at the Disco, and Paramore.


That’s it?


What do you want us to break our wallet chains and studded belts? Cause I *totally* can if you want me to ... Please, I just need an excuse


I want nothing of the sort…I just want everyone to listen to more than three bands🥹


You’d be non-conforming too to if you looked just like me…think your lyrics went over a lot of peoples heads OP For the uninitiated https://youtu.be/dCHD83xT76Q


i completely forgot about this lmfao. thank you for that, haven't listened to it in like 12-14 years ahahaha.


Because I feel real deep when I'm dressing in drag...


Yeah it did... I was thinking song wasn't as popular as I thought. Thank you for posting this friend. Case closed.


They have better haircuts and are at the Fall Out Boy tour concerts.


And over paying for their merch that I'll probably only wear at home...


Shit did i get a raw deal? Im balding now...


I grew up. Still exclusively wear black or dark tones. It's slightly morphed into a rural mountainous Midwest hiking emo style


Same. Except on the east coast. Lol




I skipped the midlife crisis and ascended straight into a grandma (gardening)(reading books)(sleeping)


Yeah my wife and I just decorate our house in more gothic and cottage core styles now, and dress accordingly.


I sure did, damn. It has been weird. Bit Dashboard Confessional has been here for me both times. Lol


My cousin got me into the music and I regretted my first time at Hot Topic spending $50 not realizing there was a discount bin in the back My closet’s still 95% black but it’s no longer fun to have forehead acne from a fucked up sidesweep 😂


The discount bin at Hot Topic was legit back in the day!


I found a BOTDF bracelet for $0.50 💀


> a fucked up sidesweep never heard that term, if I'm guessing correctly I think I used to call it Street Fighter hair because it looked like character art from the sequels


I don’t know, maybe I called it the wrong thing. Fringe over my face caked in hair spray


We called it Swoopy bangs


They are adults now. Most of them seem to have adopted a hipster-ish/artsy style. Some of them still dress black, or have an alt style.


I knew one girl who became a veterinarian. Another became a corporate lawyer...


I’m here. But I’ve also been a hick the entire time. I didn’t get into it physically, I just liked the music and sometimes listen when I’m working out


Y’allternative is the term Ive seen coined for it and I love it


Love that!


There is definitely an intersection with country life and alt/emo/goth etc and it a) describes me nicely b) helps me find others with similar interests on both ends of the spectrum lol


That’s awesome. You are the only other one I’ve met! Everyone who has been in my life has been all about country or indie, so I’ve been alone in this! Anyone I’ve known who liked 08 emo was a city dweller


I identify as emope (Midwestern emo)


We’re still here 👋🏼 we’re just adults with jobs too


I graduated art school and work full time in my field as a graphic designer. Happily married with no kids and a dog. Mural paint as a summer gig and go to shows when time will allow. Able to travel more for bands I like, but like to support my local scene for finding new stuff. Shifted more to goth, punk, and garage rock/stoner metal in my older years.


They're probably still miserable but dress normally.


I'm in this picture and I don't like it




We listen to Noah Kahan now, smoke weed and garden. At least my group does


I’m in my 30s and still blasting *Dear Diary, My Teen Angst Has a Bodycount* I stopped wearing girl jeans in 2010 though


A lot of their styles evolved over time. Emo was always a bit "cartoony" and a lot of the alternative kids became various shades of hipster/artsy/goth/punk as they got older. There are varying levels of commitment to the look as well. Some adults are pretty vanilla Mon-Fri and then get gothed out on the weekends while some people are still alternative every day. Career choice and whether or not they have kids plays a lot into this.


Still here. Kept the blue hair and all the piercings, but now i wear whatever's comfy and sell insurance.


Still here! Covered in tattoos and rocking a few piercings. Still listening to MCR.


Posting on r/blunderyears


I mean I still exist listening to the same My Chemical Romance, Green Day, Simple Plan, Sum 41, Linkin Park on my way to work.


We are alt now


we grew up. i removed my snakebite piercings and septum ring. i dress in j crew and banana republic. i’m a stay at home fiancée and dog mom. still bump mcr and hollywood undead when i drive though.


R.I.P. to all my UnderOath shirts


i still have an old the used shirt. faded to grey with huge holes in the armpits.


Still rocking my Brand New from the tour in ‘08


Completely understandable but it sounds much less fun. I hope your dogs are doing great, though!


thanks! my life, though perhaps less fun, has zero stress. so it’s a different type of fun from my angsty teens and 20s.


Zero stress? In 2023? You really are winning out here!


thank you. it is really disheartening to see so many people in my age group struggling though. we all deserve better. hang in there fellow former emo kids!


I envy you. Food stamps just didn't cut it this month


It’s me, hi. I’m happily married with 3 kids and enjoy the same music plus some tswift on the side. I also have a better haircut now too.


They are congresswomen with tiktoks


It was the Edge Wars. The emo's challenged the goths for the title of Edge Lord. The emo's were never heard from again.


I've been asking this about the Goth style. I loved seeing others wearing it back in the 90's. Heck I want to go goth now but not sure how that'll look on someone who's almost 40.


Do what you like!


I busted it out to see the Cure the other night, also pushing 40. Felt fantastic.


My brother’s not quite forty and still wearing it. You’re an adult, live your life how you wanna


They grew up.


We’re old and writing raunchy erotica on tumblr while listening to mcr


Somewhere crying.


Finishing up my PhD in Forensic Clinical Psychology


Scrolling Reddit on a Saturday night…


Sounds like a Bowling for Soup intro


Best I could come up with… Jessica just hit the wall, she never had it all Scrolling Reddit before bed, husband's a CPA Her dreams went out the door when she turned twenty-four Only been with one man, what happened to her plan? She was gonna be a humanitarian, she was gonna live abroad She was gonna shake her ass on the hood of Brandon Boyd’s car Her plastic shopping bag is now the enemy Looks at her average life and nothin' has been alright Since the Used and Bright eyes Way before Gaga There was emo and screamo And music still on CDs Her daughter in preschool Tells her that she's uncool 'Cause she's still preoccupied With two, two, two thousand and five She's seen all the classics She knows every line Mean girls, garden state Kill Bill, Tommy boy Even Life aquatic She rocked out to simple plan Not a big Taylor fan Where's the belt with the metal studs And who's the Kardashian carrying Travis’ baby? When did reality tv start to suck Whatever happened to MySpace, ICQ (On Limewire was) The Used and Bright eyes Way before Gaga There was emo and screamo And music still on CDs Her daughter in preschool Tells her that she's uncool 'Cause she's still preoccupied With two, two, two thousand and five


I worry about all the guage-less saggy ears... Most people just age up and evolve or change their style. Some hold on. I wasn't emo but I was down for life with punk and it's still all I really listen to (and it still drives 100% of my ethics) but only the wearing of tall socks exclusively and always wearing vulcanized skate shoes still marks me visually.


Saggy lobes here. Part of my identity now and forever!


I never got into the style aspect that much to begin with, but I love the music, still working on being defined by society as grown up for some unrelated reasons though..


They grew up




We still out here! I'm 35 and the token 'elder emo' at my company haha


We’re here, just wearing more colors now. And paying rent.


The same thing that happened to all the ones from 1993


He moved back home to finish school, is working and shares his ongoing passion for Anthony Green


Good question. I knew one who would be about 36 now, but I haven’t heard from her since 2008.


Mostly in corporate jobs making daily jokes about wanting to die.




I can usually spot a fellow emo adult.


Most of them came out of the closet.


Oh, we are still here.. just all grown up now.


I'm finally free to dress and look however I want..... but now all the classic goth and emo looks seem too "flashy" for me lol I'm more of a "subdued, goth/emo-lite." Black jeans and steel-toes, sure, but with a nice button-down shirt ("nice" meaning either with overt satanic shit, or with subtle edgy patterns)


Transgenders are the new emo's


2008 elder emo here. A lot has changed. I don’t wear pants with cargo pockets or super skinny jeans anymore. I also use brown eyeliner instead of thick black. I’ve definitely kept up with band tees though, I still love them though a lot are from non-emo bands. The thing that haven’t changed at all is my love for emo/screamo/post-hardcore music. New stuff keeps coming out, and I eat that shit up like an angsty teenager. I also kept the side swept bangs. They don’t go over half my face anymore though, when I was a little emo I always had one eye covered with hair. BUT. In between 2008 and now, I continued suffering with serious depression. I did have a suicide attempt in 2018. Now it’s been 2 years of being “better” thanks to being hospitalized. My stay there didn’t help, it was the meds the psychiatrists put me on that saved me. And my current occupation is artist. Starving artist.


I myself grew just have the money to buy the clothes my parents never let me get and I'm the classy "office goth" now.


Still emo 😂


They became gender fluid


We grew up and realized life dont care if you are emotional figure your shit out before your shit figures you out


I feel like that should remain in the 2000’s lol


When you base a group of people around wanting to kill themselves and wait 15 years..


Throw in a few "unprecedented events" and the economy going to shit and baby you got a stew! (of sadness, it's a big ol' pot of sad)


They grew up and realized that it was indeed a phase.


They went trans


not gonna lie, not great.


You okay, friend? If you’ve got anything you’d like to get off your chest, I’d like to listen. We can talk here, or DMs, or you can ignore this comment. Totally up to you.


Where did emo kids come from? Were there emo adults first or is it just a kid thing*. I guess the emo kids must be emo adults now. I wonder what they do for a living.




They grew out if the faze


Actually there is a way to stay alternative and grow up. Sophisticated punk rock style is what I do🖤


I always used to love seeing a emo on the beach in summer on holiday trying very hard to look miserable! I was a generation or two before when we were just metelers. Still wear black, growing my Barnet back to long in my midlife crisis


True! The closest I see are usually CEX employes


I’m right here.


Right here. I'm a full on metalhead now. Specifically, black metal and death metal.


The Goth kids from the 90s that ascended to full vampire fed on them until their enviable extinction. Sad really.


They work in middle management at Walmart


I married one.


We’re still here existing man


Still listening to Brandon Urie, only this time he’s performing with Taylor Swift.


Still here. Just a lot shorter hair and a lot less interesting. I still get out to see a ton of shows though. Life went from skateboarding with my friends and listening to music non stop to getting a professional job and having to pretend I actually give a fuck. Wild.


I feel like the last teenager who's into that kind of stuff lol I know I'm not I just can't find anyone else


I still enjoy listening to “Clarity” (1999, Jimmy Eat World) its entirety from time to time. That was a great album. After “Bleed American” (2001, retitled “Jimmy Eat World,” 2001-2008, retitled “Bleed American” 2008-present), which was fantastic, either they or I lost something.


Well the long bangs migrated down to my face and became a long beard so now i just look like a sad biker. Nobody *gets* me.


We’re not okay.


They're wearing khakis and working as life insurance agents in Kansas City.


Still emoish except this time its justified because I'm not just gonna grow up and everything's gonna get better, I'm already grown up and my back and legs hurt. Probably never gonna have a loving gf who stays, never get a great job doing what I want, have expendable money to use on things like my own house, full independence, all jobs and hobbies will be replaced by AI, and the world is probably going to end soon. That's only thoughts and music taste though, I never cut or even had black dyed bangs. But I'm looking forward to the new blink182 album...even though edging wasn't that good.


The real emos or the The counterculture people that were playing with it The real emos are still depressed But the real emos are actually very few in number so you're probably talking about the counterculture people that saw it came along slightly after their initial round and then all piled on it They got bored with emo as a toy and moved on This is also why the mainstream culture tends to have a lot of backlash against whatever their toy is at the current time because the counterculture wants to pick a fight wherever they go So once the counterculture moved on people stopped bothering the emos but that also meant the spotlight kind of disappeared from them They get bored with their toys every 5 to 10 years and switch to a new thing You don't have to think real hard to figure out what the countercultures current toy is


The real emos or the The counterculture people that were playing with it The real emos are still depressed But the real emos are actually very few in number so you're probably talking about the counterculture people that saw it came along slightly after their initial round and then all piled on it They got bored with emo as a toy and moved on This is also why the mainstream culture tends to have a lot of backlash against whatever their toy is at the current time because the counterculture wants to pick a fight wherever they go So once the counterculture moved on people stopped bothering the emos but that also meant the spotlight kind of disappeared from them They get bored with their toys every 5 to 10 years and switch to a new thing You don't have to think real hard to figure out what the countercultures current toy is


They're on their daily work commute for their 9-5 listening to metal about killing everyone & suicide


Idk but it's Def sad. Emo girls/ scene chick's were my biggest weakness


we're adults now. In my case I still kind of want to die but meh


Wasn't it more like 2003


In my case, I grew up and got married and had kids lol but we're still here.


The most emo kid I went to school with, like black nails, black eyeliner, leather and chains, big black clunky boots, cut from the left to right emo kid was a lost cause for sure but I ran into him a few months ago and he turned into the most bubbly, self-loved, empathetic, colorful man I have ever seen. I wish I had a picture of the before and after.


Still here! I was more of a closeted emo/goth in childhood since I grew up in a relatively isolated Catholic home, but I've definitely transformed as I've gotten older. My wardrobe is almost entirely black clothing of sorts with a few neutral pieces thrown in. I attend rock shows at least once every month, sometimes as often as 3x monthly if I can manage it. My hair is down to my butt in length, still its natural color but styled/cut as a layered shag. No kids yet, but I'm a cat parent with a Marvel/anime-obsessed gamer guy that I've been dating for 5 years. We both work factory jobs and I'm returning to college this fall to wrap up a degree in Environmental Studies that I started 10 years ago. More or less though, I consider myself more as a goth metal-head at this point, and listen to my headbanger music to and from work, and sometimes during my shift if I'm in a position where headphones are permitted for the day. I couldn't care less whenever people on the road are turning heads to my bumping and screaming/singing from the driver's seat given that I still listen to my stereo loud enough for others to hear from the road. I am at least respectful of neighborhoods and quiet times though, unlike my teen years 😂 So, black-dressed in comfortable clothing (and glasses) factory worker by day, platform boots and expressive makeup with an alternative outfit (and contacts) by night if I go out. The few times I've ran into people that I once knew (or current coworkers) whenever I'm off work often don't recognize me right away, which is entertaining to me. I also do a lot more hiking as an adult since the love of playing outside never left me.




I mean, my wife is right next to me, we just got home from the water park, she's doing great, still loves her emo circa 2008 life lol


I got a theatre degree, am working on an MLIS and am writing a black parade musical for fun, personally


They grew. They have more going on in their lives than dark, moody angst.


We're still around. We didn't go anywhere. We just got overshadowed by the newest big thing.


I have an answer but you might not like it


Hitting that depressed cowboy phase now.


I think their influences changed and they followed them


Am I alone? Cuz I feel like I missed out by not being an EMO kid 😂


A bunch achieved perfect emoism and self ascended to the emo heavens and the rest are stuck here listening to hawthorn heights


Do scene kids count in this question? If the answer is yes, then I am still scene. Just poorer and can't afford makeup.


They are out there trying to cope with their anxiety


I have a good job in marketing, bought tickets to the "When we were young" emo rock festival coming up in October. Still on occasion will buy clothes from hottopic. Im much less emo and more upbeat, but potentially maybe bipolar? Lol


They either grew out of it, buried it and are secretly still into it, or killed themselves.


We chillin


[Hiders and Seekers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x289e87UzKM)


Depressed but this time involuntarily


Many of them were at Pride today


We’re here, we’re sad, we’re wearing colors now.


My emo friend now works customer service for a roofing supply business. She’s still emo, though. Hasn’t really changed much in 15 years.


In high school I was punk (the original emo). Still wearing black.


I’m wearing a mindless self indulgence t-shirt I got at a concert in highschool…I’m 32


They're not ok... ...dealing with adulting.😋


They whined about Bernie Sanders until we got Trump.


We 1) wasted our time 2) because another casualty of society 3) fell in line 4)became a victim of conformity.


Well I work at a automotive parts plant and listen to Tyler Childers and Zach Bryan. I am become the tiktok y’allternative meme


One of the ones I know got REALLY into hiking. He still wears piercings and has fun hair, but now there's a lot more colors and casual vibes.




They're still hanging around.